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Final Fantasy Tactics: Kind Of PSX (Current version: 2.6, Updated: 10/23/16)

Started by Eternal248, March 29, 2012, 12:13:12 pm


Based on an idea Asmo presented a while back, I present to you all FFT: Kind Of! Not a fancy name or anything because it's not a fancy patch! It's a rebalancing patch that stays very true to Vanilla, unlike some other patches that have been released. It doesn't try to be a Hardtype or anything, but enemies will now properly use their skills and actually have JP to spend on them. Certain battles have new units, and you won't see as many Knights/Archers as there were before.

If you want to see the entire changelog, I've included it both with the patch and below. Comments/feedback are always welcome.

Like I said, don't expect new sprites or anything. This patch is for those wanting a rebalanced Vanilla experience with minimal changes.


-Smart encounters have been added, thanks to Xif. Now you can move straight to towns with no random battles in between, but if you select an area with a random encounter, the encounter rate is 100%.
-Chocobos are a bit rarer in Mandalia now, meaning you can train there with less annoyance.
-Regen now has vert.
-Chakra/Stigma Magic no longer have vert.
-Orlandu has gained Magic Ruin and Shock!
-Meliadoul has gained Magic Ruin, Power Ruin, Mind Ruin, and Crush Punch.
-Magic Ruin/Mind Ruin/Power Ruin have been nerfed.
-Poison Rod is now properly 4 WP.
-Several other small fixes have been made, namely to descriptions.
-Lubrication has been renamed Unction because you all have dirty minds.

-Zalmo I is now no longer infuriating.
-Meliadoul now comes with Move-MP Up in her battle.
-Slasher's description is fixed.
-Artemis Bow's description is fixed.
-Several spell quotes have been fixed/updated.
-The Pig Trial in END is fixed.
-Abandon has been removed from Rafa, is replaced with Caution.
-Move +3/Jump +3 have been removed.

-Pigs properly have Paralyze and Frog now. (PSX)
-Guest Agrias and Guest Gafgarion now properly join at Party Level. (PSX)
-Salamander returns, and now inflicts Blind in addition to Fire damage, as a sort of physical foil to Sylph. (PSX/PSP)
-Faerie JP Cost down to 200. (PSX/PSP)
-Summoners now have a higher MP pool. (PSX/PSP)
-Alicia, Rad, and Lavian come with 70 Brave and 70 Faith. (PSX/PSP)
-Level 3 magic has had an MP cost increase. (PSX/PSP)
-Cloud's Limits no longer require the Materia Blade, but do require a Sword to be used. (PSX/PSP)
-Braver, Cross-Slash, and Omnislash are now based on PA and WP. (PSX/PSP)
-HP Restore/Critical: Restore HP and Abandon/Reflexes have been removed. (PSX/PSP)
-Robe of Lords is now Initial: Protect/Shell, no longer grants 2 MA. (PSX/PSP)
-Chocobo Cure no longer has AoE. (PSX/PSP)
-Attack Boost and Arcane Strength's JP costs have been increased. (PSX/PSP)

-Foxbird has been renamed to Lubrication to match KO PSP. (PSX)
-Summons now have longer CT and higher MP costs to match KO PSP. (PSX)
-Break skills have become cheaper and are slightly more accurate. (PSX/PSP)
-Negotiate/Beg now hits at MA+45%. (PSX/PSP)
-Stasis Sword now inflicts Immobilize and costs 10 MP. (PSX/PSP)
-Split/Crush Punch are now unevadeable and costs 5/10 MP each. (PSX/PSP)
-Heave can now inflict Immobilize/Disable/Float. (PSX/PSP)
-Many R/S/M skills cost less JP now. (PSX/PSP)
-The Bio spells are now more clearly named. (PSX/PSP)
-Gigaflare has been nerfed. (PSX/PSP)
-Summons have been lowered to Blizzard power. (PSX/PSP)
-Spells that didn't have CT have it again, more enemy-only spells have MP costs now. (PSX/PSP)
-AI flags have been fully fixed. (PSX)
-Hi-Potions now heal for 50, X-Potions for 100. Prices/JP costs have been lowered to compensate. (PSX/PSP)
-Ivory Rod is now buyable at the start of Chapter IV. (PSX/PSP)
-Persia is now buyable at the start of Chapter III. (PSX/PSP)
-Cashmere is now available at the start of Chapter IV. (PSX/PSP)
-Every type of item is available at every store now to match KO PSP. (PSX)
-Sinogue is an Archaic Demon once more. (PSX/PSP)
-Dispose range down to 4. (PSX/PSP)
-Destroy now targets enemies surrounding oneself. (PSX/PSP)
-Ninja PA Multipliers have been greatly lowered. (PSX/PSP)
-Demi2/Graviga have been nerfed. (PSX/PSP)
-Hashmal gains Hamedo. (PSX/PSP)
-Magic Attack Up and Half MP swap jobs. (PSX/PSP)
-Artemis Bow gains Add: Immobilize (PSX/PSP)
-Artemis Bows are now available at the start of Chapter IV. (PSX/PSP)
-The Dragon at Lenalia Plateau has been moved to Araguay South. (PSX/PSP)

-The AI will now target Doomed units.
-Breaks are 10% more accurate.
-Lionel Gate Gafgarion's Bravery is reduced.
-Miluda 2 sprite error is fixed.
-Repeating Fist has a slightly different formula.
-Pigs have slightly different skills.
-Poison Claw's accuracy is increased.
-Chocobo Esuna is now Range: 0, AoE: 1

Battle Changes:

-Deep Dungeon bosses should spawn properly now.
-An extra Mime/Bard/Dancer have been added to the fight in DELTA.
-The Thief's Trial now has both Male and Female units.

Human Changes:

-Mime no longer requires Level 8 Squire/Chemist, now only requires Level 5 Squire/Chemist in addition to the other requirements.
-Malak can now learn Two Hands.

Monster Changes:

-Skeletons/Ghosts are now properly immune to Crystal/Treasure.
-Monsters are more mobile and more evasive.
-Chocobos gain Innate: Move-HP Up.
-Treants lose Regenerator, gain Distribute.

Skill Changes:

-Poison's CT has been buffed.
-Feather Bomb now deals more damage.
-Leaf Dance now ignores allies.
-Treant Spirit skills now hit themselves and will not hit enemies.
-Protect Spirit now inflicts Protect/Regen/Defending.
-Calm Spirit now inflicts Shell/Regen/Defending.
-Knife Hand now drains HP from an enemy, rather than inflicting Sleep.
-Scratch Up now inflicts Sleep.
-Rafa/Malak's spells start at a maximum of 4 hits and increase with each skill.
-Straight Dash now inflicts Charm rather than Innocent.
-Spark no longer hits self and hits slightly harder.
-Eye Gouge now inflicts Blind and Don't Act.
-Triple Breath now deals 34% damage.
-Un-Truth damage is buffed by 20%.
-Space Storage/Space Storage Back is now Dark Elemental.
-Magic Sword skills now have their skill quotes used.
-The AI will no longer purchase Praise/Preach/Solution.

Item Changes:

-Poison Rod's Poison rate is now 100%.
-Iga Knife now inflicts Oil.
-Koga Knife is now Fire Elemental.
-Sasuke Knife now inflicts Slow.
-Battle Axe now inflicts Don't Move.
-Giant Axe now inflicts Don't Act.
-Slasher now inflicts Dead.
-Cursed Ring is now Immune: Crystal/Treasure.

Battle Changes:

-Certain story battles have been tweaked slightly.
-Sinogue has been turned into an Ultima Demon.
-Defense Up/Magic Defense Up on bosses (Lucavi/Izlude excluded, they're tough enough.)
-Worker 7 now has ??? stats.

