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Messages - dw6561

FFT Arena / Re: SCC Class picks
July 21, 2015, 10:10:35 pm
Geomancer, priest, or Time Mage I guess. Geomancer is obviously my first pick if I could do that, but if it has to be decided by RNG those classes would be cool too.
FFT Arena / Re: SCC Tourney anyone?
July 21, 2015, 05:55:41 pm
Quote from: Reks on July 21, 2015, 05:14:44 pm
Mimes don't mime each other, though.

A team of four mimes loses their main quirk.

What a coincidence, I was just thinking about how funny it would be if someone designed an all mime team. Can mimes still mimic actions from charmed units? If so it would be hilarious if an all mime team made good use out of that (and stupid because it would probably backfire).
FFT Arena / Re: SCC Class picks
July 21, 2015, 05:01:55 pm
I would prefer it if we could choose our own class as well. I was going to do geomancers because they are my favorite class.
FFT Arena / Re: SCC Tourney anyone?
July 21, 2015, 01:26:04 pm
So let me get this straight. Does this use the rules from vanilla FFT where we can only use abilities from the class we pick? Sounds interesting, but making a team of all geomancers sounds like quite the challenge if I can't put any revival on them.

Congradulations Andante! And great job to Shintroy for making it to the finals. As someone who got totally thrashed by Andante's team, I can say that you definitely put up way more of a fight than I did.

I think if talk skill had hit a little more often and if Shintroy's team didn't get so split up like it did in some rounds, he could have put on a better offense. The monk dying so fast in each round didn't help things either. But that was a good finale for both teams I'd say.

The "Pub Fight" at the end was so perfect. "Challenger approaching!" Cue Gold Saucer music XD.

I've really enjoyed participating in this. I've learned so much and I'm itching to improve my teams for future matches.

I'm surprised I sweeped this one! GG.

It was very brutal for those cursed ring units out there. Once they were dead, it didn't seem like the archer and chemist could self-sustain for very long.

Yeah, I suppose I could have given my ninja some extra status curing items, but it was sort of a last minute addition and I didn't know how it was going to affect his AI. And I truly thought stigma magic would be enough when designing my team, but now I know better.

My team did well staying alive in the first round, but the combination of speed and raise 2 sandbagging eventually wore them down. I probably wouldn't have won even if that last tornado had gone off.

Round 2 was more brutal. It was it a smaller map and thus silentkaster's team got to mine before I could blink. My team just doesn't hold up against a team that can outpace my tornadoes and high level cure spells.

PS: It looks like the RNG curse has been passed on...

Also, who is this "he" you speak of?  ;)

Help! / Re: TT arena. another help
July 13, 2015, 03:04:31 pm
I think I have run into your issue before. You have to create a memory card with saves for arena, using a memory card generator spreadsheet. It won't work if you just start a new game. If I can find the link I will try to link you to it.
I was actually thinking the same thing. An Earth elemental stone gun could double as a healing gun for units with equipment that absorb earth, and it could also be boosted. I don't think I want another spell gun if we were to implement the demi gun idea, but a non-faith based elemental gun would be a welcome change in my opinion. Although, I was thinking of just the plain old WP*WP damage formula instead of it being based on stats. Also, I don't know about a geomancy gun unless there's a way to make it AOE, because that's one of the selling points of geomancy along with 100% hits (which guns have anyway for the most part) and the status procs.
Spam / Re: Undeniable Rules of JRPGs
July 11, 2015, 01:32:11 pm
13. Ancient technology always works for some reason, and it will always be better than modern technology.
14. There will be at least one giant robot.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 05, 2015, 08:59:08 pm

That's a pretty well designed team there, Heroebal. Those thieves were pretty dang resilient. My team could have attacked a lone thief at multiple points in that first round and won if it weren't for Lisa spamming petrify. The AI thought they had won but it kept missing. Also, my team was frantically trying to sandbag, but those thieves were just so fast. Looked pretty promising at the beginning though, we just couldn't finish the job.

I don't really know what to say about the second round because it was a complete slaughter of both sides. Missing that sleep was kind of a bummer, but at that point I was done anyway.


I would agree that time mage is very lacking in stats, but I don't know about giving them +1 speed. There are no other mage classes with 9 speed at the moment. There would be a huge gap in speed, especially if we don't drop the speed boost on healing staff. I also feel like it's too easy to get 12 speed there without any significant drawbacks.
You're right, it only missed once there. But it has happened several times during my test runs. I don't get very good luck, do I?

