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Messages - Ethereal Embrace

Modifying abilities is really nice because anytime you have a broken ability, it can easily be changed to be less broken (usually by adding an MP cost, or outright reducing the damage). But as of yet, there are no tools that deal with passives and reactions. Truth be told, except for Turbo MP, I don't think any of them are broken, HOWEVER, the computer AI cannot dynamically interact with these passives and reactions, making them very broken in the process.

Which is to say, if a unit has Reflex, and the enemy just uses regular attack and misses. Sometimes, it will keep doing regular attack to that same unit. Sometimes multiple enemies will keep doing regular attack on him. This is not good as enemies are using up their crucial turns doing nothing.

Does anyone know any way to change or modify these types of things? I'm willing to learn, I just have no clue where to look.

If there is no way at the moment, then the only recourse is to simply remove the broken passives and reactions. The ones I'm looking at:
- Turbo MP (way too absurd in a game that starts with max MP, BUT it's fun to give this to enemies every now and then).
- Halve MP (this isn't broken until we get to the big boy spells like Ultima, Hastega, etc. One way to deal is to simply increase the MP cost of most spells and better abilities, but at the same time, doing so pressures characters to basically all have Halve MP as their passive as a lot of passives aren't amazing as they are).
- Strike Back
- Magick Evade (what were they thinking)
- Reflex (might keep this one, but I don't know)

Some thoughts on this would be like:
- What if Reflex just rose evasion by an extra 10 points?
- What if Magick Evade rose evasion from magick attacks by 20?
- I don't think you can really balance Turbo MP
- Halve MP is not egregious, but in a game where almost every move costs a significant amount of MP, it feels extremely good.

Other thoughts:
- Counter Magick is problematic as you use full MP cost to activate this, despite only targeting one person. This can be a problem as what if that MP cost is so high that you are unable to perform wanted actions in the next turn? My idea is to either reduce MP cost to half or completely remove MP cost but reduce damage by 1/2.
- One of the problems with removing these abilities is that the game already feels very strapped for unique and interest passives and reactions. Removing these abilities will continue to exasperate that feeling. Counter is the most perfect idea of a reaction ability of all time, however, the game would be boring and stale if every enemy had it.

Being able to making new Action ability effects and parameters, Reactions, and Passives would be a goal but not completely necessary.

Other abilities:
- Doublehand and Charged Attacks are way too weak (+8 ATK)
- Concentrate only boosts accuracy by 5%. This is an overcorrection as in FFTA, it boosts by 20%. I think 10% is a very good compromise.

Clan Privileges:
- I actually don't know too many clan privileges but there is a clan privilege that halves MP, which stacks with Halve MP. Naturally, the only recourse I can think of is to get rid of that privilege.

Does anyone know how I can do that? Keep that privilege from being available to players.

- Bonus AP privileges are really good, however, I've found that I basically do not use any privilege but this one. In a game where privileges are basically required to use, I feel like being very pressured into basically only using these privileges is bad design. So I'm strongly considering getting rid of these abilities.
- It's with that in mind, that I would like to know, is there any way to modify the amount of AP received in a normal mission success? I know it's 80 per story mission, and 30 for anything else. Can I make it 100/50 instead?

If not, that's fine. I can simply adjust the AP needed for every action ability (not passive or reaction abilities though, as I don't know how to modify them, but those don't really need to be changed at all).

EXP Gain:

Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, but I wanted to know if there was a way to reduce the max amount of EXP gained per mission. I know it's 60+bonus EXP, I wanted to reduce it to either 35 or 40 per mission as I decided I wanted to reduce the level cap to 50 (or 51).


Ultima moves are really broken, so I think removing them is a good option.

Alternatively, right now, it's power 95 with 3x damage output (this means that it's generally doing 200 damage with a character with low Magick stat).
I was thinking that power 50 with 2x damage and 2x accuracy is a good compromise. Shouldn't 1-shot everything in sight, but still very good. Should probably have some other drawbacks as well.

So yeah, lots of questions, not all are technical or hacking, just what are your thoughts on some of these topics? Is Halve MP not completely OP? Is Ultima worth keeping? Do you think Bonus AP is bad game design?
I tried it out, first by making a spreadsheet recording each of the values of every skill I wanted to modify (just went down the list), and then moved around some key values, particularly the "animation" ones.

There's a lot you can do with these things.

Worth noting is that some animations DO NOT WORK with multiple targets, other animations can work with multiple targets but the animation only happens ones, and then the regular is some animations work with multiple targets and the animation occurs once per person.

