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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Turtle was definetly supposed to have only Slow Dance, not Last Dance. But that round 2 was pretty epic; almost came back.

The RNG's love-hate relationship with my team simply was too much to handle. GG.


Yea that was my bad Otabo. I completely missed it. I made sure that this time I got your team right. Again my apologies
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


That was a fun match dare I say, too bad that my somewhat (actually more than somewhat) squishy team couldn't handle the arrows coming at me. GG CT5Holy


No problem. It happens. That team is getting updated anyway.


It was hilarious and sort of terrifying to see those Paladins be so persistent in their refusal to die. I think I'm going to consider giving Tank a different sword to play around with, if he's going to be whacking people over the head he should probably be doing something more beneficial than 78 damage.


Holy crap R2! I was sure I had lost for like... the whole round. Your archer OHKOing me with Kagesougi was a huge problem - my team just barely managed to hold on. Them being at the end of the map, hence their not moving, gave them a few extra 20 CT here and there. That was probably really important. gg!
Also Barren, for future reference, Don't Move/Don't Act still eats up the CT.

Wow, another intense round! Glad my teams are making things exciting, haha. I also had no idea who would win for most of the round, and R1 lasted for like ~14 minutes! That was really fun. I thought I might've lost when Ultima picked off two of my own units in addition to yours. Also when my Ultima/White Magic Squire died, but Reraise saved me there.
Heck, even though R2 was much shorter, it was still rather interesting - people got separated and crystallized without much resistance on both sides. I was just fortunate enough to take down your units quickly enough, especially your super slippery Squire.
Also note how Phoenix Blade kept a unit more or less permanently occupied - that's a definite strength of Phoenix Blade imo.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Just wanna say thanks to Damned and Barren for the matches while I was away. I'm happy with how well my team performed.
I'm under the impression that physical-based teams are supposed to be more agro.
Round 2 was a good fight.
Now that's a great match. I'd like to see my team go up against one of these.
Charm and death sentence fest. Shame that Barren's paladin only got 2 decaps, and in round 3, no less.
Nice damage all around. Not much more I can say, except that repeating fist, bullrush, and ultima are underrated.


It always seems like whenever I fight Reks, I lose.
Doesn't help that my melee team was fighting a ranged magic team, really.
Oh well, par for the course really.
GG Reks.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


Quote from: Dokurider on May 13, 2013, 04:02:03 am
[FFT Arena 138d] So You Think You Can Dance? (Reinoe) vs 8 Swords (Dol)

Round 3 could have been an interesting match.  Unfortunately not one but two of my units decided to waltz (literally) into the AOE of that Silf, one of whom wound up with DA proc.  It was pretty much a shut down after that.  I'm still having difficulty making a decision on what "Jazz"s dance should be.  I guess I'll take CT5HOLY's advice and go with Witch Hunt.  Slow dance just doesn't have enough of an effect fast enough.
My dreams can come true!


Those Paladins were better at tanking then I was expecting. Thanks to his high evasion and high compat Charm stalling, he managed to buy a huge chunk of time. However, not only is Quickening not working (because of these reasons here), but those Samurai just aren't strong enough to kill anyone. Trying to MA Save without the ability to heal yourself means you can't build enough MA fast enough between revivals, or in the case of Raise 2, at all.


Wizards provided the much needed AOE and there wasn't too much friendly fire. Match was never decided due to the undead units. Round 2 was...quite the speedy round. Got lucky with Lich hitting everyone and Frog was for the lolz. GG Dokurider. 
  • Modding version: PSX