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FFT: WOTL - Valeria 2.4 "Ivalice Remastered"

Started by Windows X, December 11, 2017, 04:33:54 am

Windows X

Fixed some bugs I forgot and re-uploaded. Please download and apply the patch again.
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

October 24, 2018, 06:47:31 pm #21 Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 03:02:18 am by Windows X
FFT: WOTL Valeria 1.4  is out now with many changes and improvements again

Hi guys. It's me again who developed Valeria project for Final Fantasy Tactics. My mod aims to keep Vanilla play style with proper re-balance based on Tactics Ogre and later Tactics series.

This isn't a difficulty mod but it will not allow you to cheese your way out like before so you may need to try little harder to beat the game with either good tactics or over-leveling them.

Since this Valeria project took me almost 2 years of developing now so there's massive changes and improvements through job's stats, abilities, and its equipment too so I highly recommend to read full release post for details.

For version 1.4, I started from where I left off with changes in 1.3 that needs adjustments but I ended up making some more mods and improvements as below.

4-tier spells will start from single target and keep expanding

I always find first tier spell being wasteful and bothersome when I only want to hit one enemy but need to use spell for area making magic becoming a bit unreliable to use at times. So I changed tier list from this:

Tier / Multiplier / Radius / Vertical / CT
1 / 14 / 2 / 1 / 4
2 / 18 / 2 / 2 / 5
3 / 24 / 2 / 3 / 7
4 / 32 / 3 / 3 / 10

To new scaling like this:

Tier / Multiplier / Radius / Vertical
1 / 15 / 1 / 1 / 4
2 / 18 / 2 / 1 / 5
3 / 23 / 2 / 3 / 7
4 / 30 / 3 / 3 / 9

This scaling is for Fire spells with decreased MP cost to 4/8/16/32. For Blizzard, it'll have more multiplier at 16/19/25/34 with increased MP cost to 5/10/20/40. For Thunder, i will also have decreased CT by 1 with original MP cost.

Cure spells will also be affected with new area scaling healing 35/50/65/100% with regen status added as before. These new mechanics will affect strategies with Black/White Magicks a lot so please make better uses of them.

Squire and Chemist getting uber upgrades (Not to Ramza's UberSquire level though)

Original Squire was quite useless with tactless abilities that can't be useful after chapter 1 except for grinding. Now Squire gets all abilities revamped and upgraded for better uses in in its own job and others too.

Focus: Changed to "First Aid" healing self with 20% of HP.
Rush: Changed damage formula to PA/2 * PA for more reliable damage without triggering reaction ability.
Stone: Changed to "Focus Strike" dealing weapon +1 damage with 3 CT similar to Holy Knight's ability. I recommend to try with Axe weapon.
Salve: Added Oil status to be cured too. Immobilize/Disable should be healed with Esuna (decreased MP cost), Purification, and Remedy (decreased price).

Randomized damage weapons like axe will become much more useful with new Focus Strike ability as it will deal CONSTANT damage with CT 3. Axe weapons will also have chance to inflict slow status too.

As for Chemist, I already explained before in 1.3 release but I'll summarize again with new updates here as well. First of all, Auto-Potion is gone in 1.4. It's heavily used as cheap tactics and cripple X-Potion too much.

Potions are now re-balanced to 30/60/120 as I hoped to do without Auto-Potion. Price of Potion will be increased to 80 and X-Potion will be decreased to 500 to make the game more balanced and challenging.

I also changed Golden Needle and Maiden's Kiss to provide Protect/Shell buff to a single target. Chemist can also learn Equip Gun without going through all the way to Orator now.

And here's the catch for important notes about stats growth, both Squire and Chemist will no longer suffer from PA/MA Growth anymore so you can safely grind abilities without worrying about poor stats on level up now.

Equipment changes and upgrades

Since some people abused absorbing element as healing so they can use offensive spells to heal friendly fire hit, I fixed changes related to elemental as below and also give some buff to some items too.

-Added attritbute on Nu Khai Armband with strengthening Dark element
-Added bonus +1 Move to Hermes Shoes
-Added chance to inflict Slow status on Axe weapons aside Slasher
-Changed Chaos Blade's weapon type to Fellsword
-Changed Excalibur/Chameleon Robe's attribute from absorbing Holy to halfing damage
-Changed Fire Shield/Ice Shield's attribute from absorbing the same element to negating damage
-Changed Gaia Gear's attribute from absorbing Earth to negating damage
-Changed Gun's damage formula to PA*WP
-Changed Juravis' rare poach to Winged Boots
-Changed Rubber Boots to Soldier Boots with bonus +1 Move and +1 PA, price increased to 10,000 and available in the last outfitter along with Thief's Cap
-Changed Stoneshooter's effect to have chance to petrify unit on hit
-Decreased MA bonus of Wizard's Robe (2 -> 1)
-Decreased MP bonus (60 -> 50) and PA bonus (2 -> 1) of Lordly Robe
-Decreased PA/MA bonus of Tynar Rogue (3 -> 2)
-Decreased PA bonus of Bracer (3 -> 2) and price (50,000 -> 30,000)
-Increased weapon power of polearm items by 1 except Javelin II (16 -> 18)

Most items are nerfed for re-balance purposes but you also get some buffs and rework like Hermes Shoes having +1 Move, Chaos Blade is now Fellsword for Dark Knight with 18 WP, and Rubber Boots was reworked to Soldier Boots with +1 Move/PA.

Job's stats and abilities re-balance

After releasing 1.3 and playing for a while, I realized some changes I made affected game balance so I made some adjustments on those jobs to work more properly.

Squire: abilities reworked for better uses (No more Focus and Stone abuse)
Chemist: Auto-Potion removed and buff X-Potion, MA Multiplier increased, and no PA Growth penalty
Knight: Rend abilities are buffed and have re-balance applied
Archer: Removed CT from all abilities, change Leg/Arm Shot to have 65 + Speed success rate, and can no longer equip knife
White Mage: Cure spells are reworked, support abilities are buffed, and Wall will actually cast Wall status for 16 ticks
Black Mage: Fire/Blizzard/Thunder spells are reworked, chance based spells has success rate increased
Monk: Can no longer equip Pole
Thief: Steal has original success rate except Shield and Accessory without Shirahadori, PA Multiplier increased
Orator: PA Multiplier increased
Dragoon: Polearm has weapon power increased by 1
Samurai: Chirijiraden's Iaido ability power decreased
Ninja: PA Multiplier decreased
Arcanist: Changed innate abilities to Defense Boost/Arcane Defense, fixed Lucavi skill learning bug, MP Multiplier increased, MA Multiplier decreased, Migardsomr's ability power decreased
Dark Knight: Vehemence is innate only, PA Multiplier decreased
Ramza: Can equip Fellsword in chapter 4
Mustadio: Skill set changed to original Aim
Agrias: PA Growth/Multiplier increased
Orlandeau: Skill set changed to Duskblade/Shadowblade/Aegis/Dispelna/Chant/Holy, PA/MA Growth increased
Beowulf: Chicken will temporary add Chicken status
Dragonkin: PA/MA Growth decreased
Cloud: PA Growth decreased

After numerous tries I went for perfecting the new balance, some jobs have improved stats and abilities and some received nerfs on stats and abilities. Please read full changelog for details.