Deep Dungeon Changes:

-Miluda, Thieves, Priests
-Algus, Knights, Wizards

-Gafgarion, Archers, Time Mages

-3 Bards, 3 Dancers, 1 Mime

-Izlude, Lancers
-Meliadoul, Dancers

-Malak, Ninja
-Wiegraf, Monks, Geomancers

-Celia/Lede/Elmdor/Demon Celia/Demon Lede
-Zalbag, Bards

-Dycedarg, Samurai

-Zalmo, Mediators
-Balk, Oracles

-Ultima I
-Ultima II

-Cuchulainn/Zalera/Adrammelech/Ultima II

Chapter IV Special Battles (Trials):

Zirekile Falls East- 11 Archers
Barius Hill South- 11 Thieves
Lenalia Plateau South- 11 Wizards
Dolbodar Swamp West- 11 Bards
Grog Hill South- 11 Monks
Bervenia Volcano North- 11 Geomancers
Barius Valley East- 11 Summoners
Finath River East- 11 Mediators
Germinas Peak North- 11 Ninja
Araguay Woods South- 11 Samurai
Yuguo Woods East- 11 Oracles
Fovoham Plains West- 11 Knights
Doguola Pass West- 11 Lancers
Sweegy Woods East- 11 Chemists
Poeskas Lake North- 11 Priests
Zigolis Swamp West- 11 Dancers
Mandalia Plains South- 11 Squires
Zeklaus Desert South- 11 Time Mages

Item Changes:

-Rubber Shoes are now Absorb: Thunder, Immune: Immobilize, Slow, Oil
-Defense Ring is now Absorb: Holy, Immune: Death, Sleep, Doom
-Magic Ring is now Absorb: Wind, Immune: Silence, Berserk, Innocent
-Diamond Armlet no longer guards against Slow.
-Jade Armlet is now Absorb: Earth, Immune: Petrify, Stop, Disable
-N-Kai Armlet is now Absorb: Dark, Immune: Blind, Confuse, Charm
-Defense Armlet is now Absorb: Water, Immune: Poison, Frog, Undead
-The price for Potions, Hi-Potions, X-Potions, Ethers, Hi-Ethers, Remedies, and Phoenix Downs have increased.
-Cachusha/Barette/Ribbon's descriptions are fixed.

Skill Changes:

-Protect/Shell vertical up to 1.
-Protect 2/Shell 2/Haste 2/Slow 2/Wall CT have been buffed.
-Chakra/Stigma Magic now have proper vertical tolerance.
-Arm/Leg Aim/Seal Evil have been buffed.
-Bahamut's CT and JP cost have been lowered.
-Holy's power and CT have been halved. MP and JP costs have been lowered to compensate.
-Equip Axe is moved from Squire to Geomancer.
-Monster Skill is moved from Squire to Mediator.
-Persuade now inflicts Slow in an AoE.
-Some damaging monster skills have been buffed slightly.
-Chocobo Attack now inflicts Slow.
-Tackle now inflicts Immobilize.
-Bite now inflicts Oil.
-Scratch now inflicts Blind.
-Tentacle now inflicts Confuse.
-Knife Hand now inflicts Sleep.
-Throw Spirit now inflicts Undead.
-Wing Attack now inflicts Stop.
-Scratch Up now may dispel buffs.
-Straight Dash now inflicts Innocent.
-Leaf Dance now inflicts Silence.
-Shake Off now inflicts Berserk.
-Malboro Tentacle now inflicts Poison.
-Stab Up now inflicts Doom.
-Dash now inflicts Disable.
-Triple Attack now inflicts Petrify.
-Truth/Untruth spells have been made evadeable.
-Destroy now removes Protect/Shell/Reflect/Defending from all enemies.
-Compress now damages an enemy's MP.
-Zalbag's Ruins have been made unevadeable and free.

Human Changes:

-Mediators now have Monster Skill, Monster Talk, and Train innate.
-Meliadoul gains Innate: Secret Hunt.
-Rad comes with Mediator 3 unlocked.
-Alicia comes with Lancer 3 unlocked.
-Lavian comes with Geomancer 3 unlocked.
-Agrias comes with Monk 5 unlocked.
-Mustadio comes with Chemist 6 unlocked.
-Rafa comes with Calculator 1 unlocked.
-Malak comes with Ninja 1 unlocked.
-Orlandu comes with Bard 2 unlocked.
-Meliadoul comes with Dancer 2 unlocked.
-Beowulf comes with Samurai 5 unlocked.
-Human Reis comes with Mime 3 unlocked.
-Beowulf's Brave is increased.
-Mediators can now use Books.
-Ramza is given Counter Tackle, Monster Skill, Gained JP Up, Gained EXP Up, Move-JP Up, and Move-EXP Up.
-Mustadio is given Equip Gun, Throw Item, Maintenance, Equip Change, and Concentrate.
-Mustadio can use Crossbows and Bows.
-Agrias is given Defend, Equip Armor, Defense Up, Magic Defense Up, and Caution.
-Meliadoul is given Attack Up, Counter, Faith Up, PA Save, and Jump +2.
-Malak is given Sunken State, Speed Save, Fly.
-Rafa is given Magic Attack Up, Half of MP, Abandon, Fly.
-Orlandu is given Equip Sword, Move +1, Weapon Guard, and Brave Up.
-Beowulf is given MP Restore, Move-HP Up, Move +2, and Absorb Used MP.
-Reis is given Train, Monster Talk, Monster Skill, Counter Flood, and Dragon Spirit.
-Kletian has been given Non-Charge.
-Celia and Lede (human) have been given increased HP.
-The skillsets for the undead human units at Yuguo, Poeskas, Limberry have been revised.

Monster Changes:

-Adrammelech has been given a slightly altered skillset.
-Monsters are given Gained EXP Up to more easily keep up with other party members and promote usage.
-Monsters (including Worker 8, Byblos, Archaic Demons, etc.) HP multipliers have been increased by 25%.
-Monsters have been given more MP. This won't impact much, but will allow some of them to actually use their spells now.
-Worker 8 is given +1 Move, Innate: Fly and has had Counter replaced with Damage Split.
-Treants now absorb Water as well as Earth.
-Minotaurs now absorb Earth and can use Earth Slash.
-Malboros are no longer weak to Ice.
-Ahrimans are no longer weak to Ice, are weak to Dark.
-Tiamats now absorb Wind and are no longer weak to Ice.
-Byblos loses Energy.
-Byblos gains each of the Bios.
-Worker 8 gains Energy.
-Undead units will always revive some time after three turns. (I decided not to use the 100% revival after 3 turns ASM, as I fear this will make battles against the Undead too difficult.)

Mediator HP and MP slightly increased.
Bard MP greatly increased.
Lucavi no longer have DEF/MDEF Up.
Elemental now hits allies once more, but cannot miss.
Hell Ivy now adds Poison, rather than Stop.
Carve Model now adds Confuse, rather than Petrify.
Local Quake now adds Petrify, rather than Confuse.

New title screen, courtesy of Taichii!
Several minor bugfixes.
Fire/Fire 2/Fire 3/Fire 4 have been nerfed.
Summons have been nerfed.
Salamander removed from skillset.
Summon MP cost reduced.
White Staff now cancels most ailments 100% of the time on strike.
Geomancy now no longer harms allies.

Move +1 is moved from Archers to Knights.

Fire/Fire2/Fire3/Fire4 each have an increased AoE of 1.   
Fire/Fire2/Fire3/Fire4 are each slightly weaker.
Bolt/Bolt2/Bolt3/Bolt4 each are slightly faster.
Bolt/Bolt2/Bolt3/Bolt4 are each slightly weaker.

Chakra now properly has a Vertical Tolerance of 1.
Stigma Magic now properly has a Vertical Tolerance of 1.

Samurai have lost Blade Grasp.
Draw Out learn rates have been increased, some JP costs altered.

Cure 3 AoE up to 2.
Cure 4 now ignores enemies.

Blind hit rate increased.
Spell Absorb JP cost down to 150.
Foxbird has been properly added to the Oracle's spell list.
Foxbird now inflicts Oil.
Foxbird JP cost down to 100.
Life Drain has been properly added to the Oracle's spell list.
Life Drain now drains HP equal to that of a weapon strike.
Zombie JP cost down to 200.

Steal Helmet JP cost down to 200.
Steal Armor JP cost down to 250.
Steal Shield JP cost down to 200.
Steal Weapon JP cost down to 350.
Steal Accessory JP cost down to 300.

Swordskill animation bug fixed.

Stasis Sword Vertical up to 1.

Beowulf's Chicken is now Oil.

MBarrier MP cost up to 20.

