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Troubleshooting FFTPatcher! (Post all FFTPatcher questions here!)

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, December 10, 2012, 01:31:47 pm


Quote from: Ishtar on July 08, 2013, 05:47:15 pm
bugs with wine or with fftpatcher?  where do you even find xp these days?

Bugs with FFTPatcher in Wine... I doubt you could ever get it running properly with wine. And, um, you can find Windows XP by downloading it illegally? 8D
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


ok, I see a LOT about Wine on here...I'm assuming...Linux?

when I had Linux, I ran a program that let me run a full copy of XP as a program, as opposed to using Wine as a compatibility layer.  I also set it up so that my XP saw a designated folder in Linux as a Shared Folder so I could move files back and forth...it helped with essentially all my Wine compatibility issues...

...if there's enough interest, I may be able to hunt up the old links again...

Also: what do all the tickboxes on the animation tabs mean?  I assume it's stuff like "swing sword" and "throw" and such, but there' s no answer key...

...although Concentrate and 5 also have animations, so that only leaves me more confused...


Been working on making a glorious Red Mage for the better part of 7 hours now, quite tired. Just want to ask a quick question before going to sleep: I found out the hard way that Generic Jobs have to use their respective Generic Skillset. This means I get the joy of trying to fix my previous mistake of changing Calculator's Math Skill to guest Rafa's Truth (The one with only 2 skills in it) and editing that skillset. My question is this: What happens when you replace Math Skill, well, skills with regular skills like fire and cure? Will it work as intended, or blow up in my face? For the record since there are no enemy Calculators (that I know of), I decided to turn Calc into my generic Red Mage, but it hasn't been working out as intended. For instance Ramza knows Protect, Cure, and Fire, but in battle the only spell he knows is Fire2. I'm just nervous about changing Math Skill and completely fubaring my ISO and having to start from scratch with that god awful sprite changing process.

Edit: Okay, so I figured out that Math Skill just flat out doesn't work with it's abilities replaced, which is what I figured would happen. Um, suggestions on how to salvage this doomed voyage? I've already replaced the calc sprites with Red Mage sprites, (male and female), edited the descriptions and names of the job and Truth. I'm more or less at a loss on what direction to take this now save starting from scratch, and I really, really don't want to do that.


You need to use my generic skillset fix ASM hack. I think you basically change Math Skill to 05 in that hack, then in a FFTPatcher tab (sorry, can't check which one it is right now) you have to change the skillset type to default there too, and you're set, you'll be able to start editing it as you wish.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


No, that's fine. I think...I have probably hit my first honest to goodness roadblock. ASM hacking is leaps and bounds over my head. I've read the tutorials, and I'm trying to follow along, but I just can't grip what they're saying. I did find your generic ability fix, but I have no idea how to apply it. This is really daunting.


You don't need the Generic Skillset Fix to replace Math Skill, just to set Math Skill to <Default> in the Actions Menu.  However, Math Skill does have hardcoded slowdown and immunity to Reflect, which you will need to apply these ASMs to remove:

<Patch name="Remove forced slowdown for Math Skill (Skillset ID 0x15)">
<Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="115F74">

<Patch name="Math skill skillset gets reflected">
<Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="125ff4">

You can apply ASMs with FFT OrgASM by putting them into .xml files with the proper format.  The format itself is a simple header, a <Patches> tag, the ASM hacks formatted the way I have the two here in the above spoiler, and a closing </Patches> tag at the end, which you can see by opening any of the .xml files packed with your copy of the FFTPatcher suite.


Oh man that just made things infinitely easier! However, I changed Math Skill to <Default> and patched it but it's still not operating correctly. When I opened it back in FFTPatcher, it was back to Mathmatics! Every time I try changing it it just goes back to that. I'm at quite the loss now.

But on the upside I did get those ASM hacks applied. That got me going. Thank you so much!

Edit: I thought I found the problem. I wasn't checking Action Menu when applying the patch, but even after checking that box it still doesn't seem to change Math Skill.

Edit2: Just tested this with Charge as well. It stays in aim. I can't seem to get any of the changes in the action menu to actually apply. Any idea what causes this? I haven't been able to find anyone else that has the same problem.

Edit3: Okay, apparently the changes go through on a clean ISO. This is getting to be very strange.

Edit4: Finally, FINALLY figured out what happened. Apparently if you have the calculator's skillset set as something else (In this case Truth), then FFTPatcher will just outright refuse to change the action command for anything, even Aim or Draw Out for some weird reason. Anyway I changed ti back to Math Skill and presto! It works again! That may be something worth documenting for the future.

Anyway everything works perfectly now. Thanks for the help!!!


I'm looking to make all ally guest characters controllable.
I think i have found the story levels in the ENTB list, but how do i know i won't flag any enemies as controllable? Is there a way to know if a character is supposed to be an enemy or an ally?


On the right side there's a box showing which team a unit is on, Blue is for you and guests, Red Green and Light Blue is enemies.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


14:45  @SilentB         ò "Hey, Cosgrove, how come you never married?"
14:45  @SilentB         ò "Because I eat too much meat."
14:46  @Celdia          ò Heresy. No such thing as 'too much meat'
14:47  @Celdia          ò One night with tithin would teach you that.


I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


I'm using v0.482 and even though I've loaded the PSX game into the patcher it still shows the WotL names.


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on January 24, 2014, 07:50:04 pm
That's just an error with the resources.zip file.  Get the Resources.zip from a .478 FFTPatcher and add it to your .482 FFTPatcher and it should work fine.

Just tried it and it didn't work.

EDIT: Is it possible to just rename the abilities myself?

A Blood Red Fox

I'm trying to change a spell's effect to increase a singe target's PA. Is "Effect" only the graphics for the ability? I changed the "effect" to "Battle Song", and the formula to the same one that spells like "Protect" use, but casting the spell in game gives a 00% chance of doing anything. I don't see any place to set the ability to raise PA or anything like that. Is this even possible using FFTPatcher?


"Affected Stats" are hardcoded properties in formulas, just like steal/break equipment slots... the "easiest" way to change those is by ASM hacking the formula you wish to add it to. http://ffhacktics.com/wiki/Formulas

Otherwise, you're better off working off an ability that already grants +PA for your needs.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


I've been meaning to ask this anyways, and it's technically relevant...

is there anywhere to find a listing of which skill slotshave hardcoding, and what that hardcoding is?  like how the "Steal" slots have the coding of targeting equipment, and how Negotiate redirects to the steal gil formula...


There is a layout problem that i found with FFTPATCHER.It seems that under WIN XP the layouts are messed up.

The first two image are from WIN XP,the third one are from WIN 7.

For XP,the scrolling capacity seems only limited to 8(like shown in innate slot from the second picture),While for WIN7 you could view much more with a single glimpse. Also as you can see in the second picture starting status tab,there is a left to right scrolling which all the status could not be seen in one screen but need to scroll,while in WIN7 there is no need to scroll with all the status presents in one glimpse.

And for the Patch ISO window from the first pic,in XP the buttom are some what missing or shown only half.

I wonder what cause such problem?It might not be much if you would only editing few stuff,but in a long run it really bothers me alot(since i have to stick to my destop which is XP)