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How would you implement these characters?

Started by CONMAN, January 27, 2016, 05:03:26 pm


I wasn't sure I should be posting this on the recruitment forum- as I'm looking for some help, but not trying to ask for it long term.  I almost posted this on the Jobs/Ideas thread-but I'm asking, not producing.  If this topic gets moved, I understand.  This just seemed to be in the general theme of this (rather empty) sub-forum.

Character creation is so much fun, but at a certain point you run out of steam.  At a certain point, one can only create so many sword-skillers, monk/brawlers, ranger/rogue,whatever types before they simply step on each others toes.  Similarly, you don't want to keep adding more similar skills that are already getting overdone.

Anyway, I would like some input what kind of skills/builds others would do on a few characters/sprites.

I'm working on the classic ff6 character Umaro, but also intend to use generic bigfoot.

-his storm attack as a ranged "northwind" ice/wind attack

-a "head cracker" attack where he jumps and aims for a big finish (random damage)

-"green cherry"- in which Umaro eats a green cherry and gains berserk, haste, regen and protect.

-I was thinking about giving Umaro some kind of "howl" move that would have a chance of slow/stop.  I'm just not crazy about it.

I'm having a little trouble finishing up an "Ironman" skillset.  The general idea is that he would operate like Worker 8.  All his attacks would require battery power (hit points).  He would be a monster type (why equip armor over armor) and I was considering giving him a bomb only throw as a secondary.

-a "Repulsar" (not sure how to spell that?) attack that would hit a small aoe from relatively short range.

-an electrical "Burst" attack similar to the Samurai's aoe around the caster. short ct

-a "Dive Bomb" attack that would be a jump attack(I'm aware of the drawbacks) with a semi-long ct that follows the target.

I'm also trying to figure out what kind of skillset I would want to give reptilians.  Spitting sounded alright, but I wasn't sure how I could do it and not have it look like just another breath attack.... Currently it has a "growl" move with a chance to reduce a characters ct to zero... but I'm not loving it.

What would you do?
  • Modding version: PSX


January 27, 2016, 10:56:53 pm #1 Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 11:08:28 pm by Guru
hmmm I don't know much about ironman and I'll have to think on the yeti/Umaro a bit but here is some quick thoughts for reptilian.
Awesome looking sprites btw  :mrgreen:

reptilian - I think it'd be cool to give them two swords right off the bat(ffix style lizardman) (aeon from soul caliber)
This would be cool imo regardless if you let them use weapons or barehanded


Tough skin - shell / protect

spit - % poison / blind ( or you could give this a lower ct to 0 ) I like this idea just not sure on a good animation I'll have to think about it more

charge - charge forward 2-3 tiles with knockback

bite - % don't move / don't act

Tail lash/slash/sweep or just a spin attack with weapon that does a sweep attack around self

Bash - jump in air and strike with weapon ( if you use two swords then this attack would do more damage than a single attack but would do less damage than the 2 swords attack would. Maybe a chance to stun?

*edit* just had a thought for umaro too. moogle summon to heal or have a mog attack where he just calls mog and he charges the enemy or something. or both lol
and snowstorm is definitely a good idea.
Maybe add bravery for some extra damage on green cherry too? not like it can be spammed really unless you want to dispel it and repeat but that would just be a waste of turns.
Could even add a % stop for "head cracker"


For spitting abilities you could use some of the Malboro ability animations, like Lick. It's got some weird goo stuff as an animation :P
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


January 28, 2016, 09:30:23 am #3 Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 09:40:56 am by Guru
I'm kinda striking out on the yeti and umaro  :oops: I'll keep thinking about it though. And I can't really help ya with iron man I've never really seen him in action in anything. Gotta be a shit load of videos with him in other video games though.

Anyways My thoughts so far....

Generic big foot

stomp  ;)
Howl - I do like this idea if you don't like it on umaro maybe just give it to the generics
Howl- or you could make this into a PA + or Brave + (you could keep both attacks and call one shout or something)
body slam - knock back
berserk ( or weaker form of green cherry like sour cherry or something idk lol )
Pummel ( goblin punch animation higher damage lower %, or just stick with the random damage like goblin punch )

Some of these could obviously apply to umaro as well

*edit* I'd love to see toss for umaro but I can't think of any realistic way to animate it =/ I obviously just got started modding and haven't got to messing around with weapon animations and sprites but maybe if you could figure out a way to make it look like he is tossing mog or something.... Idk proly not, just a thought ( sorry no sleep yet again lol ;) )


Conman! Sorry haven't had a lot of time lately, but hopefully some of my ideas helped ya. Like jumza said malboro has a nice looking attack anim for spit.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1J-SgC5IDQ (effect 5 goo)

or quicksand oddly enough looks more like bubbling acid

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8zO-zLLMEA (effect 3 quicksand)

I think I like goo the best it actually looks like some nasty reptile spit =p

Let me know if you need some more ideas. I should have some more time this week and I can always pack up the good ol' pipe and mess around with some abilities   :mrgreen:


Well if you're still looking for opinions on these things, here's my two cents.

I'd actually do Umaro's blizzard as a 2 panel AoE centered on him, similar to the higher bomb family's. Even make him absorb ice and let him get hit by it. I always thought that was a really creative thing they did with the bomb, but they never did anything similar to it again. For range maybe some sort of snowball he could throw? It could be a higher variant of throw stone, where it has a chance to knock back but actually does real damage.

