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Please use .png instead of .bmp when uploading unfinished sprites to the forum!

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Messages - CodySpie

Spriting / Re: Cody's Sprites
January 07, 2014, 07:09:26 pm
Quote from: Teapott on January 07, 2014, 07:02:49 pm
so, I did 2 palettes, the first is with the "correct" hair palette, and the second is the "correct" armor palette
Try fixing the Hair and Armor pixels, then it'll work properly~

They look beautiful, thanks Teapott! I'll start fiddling in Gale to see if I can get those pixels to cooperate.

Do you think you could send me some of your palettes that I can use for future reference? :)
Spriting / Re: IronArm's Sprites
January 07, 2014, 05:32:56 pm
Quote from: Teapott on January 07, 2014, 05:07:15 pm
If you or anybody else want a new palette, feel free to ask me, I really like editig palettes :mrgreen:

I am an anybody else! If you love doing it I'll out you to work because it's incredibly difficult for me to make a decent Palette. Color blind and such, hence why all of my stuff is blue  ;)

Here, take this free creative control and give my thread a look when you get the chance. My heaven knights could use a little love.
Spriting / Re: Cody's Sprites
January 07, 2014, 03:55:02 pm
I've received some great Feedback from my King Ramza Sprite. Many thanks, it means a lot! I got cracking on a few new sprites to showcase to see what people think, you'll find them in the Original Post. :)
Spriting / Re: King Ramza Sprite
January 06, 2014, 08:14:10 pm
Quote from: Elric on January 06, 2014, 07:50:14 pm
Not bad at all! Of anything, I'm mostly impressed with the amount of time you took to turn this out.
Wasn't it just yesterday that you posted the broken one? Well done with following through on it.

The sprite itself is good too, a bit strange to see Ramza like that, but good none the less.
(the blue might be a bit too bright, might I suggest you use palette editor to swap the blues
with the ones on the Wizard?)

Looking, I can see that you also have the portrait Glitch, which it looks like you tried to correct by taking
off the top line of pixels from the Portrait. This is actually happening not because of alignment, but
because the first color in the palette for the portrait is not the same as FFT, it's close, but not exact.
Open up a vanilla sprite and look in the first color for every portrait palette, that is what needs to be the
first color in your port portrait palette as well.

Lastly, also about the Portrait, why is there the line around the picture? like it cuts off the blue at the
bottom of the portrait. Vanilla never does this, and if you want the port to look normal in game you
should probably fix this as well.

Indeed, it was just yesterday that I posted the broken sprite!

I'll play around with the Palettes a little bit to make the blue easier on the eyes, the reason I used the blue you see above is because it's a color I can see clearly. I'll pull up the RGB numbers for the Portrait background as well, the Vanilla and what I've used may look like the exact same color to me! so it'll be the numbers that make it perfect. :)

The line at the bottom of the Portrait is a "new guy" mistake. I'll open up the file and crop it so it sits juuuuuuust right. It's actually the part of this project that gave me the most trouble. I got it all colored and shaded okay, imported it into the spritesheet but when I went to preview the entire project the Portrait would black out, go negative or just not appear in the document at all. I used Mavs Portrait Tutorial to get it displaying properly.

Thanks for all the feedback, Elric! Here's hoping I'll have more to display in the future. Spriting is tough work but rewarding none the less. Lol
Spriting / Cody's Sprites
January 06, 2014, 06:54:05 pm
Hello Hacktics folks!

If you're a fan of the Spriting section, you may have seen my request to make Ramza a little more of a Patriarch. While I was waiting for someone to come to my rescue, I started playing around and created my very first functional sprite, complete with portrait!

This was my first Sprite ever made, and consisted of over 10 rough copies and drafts, the Sprite Body is a modified version of KillerGamers Orlandu/King mix. the final product was a result of the mistakes I made and edited appropriately. So here it is, made with love! I hope you enjoy it.
I've received some really Positive Feedback about my King Ramza sprite, so I whipped up 2 more that are a little more traditional.

Heaven Knight Ramza
Credits to Knox for providing the Base Body That I built onto. Thanks Knox!

You know what I always loved? The outfits used by characters such as Wiegraf and Izlude, something about a robe and sash just makes life a little more bad ass. But there is a certain element that remains drab, so I added a cape for good measure!