Toughen up some boss fights and also with more rewards

In version 1.4, I buffed one additional support ability from Attack/Defense Boost and Arcane Strength/Defense to appropriate bosses. They'll become a bit harder to bit but shouldn't impose significant difficulty for bonus rewards.

-Toughened up Aliste with Arcane Strength but you can also steal his equipment and get Genji Glove as War Trophy
-Toughened up Argath with Arcane Defense but you can get Chaos Blade from treasure hunt
-Toughened up Bremont's Dark Dragon form with Defense Boost but you can also get Lordly Robe as War Trophy
-Toughened up Elmdore with Attack Boost but you can also steal his equipment

Since you can steal items without worrying about Shirahadori now, I believe this will justify the challenges in gameplay a bit more. You still can't use Rend abilities on bosses with Shirahadori though.

That's all for the summarize about 1.4 release. I know it's pretty long and you can see why it's that long from the changelog below.

-Added attritbute on Nu Khai Armband with strengthening Dark element
-Added bonus +1 Move to Hermes Shoes
-Added chance to inflict Slow status on Axe weapons aside Slasher
-Added equip Fellsword to Ramza's Squire in chapter 4
-Added/Updated missing information in ability/item description
-Agrias equips Defender and Gaffgarion equips Chaos Blade in tutorial battle
-Changed Arcanist's innate abilities to Defense Boost/Arcane Defense
-Changed Chaos Blade's weapon type to Fellsword
-Changed Chicken ability to temporary inflict Chicken status
-Changed CT of Fire/Blizzard spells to 4/5/7/9
-Changed CT of Thunder spells to 3/4/6/8
-Changed Cure/Fire/Thunder/Blizzard spells with new effect area-vertical to 0-0/1-1/1-3/2-3
-Changed Cure spells' healing factor percentage to 35/50/65/100 with CT 2/3/5/7
-Changed damage factor of Fire spells to 15/18/23/30 and decrease MP cost to 4/8/16/32
-Changed damage factor of Thunder/Blizzard spells to 16/19/25/34
-Changed Excalibur/Chameleon Robe's attribute from absorbing Holy to halfing damage
-Changed Fire Shield/Ice Shield's attribute from absorbing the same element to negating damage
-Changed Focus to First Aid to heal self with 20% HP
-Changed Gaia Gear's attribute from absorbing Earth to negating damage
-Changed Gun's damage formula to PA*WP
-Changed Juravis' rare poach to Winged Boots
-Changed Machinist's skill set to original Aim up to Aim +7 with 10 CT
-Changed Migardsormr to have damage factor decreased  (22 -> 20), and MP cost increased (0 -> 30)
-Changed Nanoflare's damage formula to (MA+8)/2 * MA
-Changed Rend MP to decrease damage percentage of MP (50 -> 35) and increase success rate (50 -> 65)
-Changed Rubber Boots to Soldier Boots with bonus +1 Move and +1 PA, price increased to 10,000 and available in the last outfitter along with Thief's Cap
-Changed Salve ability to also cure Oil and no longer remove Disable, Immobilize status
-Changed Steal/Plunder abilities to not be affected by Shirahadori and have success rate from original Steal except Shield and Accessory
-Changed Stone ability to Focus Strike dealing PA * (WP+1) with CT increased (0 -> 3) and can be learned without JP cost
-Changed Stoneshooter's effect to have chance to petrify unit on hit
-Changed Sword Saint's skill set with Duskblade/Shadowblade/Aegis/Dispelna/Chant/Holy
-Changed Wall's status to Wall for 16 ticks, hit rate increased (140 -> 200), and increased CT (4 -> 5)
-Changed X-Potion to heal 120HP with price increased (400 -> 500)
-Fixed bugs in some Rapha and Marach's abilities that won't hit randomly
-Fixed Meltdown/Tornado/Quake appearing in Arcanist's skill list before learning
-Fixed Undead Archer using original Aim abilities
-Dance and Song abilities can no longer be mimiced
-Decreased CT of Meditate ability (6 -> 5)
-Decreased CT of Ramuh ability (7 -> 6)
-Decreased damage factor (22 -> 20) and MP cost (24 -> 16) of Ifrit ability
-Decreased damage factor of Chirijiraden ability (24 -> 20)
-Decreased damage factor of Migardsomr ability (24 -> 20)
-Decreased damage factor of Titan ability (25 -> 24)
-Decreased MA bonus of Wizard's Robe (2 -> 1)
-Decreased MA Growth on Dragonkin job (38 -> 40)
-Decreased MA Multiplier on Arcanist job (150 -> 135)
-Decreased MA Multiplier on Squire job (80 -> 75)
-Decreased MP bonus (60 -> 50) and PA bonus (2 -> 1) of Lordly Robe
-Decreased MP cost of Esuna ability (18 -> 8) and increased hit rate (190 -> 200)
-Decreased MP cost of Shiva ability (24 -> 20)
-Decreased PA/MA bonus of Tynar Rogue (3 -> 2)
-Decreased PA Growth on Dragonkin job (39 -> 42)
-Decreased PA Growth on Soldier job (42 -> 45)
-Decreased PA bonus of Bracer (3 -> 2) and price (50,000 -> 30,000)
-Decreased PA Multiplier on Archer job (110 -> 100)
-Decreased PA Multiplier on Dark Knight job (110 -> 100)
-Decreased PA Multiplier on Ninja job (110 -> 100)
-Decreased success rate of Rend Speed/Rend Power/Rend Magick abilities (70 -> 65)
-Increased damage factor of Meteor ability (40 -> 42)
-Increased damage factor of Unholy Darkness ability (37 -> 38)
-Increased MA Multiplier on Chemist job (80 -> 90)
-Increased MP Multiplier on Arcanist job (80 -> 100)
-Increased PA Growth on Bard job (65 -> 50)
-Increased PA Growth on Chemist job (65 -> 50)
-Increased PA Growth on Holy Knight job (50 -> 48)
-Increased PA Multiplier on Orator job (75 -> 85)
-Increased PA Multiplier on Thief job (100 -> 110)
-Increased Potion's price (50 -> 80)
-Increased Speed Growth on Machinist job (100 -> 90)
-Increased success rate of Assassin's abilities to 65% + Speed
-Increased success rate of Death ability (100 -> 120)
-Increased success rate of Leg Shot/Arm Shot abilities to 65% + Speed and will not be evadeable and affected by Shirahadori
-Increased success rate of Rend Helm/Armor/Weapon abilities by 5
-Increased success rate of Reraise ability (140 -> 160)
-Increased weapon power of polearm items by 1 except Javelin II (16 -> 18)
-Lucavi bosses are immune to Stop/Slow/Immobilize
-Protectja/Shellja/Hasteja won't hit enemies and Slowja won't hit allies with decreased JP/MP cost
-Recruited unit can be controlled as a guest during sidequest battles
-Removed Auto-Potion as learnable ability
-Removed CT on Poison Strike/Oily Strike/Leg Shot/Arm Shot
-Removed Vehemence from Dark Knight's learnable ability list (Innate only)
-Reverted changes on Cyclops ability
-Reverted equip Knife on Archer
-Reverted equip Pole on Monk
-Reverted PA/MA Growth on Sword Saint
-Reverted Speed Multiplier change on Machinist job
-Toughened up Aliste with Arcane Strength but you can also steal his equipment and get Genji Glove as War Trophy
-Toughened up Argath with Arcane Defense but you can get Chaos Blade from treasure hunt
-Toughened up Bremont's Dark Dragon form with Defense Boost but you can also get Lordly Robe as War Trophy
-Toughened up Elmdore with Attack Boost but you can also steal his equipment


My patch comes in PPF format and available for both USA and EUR clean ISO. I also applied slowdown fix thanks to helpful members in FFHacktics.

FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4 (PSP USA)
FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4 (PSP EUR)

I hope you'll enjoy this Valeria mod as much as I do and thanks FFTPatcher team so much for this awesome utility that can help us enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics again. :)
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

DAY 1 PATCH UPDATE WAS APPLIED: First Aid will apply Regen to self and remove CT of Focus Strike attacking without evasion and randomized damage in calculation. You can re-apply patch and play on your current 1.4 save file  as these changes won't affect save data.
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

FFT: WOTL Valeria 1.4.1  is out now with re-balance updates on physical jobs and items

Hi everyone. I hope you like FFT Valeria 1.4 I released on another day. After playing for a while with new changes I made, I realized something about power balance of physical jobs not being distributed properly.

After nerfing Ninja's PA Multiplier a bit, I realized Knight is actually the strongest hitter and also the best tank with Knight's Sword + Shield. I thought about nerfing tanking capabilities but it won't be consistent with Dragoon.

I also looked around magical jobs and found Orator didn't get PA Multiplier raised too. After re-evaluating and did some test runs with my save files, I made some adjustments as below.

Squire: Change Focus Strike to Weapon Strike performing unevadable attack with full weapon potentials
Knight: Decrease PA Multiplier a bit for re-balance purposes
Monk: Decrease Speed Multiplier a little
Orator: Fixed forgetting to increase PA Multiplier in previous patch
Geomancer: About right but little more evasion won't hurt.
Dragoon: Decrease HP Multiplier and evasion a bit for offensive job.
Ninja: Increase PA Multiplier back to 1.3 version and add 5% evasion bonus to NinjaBlade

Most changes in PA distribution won't affect gameplay much but it should help balancing role distribution among physical jobs better.

Aside from improving stats distribution between jobs, I also improved items re-balance a bit in this update too as below.

-Added bonus +1 PA to Air Knife
-Added Dark element attribute to Kotetsu weapon
-Changed Fire Shield's attribute to halving Fire damage only
-Changed Gaia Gear's attribute from negating to halving Earth damage
-Changed Ice Shield's attribute to halving Ice damage only
-Decreased MA bonus (2 -> 1) and evasion rate on Runeblade (15 -> 10)
-Increased bonus evasion on NinjaBlade items by 5

The idea of negating damage seems to be ridiculously powerful so I changed negating element to halving only and remove additional element bonus on Fire/Ice Shield.

Runeblade having 2 MA bonus leads to some broken build with Dual Wield so I nerfed MA and evasion bonus a bit. Now you can combo with Aegis Shield without trying Dual Wield for extra +2 MA.

Since it seems Runeblade is still way too powerful comparing to other weapons despite being nerfed, I also added +1 PA to Air Knife and 5% evasion bonus to NinjaBlade weapons.

The goal is to get every job and items being useful in about same tier and we're getting closer now. If you have any suggestion to improve, please let me know. :)

-Added bonus +1 PA to Air Knife
-Added Dark element attribute to Kotetsu weapon
-Changed Flame Shield's attribute to halving Fire damage only
-Changed Focus Strike to Weapon Strike performing unevadable attack with full weapon potentials
-Changed Gaia Gear's attribute from negating to halving Earth damage
-Changed Ice Shield's attribute to halving Ice damage only
-Decreased Evasion on Dragoon job (15 -> 10)
-Decreased MA bonus (2 -> 1) and evasion rate on Runeblade (15 -> 10)
-Decreased PA Multiplier on Knight job (120 -> 110)
-Decreased HP Multiplier on Dragoon job (120 -> 110)
-Decreased Speed Multiplier on Monk job (105 -> 100)
-Fixed Weapon Strike's animation glitches
-Increased bonus evasion on NinjaBlade items by 5
-Increased Evasion on Geomancer job (10 -> 15)
-Increased PA Multiplier on Ninja job (100 -> 110)
-Increased PA Multiplier on Orator job (75 -> 85) [Fixed Missing]
-Ramza equips Battle Axe in tutorial battle (for demonstrating Weapon Strike)

FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4.1 (PSP USA): https://www.mediafire.com/file/j27jpztiw7v7vyx
FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4.1 (PSP EUR): https://www.mediafire.com/file/awexocrb9g3mf91

I'm also recording my gameplay in this YouTube channel below. :)
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

FFT: WOTL Valeria 1.4.1  is out glitches fix and re-balance on Ramza's abilities

After playing chapter 2 for a while, I realized something was off and some people reported about endless move Quick glitch that I forget to remove casting on self. So I fixed that glitch and re-analyze Ramza's job again.

Ramza starts from ordinary Squire so I believe allowing him to wield Axe is reasonable enough. Every generic's squire can do except Ramza and he didn't receive any buff like other knights too.

As I checked Reis' abilities and compared to Ramza. I realize Reis has limited range to 2/2 and Ramza's Chant has 1/3 range. So I changed Tailwind and Steel with range 1 and vertical 3 so Time Mage's Quick can use with better range.

After reaching to chapter 3, I realized how gun didn't perform as I hoped for. I thought changing back to WP is all it took but it seems to generate random damage from 24-80 in Orran's battle.

Not that gun's damage can influence's Orran's survival significantly but this isn't how I intend to make the gun work and it'd be worse than fixed WP^2 so I changed gun's damage formula back to default including magic guns.

Aside from that, I also realized I forget to fix Chaos Blade to be forced two hand and not throwable like other Fellswords. If you have any comment about improving game's balance or glitch to fix, please let me know.

-Added equip Axe to Ramza's Squire job
-Changed Gun's damage formula back to WP^2 and magic gun will use original formula too
-Changed Tailwind/Steel to have range 1 with vertical 3 and can't cast to self
-Fixed Chaos Blade's weapon equipment to 2H as Fellsword
-Fixed Tailwind allowing to cast on self to endless movement

You can read full information about this mod from here.


>=== Download ===<

My patch comes in PPF format and available for both USA and EUR clean ISO. I also applied slowdown fix thanks to helpful members in FFHacktics.

FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4.2 (PSP USA) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/sy63q6btxxb4732
FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4.2 (PSP EUR) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/hrweoeuv65kfob0

I hope you'll enjoy this Valeria mod as much as I do and thanks FFTPatcher team so much for this awesome utility that can help us enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics again. :)
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

FFT: WOTL Valeria 1.4.2  is out glitches fix and re-balance on Ramza's abilities

After playing chapter 2 for a while, I realized something was off and some people reported about endless move Quick glitch that I forget to remove casting on self. So I fixed that glitch and re-analyze Ramza's job again.

Ramza starts from ordinary Squire so I believe allowing him to wield Axe is reasonable enough. Every generic's squire can do except Ramza and he didn't receive any buff like other knights too.

