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OH DEAR GOD PLEASE NO! Disney To Acquire Lucasfilm Ltd.

Started by GeneralStrife, October 30, 2012, 05:23:57 pm



"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


If this means Star Wars in KH with a Lightsaber Keyblade... I'm okay with this.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Pretty sure disney owns Marvel Comics and the Avengers kicks fuckin ass. Dunno why i keep seein complaints bout this... Thn again ive never seen a star wars movie..
  • Modding version: PSX


Disney also owns Power Rangers and ruined the original seasons on their re-edits and releases.  Being owned by Disney is very hit-or-miss, it seems.  It's either gonna turn to shit or be awesome.  Begin offering ferrets to Your Lord Walt to preserve Star Wars?


Quote from: Dokurider on October 30, 2012, 07:53:39 pm
Well, after the prequels, it can only go up from here.

You have a point, but i can see Wall-ED2 on alderaan trying to clean up the pollution the evil empire left.


Oh god Disney bought Star Wars... Well Star Wars fans might as well do suicide. You guys are aware that The Spectacular Spider-Man DIED when Disney bought Marvel. And considering that show was the best of Spider-Man animated shows, so yeah we are so fucked. This does give a more funny things that can appear in Kingdom Hearts series lol.

Also prequels suck as much as the originals.



My dreams can come true!


It's not like they can fuck it up any worse than Lucas all ready has. The new trilogy is pretty much the worst trilogy of films ever made. A strong argument can be made that Episode I is the worst movie of all time.
Case in point:
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Jack of All Trades on November 04, 2012, 12:07:49 pm
It's not like they can fuck it up any worse than Lucas all ready has. The new trilogy is pretty much the worst trilogy of films ever made. A strong argument can be made that Episode I is the worst movie of all time.
Case in point:

First point. That review sucks. Second point Star Wars always has sucked yet they meade it suck even more, there is no limit for sucking. Worst movie of all time? NOT EVEN CLOSE. But one of the most disapointing maybe.


Neophyte Ronin

I wonder if the same sorts of reactions came out when they announced the merger of Squaresoft and Enix Corporation.

I'd say the idea of releasing one RPG per month over the year 2,000 was the real coffin nail since none of those games did well enough to keep the company afloat.  They released Vagrant Story in May, and that was the last RPG of the era I remember fondly.  SaGa Frontier II also came out, and one of its perceived selling points was "breathtaking watercolor painting art" that drove the visual direction and effects.  Really?  Then there was Chrono Cross, which disappointed and shattered the fans who awaited a genuine sequel and ended up with a supposed remake of a game they never got to play (paired with the exclusion of a principle ensemble dark horse with no explanation behind why that would be a good thing).  Amidst all this, did anybody get the chance to go out and get a copy of Threads of Fate?  The demo played well, but I never got the chance to buy a copy.  Seriously, they pumped out too much and too fast, giving their clients little regard for their barren wallets and looming debut of the PS2.  In fact, pumping them out quickly was kind of the reason these games weren't as good as they should have been--Vagrant Story was meant to be on two discs and feature up to two additional player characters, for instance.  With that said, Squaresoft was making a series of major financial blunders, which necessitated drastic action.  Like Nobuo taking off a few years later.

Squaresoft was hurting financially and several key figures did a mass exodus at the millennial turn.  To put the altered business sense (scruples?) into perspective, the first Final Fantasy installment was FFX-2, a marked departure from the typical over-dark themes that actually began to mar the franchise into predictability and spawn countless nineties comic anti-hero-esque games and characters after FFVII hit in sales.  FFX-2 represented the beginning of the end in some people's eyes, what with its bubbly premise and its laughable cheap-shot exploitation angle.  In perspective, the real problem was lack of innovation, with stagnant concepts that only bled their way into sales.  Lots of people bought VII, a percentage bought VIII, still another percentage of that bought IX.  And if that's all you're known for....

So a company merger--with a mingling of resources and ideas--was a shot at surfacing from that trend.  Maybe Lucasfilm, having been the buttmonkey after the modern Trilogy of Star Wars movies, has suffered enough financial fallout to consider being bought out.  Besides, Lucasfilm is better known as an industry leader (one of them) in special effects.  Most of their productions revolve around testing the latest film-making techniques of the era.  Disney wants some pizzazz in their live-action movies and I can't say I blame them.  Unless Disney explicitly announces an attempt to release a new Star Wars movie, I am not frightened by the merger.


QuoteThreads of Fate

and I thought I was the only person on earth that heard of that game.