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FFT: WOTL - Valeria 2.4 "Ivalice Remastered"

Started by Windows X, December 11, 2017, 04:33:54 am

Windows X

Thank you. I agree that two hand on many weapons makes a broken setup. Dev team were also aware that doubling bow damage or wielding two hand will break the game too so they only allow short range weapons. They should allow only Knife and Ninja blade to be wielded with two hand.

All this time, I've been thinking for a proper solution to address this unfairness of doublehand/dual wield with a few weapons. I'm thinking about making hammer(or flail) as SP*WP so faster can make stronger swing. Designing concepts of unique job skill rather than learning broken skill to use with other jobs.

If I design Ninja being the only job capable of wielding two weapons and you need to use equip support skill to use other weapons, this can be much more manageable for whole class system redesign and allow more possibilities to make proper team balance with all jobs better. Many OP abilities that I removed before can be brought back too though it may force some restrictions like only Chemist can throw items, only Thief can poach monster, Only monk can use martial arts efficiently, etc.
  • Modding version: WotL


I pretty much agree with all the skills that got deleted, yet You kept dualwield, i know is a popular choice but it still breaks the game far worse Than doublehand. Yes only ninjas should be able to DW , and yet they need more nerfs to their HP (glasscannons) or their pA multiplier (lesser hits).

Once again axes still suck , imo their damage should be the best of all melee since u CANT Parry with em . Making equip Axe relevant.

Double hand and Axe solución. Double axes WP across the board but make doublehanded weapons use the random fórmula of axes. That way u pretty much need weapon strike to constantly deliver good damage.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Windows X

Actually, I also considered buffing Axe weapon power too but Squire's weapon strike will make this too OP since the unreliability part is gone. We need to consider weapon power in game progression too. Whole chapter 1-2 won't give you sword power higher than 10 so giving like double WP power will break the balance much worse than Flail.

  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

By the way, what do you guys think about idea of making Geomancy all map range? You can walk on specific tile and use that skill on anywhere but it can also hurt allies too.
  • Modding version: WotL


Geomancy is good as it is , making it unlimited range would move the arquetipe feom a battle Mage (thats what geomancers are) to a run away caster . (Buff axes 😊, so You can actually use em on geos)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Windows X

I guess so. I also have another idea like moving Geomancy to Mystic for all map mage using earth link or rebuild this job with other name and merge Mystic+Orator into a single job.

As for Axe on geo, I did use it and I think it's pretty OP in chapter 2 where it deals 150% of sword I can get before learning dual wield later. I play no grind run also.
  • Modding version: WotL


Nooo 😣 leave geos alone . Ninjas are the ones that should be nerfed . As i previously said, dualwield still breaks the game (should be ninja exclusive , and ninjas should be very fragile) . Geos are well rounded /balanced .

If.any ,.FFT is way too "knghtly" . The 1 clase /job i would love to see is the berserker from TO
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Windows X

Well, I asked for ideas of future projects. I think turning Geomancer into Berserker and give Geomancy to mage job as Conjurer for all map mage would be interesting too.

I've been tailoring stats a bit recently like giving some little more buff to some jobs and nerf some a little. Ninja is also one of that. It's 100 PAM right now and I wonder if I should give 90 instead.

To be fair, Ninja job itself isn't really broken but Dual Wield ability on other jobs make it so broken.
  • Modding version: WotL


One thing you can do to combat how OP dual wield is would be to restrict which weapons it's compatible with. Since the flag for dual wielding is individually set per item, you could do a sweeping change like restricting it just to daggers and ninjato. The ninjato could then be set to any strength you liked, since IIRC there's no Equip Ninjato skill, and no other generic jobs can equip them - no matter how OP it would be on the ninja, it would only be that strong on the ninja. It's probably the best way to nerf Dual Wield without making it totally useless.

At the very least, it really shouldn't be compatible with Knight Swords. That's just all kinds of broken.

If you wanted, you could even take it off melee weapons entirely and just set it to crossbows, allowing for dual wielding crossbows. The only problem with dual wield on ranged and melee weapons is the possibility of a player equipping one of each, which screws up the attack range.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Windows X

Hi. I already removed Knight's Sword from dual wield. Ability to double damage can potentially be broken regardless.
  • Modding version: WotL


Flails deliver way too much damage ie: slasher 16 wp vs morning stars wp16. While the Axe deals a high end of 208 (asuming 13 phisical damage on Char) the morning stars does a wooping 256 (16*16) .AND You can DW em on ninjas . See a patern ? Ninjas and dw. Plus you get to use a shield (not having to sacrifice defender vs Axe) And u get to use a different skill set NOT having to rely pm weapon strike.