This was a brutal project, and I'm sure it could use a few touch-ups. I cropped all of the cape frames separately before I added them to the sprite, this process took me about 4 hours. From there, I added my own personal flare in working the palettes. The original Palette was much too bright, however so I had to darken it significantly, the arms suffered a little bit in the process and from there, I went to work on the head.

Heaven Knight Generic
Well lets face it, not everybody loves Ramza as much as I do, so I've got a special treat for you! in addition to the new Ramza Sprite, I've created a Generic version of the sprite for you to use at your leisure. Save it onto your computer, send it to a friend, burn it alive, use as a job sprite, it doesn't matter it's yours to use! I underwent the same process for the Generic Sprite that I did in the Ramza Sprite, my saving grace however was that the cape was already saved and ready to be applied. Many thanks to Zozma for his work on sprites, and the Portrait used in the Generic file.

These Sprites are completely free range, so play around with them! If you end up completing something awesome, post your changes! :)

EDIT 1: If anyone would like to throw on a nifty looking pattern on to that cape, be sure to post it, I'd love to see it!

Spriting / Re: [REQ] King Ramza Sprite
January 06, 2014, 02:24:49 am
Quote from: Elric on January 06, 2014, 12:03:13 am
Even when changing the color depth this has way to many colors, my best guess was that this used to be saves as a JPG, which completely destroys
the Palette and Sprite

I do recall trying to convert a JPEG file, good call Elric!

That is some bad news for this sprite though.

EDIT 1: I managed to put a Sprite together, but it's in really rough shape. You can use it in-game, but it has some cropping errors and the Portrait doesn't display properly. Boy oh boy.   :wark:

I'll keep the request open :P
Spriting / Re: [REQ] King Ramza Sprite
January 05, 2014, 09:22:24 pm
Quote from: Astos on January 05, 2014, 08:42:42 pm
You have to save it as a 256 colours bitmap. But you only get to use the first 16 colours (1 to 16) for the sprite and then another 16 (129 to 145) for portrait. See the image of one of these palettes attached.
It's a bit tricky but you have to make sure the sprite doesn't use any colours from the portrait and vice-versa. I recommend doing the sprites without the portrait and converting it to 16 colours then editing the portrait in a separete 16 colours file. When both are done, convert the sprites file to 256 colours and copy the colours from the portrait palette to the right positions (I use Graphics Gale to do that), then import the portrait.

I am by no means a Spriter, so I'm unfamiliar with the terms and programs, on top of that, creating Palettes is difficult since my eyes blend some colors together, and some I can't see at all! I'm willing to try and learn for certain, but for now I'll keep an eye on this Request Thread to see if anyone has the free time to whip something up.

Thanks for all of the tips Astos, hopefully I'll be able to better understand them in the future. :)
Spriting / Re: [REQ] King Ramza Sprite
January 05, 2014, 08:00:58 pm
Quote from: Xifanie on January 05, 2014, 07:49:37 pm
Well, I don't know how you managed this, but, there is absolutely nothing to do with the images you provided.

  • The .bmp file has 658 colours used

  • The .png file has 3152 colours

It should be at most 32 colours (16 for the sprite, 16 for the portrait).

It's literally impossible to restore the sprite colours to what they should be without manually looking at every pixel and determining which colour it's supposed to be... So I suggest you restart completely and do it right this time.

Yep! I have no idea how that happened, back to the drawing board!
Quote from: Elric on January 05, 2014, 04:46:19 pm
You should try Xifanies Palette Editor. It helps a lot with editing palettes without the risk of messing
Up the sprite itself

Funny you mentioned! I ran across the program earlier today and started fiddling. It's a little tough for me to distinguish Palettes by color, so I've been fiddling with the RGB Value bars to see what color belongs to what part of the sprite. It's some pretty good fun!

Speaking of that, I requested a sprite over in the Spriters Section which could be made more interesting / awesome / tragic with the Power of Palette editing!
Spriting / [REQ] King Ramza Sprite
January 05, 2014, 07:37:44 pm
Hey there guys and gals, apologies in advance if this thread gets me into some trouble! I noticed that the Official Request thread hasn't seen some action anymore.

