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Go play this.

Started by Celdia, March 20, 2011, 01:00:54 pm


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


March 20, 2011, 03:16:47 pm #1 Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 03:33:04 pm by philsov

Well, there goes my day.  Still can't seem to knock off any of the level 10 guys.

edit:  Woo hoo!  first victory with dwarf fighter and the miner god who granted 25% phy. res against. 
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


If you can find an altar to the god that loves killing and hates magic, he gives an ability that removes all enemies physical defense or some such. That with a Priest is fun as hell. Had an undead as the Boss on a map with those and I two-shotted him at level 5. It was ridiculous. ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Thanks, awesome addicting game xD

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Grrrr, I almost beat the first lvl 10 I encountered, but the game said that he took me with him as he died. grrrrr.

Oh well, there goes the next 400 hours of my life.
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My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


This is great.

How far are you guys? I beat normal with first tier classes and the Berserker.

-Warrior, Thief and Priest was easy. Wizard was difficult. Beserker was hard. Currently can't beat Normal as Rouge, Monk or Sorcerer. With the Rouge, I've actually gotten down to the last guy, but I just can't kill the guy. Going Halfing and abusing Health Potions helps, but it's just never enough to kill the guy maybe if I could take more than two hits before dying. Monk, I think I've just been unlucky with him. Sorcerer is just tough.


Oh, I'm not all that far. I've managed to win a few normal games with Warrior and Berserker, unlocking Warlord. Also beat it with Priest and got Monk. Tried the Snake Pit a few times and that is lol-tastic. I tried Halfling Rogue a few times last night and I was just too hasty every time. If I'd gotten any L10 other than a Meat Boy I would have beaten that. The chaos god (Jehura?) is pretty decent for a Thief but really only if you can get your hands on the random teleport spell early (+5 Piety per use).
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0




between all the 1st tiers on normal, plus easy clears with both rogue and berserker. 

Monk it pretty dicey with random boss selection -- the last two times I've wound up against high resistance bosses and I just can't win that sort of attrition. 

I love the sorcerer style but have yet to actually beat the level =\.

Medusa boss is my easiest, personally.  I can pummel her with fireballz and then manage to kill her before I get deathgazed.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


My current play style is to go all magic, using monk for extra resistances and extra regen with BLUDTOPOWAH from the blood mage.

I played for 9 hours straight and unlocked all the 3 tiers of classes, + the extra races 4 of the extra classes.

The hardest place for me so far is the factory; I can only beat it using the thief. Killing a Super meat man AND the iron man along with those animated armors is ridiculous.

I am so addicted it isn't funny; I played from 7pm until 4am this morning, got 2 hours of sleep, and then went to my math midterm... poor decision.

When I got home, I was so tired, I went into a dark room and turned on the light expecting my health and mana to come back. To my surprise, I remained tired. Damn you, realism!
-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Quote from: Gotwald on March 23, 2011, 02:46:19 pm
I am so addicted it isn't funny; I played from 7pm until 4am this morning, got 2 hours of sleep, and then went to my math midterm... poor decision.

Ahhh....  :ban:


Hahahahaha! Oh man....poor Gotty. This is what you get for not just playing more FF1.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Factory defeated with Wizard

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Dome on March 24, 2011, 08:00:00 am
Factory defeated with Wizard


I tried lvl maxing with a lvl 9 animated armor and BURNDAYRAZ but I still can't beat the iron man; I never get a good God to worship though.
-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Oh baby! I just beat the normal dungeon with everyone. It was just a matter of picking the right class and finding the right god.


Yay, I unlocked all of the classes/races! Wizard in Factory was the hardest challenge for me. Perhaps I'll go on to play ranked runs, or just play for fun? Who knows?


Assassin in the crypt sucks
Any hint?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Gnome assassin, start with burndayraz and the pathfinder, destroy IPHELSIK for mana-pots, and see if you can get GETINDARE. Buy the bonus XP, and then when you get enough Piety, get the bonus Mana. Win. If you can get BLUDTOPOWAH too, it is so much easier, but much more luck dependant.
-- Attention Citizens, this is the Computer. 2 + 2 now equals 3.9999238849009985. Please recalibrate your equipment.

