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Messages - SentinalBlade

The Lounge / Re: Is YOUR name in FFT?
August 13, 2010, 09:00:20 pm
My spelling isnt all that common O.o how does the game not have anyones name on here? :P
The Lounge / Is YOUR name in FFT?
August 12, 2010, 10:16:10 pm
I was a little freaked out when i saw my name on an enemy summoner. My name is far from uncommon, but its spelt odd, so i really wasnt expecting it to pop up in an older video game.

Its Spelt Jordon.

Has anyone else with an uncommon name or spelling ever noticed their name thrown into FFT?
The Lounge / Re: Star Craft 2 Editor
July 31, 2010, 07:54:36 pm
I just loaded the editor up, and it could not find the dependencies i used to make my custom units.. But it said they were still loaded. When i tried to remove them and re-add them to refresh them, it says they could not be removed, because my custom units had abilities and effects in use from the dependencies...but those abilities and parent IDs were missing from my custom units. they werent even visible, or clickable, they were just gone....

that is 37 hours of work near to completion and into testing phases....way down the drain.

@FFM, yea! its really indepth and complex, you can even mix and match pieces of other models and smack em onto another (i mounted a missle turret's rocker launchers onto a seige mode tank)

Also, there is a legacy option, i havent tried it yet...but from what the prompts indicated, you can import warcraft 3 and starcraft 1 maps and things and convert them into sc2 =)
The Lounge / Re: Star Craft 2 Editor
July 31, 2010, 04:11:30 am
Yea, im actually getting close to finished with the unit data for a map im making.

Basically, its a two player designed map. One player chooses Defense, the other one chooses to go on the offensive. The Defensive player is forced to defend the offensive player's unit producers and provide tactical support as the other player leads forth an onslaught. The defensive player gets things like wider arrays of turrets, bunkers, missile launchers to combat the varying waves of enemy forces, and can call down various field support units. The Defensive player's units are not allowed to leave the base though(Except for field support)

The offensive player gets a HUGE array of upgrades and unit advancement. Making it important for the two players to work in tandem, and the defensive player to learn field support that will compensate for the other's downfalls.

EDIT: btw, in just the time from my first post, until this one, i have a recorded number of 86 crashes in my logs
July 30, 2010, 06:25:11 pm

I was actually raised for 7 years in idaho... doku, the first part of that paragraph is so true its funny :P how fancy are your cats, if you need a casino to pay for their food?
The Lounge / Star Craft 2 Editor
July 30, 2010, 06:18:43 pm
you guys mess with this shit yet?

Took me 6 hours to make an edit of a merc unit from campaign. Nothing is very straight forward, so i had to expirement.

To do this, i had to import the dependencies  by going to map-dependencies-libertystory.mod or something. This took me 2 hours. The reason? Because in the unit database, there is already a drop down box for the story and campagin units filters, so it shows only them...Why would that be an option, if new maps dont have these modules imported right away?

Well, next, it took me forever to make it do what i wanted it to do next. i wanted a new ability for the command center to deploy a siege tank in seige mode, but have it immobile...Well to do that, i made a copy of the ability "Calldown: Mule"...it worked fine, until i tried to change the unit "Mule" into my custom merc siege mode tank. Whenever i made changes, or tried to change the unit into my new one, it would add abilities to the ORIGINAL mule....Why would i duplicate/copy a unit, if i change something on one, and it also changes on the other? That took me 4 hours to realize that i can create a base ability "CEcreateUnit" and set the unit effect to spawn my siege tank.

It might not have took that long, if i didnt crash 17 times!...

I think im going to wait for them to increase stability for the editor before i ever start it up again.
The Lounge / Got Custom Graphics?
July 30, 2010, 06:11:19 pm
Hey all! i was wondering why there is really no place to showcase graphical work that isnt related to FFT, not even in a topic. so i decided to make one for people to post works and ideas! Ask for advice and for people to critque

I had an idea this morning, and it came out completely different from what i wanted...This is my first one in photoshop that isnt FFT related, so i wanted to keep it, and would hope you guys can tell me where to improve, and what i might be able to change or add.

Originally, it was supposed to be a prinny playing psp on a cliff. I started with this image

took the girl out, clone stamped the sky, and mesed with colors. i then had this

Well.. After dodging, burning, paint brushing, mixing, and adding a few new cracks in the rock, i actually didnt even use most of what i did to it.

Instead i came up with this;

Comments, advice?

Don't forget to post anything you guys have!
Hacking/Patching Tools / Re: What's the Point?
July 29, 2010, 02:23:02 am
fftorgASM is for the PSX version. almost ALL asm causes crashes on the psp. As for Tactext, there a few bugs, but you should nto be getting consistent crashes...
Spam / Re: FFT is horny.
July 29, 2010, 02:20:46 am
oohh, the purposes he may find for black magic~
The Lounge / Re: FFT Tabletop RPG
July 27, 2010, 12:23:35 pm

Anyone heard of this? There have been so many D20 conversions, and actual normal RPG elements in adaptions, it was nice to see something that looks like it is trying to keep the tactics part of Final Fantasy Tactics alive...i haven't gotten more than a few seconds to read through the documents though =(
Spam / Re: Neverending FFT
July 19, 2010, 07:26:20 pm
Orlandu was nearby
Quote from: "BloodyBlade"But if you are really interested in Testing, I guess going taking college classes like Game Simulation and programming may help. I tried that but I wasnt interested since I like tutoring in Algebra. So I am going to teach math soon.

