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Final Fantasy Tactics A2: A Clan's Journey

Started by Zeke_Aileron, August 18, 2017, 03:58:48 am



You sure you're using the 2384 nds file and not the zip?

Try downloading another 2384 nds file.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


July 31, 2018, 03:34:29 pm #242 Last Edit: July 31, 2018, 04:00:11 pm by Ronin
Okay just did that and it worked, now I just gotta play it .


And finally one question...

Can we still do some stupid shit with human ?

Like the dual frenzy illusionist,  or the elementalist parivir ?

Just asking that because people seems on edge about some combo with hume in this game, while I never see anyone complaining about bloodprice dualcasting summoners...


Maybe? I haven't played much of this.
From the changelog it seems paravirs are gone though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


August 03, 2018, 06:41:44 pm #244 Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 12:52:48 pm by chocolatemoose
I'm 250 quests in with most of the equipment, and I'm about ready to call it quits for now.

High-level feedback:

  • I get that you removed speed growth from the equation. I'd like to understand your reasons for this. How do you think it improves the game?

  • What's your thinking behind capping the max level at 75 as opposed to 99? What benefit does this have?

  • Similarly, what is your justification for revamping the MP system? I get that MP growth each turn is frustrating, but help me understand why your system (starting at max MP, small gains each turn, removing things like half MP, adding MP costs to almost every skill) is an overall better experience.

  • One side effect of adding MP to all skills is that MP Turbo is OP and game-breaking. There's never a reason to use any other passive ability (including dual-wield with Adelle). Even basic skills can dish out excessive damage. One possible solution for this is to remove MP Turbo, but I think it's worthwhile to explore the other options (restricting MP Turbo to certain jobs, removing MP cost from many skills) in part because of the next comment.

  • Removing many reaction/passive abilities from player use shrinks the feasible options. Even if I pass on MP Turbo, I'm probably going to choose Pugilist for my physical characters and Archmage for my magical ones (I didn't back-to-back test these or check them in an ability editor, so not sure how powerful they are). Outside of the few you reserved for certain characters, there isn't a whole lot to do. Some races (Nu Mou, Viera) have meh options all around (if regenerate is the best you've got...).

  • The quicken % chance associated with many abilities usually works out decently, but sometimes can be really broken (in one battle an enemy pulled off three 5-6-use chains in a row).

Job-specific feedback:

    Main characters:
    • Luso/Tactician: the Tactician job feels like two or three jobs rolled into one. I really like the buffs, which also strike me as the most innovative part of this job. On the other hand, the elemental/magick attacks, including the arcs, els and even things like ignis and ultima, don't contribute much (ok, the ultima is a great damage dealer, but also unnecessary). I'd recommend streamlining this job to the buffs and maybe some of the strikes (disengaging, etc.), but losing the other attacks. As is, the job has too much going on, some of which is of really limited utility, while other jobs could use the skills.

    • Adelle: Adelle felt OP for most of the main quest line, which I focused on out of the gate, because of dual-wielding. My strategy wasn't much more than walking Adelle up to higher-level opponents and having her beat them up. I get it if you want to restrict dual-wielding to her, but maybe a way of smoothing this out is changing dual-wield from a Ninja skill to a Heritor one? However, dual-wielding falls off because of MP Turbo and another skill I'll get to below. Lastly, a common Adelle build is as a dual-wielding Heritor/Seer. However, in this mod you need to wield a book as a primary to use Magick Frenzy, and for some reason, even though books say they're one-handed weapons, I was unable to equip a second weapon with them (I tried both using books as the first and the second weapon, using Magician and Heritor (and even white mage) as different primary jobs.

    • Cid: I never used Immunity in vanilla, and didn't seem to get much out of it here either. Am I missing something?

    • Hurdy: Evade Magick isn't always the most useful reaction ability, but it's golden when you need it.

    • Vaan: same as it ever was with Sky Pirate. I noticed something weird where, even though I mastered all of the Sky Pirate skills, on the job menu it looked like I was only halfway there. I usually don't run Vaan with Reflex on vanilla, but it works fine here.

    • Penelo: I built Penelo as a Blade Enchanter/Dancer, but pretty much only ended up using an MP Turbo-boosted Blade Dance. I kept Reflex on Penelo.