The following monsters have gained the following skills in their blank slots:

Chocobo:   Chocobo Esuna
Goblin:      Armor Break
Black Goblin:   Weapon Break
Bomb:      Flame Attack
Red Panther:   Chakra
Pisco Demon:   Aqua Soul
Pisco Demon 2:   Confuse Song
Skeleton:   Zombie
Bone Snatch:   Death Sentence
Living Bone:   Death
Ghoul:      Poison
Ghost:      Slow
Revenant:   Stop
Flotiball:   Dispel Magic
Flotiball 2:   Lifebreak
Juravis:   Float
Juravis 2:   Eye Gouge
Steel Hawk:   Haste
Uribo:      Please Eat
Uribo 2:   Deathspell 2
Porky:      Dispel 2   
Wildbow:   Return 2
Woodman:   Silence Song
Woodman 2:   Magic Spirit
Trent:      Raise
Bull Demon:   Blind Rage
Bull Demon 2:   Wave Fist
Minotaur:   Scream
Malboro:   Malboro Virus
Ochu:      Frog
Great Malboro:   Poison Bio
Behemoth:   Gather Power
King Behemoth:   Magic Ruin
Dark Behemoth:   Power Ruin
Dragon:      Threaten
Dragon 2:   Fire Breath
Blue Dragon:   Dragon Care      
Red Dragon:   Dragon Power Up      
Hyudra:      Triple Thunder   
Hyudra 2:   Dark Whisper
Hydra:      Triple Breath


   All enemies scale with the party's level.
   Enemies now have gear equal to what you can buy in stores.
   Some enemies (particularly later on) have smart setups.
   All rare Move-Find items are 100%.
   Brave/Faith modification is no longer permanent.
   Math Skill slowdown is removed.
   Cursor starts at Continue, rather than New Game.
   Class Evasion is global.
   Phoenix Downs now deal 25% damage to Undead.
   The Soldier Office can be used to rename any unit.
   Special characters can do Propositions.
   JP Scroll Bug is fixed.
   Death Sentence ignores Cancel: Dead.
   Enemies that are Immortal flagged gain immunity to every debuff.
   Units afflicted with Oil take 200% Fire damage.


   Various jobs have had growth/multiplier changes.
   Chemists get Innate: Equip Change.
   Thieves get Innate: Secret Hunt.
   Geomancers get Innate: Move on Lava and Any Ground.
   Calculators have had their Speed greatly improved, but their Math Skill spell choices are limited.
   Mimes have gained Innate: Counter.


   The Goblin family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Counter Tackle.
   The Bomb family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Critical Quick.
   The Panther family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Caution.
   The Mindflayer family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Counter Magic.
   The Skeleton family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Meatbone Slash.
   The Ghost family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: MP Switch.
   The Ahriman family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Damage Split.
   The Juravis family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Speed Save.
   The Uribo family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: HP Restore.
   The Treant family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Regenerator.
   The Minotaur family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: A Save.
   The Malboro family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Counter Flood.
   The Behemoth family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Brave Up.
   The Dragon family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: Dragon Spirit.
   The Hydra family has lost Innate: Counter, and gained Innate: MA Save.


   Rune Blade is now available after killing Elmdor.
   Nagrarock WP up to 10.
   Materia Blade WP up to 16.
   Materia Blade is now forced two-handed.
   All Knightswords are now forced two-handed.
   Excalibur is now Initial: Haste
   Chaos Blade WP down to 24.
   Chaos Blade is now Initial: Regen
   Battle Axe WP up to 11.
   Giant Axe WP up to 15.
   Slasher WP up to 20.
   Poison Rod now available after saving Elmdor.
   Poison Rod WP up to 4.
   Fire/Thunder/Ice Rods are now available after meeting Draclau.
   Wizard Rod now available at the start of Chapter 4.
   Dragon Rod WP up to 10, now randomly casts Flare.
   White Staff WP down to 1, now randomly casts Esuna.
   Mace of Zeus is now Thunder Elemental, Strengthen: Thunder, and randomly casts Bolt 4.
   Sage's Staff now boosts MA by 3.
   Scorpion Tail now randomly casts Bio 3.
   Stone Gun reduced to 13 WP.
   Blaze and Glacier Gun now cast their proper elements.
   Crossbows can now be Two Handed.
   Night Killer WP up to 4.
   Cross Bow WP up to 5.
   Poison Bow WP up to 6.
   Hunting Bow WP up to 8.
   Bows can no longer be Two Handed.
   Ultimus Bow is now named Artemis Bow.
   Yoichi Bow now boosts Move and Jump by 1.
   Ramia Harp is now named Lamia Harp.
   Battle Dictionary now randomly casts Insult.
   Monster Dictionary now randomly casts Threaten.
   Papyrus Plate now randomly casts Mimic Daravon.
   Madlemgen now randomly casts Death Sentence.
   Oberisk is now named Obelisk.
   Javelin (2) is now named Javelin II, WP lowered to 22.
   Kaiser Plate is now 25% EVD, 50% M-EVD.
   Crystal Gear is now available after killing Elmdor.
   Escutcheon (2) is now named Escutcheon II, 60% EVD, 35% M-EVD.
   Thief Hat down to +25 HP.
   All Hair Adornments now grant +10 MP.
   Wizard Robe now only grants +1 MA.
   Robe of Lords now grants +2 MA.
   Battle Boots are now available at the start of Chapter 2.
   Spike Shoes are now available at the start of Chapter 1.
   Germinas Boots are now available after saving Rafa.
   Sprint Shoes are now available after Bethla.
   Red Shoes are now available at the start of Chapter 4.
   Magic Gauntlet is now available at the start of Chapter 4.
   Bracer is now only +2 PA, and is now available at the start of Chapter 4.
   Cursed Ring now halves Fire and Holy damage, and absorbs Dark.
   108 Gems no longer defends against debuffs, and is available at the start of Chapter 4.
   Feather Mantle EVD down to 35%.
   Vanish Mantle EVD up to 40%.
   Chantage is now Initial: Reraise.
   Setiemson is now Initial: Haste, Transparent, Float.
   Hi-Potions are now available at the start of Chapter 2.


   Accumulate now costs 5 MP.
   Accumulate's learn rate increased to 75%.
   Dash now deals (1-5)*PA damage.
   Dash's JP cost down to 50.
   Dash's learn rate up to 100%.
   Throw Stone now deals (1-3)*PA damage.
   Throw Stone's JP cost up to 100.
   Throw Stone's learn rate up to 90%.
   Heal's JP cost down to 100.
   Heal now cures Disable, Immobilize, and Sleep.
   Yell is now MA+65% chance of imbuing Haste.
   Yell no longer ignores Silence.
   Cheer Up is now MA+75% chance of imbuing Regen.
   Cheer Up's JP cost down to 150.
   Cheer Up no longer ignores Silence.
   Wish's Range up to 3.
   Scream boosts Brave by 20 on the user.
   Scream's JP cost down to 200.
   Scream no longer ignores Silence.
   Ultima now deals F(MA*35) damage.
   Ultima's MP cost is up to 40.
   Ultima's CT up to 6.
   Ultima can now be Counter Floodable.

   Counter Tackle JP cost down to 100.
   Counter Tackle learn rate increased to 75%.

   Equip Axe JP cost down to 150.
   Equip Axe learn rate up to 50%.
   Monster Skill JP cost down to 100.
   Monster Skill learn rate down to 0%.
   Defend learn rate up to 90%.
   Gained JP Up removed.

   Move +1 removed.
   Gained Move-EXP Up.
   Gained Move-JP Up.


   Potion JP cost down to 0.
   Hi-Potion learn rate up to 85%.
   X-Potion learn rate up to 75%.
   Ether JP cost down to 100.
   Ether learn rate up to 85%.
   Hi-Ether JP cost down to 300.
   Hi-Ether learn rate up to 70%.
   Elixir JP cost down to 500.
   Elixir learn rate down to 0%.
   Antidote JP cost down to 50.
   Antidote learn rate up to 90%.
   Eye Drop JP cost down to 50.
   Eye Drop learn rate up to 90%.
   Echo Grass JP cost down to 50.
   Echo Grass learn rate up to 90%.
   Maiden's Kiss JP cost down to 50.
   Maiden's Kiss learn rate up to 90%.
   Soft JP cost down to 50.
   Soft learn rate up to 90%.
   Holy Water JP cost down to 100.
   Holy Water learn rate up to 75%.
   Remedy JP cost down to 150.
   Phoenix Down JP cost down to 50.
   Phoenix Down learn rate up to 100%.

   Auto Potion JP cost up to 500.

   Throw Item JP cost down to 300.
   Throw Item learn rate up to 65%.
   Maintenance JP cost down to 150.
   Maintenance learn rate up to 75%.
   Equip Change JP cost up to 50.
   Equip Change learn rate down to 0%.

   Move-Find Item JP cost down to 50.
   Move-Find Item learn rate down to 0%.


   Head Break is now (PA+WP+55)%.
   Head Break JP cost down to 250.
   Head Break learn rate up to 75%.
   Armor Break is now (PA+WP+45)%.
   Armor Break JP cost down to 350.
   Armor Break learn rate up to 65%.
   Shield Break is now (PA+WP+65)%.
   Shield Break JP cost down to 250.
   Shield Break learn rate up to 75%.
   Head Break is now (PA+WP+40)%.
   Head Break JP cost down to 350.
   Head Break learn rate up to 60%.
   Magic Break learn rate up to 80%.
   Speed Break is now (PA+50)% Add: Slow.
   Speed Break learn rate up to 65%.
   Power Break now decreases PA by 2.
   Mind Break now decreases MA by 2.

