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Official Mark Ideas Thread

Started by 3lric, May 08, 2013, 02:39:29 am


May 08, 2013, 02:39:29 am Last Edit: June 10, 2016, 05:27:42 am by Elric
This will be the thread we use for Mark Ideas from now on.

If you Posted in the other thread please repost here and follow this layout:
[b][size=16pt]YOUR MARK NAME HERE[/size][/b][hr]

[size=14pt]Difficulty:[/size]DIFFICULTY HERE

[size=14pt]Location:[/size]LOCATION HERE

[size=14pt]Enemies:[/size]ENEMIES HERE

Remember, none of these are guaranteed to be used. AND keep in mind that Rewards all ALL subject to change, many people have
posted great ideas and reward ideas, however due to what is/isn't possible and what is/isn't already decided weapon/armor wise
a lot of these will have to be modified if they do get used.

Mamma Chocobo


Mandalia Plains

1x Mamma Chocobo
Sprite: Chocobo (Double sized if possible)
Skills: Heavily based on reviving and healing

4x Chocobos
Sprite: Chocobo
Skills: Normal

Goblin Chieftain


Thieve's Fort

1x Goblin Chieftain
Sprite: Goblin, unique palette
Skills: Martial Arts and stealing

3x Goblins
Sprite: Goblin
Skills: Normal



Doguola Pass

1x Shinryu
Sprite: Dragon, white palette?
Skills: All kinds of breaths, strong physical attacks


Hard-Very Hard

Bariaus Valley

1x Cthulhu
Sprite: Mindflayer, dark green palette
Skills: Based on madness and insanity, and maybe devouring

King Behemoth


Bariaus Hill

1x Behemoth King
Sprite: Uses Converted Devil sprite from Makai Kingdom, Mav made a port,
           but the walking frames need fixing still.
Skills: Meant to be a tank, with more powerful versions of Behemoth skills.

4x Behemoth's
Sprite: Behemoth
Skills: Normal



Zeklaus Desert

1x Thextera, 7x Red Panthers
Sprite: Uses a Coeurl or Vampire sprite.
Skills: Utilizes speed and buffs its allies. Haste, Protect, Shell, Regen, etc.



Yuguo Woods

1x Carrot, 5x Malboro
Sprite: Uses Great Malboro sprite.
Skills: Standard Malboro skills, Bio skills, and Seed Dispersal (fully revives/heals all Malboros)

The Summonce

Idea with this one is that the summoner calls powerful
spirits in an attempt to build an army. Ramza has to stop him.

Hard-Very Hard

Bervernia Volcano

1x Summoner
Sprite: Summoner
Skillset: Normal
Notes: ??? stats

5x Robed Skeletons
Sprite Skeleton
Skillset: Normal

The Pack


Yuguo Woods

1x Wolf Knight (the pack leader)
Sprite: Wolf Knight
Skills: Heavily based on offense and stat debuffs

2x Werewolf
Sprite: Werewolf (the black and red one)
Skills: Normal

3x Wolf
Sprite: the white wolf sprite :D
Skills: Normal

The Haunting


Poeskas Lake

1x Behemoth King
Sprite: Young Boy, Skeleton
Skills: Young boy isn't present in battle. Skeleton should be quite strong.

1x Skeleton
Sprite: the Bald skeleton sprite.
Skills: Normal

Rumor is about someone seeing a skeleton scaring people off at the above location.

Player arrives at location to find a child scaring people with a "fake" skeleton
that he built from parts/bones he found in the area.

The skeleton comes to life stating that the child will pay for desecrating his corpse.

Player has a choice.

Choice 1. Rescue the child.
Player throws a rock at the back of the skeletons head, as he turns around, the child runs off the screen.
Battle ensues. After defeating the skeleton he fades out. Player, confused, looks around.

The child walks back onto the screen, floats into the air and turns a whiter shade.
He thanks the player for freeing his spirit, explaining that he has been cursed for many years.
The boy vanishes. The End
(yea i know, I'm not a writer.)

Reward: Ramza permanently gains 5 brave. (?)

Choice 2. Leave the child.
(You're an asshole if you picked this)
Player decides that saving the child is not worth his time to saving. As you character turns around
the skeleton approaches and kills the child, a few moments later both fade away.

Reward: Ramza permanently loses 10 brave. (?)

Extinction of Cougars?


Araguay Woods

2x Male Berserker - Yellow Palette
3x Female Berserker - Yellow Palette

1x Cougar

Cougar sightings have been declining at a rapid rate due to animal poachers.

Player arrives at location and finds a cougar running away from poachers.

Player has a choice.

Choice 1. Save the Cougar.

Ramza yells at poachers.
Berserkers notice Player and turn to face him while yelling some mumbo jumbo.

After victory, Ramza walks up to the cougar but it flees.

Reward: Ramza permanently gains 5 brave.

Choice 2. Kill the poachers and skin the Cougar.

Critical cougar on the floor, Ramza goes up to it hits it and the cougar turns to bones.

Reward: Ramza permanently loses 5 brave but receives armour pieces. I.e. 'Cougar skin vest'. (Change reward if not possible)

Thirsty Tortoises

Based from the FFF:CT story, "The Adamantoise and the Cactuar: Episode 1".

Thirsty Adamantoises quietly and systematically line up to drink some water in Finath River. A certain drinking spot in the river contains a pure kind of water which makes the tortoises' body and shell sturdier. A moment later, a thirsty Cactuar appears at the end of the line. The Cactuar is very thirsty, and rants about the Adamantoises' slowness in drinking water. The Adamantoise in front of the Cactuar got pissed with the Cactuar's rants, and in turn, knocks the Cactuar back! The Cactuar fights back. The rumble begins.

Medium, expect a long battle.

Finath River

3x Tortoise - Green palette; lined-up x,y:(4-5,3-6)
2x Tortoise - Green palette; scattered around map near water

1x Cactuar

Procure Shield from Foreigners

Bervenian forces travelling over Ivalice are rumoured to be holding a mighty fine shield. When you encounter the odd characters there would be a reminder about the shield triggered by some dialogue.. one of the two leaders of the group would have it equipped, and to get it; it must be stolen by a rogue.

Difficult :p

Fovoham Windflats

Main 1: Male Paladin (brother, commander), Main 2: Female Paladin (sister, lieutenant), Guard: Lazuli (Officer[possibly recolored]), and more guards: two Corsa's (soldiers[possibly recolored]).

A really well made shield.

If you fail to get the shield and simply murder the foreigners some kind of penalty must be suffered. (may not be possible?)



Zirekile Falls

Battle on the Bridge

1x Gigamesh (??? stats, possibly with maintenance)
Sprite: Lijj's male samurai, or an original sprite
Skills: Swordsmanship, self-buff skills in reference to FFV

Immortal Monsters

(Remember when ******** made those monsters immortal to fight *** ****** and ******? Well they're out to kick some other people's asses now.)
New, strange, and powerful monsters have been cropping up recently.
Something is causing the monsters native to our land to grow stronger, and we have to wipe them out before we can't hold them back any longer. Zigolis Swamp is said to hold the most dangerous bunch right now...


Zigolis Swamp

x1 Malboro
x2 Skeletons
(I think... Whatever monsters ********* made immortal in that scene)
Innate Regen so that they're blue, like they were in the event and so that they're harder to take down. Should be some significant level higher than the party.

Reward: Malborobow (bow, adds some random de-buffs maybe), and Money! (bow may not be an option as most weapons are decided)

Finding Carrot(mk. 2)

Reference to Ivalice's Carrot (FFT\FFTA\FFXII)

Carrot, the pet Morbol, has ran away again! She has gone wild after eating the cake her owner baked on her second birthday! Find and take Carrot home before she hurts someone!

Easy <- Full status protection \ ranged attacks
Hard <- No status protection \ melee attacks

Enemy setup:
Name: Carrot
Job: 2nd or 3rd tier
Level: Party Level +10 (Would this be too hard?)
Palette: 3h?
Equipment (if possible): an early game uncommon accessory
Spoils: Main spoil is the equipped accessory (must be stolen)

Skills (if possible to override):
-Support: Arcane Defense

Bill: Lionel Castle
Battle: Bariaus Hill

Elemental Chaos

Barkeep: Startling rumors have begun to spread of frightening occurrences around Zeltennia. The wind has stopped, the sea is wild, and the ground has begun to rot! What's more, it seems to be have already spread as far as Bervenia. Denizens of the coast have also stated that the night sky is interrupted by a strange glow from Nelveska Temple across the bay. Could this be the source?

(I originally suggested this idea on the non-staff board. It would be a battle against the four elemental fiends from final fantasy 1. It would appear in the later chapters. I haven't read to much into the story just yet, but maybe this could become available after the 4 crystals are united? That would make sense. It's all up in the air for now though.

the biggest difficulty point of this fight is the fact that the 4 fiends each have their own elemental attacks, weaknesses, and defenses. it would take a well rounded party to defeat them without a lot of trouble

one problem is that Tiamat shares a name with a vanilla FFTactics unit. Could we call them "Fiend Tiamat," "Fiend Lich," or something similar to pull it off?)

Hard-Very Hard



1x Lich (earth/undead, pure caster unit, lowest HP and PA of the group, low movement and speed)
Sprite: Skeleton, purple cape, blue clothing
Possible Skills: Decay, single target stat debuffs and bad status
Earth type spell such as Quake
HP/MP Absorb

1x Kary (fire, offensive unit, low HP high PA/MA, high movement and highest speed)
sprite: Lamia, very red (would be amazing to add a sword or two to her sprite )
Possible Skills: Various fire based spells
Double attack with hands ( or preferably swords )

1x Kraken (water, defensive unit, highest HP low PA/MA, lowest movement and speed)
sprite: Squidraken, very purple (would be amazing to add a couple tentacles.)
Possible Skills: Water based spell
Barrage type tentacle attack with range of self and effect of 2 or 3

1x Tiamat (wind/fly, well rounded unit, high HP, high speed and highest movement)
(Possibly: Tiamat has no elemental weakness, but could be less resistant to status effects than the others?)
sprite: Tiamat, teal scales with blue or purple belly/shading
Possible Skills: AOE Lightning
AOE Poison Gas
Some sort of Wind Spell or Physical Ability

Based on the difficulty, possibly one very exceptional item (abilites and monsters subject to change)


Barkeep: Sky-watchers around Ivalice are thrilled to find the night sky alive with the glow of untimely meteor showers as of late. The spectacle has caused such a sensation that less savory reports of multiple disappearances among rural communities in (Location) have garnered little interest among authorities and adventurers alike. Some who care to speculate have voiced stern doubts that the matching time-frame of these two events is mere coincidence. Never-the-less, a reward is being offered for anyone who can solve this mystery and put the townsfolk at ease.