    • Taoru/Hammerknight: similar to Luso, the Hammerknight has a lot of skills, which makes it difficult to distill what the job is about. The job forces you to use hammers and shields to use its skills, which means that you have to primary as the Hammerknight. This isn't great because hammers aren't very good weapons. It also took until pretty late game to get enough scarletite for Mjolnir, the only hammer worth anything, at the bazaar. I also found the skills to be mostly lackluster. I get that they deal reduced damage because they come with status effects, but most of them aren't worth using (confuse is a mixed bag that rarely helps, immobilize can be good, but less so when you have to be adjacent to use it, and slow rarely proc'd). It was only after I got Mjolnir that some of the skills (Hammer Wave) started dealing half-decent damage; even Sonic Boom dealt sub-par damage. For most of the game I got more mileage out of using Shining Flare from my Geomancer secondary job. This job didn't really stand out at doing anything well and also didn't seem to synergize with the other Gria jobs.

    • Frimelda: Strikeback, sure. I can't combo it with Unscarred, but it's ok.

    • Al-Cid, Montblanc: didn't use.

    • Soldier: good improvements to this job. Not sure if it's a top contender, but between Promote for off-turns and dual-bladed it has a decent skill set.

    • Thief: marginal improvements with loot consolidation and a ranged option, but it's still a crap job.

    • Archer: didn't use with humes.

    • Hunter: didn't use with humes.

    • Fighter: I typically used this as my secondary skill set on all my humes. While the skill set maintains its usefulness, Blitz is totally OP. Late-game it doesn't pay to do anything but walk around whack enemies with Blitz + MP Turbo. With a level 75 Luso I could deal 800+ damage from behind. MP Turbo outperformed Pugilist by 2x. Blitz in vanilla is a niche skill, but it serves its purpose well. In this mod there's never a reason not to use it. Also, Backdraft behaves weirdly; I've never used it, but when the AI does it typically deals more damage to the unit using it than the enemy.

    • Ronin/Parivir: this job seems to emulate the FFT Samurai job, but outside of its stat growths it's not very good. However, because of its stat growths it only makes sense to raise a hume as this or a Duelist. Shirahadori or Kiyomori is decent for an off-turn, but otherwise the damage-dealing skills (Nosada, Ashura) underperform Fighter skills. Osafune has some utility, but doesn't deal enough MP damage to matter. Can you explain why I'd ever want to use Ame-no-Murakamo? It hits allies and enemies alike, and unlike the Scholar spells there's no elemental aspect that a player can try to absorb. Murasame is a little bugged but not game-breaking; chance for confuse applies to all the tiles, but damage only hits one. I'm not sure whether Doom can only hit one or multiple.

    • Duelist/Blue Mage: same stat growth comment as the Ronin. I didn't check in the ability editor, but compared to the vanilla Parivir these elemental blades felt less powerful, even when hitting elemental weaknesses (Blitz deals more damage). I think giving it abilities that hit every single elemental weakness is overkill (and makes Geomancy mostly useless), but maybe it's justified at the lower damage level.

    • Ninja: without speed growth or dual-wielding, the Ninja is completely useless and there's no reason to ever use it. I'd recommend either revamping the Ninja skill set or recycling it for a new job.

    • White Mage: didn't use with humes or otherwise outside of super-early game or filler with an Illusionist.

    • Black Mage: didn't use with humes or otherwise outside of super-early game.

    • Illusionist: didn't use with humes.

    • Magician: see my above comments on Adelle. Without dual-wielding Magick Frenzy its usefulness takes a hit.

    • Warrior: similar comments to the soldier. Definitely more usable, but still not top-tier.

    • White Monk: still a great all-around job. Not much changed.

    • Gladiator: apart from the Master Monk, the Gladiator has the best Bangaa stat growths, not only for attack but also for magick, which is weird. If I want to raise a magick Bangaa, why should I have to use a Gladiator? Also, same comment on Blitz.

    • Defender: didn't use, looks roughly the same.

    • Dragoon: didn't use, looks roughly the same. If I recall correctly, in vanilla Dragonheart would resurrect you at HP critical, whereas in this mod it brings you back at full health, so that's a positive for it.

    • Bishop: same as vanilla, except I have to raise my magick Bangaa as a Gladiator because of stat growths.

    • Templar: I plan to pair this with a Bishop on my magick Bangaa, as soon as I finish maxing magick as a Gladiator. This job benefits from evening out jobs' speed.

    • Master Monk: still a great all-around job. Not much changed. Not being able to use Strike Back along with Unscarred make Bangaa less powerful than vanilla.

    • Cannoneer: another job that I plan to get around to using as soon as I'm done maxing attack on a Gladiator. Looks like not much has changed from vanilla.