As for how I will handle the loser's bracket? I heard it was a bloodbath. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll loose, but it's my first try at this so I won't be too upset.

From the things I've seen of arena, defend (the support) and caution aren't really used that often anyway. So if we're thinking about scrapping the evasion+ from defend, maybe we should change it so that the units don't use their defending sprite. That way it can be a "hidden status" of sorts. Nurse could still be used as a way to add regen and get some healing in but will no longer actually show them defending, and we could replace caution and defend (support) with far more useful options.

I'm all for this. Cure spells sacrificing an instant cast for a buff is a good idea, but is it enough of a trade-off?

I like this idea. Nerfing tornado/quake to MA*7 is a good plan, and I can see many possible builds with clairvoyance. The only problem I can see with this is that other mage classes might not see much use as a result.

This weapon needs that WP nerf, maybe just down to 14 WP or so. It will still be a viable weapon for warpath/PA*WP scaling strats but will give more spotlight to lower WP ranged weapons.

Stone Gun:
Bringing the Stone Gun up to 5 or maybe even 6 range would help give it an edge over spell guns and crossbows, even if it will still have initial: petrify. Perhaps we could even change the stone gun to something else or remove the initial: petrify. I don't think we should raise the WP of it though, because WP*WP can really add up.

Demi Gun:
This sounds really cool. I am in full support of the idea. My question is, will it be a 100% demi or will it be percentage based like the spell?

Stop definitely needs to get an accuracy reduction or something.
What about adding a robe that gives +PA as well as MP? This could help with hybrid units like male samurai or paladins who have almost no MP and want a PA buff.

Even though I'm new, I feel the need to give my own two cents here. I'm actually kind of shy though, so it's difficult to make my opinions known without feeling at least slightly embarrassed.
That was great! Lol, after I watched that I had to go and watch the match again, naturally.

Stop destroyed my entire team. If only I had something to remove don't act and stop reliably...Elemental absorb teams weak to status indeed. Also, that raise 1 missing? If this happens enough times, someone should make a montage.
Wow, that was a slaughter. I knew I shouldn't have discarded esuna on my preist like that. Oh well, there's still the loser's bracket. GG.

On a side note, I probably should have optimized my faith values so that raise doesn't miss every single battle...that's frustrating. Probably should have made the priest good compat with the monk and ninja as well.

Oh my god that was epic. I actually won? Rouroni really had me going there for a second during round two. My priest was tankier than I thought with all that counter magic action. I don't think I would have done it without counter magic, but it was ironically a last minute addition to my team setup. And like Barren commentated, I don't think I can stand up against massive status effects. It's funny, because while making my team and finding out my priest was 200 JP over the cap, I said "let's just throw away esuna, it'll be okay".

Congratulations, Corosar! That was pretty interesting. Skiploom188, you should cheer up a little. I know it's a little disappointing, but if you're truly invested I'm sure you can get better at it.

Round 1: It took a couple turns for the teams to engage each other so those ranged attacks might have helped quite a bit. That petrify on Skiploom188's samurai and the bard dying really set them back, and afterwards they just didn't have the sandbagging to bring themselves back to full power.

Round 2: It was funny to see the Samurai supposedly fly through the wall only to get killed by a fire spell later. Are units actually supposed to be able to go back there?

It seems like Anima Zero's team was being overwhelmed by statuses. The monk dying didn't help things, and although the chemist is evasive and can heal status as well, she could only heal one at a time. At any rate, good job Zotis and best of luck to Anima Zero in the loser's bracket.
These matches were pretty awesome.

That was epic. A very long and arduous match, impressive. Shintroy, I love how your time mage got stopped by your own mime. Also, I noticed that that undead monk kept dying a lot. Schrodinger's Monk, much?

Faith Rod and petrify is a decent combo. I like how the second round ended with the mediator running around, holding her own for a while until everyone was petrified. That mediator was pretty resilient.

I'm kind of worried about how my team will perform, seeing all of the 10+ speed builds. My team has about 10 speed including haste and that might prove to be a disadvantage. Especially with my squishy Scholar.
The teams so far seem well designed, I can't wait to see how they do. Congratulations to Rouroni Elmdor and Fattyzilla, and good luck to silentkaster and Fanatic in the loser's bracket!

Also, good job on your team, Rouroni! The mimicked Bahamuts really caused some damage. I hope my team can stand up to that, but it was so epic that I wouldn't really care if I lost.
I'm quite looking forward to this myself. Maybe my team will actually get past the first round.