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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm

The Damned

(Hey, I actually fulfilled a promise for once, this time of getting something up before midnight my time. Surely the apocalypse is nigh.


I figure I might as well do this before I get my last three or four miles in before it gets any damn later. So much for avoiding "curb-stomps":

1. FFT ARENA 1.38d - Dokurider (Missionaries from Heaven) vs. Barren (Hero Lancers) [7:57]

And since it would apparently kill Dokurider to not be for people to see his punny names for matches, I'll just post this list that...seems to be missing one now that I noticed. Hmm....:

1. Betting on Shaky Ground
2. Blood in the Dance Pool
3. Shielded Targets
5. Wavering Chastity [Done]
6. Edible Darkness
7. Hurts to Sleep
8. The Flailing of Hunted Monsters
9. Warping from Ragnarok
10. Not With The Zombies! That's Just Gross!
11. Whose Sending Who?
12. Auto Potion, Equip Shield, Move MP Up
13. The Knight With The Machine Gun
14. Wizard Duel

First and foremost, thanks Otabo and GG reinoe. I was expecting to get my ass kicked, again, since I tend to get murdered by Lore-based teams. I was nice to see Silence Song finally work out [and stick] for once since that was basically the only thing that allowed my team to win at all.

I swear, that Double Counter Magick would be the first one to ever go off and not be one of many teams I have that absorb the element they're using, against Faith Rods no less. Oh well. I suppose it's nice to see Counter Magick actually being useful for once, so meh. I shook my head more at someone on the team, the Samurai, finally using Zombie at all...only for it to not matter at all since everyone then got brutally murdered. Sigh. Pacifism really needs less options so it can be more focused.

Oh, and to answer your questions, reinoe, no, this makes Pacifism 1-1 since Jumza destroyed me as he has tended to do since his arrival. Also, yeah, as high up as Haste is, it tends to get trumped by Lore. Although I really don't know why the AI was using Mace of Zeus to heal when she could have just kept "spamming" Thunder Flare while she has the MP. Shrug.

As horrible as DarkxFatal's luck was through most of the first round, I feel like he was mostly able to solely because this Priest mainly stayed up and was the main damage dealer against Barren's team. Meanwhile, Barren's own Priest got somewhat distracted with mostly useless Bad Luck attempts instead of staying back and resurrecting the Monk, who does quite a bit of damage; it's still somewhat amusing that as much as most of probably whored Two Swords Monk in vanilla, they are a nigh-extinct creature in ARENA.

Not much to say about the second round. That was just a rout, complete with Seal Evil actually hitting for once and appropriately hitting the round after all the other matches its failed hideously in.

Also, reinoe, Dokurider informed that your Machine Gunner team has no palettes. He set your colors to the "ugliest combination he could think of", which is apparently White/Yellow. I'm...not sure how to feel about that on multiple levels, but please fix that whenever you can.

Everyone thank Dokurider (& Barren & Otabo) again for allowing me to torment you guys my shoddy editing. I'll probably get up two or three videos tomorrow. Not sure after that.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


April 03, 2013, 05:06:53 am #2181 Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 05:16:04 am by Dokurider
First off Damned, Danke for not only using the music I wanted, but being so prompt about it. Secondly, I was surprised how easily my team took offensive control of the match. I attribute it the most to Stone Gun taking off half of any of those Lancers' health per shot. He was very effective in curtailing Barren's attempts at Sandbagging. I don't think Barren was fast enough to sandbag against the AoE I was constantly throwing at him, not with Item. But I think the biggest problem Barren's Lancers were having was that they simply could not align their Jumps against me because I was too slow for them to charge their jumps after I've acted. Losing their exclusive ranged offense, they were helpless to stop me from hammering them at a range. Ironically, Stone Gun's Initial Petrify helped exacerbate this effect.

Jump can really suck sometimes. You can't really put your Jumping Unit at 8 Speed like you would do with a typical mage because then the CT of your Jump would be 7 CT, the same CT as Flare. Any faster and you can't Jump on 8 Speed Units until desync occurs. Only when you're up against faster teams is when Jump can be done. Of course, you can also be like my Peking Dragon's Flying Dragon and be a 15 speed monstrosity.

Anyways, good to have you back recording videos, Otabo. I'll start recording videos again when I get my new computer.