   Weapon Guard JP cost down to 100.
   Weapon Guard learn rate up to 80%.

   Equip Armor JP cost down to 400.
   Equip Armor learn rate up to 60%.
   Equip Shield learn rate up to 70%.
   Equip Sword JP cost down to 250.
   Equip Sword learn rate up to 70%.


   All Charge CT halved.
   Charge +1 JP cost down to 50.
   Charge +1 learn rate up to 100%.
   Charge +2 JP cost down to 100.
   Charge +2 learn rate up to 90%.
   Charge +3 JP cost down to 150.
   Charge +3 learn rate up to 75%.
   Charge +4 JP cost down to 200.
   Charge +4 learn rate up to 65%.
   Charge +5 learn rate up to 55%.
   Charge +10 JP cost down to 550.
   Charge +20 JP cost lowered to 750.

   Speed Save JP cost lowered to 600.
   Arrow Guard JP cost lowered to 350.
   Arrow Guard learn rate up to 60%.

   Equip Crossbow JP cost lowered to 250.
   Equip Crossbow learn rate up to 65%.
   Concentrate learn rate up to 55%.

   Move +1 gained.
   Jump +1 JP cost lowered to 100.
   Jump +1 learn rate up to 90%.


   Cure MP cost down to 5.
   Cure CT down to 3.
   Cure learn rate up to 100%.
   Cure 2 JP cost down to 150.
   Cure 2 CT down to 4.
   Cure 3 JP cost down to 300.
   Cure 3 learn rate up to 70%.
   Cure 3 MP cost up to 20.
   Cure 3 CT down to 5.
   Cure 4 JP cost down to 450.
   Cure 4 learn rate up to 50%.
   Cure 4 AoE up to 2.
   Cure 4 CT down to 6.
   Cure 4 MP cost up to 30.
   Cure 4 no longer Learn on Hit.
   Raise JP cost down to 150.
   Raise learn rate up to 85%.
   Raise is now Hit_F(MA+240)%
   Raise 2 CT down to 7.
   Raise 2 is now Hit_F(MA+190)%
   Reraise JP cost down to 450.
   Reraise learn rate up to 70%.
   Reraise CT down to 6.
   Reraise MP cost up to 20.
   Reraise is now Hit_F(MA+190)%
   Regen JP cost down to 200.
   Regen learn rate up to 80%.
   Regen MP cost up to 10.
   Regen is now Hit_F(MA+235)%
   Protect JP cost down to 50.
   Protect learn rate up to 85%.
   Protect CT down to 3.
   Protect MP cost up to 10.
   Protect is now Hit_F(MA+240)%
   Protect 2 JP cost down to 350.
   Protect 2 learn rate now 60%.
   Protect 2 AoE up to 2.
   Protect 2 will not hit enemies.
   Protect 2 CT down to 6.
   Protect 2 MP cost up to 25.
   Protect 2 is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Shell JP cost down to 50.
   Shell learn rate up to 85%.
   Shell CT down to 3.
   Shell MP cost up to 10.
   Shell is now Hit_F(MA+240)%
   Shell 2 JP cost down to 350.
   Shell 2 learn rate now 60%.
   Shell 2 AoE up to 2.
   Shell 2 will not hit enemies.
   Shell 2 CT down to 6.
   Shell 2 MP cost up to 25.
   Shell 2 is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Wall JP cost down to 200.
   Wall learn rate up to 75%.
   Wall MP cost down to 15.
   Esuna JP cost up to 300.
   Esuna learn rate up to 65%.
   Esuna MP cost down to 15.
   Esuna is now Hit_F(MA+210)%
   Holy range down to 4.
   Holy MP cost down to 50.

   Regenerator JP cost down to 300.
   Regenerator learn rate up to 60%.

   Magic Defense Up JP cost down to 350.


   Fire learn rate up to 100%.
   Fire CT down to 3.
   Fire MP cost down to 5.
   Fire 2 learn rate up to 80%.
   Fire 2 CT down to 4.
   Fire 2 MP cost down to 10.
   Fire 3 JP cost down to 350.
   Fire 3 learn rate up to 60%.
   Fire 3 CT down to 6.
   Fire 3 MP cost down to 20.
   Fire 4 JP cost down to 750.
   Fire 4 learn rate up to 50%.
   Fire 4 CT down to 8.
   Fire 4 MP cost down to 50.
   Fire 4 no longer Learn on Hit.
   Bolt learn rate up to 100%.
   Bolt CT down to 3.
   Bolt MP cost down to 5.
   Bolt 2 learn rate up to 80%.
   Bolt 2 CT down to 4.
   Bolt 2 MP cost down to 10.
   Bolt 3 JP cost down to 350.
   Bolt 3 learn rate up to 60%.
   Bolt 3 CT down to 6.
   Bolt 3 MP cost down to 20.
   Bolt 4 JP cost down to 750.
   Bolt 4 learn rate up to 50%.
   Bolt 4 CT down to 8.
   Bolt 4 MP cost down to 50.
   Bolt 4 no longer Learn on Hit.
   Ice learn rate up to 100%.
   Ice CT down to 3.
   Ice MP cost down to 5.
   Ice 2 learn rate up to 80%.
   Ice 2 CT down to 4.
   Ice 2 MP cost down to 10.
   Ice 3 JP cost down to 350.
   Ice 3 learn rate up to 60%.
   Ice 3 CT down to 6.
   Ice 3 MP cost down to 20.
   Ice 4 JP cost down to 750.
   Ice 4 learn rate up to 50%.
   Ice 4 CT down to 8.
   Ice 4 MP cost down to 50.
   Ice 4 no longer Learn on Hit.
   Poison learn rate up to 90%.
   Poison MP cost down to 5.
   Poison is now Hit_F(MA+250)%
   Frog JP cost lowered to 350.
   Frog learn rate up to 70%.
   Frog CT lowered to 4.
   Frog MP cost up to 15.
   Frog is now Hit_F(MA+150)%
   Death JP cost down to 450.
   Death learn rate up to 50%.
   Death CT down to 6.
   Death MP cost up to 25.
   Death is now Dark elemental.
   Death is now Hit_F(MA+120)%
   Flare JP cost lowered to 600.
   Flare range lowered to 4.
   Flare CT lowered to 6.
   Flare MP cost lowered to 50.
   Flare is no longer evadeable.
   Flare now deals F_(MA*50) damage.

   Counter Magic JP cost lowered to 500.

   Magic Attack Up JP cost lowered to 350.


   Spin Fist JP cost down to 100.
   Spin Fist AoE up to 2.
   Spin Fist vertical up to 1.
   Repeating Fist learn rate up to 75%.
   Repeating Fist is no longer evadeable.
   Wave Fist learn rate up to 70%.
   Wave Fist is now ((PA+1)/2*PA)
   Earth Slash JP cost down to 400.
   Earth Slash learn rate up to 60%.
   Earth Slash AoE down to 5.
   Earth Slash vertical down to 1.
   Earth slash is now evadeable.
   Secret Fist learn rate up to 80%.
   Secret Fist vertical up to 1.
   Secret Fist is now Hit_(PA+50)%.
   Secret Fist is now evadeable.
   Stigma Magic learn rate up to 75%.
   Stigma Magic now only hits oneself or an adjacent unit.
   Chakra JP down up to 300.
   Chakra now only hits oneself or an adjacent unit.
   Revive JP cost down to 450.
   Revive learn rate up to 70%.

   HP Restore JP cost down to 400.
   Counter learn rate up to 90%.
   Hamedo removed from skillset.

   Martial Arts JP cost increased to 300.

   Move-HP Up learn rate increased to 65%.


   Gil Taking JP cost up to 50.
   Gil Taking learn rate up to 100%.
   Gil Taking is now Hit_(SP+255)%
   Gil Taking is no longer Blade Graspable.
   Steal Heart JP cost up to 200.
   Steal Heart learn rate up to 65%.
   Steal Helmet JP cost down to 300.
   Steal Helmet learn rate up to 75%.
   Steal Helmet is no longer evadeable.
   Steal Helmet is no longer Blade Graspable.
   Steal Armor JP cost down to 350.
   Steal Armor learn rate up to 55%.
   Steal Armor is no longer evadeable.
   Steal Armor is no longer Blade Graspable.
   Steal Shield JP cost down to 300.
   Steal Shield learn rate up to 65%.
   Steal Shield is no longer evadeable.
   Steal Shield is no longer Blade Graspable.
   Steal Weapon JP cost down to 450.
   Steal Weapon is no longer evadeable.
   Steal Weapon is no longer Blade Graspable.
   Steal Accessory learn rate up to 55%.
   Steal Accessory is no longer evadeable.
   Steal Accessory is no longer Blade Graspable.
   Steal EXP removed from skillset.