Sorry if get to be repetitive. With the ninjas/dw/Axe thing
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Windows X

The new morning star is nerfed down to WP14 so it'll do 196 damage until you can poach Scorpion Tail to do 324 damage from Hydra. I'm deciding whether I should make Slasher WP21 with consideration of random damage or WP18 with consideration of Weapon Strike.
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

FFT: WOTL Valeria 1.5.3 - Re-balance update on weapons and some class adjustments

Hi everyone. It's been a while since the last 1.5.2 release and I'm glad to see people enjoying my mod. There's over one thousand players for latest 1.5.2 update alone which surprised me a lot.

Last few months ago I received reports about some weapons being un-balanced. I thought it would be fine since there's no further upgrades on chapter 4 but time and availability didn't work as planned so I made some adjustments now.

Flail will have weapon power scaling decreased based on WP^WP formula. I want to make this weapon as closed range gun attack with +2WP. Axe will have weapon power increased based on story progression.

Since Axe can make very high damage with Weapon Strike, I was afraid to buff its damage but it shouldn't be that bad comparing to traditional OP dual wield setup. Don't forget normal attack has chance to inflict Slow too.

Aside from weapon patches, I also tried to improve Weapon Strike animation and hope it works a bit better now. There's also minor stats tweaks on some jobs and Flare hits little harder with longer CT too.

-Decreased Flame Mace's weapon power (11 -> 10)
-Decreased Iron Flail's weapon power (9 -> 8)
-Decreased Morning Star's weapon power (16 -> 12)
-Decreased HP Multiplier on Sword Saint job (160 -> 150)
-Decreased PA Multiplier on Ninja job (110 -> 100)
-Decreased Scorpion Tail's weapon power (23 -> 16)
-Decreased Vesper's weapon power (36 -> 20)
-Fixed Weapon Strike showing weapon throw animation glitch
-Increased Battle Axe's weapon power (9 -> 10)
-Increased CT of Flare ability (7 -> 8) and increased damage factor (46 -> 48)
-Increased Evasion on Orator job (5 -> 10)
-Increased Francisca's weapon power (24 -> 26)
-Increased Giant Axe's weapon power (12 -> 14)
-Increased Golden Axe's weapon power (30 -> 32)
-Increased HP Multiplier on Knight job (120 -> 125)
-Increased HP Multiplier on Orator job (80 -> 85)
-Increased Slasher's weapon power (16 -> 20)

FFT: WotL - Valeria 1.5.3 (PSP USA) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/arrxcpskhecz744
FFT: WotL - Valeria 1.5.3 (PSP EUR) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/gnq3d6urn24rkd0

I'm thinking of next update as revamped design. Maybe 1.6 or 2.0 with job's unique skill concept and revamp some more jobs. If you have any suggestion after trying 1.5.2 update, please let me know. :)
  • Modding version: WotL


Hello everyone!

So I got orator lvl 2 but didn't unlocked summoner, is this a bug?

Thank you
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL

Windows X

Sorry. It's actually level 3. I forget to change level from 2 to 3 after copy paste in Jobs' requirements summary. It's fixed now.
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

Hi. I'm developing a new version now and looking for people to help me testing beta version for feedback and improvements. Please let me know if you're interested. You can read about current progress from here.

  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

Hi. My Mediafire server was hacked so I uploaded new mirrors now. Please check front page for new download link.
  • Modding version: WotL


Heyo, found a bug concerning the onion knight;
The "blue mage" like functionality of the class works to learn the moves, however, they cannot be used in combat. Only the moves fire, ice, thunder breath and charm seem to be workable. If this is a result of the necessity to master other jobs, then I apologise for not knowing this beforehand.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
""The only thing more hardcoded than FFT, is more FFT."
    - A wise man"
       - Talcall
  • Discord username: Talcall

Windows X

Quote from: Portalenthusiast on December 28, 2019, 06:44:32 am
Heyo, found a bug concerning the onion knight;
The "blue mage" like functionality of the class works to learn the moves, however, they cannot be used in combat. Only the moves fire, ice, thunder breath and charm seem to be workable. If this is a result of the necessity to master other jobs, then I apologise for not knowing this beforehand.

Thank you for reporting. You mean it's possible to learn the ability but can't be used in battle after learning? Normally it should work after learn on hit. I wonder if it has some restrictions with Onion Knight job. I'll look into it.
  • Modding version: WotL


HI !
Im enjoying the mod so far and have a couple of questions.
I noticed Healing spells are kinda meh compared to items, my Cure spell heals for 24 on average, so do I need to get units with higher faith to cast those spells ? How do I get higher than 70 faith on generic units since you can't maipulate Faith/Bravery ?

Second question: in regards to the items collected from multiplayer mode, did you add them to the game world or they continue to be exclusive from those modes ?

Thanks for the great job !
  • Modding version: PSX