My youtube Channel
My 1.3 Playthough (Complete)
My Final fantasy I Blind playthrough


Interesting. I always go Orc Assassin, because going up levels and exploiting assassinate is boss. Sorry, I don't remember much about how I beat it anymore, but I will tell how I beat Wizard in Factory though.

First off, go Human and do not worship MA. You need your melee and MA's anti magic-resistance boon just isn't worth the loss of your melee. Go in with the most money you can get to minimize exploring, and just to be able to buy anything you need. Unlock Orc/Tinkerer to help facilitate gold collection.

The biggest obstacle to victory is Super Meat Man. He takes a shitload of resources to take down, so beating him requires that you find the Flame, Blood and Poison spells early without exploring too much. Also, gain as much Max Mana as you can before you begin the assault. I recommend attacking SMM as soon as level 6. However, don't use any exploration to hurt him. Rather, just get as close to leveling up as possible, unload into him, then go level up. Then go from there. Do not use any potions against him. Tiles only.

The second biggest obstacle are the Magic Armors, but they can be your biggest asset, as you can use them to level up VERY quickly. Just find the Fire Spell, a level 8 or 9 Armor, then just unload into him, explore, and unload some more. For beating a level 8-9, you go up to level 6 for you trouble.

While you explore, constantly use your mana to attack magic armors and wear down their death protection. It's ideal to leave them with none, so that when you need a critical level up, all it takes is just one spell to wipe them out.

If you find the Death Protection Glyph, use it once, then convert it.

What god to worship? You can beat this as an atheist, in fact, that's how I beat it. I'm not going to go through all of them, but I will say this: Do not make the same mistake I consistently made and go out of your way to look for a god. You need tiles more than you need a god here. But if you can find one that suitable in your travels, then by all means.

Finally, Golems and the Golem Boss. Have a strong melee attack and the health spell is crucial here as trying to flame him to death is an awful idea. Convert the Poison Gylph. After beating SMM, you'll be short on resources, but hopefully, you'll still have plenty of potions. Get as close to leveling up as you can, then start going toe to toe.

Finally, it helps to have beaten Factory with three other characters so that you can have an additional shop that may give you something that may help you out.

In summary:

-Fire, Health, Poison and Blood are necessary

-Don't go out of your way for a god

-You need your melee

-Start with SMM and use tiles to heal


This game is super sweet. It needs to be on iPhone.
Current Projects:


April 04, 2011, 12:38:39 pm #19 Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:28:58 pm by Dokurider
Quote from: Cheetah on April 04, 2011, 01:50:33 am
This game is super sweet. It needs to be on iPhone.

Funny you should mention that. It is being developed as an app for the Iphone. So I heard.

Seeing that I've playing for awhile now, here are my thoughts on the classes and various gods.

I think he's one of the more well balanced classes. His extra exp per kill is his main strength, making for less effort for level gains and getting to Lvl 10 a cinch. This translates to having to use less resources, making for a easier boss fight. Then again, I think I might be giving extra exp too much credit. In that case, I think his Pit Fighter ability (death protection) needs to be upgraded. I suggest that he only gets death protection when he kills 10 enemies. If he loses it, he has to kill 10 more enemies to gain it back. That or he has to defeat an enemy stronger than him.

Too easy. His Survivor ability makes even the hardest dungeons a walk in the park. Three reasons. Firstly, the ability itself is currently OP. I suggest that Health Potions heal only half of what it currently gives out, and visa versa. Furthermore, both potions should not be able to heal both Mana Burn and Poison. You have it's corresponding cure to cure it. Secondly, it's just too plain easy to conserve potions with Stabber. Sure it's a classic Rouge ability, but it really does make it too easy to conserve potions, seeing that it can 1-2 shot most enemies. Thirdly, Survivor just doesn't fit in with the Rouge family. It's just too 'safe' and Tikki Tooki frowns on such unskilled tactics. I propose that Survivor with Hoarder become it's own class. Call it the Treasure Hunter. Add the ability to see items on the map and you got a one solid class. Meanwhile, Thieves keep Stabber and maybe gain the ability to steal from stores. It should be an option underneath 'buy'. If they fail, the store goes away. 50% success.

