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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Broken vs The Quackening: Pretty much Breaking teams are the only kind of teams that can reliably kill this setup. In particular, the loss of the P Bags and the Phoenix Blades was what really did me in. Broken must have some very low damage output though for those Paladins to last as long as they did.

Secret Krieg vs Patch Me: Lost another one to a speed team! Charm, like womanizing, can be completely awesome or a complete disaster. I think I'm going to reevaluate the worth of Steal Heart on this team. Then again, I'm amazed all those Katar strikes hit their mark in the first place.

Stone Frog vs Fervent Snipers: Another bad premier. I actually deleted this team on accident while I was created it and I had to remember what I had from scratch. It was easy remembering most of my wizard, the only problem was I forgot what the reaction I had on her was, so I just slapped on Counter Magic. This battle made me remember what that reaction was: Projectile Guard. It was more intended to fight Spell Gunners, but it'll also lessen the odds of constantly getting mid charged by Arm Aim. Being without my offensive engine, my team quickly folded.

My attempts at casually using Defender were foiled again. While the Steal secondary wasn't all that great to start with, I'm probably going to have to rebuild him. I'll just stick with a shield then.

But I'm absolutely positive that Stone Frog will do better next time, especially after a few touch ups here and there.


Quote from: The Damned on February 10, 2013, 08:48:20 pm

1. Dokurider: None of those teams were the teams I had in mind to fight against Wiz's team. I suppose that's all right even if I'll be "gone" (now without much of a choice) from FFH for about a week or so since 1.39's going to take a while to come out.

Yeah, I actually didn't catch the cooperative picking until I already sent you the memory card. Sorry about that. I'll pay better attention next time. I actually only know how one of those teams will perform against Wiz's team (my own). I only picked fdc's team on his own suggestion.

QuoteI'll just say this about that: you never get to pick who fights Wiz again. <3 (Also, I may find way to strangle you over the Internet for that last match. I am only recording one match of that because it's going to take at least an hour.)

ah hahahaha
You don't have to actually record it, it was more of a (cruel) joke suggestion. I'd sooner record that match myself.


February 10, 2013, 10:42:12 pm #1982 Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 10:47:44 pm by reinoe
Quote from: Ahong on February 10, 2013, 09:16:51 pm

hmm, i dunno what to comment there, since no 1 died. For speed saver, maybe you can make it "High damage with high speed" because of speed saver can make your team turn fast. (just my opinion) Btw, GG reinoe

In response to Ahong...
Unfortunately the Speed Savers team you faced hasn't existed in over a month.  For some reason Barren uploaded a very old and terrible version of the team. 

I had to laugh when I saw how the RNG was pulling out all kinds of b.s. against my team.  What really made me go WTF was when the double Don't move proc'd on my Samurai and Squire.  Oh and the Water 2 hit my Squire through all that evasion.  Just when I thought the RNG would stop intervening on DarkX's behalf, that Stop proc hit on my Paladin.  Fortunately my Paladin is actually the least essential unit on the team, but it was still pretty frustrating.  Especially watching my squire miss on a 98% chance to hit.  Seriously that was a trial by fire.  That match was bullshit all the way through.  But the fact that I still won suggests that Mello Yello may be my strongest team.

I was actually triple turning the dancer units.  Fortuanately they're dancers and they had Witch hunt so it didn't matter.  Still triple turning.  TRIPLE TURNING.

That team has never won.  No seriously, Hyperfabulous is the first team I've ever made and they have literally never won a match.  They've only won one round total.  I hate to throw away the team.  But the concept is apparently unworkable.

Oh yeah, and thanks for doing all the matches Barren.
My dreams can come true!


Even though my Ninja and Chemist didn't really do anything, I still won...hmm.

This team really needs some improvements.
  • Modding version: PSX


Javelin II?

If Bards get Robes, so should Dancers. The MP boost isn't terribly useful for them, but some of the Robe bonuses are.

I hope Nether Guns even work.


Quote from: Dokurider on February 11, 2013, 12:47:39 am
Javelin II?

If Bards get Robes, so should Dancers. The MP boost isn't terribly useful for them, but some of the Robe bonuses are.