And no, it was I that missed a match title between Angelus and FDC. I'll call it, Suppression of Inflammatory and Revolutionary Ideas.


And since it would apparently kill Dokurider to not be for people to see his punny names for matches, I'll just post this list...

From now on we must see the battle names!

Also, reinoe, Dokurider informed that your Machine Gunner team has no palettes. He set your colors to the "ugliest combination he could think of", which is apparently White/Yellow. I'm...not sure how to feel about that on multiple levels, but please fix that whenever you can.

So of course that means I'm going to just leave that as my palette.  But I'll invert it to Yellow/White and say I meant to have those colors all along.
My dreams can come true!


I know my teams haven't been doing good lately. Perhaps this is just a phase where I'm getting broken down to where I can be built back up. Up and down in other words. I'll think of ways to correct my silly errors on some of my teams that didn't do so well (i.e. annoyance and hero lancers) or was it just bad luck?

Eh well GG to you Doku and DarkxFatal.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?

The Damned

(Gods, I am such a lazy ass.)

So, we'll see if I get around to posting up two more videos before tonight is over between only waking up like two hours ago and having to go to the store and for my walk, but here's one at least:

1. FFT ARENA 1.38d - Dragonblade (Zombie Sweeping) vs. Dokurider (Missionaries from Heaven) [23:17]

If I get around to posting them tonight, then it will be TrueLight vs. myself and Otabo's Target Practice vs. Dokurider's Shield Maidens since TrueLight and Otabo's teams didn't get to fight on the last memory card to my incompetence; I swear, I miss the Move=0 and Iron Boots so easily unless I'm actively looking for them.

If not, then I'll just try to do that before I leave tomorrow--if I get to leave, considering what happened Monday & Tuesday--since I'm not going to be around on Thursday otherwise. Similarly, I won't be posting any videos at all on Friday probably since I finally, finally want to update both my patch threads, which I've finally made a lot of progress in (idea-wise).

I'll probably post something over the weekend, if only likely Raven's video since I expect that to take the longest.

Quote from: Barren on April 03, 2013, 09:10:01 am
I know my teams haven't been doing good lately. Perhaps this is just a phase where I'm getting broken down to where I can be built back up. Up and down in other words. I'll think of ways to correct my silly errors on some of my teams that didn't do so well (i.e. annoyance and hero lancers) or was it just bad luck?

Eh well GG to you Doku and DarkxFatal.

Meh, it seems more like bad luck since I'm pretty sure you still have one of the better overall records and it happens. Hell, TrueLight just got destroyed by the RNG machine and your Lancers, Stone Gunner aside, decided to pretty much block nothing else despite having shields and thus M-EV (which the majority of teams still lack).

I figure one of your other matches on my memory card will go more evenly.

It helps that Missionaries from Heaven seems pretty damn strong for the most part as well.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


April 03, 2013, 10:24:26 pm #2185 Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 10:55:48 pm by reinoe
Quote from: The Damned on April 03, 2013, 08:34:20 pm
(Gods, I am such a lazy ass.)

So, we'll see if I get around to posting up two more videos before tonight is over between only waking up like two hours ago and having to go to the store and for my walk, but here's one at least:

1. FFT ARENA 1.38d - Dragonblade (Zombie Sweeping) vs. Dokurider (Missionaries from Heaven) [23:17]

So Dokurider picked out these matcches?  Even though D.R. went 2-0 it wasn't actually a slaughter.  But the Paladin on Dragonblade's team was definitely MVP.  Stone Gunner on D.R. team was just hitting too hard.  Also Looks like DragonBlade needed more sandbag power.  I'm starting to believe that three units with the ability to raise is mandatory.

I did want to make sure I pointed this out: at 20:46 Geomancer hits the Paladin with Koutetsu Draw Out even though there's a Height 4 difference.

The critical ninja didn't inch forward to grab the two crystals like I thought it would.  Instead the Ninja sat in the corner and cried about his dead friends instead of avenging their deaths.  I guess the A.I. has always been wonky.

My dreams can come true!