   Caution learn rate up to 75%.
   Gilgame Heart JP cost down to 50.
   Gilgame Heart learn rate down to 0%.
   Catch learn rate up to 60%.

   Secret Hunt JP cost down to 100.
   Secret Hunt learn rate down to 0%.

   Move +2 JP cost up to 750.
   Move +2 learn rate down to 35%.
   Jump +2 JP cost down to 250.
   Jump +2 learn rate up to 75%.


   Blind is now Hit_F(MA+220)%
   Blind MP cost up to 10.
   Blind learn rate up to 90%.
   Spell Absorb learn rate up to 80%.
   Spell Absorb is now Hit_F(MA+200)%
   Life Drain removed from skillset.
   Pray Faith JP cost down to 300.
   Pray Faith MP cost increased to 10.
   Pray Faith learn rate up to 75%.
   Pray Faith is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
   Doubt Faith JP cost down to 300.
   Doubt Faith MP cost increased to 10.
   Doubt Faith learn rate up to 75%.
   Doubt Faith is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
   Zombie learn rate up to 60%.
   Zombie CT down to 4.
   Zombie is now Hit_F(MA+150)%
   Silence Song JP cost increased to 200.
   Silence Song learn rate increased to 75%.
   Silence Song MP cost decreased to 15.
   Blind Rage JP cost decreased to 200.
   Blind Rage learn rate increased to 80%.
   Blind Rage CT down to 3.
   Blind Rage MP cost decreased to 10.
   Blind Rage is now Hit_F(MA+180)%
   Foxbird learn rate up to 80%.
   Foxbird is now Hit_F(MA+220)%
   Foxbird is now Add: Oil
   Foxbird CT down to 3.
   Foxbird AoE up to 1.
   Foxbird MP cost decreased to 10.
   Confusion Song JP cost decreased to 300.
   Confusion Song learn rate increased to 70%.
   Confusion Song AoE up to 1.
   Confusion Song is now Hit_F(MA+160)%
   Dispel Magic JP cost reduced to 200.
   Dispel Magic learn rate increased to 80%.
   Dispel Magic MP cost reduced to 15.
   Dispel Magic is now Hit_F(MA+220)%
   Paralyze JP cost increased to 250.
   Paralyze learn rate increased to 65%.
   Paralyze AoE down to 0.
   Paralyze CT down to 4.
   Paralyze MP cost up to 15.
   Paralyze is now Hit_F(MA+190)%
   Sleep JP cost down to 250.
   Sleep learn rate up to 75%.
   Sleep CT down to 4.
   Sleep MP cost down to 20.
   Sleep is not Hit_F(MA+190)%
   Petrify JP cost down to 500.
   Petrify learn rate up to 45%
   Petrify CT down to 6.
   Petrify MP cost up to 30.
   Petrify is now Hit_F(MA+130)%

   Absorb Used MP JP cost down to 150.
   Absorb Used MP learn rate up to 80%.

   Defense Up JP cost down to 350 JP.

   Any Weather JP cost down to 50.
   Any Weather learn rate down to 0%.


   Haste JP cost up to 200.
   Haste CT up to 3.
   Haste MP cost up to 15.
   Haste is now Hit_F(MA+210)%
   Haste 2 JP cost down to 450.
   Haste 2 learn rate up to 50%.
   Haste 2 AoE up to 2.
   Haste 2 MP cost up to 45.
   Haste 2 is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
   Haste 2 will not hit enemies.
   Haste 2 is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Slow JP cost up to 200.
   Slow CT up to 3.
   Slow MP cost up to 15.
   Slow is now Hit_F(MA+210)%
   Slow 2 JP cost down to 450.
   Slow 2 learn rate up to 50%.
   Slow 2 AoE up to 2.
   Slow 2 MP cost up to 45.
   Slow 2 is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
   Slow 2 will not hit allies.
   Slow 2 is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Stop JP cost up to 300.
   Stop learn rate up to 65%.
   Stop CT down to 5.
   Stop MP cost up to 30.
   Stop is now Hit_F(MA+150)%
   Don't Move JP cost up to 250.
   Don't Move learn rate up to 65%.
   Don't Move range up to 4.
   Don't Move AoE down to 0.
   Don't Move CT up to 4.
   Don't Move MP cost up to 15.
   Float JP cost down to 150.
   Float learn rate up to 80%.
   Float MP cost up to 10.
   Float is now Hit_F(MA+230)%.
   Reflect JP cost down to 150.
   Reflect learn rate up to 75%.
   Reflect AoE up to 1.
   Reflect CT up to 3.
   Reflect MP cost down to 10.
   Reflect is now Hit_F(MA+200)%
   Quick JP cost down to 400.
   Quick learn rate up to 60%.
   Quick MP cost up to 25.
   Quick is now Hit_F(MA+170)%
   Demi JP cost down to 100.
   Demi learn rate up to 90%.
   Demi CT down to 4.
   Demi MP cost down to 15.
   Demi now deals 33% damage.
   Demi is now Hit_F(MA+240)%
   Demi is now Dark elemental.
   Demi 2 JP cost down to 400.
   Demi 2 learn rate up to 60%.
   Demi 2 CT down to 6.
   Demi 2 MP cost down to 45.
   Demi 2 now deals 75% damage.
   Demi 2 is now Hit_F(MA+160)%
   Demi 2 is now Dark elemental.
   Meteor JP cost down to 800.
   Meteor learn rate up to 45%.
   Meteor CT down to 9.
   Meteor is now Dmg_F(MA*50)

   Critical Quick JP cost down to 500.
   Critical Quick learn rate up to 60%.

   Short Charge JP cost down to 650.
   Short Charge learn rate up to 55%.

   Teleport JP cost up to 1000.
   Teleport learn rate down to 25%.
   Float JP cost down to 250.
   Float learn rate up to 80%.


   All Geomancy JP cost down to 50.
   All Geomancy learn rate up to 90%.
   All Geomancy Range down to 4.
   All Geomancy becomes evadeable.

   Counter Flood learn rate up to 70%.

   Attack Up JP cost down to 350.

   Any Ground JP cost down to 150.
   Any Ground learn rate down to 0%.
   Walk on Lava JP cost down to 50.
   Walk on Lava learn rate down to 0%.


   Level Jump 2 JP cost down to 100.
   Level Jump 2 learn rate up to 100%.
   Level Jump 3 learn rate up to 75%.
   Level Jump 4 learn rate up to 65%.
   Level Jump 5 JP cost up to 650.
   Level Jump 8 removed from skillset.
   Vertical Jump 2 JP cost down to 50.
   Vertical Jump 2 learn rate up to 100%.
   Vertical Jump 3 JP cost down to 100.
   Vertical Jump 3 learn rate up to 90%.
   Vertical Jump 4 JP cost down to 200.
   Vertical Jump 4 learn rate up to 75%.
   Vertical Jump 5 JP cost down to 250.
   Vertical Jump 5 learn rate up to 65%.
   Vertical Jump 6 JP cost down to 400.
   Vertical Jump 7 removed from skillset.
   Vertical Jump 8 removed from skillset.

   Dragon Spirit JP cost up to 750.

   Equip Spear JP cost down to 300.
   Equip Spear learn rate up to 60%.

   Ignore Height JP cost up to 750.
   Ignore Height learn rate down to 30%.


   Invitation learn rate down to 0%.
   Invitation range up to 4.
   Persuade range up to 5.
   Praise/Threaten/Preach/Solution JP cost up to 500.
   Praise range up to 5.
   Praise boosts Brave by 15.
   Praise is now Hit_(MA+75)%
   Threaten range up to 5.
   Threaten lowers Brave by 15.
   Threaten is now Hit_(MA+75)%
   Preach range up to 5.
   Preach boosts Faith by 15.
   Preach is now Hit_(MA+75)%
   Solution range up to 5.
   Solution lowers Faith by 15.
   Solution is now Hit_(MA+75)%
   Death Sentence range up to 5.
   Negotiate now will cancel Charging/Performing.
   Negotiate range up to 5.
   Insult range up to 5.
   Mimic Daravon range up to 5.
   Mimic Daravon AoE down to 0.
   Mimic Daravon is now Hit_(MA+50)%

   Finger Guard JP cost down to 100.