Description from Final Fantasy 6:

Intangir was a hidden monster (literally - he starts the fight invisible) on a tiny island accessible by airship in the world of balance of FF6. It was the single most difficult fight in the world of balance (unless player's exploited a game mechanic which made invisible monsters vulnerable to doom and petrify magic, enabling a one shot kill. ) It was a blue paletted behemoth that countered the player's attacks with Meteo (which was often a one shot kill of it's own at that point in the game) followed by reapplying invis on itself. On top of that, it had the highest HP of any pre-world-of-ruin monster and absorbed all 8 elements.


Any smaller outdoor zone similar to Yuguo Woods would be fine.


1x Intangir (blue palette if space permits)

Description: Unknown predator, recently awoken and furious. Moves like the wind.

Move: 4, Jump: 4, Eva: 25%, High Speed, PA and MA

Absorb: Dark, Holy, Fire, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Ice, Water

Initial Status: Invisible

Innate: Half Magic
           Find Cover (Counter with Invis)
Magic: Meteor (Time Magic)
          Sleep (Yin Yang)
          Purify (Martial Art)

This battle is meant to catch the player off guard and possibly require some restructuring of their team to complete smoothly, if they rely heavily on elemental damage which will always be absorbed. Status effects are a huge advantage to this fight but Intangir will attempt to purify himself. Each time he takes damage he will revert back to invisibility for another surprise attack. This should be a fun fight and quite memorable to the player.

*References "Eastern" mythology* (Has a link.)
Three Beasts from the East

"Around the Dougola Pass there have been reports of the sudden appearance of three most unusual beasts that seem to have come the East. The most typical among them resembles the still-new-to-Ivalice Fell Turtle, though its size is even greater than the largest recorded of that beast. The second is a large white cat, almost like a panther and yet striped, stronger & even faster. The third among them is the most awe-inspiring, being a giant bird of brilliant vermilion coloration. They all seem to be acting in tandem, as if searching for something...."


Dougola Pass (well before Shinryuu shows up if possible; otherwise I have another, slightly different Mark in mind).

1x Black Tortoise (uses Fell Turtle sprite).

For all intents and purposes, basically the same as a Fell Turtle, except that it has both Toughskin and Bladebiter's third skills of Headbutt and Munch respectively in addition to Resonate. This as well as being even tougher somehow, even if that's "only" a bit and even if that "only" means it actually resists some statuses like, say, Poison. Maybe give it the ability to (cast) Reraise, but all three "Saint Beasts" should probably be immortal (so they can revive & flee at the end of the fight), so that would have no real effect.

1x White Tiger (uses Panther sprite, White if possible)

Since I'm not yet sure what Panthers are like, I'll just say that this should be the fastest of the group and probably the most status oriented since making it the most damage oriented or, at least the most damaging, would necessitate making the other two weaker. Actually might be best suited for the "cleric" of the group now that I think about it.

1x Vermilion Bird (uses Juravis sprite, Red [with gold/yellow breast feathers] if possible)

Similarly not yet sure what changes to non-Chocobo Birds have been made, though it should probably have a mixture of those skills and Bombs'--no Self-destruct please. This should probably be the middle of the road of unit, having offense & defense and having the most obvious elemental affinities, i.e. Absorb: Fire and maybe Weak: Water. Was initially going to suggest this be the cleric unit, but it's probably better if it's not so that people won't confuse it with an actual Phoenix; not giving it Reraise or resurrection would also help this.

*References the Marvel Comics Universe*
The Cult of Quaggoth

"There have been increasing reports of a talking monster that resembles a Morbol with even more eyes and tentacles. Initially, the first reports months ago were largely dismissed as the ramblings of madmen or drunkards, especially one that spoke of it trying to build a cult to its magnificence. Nowadays, though, there seems to be an increasing number of disappearances and an eerie organization to the Morbols in the area. It is probably best if this is investigated soon."

Hard/Difficult-Very Hard/Difficult

Whatever location naturally has Morbols/Malboros, though I'd prefer a (heavily) wooded area over say a swamp or plain or whatever. (Also not sure if you're calling them Morbols or Malboro given both that I haven't encountered any in Jot5 yet and that you switch back and forth in the original post.)

1x Morbol/Malboro sprite named Quaggoth.

Better known as Shuma-Gorath's extremely obscure alternate costume in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Quaggoth, despite being an apparently low-ish level follower of He Who Sleeps But Now Awakens, is apparently still pretty damn tough or, at least, resilient. So much so that even Shuma-Gorath himself was unable to get rid of him, only lock him away when he tried to gain more power. As such, I'm tempted to suggest Always: Regen, but that may be too noisome, especially given the (amount of) other enemies.

As can be seen here (around 1:30), he has many more eyes than Shuma-Gorath himself, which will actually come into play here, but personality-wise, given how seldom he's appeared, you can use that as inspiration--supposedly he's only appeared like twice or maybe thrice ever in comics. As such, I'd imagine he'd react as poorly to Dante as Shuma reacts to Vergil there, though he'd probably be more power hungry, especially since he's trying to build himself a power base in Ivalice's dimension.

Job Class: Chaos Ascendant (Absorb: Dark & Holy.)

Skill Set: Rising Chaos
1. Dread Gaze (Shared with Floating Eyes.)
2. Devil Gaze (Shared with Ahrimen.)
3. Tentacle (Shared with Illithids...and Morbols?; I still haven't fought those at all yet in Jot5.)
4. Mind Blast (Shared with Mindflayers.)
5. Preach (Shared with Bandits; not really sure if Monster Talk is still needed in Jot5; otherwise Pray Faith might be better, especially since I see Quaggoth as having High Faith but lower end Brave.)
6. Revive (Shared with Monks.)
7. Mystic Gaze (Basically a suped-up Doom Gaze in that it adds Doom at 100%, isn't Direct and does 34% HP damage. Dark element, especially since it uses the Death formula anyway. Needless to say, it can't hit self and has a bit of charge time. Also might be good if it doesn't track.)
8. Assimilate (Close-range [maybe], repeating drain attack that has a chance to add all or nothing Poison & Charm as well.)

Reaction: Keen Senses (Passive). Counter (Active.)
Support: Bandit's Eye.
Movement: Teleport.

1x Male Priest with Black Magic, Double Magic & Arcane Boost.

1x Female Priest with Summon Magic, Double Magic & Arcane Defense.

1x Female Priest with Survival Skills, a Book & Bandit's Eye (or Equip Projectiles) and the lowest Faith of the Priests.

1x Male Priest with Defense Arts, Equip Heavy Arms and the second lowest Faith of the Priests.

1x Male Priest with Defense Arts, Equip Light Arms and the third lowest Faith of the Priests.

1x Female Priest with Dragon Spirit and Beastmaster. (I'd suggest Blue Magic Secondary here too, but I'm not sure if there are...problems with that when it comes to the AI given my lack of testing for Embargo still. So maybe, I don't know, Time Magic Secondary? Yin-Yang Magic? Even Jump or Item?)

3x Class C Morbols

1x Class A Morbol

(No Ochus please, assuming that's what Class B Morbols are still called.)

(Yellow Peril EDIT: In thinking about it more, when it comes to the monsters, perhaps it would be better if there were only two Class C Morbols and instead the other two monsters were Yellow Chocobos. This would serve several purposes: to show that Delita maybe actually sent investigators (i.e. the former Knights) himself since he does care about Ivalice, to further show that that Quaggoth is "assimilating" people & things beyond the "like-bodied" Morbols and to make it easier to differentiate Quaggoth from among the enemies.

It also helps that I know what Chocobo's Beastmaster skill is--Chicken Run--and does, but not Morbol's. I can't imagine that it's still the absurd Morbol Germ, though; it's not like Beastmaster is all that necessary anyway.

Regardless, I think there need to be at least two Morbols.)

*References nothing*
Doom with a View (or Assisting Suicide)

"There have been increasing reports of suicides off the cliff near Lenalia Plateau Fovoham Plains. This would normally not be all that unusual, even if it somewhat mars the new king's reign. The interest, however, is more that some reports say these suicides are 'assisted', if not outright murder. There have also been increased reports of Undead activity in the area. These are doubtless related."

The Five arrive at the top of cliff of Lenalia Plateau Fovoham Plains to see a despondent (failure) Knight talking with another hume/human, asking said human to help "end the pain of my failure, even if the respite is more than I deserve" while the other human assures that the Knight's life can be ended quite painlessly and without regret; also that the view is a spectacular one to die to. One of them then notices one of The Five, probably Ramza, and the "helper" informs them to please wait their turn and come back in a short time as the choice to end's life should be a private, personal affair.

After being pressured a bit when claiming to be someone who merely wants to help others reach a peaceful end should they choose, the "helper" gets a bit annoyed and summons some Ghosts (or Skeletons perhaps, especially if Ghosts don't still exist), revealing themselves to be an aspiring Necromancer in reality, saying that they are merely providing a service while using all the parts. Surprised, the patron Knight attempts to back away, only to get surprised by an Undead Lilith bounding up and over the cliff (having been out of view the entire time) and getting afflicted by its "Kiss". The battle begins with the Necromancer saying that they'll just have to give you all a group discount on death after thanking the "love", the Undead Lilith.


1. Medium-Hard/Difficult (if choosing not to "save" the Guest Knight, in which case you gain temporary 10 Brave like with Algus's 1st fight)

2. Hard/Difficult-Very Hard/Difficult (if choosing to "save" the Guest Knight, in which case you gain nothing save an extra reward at the end, like some type of Knight Sword or something)

Fovoham Plains (Locus EDIT: Ugh, I don't know why I typed in "Lenalia Plateau", much less got it confused with Fovoham Plains, which is what I meant from the beginning. Such an idiot.)

1x Hume/Human Necromancer with some type of book

1x Undead Lilith

When it comes to the Necromancer, you could probably get away with making up the Necromancy skill-set of Beastmaster skills (not Power Monster, please), the Zombie/Undead spell, some Dark (element) spells and perhaps some Undead-specific abilities, especially one that adds Charm--you could call it "Turn" or something. Not sure if anything else is needed other than it having great MA and maybe Faith; maybe an immunity to Dead, Undead, Doom and/or Charm.