I hope Nether Guns even work.

This may be a little more in line with the Balance discussion thread, but I hope bards don't get access to Robes.  Bards already have among the Highest MA.  They're arguably better Draw Out users than Samurai as it is.  With robes they'll be the best Spellcaster class with built in MP restoration via Angel Song.
My dreams can come true!


I say if. I'm not entirely convinced that Bards need Robes.


Quote from: Dokurider on February 11, 2013, 01:40:26 am
I say if. I'm not entirely convinced that Bards need Robes.

They don't, really. Giving the job for males with the highest MA access to MP and MA boosting equipment isn't really a good idea.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Sorry about that reinoe, I completely missed that you deleted the team. I owe you a rematch against that team with one of your better teams
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: Barren on February 11, 2013, 07:21:15 am
Sorry about that reinoe, I completely missed that you deleted the team. I owe you a rematch against that team with one of your better teams

I'm not stressing over it.  The way I see it a win is a win and a loss is a loss.  Plus I still enjoyed the videos.  Or video I guess.  But I watch them 2-3 matches at a time.
My dreams can come true!

The Damned

(Yeah, I just figured it was a reserve memory card when I saw my crappy all-Thief team on there, as I already said on Youtube. Still, no harm done ultimately Barren, so thanks.

Pre-Script. If you want to use any time of mine while I'm gone, then you should probably use "Obligation Day!" again before or during Obligation Day itself considering that's already [ugh] this Thursday. I say this to anyone.)

Ugh. Well, I got the videos up well before 5:00 P.M. PST, but I only got Internet access around again 4:30 P.M. PST again and that's temporary and unreliable until one of my (too) many problems are fixed. Still, sorry for the massive delay:

1. FFT ARENA 138d - Wiz ({S1}) vs. Dokurider (Stone Frog) [44:15]

2. FFT ARENA 138d - Barren (I Like Books) vs. Dokurider (Bulletproof) [34:49]

3. FFT ARENA 138d - Ahong (Bard and Dance) vs. Dokurider (Ultimate Magic) [12:54]

4. FFT ARENA 138d - RavenofRazgriz (Great Cocaine Expeditionaries) vs. Dokurider (Secret Krieg) [16:23]

5. FFT ARENA 138dp - Angelus (A Very Strange Team) vs. DarkxFatal (Four Fangs Redux) [19:04]

6. FFT ARENA 138d - Ahong (Sword Art Online) vs. DarkxFatal (Gesusank) [11:21]

7. FFT ARENA 138d - Wiz ({S1}) vs. formerdeathcorps (S6) [28:23]

Quote from: Dokurider on February 10, 2013, 10:18:45 pmYeah, I actually didn't catch the cooperative picking until I already sent you the memory card. Sorry about that. I'll pay better attention next tiame.

Meh. It's fine. As long as you're getting people's abilities and equipment correct, that's what I mostly care about, especially since I'm lucky you're even doing this for me at all.

That said, I already know the next two teams Wiz will fight.

Quote from: Dokurider on February 10, 2013, 10:18:45 pmI actually only know how one of those teams will perform against Wiz's team (my own).

I guess that's the one you want me to save for last then? Because you should prepare to disappointed in Stone Frog's Wizard if not.

Quote from: Dokurider on February 10, 2013, 10:18:45 pmI only picked fdc's team on his own suggestion.

So formerdeathcorps is equally to blame? Bloody hell. Somehow I'm not surprised.

Quote from: Dokurider on February 10, 2013, 10:18:45 pmah hahahaha

You don't have to actually record it, it was more of a (cruel) joke suggestion. I'd sooner record that match myself.

Up to you, especially since I'll be gone for at least week now.

Just a tip though: Do not record it on map #002 or any map with "weird" corners. Phoenix Blade makes attackers really fucking dumb, which is part of the reason why the more time goes on, the more I dislike that sword.

***Mania 3 stuff***

As for the most recent video:

CT5Holy (Tag!) vs TrueLight (Little Devils) - Hmm...that was rather brutal, though it's not that suprising considering how Tag! functions: it either blows someone up or gets blown up itself and the latter happened here. Not much else to say here except that I still don't really understand how AI is blind to thinks like magickal redirects when Haste or Quick aren't involved.