As I checked Reis' abilities and compared to Ramza. I realize Reis has limited range to 2/2 and Ramza's Chant has 1/3 range. So I changed Tailwind and Steel with range 1 and vertical 3 so Time Mage's Quick can use with better range.

After reaching to chapter 3, I realized how gun didn't perform as I hoped for. I thought changing back to WP is all it took but it seems to generate random damage from 24-80 in Orran's battle.

Not that gun's damage can influence's Orran's survival significantly but this isn't how I intend to make the gun work and it'd be worse than fixed WP^2 so I changed gun's damage formula back to default including magic guns.

Aside from that, I also realized I forget to fix Chaos Blade to be forced two hand and not throwable like other Fellswords. If you have any comment about improving game's balance or glitch to fix, please let me know.

-Added equip Axe to Ramza's Squire job
-Changed Gun's damage formula back to WP^2 and magic gun will use original formula too
-Changed Tailwind/Steel to have range 1 with vertical 3 and can't cast to self
-Fixed Chaos Blade's weapon equipment to 2H as Fellsword
-Fixed Tailwind allowing to cast on self to endless movement

You can read full information about this mod from here.


>=== Download ===<

My patch comes in PPF format and available for both USA and EUR clean ISO. I also applied slowdown fix thanks to helpful members in FFHacktics.

FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4.2 (PSP USA) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/sy63q6btxxb4732
FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4.2 (PSP EUR) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/hrweoeuv65kfob0

I hope you'll enjoy this Valeria mod as much as I do and thanks FFTPatcher team so much for this awesome utility that can help us enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics again. :)
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

There's something I'd like to inform here. For Ninja job, I actually removed Vanish ability and brought Reflexes back after evasion re-balance. The reason I removed Vanish was you could make all dancer party and put Vanish on everyone including Ramza. You can dance to gradually reduce HP and vanish will make 100% win tactics from doing nothing.
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

FFT: WOTL Valeria 1.4.3 is out with some fixes and adjustments

After finishing chapter 3, I realized some changes I made before are a bit too powerful so I nerfed those abilities down a bit.

Leg Shot/Arm Shot are too reliable with over 70% hit rate so adding evasion into calculation will balance things out.

I thought adding 2 PA with Steel is fine for range 1 but adding Steel twice with strong weapons and dual wield deals too strong damage.

Wall status on high speed unit last like 2 turns and sometimes up to 3-4 with Adrenaline Rush so I reduced status duration down a bit.

-Changed success rate of Assassin's abilities to use evasion in calculation
-Changed success rate of Leg Shot/Arm Shot abilities to use evasion in calculation
-Decreased bonus PA on Steel ability (2 -> 1)
-Decreased status duration of Wall (16 -> 12)
-Fixed Kiyomori to add Protect/Shell status properly instead of Wall

You can read full information about this mod from here.


If you ever have hard time playing Valeria mod since broken abilities are removed, you can watch my no grind run videos here. It's easy enough to win the battle without grinding. :)


>=== Download ===<

My patch comes in PPF format and available for both USA and EUR clean ISO. I also applied slowdown fix thanks to helpful members in FFHacktics.

FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4.3 (PSP USA) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/wdiofibnymbi2ac
FFT WotL - Valeria 1.4.3 (PSP EUR) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/b1n868a7799qubm

I hope you'll enjoy this Valeria mod as much as I do and thanks FFTPatcher team so much for this awesome utility that can help us enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics again. :)
  • Modding version: WotL


How can I acquire rare itens that are only obtainable at melee an rendezvous?
Sorry, English is not my native language
  • Modding version: PSX

Windows X

Quote from: OdebaronBR on November 29, 2018, 05:27:21 pm
How can I acquire rare itens that are only obtainable at melee an rendezvous?
Sorry, English is not my native language

You need to play through them only. There's discord channel to play malee and rendezvous here.


Anyway, most of them are broken items so I don't recommend using them in story battles.
  • Modding version: WotL


Trying this out for the first time and PPSSPP is crashing right after I load up a freshly patched .iso.  The original iso launches without problem and so does another version with a different patch.  I'm believing the 1.4.3 patch is causing the crash.  Since I know others are playing it though...any ideas?


i play the newest version never have crashes what iso are u using? usa or eur? i use a clean eur iso and never have problems
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL

Windows X

Please make sure you patch with original USA/EUR iso without any patch applied. This patch contains slowdown fix so no need to apply that before too.
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

Merry Christmas everyone. Today I'd like to give me present to FFT fans with Valeria 1.5 update. After the long development for version 1.5 update, it's finally done with completed re-balance in every spot.

[Chapter 1 true re-balance]

First of all, I'd like to introduce the proper gameplay in chapter 1. Ramza, Delita and Argath will not receive bonus HP/PA/MA boost anymore. Delita will still have little HP boost and Argath will also have evasion boost though.

This will make them no different from other generic squire with little boost. They can't tank or deal harder damage anymore so please plan your game accordingly and you'll do fine.

I highly recommend everyone to start over with Veleria 1.5 to experience the new gameplay changes making whole new experience while still being faithful to vanilla mechanics.

[Ramza the Heretic]

Ramza has stats progression will now affect his HP/MP/Evasion too for better improvements over time. Ramza will become gradually stronger over the time.

HP Multiplier: 100
HP Growth: 11
MP Multiplier: 85
MP Growth: 13
PA Growth: 50
PA Multiplier: 90
MA Growth: 48
MA Multiplier: 80
C-Ev%: 5

HP Multiplier: 110
HP Growth: 10
MP Multiplier: 95
MP Growth: 12
PA Growth: 48
PA Multiplier: 100
MA Growth: 46
MA Multiplier: 90
C-Ev%: 10

HP Multiplier: 120
HP Growth: 10
MP Multiplier: 105
MP Growth: 11
PA Growth: 45
PA Multiplier: 110
MA Growth: 45
MA Multiplier: 100
C-Ev%: 15

Ramza's job name will be changed over time as "Squire -> Mercenary -> Heretic". In his final upgrade, he'll have some stats increased comparing to original as below.

HP Growth: 11 -> 10
PA Growth: 50 -> 45
MA Growth: 48 -> 45
C-Ev%: 10 -> 15

His PA/MA Growth are adjusted to be more balanced with some bonus to compensate for starting the game as true ordinary Squire as well.

[Item re-balance]

A lot of weapons are re-balanced to scale better over time such as Bow with 1-4 bonus weapon power instead of fixed 2 and Katana getting extra weapon power with Brave factor in consideration.

Ninja's throwing Shuriken will be stronger with 2 bonus weapon power with price adjusted to make Throw skill set being more useful than chipping some damage.

Knight's Sword has Holy attribute as a counterpart of Fell Sword now. Equip status of Knight's Sword will be re-distributed to proper placement for re-balanced purposes.

Block rate limit is decreased down to 35 (40 for Defender and Dancer's Cloth) with some information corrected. For other item re-balance updates, please check full changelog for details.

[Overhual job re-balance]

During my 1.4 gameplay, I found some jobs performing something better or worse than others so I applied re-balance in finer details like HP/MP along with other changes for each job as below.