As for the Undead Lilith, it should be atypical in that on top of being Always: Undead (and immune: Crystal & Treasure like Skeletons seem to be), it's slightly more resistant to status than usual by itself even without the Necromancer having Cleanse Monster. It has these benefits at the expense of not having MA Save though and maybe not Entice as well.

At least 3x Ghosts or Skeletons of some type.


1x "Enemy" Guest human Knight who has some type of Knight's Sword, Charge Secondary and starts out with Initial: Charm (and maybe Doom) given the Kiss during pre-battle scene.

(Note: If nothing cures Doom, since Reraise & Item sure as hell don't and I'm still not sure about [Choco] Esuna, then it would have to be Initial: Charm only I suppose given otherwise the Guest scenario becomes literally nigh impossible unless you can nuke all other enemy units in the two turns the Knight has left to live. That or you can change the "Save parameters" to not count Dead as an instant loss, though that would have other, potentially far-reaching consequences if you can't individualize such a change.)

*References Roman Mythology & Greek Mythology* (Has two links)
Killer Cupid/Eros (or Love Hurts)

"Recently, it would seem a mad(wo)man has decided to claim Zirekile Falls as his/her home. This person seems far gone, shouting madness about how one must endure pain to discover love and how that makes one stronger while attacking others from the top of the falls. Despite his/her insanity, this person is still a skilled bow(wo)man and quite capable of hitting fleeing targets. As of yet, people have only been wounded, not killed, but with the increasing frequency of these attacks, fatalities seem inevitable."

The Formation of battle is the same as the one for the regular Zirekile Falls South battles, chiefly because "Cupid"/"Eros" appears at the top of the water fall, right on that center rock. He/she is revealed by Ramza barely back-stepping an arrow fired from the top of the falls while walking across the bridge. He/she then appears, rambling about how people have to suffer for love and how he/she is only helping, "why can't you see that? Do you hate love or something?" He/she then calls for his/her "angels" to appear after failing to be convinced by Ramza to stop, with said flanking "angels" just being a pair of Flying Eyes in actuality.

Easy (if Cupid/Eros is male)-Medium (if Cupid/Eros is female). [Actually, now that I think about it, you could potentially give Cupid/Eros a male sprite, but make its sex actually female so as to surprise people using the Five with seemingly same-sex Charm.]

Zirekile Falls (from the South)

1x human Ranger named "Cupid"/"Eros" with a longbow, Steal Secondary, Projectile Guard, Bandit's Eye and Levitate.

1x Ahriman named "Ourania"

1x Plague named "Pandemos"

Overall Notes: The sex of the human enemies here is intentionally ambiguous and open, though I figured that they would end up being the opposite of each other given that both Marks have to do with "love" in a way. That said, I pictured the Necromancer as being male originally and the Cupid as actually being female; similarly, I pictured the Guest Knight as being male originally.

That said, it could be somewhat "cool" to have some implied Sapphic aspect between the Undead Lamia & a female Necromancer, especially since you could get "away" with it unlike most official games even with the double standard of "girl-on-girl is hot" and all that. Of course, one simultaneously has to be rather careful with linking potentially the only instance of homo-eroticism and/or homosexuality with both (implied) bestiality and necrophilia. So perhaps it's not worth it.

Just food for thought either way.

Keeper of the Dark

Location: Not really sure! I'm open to suggestions, but think that something like Murond/ Limberry Undercroft would work

Difficulty: Medium/Hard/Very Hard/1.3 Elidibs+ SNES Insanity

Description: Talk has been circulating about strange goings on in [Location.] Rumours suggest that it could be followers of a militant group naming themselves Mullenkamp.  Upon hearing of the usurpation of [Location,] King Delita dispatched a group of warriors and mages to try and quell these rabble rousers. Only one lowly Animist returned, his life sustained by the chocobo that carried him back. With his steed giving its last breaths, the soldier passed on his final message: 'D'tok... Blood Sin...'


Dragon x1 [D'tok]
Sydney Losstarot x1

Both have ??? stats, with D'tok having innate beastmaster/ monster skill if possible [dunno what tier, need to double check it]

Sydney skills:
Blood Sin [primary skillset]
'Uses ones pact with the Dark to accomplish  inhuman feats.'
Prostasia: Uses magickal arts to increase ones powers to supernatural levels [PA+2 MA+2 Brave/Faith + 10, Reraise. Either all of those 100% add or random add, depends how hax you want to be/ whats possible]
Rood Inverse: A magickal attack that utilises the power of the Dark to call forth utter destruction. [Grand cross basically but renamed and make it possible to inflict decentish damage over a wide area, with random debuff]

Short Charge/ Non charge [if it still exists]
Master Teleport

Reward: Czarine/ Fandango [sword] or Holy Win [Great/Knight Sword] or Dread Shield *realise this'll probably never happen due to equips being decided*

Yeah, description is way too long I think - got carried away there, apologies! Still thinking up a possible moveset and rewards, etc. Mostly want to make an awesome reward for an incredibly challenging fight.

I also realise that this will probably never happen, but just had to get the idea down!

Also, cameo wise, Sora/ Anyone from Kingdom Hearts - the king of Square crossover games?

*References the Super Mario Bros. franchise*
Stop their Hammer Time!

"A trio of hammer-loving brothers have been appearing on the road between [insert city here] and [insert city here] in the past couple of months. A couple of days every week, they block it off from most regular traffic. Unlike regular bandits, these ruffians claim to only want to practice their art in a wide-open space and want nothing of money. As of yet, they have indeed not robbed anyone, but have cost quite a bit of Gil in delayed or lost trade. See if you can speak with or otherwise deal with them."

The Five/Ramza and co. arrive at [insert location here], only to find a heavily armored and armed female Dragoon already conversing with the three hammer-wielding Monks. These said Monks are also standing aside a Toughskin sleeping in the road and all of these five characters are facing each other, not Ramza.

Lead Monk: "--eep telling you that we're not hurting anyone, peach."

Dragoon: "And I keep telling you that my name is Daisy, damn it. And that you're getting in the way of trade even if you aren't robbing anyone."

Lead Monk: *spits* "Meh, others' materialism and greed ain't our problem. We j--."

Another Monk: "Hey, Kooper."

Lead Monk Kooper: "For the last time, Kirk, don't interrupt your big bro."

Kirk: "Sorry, bro, but other people are here."

Lead Monk Kooper: "What?" *turns to look and turns back* "Friends of yours, doll?"

Daisy: "No, because I don't need a party to kick all of your asses."

Other Monk: "Oh! Feisty!"

Kooper: "Yeah, we like 'em with spirit. If you can hang, then we could really use a woman like yourself as a dancer for this awesome new hammer-based dance we thought up."

Daisy: "I'd rather die."

Kooper: "Hold that thought." *turns back to Ramza and co.* "Whaddaya want?"

Ramza: "Uh...sorry to intrude, but I overheard what the woman was saying and she has a point. Even if you're not actively robbing anyone, you're hurting the local business and thus the local people. Is there nowhere else you can practice your...art?"

Other Monk: "Hmm...looks like we have a white knight."

Kooper: "Yeah, seems like it Kam. Tell us, Sir Knight, how is our practicing a couple of days a week hurting
  • Modding version: PSX



Barkeep: Sky-watchers around Ivalice are thrilled to find the night sky alive with the glow of untimely meteor showers as of late. The spectacle has caused such a sensation that less savory reports of multiple disappearances among rural communities in (Location) have garnered little interest among authorities and adventurers alike. Some who care to speculate have voiced stern doubts that the matching time-frame of these two events is mere coincidence. Never-the-less, a reward is being offered for anyone who can solve this mystery and put the townsfolk at ease.

Description from Final Fantasy 6:

Intangir was a hidden monster (literally - he starts the fight invisible) on a tiny island accessible by airship in the world of balance of FF6. It was the single most difficult fight in the world of balance (unless player's exploited a game mechanic which made invisible monsters vulnerable to doom and petrify magic, enabling a one shot kill. ) It was a blue paletted behemoth that countered the player's attacks with Meteo (which was often a one shot kill of it's own at that point in the game) followed by reapplying invis on itself. On top of that, it had the highest HP of any pre-world-of-ruin monster and absorbed all 8 elements.


Any smaller outdoor zone similar to Yuguo Woods would be fine.


1x Intangir (blue palette if space permits)

Description: Unknown predator, recently awoken and furious. Moves like the wind.

Move: 4, Jump: 4, Eva: 25%, High Speed, PA and MA

Absorb: Dark, Holy, Fire, Lightning, Wind, Earth, Ice, Water

Initial Status: Invisible

Innate: Half Magic
           Find Cover (Counter with Invis)
Magic: Meteor (Time Magic)
          Sleep (Yin Yang)
          Purify (Martial Art)

This battle is meant to catch the player off guard and possibly require some restructuring of their team to complete smoothly, if they rely heavily on elemental damage which will always be absorbed. Status effects are a huge advantage to this fight but Intangir will attempt to purify himself. Each time he takes damage he will revert back to invisibility for another surprise attack. This should be a fun fight and quite memorable to the player.

The Damned

May 11, 2013, 10:21:40 am #2 Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 04:01:26 am by The Damned
(Good to see someone else finally posted and with quite the good idea as well.)

Sigh. I still haven't actually opened Marks like I had wanted to before I commented, so at this point I'll just jack brittmarv's format for the "story" part minus the Barkeep part.

Double sigh. I still can't remember the names of the other Five, though it would help if I actually looked. For now, I'll leave them out, partly because of though of another suggestion to go with the one that needed confirmation as to whether or not Shinryuu was being used.

*References "Eastern" mythology* (Has a link.)
Three Beasts from the East

"Around the Dougola Pass there have been reports of the sudden appearance of three most unusual beasts that seem to have come the East. The most typical among them resembles the still-new-to-Ivalice Fell Turtle, though its size is even greater than the largest recorded of that beast. The second is a large white cat, almost like a panther and yet striped, stronger & even faster. The third among them is the most awe-inspiring, being a giant bird of brilliant vermilion coloration. They all seem to be acting in tandem, as if searching for something...."


Dougola Pass (well before Shinryuu shows up if possible; otherwise I have another, slightly different Mark in mind).