   Equip Gun JP cost down to 400.
   Equip Gun learn rate up to 50%.
   Train JP cost down to 150.
   Train learn rate down to 0%.
   Monster Talk learn rate down to 0%.


   All Summons can now be Counter Magiced and Counter Flooded.
   Summon damage has been nerfed.
   Moogle JP cost down to 100.
   Moogle MP cost up to 15.
   Shiva learn rate up to 80%.
   Shiva MP cost up to 25.
   Ramuh learn rate up to 80%.
   Ramuh MP cost up to 25.
   Ifrit MP cost up to 25.
   Golem removed from skillset.
   Carbunkle JP cost reduced to 250.
   Carbunkle learn rate up to 75%.
   Carbunkle is now Hit_F(MA+175)%
   Bahamut JP cost reduced to 900.
   Bahamut learn rate increased to 35%.
   Bahamut AoE down to 2.
   Bahamut is now Dmg_F(MA*43)
   Bahamut is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Odin learn rate up to 40%.
   Odin AoE down to 2.
   Odin MP cost up to 60.
   Odin is now Dmg_F(MA*35)
   Odin is now Add: Death
   Odin is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Leviathan JP cost down to 750.
   Leviathan learn rate up to 45%.
   Leviathan is now Dmg_F(MA*27).
   Leviathan is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Salamander JP cost down to 600.
   Salamander learn rate up to 50%.
   Salamander damages all enemies.
   Salamander MP cost up to 55.
   Salamander is Dmg_F(MA*21)
   Salamander is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Silf JP cost down to 350.
   Silf MP cost up to 35.
   Silf is now Dmg_F(MA*24)
   Silf is now Add: Silence
   Fairy MP cost up to 30.
   Fairy is now Hit_F(MA+140)%
   Fairy is now Add: Regen
   Lich learn rate up to 50%.
   Lich now deals 34% damage.
   Lich hit rate increased.
   Lich CT down to 8.
   Lich MP cost up to 60.
   Lich is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Cyclops JP cost down to 200.
   Cyclops learn rate up to 80%.
   Cyclops CT down to 4.
   Cyclops MP cost down to 25.
   Cyclops is now Dmg_F(MA*24)
   Cyclops is no longer Learn on Hit.
   Zodiac AoE is down to 2.

   MP Restore JP cost down to 200.
   MP Restore learn rate up to 80%.

   Half of MP JP cost down to 500.


   All Draw Outs affect both allies/enemies.
   All Draw Out Verticals down to 1.
   Asura learn rate up to 70%
   Asura is now Fire elemental.
   Koutetsu is now Dark elemental.
   Koutetsu learn rate up to 65%
   Bizen Boat learn rate up to 70%
   Murasame is now Heal_(MA*8)
   Murasame learn rate up to 60%
   Heaven's Cloud is now Dmg_(MA*10)
   Heaven's Cloud is now Wind elemental.
   Kiyomori is now Protect or Shell.
   Muramasa is now Dmg_(MA*14)
   Kikiuchimoji range is now 4.
   Masamune is now Haste or Regen.
   Chirijiraden is now Dmg_(MA*20)

   Meatbone Slash learn rate up to 75%.
   Blade Grasp JP cost up to 1000.
   Blade Grasp learn rate down to 0%.

   Equip Katana JP cost down to 350.
   Two Hands JP cost down to 700.
   Two Hands learn rate up to 65%.

   Move in Water JP cost down to 150.
   Move in Water learn rate down to 0%.


   Shuriken learn rate up to 100%.
   Knife learn rate up to 90%.
   Sword learn rate up to 60%.
   Hammer removed from skillset.
   Katana removed from skillset.
   Ninja Sword learn rate up to 55%.
   Axe removed from skillset.
   Spear removed from skillset.
   Stick removed from skillset.
   Dictionary learn rate up to 65%.
   Ball JP cost down to 50.
   Ball learn rate up to 100%.

   Sunken State JP cost up to 250.
   Sunken State learn rate up to 80%.
   Abandon JP cost up to 800.

   Two Swords JP cost down to 750.
   Two Swords learn rate up to 65%.

   Move on Water JP cost down. to 150.
   Move on Water learn rate down to 0%.


   CT removed from skillset.
   Level JP cost down to 300.
   Level learn rate up to 75%.
   EXP JP cost up to 300.
   EXP learn rate up to 75%.
   Height JP cost up to 300.
   Height learn rate up to 75%.
   Prime Number learn rate up to 75%.
   5 JP cost up to 300.
   5 learn rate up to 75%.
   4 JP cost up to 300.
   4 learn rate up to 75%.
   3 removed from skillset.

Spells that can be Calculated:

   Fire 2
   Bolt 2
   Ice 2
   Cure 2
   Dispel Magic
   Don't Move
   Doubt Faith
   Blind Rage

   Distribute JP cost down to 100.
   Distribute learn rate down to 0%.
   Damage Split JP cost up to 600.

   Gained JP Up gained.
   Gained EXP Up JP cost down to 150.
   Gained EXP Up learn rate down to 0%.

   Move-Get EXP JP cost down to 200.
   Move-Get EXP learn rate down to 0%.
   Move-Get JP JP cost down to 300.
   Move-Get JP learn rate down to 0%.


   Move-MP Up added.
   Witch Hunt learn rate up to 85%.
   Wiznaibus JP cost up to 200.
   Wiznaibus learn rate up to 65%.
   Slow Dance JP cost up to 300.
   Slow Dance's accuracy is now 34%.
   Polka Polka JP cost up to 250.
   Disillusion JP cost up to 250.
   Nameless Dance JP cost up to 200.
   Nameless Dance learn rate up to 75%.
   Nameless Dance can no longer inflict Stop, Frog, or Sleep.
   Last Dance JP cost up to 350.

   A Save JP cost up to 600.
   A Save learn rate up to 75%.
   Brave Up JP cost down to 200.
   Brave Up JP cost up to 85%.

   Jump +3 JP cost down to 300.
   Jump +3 learn rate up to 65%.
   Fly learn rate down to 30%.
   Move-MP Up learn rate up to 65%.


   MP Switch added.
   Songs no longer ignore Silence.
   Angel Song learn rate up to 85%.
   Life Song JP cost up to 200.
   Life Song learn rate up to 65%.
   Cheer Song JP cost up to 300.
   Battle Song JP cost up to 250.
   Magic Song JP cost up to 250.
   Nameless Song JP cost up to 200.
   Nameless Song learn rate up to 75%.
   Last Song JP cost up to 350.

   MA Save JP cost up to 600.
   MA Save learn rate up to 75%.
   Faith Up JP cost down to 200.
   Faith Up JP cost up to 85%.
   MP Switch JP cost up to 800.

   Move +3 learn rate down to 30%.
   Fly learn rate down to 30%.


   All Holy Swordskills are now evadeable.
   Stasis Sword range up to 3.
   Stasis Sword MP cost up to 5.
   Stasis Sword is now non-elemental.
   Stasis Sword is now (PA*(WP+1)).
   Split Punch MP cost up to 10.
   Split Punch is now non-elemental.
   Crush Punch MP cost up to 15.
   Crush Punch is now non-elemental.
   Lightning Stab MP cost up to 20.
   Lightning Stab is now Thunder elemental.
   Lightning Stab is now (PA*(WP+2)).
   Holy Explosion MP cost up to 25.
   Holy Explosion vertical down to 1.
   Holy Explosion is now (PA*(WP+3))


   All Divine Swordskills are now evadeable.
   All Divine Swordskills cost 20 MP.
   All Divine Swordskills will not allow elements.


   Dark Sword JP cost down to 0.
   Dark Sword learn rate up to 100%.
   Night Sword JP cost down to 0.
   Night Sword learn rate up to 100%
   All Dark Swordskills are now evadeable.
   All Dark Swordskills cost 10 MP.
   All Dark Swordskills will not allow elements.


   All Truth skills can now hit a max of 8 times.
   All Truth skills now have 0 CT.
   Heaven Thunder MP cost up to 5.
   Asura MP cost up to 10.
   Diamond Sword MP cost up to 15.
   Hydragon Pit MP cost up to 20.
   Space Storage MP cost up to 25.
   Sky Demon MP cost up to 30.


   All Untruth skills can now hit a max of 8 times.
   All Untruth skills now have 0 CT.
   Heaven Thunder Back MP cost up to 5.
   Asura Back MP cost up to 10.
   Diamond Sword Back MP cost up to 15.
   Hydragon Pit Back MP cost up to 20.
   Space Storage Back MP cost up to 25.
   Sky Demon Back MP cost up to 30.


