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Messages - scbw1234

The Lion War / Re: The Lion War - FAQs
May 30, 2022, 03:39:44 am
Quote from: Elric on May 10, 2022, 08:32:38 pmIts not compatible with FFTC. This mod is way too large for it to be compatible with that.

But yes, you will get to play the most terrible translation of a game ever written in about a month or so, whenever I finish up TLWotL.
Is your new project TLWotL based on PSP version or PSX version?

PS: I think I can take the translation, what I find unbearable is actually the sound effect of PSP version, its a immersion breaker for me
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War - FAQs
May 10, 2022, 05:46:36 am
Is there any chance in the future you guys could give an option for implementing the WoTL translation? Or does this patch compatible with FFT Complete?
Quote from: lirmont on July 21, 2014, 05:03:19 pm
The setting for how many drop down items to show can be overridden easily enough in the code. I'll start working on the rest of the layouts now.

Thank you lirmont!I really appreciate the hard work you put into this!
Hey lirmont,how ya doing.

This is 483 from XP with window stretch to maximum.

This is the original 482 from Win7.

You see,the real problem lies in the scroll down capacity shown above.For example when i click on "formula",in XP i could only see from 01 to 08,but in Win7 i could see from 01 to 1E.

And not just that,also from the shop avalibility tab,Win7 shows more vertically while in XP its shows in horizontal which if the windows is not maximized,you would need to scroll from left to right to see it all,like the pic thats shown in your reply
Quote from: lirmont on July 09, 2014, 10:00:37 pm
The goal of the version I reconfigured wasn't to let you use the font you had (i.e. the problem font). The goal was to let you set Tahoma (i.e. the font it was designed for) in the theme so that it will look like it was designed to look. There are two problems: (1) the font and (2) the button size XP's button skins add to the really small, nearly absolutely positioned numeric up/down controls. The first issue causes overlaps like the "Effect:" over the combo box; this is the font's fault (i.e. temporarily switch to Tahoma in the theme). The second issue causes overlaps like when the numeric up/down controls would overlap each other (i.e. you could turn the theme to classic in XP which doesn't have those huge button skins, but the version I reconfigured turns that off just for the application).

Still no good.I change all the font to Tahoma,the layout is still messed up.
PSX FFT Hacking / Requesting 08 0C formula hacks
July 15, 2014, 11:26:41 am
08 from Dmg_F(MA*Y) to Dmg_F((MA+Y)*MA/2
0C from Heal_F(MA*Y) to Heal_F((MA+Y)*MA/2

PS:I should of post this in the help section,could someone move this for me please?
Say Holy elemental Cure 1 would heal more if strengthen.Is that possible?
Quote from: Xifanie on July 14, 2014, 09:49:39 pm
The opposite gender job could be unlocked using spillover JP I'm pretty sure... it's not exactly ideal though.
I'm guessing you want:
lvl4 bard unlocks new job
lvl4 dancer unlocks same new job
based on the unit's gender...

This would ideally require an ASM hack

Thats exactly what i'm asking,i guess my discription is not clear on the matter :( I'll give it a edit......

So normally you can never do that right?Do you mean that if i set job level requirement for both dancer and bard,the job could only be unlock via spillover JP?
If i want a job to require dancer or bard to reach certain level in patcher,what should i do?And if i set the requirement for both bard and dancer to reach certain level does that mean the job would be impossible to unlock?
Quote from: Toshiko on July 12, 2014, 11:42:19 pm
Usually if a hack isn't working properly, it does exactly what it sets out to do, while breaking 10 other things. So the class will have innate maintenance, but their head gear will be replaced with Phoenix Down in battle, or monsters can't move, or swords have 0 accuracy. Random crap like that. I don't know specially how this hack isn't working, but that sort of thing is what you expect with the disclaimer.

Thanks,that really saves alot of trouble testing.
which part wasn't working properly?The stats breaking cap or maintenance prevent stats breaking?
I've tried 4.83,but the problem still occur.I guess its not the font problem then.

Quote from: Toshiko on July 09, 2014, 03:17:06 am
In that case, I'll need to upload, since the other links appear dead, too. I'll do that in the morning; I'm up too late as it is. =_=

Thanks~ :oops: Good sleep
Quote from: Toshiko on July 08, 2014, 03:23:37 pm
Xebra is aimed at hardcore control freaks, and is not particularly friendly to new users, but psxjin and pcsxr (which are both extensive updates to the original pcsx) come with all required plugins. If you're familiar with ePSXe, you'll feel right at home. They both make use of any plugin compatible with ePSXe, but the plugins they come with are what you would most want to use.

I personally prefer pcsxr (the most stable version I recommend is here - don't get anything more recent than this) as it is easy to set up, has a very high compatibility, and its default hardware plugin has an awesome feature to reduce (sometimes remove entirely) the notorious polygon jitter from PlayStation games. FFT has no apparent jitter, so you won't see any improvement there, but it's very apparent on many other titles. See my topic on this here if you're interested.

Alot of testing you did there,awesome topic!

By the way,when i click the download link for the version you've mentioned,this occur:

QuoteSorry, the file you requested is not available.

Possible reasons include:

- File date limit has expired.
- File was not successfully uploaded.

It is not possible to restore the file. Please contact the uploader and ask them to upload the file again.
Quote from: Toshiko on July 08, 2014, 12:15:09 pm
Not as far as I've noticed. My expanded ISO hasn't given me any trouble in pcsxr, xebra, or psxjin. Granted, I haven't done extensive testing on xebra, but the other two I've tested on quite a lot without incident. I don't touch ePSXe because its compatibility with FFT is crap to begin with, along with a host of other problems and complaints I have with it.

I see. I was using ePSXe out of familiarity.never used the above three,are these EMU usable out of box like pSX 1.13?(without any plugins,settings and stuff)
I don't understand these two

QuoteNot moving and not acting bonus CT edit

Wasn't this editable in patcher?

QuoteReis formulas(Dragon hit only) becomes Monster Skill hit only

Does this not affect certain Job but affects RSM?Or does it makes a certain RSM to affect monster?kind of confused.
Quote from: lirmont on July 07, 2014, 07:22:52 pm

  • Open FFTPatcher to the window you're having trouble with.

  • Right-click somewhere empty on the desktop.

  • Select "Properties" from the context menu.

  • Select the "Appearance" tab.

  • Click the "Advanced" button.

  • Choose a different font and size until the program looks like you want it to (hit "OK" then "Apply"; NOTE: the program probably expects Tahoma 8pt).

  • Optional: Change the font back afterwards.

Windows Forms applications provide programmers with the ability to auto-size their components. In other words, were all the components a size that fit your personal choice of desktop font? Probably. Ideally, these auto-size components (like the numeric up and down controls) could increase in size and decrease in size without having to worry about their actual placement on a form; Windows Forms is designed to do that. However, those components have to actually be inside of a container that lays them out properly (based on new heights and widths). Instead, if the component is just anchored to the form, you'll see components start to overlap (like in the screenshots you posted). That's a problem with the application, but, rather than re-do the layout, you can just change the font to fall back to what the application expected your font to look like.

No matter what i do in the font option,i just can't get it right,could you show me your setting?
Quote from: Toshiko on July 07, 2014, 10:24:54 am
Honest question: what is your native language set to in XP? That sort of thing occasionally happens if it's set to Japanese or Korean, though I'm not sure what causes this specifically. Font settings shouldn't matter inside the program window, but region settings can.

Chinese :(
Quote from: lirmont on July 07, 2014, 09:55:59 am
The font is wide (i.e. change it in the theme to one that's less wide with less vertical spacing).

How do you change font setting WIN XP?
Quote from: Glain on July 07, 2014, 03:52:37 pm
The only weird thing I've ever noticed with the ISO expansion is that pSX will complain about reading beyond the end of a sector or somesuch in its command window when some battles load (deep dungeon maybe?), but there's no noticeable gameplay effect.

Does this happens to other emu like epsxe?