1x Black Tortoise (uses Fell Turtle sprite).

For all intents and purposes, basically the same as a Fell Turtle, except that it has both Toughskin and Bladebiter's third skills of Headbutt and Munch respectively in addition to Resonate. This as well as being even tougher somehow, even if that's "only" a bit and even if that "only" means it actually resists some statuses like, say, Poison. Maybe give it the ability to (cast) Reraise, but all three "Saint Beasts" should probably be immortal (so they can revive & flee at the end of the fight), so that would have no real effect.

1x White Tiger (uses Panther sprite, White if possible)

Since I'm not yet sure what Panthers are like, I'll just say that this should be the fastest of the group and probably the most status oriented since making it the most damage oriented or, at least the most damaging, would necessitate making the other two weaker. Actually might be best suited for the "cleric" of the group now that I think about it.

1x Vermilion Bird (uses Juravis sprite, Red [with gold/yellow breast feathers] if possible)

Similarly not yet sure what changes to non-Chocobo Birds have been made, though it should probably have a mixture of those skills and Bombs'--no Self-destruct please. This should probably be the middle of the road of unit, having offense & defense and having the most obvious elemental affinities, i.e. Absorb: Fire and maybe Weak: Water. Was initially going to suggest this be the cleric unit, but it's probably better if it's not so that people won't confuse it with an actual Phoenix; not giving it Reraise or resurrection would also help this.

*References the Marvel Comics Universe*
The Cult of Quaggoth

"There have been increasing reports of a talking monster that resembles a Morbol with even more eyes and tentacles. Initially, the first reports months ago were largely dismissed as the ramblings of madmen or drunkards, especially one that spoke of it trying to build a cult to its magnificence. Nowadays, though, there seems to be an increasing number of disappearances and an eerie organization to the Morbols in the area. It is probably best if this is investigated soon."

Hard/Difficult-Very Hard/Difficult

Whatever location naturally has Morbols/Malboros, though I'd prefer a (heavily) wooded area over say a swamp or plain or whatever. (Also not sure if you're calling them Morbols or Malboro given both that I haven't encountered any in Jot5 yet and that you switch back and forth in the original post.)

1x Morbol/Malboro sprite named Quaggoth.

Better known as Shuma-Gorath's extremely obscure alternate costume in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Quaggoth, despite being an apparently low-ish level follower of He Who Sleeps But Now Awakens, is apparently still pretty damn tough or, at least, resilient. So much so that even Shuma-Gorath himself was unable to get rid of him, only lock him away when he tried to gain more power. As such, I'm tempted to suggest Always: Regen, but that may be too noisome, especially given the (amount of) other enemies.

As can be seen here (around 1:30), he has many more eyes than Shuma-Gorath himself, which will actually come into play here, but personality-wise, given how seldom he's appeared, you can use that as inspiration--supposedly he's only appeared like twice or maybe thrice ever in comics. As such, I'd imagine he'd react as poorly to Dante as Shuma reacts to Vergil there, though he'd probably be more power hungry, especially since he's trying to build himself a power base in Ivalice's dimension.

Job Class: Chaos Ascendant (Absorb: Dark & Holy.)

Skill Set: Rising Chaos
1. Dread Gaze (Shared with Floating Eyes.)
2. Devil Gaze (Shared with Ahrimen.)
3. Tentacle (Shared with Illithids...and Morbols?; I still haven't fought those at all yet in Jot5.)
4. Mind Blast (Shared with Mindflayers.)
5. Preach (Shared with Bandits; not really sure if Monster Talk is still needed in Jot5; otherwise Pray Faith might be better, especially since I see Quaggoth as having High Faith but lower end Brave.)
6. Revive (Shared with Monks.)
7. Mystic Gaze (Basically a suped-up Doom Gaze in that it adds Doom at 100%, isn't Direct and does 34% HP damage. Dark element, especially since it uses the Death formula anyway. Needless to say, it can't hit self and has a bit of charge time. Also might be good if it doesn't track.)
8. Assimilate (Close-range [maybe], repeating drain attack that has a chance to add all or nothing Poison & Charm as well.)

Reaction: Keen Senses (Passive). Counter (Active.)
Support: Bandit's Eye.
Movement: Teleport.

1x Male Priest with Black Magic, Double Magic & Arcane Boost.

1x Female Priest with Summon Magic, Double Magic & Arcane Defense.

1x Female Priest with Survival Skills, a Book & Bandit's Eye (or Equip Projectiles) and the lowest Faith of the Priests.

1x Male Priest with Defense Arts, Equip Heavy Arms and the second lowest Faith of the Priests.

1x Male Priest with Defense Arts, Equip Light Arms and the third lowest Faith of the Priests.

1x Female Priest with Dragon Spirit and Beastmaster. (I'd suggest Blue Magic Secondary here too, but I'm not sure if there are...problems with that when it comes to the AI given my lack of testing for Embargo still. So maybe, I don't know, Time Magic Secondary? Yin-Yang Magic? Even Jump or Item?)

3x Class C Morbols

1x Class A Morbol

(No Ochus please, assuming that's what Class B Morbols are still called.)

(Yellow Peril EDIT: In thinking about it more, when it comes to the monsters, perhaps it would be better if there were only two Class C Morbols and instead the other two monsters were Yellow Chocobos. This would serve several purposes: to show that Delita maybe actually sent investigators (i.e. the former Knights) himself since he does care about Ivalice, to further show that that Quaggoth is "assimilating" people & things beyond the "like-bodied" Morbols and to make it easier to differentiate Quaggoth from among the enemies.

It also helps that I know what Chocobo's Beastmaster skill is--Chicken Run--and does, but not Morbol's. I can't imagine that it's still the absurd Morbol Germ, though; it's not like Beastmaster is all that necessary anyway.

Regardless, I think there need to be at least two Morbols.)

*waits for someone to suggest a Nyarlathotep fight between this, there already being a Cthulhu fight and the Crawling Chaos being the primary antagonist of the still-increasingly popular Persona series*

Quote from: Elric on May 08, 2013, 02:39:29 am
one problem is that Tiamat shares a name with a vanilla FFTactics unit. Could we call them "Fiend Tiamat," "Fiend Lich," or something similar to pull it off?)

Well, this may just be me, but given that Tiamat is a type of monster when it comes to the vanilla unit, but when it comes to the Fiend, Tiamat is its given name, I think just calling it Tiamat is fine.

Of course, "Fiend Tiamat" would perhaps be for the best, if only because you're probably going to have to call the four of them Fiend somewhere and having them all called just "Fiend" but be markedly different would perhaps be even more confusing.

You could also do both, though: call it Tiamat in its given name, but call its class "Fiend Tiamat"; the same would apply for the other three.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

The Damned

May 15, 2013, 01:10:21 am #3 Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 04:02:47 am by The Damned
(I loathe double posting, but if no one else has posted in here still....)

I half-assed looking for the names today for my initial suggestion, but they apparently aren't on my laptop (and thus are not on my desktop either), so I'll have to actually--sigh--use effort and see if I can find them.

In the meantime, here's two more ideas I just had that I may use for one or both of my patches. It should show you I'm feeling even more morbid than usual given their subject matter.

*References nothing*
Doom with a View (or Assisting Suicide)

"There have been increasing reports of suicides off the cliff near Lenalia Plateau Fovoham Plains. This would normally not be all that unusual, even if it somewhat mars the new king's reign. The interest, however, is more that some reports say these suicides are 'assisted', if not outright murder. There have also been increased reports of Undead activity in the area. These are doubtless related."

The Five arrive at the top of cliff of Lenalia Plateau Fovoham Plains to see a despondent (failure) Knight talking with another hume/human, asking said human to help "end the pain of my failure, even if the respite is more than I deserve" while the other human assures that the Knight's life can be ended quite painlessly and without regret; also that the view is a spectacular one to die to. One of them then notices one of The Five, probably Ramza, and the "helper" informs them to please wait their turn and come back in a short time as the choice to end's life should be a private, personal affair.

After being pressured a bit when claiming to be someone who merely wants to help others reach a peaceful end should they choose, the "helper" gets a bit annoyed and summons some Ghosts (or Skeletons perhaps, especially if Ghosts don't still exist), revealing themselves to be an aspiring Necromancer in reality, saying that they are merely providing a service while using all the parts. Surprised, the patron Knight attempts to back away, only to get surprised by an Undead Lilith bounding up and over the cliff (having been out of view the entire time) and getting afflicted by its "Kiss". The battle begins with the Necromancer saying that they'll just have to give you all a group discount on death after thanking the "love", the Undead Lilith.


1. Medium-Hard/Difficult (if choosing not to "save" the Guest Knight, in which case you gain temporary 10 Brave like with Algus's 1st fight)

2. Hard/Difficult-Very Hard/Difficult (if choosing to "save" the Guest Knight, in which case you gain nothing save an extra reward at the end, like some type of Knight Sword or something)

Fovoham Plains (Locus EDIT: Ugh, I don't know why I typed in "Lenalia Plateau", much less got it confused with Fovoham Plains, which is what I meant from the beginning. Such an idiot.)

1x Hume/Human Necromancer with some type of book

1x Undead Lilith

When it comes to the Necromancer, you could probably get away with making up the Necromancy skill-set of Beastmaster skills (not Power Monster, please), the Zombie/Undead spell, some Dark (element) spells and perhaps some Undead-specific abilities, especially one that adds Charm--you could call it "Turn" or something. Not sure if anything else is needed other than it having great MA and maybe Faith; maybe an immunity to Dead, Undead, Doom and/or Charm.

As for the Undead Lilith, it should be atypical in that on top of being Always: Undead (and immune: Crystal & Treasure like Skeletons seem to be), it's slightly more resistant to status than usual by itself even without the Necromancer having Cleanse Monster. It has these benefits at the expense of not having MA Save though and maybe not Entice as well.

At least 3x Ghosts or Skeletons of some type.


1x "Enemy" Guest human Knight who has some type of Knight's Sword, Charge Secondary and starts out with Initial: Charm (and maybe Doom) given the Kiss during pre-battle scene.

(Note: If nothing cures Doom, since Reraise & Item sure as hell don't and I'm still not sure about [Choco] Esuna, then it would have to be Initial: Charm only I suppose given otherwise the Guest scenario becomes literally nigh impossible unless you can nuke all other enemy units in the two turns the Knight has left to live. That or you can change the "Save parameters" to not count Dead as an instant loss, though that would have other, potentially far-reaching consequences if you can't individualize such a change.)