To make Squire deserving to be used as a main job more, I increased PA Growth a bit though previous patch is fine. I also decreased MP a bit for physical oriented job.

I increased MA/MP growth a bit so this job can provide better magic support as a main with little boost on MP too.

I increased his HP growth a bit so he can do tanking job better and decrease MP growth and multiplier to limit magic's efficiency a bit.

Archer is now faster with bonus speed but not as fast as Thief. I also increased HP/MP growth a bit too which make Archer a more desirable job to use especially with magic support role.

Status infliction on Venom Strike/Oily Strike will be chance based now and increased ticks for Poison status. Barrage is changed to Lightning Strike based on A2 reference and Burial will crystalize Undead instead of stone.

White Mage
Cure spells has healing factor changed to 30/40/60/100 and only Curaja will add Regen status so only with increased ticks. Cura won't be enough anymore. I also reduced CT of Protectja/Shallja to be more useful.

Wall ability seems to be a bit powerful even with short ticks so I decreased its hit rate down but also decreased CT too. HP growth is also decreased a bit in consideration of passive Defense Boost.

Black Mage
CT of 4-tier spells are decreased to 3/4/6/8 making spells launching faster (2/3/5/7 for Thunder spells) and damage scaling is changed to 14/17/23/32 for re-balance purposes (15/19/26/36 for Blizzard spells).

Although its magic offensive spells are nerfed a bit but Blizzard spells are strong enough. I also increased PA/MA growth to lower the loss of grinding spells to use with physical jobs.

Since Monk doesn't have Hat equipment and PA Multiplier is decreased, I increased HP Growth/Multiplier a bit to make up losing offense. I also increased PA growth and decreased MA growth a bit too.

This job is already good enough so no re-balance is actually applied on this job. Maybe decreasing block rate of Main Gauche is worth mentioning here.

Mystic will have 4 move now as the only 4 move mage with MA growth increased and PA growth decreased. Corruption/Fervor/Induration abilities will have hit rate increased a bit too.

You can now learn Auto-Potion again in Valeria though it'll be harder to learn on Orator with increased JP. I increased MA/MP growth a lot and nerf PA growth to compensate it too.

Dragoon is still too powerful so I decreased HP multiplier and PA growth a bit but I also increased Speed and MA growth with bonus evasion as original Dragoon now.

I need to nerf Dragoon more because Polearm and Jump are very strong and I increased weapon power of some late game weapon a bit too (Not Javalin II which is already very strong).

Since equipment with MA boosting makes Geomancer skills a bit powerful in some situation, I decided to decrease MA multiplier a little more.

Time Mage
MA growth and multiplier are increased a lot with PA growth decreased a bit making Time Mage more powerful unit to have.

Meteor will be slightly weaker based on lower CT value. Hasteja/Slowja will cast faster and Graviga has hit rate increased but won't slow unit anymore.

A lot of skill set re-balance. I increased hit rate of Carbuncle/Sylph abilities. I also decreased CT of Salamander/Sylph abilities too. Leviathan will have CT increased a bit.

Ramuh and Odin has damage factor decreased for re-balance with similiar tier abilities and Titan will be significantly stronger now. I also increased MA growth a lot on this job.

I increased MA Multiplier and MP Growth a bit for better Samurai as a main. As Katana weapons are buffed, I nerfed a few early Iaido offensive abilities to compensate it too.

Since there's a few abilities adjusted so I recommend you to read full changelog. For now, Kiyomori and Masamune will apply random status instead of all status.

Vanish is back now with 20 ticks meaning you can't keep hiding forever. Aside from Dancer move, Regen status can be useful with high speed vanish unit.

I also increased Shuriken and Bomb damage with 2 bonus weapon power so throw will be stronger now with more gil to spend for.

Since most abilities are very powerful, I decreased its MA Multiplier a bit and nerf Migardsormr and Nanoflare for re-balance purposes. However, I increased MA growth to be highest among generic jobs.

Holy/Flare/Meteor/Bahamut abilities are removed from skill set but Meltdown/Tornado/Quake can be learned instead with some changes. Please read full changelog for details.

I decreased HP and PA growth a bit and increased other stats to make Mime being useful without extensive grinding required.

Though Mime can't assign any ability at all but you can gain JP and learn its innate Concentration ability which is banned in Valeria for a while now.

Onion Knight
Onion Knight is revamped from meme job into something decent with 100 HP/MP/Speed/PA/MA multiplier and boost to 120 when mastered. It comes with Reequip/Dual Wield/Doublehand/Parry as a weapon master too.

But that's not all, Onion Knight finally has Huntcraft skill set borrowed from Game Hunter with monster abilities you can learn on hit and some useful and unique abilities. Please read full changelog for details.

These changes are observed from my previous 1.4 gameplay so most of them should perform well but let me know if you have suggestion about job re-balance.

[Special character re-balance]

As I revamped Ramza from UberSquire to proper job progression, I also modified other special characters too. They also have better jobs unlocked on recruit too.

He will join with Chemist level 6 unlocked so you can make good use of items from him.

She will join with Thief level 4 unlocked so you can start working on stealing if you don't have one already.

She will join with Monk level 4 unlocked so you can start working on Samurai path sooner if you don't have one already.

Although gun won't reply on PA but increasing PA for cases of using Bow should be fine and he will join with Geomancer level 3 unlocked (faster access to Ninja).

Since her speed issue can be resolved with Tynar Rogue, I reverted speed growth and increased PA growth a bit instead. She will join with Dragoon level 3 unlocked (faster access to Samurai).

I changed his skill set to Mettle (Ramza's CH4) and he will join with Summoner level 4 unlocked so he can learn Golem with other useful abilities.

I changed damage scaling of her Sky Mantra abilities to 12/14/16/18/10/24 and she will join with Black Mage level 8 unlocked to help her brother mastering Dark Knight sooner.

I changed damage scaling of his Nether Mantra abilities to 36/42/48/54/30/72 and he will jion with Knight level 8 unlocked to become Dark Knight sooner.

Since he has zodiac stone with decent magic stats, he will join with Arcanist level 1 unlocked for faster access to all kinds of main magicks.

I reverted her move back to 4 and increased her MP growth a bit more. Crush armor and weapon will have CT lowered too. She will join with Ninja level 1 unlocked to grind some speed and abilities.

He's already good with Mystic job unlocked but wouldn't hurt to unlock level 8 on recruit.

She will join with Samurai level 1 unlocked so you can learn to equip sword or katana sooner along with Iaido.

He's also good with Martial Arts support so he will join with Monk level 8 unlocked

He will join at party level with with Time Mage level 8 unlocked to combo with Meteor based limit break abilities.

[Safeguard on important bosses]

In some particularly fights I recorded, important enemies with good set of equipment ended up having to steal making unneeded mess in gameplay.

So, I decided to make some changes in important fights for specific bosses as below.

Gaffgarion: Have Safeguard equipped and he will drop Blood Sword after you defeat him for the last time. He also has Chant ability added to heal his allies adding depth to his character more.
Elmdore: Have Concentration equipped with innate Safeguard. He may seem harder with Concentration but you can get Masamune drop from defeating Zalera so make best effort to defeat him fast.
Dycedarg: Have Safeguard equipped but you can get Defender drop from defeating Adremmelech though you may already have one from Meliadoul fight.