Some animations have multiple colors, but generally just enough colors for every relevant version.
I recall that there was a tool for modifying animations but I had no idea how to use it. Does anyone know where to find it and any specifics that can help? I already have a text editor so I can use that for the text, I just would like to know how to make new moves for unique classes instead of simply giving classes moves that other classes/races have.

Don't know how to change MP recovery into a percentage, but they discuss how to change it into a different integer than 10 here:

I personally made the choice to let characters start with Max MP and recover 3 MP per turn.
My ideal system would have been starting with 50% Max MP and recover 5 MP per turn but I don't know how to do that.
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Nightmare Bug?
August 04, 2022, 12:07:53 am
This is happening to all the equipment that give skills to special classes, they just show up as "Soldier" even though the skillset hex number should be correct, and they do all properly have those skills in the skillset, and the race AP hex value needed to learn it as well.

I do have a workaround for it, but I would like for them to work as normal. Does anyone have any idea why this might happen? This has happened to me before when using the Nightmare editor in the past, but I don't remember how I handled it then.
This worked, thanks!
I don't know if this is happening specifically because of my computer/OS or whatever, but any time I try to do anything regarding the Warrior's skillset called "Arts of War", it will instantly and immediately go back to the Soldier's skillset of the same name. This means I cannot make any changes to Warrior skills or even add those skills to a random unit in the formations tab.

What should I do?
Tried changing the beastmaster control skills into something different and it didn't seem to work?

Not sure what to do about that. Would really like for them to just have any skill that isn't only controlling monsters.
This is very useful stuff, thanks! Let us know if you have any updates on this.

Do you know which unknown deals with displaying damage dealt or healed, like say you were turning Steal Gil into Mug Gil instead. When using the ability editor, the damage is correctly dealt, but isn't displayed iirc.
Lennart found the offsets to modify to make it so that, like in FFTA, you start with Max MP instead of with 0 MP here:


There are many pros and cons between the two different MP systems. The one in FFTA made MP growth an incredibly important stat. Whereas the one in FFTA2 made MP growth almost useless past the first few levels, as no mage would ever need to have more than ~40 to ~60 current MP at a given time. And even when you have excess MP, it is very difficult to use it all up, even if you wanted to.

I was wondering if there was a way to instead of starting a battle with Max MP, you would instead start with 1/2 or even 1/4 of your Max MP and recover ~5 MP per turn - making a system that has aspects of both FFTA and FFTA2. You can start the battle with some stronger spells, won't be able to simply spam Ultima 3 turns in a row (provided you adjust the MP growth and MP costs of the classes/skills), and still have some MP to gain should you choose not to cast any spell for a few turns.

If anyone could help, or provide some input on this idea, that would be greatly appreciated!
Meant to respond to this post and not that other one.

For FFTA2, this should work using a hex editor:

Help! / Re: How does one change the level cap?
July 08, 2022, 09:48:45 pm
If you're asking about FFTA2, this should work (get a hex editor, of course):

^i considered that, but added together it's still an extremely weak damage reduction amount. I'm talking reducing damage by ~10-25 when having BOTH. it's honestly pathetic.
Protect and Shell (and Defend!) are extremely weak in FFTA2. Does anyone know how to modify their values? Or really, what the address is to modify said buffs?
Hmm, this may or may not have something to do with this being an old computer, but the .jar file just asks me to extract more files and that's it. When I try to run it through java, it tells me that
"data\job.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)"
So I downloaded this and it seems like I have all the files but there's no application for it. Does this require the nightmare or some other outside tool like some of the others have??
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: Text Editing with WindHex
October 27, 2015, 01:29:57 pm
My current biggest issue with my game is that I can't edit text. So I hope I'll be able to figure this out.
Ugh I feel so dumb, I know how (I used it in the past) nightmare and the modules work, but I can't see to find the application to even use it...
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: FFTA hacking requests
July 04, 2015, 09:41:33 pm
just curious, did anyone ever figure out how to buff doublehand?
Just a request of mine for this thing:
- Did anyone ever figure out what's up with Equip Shields? Like everything else works fine (except maybe Ribbon, last I checked) but not Shields. Also got to a Shield and press Select to see which jobs can equip them, the list matches what the AIO editor does, but those added jobs actually cannot equip them, despite the list saying so.

And here's a tertiary question that may or may not have to do with this:
- Do innate (Support/Reaction) abilities exist in this game? And are we able to work with them?
As far as I know, they don't with the notable exception of Alchemist, which has a very bizarre and very unique innate ability.