That is actually a course on how to program video games, not test them. Granted you will need to learn to look for glitches and things when you make them. But if you take the course to become a programmer, why take a job as a tester?

There is actually some courses out there that TEACH you how to test games. Its tedious, mindless, and most of the time, you need a degree. They make 8-20$ an hour, on average its 15$... And unless you are REALLY good at networking, you wont get a job. Drake managed to put in 78 hours of work, in 3 months... he had tested Gears of War, and Grand theft auto: San Andreas. He made roughly 1060$ in 3 months. Unless you are living at home with your mom, are not going to college, are not paying rent, do not need to put gas in your car....then I would look for a job at gas station.

Recently, when talking to EA, Assassin's Creed 2 had about 28 Qualified(meaning kids with a degree) testers, and 10 "out of the hat" testers(not counting people who were playing it that were family and friends) They didn't answer my question on how many discs were sent out as a form of "open beta".
Spam / Re: @Voldemort
July 16, 2010, 01:42:42 am
I dont think thats the right way to look at it :P fighting up some JP for fire 2 was just to much work for him, lol
Spam / Re: Neverending FFT
July 16, 2010, 01:40:39 am
Rode one-legged Tiamats
Archives / Re: FFH Community Pictures
July 14, 2010, 07:42:36 pm

...are your pupils orange?
Spam / Re: Neverending FFT
July 14, 2010, 12:57:02 am
the vaginal leakings
The Lounge / Re: Magic: The Gathering
July 11, 2010, 02:14:38 am
Quote from: "CT5Holy"philsov: There still is a ton of strategy involved. Lots of decisions - should I counter this now/use a removal spell, why did he attack a 1/1 into my 4/4, etc. There are so many more (

This is true to an extent.

I have been playing since revised(so i picked up the game before i could understand wtf puberty was).

I miss the days where the power 9 were the only greatly over powered cards (black lotus, stasis, and so forth)....

I recently went to my first tournament in 2 years. The guy who won had spent 430$ on his deck, buying as many Jace and other cards as possible... Of course, every other player there (there was about 40) had...well pretty much the same deck.

It has become about getting those "select few" cards, and knowing when to play them... its no longer diverse... half of the rares and 3/4ths of the commons and uncommons never actually see real play. I came in 8th. Which isnt to bad, but i think its because NO ONE was expecting me to play certain cards (soulquake, for instance. which is devastating, but not as devastating as many of the others that were being played)...they kept waiting for me to pull out those big guns everyone else was. I asked Greg(the guy who owns the shop) how much money the top 5 put into their decks(everyone is required to register their deck, to make sure nothing banned is gonna sneak out in a semi-final)...  four put in just over 200, with the winner putting in the aforementioned 430...

All four of those people had the same deck.

It just isnt fun...its like playing a tournament with decks right out of the box. There is no diversity, and everyone is Expecting the SAME cards to be played...there's nothing new...its just a matter of knowing "when to hold them, when to fold em" kinda thing... And that is less actually less strategy, and more like your taking a chance and hoping their is  a better opportunity to counter a spell, or some such

I'm going back to Legacy tournaments, and casual play.
Spam / Re: @Voldemort
July 08, 2010, 02:57:06 am
When i was 8, i got stuck at dorter 1 for 4 months, and would not pick up the game... i ended up picking it up one day and did random battles and unlocked ninja without realizing it and went slap happy.

I had it given to me by my fathers friend who was also in the Bomb Squad (or EOD)...but he stopped at dorter 1 too, and gave it to me cause it was to hard.... Is that a guy you want disarming those bombs? :P
The Lounge / Re: Naming Conventions
July 02, 2010, 11:13:29 pm
Well, for the most part, a large portion of the names only mean "close" to what i want. On top of that, the pre/suffixs simply will not fit on ALOT of words. If i use them, more than 80% end up running off screen...

I think im gonna keep it small and few. Such as Magnum Opus, for the Alchemist, and "Fata Morgana" for the Mind Bender

I would love to incorporate some of latin that we see in everyday science(Fata Morgana is the given name to a "Superior Mirage") or history (such as Magnum Opus)... Would anyone care to suggest a few lesser known terms?
The Lounge / Re: Naming Conventions
June 27, 2010, 05:27:14 pm
Thats what descriptions are for.

The examples were just that, examples. They sound unique, and could actually be used well. Medulla Veneficium...Well im not sure how to make it clearer, lol. It would poison. MAgnumOpus could be an ultimate skill pretaining to something biological, or chemic
Magnanimitas would make a nice self-buff

Tardus Proeliator(Latent Warrior), i like, and will use, because Squire is lame. Basically, it means your a noob, with potential powers. Which would be a great theme for unlocking other classes.