I was playing around in Photoshop with bitmap image I found on Google and started doing a little head swapping using the Ramza heads located in RopeSanders Thread Now this isn't a complete Sprite Sheet by any means. (What little I did was decently hard work, I have a new found respect for Spriters out there! You guys are wicked talented!)

I figure I would post it as a reference for those with the Know-how and willingness to get'er done right. I am pretty proud of that Portrait thought ;)

Ideally, if it's ever finished I'd like to play around with the Palettes, see what sorts of crazy colors I can get onto it. ;)

Cheers, and good luck!

Quote from: Elric on January 05, 2014, 02:12:58 pm
Isn't that just Ramza's head on Aliste's body? Is the Palette even changed? O_o

It very well could be, Elric! I've been playing with the Palettes a little bit just to see how drastically I can change all of the different Elements, however I don't know the Origins of where this Sprite came from.
Quote from: Jack of All Trades on January 04, 2014, 11:58:42 pm
Something more knightly? He's wearing a recolored version of Delita's Holy Knight outfit with a half cape. Jot5 Ramza is  beyond Knightly, he looks absolutely Lordly. The Chapter 2 version of him has the same outfit minus the beard. He's pretty boss looking.

I see what you mean! I can't remember where specifically on Hacktics I pulled this sprite, but I think it's my favorite by far! Very... distinguished. So massive thanks to the Author
Quote from: Choto on January 04, 2014, 10:58:55 pm
imo, the best alternate Ramza sprite is Twinees' version from JoT5:


You're right, that is a really nice Sprite! I'm always in the market for more Knight-like sprites however I will add this to the collection! I've tried my hand at re-colouring some of the sprites I really enjoyed, but they don't save right and turn out to be a complete disaster when I preview them in ShishiSpriteEditor. (And I mean, a disaster, they don't even retain a human like shape, they just get all grainy and odd.) That and I'm color blind, so what may look awesome to me, may look horrible to others!  ;)

Thanks for sharing Choto!
Quote from: Jumza on January 03, 2014, 08:37:55 pm
It was pretty bad, power outages, falling ice everywhere, it's pretty cold too isn't it? :P

That's good :) I hope everything works out for you!

Yep, I was out of power for a full 48 hours, but look at the bright side, it's suppose to be 0 in Southern Ontario Tomorrow!

Edit 1: The changes work perfectly! Ramza has all of the skills stored away and ready to learn, and Renaming skillsets and job names did wonders! I decided to go ahead and explore as you suggested and added new descriptions for the things I changed. :)

Edit 2: I browsed around and found some awesome looking Ramza sprites, so now he even looks the part! If anyone finds any neat sprites during their search here on the board, please send them my way! :)
Hey Jumza, how about that ice storm?!  :shock:

I followed your directions to the tee, and even received a big "SUCCESS" window after applying my changes in FFTactext, I haven't tested it yet, but will edit my post with what I find! Thank you for all of your help :)
Greetings Hacktics community! I stumbled across this Website while looking for ways to play Final Fantasy Tactics with a bit of creative freedom, I've been browsing topics, searching for patches and wondering around aimlessly as a guest for a few days now, and finally decided that I had best register!

Before I move to my issue, allow me to tell you a bit about myself,

My name is Cody and I'm 21 years old. I reside in the great white north on Ontario, CAN and you can find me with a controller in my hands, writing an article on the latest hot tech or tinkering with Website Design. I guess you could say I'm a "Jack of no trades" :)

Ever since I first played Final Fantasy Tactics I had one dream in mind - Make Ramza a Holy Knight, his father Balbanes was a Heavenly Knight so I felt disappointed when I discovered that Ramza would be unable to select a similar job. Thus my search for emulators and editing programs began.

I've been attempting to make Ramza a Holy Knight for the past few days, but haven't had any luck. I've tried using [PEC] but I'm left with the Job Title but Squire Skills and I've also tried using FFTPatcher, but have no idea how it works or how to use it. I joined the community to try and get a more hands on approach, a "Hacktics for Dummies" if you will  ;) I'm very much a visual learner, so descriptive text and videos have always been a very successful approach. I figure a vast community such as this could point me in the right direction

Ideally, I'd like to have the Skillset and the Job title, but understanding that the Job Title is purely Aesthetic, it's no mandatory. I've tried searching about the forums, but the SMF search bar is far from a Google Search  :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,