    • Trickster: loss of speed and magick growth is a nerf from vanilla. It still has great range, but not nearly as powerful as before. If you're looking for ranged Ultimas, Trickster and Cannoneer are both good.

    Nu Mou:
    • White Mage: didn't use outside of super-early game or filler with an Illusionist. Still healbots.

    • Black Mage: didn't use outside of super-early game or filler with an Illusionist.

    • Illusionist: benefits from its relative increase in speed. I never use this job in vanilla, so I don't know if it also requires characters to equip rods in order to use the abilities, which limits the job's synergies. Boosting this job's relative speed means that I never have to move and I'll get my turns more frequently than not, which makes it, I think, one of the most powerful Nu Mou jobs.

    • Time Mage: like the Ninja, this is now a trash-level job without Haste/Hastega/Quicken. There's no reason to use it and it should be repurposed, like the Ninja.

    • Alchemist: seems unchanged from vanilla, didn't use.

    • Arcanist: seems unchanged from vanilla, didn't use.

    • Scholar: also benefits from its relative increase in speed. I wanted to combo this with an Illusionist, but couldn't because its skills require books, while the Illusionist's require rods, which limits the job's synergies.

    • Sage: seems unchanged from vanilla, which is fine because it has Ultima, which synergizes with...

    • Cannon Mage: this is another job that has a load of skills packed into it that aren't too useful. Any ability that requires a unit to use Prime had better be worth a lost turn, and the Cannon Mage's disappoint (similar to the Flintlock, which isn't worth using for the same reason). The shots appear to deal physical damage, which isn't a good fit for Nu Mou, which are almost entirely magick-based. The other ones also aren't worth the lost turn. The primary reason to use the Cannon Mage is that it gives Nu Mou a ranged Ultima, which they lack in vanilla. The Beastmaster skill has some utility, but less so with the loss of Blue Mages. I think this job could use some reworking, especially given all the ability slots its hoarding.

    • Fencer: seems unchanged from vanilla, didn't use outside of super-early game.

    • White Mage: didn't use outside of super-early game.

    • Archer: while the Archer's usefulness is unchanged from vanilla, it's relatively more useful in for Viera because of the Blade Enchanter nerf. Disable and Charm are top-tier debuffs that are worth using even if they deal reduced damage, and Focus is great for an off-turn.

    • Sniper: seems unchanged from vanilla, except that Beso Toxico appears to have a 100% success rate to set poison unless the target is immune.

    • Blade Enchanter: Charge Blade is an interesting skill to add, and Charm is a great debuff, but overall the skills' damage appears to have been nerfed to (I imagine) offset the debuffs. The job is tough to synergize because its skills now require bladed weapons to use, which eliminates a ranged option (Sniper/Spellblade is a typical vanilla physical Viera build). I paired it with Dancer on Penelo, but I ended up only using Blade Dance and Mincing Minuet because of MP Turbo.

    • Witch: seems unchanged from vanilla. Doublecast is as great as ever and combos great with the Witch, Elementalist and Summoner skills.

    • Elementalist: great magick growth and relatively faster speed make this a natural candidate for a magick Viera to level as. Otherwise seems unchanged from vanilla.

    • Summoner: compared to vanilla this job's magick growth was nerfed, so I was leveling as an Elementalist, but otherwise its spells are great as usual.

    • Support Mage: seems unchanged from vanilla, didn't use.

    • Assassin: seems unchanged from vanilla. I usually pair this with a Dancer, but couldn't fit it into my party this time around.

    • Animist: seems unchanged from vanilla, as meh as ever. Didn't use.

    • Rogue: same comment as above, marginally better but still not worth using.

    • Brave Knight: seems unchanged from vanilla but benefits from its relative increase in speed. Skills still aren't great outside of Ultima.

    • Tinker: still possibly the worst job in the game. Didn't use.

    • Juggler: I'm used to spamming Dagger Toss, but overall I think you handled the damage nerf to it and the Smile Toss % chance nerf really well. Juggler is still a good job choice because of how powerful Dagger and Ring Toss are.

    • Fusilier: seems unchanged from vanilla, still good for ranged attacking.

    • Flintlock: seems unchanged from vanilla, still meh because of Prime, didn't use.

    • Chocobo Knight: unlocking all Chocobo skills when mounted give this job better options, but it still suffers from the same elemental weaknesses. I only messed around with this a little, so can't speak to whether there's something else meaningfully different about it.

    • Black Mage: same as above, also, useless on Moogles.