*References Roman Mythology & Greek Mythology* (Has two links)
Killer Cupid/Eros (or Love Hurts)

"Recently, it would seem a mad(wo)man has decided to claim Zirekile Falls as his/her home. This person seems far gone, shouting madness about how one must endure pain to discover love and how that makes one stronger while attacking others from the top of the falls. Despite his/her insanity, this person is still a skilled bow(wo)man and quite capable of hitting fleeing targets. As of yet, people have only been wounded, not killed, but with the increasing frequency of these attacks, fatalities seem inevitable."

The Formation of battle is the same as the one for the regular Zirekile Falls South battles, chiefly because "Cupid"/"Eros" appears at the top of the water fall, right on that center rock. He/she is revealed by Ramza barely back-stepping an arrow fired from the top of the falls while walking across the bridge. He/she then appears, rambling about how people have to suffer for love and how he/she is only helping, "why can't you see that? Do you hate love or something?" He/she then calls for his/her "angels" to appear after failing to be convinced by Ramza to stop, with said flanking "angels" just being a pair of Flying Eyes in actuality.

Easy (if Cupid/Eros is male)-Medium (if Cupid/Eros is female). [Actually, now that I think about it, you could potentially give Cupid/Eros a male sprite, but make its sex actually female so as to surprise people using the Five with seemingly same-sex Charm.]

Zirekile Falls (from the South)

1x human Ranger named "Cupid"/"Eros" with a longbow, Steal Secondary, Projectile Guard, Bandit's Eye and Levitate.

1x Ahriman named "Ourania"

1x Plague named "Pandemos"

Overall Notes: The sex of the human enemies here is intentionally ambiguous and open, though I figured that they would end up being the opposite of each other given that both Marks have to do with "love" in a way. That said, I pictured the Necromancer as being male originally and the Cupid as actually being female; similarly, I pictured the Guest Knight as being male originally.

That said, it could be somewhat "cool" to have some implied Sapphic aspect between the Undead Lamia & a female Necromancer, especially since you could get "away" with it unlike most official games even with the double standard of "girl-on-girl is hot" and all that. Of course, one simultaneously has to be rather careful with linking potentially the only instance of homo-eroticism and/or homosexuality with both (implied) bestiality and necrophilia. So perhaps it's not worth it.

Just food for thought either way.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


May 15, 2013, 04:35:14 pm #4 Last Edit: May 16, 2013, 01:08:01 am by kyozo22
Keeper of the Dark

Location: Not really sure! I'm open to suggestions, but think that something like Murond/ Limberry Undercroft would work

Difficulty: Medium/Hard/Very Hard/1.3 Elidibs+ SNES Insanity

Description: Talk has been circulating about strange goings on in [Location.] Rumours suggest that it could be followers of a militant group naming themselves Mullenkamp.  Upon hearing of the usurpation of [Location,] King Delita dispatched a group of warriors and mages to try and quell these rabble rousers. Only one lowly Animist returned, his life sustained by the chocobo that carried him back. With his steed giving its last breaths, the soldier passed on his final message: 'D'tok... Blood Sin...'


Dragon x1 [D'tok]
Sydney Losstarot x1

Both have ??? stats, with D'tok having innate beastmaster/ monster skill if possible [dunno what tier, need to double check it]

Sydney skills:
Blood Sin [primary skillset]
'Uses ones pact with the Dark to accomplish  inhuman feats.'
Prostasia: Uses magickal arts to increase ones powers to supernatural levels [PA+2 MA+2 Brave/Faith + 10, Reraise. Either all of those 100% add or random add, depends how hax you want to be/ whats possible]
Rood Inverse: A magickal attack that utilises the power of the Dark to call forth utter destruction. [Grand cross basically but renamed and make it possible to inflict decentish damage over a wide area, with random debuff]

Short Charge/ Non charge [if it still exists]
Master Teleport

Reward: Czarine/ Fandango [sword] or Holy Win [Great/Knight Sword] or Dread Shield *realise this'll probably never happen due to equips being decided*

Yeah, description is way too long I think - got carried away there, apologies! Still thinking up a possible moveset and rewards, etc. Mostly want to make an awesome reward for an incredibly challenging fight.

I also realise that this will probably never happen, but just had to get the idea down!

Also, cameo wise, Sora/ Anyone from Kingdom Hearts - the king of Square crossover games?
  • Modding version: WotL

The Damned

May 16, 2013, 05:00:15 am #5 Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 07:10:51 pm by The Damned
(Oh good, you edited in the actual enemies. That said, even with the changes made to Beastmaster [the Support], I don't think Beastmaster being unable to self-target if given to a monster is one of them; one of the developers would know though. Regardless, given that D'Tok presumably wouldn't be a normal monster anyway, he'd have to be given a regular skill-set, which actually works on monsters fine; so Beastmaster is unnecessary.)

Ugh.... I am such an idiot. I now know why my post yesterday was bothering me so much: when it comes to the "Doom with a View" suggestion, I somehow confused Fovoham Plains with Lenalia Plateau. It's probably because the cliff being the "Plains" still makes me raise an eyebrow. Regardless, that's what I meant, so it's been fixed now.

Oh, and I also confirmed that (Choco) Esuna cures Doom, so saving the Kissed Knight would indeed be winnable even if he/she started with Initial: Doom in addition to Initial: Charm...so long as you brought a Chocobo or White Magic.

Anyway, I've thought of another pair of Marks, which are both related and much more light-hearted than the other four I've suggested thus far. I do "fear" that I'm starting to already (of course) get a bit too controlling about dialogue and suggestions such though.

Oh well. It's ultimately up to you guys where you want to use this at all after all. Either way, I'll probably use it for Human Advancement myself to be honest.

*References the Super Mario Bros. franchise*
Stop their Hammer Time!

"A trio of hammer-loving brothers have been appearing on the road between [insert city here] and [insert city here] in the past couple of months. A couple of days every week, they block it off from most regular traffic. Unlike regular bandits, these ruffians claim to only want to practice their art in a wide-open space and want nothing of money. As of yet, they have indeed not robbed anyone, but have cost quite a bit of Gil in delayed or lost trade. See if you can speak with or otherwise deal with them."

The Five/Ramza and co. arrive at [insert location here], only to find a heavily armored and armed female Dragoon already conversing with the three hammer-wielding Monks. These said Monks are also standing aside a Toughskin sleeping in the road and all of these five characters are facing each other, not Ramza.

Lead Monk: "--eep telling you that we're not hurting anyone, peach."

Dragoon: "And I keep telling you that my name is Daisy, damn it. And that you're getting in the way of trade even if you aren't robbing anyone."

Lead Monk: *spits* "Meh, others' materialism and greed ain't our problem. We j--."

Another Monk: "Hey, Kooper."

Lead Monk Kooper: "For the last time, Kirk, don't interrupt your big bro."

Kirk: "Sorry, bro, but other people are here."

Lead Monk Kooper: "What?" *turns to look and turns back* "Friends of yours, doll?"

Daisy: "No, because I don't need a party to kick all of your asses."

Other Monk: "Oh! Feisty!"

Kooper: "Yeah, we like 'em with spirit. If you can hang, then we could really use a woman like yourself as a dancer for this awesome new hammer-based dance we thought up."

Daisy: "I'd rather die."

Kooper: "Hold that thought." *turns back to Ramza and co.* "Whaddaya want?"

Ramza: "Uh...sorry to intrude, but I overheard what the woman was saying and she has a point. Even if you're not actively robbing anyone, you're hurting the local business and thus the local people. Is there nowhere else you can practice your...art?"

Other Monk: "Hmm...looks like we have a white knight."

Kooper: "Yeah, seems like it Kam. Tell us, Sir Knight, how is our practicing a couple of days a week hurting anyone worse than the monsters in the area already are?"

Ramza: "...Perhaps it isn't, but it isn't exactly helping matters either."

Kam: "Except it is, since we're also hammering down the monsters and bandits in the area. People can afford to wait an extra day or so for something fancy, really."

Ramza: "But I don't think it's just the nobility you're hurting...."

Kirk: "You don't 'think'? Pitiful. Dressed in what you are, you're some kind of noble, aren't you?"

Ramza: "...Well, yes, but I don--."

Daisy: "Enough!" *Dragoon Jumps to Ramza's side* "These guys won't listen to anything but force."

Kooper: "The princess is right. We respect strength, hammers, turtles and little else. You want us to move, you're going to have fight us."

Kam: "As if nobles can fight. Unless you're secretly Orlandu, you might as well be a bearded fat lady compared to just one of us."

Kirk: *laughs*

Ramza: "...Very well then. I don't like to use force, but if there's no other way, I'll beat all of you without killing you."

Kooper: "How noble of you. We don't plan to kill you either, though don't think you can whine about having held back too much when you lose."

Kam: *nudges the turtle* "Let's go, Booser." [No, that's not a typo.]

Booser: *yawns and gets up*

Kirk: "Hammer time, bro?"

Kooper: "Hammer time."


After victory:

Daisy: "Sorry, but your dainty, defenseless princess is in another castle. Now move your sorry asses!"

Kooper: "Okay, okay. Just stop yelling...."


Probably Mandalia Plains, unless Delita is based in Igros, in which case the "Hammer Bros." aren't quite that suicidal, especially since they rather respect Delita to a point as fellow commoners.

3x male human Monks all with lowish or middling Faith at best and high Brave, Equip Heavy Arms for Hammer-goodness (or badness) and some type of Earth absorb (I'm guessing Earth Clothes still exist in some form). Otherwise they differ, though the leader--"Kooper"--should probably have Throw Secondary if Hammers--actual Hammers, not Flails--can (still) be Thrown.

1x ("pet") Toughskin.

1x Guest female human Dragoon named "Daisy" with Survival Skills Secondary.

(Note: All above units should be flagged as Immortal since they show up in another Mark, which means that Daisy probably shouldn't have Dragon Spirit.)

Hmmm...now that I think about it, the second suggestion is one that I actually need to think over for at least a bit longer due to it being...rather complex.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Great work fellas, keep it up, there is a lot of space to fill.
Here's another,

The Return of the Phantom

Hard-Fuck You

Phantom Thief Zero is back! It's time to put him down for good.