   Seal range down to 4.
   Shadow Stitch range up to 6.
   Stop Bracelet is now Hit_(SP+50) Add: Death
   Stop Bracelet is now evadeable.
   Allure is now Hit_(MA+75)%


   Shock range down to 4.
   Difference down to 3.
   Difference CT up to 5.
   Energy range up to 6.
   Parasite CT up to 3.


   Seal range down to 3.
   Chicken Race range down to 4.
   Hold Tight range up to 6.
   Darkness range up to 6.
   Lose Voice range down to 4.
   Loss range down to 4.
   Spell range down to 3.
   Nightmare range down to 3.
   Death Cold range down to 4.


   Magic Ruin CT down to 0.
   Magic Ruin MP cost down to 5.
   Speed Ruin CT down to 0.
   Speed Ruin MP cost down to 5.
   Power Ruin CT down to 0.
   Power Ruin MP cost down to 5.
   Mind Ruin CT down to 0.
   Mind Ruin MP cost down to 5.


   All Bio spell MP costs down to 0.
   All Bio spell CT down to 0.


   Equip Gun added.
   Arm Aim CT is up to 4.
   Arm Aim can no longer target the caster.
   Leg Aim CT is up to 4.
   Leg Aim can no longer target the caster.
   Seal Evil CT is up to 4.
   Seal Evil can no longer target the caster.
   Seal Evil is now Hit_(SP+50)%


   Melt CT down to 6.
   Melt MP cost down to 35.
   Melt is now Dmg_F(MA*37) Add: Death Sentence
   Tornado CT down to 6.
   Tornado MP cost down to 35.
   Tornado now inflicts Confuse.
   Quake CT down to 6.
   Quake MP cost down to 35.
   Quake is now Dmg_F(MA*37) Add: Don't Move


   All Angel of Death spell MP costs down to 0.
   All Angel of Death spell CT down to 0.
   All Angel of Death spells are evadeable.
   Toad 2 AoE up to 2.
   Toad 2 is now Hit_F(MA+150)%.
   Gravi 2 range up to 5.
   Gravi 2 AoE down to 0.
   Flare 2 is now Dmg_F(MA*30).
   Flare 2 is not evadeable.
   Blind 2 AoE up to 2.
   Blind 2 is now Hit_F(MA+255)%
   Confuse 2 AoE up to 2.
   Confuse 2 is now Hit_F(MA+170)%
   Sleep 2 AoE up to 2.


   Ultima CT down to 0.
   Ultima MP cost down to 0.
   All-Ultima CT down to 10.
   All-Ultima MP cost down to 0.
   Mute CT down to 0.
   Mute is now Hit_F(MA+150)%.
   Despair 2 CT down to 0.
   Despair 2 is now Hit_F(MA+255)%
   Return 2 CT down to 0.
   Return 2 is now Hit_F(MA+170)%


   Blind learn rate up to 100%.
   Aspel JP cost up to 200.
   Aspel learn rate up to 65%.
   Drain removed from skillset.
   Faith learn rate down to 60%.
   Innocent learn rate down to 60%.
   Zombie JP cost up to 300.
   Silence JP cost up to 200.
   Silence learn rate down to 70%.
   Berserk learn rate down to 70%.
   Chicken removed from skillset.
   Confuse JP cost up to 250.
   Confuse learn rate down to 65%.
   Despair JP cost down to 150.
   Despair MP cost down to 10.
   Don't Act JP cost up to 300.
   Don't Act learn rate down to 50%.
   Sleep JP cost up to 200.
   Sleep learn rate down to 60%.
   Break JP cost up to 500.
   Break learn rate down to 45%.
   Shock range reduced to 4.


   Ice Bracelet is no longer evadeable.
   Fire Bracelet is no longer evadeable.
   Thunder Bracelet is no longer evadeable.
   Dragon Tame range down to 4.
   Dragon Care range up to 4.
   Dragon Power Up now bestows Protect, Shell, and Haste to a dragon.
   Dragon Level Up range up to 3.
   Holy Bracelet JP cost down to 300.
   Holy Bracelet learn rate down to 0%.
   Holy Bracelet Range down to 2.
   Holy Bracelet is now linear.
   Holy Bracelet is now Dmg_(MA*17)


   All Limit CT is 0.
   Braver range is now 1.
   Cross-Slash range is now 1.
   Cross-Slash is now Dmg_(MA*10) Add: Stop
   Blade Beam range is now 3.
   Climhazzard range is now 1.
   Meteorain JP cost is down to 550.
   Meteorain AoE down to 1.
   Meteorain is now Dmg_(MA*20)
   Finish Touch JP cost is up to 700.
   Finish Touch range is down to 1.
   Finish Touch AoE is down to 0.
   Omnislash range is now 1.
   Omnislash AoE is down to 0.
   Omnislash is now Dmg_(MA*25)
   Cherry Blossom is now Dmg_(MA*20)
   Cherry Blossom is now Fire, Ice, Thunder elemental.


   Choco Meteor Range down to 4.
   Goblin Punch accuracy up to (MA+55)%
   Turn Punch AoE up to 2.
   Eye Gouge accuracy up to (MA+75)%
   Mutilate now drains HP equal to a normal attack.
   Poison Nail accuracy up to (MA+60)%
   Poison Nail Range up to 3.
   Blood Suck (Vampire) now inflicts Undead at a (MA+60)% chance.
   Level Blast now reduces an enemy's CT to 00 at a F(MA+110)% chance.
   Zombie Touch Range up to 2.
   Sleep Touch Range up to 2.
   Drain Touch Range up to 2, now affects MP.
   Grease Touch Range up to 2.
   Shine Lover now grants Reflect to an adjacent unit 100% of the time.
   Feather Bomb Range up to 5.
   Straight Dash is now unevadeable.
   Nose Breath Range up to 4.
   Please Eat now grants a unit either Haste, Reraise, or Regen.
   Leaf Dance AoE up to 2.
   Protect Spirit AoE up to 2, now grants Protect and Defending at a 100% chance.
   Calm Spirit AoE up to 2, now removes Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Confuse, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep.
   Life Spirit AoE up to 2.
   Magic Spirit AoE up to 2.
   Lick now adds Slow at a (MA+50)% chance.
   Goo Range up to 3, now hits at a (MA+50)% chance.
   Bad Breath can no longer inflict Frog, Sleep, or Petrify.
   Malboro Virus Range up to 6.
   Hurricane is now Wind/Dark Elemental.
   Triple Breath is now Dark Elemental.


   Blood Suck absorbs 10% HP.
   Dark Holy CT down to 6.
   Dark Holy MP cost up to 60.
   Dark Holy is now reflectable.
   Dark Holy is now Dmg_F(MA*50).
   Deathspell 2 now cancels every negative status.
   Deathspell 2 is now Hit_F(MA+255)%.
   Galaxy Stop MP cost up to 15.
   MBarrier CT down to 0.
   MBarrier MP cost down to 10.
   MBarrier is now Hit_F(MA+255)%.
   Midgar Zolom now may inflict Poison.

POACH CHANGES (Common/Rare):

   Chocobo:   Hi-Potion/X-Potion
   Black Chocobo:   Ether/Hi-Ether
   Red Chocobo:   Barette/Elixir
   Goblin:      Judo Outfit/Power Sleeve
   Black Goblin:   Holy Miter/Black Hood
   Gobbledeguck:   Earth Clothes/Secret Clothes
   Bomb:      Fire Ball/Magic Shuriken
   Grenade:   Flame Rod/Yagyu Darkness
   Explosive:   Flame Shield/Cachusha
   Red Panther:   Battle Boots/Germinas Boots
   Cuar:      Sprint Shoes/C Bag
   Vampire:   Holy Water/P Bag
   Pisco Demon:   Holy Miter/Golden Hairpin
   Squidlarkin:   White Robe/Black Robe
   Mindflare:   Wizard Rod/Light Robe
   Skeleton:   Jade Armlet/Orichalcum
   Bone Snatch:   Assassin Dagger/Spell Edge
   Living Bone:   Air Knife/Zorlin Shape
   Ghoul:      Phoenix Down/Dracula Mantle
   Gust:      Holy Water/Feather Mantle
   Revenant:   Remedy/Vanish Mantle
   Flotiball:   X-Potion/Diamond Armlet
   Ahriman:   Magic Ring/Magic Gauntlet
   Plague:      Feather Boots/Setiemson
   Juravis:   Hunting Bow/Gastrafitis
   Steel Hawk:   Windslash Bow/Ultimus Bow
   Cockatrice:   Soft/Yoichi Bow
   Uribo:      Cachusha/Elixir
   Porky:      Chantage/Nagrarock
   Wildbow:   FS Bag/Ribbon
   Woodman:   Wizard Staff/Healing Staff
   Trent:      Bloody Strings/Fairy Harp
   Taiju:      Defender/Rune Blade
   Bull Demon:   Giant Axe/Slasher
   Minotaur:   Power Wrist/Holy Lance
   Sacred:      Bracer/Salty Rage   
   Malboro:   Remedy/Elf Mantle
   Ochu:      N-Kai Armlet/Cherche
   Great Malboro:   Elixir/Madlemgen
   Behemoth:   Defense Armlet/FS Bag
   King Behemoth:   Octagon Rod/Whale Whisker
   Dark Behemoth:   Mythril Gun/Stone Gun
   Dragon:      Angel Ring/Dragon Rod
   Blue Dragon:   Blood Sword/Ryozan Silk
   Red Dragon:   Partisan/Dragon Whisker
   Hyudra:      H Bag/Scorpion Tail
   Hydra:      Flash Hat/Rubber Costume
   Tiamat:      Sasuke Knife/Whale Whisker