    • Time Mage: same as above, trash job.

    • Hunter: seems unchanged from vanilla. I usually pair it with a Raptor, but didn't use it in my playthrough.

    • Raptor: seems unchanged from vanilla. Still a good pairing for a Hunter or a Ravager.

    • Ravager: seems unchanged from vanilla. Sneak Attack is still the go-to for this job. All these jobs aren't as strong as vanilla because of the inability to use Strike Back with Unscarred for additional damage.

    • Geomancer: the Transmute-type skills aren't all that useful and I'd probably replace them with something else. Gil Transmute, in particular, is a waste, and Item and Loot don't do much either. Otherwise it wasn't bad having this as a secondary on my Hammer Knight.

    • Ranger: even without Mirror Items I think this job continues to have a lot going for it.

    • Berserker: with the strongest attack growth, this job benefits from being relatively faster compared to vanilla, and therefore I spent a lot of time leveling in this job, but its skills aren't that great.

    • Lanista: seems unchanged from vanilla. Not the most useful job, but not terrible either. If I recall correctly, in vanilla Dragonheart would resurrect you at HP critical, whereas in this mod it brings you back at full health, so that's a positive for it.

    • Viking: seems unchanged from vanilla. Didn't use.


Quote from: chocolatemoose on August 03, 2018, 06:41:44 pm
I'm 250 quests in with most of the equipment, and I'm about ready to call it quits for now.

Thank you for the feedback, here's my response in the same format as your post, i am looking into a lot of the problems that arose from your feedback; however, there's some stuff i slightly refuse to change though, so i'm sorry in that regard.

High-level feedback:

  • I removed speed growth cause i went with a similar gameplay factor from XCOM which gave you your units turns all at once depending on their racial speed and then enemies turns(again depending on their racial speed) which i had explained in my OP post previously before editing it out once i got more into editing stuff.

  • I found that level 75 just felt better in a way since Speed wasn't a problem anymore since it's capped for all races/monsters, and base stats felt balanced around this level.

  • This was a huge risk at wanting to make every ability a chance to be used since everything required MP and debuff skills got slightly better in this mod since they also did damage and debuffed with a higher % chance to apply on target, and it just felt overpowering in Vanilla to have a Parivir spam their Blade moves free of charge against targets with Strike Back and Reflex which was just not right.

  • I left MP Turbo in the game to see if players would eventually abuse it and it seems i was correct anyways, i plan on removing it from player use and leaving it as a ability for a Special Unit that i plan on adding into the mod later on, i don't plan on removing MP costs from abilities so that's kind of out the window.

  • I plan on reviewing the removed Passives/Reaction abilities to bring them back, but onto races that seem to lack in them since Humes, Bangaas', Grias', and Moogles currently have a good set of passives and reactions.

  • I really like the Quicken % function, but yes it can be really broken, i just wish there was a way to mod it in the game where Quicken status can be capped for a unit per turn so it doesn't end up like that.

Job-specific feedback:

    Main characters:
    • Luso/Tactician: Luso's job is supposed to be the only job that players would want to keep him as which is why it has a lot of utility, and abilities based around helping his team, when he's by himself that's where his Ignis, Arcs, els' abilities come into play, His job is a combination of the Tactician/Grand Master class from Fire Emblem, a word combination of the Commander from XCOM in how the "commander" is the one that makes the decisions for their troops which is the team buffing the job has, Rally abilities are a reference to Fire Emblem's "Rally" skills that you can use to buff a unit for a attack turn, and Ultima is a slight reference to Ramza but with ice added onto it.

    • Adelle: I might look into making Dual Wield onto a Heritor Weapon along with smoothing out access to said passive >, MP Turbo...., Books are "One-handed Weapons"; however, you can't dual wield them, even in vanilla you can't dual wield them either.

    • Cid: I felt Immunity and Bangaa looked good together since they're supposed to be resistant to debuffs in a way, i'll probably look into doing other changes for Cid.

    • Hurdy: There's a need for a reaction ability, just when you need it is a chance.

    • Vaan: Seems alright, Oh that's probably because i'm trying to make other stuff for him in the mod that isn't released yet....

    • Penelo: MP Turbo will be moved around...

    • Taoru/Hammerknight: I'm still trying to make the special job class at a good point of balance, but yeah i'm currently trying out more damage options and a change of debuffs for it since Raptor has some of the more popular debuffs and Alchemist is alright atm.