TBD, Maybe Thieves Fort again?

1x Thief Zero
Sprite: Thief Zero sprite by Cheetah/CONMAN
Skills: Similar to the skillsets of Tesnya/Romar

2x Rogue's
2x Redguard
3x Priest

  • Modding version: PSX


                                                    The GOLD Chocobo

Difficulty: Insane

Story: Rumor has it that a rare and golden chocobo has been spotted in the Sweegy Woods attacking anyone who attempts to pluck it's valuable and rare golden feathers. (Off the top of my head. Jot5 Team tweak if necessary)

Location: Sweegy Woods


1x Gold Chocobo (Sprite=yellow chocobo edit to gold? with ??? stats?) - (Abilities=Choco Meteor, Choco Cure, Choco Esuna, MB Barrier, Ultima, All Black Magic...?) - (Innate Buffs= Auto Haste/Regen/Shell/Protect/ReRaise?)

1x Black Chocobo (abilities= Choco Ball, Nightmare[Queklain], spell that cancels all + buffs[i forget the name lol], Demi 2, Dark Holy, Strongest Bio?)

1x Red Chocobo

1x Yellow Chocobo

1x Green Chocobo - Custom Edit?

1x Blue Chocobo - Custom Edit?

Reward= Tameable Gold Chocobo? & Golden Chocobo Feather= Infinite stock phoenix down with a higher HP revive?
317 RPG God


I don't think what you are proposing is possible EZ  Thats too many different Chocobo's and with way to many moves. Monsters only get 3 moves + 1 with Monster Skill.
  • Modding version: PSX


Just thought of Super Mario RPG for some reason.

The Three Musty Fears.. or.. Who You Gonna Call?


Travelers in (town name) are finding that a good night's sleep is becoming a scarce commodity, as a trio of ghouls has been haunting the hotels as of late. What can be done?

TBD, Gariland?

1x Dry Bones (Skeleton sprite)
1x Boo (Ghost sprite)
1x Greaper (different colored ghost sprite?)

Beefed up versions of the base units with all of the undead trimmings.
Dry Bones = Knight + some other melee type.
Boo = status effects + possibly healing (if there is a skellset with an undead friendly heal) or some hybrid skillset
Greaper = pure offense spells


If we had a White or Pale colored Bomb Sprite, that would be even better for Boo. But could we make it undead without wasting a slot somewhere? Probably not I guess. Just food for thought. That would make all 3 units closely resemble their SMRPG counterparts.

The Damned

May 27, 2013, 05:13:47 am #10 Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 08:48:42 am by The Damned
(...It's really weird that I just randomly thought of that very same Ghostbusters reference yesterday before seeing brittmarv's post. Hunh.)

Regardless, I figure I might as well pretend to do something productive this "weekend" despite still feeling sicker and more sore than usual for some weird reason. I finally finished this complex (clusterfuck of a) Mark, so all that leaves is me actually looking up the names of that initial Mark still and I guess that "other" sequel Mark.

In the meantime...:

*References Super Mario Bros. franchise, Fullmetal Alchemist(: Brotherhood) & historical alchemy, Guilty Gear series, The Savage Dragon cartoon & The Fantastic Four (1990s) cartoon (sort of), Ghostbusters (sort of), The Flash (sort of) and misc. others (probably)* (Has four links)
(Despite all those references, the title is NOT, at least intentionally, a reference to "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" or anything else...even though said title has nothing to do with what could be gleaned from the current description. )
Hate! Hate! Hate!

"A rash of disturbances have cut a swath down the very center of Ivalice as of late. Having started in or near Riovanes, probably in that accursed Yuguo Woods, a trail of burnt out bodies has been left. Unlike the methodology of any Bomb or other known magick or monster, all of these bodies appear to have been burned from the inside out. The latest of these still mercifully few corpses has appeared near Golgorand, which is no doubt an ominous sign...."

*Ramza and co. arrive on scene...only to find other people, familiar faces actually, already there. ...Only something is quite wrong as Daisy seems to be spazzing out and attacking the three Hammer Bros. from before on the center guillotine area*

Kooper: *turns from where he's standing after dodging an attack* "Oh, good! It's you again! She got possessed by what we were looking for!"

"Daisy": "We'll kill all of you and bathe in your blood!"

*Ramza intercepts an attack attempt on the distracted Kooper*

Ramza: "I don't know who you are, but you're not whom I met before. Please give up and leave the girl."

"Daisy": "'Please'? 'Please'?! Mwhahaha!"

*she pushes back Ramza easily and leaps up from the guillotine area to the center of the top "deck"*

"Daisy": "Your worthless kindness is nothing before our sublime hatred!"

Ramza: "...Who are you? Are you the one who has left a trial of corpses down Ivalice?"

"Daisy": "Yes, their hatred was too weak to sustain us for long, but this one...this one has so much hate. You may call us...Malice."

Kam: "I have other things to call you personally!"

Kirk: "Yeah, give us back Daisy and we won't have to kick your ass!"

Kooper: "You heard them! Give us back the girl and we'll go easy on you!"

Malice: "Hmhaha! Easy?! On us?! Your anger is like an ant fighting the sun compared to ours! Prepare to die!"

*then, from behind Malice, Not-Lust suddenly attacks, only for Malice to leap out of the way again, this time going to the top of the guillotine*

Ramza and the Hammer Bros.: "!!!?"

Authorative Voice: "The homunculus missed. How unfortunate."

Nebbish Voice: "Hmm...it would seem my calculations were off."

Ramza: *thinking* "Homunculus?"

*all turn to see four male Chemists come in from the opposite direction Ramza and co. came in from*

Nebbish Man: "Ah, it would seem there are others."

Smug Man: "Don't tell us: you blame them for your failure at variables, Egon."

Egon: "Hermes, yo--."

Authoritative Man: "Enough."

Kooper: "Who the hell are you?!"

Authoritative Man: "I am Paracelsus and we are the Alchemical Brotherhood. Our goal is to contain this spirit entity."

Kooper: "Contain?! Your woman up almost speared a possessed woman!"

Paracelsus: "Given the reports, the death of the current vessel seems to be only thing that will release this spirit. As such, that woman is expandable."

Kooper: "What?! You bastard!"

Ramza: *steps in front of him* "Surely, there must be some other way?"

Paracelsus: "Unlikely given the timeline we've built with the number and dates of known corpses found. Now either help us or stand aside."

Ramza: "...And if we choose to stand against you?"

Paracelsus: "We will have no choice but to eliminate you as well."

*Then A.B.A. promptly starts to go "Berserk" as Malice has been focused on "her" the entire time*

Quiet Man: "Damn! So it was the entity itself throwing A.B.A. off?"

Paracelsus: "Hmm...perhaps, Fulcanelli. I'll deal with 'resetting' the homunculus. You three deal with the task at hand." *turns to Ramza and the brothers*

Paracelsus: "What is your decision?"

Kooper and his brothers: "Hell no!"

Paracelsus: "Hmph. And what of you?"

*decision time, though both end with the Malice jumping down to the opposite side of the Alchemical Brotherhood and effectively "sandwiching" you between them regardless of your decision*

Difficulty: Variable.

1. Hard-Very Hard (if choosing not to save Daisy and thus aligning with the Alchemical Brotherhood - Result: Pre-battle: Gain 10 Faith temporarily; Post-battle: Daisy dies, Hammer Bros. hate you [if they even live; they may just end up dying] and you get far less of a reward for siding with the Brotherhood instead of beating them up [even if you do try to beat them up to get their rewards], though you do get better Chemist Items as thanks for "not interfering".)

2. Very Hard-"And You Thought Raven Hated You the Most? Ha." (if choosing to save Daisy and thus aligning with the Super Hammer Bros. - Result: Pre-battle: Gain 10 Brave temporarily; Post-battle: Hammer Bros. live and Daisy may end up living because the Hateful Entity is defeated by the "Power of Love" [or some bullshit] maybe rather than just being sealed away inside of A.B.A.; Alchemical Brotherhood & the Homunculus get their asses kicked but don't die, vowing revenge [maybe]. You get [far] less good Chemist Items, but overall better rewards.)

Golgorand Execution Site.



Team <3 Hammers (Blue)
3x (Immortal?) Hammer Bros; still use the normal Jot5 male Monk sprite. (May need their own class in hindsight, if only due to this Mark and if only to not take up space with Equip Heavy Arms [or Equip Armor] given how outmatched they're going to be otherwise; I'd rather Guests not be completely dead-weight even if you have the option of avoiding them.)


Team Alchemy (Green)
4x (Immortal?) male (Al)Chemists

The leading (Al)Chemist "should" be named Paracelsus and be the only one on the team to have ??? stats. The others are to be named Fulcanelli (or Flamel or...Hawkeye or Mustang or...), Hermes (or Trismegistus or...Jesse) and Egon (or Spengler or else there's no obvious Ghostbusters reference since all the other Ghostbusters have far less unusual names).

Pretty much none of them should have all that high Faith or much use for Faith at all except maybe Egon. Probably not even himthough.

Paracelsus's Secondary is "merely" Geomancy here (presently), but since he has better stats than his surbordinates, if only by virtue of gear and being high level and ???, it and his Nature's Wrath hurt quite a bit. This may change once I get a look at Samurai, Redguard, Bard & Dancer, though maybe not since I'm already asking for a bunch of ability space here.

Fulcanelli (or whatever) is the "Flame Alchemist" and his Secondary is thus "Flame Alchemy":

"Alchemy that seeks to find the Sacred Fire by doing it all can to perfect ignition and flame."

1. Basically has any substantial fire element ability that isn't Faith-based, though maybe having only Flame Attack will do since Self-Destruct would be a bit...much.

2. Oxygenate - "Manipulation of air attempts to both dirty and dizzy the target." - Attempts to Add Random Oil, Confusion or Sleep to single-target.

3. Ignite - Discriminating of Melt minus Oil and being Faith-based (if Incinerate isn't already that). Still has a charge-time.

4. Sustain Flame - Repeating Fire element attack that is direct, initially has a shorter range than Flame Attack--so, Range 2 I guess--and attempts to add Immobilize or Paralyze or Slow every time it hits.

Hermes's (or Trismegistus's--yes, I know neither of them should have "extra" possessive "s"'s, but I can't "help" it) Secondary should be "Masturbatory Speed Alchemy":

"Alchemy that seeks to find a unifying Force behind the essence of all Speed."

1. Sure Haste - 100% Add Haste, probably limited to close-range or something. Probably should be able to target self.

2. Sure Slow - 100% Add Slow, probably limited to close-range or something. Probably shouldn't be able to target self due to Confuse or Charm shenanigans.

3. Repel Inertia - Adds All Reflect & Float to a single-target and heals at the cost of some HP damage to self; thus it cannot target self. Basically like Beastmaster's "Bless Monster", just applicable on all units, even non-monsters, and with different statuses.

Egon's Secondary is "Spirit Alchemy":

"Alchemy that seeks to transmute and perfect the very spirit and soul of humanity."

1. Gets Seal Evil since I'm going to assume that still exists.

2. "Transmute: Rot" - Close-range, single-target ability that attempts to add Random Undead or Doom.

3. "Transmute: Pain" - Close-range, single-target percentage-based ability that attempts to do damage and also would adds All or Nothing Poison (or perhaps is "only" guaranteed to cancel Charging, Performing & Defending and what have you like the Wind-elemental abilities can do).

4. "Transmute: Life" - Close-range, single-target ability that attempts to add All or Nothing Regen & Protect.

5. Maybe "Transmute: Faith" - Close-range, single-target ability that attempts to add All or Nothing Faith & Silence (if the following exists).

6. Maybe Wizard's Shock (if the above exists).


Team Always Hates You (Red)
1x ??? Hateful Entity named "Malice"; just uses the normal Jot5 female Dragoon sprite.

The Big Boss of this fight and probably the only one you would actually need to defeat, Malice's abilities are to be rather...Berserk-and-Charm-based and overall quite "aggressive", even on the RSM side like with, say, having Counter as its/(t)he(i)r reaction. That said, it seems far fairer for Malice to "merely" have Ignore Height rather than Master Teleport.

As for their/her active abilities, I figure I'll try to only request around 3 "special" abilities for special classes if I think they need any at all.

1. Taunt (from Rogue).
2. Charm (from Rogue, especially if Malice is gendered as a Monster rather than Female).
3. Soul Taker (from Skeletons).
4. Enmity Wave (An at least AoE 1, Draw Out-esque at least in animation [think Koutetsu & Muramasa], MA-based, non-Direct attack that has a 20% chance of causing Berserk.)
5. Heartbreaker (Single-target, 100% hit attack that does 50% Max HP damage to a Charmed unit.)
6. Whatever Ghosts have that may be appropriate.

Other than that, I suppose Malice's Secondary "should" be Survival Skills still since it's Daisy's body and that's the Secondary Daisy had last time. Even if you go the full Monster "unit has no equipment to get the best of the ??? health boost" route, the accident with the Ranger at Zirekile Falls already showed that Survival Skills works fine while barehanded.


Team Going Bear-zerk (Light Red)
1x Immortal ??? Homunculus named "A.B.A."; uses that yet unused (?) Lust sprite Zozma made awhile ago.

Given that I'm already asking for quite a bit here, it's not like "she" needs special abilities. It would be...annoying to try to replicate Moroha Mode anyway or even the abilities of her "brother", Robo Ky, or the man he's (poorly) impersonating, Ky Kiske.

So, much like monsters, she'll be focusing more on her innates.

Like a Construct, she'll have 00 Faith and a lot of PA and I suppose decent MA if only because of access to boobs Charm (the skill). Also, immunity to Charm (the status), Faith, Poison & Undead in addition to the other Immortal immunities.

Could get away with giving her a skill set called "Manners" that is essentially just a rehash of (Foreign) Bandit's abilities only without the Brave or Faith affecting stuff and without Ikanagi Shock and instead with the first four abilities of Rogue.

Not really sure what the other skill set should be, though I guess she should have Innate Barehanded alongside Two Swords if she doesn't have any equipment otherwise. Shrug.

Well, for the fight at Golgorand, I had initially envisioned 6 enemy Alchemists actually, and no Homunculus. This is what initially was delaying this since I kept getting "writer's block" at 3 Alchemist skill sets. Even then, I tried subbing out the pet Toughskin for the Homunculus with 6 Alchemists still since I wanted to try to salvage the original idea for a 4-way match, which I'll detail more below this, in my usual half-assed way of doing things.

Of course, I then realized that for this to work "properly", with there "only" being 16 possible spots for enemies or Guests, I'd have to trim the number of Alchemists to 4 max. This was because with Malice and then A.B.A. as always present enemies, there were only 14 spots for two sides that could either be enemies or Guests. Given both sides total already have 7 people...yeah.

(This while is part of the reason I also cut out Daisy getting possessed on screen, even though I'm somewhat certain that adding a ghost sprite wouldn't "crash" things.)

Here I'll note that now I'm not really sure why I thought of the Hammer Bros. as a trio initially. I just realized yesterday that you could still get away with the Kooper "pun" and have only one other brother, probably named "Jamie" as to reference Megas XLR as well. (Sigh, I still miss that show too--a curse upon your house Cartoon Network.)

If reduced to a duo, then you could probably add the Turtle back, but the Homunculus would have to become a male Chemist sprite as well; the name A.B.A. would still work, even if the references would be less...apparent. Additionally, with "only" a duo, them getting their own class would probably be more necessary, especially since a "Hammer Brothers" class need not be boss strong.

The original four-way revenge idea was a far less serious, far more Nintendo-oriented fight where the the Hammer Bros. ambushed you at another Mark at Grog Hill. It would have probably been a reference to Ultros/Orthos (the talking octopus from FFVI) and have him slinking off way before the actual fight started if he actually showed up at all.

The Hammer Bros would then ambush you...only for two other groups, the unisex the Brotherhood of Flame and the more-diverse Sect of Shiva, to show up to the fake Mark as well from opposing sides of the hill. Incidentally, both of those groups hate each other. So it would quickly escalate from mere insults--"Go kiss a Bomb!" "Go climb some ice!"--to them going at each other...with Ramza & co. and the Hammer Bros. in the middle. The Hammer Bros. would just shrug and decide that they'll show everyone they're the "manliest"--hence part of the reason one of them is named "Kam(ina)". Ramza and co. just "shrug" and decide to "make sure no one gets killed".

Yeah. It was a lot more fun-spirited than this current proposal because I realized that I can't suggest anything that might actually be fun and not remotely morbid.

Quote from: Elric on May 18, 2013, 12:47:07 am

The Return of the Phantom


TBD, Maybe Thieves Fort again?

Definitely Thieves' Fort unless you guys have an idea to use it again after the fight with you know who there; not like you can answer that. Otherwise it and Golgorand Execution Site just end up sitting unused again after the one-time you go there, which is why I'm suggesting the above battle for the latter instead of Grog Hill.

Good to see Thief Zero confirmed. I wasn't sure if he had already made it or not since you said you weren't revealing everything.

Quote from: Elric on May 26, 2013, 12:33:09 pm
I don't think what you are proposing is possible EZ  Thats too many different Chocobo's and with way to many moves. Monsters only get 3 moves + 1 with Monster Skill.

Actually, as absurd and probably unbeatable as it would be to try to beat up (several) something(s) that can probably instantly heal for 999 HP and can't be turned Undead or Poisoned (if only because of Choco Esuna), everything he's asking except for the Golden Chocobo Feather as usable item should be possible. Even that could just made into an accessory that gave the user Always: Reraise like that stupid Perfume from vanilla.

As for the monsters, well since you don't have any extra monster space anyway (since I assume you already used all 48 spaces), you'd have to already be using the regular skillsets for any special monsters, which work fine on monsters. You just have to make sure that nothing auto-opens for them from having 0 Level in Squire, which I think is already the case, or else there will be Job Wheel problems.

But, yeah, you could have the Yellow and Red Chocobos as just normal monsters at least and then give the other ones tailored skill sets if you have the room after everything is said and done. There might be some palette limitation I'm unaware of, with more than four variable colors overall, but since they'd all be the same sprite and all on the same "team", you'd only have 6 different sprites on the field at most.

For the record, I'm not really behind that idea to be honest, mostly because of the above "heal for 999 HP ad infinitium" thing. That and I'm not sure how a ??? stats unit would function in the Formation screen if the player could recruit it. Seems like it might "break" something, if "only" game balance. I'm not sure you could "nerf it" on the Join screen either or if it has to the unit in the battle, but I somewhat suspect the latter.

Quote from: brittmarv on May 26, 2013, 02:34:14 pm
Just thought of Super Mario RPG for some reason.


If we had a White or Pale colored Bomb Sprite, that would be even better for Boo. But could we make it undead without wasting a slot somewhere? Probably not I guess. Just food for thought. That would make all 3 units closely resemble their SMRPG counterparts.

I'm not privy to everything the Jot5 staff is doing obviously, but there should be plenty of Job space even for one-off enemy. IIRC, there's something absurd like 70+ usable job slots either through redundancy or outright disuse. (By "disuse", I mean that at most that unit appears in an event or two, but never fights in an actual battle and thus has no needs for the stats and skill set/abilities it might be assigned.)
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on May 27, 2013, 06:13:41 am
Ahahahaha, that's funny, you're funny.

As you can tell by Raven's comment The Damned, we don't really have that much space job-wise as you would think,
this being due to the fact tha we've already taken into account all the jobs for bosses and extra characters throughout the game.

My others reason for being put off by that mark idea is because Xif already gave us a Chocobo Mark, plus we use them in the Chicken Durbs marks as well.
  • Modding version: PSX

The Damned

May 28, 2013, 12:32:49 am #13 Last Edit: May 14, 2014, 06:33:53 pm by The Damned
(So noted. Also, damn, I spelled Jamie's name wrong last post; I blame Young Justice. I need to go back and fix that...and then go back to weeping over both those shows. Curse you, Cartoon Network.)

"Plenty" was doubtless the wrong word, but I figured you would still have at least like a dozen spots left considering that's what I had/have left over and Raven is way more efficient than I am. Good to know though.

Also good to have a Chicken Mark and what's probably a certain FFXII Mark confirmed. I figured the latter was inevitable and I thought the former was likely given Link was in the game; despite not having played much of Link's series, even I know about that. (Hmmm...this gives me an idea for another Link-related Mark, but I'll have to think about it.)

In the meantime, since I don't like posting on this forum unless I have at least the illusion of being productive, I'll see if I can think up a Mark right now that doesn't need any special jobs made for it.

Speed-Mark making, go!