You can get Genji set from Aliste later so not being able to steal from Elmdore shouldn't hurt much. Getting Genji set from Elmdore will also break the game balance too.

Phew. That's a lot of updates to write about and there's still a few not mentioned yet. You can read completed changelog below for details.

-Added Chant ability to Gaffgarion (Ch.2) and Argath (Ch.4)
-Added Huntcraft skill set with Ice Breath/Fire Breath/Thunder Breath/Charm/Celestial Stasis/Choco Esuna/Choco Cure/Goblin Punch/Self-Destruct/Ink/Bewitching Gaze/Doom/Guardian Nymph/Shell Nymph/Almagest/Dark Whisper to Onion Knight job
-Changed Cure spells healing factor ratio (35/50/65/100 -> 30/40/60/100) and only Curaja will have Regen effect
-Changed Barrage's ability name to Lightning Strike
-Changed Bewitching Gaze to inflict Silence status with (50+MA)% success rate and have 2 linear range
-Changed Bow's weapon power scaling from 2 bonus weapon power to 1-4 bonus weapon power based on chapter
-Changed Cloud to join at party's level
-Changed CT of 4-tier Fire/Blizzard spells to 3/4/6/8
-Changed CT of 4-tier Thunder spells to 2/3/5/7
-Changed damage scaling of 4-tier Blizzard spells to 15/19/26/36
-Changed damage scaling of 4-tier Fire/Thunder spells to 14/17/23/32
-Changed damage scaling of Nether Mantra abilities to 36/42/48/54/30/72
-Changed damage scaling of Sky Mantra abilities to 12/14/16/18/10/24
-Changed Excalibur's equip status removed and decreased weapon power (21 -> 20)
-Changed Game Hunter's skill set from Huntcraft to Mettle (Ramza CH4)
-Changed HP/MP Multiplier on Delita/Argath to be on Squire level in chapter 1
-Changed job unlocked on special character units except Balthier and Beowulf
-Changed Kiyomori to add random Protect/Shell status
-Changed Masamune to add random Regen/Haste status
-Changed Meltdown/Tornado/Quake to be learnable abilities with 1,200 JP cost
-Changed Meltdown to target self only and have chance to inflict Disable status
-Changed Mime's job unlocking requirements to unlocking all jobs except Dark Knight
-Changed Nagrarok with weapon power increased (1 -> 8) and decreased block rate (50 -> 35)
-Changed Ninja's throwing bomb with weapon power increased by 2 and price increasd (50/300/1000 -> 100/500/1000)
-Changed Ninja's throwing shuriken with weapon power increased by 2 and price increasd (250 -> 400)
-Changed Onion Knight's HP Growth to 10
-Changed Onion Knight's MP Growth to 10
-Changed Onion Knight's Speed Growth to 90
-Changed Onion Knight's PA Growth to 40
-Changed Onion Knight's MA Growth to 40
-Changed Onion Knight's HP/MP/Speed/PA/MA Multiplier to 100 (120 when mastered)
-Changed Onion Knight's job unlocking requirements to Squire(4), Chemist(4)
-Changed Osafune to damage (30+MA)% of MP with faith based hit rate 200%
-Changed Quake to target self only with non-faith magic damage at 24 damage factor and have chance to inflict Immobilize status
-Changed Ramza's UberSquire stats progression to affect HP/MP Multiplier, HP/MP Growth, and Evasion too
-Changed Ramza's UberSquire name from only Squire to "Squire -> Mercenary -> Heretic"
-Changed Ragnarok's equip status (Shell -> Haste)
-Changed Seal Evil to Burial which crystalizes Undead unit with success rate decreased (70 -> 65) and use evasion in calculation
-Changed status infliction of Venom Strike/Oily Strike to chance based
-Changed Tornado to target self only with 35% HP damage with 160 faith-based hit rate and have chance to inflict Slow status
-Decreased block rate of Cloth weapons (50 -> 40)
-Decreased block rate of Defender (50 -> 40) and add equip Shell status
-Decreased block rate of Main Gauche (50 -> 35)
-Decreased CT of crush abilities (2 for Helm, 3 for Accessory, 4 for Armor, and 5 for Weapon)
-Decreased CT of Protectja/Shellja/Hasteja/Slowja abilities (7 -> 5)
-Decreased CT of Salamander ability (13 -> 12)
-Decreased damage factor of Ama-no-Murakumo ability (14 -> 13)
-Decreased damage factor of Ashura ability (8 -> 7)
-Decreased damage factor of Kotetsu ability (12 -> 10) and has Dark element attribute added
-Decreased damage factor of Migardsormr ability (20 -> 18)
-Decreased damage factor of Nanoflare ability (8 -> 7)
-Decreased damage factor of Odin ability (38 -> 34)
-Decreased damage factor of Meteor ability (42 -> 40)
-Decreased damage factor of Ramuh ability (22 -> 20)
-Decreased Gastrophetes' weapon power (10 -> 9)
-Decreased hit rate of Wall ability (200 -> 160) and decrease CT (5 -> 4)
-Decreased HP Growth on Mime job (6 -> 7)
-Decreased HP Growth on White Mage job (10 -> 11)
-Decreased HP Multiplier on Dragoon job (110 -> 100)
-Decreased MA Growth on Monk job (51 -> 52)
-Decreased MA Multiplier on Arcanist job (135 -> 125)
-Decreased MA Multiplier on Geomancer job (100 -> 95)
-Decreased MP Growth on Knight job (15 -> 16)
-Decreased MP Multiplier on Squire job (75 -> 70)
-Decreased MP Multiplier on Knight job (80 -> 60)
-Decreased PA Growth on Dragoon job (40 -> 45)
-Decreased PA Growth on Mime job (35 -> 38)
-Decreased PA Growth on Orator job (50 -> 60)
-Decreased Speed Growth on Holy Knight job (98 -> 100)
-Fixed Headband's description with bonus PA increased (1 -> 2)
-Fixed Salve's description Slow status removal changed to Oil
-Fixed Tailwind's description to add Quick status
-Fixed Wizard's Robe's description with bonus MA decreased (2 -> 1)
-Increased bonus HP of Cachusha/Barette (10 -> 30)
-Increased bonus MP of Black Robe (30 -> 40)
-Increased CT of Leviathan ability (13 -> 14)
-Increased damage factor of Chirijiraden ability (20 -> 21)
-Increased damage factor of Titan ability (24 -> 28)
-Increased healing factor of Choco Cure ability (3 -> 4)
-Increased hit rate of Corruption ability (100 -> 120)
-Increased hit rate of Carbuncle ability (150 -> 160)
-Increased hit rate of Fervor ability (120 -> 140)
-Increased hit rate of Graviga ability (120 -> 140) and remove chance to inflict Slow status
-Increased hit rate of Guardian Nymph ability (45 -> 65), effect area (1 -> 2), vertical (0 -> 3), and don't hit enemies
-Increased hit rate of Induration ability (120 -> 130)
-Increased hit rate of Shell Nymph ability (45 -> 65), effect area (1 -> 2), vertical (0 -> 3), and don't hit enemies
-Increased hit rate of Sylph ability (150 -> 170) and decrease CT (7 -> 5)
-Increased HP Growth on Archer job (11 -> 10)
-Increased HP Growth on Knight job (10 -> 9)
-Increased HP Growth on Monk job (9 -> 8)
-Increased HP Multiplier on Mime job (140 -> 150)
-Increased HP Multiplier on Monk job (135 -> 140)
-Increased Javelin II's weapon power (18 -> 20)
-Increased Katana's weapon power scaling with brave formula in consideration
-Increased MA Growth on Arcanist job (46 -> 40)
-Increased MA Growth on Black Mage job (48 -> 47)
-Increased MA Growth on Chemist job (50 -> 48)
-Increased MA Growth on Dragoon job (55 -> 52)
-Increased MA Growth on Mime job (40 -> 38)
-Increased MA Growth on Mystic job (48 -> 47)
-Increased MA Growth on Orator job (48 -> 45)
-Increased MA Growth on Summoner Mage job (47 -> 42)
-Increased MA Growth on Time Mage job (47 -> 45)
-Increased MA Multiplier on Mime job (115 -> 150)
-Increased MA Multiplier on Samurai job (95 -> 100)
-Increased MA Multiplier on Time Mage job (125 -> 135)
-Increased MP Growth on Archer job (15 -> 14)
-Increased MP Growth on Chemist job (16 -> 14)
-Increased MP Growth on Divine Knight job (15 -> 12)
-Increased MP Growth on Mime job (30 -> 12)
-Increased MP Growth on Orator job (18 -> 12)
-Increased MP Growth on Samurai job (14 -> 13)
-Increased MP Multiplier on Archer job (65 -> 70)
-Increased MP Multiplier on Chemist job (75 -> 80)
-Increased MP Multiplier on Mime job (50 -> 80)
-Increased PA Growth on Black Mage job (60 -> 55)
-Increased PA Growth on Holy Knight job (48 -> 45)
-Increased PA Growth on Machinist job (50 -> 45)
-Increased PA Growth on Monk job (48 -> 45)
-Increased PA Growth on Mystic job (60 -> 55)
-Increased PA Growth on Squire job (50 -> 48)
-Increased PA Growth on Time Mage job (65 -> 60)
-Increased PA Multiplier on Mime job (120 -> 140)
-Increased Move on Mystic job (3 -> 4)
-Increased number of ticks duration for Poison/Regen status (36 -> 48)
-Increased Speed Growth on Dragoon job (100 -> 95)
-Increased Speed Multiplier on Archer job (100 -> 110)
-Moved Auto-Potion back to Orator job
-Moved Concentration back to Mime job
-Moved Vanish back to Ninja job with status duration added for 20 ticks
-Removed bonus +1 MA from Luminous Robe
-Removed Dual Wield from Knight's Sword description
-Removed Holy/Flare/Meteor/Bahamut abilities from Arcanist's skill set
-Reverted Dark element attribute on Kotetsu weapon and its ability
-Reverted Evasion on Dragoon job
-Reverted MP cost scaling of Fire/Ice/Thunder spells including summon
-Reverted Move on Divine Knight job
-Reverted PA Growth on Arcanist job
-Reverted weapon power reduction on Obelisk and Holy Lance
-Toughened up Dycedarg with Safeguard but you can get Defender as War Trophy after defeating his Lucavi form
-Toughened up Elmdore with Concentration and Safeguard but you can get Masamune as War Trophy after defeating him
-Toughened up Gaffgarion with Safeguard but you can get Blood Sword as War Trophy after defeating him