I don't consider having Nurse on my Dancing Paladin a oversight, because it's gotta survive somehow and usually, it gets Regen from Masamune. But it could use Platina Helmet though to stop Kiyomori loops. I suppose Poison immunity is more important than having a Kagesougi proc Don't Act on her and letting the enemy Ninja run wild all over her face or stray Blackmail. Maybe, I think it's pretty close actually. But I think the real problem is that I don't have more units taking advantage of Falling Leaves' durability. I think I need another Cursed Unit. It might be another clone of Flying Dragon or it might just Smiling Tiger + Cursed Ring. In fact, Smiling Tiger used to be exactly that. All I really did was remove Cursed Ring from her current build. I might touch up that Chemist too, or at least give him Romanda Gun instead.

I also think CT5Holy's criticisms of your Ninja with Kiyomori is pretty valid. He's just wasting turns doing that when the rest of his team is already doing that, not to mention Kagesougi could Blind anyways.

Yeah I had my fun. It's time to change Panty back to an Archer again. Other than that, I don't think there's too much I could have done to prevail. I need to take damage from Shadow Shade to build up PA, so gg reinoe.


Quote from: Barren on April 04, 2013, 09:22:53 pm
FFT Arena 1.38d - DarkxFatal (Zephyr Squad) vs Reks (Monster Hunters)

FFT Arena 1.38d - Otabo (Shroom Squad) vs Barren (Ragnarok)

FFT Arena 1.38d - RavenOfRazgriz (Rave Masters) vs The Damned (Save The Last Dance)

FFT Arena 1.38d - reinoe (Circuitfried) vs Dokurider (Missionaries from Heaven)

The A.I. was behaving in rare form for this one.  HyperRegular competence was in full force.  In match one the Summoner tried to proactively us Spell Absorb, which theoretically can be devastating since it drains a ton of MP.  Too bad it missed and wouldn't have made a difference, but the effort was noticable.  Also one of the Archers pro-actively healing blind instead of waiting for most of the match.  The A.I. rarely acts that rationally.  Also the RNG decided that Darkx hadn't paid proper tribute and cause most of his actions to miss.

In match 2: The RNG once again to prove to be a selfish and fickle mistress as she causes most of Darkx's actions to miss again.  As Barren mentioned it's unfortunate that the Summoner decided to use Lich to try and hit 2 people(and it missed on both units) instead of trying to raise the Thief.  Given Dark x's luck the Fairy probably would have missed anyway.  Also we see why Wish needs to be range 3 when the Paladin Kills two units.  Darkx's Thief was exceptionally useless.  I don't think he would have been relevant even if he didn't get killed so quickly, which may explain why the Summoner didn't raise him.

Dark X, didn't really have much of a chance since The Paladin and Geomancer were hitting so hard.

The Slow2/Haste2 combination was particularly effective.  I think the sequence that happens at 8:54 sums up both matches perfectly.

Barren's archer hits for 200
Otabo's Archer tries to hit for 194 but misses.
By coincidence, Otabo's archer is now in range so that the Paladin can hit two units with Grand Cross. Otabo's samurai blocks the shot, but really it didn't matter at that point.

I was very interested to see Rave Masters battle again since their loss against Do Not Disturb several months ago.  Rave masters quickly won the first match but TheDamned made a powerful comeback in match 2.  I was surprised at how Raven was able to win match 3 with minimal resistance.

The Geomancer and Mediator were able to hold out due to massive healing.  If the Geomancer hadn't separated from the Mediator she could have focused on healing and the Mediator could have focused on shooting my units.  Also I'm going to revamp to the team some in order to differentiate it from Short Circuit.

My dreams can come true!


I'd unintentionally forgot about Blind when making SnS. Then in the tests, the archers got rid of it with Antidote nearly every chance they got, so it didn't seem like a huge deal at the time, dispite the risk of it not being cured and him missing often.