    • Frimelda: Idk what to say about this, but Strikeback was just a "One on One" thing i had in mind since Swordmasters and Samurai's tend to not get hit in these scenarios...

    • Al-Cid, Montblanc: I can understand Al-Cid...., but Montblanc...?

    • Soldier: I think i made this job at a good spot, thank you.

    • Thief: TBH, me personally i still found this job lackluster...., but it feels slightly better as a secondary set of abilities since it's main focus is supposed to steal stuff and most primary jobs tend to be the power/magick side of focus...

    • Archer: I'm planning on changing the abilities to be different to the Viera counterparts.

    • Hunter: They didn't change that much besides needing their primary weapon for certain abilities...

    • Fighter: MP Turbo is being changed around, but yes Fighter seems to be more useful since Blitz is a better skill here than Vanilla... too good...., i was experimenting with Backdraft and it does that for some reason... still changing it though.

    • Ronin/Parivir: This was just a mixed bag of something i wanted to do, still fixing up on the job's abilities just don't know when i'll release the fixed stuff since it's FFTA2 a lot of something else tends to break..., and yeah this job primary focus is being a full on Glass Cannon so i'd understand why it has bad stat growths lol.

    • Duelist/Blue Mage: I found this balanced since Geomancy was pretty overkill in Vanilla since it'd rip through a unit's resistance and make them a potato..., and yes it's a glass cannon job as well with the Ronin, and the elemental hits do less cause it's not x2 dmg like Vanilla's.

    • Ninja: I'm planning on revamping them in a test build of the mod, and if it doesn't work i'm planning on scraping it into another Gria Job.

    • Magician: Magick Frenzy was too strong in Vanilla because of combos like Parivir/Seer, Illusionist/Seer, and Fighter/Seer.

    • Warrior: A job shouldn't be top tier, they should be more usefull in terms of player choice which is something i'm aiming for.

    • White Monk: I felt the job didn't need any changes, just minor buffs.

    • Gladiator: Blitz should be a main damage ability, i felt this job needed a decent magick growth stat since it has Elemental related abilities, but i could swipe them away and make the abilities still elemental but physical related.

    • Defender: Understandable; however, i did change the job in a way that's more party member reliant...

    • Dragoon: Oh that's cause Dragonheart uses "Raises" abilities traits, and since i have Raise set to "Full HP recover", it does that as well.

    • Bishop: Magick growth will be changed, along with some minor tweaks to it's abilities.

    • Templar: This job to me felt more being paired with the Defender since i wanted to make this job slightly similar to the Defender.

    • Master Monk: As long as the job is fine...

    • Cannoneer: I didn't change anything with this job, i felt it was ok, but i might change it later after more feedback.

    • Trickster: I might consider changing it's stat growths a bit, and add some tweaks to abilities.

    Nu Mou:

    • Illusionist: This job felt more inclined to the Nu Mous since their race's primary stat is Magick/Resistance.

    • Time Mage: I'm planning on changing this job altogether.

    • Scholar: I wanted to make jobs more seperate but still needing some sort of combos within, which is why really strong combos from Vanilla were nerfed or gutted cause of "weapon restrictions"

    • Cannon Mage: I plan on heavily reworking this job to be a fully Magick based Job for them along with more options in terms of Power and probably remove some primed needed abilities.

    • Fencer: This job is still a work in progress

    • Archer: Feels about right.

    • Sniper: I felt the poison ability needed to be 100% since in this mod debuffs and MP usage is a norm, and you need your ability to be worth it's use.

    • Blade Enchanter: MP Turbo is being changed...., and yes i wanted to try something different since Charm and anything Power raising in Vanilla is lackluster.

    • Witch: I didn't want to change it since it felt fine from Vanilla and Double-cast isn't as Broken as Magick Frenzy.

    • Elementalist: Same as Witch.

    • Summoner: Same as Witch, but yeah i reduced it's Magick growth a bit since it's abilities were mainly huge AOE and most AOE stuff is supposed to be lesser damage compared to Single target abilities.

    • Support Mage: Only it's name was changed and some minor tweaks to abilities.

    • Assassin: Didn't change much about this job.

    • Animist: This job did have some minor tweaks though.

    • Rogue: What exactly do you want in a Rogue/Thief job ability set, out of curiosity?

    • Brave Knight: Minor tweaks to a few abilities, but i do plan on changing Ultima onto something else.

    • Tinker: I never got around to changing this job since, yes i know it's a very bad job, but it has unique play-style from Vanilla, and i didn't know what to do to it, i do have some stuff written down on making this job better/different, but that'll take some time...

    • Juggler: Thank you, Smile Toss was very strong in Vanilla.

    • Flintlock: After doing the Prime thing with Cannon Mage, i'm planning on changing this entire job, it'll still be a ranged job, but without the Prime nonsense since "Your abilities with MP has to be worth using" kind of concept i have, if i change it to have something that doesn't fit as an upgrade from Fusilier, it'll be unlocked in a different job path.

    • Chocobo Knight: I felt this job needed all the abilities available since it couldn't use their secondary ability set.

    • Black Mage: Might be useless on Moogles, but it's still the best Job for Montblanc

    • Time Mage: Same comment as Nu Mou.

    • Hunter: This job was fine in Vanilla, it just has weapon restrictions.

    • Raptor: This job for Gria felt the most balanced job for them since their race is more oriented to STRENGTH and the abilities were fine in Vanilla, i just did minor tweaks to make them more useful for your MP usage.

    • Ravager: Relying on a broken passive/reaction setup makes for bad gameplay, just saying....

    • Geomancer: All about testing, i'll look into changing abilities and tweaks to this job.

    • Ranger: This job was great without Mirror Items, just players in Vanilla would rely on spamming Mirror X-Potion and Mirror Crystal for a lot of damage....

    • Berserker: I had a hard time trying to figure out a way to balance this job, you're free to post your idea for it.

    • Lanista: Same comment as Dragoon.

    • Viking: Some abilities got minor tweaks and it's water abilities got it's restrictions removed.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


Just started playing this morning, and while it's different, it's also fairly enjoyable now that I'm not dealing with The Yellow Wings; that fight took forever!  Only feedback is that I feel that early on, the MP costs are too restrictive, leaving you to be forcibly hit by Counters or proc Critical: Quickens, only for them to fully heal themselves using Quicken Potions. 

Yeah, it seems like every time an enemy uses an item, it gains Quicken.  1/4 chance of it is a bit too high; I'd understand if it was 1/10 (10%), but 1/4 (25%) is too high.  Hell, I took a chance with Cure (or whatever it was renamed as) to obtain a Magic Urn with my Nu Mou Black Mage in the one early mission with the Lamias.  It took 3 cures, and I got Quicken each time.  Honestly, if you lower the baseline cure spell to maybe 6 and remove the Quicken effect, as well as remove quicken from items, it'll be a lot fairer (for both sides).  Love the Phoenix Down changes (which I assume is based off of Raise), since you don't have to spend an item to revive an ally only for a random archer to snipe them from Quicken Boost into an attack.

Other than that, it's a really good romhack, and will probably continue to enjoy it.


Quote from: Zolias on December 11, 2018, 01:43:42 pm
Just started playing this morning, and while it's different, it's also fairly enjoyable now that I'm not dealing with The Yellow Wings; that fight took forever!  Only feedback is that I feel that early on, the MP costs are too restrictive, leaving you to be forcibly hit by Counters or proc Critical: Quickens, only for them to fully heal themselves using Quicken Potions. 

Yeah, it seems like every time an enemy uses an item, it gains Quicken.  1/4 chance of it is a bit too high; I'd understand if it was 1/10 (10%), but 1/4 (25%) is too high.  Hell, I took a chance with Cure (or whatever it was renamed as) to obtain a Magic Urn with my Nu Mou Black Mage in the one early mission with the Lamias.  It took 3 cures, and I got Quicken each time.  Honestly, if you lower the baseline cure spell to maybe 6 and remove the Quicken effect, as well as remove quicken from items, it'll be a lot fairer (for both sides).  Love the Phoenix Down changes (which I assume is based off of Raise), since you don't have to spend an item to revive an ally only for a random archer to snipe them from Quicken Boost into an attack.

Other than that, it's a really good romhack, and will probably continue to enjoy it.

I wish the quicken chance was editable to be 1/10 but the editor is fixed to be the 25%, 50%, 100%, and debuff % which could work essentially making the quicken chance on everything to random numbers% based on the specific job class's debuff resistance% which in turn might make a White Mage's quicken chance to be 21-30% and it can be much worse if Holy water was used on them to make their quicken chance to 5-11% is a bit messed up how debuff resistance works.... But yes if I could make quicken chance 10% I would've done it before lol.

I'm not planning to remove quicken off items atm, but I'll look into changing some stuff up with items.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


There's something else I noticed, as well; it's very easy to strengthen your team once you unlock the Auction Houses; you can set it up so it happens in Ashleaf, then spam Coppersun, Goldsun, and Silversun repeatable quests (specifically Wanted: Barmaid and Great Land Festival once you've trained your Moogle Thief into Gadgeteer enough to reach Juggler and MAYBE Reagent Run and Sun-Ripened Mayhem by Dispatch if your team is high enough) to build up CP.  While using the speed up function of Desmume, I managed to get 9999 CP in like 6 hours

Then you can get constant sources of Gil by selling the items you don't need from the Auctions (after becoming Region Master of Camoa, Gratzton and Moorabella).  Even in the main game, the Auctions half-ruined the game, but it's kinda put habitual into my brain to do them.

Rinse and repeat by going to Lezaford's house to sleep, and you've got a system to make the game easy.  Hell, I've gotten 2 White Robes, an Excalibur, a Mjolnir, a Ribbon, a Sage's Robe, and a few other amazing things solely from Auctions. 

Personally, I think auctions should rarely (5 - 10%) give good items like that, and ONLY as Grand Prizes, so if you're able to edit the prizes and chances of them appearing, I feel you should do so; otherwise, the Regional Master variant of the Auction Houses could be a veritable troublemaker for any FFTA2 romhack...


I actually like Luso and Hammerknight, the more abilities the better, I wish all classes were this plentiful :P


December 16, 2018, 09:37:58 am #250 Last Edit: June 08, 2019, 02:27:51 pm by Zeke_Aileron
Quote from: Zolias on December 12, 2018, 12:25:11 pm
There's something else I noticed, as well; it's very easy to strengthen your team once you unlock the Auction Houses; you can set it up so it happens in Ashleaf, then spam Coppersun, Goldsun, and Silversun repeatable quests (specifically Wanted: Barmaid and Great Land Festival once you've trained your Moogle Thief into Gadgeteer enough to reach Juggler and MAYBE Reagent Run and Sun-Ripened Mayhem by Dispatch if your team is high enough) to build up CP.  While using the speed up function of Desmume, I managed to get 9999 CP in like 6 hours

Then you can get constant sources of Gil by selling the items you don't need from the Auctions (after becoming Region Master of Camoa, Gratzton and Moorabella).  Even in the main game, the Auctions half-ruined the game, but it's kinda put habitual into my brain to do them.

Rinse and repeat by going to Lezaford's house to sleep, and you've got a system to make the game easy.  Hell, I've gotten 2 White Robes, an Excalibur, a Mjolnir, a Ribbon, a Sage's Robe, and a few other amazing things solely from Auctions. 

Personally, I think auctions should rarely (5 - 10%) give good items like that, and ONLY as Grand Prizes, so if you're able to edit the prizes and chances of them appearing, I feel you should do so; otherwise, the Regional Master variant of the Auction Houses could be a veritable troublemaker for any FFTA2 romhack...

The auction house is one of the things I'm planning to change since the equipment is easy to get that way by farming CP and spamming the resting area(s) consistently, so I'll most likely be changing the equipment to loot drops instead, that way the player can't cheese the auction house by getting the best equipment easily, and I'm trying to also find a way to make all bazaar created equipment to be single purchasable instead of infinite similar to the accessories you unlock in the shop that's single purchasable, so that way players have to focus more on loot farming to consistently create equipment in the shop instead of just selling their loot when they make the equipment available after one loot trade.

So pretty much you'll always have the default equipment in the shop regardless, but any equipment you trade loot in to unlock in the shop would be a one time purchase before requiring you to retrade the required loot again to reopen it in the shop.

Would that make the bazaar/shop system interesting?

Quote from: Madeen on December 16, 2018, 07:07:14 am
I actually like Luso and Hammerknight, the more abilities the better, I wish all classes were this plentiful :P

Thank you, I kinda wish there was more jobs slots to use other than the 4 unassigned ones that you have to hex edit to make into proper jobs.

For anyone to use: Gria's can use Grenades, Instruments, 2 Handed Hammers, 1 Handed Maces, and Books to which they don't originally have access to in Vanilla FFTA2, so if you wanted too you could possibly use these weapons within the 4 jobs Gria's have and rework them to get something interesting out of it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


June 08, 2019, 03:16:52 pm #251 Last Edit: July 22, 2019, 12:15:01 pm by Zeke_Aileron
Sorry for the lack of an update/progression since irl life/work has been getting in the way, atm this is the current changes in the build i'm working on for the update.

This is what will be in the next patch update when i'm able to:

  • Auction House giving Loot rewards instead of equipment.