My patch comes in PPF format and available for both USA and EUR clean ISO. I also applied slowdown fix thanks to helpful members in FFHacktics.

FFT WotL - Valeria 1.5 (PSP USA): https://www.mediafire.com/file/ads77c7c7z8rx3u
FFT WotL - Valeria 1.5 (PSP EUR): https://www.mediafire.com/file/tkfsj1deie7688f

For full release information, please check this link below.


I hope you'll enjoy this Valeria mod as much as I do and thanks FFTPatcher team so much for this awesome utility that can help us enjoy Final Fantasy Tactics again. :)
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

Valeria 1.5.1 is out now with cure spells fixed. I forget that formula used in cure spells requires status infliction so I'll put Regen status back now. I'll also make Archer's Venom Strike and Oily Strike to have 100% status infliction too.

These changes are made before releasing on X'Mas and it seems I made some mistakes there. I also have something left to be done too which is Time Mage skill set and reworked Arcanist abilities. Now Time Magicks will be more powerful from 0.25-0.5x damage to 0.35-0.65x damage. I also fixed missing information about added effect status too.

-Added missing effect information on reworked skills
-Changed Venom Strike/Oily Strike to have 100% status infliction again
-Changed Tornado ability to always inflict Slow status on hit but will not affect unit with Slow status immunity
-Decreased hit rate of Gravity ability (190 -> 180) and increased damage factor (25 -> 35)
-Fixed Cure/Cura/Curaga spells not working because status infliction is required so Regen status was added back
-Increased damage factor of Graviga ability (50 -> 65) and reverted effect area back to 1
-Increased damage factor of Poison ability (12 -> 20)
-Increased hit rate of Haste/Slow ability (180 -> 200)

FFT: WotL - Valeria 1.5.1 (PSP USA) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/d9hd0dekfzadqy2
FFT: WotL - Valeria 1.5.1 (PSP EUR) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/ufc9wfixg496m64

Tornado may not deal much damage but at least it's stronger than original Gravity and can Slow enemies too which can be very useful in some situation. :)
  • Modding version: WotL

Windows X

FFT: WOTL Valeria 1.5.2 - Pillars of Magicks re-balance

Hi everyone. I hope you enjoy FFT Valeria 1.5 update. There's a lot of changes that help us reacher to the ideal of every job and abilities are useful without game breaking balance. However, it seems balancing spells is yet to be completed.

In my 1.5 run, I noticed a few things that needed to be addressed which are.

1. I never see Blind/Silence status infliction applied to my units. My best bet is Thief swinging Blind Knife/Mage Masher to inflict one but I haven't seen that yet from few story battles I can have
2. Summoner uses only basic spells because Titan has too long CT to cast on my units
3. Protectja/Shellja/Hasteja/Slowja spells are useless because it takes longer CT and MP cost for no effective gain to use over basic spells
4. Summon > Black/White Magicks in terms of HP damage/recovery and Toad/Death spell won't be enough to cover it

Moogle and Faerie can heal pretty well and Summon has good enough damage and high level summon can outclass black magicks signficantly. The main reason I use White Magicks is for party buff and revive now.

Some people also addressed issues about increased CT in WOTL's summon so I think this will be a good opportunitiy to re-balance magicks again for these four main jobs.

[White Mage]

Cure spells will have radius and vertical expanding on every tier for wider range of use. Curaga with 3 radius and Curaja with 4 radius that won't heal enemies will be very useful.

In compensation of expanding radius on -ga and -ja tier, healing factor was changed from 30/40/60/100 to 25/35/50/100 and hit rate was changed from 255/240/220/200 to 200/220/240/255.

I also changed Protect/Shell to have CT 4 with hit rate 180 and Protectja/Shellja to have CT 2 with hit rate 240 making -ja tier buff becoming more useful. Holy won't have chance to inflict Silence status anymore.