As for Bowgun, it's hard for someone who hasn't played Monster Hunter to get completely why I called a unit Bowgun then gave him a gun instead. Well, in MH bowguns are effectively crossbow/gun mixes, in that they have the appearances of crossbows (most do, anyway), but fire shells and projectiles like guns do.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Things worked out better than expected and the RNG didn't want me dead. I reason I had Kiyomori on my Ninja was because I had the extra JP. Also, there are those rare moments when he might become useless, whether it's Blind or Weapon Break. I'll probably take it off since he prefers slashes over Draw Out. GG Dokurider. 
  • Modding version: PSX


...:/ For a hastily made team, it sure did a ton of damage.
Not much to say, other than Zephyr Squad is now a bunch of blind people now.
GG/GF Reks

........Totally forgot about Iron Boots.
And about that Break that my Archer used, it was a Weapon Break.
..And Lain did his job well. Course, I could probably do better with giving him Item and Pheonix Down at least.
(and nice commentary, this was the first video of yours I watched)
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


Quote from: DarkxFatal on April 05, 2013, 01:48:08 pm

...:/ For a hastily made team, it sure did a ton of damage.
Not much to say, other than Zephyr Squad is now a bunch of blind people now.
GG/GF Reks

Well, hastily made as in time taken to make it. I DID have an overall idea of what I wanted beforehand.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


CT5's Cruel Concoction vs Barren's High Risk, High Reward)

May or may not continue to be a selfish jerk and upload vids of my newest team, we'll see.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Quote from: CT5Holy on April 07, 2013, 04:23:03 am
CT5's Cruel Concoction vs Barren's High Risk, High Reward)

May or may not continue to be a selfish jerk and upload vids of my newest team, we'll see.

I won't complain....

If you use one of my teams as well ^^. Nah, kidding. I really don't mind.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Exhilarating match, CT5Holy.
Despite the flaws you pointed out with your Paladin, CT5, that was a fairly even match. However, after a proper retuning, that Cursed Paladin would have tilted the match up to your favor. Then again, Two Handed Kat Thieves are never to be underestimated, especially when armed with Quickening.

And as for match ups:
Quote from: meTeams to be prioritized on making videos: Ultimate Magic, Peking Dragon Company, Secret Krieg, Mana Missile Matrix, and maybe Missionaries from Heaven. In particular, I'm looking at Peking Dragon and 3M matches to look at Reraise spam.

The Damned

(Pardon my "French" preemptively, but fuck this weekend.)

Anyway, my avatar "tag" preemptively taking care of my unreliability, everything is finally uploaded and accounted for. That actually wasn't the difficult part of things. Let's just say I've been feeling even worse than usual and that the past couple of days have been even more unproductive than usual, among other things I'm not going to get into.

Regardless, videos are up now:

1. FFT ARENA 1.38d - TrueLight (Bloody Lance) vs. The Damned (Dance Water, Dance!) [17:25]

2. FFT ARENA 1.38d - Otabo (Target Practice) vs. Dokurider (Magic Shield Maidens) [8:09]

3. FFT ARENA 1.38d - Otabo (Target Practice) vs. Dokurider (Magic Shield Maidens) Bonus [3:11]

--Space Jam remixes start here--

4. FFT ARENA 1.38d - Otabo (Target Practice) vs. Dokurider (Magic Shield Maidens) Bonus II [7:19]

5. FFT ARENA 1.38d - formerdeathcorps (Deadbolt) vs. RavenOfRazgriz (Y U SO DERP) [18:09]

6. FFT ARENA 1.38d - formerdeathcorps (Deadbolt) vs. RavenOfRazgriz (Y U SO DERP) Bonus [2:54]

I'll continue to be lazy about commenting on previous matches though, partly because I'm just not in the mood and partly because I don't want to make people wait longer; that and I haven't had the chance to watch any of CT5Holy's last three matches yet. Now, before I go off and probably brutally kill...something, I'll just say three things:

1. The next series of matches will probably formerdeathcorps's other match, Dokurider's last match and xyzqwv's match against Jumza. Other than that, I'm not sure about the order other than the fact that I'll be doing my other two matches last.

2. I'll probably be trying to finish this entire memory card before next Friday, partly because I'm not sure if I'll be around next weekend but also because I still have patch stuff and other stuff to work on. With any luck that will actually be possible, even if me getting "lucky" with regards to anything is less likely than me spontaneously combusting.

3. DarkxFatal, please PM me your Shadow's Call team's stats. I didn't save it before you updated it, even though I should have. If you don't have it, then that's fine. It's my fault after all (like always).

"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


That match had me very excited. Your team CT5Holy is not to be taken lightly by any means. My HRHR team was indeed effective. I've thought of some changes but I'll consider it later. Again the reason why its called High Rish High Reward because I'm using the RNG to determine my luck strategy if it works for me or not. GG CT5Holy. That was a awesome match
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?