  • Turbo MP being completely removed from Player use.

  • Adelle's Dual Wield passive ability will be locked behind a high tiered weapon from her unique job.

  • Al-Cid Hume recruited unit into another custom unit (Feedback on what the unit can/could be)

  • Quicken Chance on abilities will be decreased from 25% to 7%-12% based on Debuff Chance values which will be heavily tested on to make sure it works properly.

Here's something interesting that i want to hear from you guys considering some feedback for Ninja, Cannon Mage, Time Mage for both Moogle and Numou's.

First class is simple considering after alot of off testing Cannon Mage... Hand Cannons is great but with the amount of preparing cause of Prime skills and niche dmg range cause of Physical/Magick being together and the dmg always focused being Physical instead of Magick for some reason, i want to Keep Cannon Mage; However, I want to keep it with 9-10 Abilities and spread the rest of the abilities into the Nu-Mou's other Jobs, so this way i can fill in Time Mage with a full skill set without needing Haste/Hastaga/Quicken since those are removed from Player use in this mod, OR Use the rest of the ability set and make a completely new skill set for Time Mage(New Name if new Skill Set is made for both Moogles and Nu Mou's) so i can remove the entire Vanilla Time Mage Skill Set for this (Reason for this is cause most of the Time Mage skills affect Reaction Abilities like Critical:Quicken, Critical:Haste, etc)

If you guys want me to change Cannon Mage with just 9-10 Abilities, 8 new abilities for Time Mage replacement, and 3-4 new abilities spreaded into the other Nu Mou jobs.

For the Time Mage replacement it has to stay within what similar weapons that Moogles/No Mou's can use, the list for that is this:

Compatible Weapons
  • Rods

  • Staves

  • Poles

  • Knuckles

  • Instruments

  • Axes

  • Hammers/Maces

  • Cards

Other than that, just throw out some ideas on what you want to see if it works.

Ninja, after checking with revamping it and trying to make another Gria Job, i kind of decided to just let you guys decide for this, But here's the catch, you have to chose between these choices in the list below and if what ever seems good with you guys, i'll try making it into the Ninja Replacement.

  • Instruments, Singing, Non-Elemental Damage, Support

  • Knuckles, Damage focused, Non-Elemental Damage, Self Buffing, Cancelling

  • Axes, Darkness, Dark Damage, Self-Buffing, Self-Sacrificing, Self-Sustaining

  • Cards, Tricks, Illusions, Non-Elemental Damage, Bluffs, Wonders

  • Hammers, ? Elemental Damage, AOE focused, Self-Sustain

  • Keep the same(Scrap the idea and leave as is)

My overall proposal is seeing what you guys want to see for a new Time Mage and Ninja Replacements, and hopefully it'll fit into this mod, if i don't respond or reply immediately, don't worry i'm always looking on the forums whenever i can when i'm not working.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


I havent played this mod in a while, but I think I'll get back to it ... I vaguely remember I was happy with cannon mage, prime didnt bother me as the range makes up for it.

More feedback when I can actually remember stuffs lol.  But keep up the good work :)


just installed patch to play and despite few flaws I see You are wishing to fix in the future - it is great entertainment to work with :) 

Only uestion I got for now is to how learn Tactician skills? I am playing for a bit and I did not see single option to expand skillbook
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Luso learns new skills from different weapons: books, swords and even saber I think. The class name of his skills is "agent" though, not tactician.


Quote from: Madeen on August 13, 2019, 09:00:26 am
Luso learns new skills from different weapons: books, swords and even saber I think. The class name of his skills is "agent" though, not tactician.

Yes, I saw it few times - thank You very much for a quick answer :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


If I remember correctly, isn't Duelist supposed to be replacing Blue mage?The Fandom wiki says you only need one black mage A ability to unlock it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: JustYourAverageSnail


Quote from: Viriden on October 05, 2019, 01:18:33 pm
If I remember correctly, isn't Duelist supposed to be replacing Blue mage?The Fandom wiki says you only need one black mage A ability to unlock it.

The fandom wiki is based on the vanilla version of FFTA2, this is a mod that completely changes everything from Jobs, skills, animations, enemy formations, quests, boss fights, equipment, and units.

Also for Duelist you need 3 Fighter Abilities mastered.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: JustYourAverageSnail


Quote from: Viriden on October 05, 2019, 09:32:47 pm
thank you for the quick response!

You're welcome, plus enemy formations are also mixed up for more difficulty.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606