Barren (Hero Lancers) vs RavenOfRazgriz (Playground Pioneers) - There was so much Jumping and healing that it is unsurprising that the winner was decided by the team who's stats were able to build up the most. I wonder how this would have gone if Quickening didn't exist. I was also wondering if this is first time that two entirely heavy armored teams that weren't all the same class fought since I know there has been at least an all-Lancer battle; it seems likely that there has been and it would be rather improbable if there hasn't been, but I can't remember for sure.

DarkxFatal (Frost Marchers) vs reinoe (Mellow Yellow) - I laughed at the 98% miss from behind, mostly because it reminded of something that happened towards the end of the match between Raven & Dokurider I just posted. That said, reinoe is rather correct that had a lot of bad luck here even though he actually won. Nice to see Frost Marchers back. It seems like Ice absorb teams are coming back in "vogue".

Dokurider (THE QUACKENING) vs formerdeathcorps (Broken) - Hey, Broken finally won a round for once...even though it's easily the worst team that formerdeathcorps has to offer. Even understanding what he's trying to "prove". I still don't understand his set-up for it. He's just lucky that none of Dokurider's units have Silence, which make his two Priests utterly worthless. It certainly helps that I think that The Quackening is easily Dokurider's worst team as well; it's at least Dokurider's most annoying team.

Dol (Zombieh!) vs The Damned (Knife Nuts) - Well, it would seem that my bad luck against status continues considering  how all but one of those Zombies hit. Witch Hunt was actually really useful here because/in spite of that given I would have otherwise doubtless been screwed over by Raise 2 if not for it. Throwing Knife also deciding to finally proc helped; hell it's what won me the match really aside from maybe Banana Dirk resurrecting. I find humorous that the one time Undead resurrection actually works for me is the one time I'm *not* using Cursed Ring. I also find it amusing to note that Death Sentence seems to be one of the few statuses that works for me. Hmm....

It would have been nice to see if switching Banana Dirk over to Time Magick from Yin-Yang Magick was "worth it", but meh. I'll take an amusing victory. GG Dol.

Reks (Severe Weather Alert) vs Ahong (Bard and Dance) - Considering how solid I think Severe Weather Alert is and even being familiar with how hard Bard and Dance can hit, I was still a bit surprised that to see how quickly Reks's team went down. Dancers are indeed scary...though usually when not

Gaignun (Patch Me) vs Dokurider (Secret Kreig) - This was rather close, which isn't surprising since both teams currently rely on stuff that needs to be "patched", though it's more so with Gaignun's team than Dokurider's. (Unless, of course, we're counting Time Magic & Time Mage's problems, but I'm talking about "overpowered" here.) Dokurider would have probably won if more of the Steal Hearts hit or if Gaignun got less lucky with Cover Fire. Then again, Dokurider himself got really luck with hit constant 50~% OHKOs against the Ninja, so I suppose it cuts both ways.

reinoe (Red Dead Redemption) vs Malroth (Sabredance) - Hmmm...Malroth's team makes me want to resurrect my crappy Elmdor, Death-themed team. Otherwise, not much to say here considering.

Otabo (Property Loss) vs Avalanche (circlus terestris) - All of Avalanche's teams hit so hard. It's a shame because I liked Property Loss too.

DarkxFatal (Four Fangs Redux) vs The Damned (I Was Serious About Stealing Everything) - ...Yeah, there's reason I killed off I Was Serious About Stealing Everything a while ago. GG DarkxFatal. Next.

Barren (I Like Books) vs Jumza (Reaction, Support, Blank) - Matches like this is one of the reasons why "I Like Books" is the team I like the best of Barren's. I think that close matches are a lot more interesting and informative than curbstomps in most cases and it helps Jumza's teams are pretty solid for a newer person.

reinoe (Speed Savers) vs Ahong (Sword Art Online) - Yeah, like reinoe said, this is terrible old version that team, so Ahong destroying him isn't surprising.