Since permanent Reraise is no longer available, I decided to revamp revive mechanics to decrease MP cost of Raise, CT of Arise and buff hit rate/CT Reraise to be more useful fitting 1000JP to learn.

[Black Mage]

As Black Magicks already have spells like Toad and Death with strong status infliction, I decided to revamp spells in 4-tier Black Magicks with chance to inflict status and range as below.

-Radius and Vertical will keep expanding on every tier like improved Cure spells
-All 4-tier spells will have chance to inflict status (Fire - Blind, Thunder - Silence, Blizzard - Stop)
-Specific boosts for Thunder (less CT) and Blizzard (more damage) will be removed

This way, ja spell will hit at closer level to Leviathan with the same radius and vertical and have the same MP cost. Summon won't hit allies and have longer CT but Black magicks has chance to inflict status and have shorter CT.

Since story battles has a few black mages too, you'll come across one of them casting spell to inflict Blind/Silence/Stop status more often making Echo Herb/Eye Drops being more useful to have.

Since status infliction won't have high chance to trigger, there shouldn't be difficulty spike with these changes. Flare will cost 50MP and has 46 damage factor for effective re-balance too.

[Time Mage]

Haste/Slow to have CT 4 with hit rate 180 and Hasteja/Slowja to have CT 2 with hit rate 240 making -ja tier buff becoming more cost effective like changes I applied to White Magicks.

Gravity/Graviga sems to perform fine so I'll leave as is for now. Meteor however was weaken a lot from PSX version with 60 damage factor so I'll buff this one up a bit to 45.


PSX version has basic summon at CT 4, Titan at CT 5, and even Bahamut will have CT 10 only which make Summon a lot slower to use without Swiftness in WOTL.

I thought it was finely balanced personally but some people who played PSX version before may find it too slow to use so I decided to decrease CT of most Summon abilities with some adjustments.

I actually started from Summon re-balance first then apply re-balance to other spells later to make sure 4 main magicks are strong enough without losing to others.

-Added chance to inflict Stop status with 4-tier Blizzard abilities from Black Magicks
-Added chance to inflict Blind status with 4-tier Fire abilities from Black Magicks
-Added chance to inflict Silence status with 4-tier Thunder abilities from Black Magicks
-Changed 4-tier CT scaling of Thunder abilities to 3/4/6/8
-Changed 4-tier damage scaling of Blizzard abilities to 14/17/23/32
-Changed 4-tier range scaling of Cure/Fire/Thunder/Blizzard abilities to 0-0/1-1/2-2/3-3
-Changed Cure spells healing factor ratio (30/40/60/100 -> 25/35/50/100) and hit rate (255/240/220/200 -> 200/220/240/255)
-Changed Poison Strike/Oily Strike status infliction to be chance based
-Changed Potions' price to 100/350/1000 in consideration with Auto-Potion being back instead of nerfing restored HP amount
-Changed Protect/Shell/Haste/Slow to have hit rate 180 and CT 4
-Changed Protectja/Shellja/Hasteja/Slowja to have CT 2
-Changed Raise ability to have hit rate decreased (200 -> 180) and MP cost decreased (10 -> 8)
-Decreased CT of Bahamut ability (15 -> 13)
-Decreased CT of Carbuncle ability (5 -> 4)
-Decreased CT of Faerie ability (7 -> 6)
-Decreased CT of Ifrit ability (7 -> 6)
-Decreased CT of Leviathan ability (14 -> 10)
-Decreased CT of Salamander ability (12 -> 10) and increased damage factor (34 -> 36)
-Decreased CT of Shiva ability (7 -> 6)
-Decreased CT of Titan ability (10 -> 8) and decreased damage factor (28 -> 27)
-Decreased CT of Odin ability (13 -> 10) and increased damage factor (34 -> 36)
-Decreased CT of Zodiark ability (17 -> 15)
-Decreased MP cost of Golem ability (40 -> 36)
-Decreased MP cost of Quiescence ability (16 -> 8)
-Decreased MP cost of Sylph ability (26 -> 24)
-Decreased damage factor of Flare ability (48 -> 46), removed chance to inflict Blind status, and decreased MP cost (60 -> 50)
-Decreased damage factor of Shiva ability (22 -> 20)
-Decreased hit rate of Arise ability (180 -> 160)
-Decreased hit rate of Revive ability (70 -> 65)
-Decreased price of Remedy (350 -> 250)
-Increased damage factor of Meteor ability (40 -> 45) and decrease CT (16 -> 15)
-Increased hit rate of Reraise ability (160 -> 200) and decreased CT (7 -> 6)
-Removed chance to inflict Silence status with Holy ability

With introduction of more status infliction on Black Magicks and Auto-Potion becoming top rated reaction for beginners, I decided to increase price of potions to 100/350/1000 and decrease price of Remedy (350 -> 250).

Auto Potion might seem useful to have but each trigger will cost you more especially if you don't grind much and want to save up money for Tynar Rogue. It's better to focus more on not taking hit and make effective turn.

FFT: WotL - Valeria 1.5.2 (PSP USA) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/2wj9uo2pwbln9pm
FFT: WotL - Valeria 1.5.2 (PSP EUR) - https://www.mediafire.com/file/ec6x81j4gjqi6ps

Now I've finished chapter 2 and I'm in preprations with errands and poaching for good weapons for chapter 3. If you have any suggestion after trying 1.5.2 update, please let me know. :)
  • Modding version: WotL


Hi Windows X,

I've been trying out FFT: WOTL Valeria 1.5.2.  FYI I have always played the PSX version, this is my first playthrough in PSP version.

Note sure if it's your patch, or if it's the PSP version, but hammers are WAY OVERPOWERED.  I'm doing 4x the amount of damage with a hammer vs with a knight sword.  Also, I recall the PSX version there were multipliers on the hammer output, sometimes you would do a fraction of the damage.  In this playthrough I'm seeing 100% max hit damage every hit.

This has made Riovanes castle fights an absolute joke with Ninja class:  Two Morning Stars + Equip Heavy Armor.



  • Modding version: PSX

Windows X

Hi. Yes I made the Valeria patch. I changed weapon formula to WP^WP so it can deal more reliable rather than random damage. I personally don't find it being OP but I'll test things out and see i further re-balance is required.
  • Modding version: WotL


Spaniard is right ... Great patch btw but he is right . Morning stars (maces in general) always do max damage Even with normal attacks (not weapon strike).

On the other hand axes ser still very lacking , yes , WS helps but why a 2handed weapon is less powerful Than a 1hander with double hand? I mean , if double hand doubles WP of said 1hander. Naturally 2 handed weapons should naturally be twice as strong of said 1 hander (not doublehanded). Think about it. You sacrifice a huge portion of avoidance (and some status/buffs) to get that big 2 hander .. it should hit harder than a same level 1 hander (twice as hard due to double hand chance on 1handers).

In short: buff Axe damage . Pretty much force doublehand on em (they are 2 handed aniway) .

Sorry for the long post . Made an account just to Reply on this wonderful mod.

Dualwield must be nerfed. Maibe get the tactics ogre model, in wich each hit is reduced to 70% . Seems like a huge nerf putting DW clearly Under doublehand BUT the utility of double chances of status effects is way more valuable .. double rend x, double poison/inmobilize/disable/oily strike... Etc etc.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown