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Messages - Zaen

Non-FFT Modding / Re: [Fangame] Pony RPG
December 31, 2011, 02:52:36 pm
I like the post on there about how music, backgrounds, and animations are EVERYTHING IN AN RPG. That's laugh-worthy at the least. In fact, that guy is a complete jerk in general. At least it doesn't matter what he says. This game has tons of potential.

On a more important note, it would be cool to fill up more of the 12 abilities per pony. That would add another layer of strategy to the game, what types of magic attacks you bring, how the AP cost is spread among them, etc. That said, even with just the 4 given ponies, there's tons of variety in their abilities. I assume there will eventually be more strategy in elements, so no need to go into that right now.

I wish I was deeper into my composition major so I would be more versed in writing music, otherwise I'd love to create some stuff for this. If I tried right now, it would probably be very orchestral, which would probably clash a lot aesthetically. At any rate, if you need anything of that nature, I could probably work out something if I have the time.. and by that, I mean quite a lot of time.

PS: Thanks.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: [Fangame] Pony RPG
December 28, 2011, 01:55:50 pm
Ah, I didn't have time to think about what the ultimate attack was and just saw death. That's why you gave cheap Fire Gems.. nice. I'll retry my controller and see how that works. As for the shoulder buttons, each time it happened, I was using the Right shoulder button in the equipment menu. The first time was after I had done it a few times, the second was the first time I used the key. I later decided to skip trying to use it and just exited and went in for the next character... tedious, but at least I didn't crash.

Edit: Ok, my controller works with analog initially off. This should make things much easier...

Another Edit: With that, Atma was a piece of cake... the following boss, however.. Wow, talk about annoyingly difficult. Accelerate seems to be very important for that one.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: [Fangame] Pony RPG
December 27, 2011, 11:13:30 pm
I've tried it on my PSX, my PS2 Dualshock, and my Eliminator Aftershock with both Analog on and off, and neither work.

But as for gameplay, I've noticed that using shoulder buttons to switch characters in the equipment cause a problem... crashing. The combat is fast paced and fun, meaning it keeps you on your toes, isn't easy, and you have to be careful with how you use your time per turn. Also, Accelerate can target self, but it doesn't affect self. And.. Atma Weapon acts a little cheaply. Ultimate attack wiping out everyone when they're at full health with consistent buffing... Definitely challenging, though. The other boss fight was clever, too. Using parasprites as shield enemies AND they attack? Genius.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: [Fangame] Pony RPG
December 27, 2011, 10:09:38 pm
Hmm... as much as I'd love to play this with one of my controllers, it doesn't recognise the D-pad on either of them. Any idea why that might be?
The Lounge / Re: FFH Official Steam Group
December 23, 2011, 10:02:29 pm
Eh. Lemme in. Steam nick zaen27
Archives / Re: Enforced Generic Class Challenge
December 23, 2011, 07:11:25 pm
Wow, how did I look over how great this is? I think this may be what I've needed to re-kindle my interest in FFT.
The Lounge / Re: FFH Steam Group
December 18, 2011, 12:55:16 pm
Never! I only use Steam for TF2... and I use it for that rarely. Steam is EVIL!
Archives / Re: ST4R's MC Server
December 17, 2011, 07:46:58 pm
Hey, how often is this still up? With free time in abundance, I will be able to hang out on the server more often.
The Lounge / Re: Rick Perry's New Ad
December 08, 2011, 11:38:15 pm
Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on December 08, 2011, 05:55:41 pm
Dude, nobody cares about Christmas one way or the other.  This whole ATTACK ON CHRISTMAS!1!!!!11 thing is just a scare tactic to keep old people voting for the party that wants to cut their gov't benefits.

You do realise that the government is essentially boycotting its own holiday, right? Christmas has been a FEDERAL holiday for 141 years. The whole attack against Christmas in general is kind of... ridiculous.

Also, Havermayer, as a representative of both Christianity and 19th century Liberalism (falsely called conservatism today), I can say he is a complete moron and jerk face. He's turning off everybody equally... I hope. Otherwise the other people are a lost cause and are blind.
Dome... 1.1 and 1.2 were super minor WP MP, CT, JP amount, Skillset for Calc changes. Honestly, they're almost insignificant.
I feel no need to do anything else, as by attacking his post, I made all of my points.

But since everybody thinks this is an awful idea, I'll promote it.

It's a kind of a work channel where people can go to communicate and share ideas without the distraction of the mostly mindless nonsense that inevitably happens in the main channel. That's all that needs to be said. It's simple, has no draw-backs, and it takes almost no effort to make.
Raven, that comment was a complete waste of time.

My response to your first paragraph is a waste of time. Who cares if the majority is social users? Isn't this a hacking site with the first priority being working on projects and hacks? Complaining about this is a waste of time.

Again, you're wasting your time. How is making an IRC channel a waste of time? It takes almost no time to make one, and not much more for a little tab at the top of the forum. Stupid complaint (and a waste of time).

What another great waste of time! Since there's no rule saying people can't be on both channels at the same time, people are FREE to ask of input from the social channel! Just because it's social, that doesn't mean they can't talk FFT and hacks/projects from time to time. Proof-read your thoughts, please.

I can't believe I wasted my time on your wasted time, as this serves almost no purpose, as far as I can see. You can be against adding this as a second channel, though I don't see the NEED for both channels to open immediately, as this can take off with an additional tab, and it still seems like a great idea.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Formula Hack v0.1
November 15, 2011, 12:17:05 am
Woooooohooooooo!!! All my dreams will come true soon enough!
How about the same MP regen, but half MP at the beginning? Then Matra Magic isn't ridiculously OP in early portions of the battle.
Hmm... ok. I've been using ePSXe 1.6.0 due to conflicts in the past, but I might feel persuaded to try again soon with the updated version.
So I was trying this out.. In the opening battle, I got to my first turn with Ramza, and as I was looking around at skills, I checked out Big Swing, and the game crashed as soon as I selected a square. Any idea why this might happen?
Went by gut instinct... I had a good feeling! Time Traveller! :o
Quote from: Shade on August 22, 2011, 02:59:50 am
I would prefer that being weak to the element and having weak would make it half the heal and having half to the said element would double it.

This, but I'd prefer the elemental weakness make it take damage. I have to agree with the sentiment that if you're weak to something, it doesn't matter whether or not it's "healing", you're going to get hurt from it.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 18, 2011, 12:10:40 am
I'm sorry, Wiz.

But... on that last match, it seems like if it were to keep going, eventually my Oracle and Ninja would be left with the Thief. I really need to re-work that team... maybe with more deadly status effects than I picked... and maybe some damage dealing force. That was just... wow.
Old Project Ideas / Re: FFT: kind of
July 08, 2011, 06:54:06 pm
Why was 4 taken out of Math Skill? CT is gone, 3 is gone. It's not that OP really to use 4 still.