Iron Man I feel like is going to be a bit harder, though for one innate float would be an absolute must. Some kind of melee punch with an explosion (blue if you can do that. Are there any good animations that fit that already?). I'm having trouble coming up with other ideas that aren't just "lasers, and also more lasers". I think the secondary bomb idea is a step in the right direction though. Although I did just have a pretty interesting idea. Maybe a recharge battery ability, that inflicts him with both immobilize AND regen? It would work well with the idea of him using HP for his attacks. I think there's something there if you want to play around with those concepts.


Very nice guys! Thanks for all the input!  I still have some figuring out to do, but this helps a lot!

Quotereptilian - I think it'd be cool to give them two swords right off the bat(ffix style lizardman) (aeon from soul caliber)
This would be cool imo regardless if you let them use weapons or barehanded


Tough skin - shell / protect

spit - % poison / blind ( or you could give this a lower ct to 0 ) I like this idea just not sure on a good animation I'll have to think about it more

charge - charge forward 2-3 tiles with knockback

bite - % don't move / don't act

Tail lash/slash/sweep or just a spin attack with weapon that does a sweep attack around self

Bash - jump in air and strike with weapon ( if you use two swords then this attack would do more damage than a single attack but would do less damage than the 2 swords attack would. Maybe a chance to stun?

That's a bunch of ideas! I will probably only give them like 3 total, but I really like spit, charge (i have that on goblins, but no reason they can't have it), and tail lash!  As for equipment, I'm thinking spears/hammers/axes- just too many sword users in tactics.

Quotestomp  ;)
Howl - I do like this idea if you don't like it on umaro maybe just give it to the generics
Howl- or you could make this into a PA + or Brave + (you could keep both attacks and call one shout or something)
body slam - knock back
berserk ( or weaker form of green cherry like sour cherry or something idk lol )
Pummel ( goblin punch animation higher damage lower %, or just stick with the random damage like goblin punch )

Some of these could obviously apply to umaro as well

*edit* I'd love to see toss for umaro but I can't think of any realistic way to animate it =/ I obviously just got started modding and haven't got to messing around with weapon animations and sprites but maybe if you could figure out a way to make it look like he is tossing mog or something.... Idk proly not, just a thought ( sorry no sleep yet again lol ;) )

Man, I so wish a good monster jump animation would work- I don't think one exists (mimic titan looks great, but just lands in the same spot).  Howl+Body slam could work.  I kind of think the Umaro attack animation kind of looks like it could work for a throw animation, but I'm not sure what effect would look good for it (perhaps I could recolor the "pick axe" attack into blue....

QuoteConman! Sorry haven't had a lot of time lately, but hopefully some of my ideas helped ya. Like jumza said malboro has a nice looking attack anim for spit.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1J-SgC5IDQ (effect 5 goo)

Thanks! I think I've watched most the effect videos dozens of time- and somehow that one never stood out, but I think it's perfect!

QuoteI'd actually do Umaro's blizzard as a 2 panel AoE centered on him, similar to the higher bomb family's. Even make him absorb ice and let him get hit by it. I always thought that was a really creative thing they did with the bomb, but they never did anything similar to it again

That is a good idea, unfortunately I already did something similar (it would be near impossible for me to list every new monster/skill)for another monster.  I'm using a palette swap Titan for a "Frost giant".  I'm actually going to try to use as many palette swap creatures as possible to both spice up randoms as well as create mini-bosses.

QuoteIron Man I feel like is going to be a bit harder, though for one innate float would be an absolute must. Some kind of melee punch with an explosion (blue if you can do that. Are there any good animations that fit that already?). I'm having trouble coming up with other ideas that aren't just "lasers, and also more lasers". I think the secondary bomb idea is a step in the right direction though. Although I did just have a pretty interesting idea. Maybe a recharge battery ability, that inflicts him with both immobilize AND regen? It would work well with the idea of him using HP for his attacks. I think there's something there if you want to play around with those concepts.

I thought about innate float- but I figured I would want to alter the sprite's walk animation or it would look a little funny.  An energized punch attack is good one (I can just leave his attack power underwhelming so he can still punch, but be ineffective normally).  I love your recharge idea- I had thought about letting him heal himself somehow (with like a ct cost or something) but your way of implementing would be much better!
  • Modding version: PSX


I love the golden / powder blue iron giant recolours dude! Epic!
Also I'm glad this brainstorming topic is working, it gives the recruitment section some life :P (Maybe I'll make one soon as well...~)
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


February 10, 2016, 09:16:29 pm #8 Last Edit: February 10, 2016, 09:27:13 pm by CONMAN
Quote(Maybe I'll make one soon as well...~)

You should! It's always nice to hear outside opinions!

Here's copies of the the iron giant palette versions.  With and without lightening.
  • Modding version: PSX


I may not be the greatest help, as I lack a lot of knowledge on animations, balance and limitations but I'm happy to post anything that could help out. I've played a lot of games though( mostly old school games, when they were good  ;) ) and I can come up with some neat and creative ideas sometimes.


Are you looking for Iron Giant suggestions too? Because I've got a few floating around in my head if you're looking for a solid boss fight, or just a neat character in general.