Dokurider (Stone Frog) vs DarkxFatal (Fervent Snipers) - And Chivalry Wizard fails again. I can't say I'm surprised considering that Wiz match I just recorded and posted. Nice to see Snipers catch a break consider his match against formerdeathcorps.

The Damned (Cuchulainn & The Heroes of Ulster) vs reinoe (Hyper Fabulous) - While it's nice to see Cuchulainn & co. win and the Mime actually mimic everything (important), even that particularly stupid Hawk's Eye towards the end, as I said on Youtube, this was also and old version. I wonder how Fubar Murphy as Monk would have faired. I probably would have still won, even more handily, between powered Earth Slashes, lower Faith and that map being hideously unfair; after all, it's not like Distribute really did anything. GG reinoe.

TrueLight (Divine Grace) vs formerdeathcorps (Parasite) - I personally think that Parasite is one of formerdeathcorps's teams and the terrain working against the Ninja, allowing him to kamikaze himself like an idiot, and the Chemist on TrueLight's sides didn't help.

***Mania 3 stuff***

This reminds me that I forgot say to GG to the other people that kicked my ass last Mania video, so GG Otabo, reinoe and...uh....

*looks back*

Oh, right. Barren himself.

With all that said (and my Internet still out again), I'll be gone for at least week. I'll say what's still up to be recorded on the memory card now and then what I'm going to either ask Dokurider for next or be able to finally do myself:

1. Playground Pioneers (RavenofRazgriz) vs Air Krieg (Dokurider)
2. Celestial Stasis (Reks) vs  Madness Ensues (DarkxFatal)
3. Slick Chicks (Otabo) vs Broken (formerdeathcorps)
4. Step Into My Parlor (Otabo) vs S5 (formerdeathcorps)
5. Spirit Cleansers (Otabo) vs Holy Stones (CT5Holy)
6. "Dokurider's Revenge" (Dokurider) vs. Down to Earth (Jumza)
7. ???? vs ???? (Cruel Joke Match to Save For Last; Only During One Round if Dokurider doesn't record it first)

It's Mighty Warm In Here (Otabo) vs Rave Masters (RavenofRazgriz)


1. Two more (and possibly final) with Wiz's team.
2. At least one more match for poor neglected Celdia.
3. At least two more matches for poor neglected AeroGP.
4. At least two matches with Otabo's Spellstorm since, uh, Dokurider forgot that team on the current memory card.
5. At least two matches with Otabo's Shroom Squad since, uh, see above.

Like I said before, if you have any suggestions or issues about this, PM me rather than talk about it here if so possible or necessary.

Otherwise, see you later (probably).
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Thx for the video The Damned. Actually in your video my Bard and Dancer team is different. :D.

Your monk damage is crazy. Even my attack cannot be 500++. Oh well GG DarkxFatal. Your team had a nice close combater.

The Damned

(Not yet gone.)

Ah, damn it. Does that mean it was still the old version? Inform Dokurider of what was wrong or just post in this thread. Whichever.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Thanks for the match effort you've been putting out, Damned. (also, thanks for the Mania vids, Barren)

Also, if it's any consolidation I enjoy reading your comments and posts on Arena matches and such. You always seem to have something to say, and I enjoy listening(reading, in this case) to the opinion of others.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Ninja-posting Barren's newest match before he does: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnJJdJPUIfM

Not aware how to make the link name different, mainly because i've never done so before.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Quote from: Reks on February 12, 2013, 08:11:21 am
Ninja-posting Barren's newest match before he does: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnJJdJPUIfM

Not aware how to make the link name different, mainly because i've never done so before.

You can quote my post Reks and you should be able to see how its done
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Thanks for the videos, Barren.

Stone Frog...meet Stone Gun!
  • Modding version: PSX


Thx for the video Barren.

Well, from this video i knew my team weakness now. Glad that barren re-match with another team. GG Reinoe

*And, 1 character from my Bard and Dancer team now isn't Summoner, i change it to Chemist. You can check it at Team Submission TheDamned. ^_^


Oh, that's what you meant by Javelin II. That definitely shouldn't be there. No wonder Asuna was dealing so much damage with a Javelin. Personally, I think this is more of a problem with Memory Card Generation. Javelin II should just redirect to Javelin.