*References Chrono Trigger and TVTropes's "Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot"* trope (Has a link...that will ruin/enhance your life.)
A Singing Construct Walks Into a Bar...

"A most unusual group has been seen in and around Goug recently, seemingly having come from Warjilis. A relatively small quartet, its most interesting member is a metallic construct that seems to move on its own. Some suspect it to be a rather advanced puppet, especially given it sings along with the Bard of the group. Regardless, the group has been reported as becoming more and more frustrated with the local machinists attempts to 'fix' it and so it's worried they might take to violence soon, especially since one is a Ninja and the leader a Pirate...."


Goug Machine City (or Warjilis Trade City).

1x female Ninja, probably with Defense Arts Secondary but definitely NOT with Dance Secondary.
1x male ("Pirate") Geomancer with Martial Arts Secondary, Equip Projectiles Support and a gun.
1x Construct/Worker named "Gato" with the ability to use Bard's skill set if possible.
1x Bard, maybe with Yin-Yang Magic Secondary and whatever Short Charge is (Half Magic?).

(Secondary EDIT: Fixed "Punch Art" Secondary for the "leader" male Geomancer and added "suggested" Secondaries for the Ninja/Kunoichi and Bard.)

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on May 27, 2013, 06:13:41 am
Ahahahaha, that's funny, you're funny.

You know me. I'm funny only when I'm being serious.

*does Mandark's laugh completely deadpan*
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: Elric on May 26, 2013, 12:33:09 pm
I don't think what you are proposing is possible EZ  Thats too many different Chocobo's and with way to many moves. Monsters only get 3 moves + 1 with Monster Skill.

But is it possible to create the Gold chocobo? And if so could it be edited with ??? stats? And as for the 4 skill req. I was thinking Choco meteor, Choco Esuna, Choco Cure with a mastered black magic ability? I know you can hack a monster and give it a second ability just like a human char cuz i've done it numerous times.
317 RPG God


Well since my Gold Chocobo mark was shot down I was thinkin Ultima/Omega weapon marks?

Diff: Insane

Story: Spirits (Diamond, Emerald, Ruby Weapon spirits) from an unknown world aka Cloud's world have posessed worker bots in Goug City wrecking havoc on the city. [Off the top Jot5 tweak if necessary]

Enemies: 1x Diamond Weapon (Custom worker 8 job with ??? stats?) / Abilities= ??? Jot5 Team decision based on FF7 attacks?

             1x Emerald Weapon (Custom Worker 8 job with ??? stats?) / Abilities= ??? Jot5 Team decision based on FF7 attacks?

             1x Ruby Weapon (Custom Worker 8 job with ??? stats?) / Abilities= ??? Jot5 Team decision based on FF7 attacks?

Location: Goug City

Rewards: Not knowing which items and stuff are being used in the game I propose the Jot5 team to choose but they have to be some kick ass items lol
317 RPG God


Spoiler alert - this is a continuation of a mark that is currently playable in chapter 1

This is intended to be a continuation of "Killer Toads of Warjilis." The Bog Witch is the ipso facto root of the toad problem. Upset by the loss of her prized Hypnotoad and his brethren, she has decided to retaliate. Perhaps she will lead an all out assault on Warjilis.. or, maybe she challenges the Five to a final battle, or attempts to lure them into a trap.

With Hypnotoad out of the picture, she resorts to unleashing her blood thirsty Gigantoad upon her enemies.

Background (for flavor):

Based off of a random encounter in the Sylvan Caves of the Final Fantasy IV Underworld, which consisted of 1 ToadLady/Bog Witch surrounded by 6 TinyToads/Bog Toads. She was a "commander" type enemy, meaning that the toads would only attack at her command. She very rarely dropped a "Ribbon" upon death.

Sing, my pretties!

Average-Above Average or Hard

TBD, Warjilis? Zigolis Swamp?

1x Bog Witch (Female Wizard, Female Summoner, or Dancer sprite)
        Is there a job with an AOE Toad? Ideally, she would have that + Beastmaster secondary
4, 6, or 8x Frog (The types encountered in the first Mark)
        Ribbit Ribbit, you know the drill. Squishy songstresses.
1x Gigantoad (Frog with a different color so it's easy to spot)
        The tank/powerhouse of the group. Pure melee.

The units should be arranged in a way that Bog Witch always targets Gigantoad first with the Beastmaster Haste type Buff.

The Damned

May 31, 2013, 12:56:36 pm #17 Last Edit: May 19, 2014, 08:43:08 am by The Damned
(Hey! I want to do secret suggestions too!)

Haha at one of the changes to 1.951 relating almost directly to the idea that I said I needed to think on a bit. I'll make a secret ballot for "reasons", though part of that is merely because of speculation about a few things. Well, that and it rather pertains to the end of Chapter 1 fight (which I still haven't gotten to myself and haven't seen).

This is another something only Jot5 can get away with though.

I assume that Dark Link will show up at some point given you know who apparently shows up at Chapter 1's end, though I'm still not there yet. Similarly, I assume that one of the Marks already existent or at least considered is a dark version of Ramza or at least some type of doppelganger fight, so this might step on the toes of that.

As much as I try not to reference memes, the "BEN Drowned" one seems like it would make for a rather decent Mark and I thought of way to make it yesterday without needing special classes after thinking about it for a day. Just didn't get around to posting it because I was distracted by other things.

It's a shame there's probably no way to make it mandatory to take Link into this particular Mark, but meh:

*References "BEN Drowned"* (Has a Link. Hurr hurr.)
What is "Highrule"?

"Lately, eerie voices and songs has been heard coming from the waters of [Insert Map Area with a Landlocked Body of Water Here]. Many a traveler has hurried from the place, [merely thinking themselves lucky that they didn't have to deal with manifestations of the apparitions or any other monsters], but a few, perhaps fools or madmen, have stayed longer and heard differing things. One claimed to hear a crying, choking child; another an eerie, warped song backed by whispers; yet another burning and agonized screaming. Most reports agree, though, that the voices speak of something called 'Highrule', whomever or whatever that is."


[Insert Map Area with a Landlocked Body of Water Here], though I admittedly prefer Finath River or Bariaus Valley, maybe even poor neglected Doldobar Swamp, to Zirekile Falls or Fovoham "Plains". Also, Poeskas Lake doesn't count despite the...nature of this encounter/Mark.


*after some type of ambush via waterborne distractions and a brief explanation about "freedom" and essentially "kill and replace" and "spreading"*

3x Immortal Link "Hero of Hyrule", non-Dark Link palettes, all named "BEN".

I'm...not really sure if Link's Hero of Hyrule class can innately equip Instruments since those still aren't available, but I'm going to pretend they do for Power's set up. It's not like we can't just force non-compatible weapons on people anyway, so....

"Power" Link would be the Red Palette for Link, which would have an Instrument as its weapon and be the only "Link" to perhaps have a special ability or two since it wouldn't have access to the Sword ability or Arrow abilities of "Hero of Hyrule":

1. Song of Gnilaeh (or Elegy of Emptiness): Basically the reverse of Song of Healing in that it randomly (or perhaps even separately) attempts to inflict what Song of Healing can cure, though Vampirism might be a bit...much if it's still a) infinite and b) instant game over. Then again, Petrify has that issue as well, though that's at least not infectious even as much as AoE Petrify might also be a bit much....

I was going to suggest that Elegy of Emptiness be made into an AoE 2 discriminating Dispel, but isn't Odd/Eerie Soundwave already basically that? Meh.

Regardless, "Power" Link has some type of magick Secondary--probably Black Magick--and whatever Short Charge Support got renamed and Move-MP Up Movement. Also, thinking on it, I suppose he could steal from Gannondorf's skill set or whatever.

To juxtapose that, "Wisdom" Link would be the Purple palette, a Longbow set-up, probably White Magick Secondary, Ramza's Sturdy Support, Move-HP Up Movement and perhaps some stuff from Zelda's skill set if she has an active one.

Similarly, "Courage" Link would be the Light Blue palette with a Sword & Shield set-up. Probably has Defense Arts Secondary, but definitely has Adeptness Support and whatever the highest Move +X is as Movement.

3x Ghosts or Skeletons...also named "BEN".

The match should probably end with one of the "Link"s saying "You shouldn't have done that...." after they lose. Maybe even after they win too if so possible. [/shrug]

I'd feel more confident about this if a) I played the game(s) this meme references, b) played more of Link's series in general and c) there was a third type of Undead monster to "request" since right now it seems like Ghosts & Skeletons are getting whored in my ideas; we all know repetition is such fun.

Quote from: EzE-2G on May 28, 2013, 05:08:01 am
But is it possible to create the Gold chocobo? And if so could it be edited with ??? stats? And as for the 4 skill req. I was thinking Choco meteor, Choco Esuna, Choco Cure with a mastered black magic ability? I know you can hack a monster and give it a second ability just like a human char cuz i've done it numerous times.

I wanted to respond to this earlier, but I didn't want to respond to it without suggesting another Mark. Now that I've done that, I'll just say that, yes, it's possible to create it and, yes, giving it ??? stats is as easy as a toggle in FFTPatcher. As I explained to Elric above, outside of making it recruitable (maybe), everything you ask for is possible.

It's just another question entirely of whether or not it's a good idea, just like how it's another question entirely of whether or not it ultimately fits.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


May 31, 2013, 02:14:59 pm #18 Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 02:49:42 pm by Elric
Quote from: The Damned on May 31, 2013, 12:56:36 pm
I assume that Dark Link will show up at some point given you know who apparently shows up at Chapter 1's end, though I'm still not there yet. Similarly, I assume that one of the Marks already existent or at least considered is a dark version of Ramza or at least some type of doppelganger fight, so this might step on the toes of that.

As much as I try not to reference memes, the "BEN Drowned" one seems like it would make for a rather decent Mark and I thought of way to make it yesterday without needing special classes after thinking about it for a day. Just didn't get around to posting it because I was distracted by other things.

It's a shame there's probably no way to make it mandatory to take Link into this particular Mark, but meh:



there will likely be a couple CreepyPasta inspired marks, though not for meme's sake, more for the fact that I love CreepyPasta
  • Modding version: PSX


It's a shame there's probably no way to make it mandatory to take Link into this particular Mark, but meh

Unless you are a crafty devil like me and know how to work around such issues, assuming Elric likes the idea of Link being required and my workaround.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?