I think it's a pretty well balanced class. Go halfing, stock health potions, whack boss to a paste. But it doesn't seem to fit it's name though. I was expecting this class to be more God oriented. Maybe the next update can bring us such a class? Start out with an extra altar? Or the ability to follow multiple gods? Or the ability to renounce a god without consequence? Or being able to see altars on the map?

I think that the Fire spell is a little too expensive. I think it should only be 5 MP. The stone spell doesn't need to count as a kill, but it should definitely give some exp out.

Stronger Mageslay + Spellkill + Fearless????. Point is, I think Bloodlust is wasted on them. I have a better place for it to go.

Pretty good class. No complaints here.

Also a good class. No complaints here.

Currently, my favorite class. No complaining here either.

Death Protection spell should be cheaper. 8 MP?

Okay I guess. Sometimes it feels like, the Poison spell is wasted on them, but that's just a feeling I have.

Sucks. Power Hungry is great, but only Sanguine complements it and poorly I may add. The Blood Power Spell is wasted on them. Here's what I propose:

-Bloodmage loses Power Hungry, gains the ability to ignore magical resistances

-Power Hungry becomes it's own class, and comes with having the Fire Spell do more damage and having the Fire Spell automatically summoned at your feet.

Either way, Sanguine should only absorb blood pools when you are not at full HP.

Cheap especially when Binlor is around. Perhaps you can only gain [(2 * Level) * 5] HP when you destroy 5 walls? Piety should work in a similar fashion.

Lame. First off, Martyr is almost worthless because it only works if you can get the hit on the boss before you die, which 90% of the time, is a higher level than you, meaning that the boss is gonna hit you and kill you before can get that last hit in. I suggest that Martyr gain First Strike properties, so that it's not a complete joke. Fearless is worthless for them so I suggest chucking it for Bloodlust. Finally, Momentum should not break upon using the Fire Spell.

Gold gains from kills should increase with level, that's about it.


Half Dragon

The Fire Spell should be more expensive for them to cast. Like 8 HP to cast. Seriously, you can fuck some shit up with the Fire Spell.

Now for the Gods

First off, converting from gods should cost a lot less or preferable not have any cost at all. Actually, it would be nice if those converts didn't take up slots or at least so many. Like "Convert from X" to just "Convert". A lot of decent gods get weighed down with dealing with converts and can't offer any other boons.

First off, remove the ability to convert to Glowing Guardian because people only go to him late in the game. May not be necessary if consolidating all the converts into a single slot is done. Also change piety gain from destroying walls to 20 per 10 walls destroyed.

Having your level increased without level gain is just too much. I propose you are either poisoned, lose half your HP, or lose 5 or 20% of your max HP, whichever is higher, upon joining. I'd also recommend that the boons cost 5 Max HP or 20% of your max HP, whichever is higher, so that boons aren't chump change at higher levels and encourages joining at a lower level, making for riskier gameplay.

Sucks. Balls. Needs to completely revamped. I don't even want to spend any brain power even thinking about it.

Glowing Guardian
Again, would really benefit from consolidating those converts slots.

Jehora Jeheyu
Could probably benefit from better piety gain.

Mystera Annur
Needs. Better. Piety Gain. 2 piety for every cast and get rid of Faith boon. Also maybe get rid of the Tikki Tooki Convert.

Fine for He is an awesome God. We should all aspire to follow in His blandness. Now let us celebrate the fact that we exist. Amen.


Tikki Tooki
Forget about converting from Pactmaker for a better boon. Then reduce First Strike's cost down significantly. I consider Poison Strike a way better boon than First Strike, so it should be the ultimate boon.

New Class Ideas

Ranger - Comes with Glyph that delivers a physical attack that can't be retailated against that doesn't cost mana, but 8 gold. Basically an arrow. Complement it with a visible range extension and weakened Fire Spell for more gold spawning?

A class/race hybrid that can only live for X amount of moves.