Queklain will have around 750 HP at level 20.
Velius will have around 1600 HP at level 30.
Zalera will have around 2100 HP at level 40.
Adramelk will have around 2500 HP at level 45.
Hashmalum will have around 2800 HP at level 50.
Altima 1 will have around 2200 HP at level 55.
Altima 2 will have around 4600 HP at level 55.
Elidibs will have around 4800 HP at level 75.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I forgot to remove Blade Grasp. Whoops. Oh well, shouldn't affect much, use it to your heart's content until when I decide to update.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Under the Time Mage I assume that you mean that Slow 2 will not hit allies correct?

It all looks awsome BTW.


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Overview seems ok and that sounds like a very nice job. :D

I have some suggestions and some topics I'd like to point out, as my only intention is for a contructive criticism, if I may.

Brave/Faith modifications

One might consider that's only logical that, during a campaign, your war companions ought to become bolder or have more faith while you walk your path.

So, to make things fair and perhaps balanced, of course, if the idea is even possible to do with current mechanics, every PHYSICAL job mastered (star on the head or LV 8, your call) could increase 1 Brave, whilst MAGICAL would boost 1 Faith.

Dying in combat could also give a small penalty to brave for the dead character, say, like - 5 for the duration of the combat, given that dying is not something to be proud of these days.

Chaos Blade

That's supposed to be the most fearsome sword. Giving it Initial: Regen goes against the very concept of it. Chaos, where are you? There's no need to make it kill instantly, petrify instantly or else, but make it strong and fearsome somehow, specially that now you cannot equip it with TWO SWORDS, tagged with another sword like Excalibur. So, this is a balance itself you guys already successfully imposed. You could add a spell effect to it, perhaps dispel effect plus random 'Split Punch'. But the idea is that the sword 'makes a mess', and dispel is a very interesting option, imho, rather than regen.


I don't know if I got that right but now you simply can steal 100% of success one's equipment? If so, I'd rather say that you could increase the odds, but not make them 100%. True that we could have a bad time against thiefs, and perhaps equipping things like SAFEGUARD and REEQUIP would come in handy, but again, 100 is only too good as well. :)

Time Mage

I rather don't concur with Meteor new CT (or any large CTing spell). It's just that now there's not much meaning in learning Short Charge if you don't have long CTing spells available out there, so you give less meaning in their spellcasting as well, specially if you lower their power somehow as not to be spammable. Having a good range of CT amongst your spellcasters (and foes) is pretty much more challenging when the window is broader and you may actually fit in more elements. If you have a little window for actions, things become pretty much too straighforward, or so that's how I see.


Hum...sorry, but now I wouldn't EVER play with a Geomancer. Given that they were already boring to death, one of their triumphs were indeed having an unavoidable spell (and the little chance to add status) up their sleeve (and the wide range helped a lot too), before you could get at closer range to take enemies down. Now, I put the problem like this: Geomancer is too dependable on terrain. There are terrains that the effect for Geomancy is not that good (in addition to many difficulties you'll be given depending on the stage), mainly because the odds of inflicting ailments are also very low. And now you made it possible to evade PLUS less range. The only decent thing would be left for Counter Flood, but even that can be evadeable...My suggestions not to kill this job would be:

  • Keep it unevadeable OR evade it but odds for status much higher;

  • Geomancy doesn't hit allies if evadeable OR hit allies if unevadeable;

  • Increases base movement by 1 OR jump + 1;

  • Base resistance to all element-based spells and techninchs up to 20%;

There's another idea that I'd like to suggest, but that might be classified as something that would change too much, but I'll say all the same:

  • Geomancy is directly related to weapon: meaning that Geomancy will occur on weapon range. Chances to hit would be the same as for the weapon at hand. Geomancer would then be able to wield bows(?) as well, along with swords, axes and poles. The odds for a status would be much higher, giving you the option either try a physical attack, or inflict a elemental attack with chances to inflict status. The geomancy damage would be bases on WP and MA, whilst physical attack on WP and PA. You would choose physical over magical whenever your MA was too low for a strong effect, or when the terrain would inflict such element power that your target would guard or absorb, and other situations you can imagine.


:D It's an example of how a job could get even better than it already was. I think the job was well done there, in contrast with Geomancer. Although we can say that Geomancer problem is the conception as a whole.


Perhaps Golem can cast Protect on the party, in the case you are one that doesn't play with Priests all the time. And yes, rather better having Fairy as a different effect. :) As for Zodiac, please keep the high AoE, because it's simply the strongest summoning and it does look like it hits everywhere, besides, it's missable, unique.


Hum, Masamune is another rarity. Perhaps keeping it as a powerful buff as it were (haste and regen), specially because it can break and you can actually buff your foes as well. And if it does break, God won't place some for you at the store. Let's not consider save state for once. ;) Or you can make Uribo-family have it as a poach, so you can make sure you won't have these before entering the dungeons, perhaps.

I gather Blade Grasp will be taken out the next release?


You removed those throwing abilities that have unique items? Sounds safer.


I don't play with Calculators that much, but now they seem mildly interesting, less than before. And not because of the removal of spells. That might be the job less imba in some stances, but due the removal of '3' multiplier, because at late game, 99 is often found and might be the key to improve strategies at tough maps. As there are not fatal spells in list anymore, I see no reasons to remove that multiplier either.

And if you compare good/evil effects, you see that there's a small list of good effects on your behalf. I'd consider adding some other buffs to balance it a bit more or one with a bit more 'drastic' effect, such as HASTE or QUICK. Because if not, Calculator will keep being a mildly thing, if you think that you must go through a lot of jobs just to get it.


What happens when Cherry Blossom hits a Bomb, for example? Will it consider FIRE and heal it, or will it consider then ICE and THUNDER and damage it?

Well, that's all I have to point out as for now. ^^ Sorry about the long post and keep up the good work. The changes are overall nice and well-thought. :D
  • Modding version: PSX
Always interpreting the foul side of things makes you fouler still.


Help on Poison Crossbow is fucked.

Squires should have shields.

Use the "Axes & Flail damage becomes (Rdm{0..PA-1}+PA)*WP" ASM

I stand by Elemental being evadable, but it should have it's damage upped if it's using vanilla formula

All Monster attacks (Choco Attack, Tentacle, all that shit) should be consolidated into just "Attack".

Y.Chocobo needs Choco Esuna or Choco Ball

Finally, I'm a firm believer in Innate Weapon Guard for all.


Quote from: Panda_Tar on March 30, 2012, 11:28:52 am
Overview seems ok and that sounds like a very nice job. :D

I have some suggestions and some topics I'd like to point out, as my only intention is for a contructive criticism, if I may.

Brave/Faith modifications

One might consider that's only logical that, during a campaign, your war companions ought to become bolder or have more faith while you walk your path.

So, to make things fair and perhaps balanced, of course, if the idea is even possible to do with current mechanics, every PHYSICAL job mastered (star on the head or LV 8, your call) could increase 1 Brave, whilst MAGICAL would boost 1 Faith.

Dying in combat could also give a small penalty to brave for the dead character, say, like - 5 for the duration of the combat, given that dying is not something to be proud of these days.

Chaos Blade

That's supposed to be the most fearsome sword. Giving it Initial: Regen goes against the very concept of it. Chaos, where are you? There's no need to make it kill instantly, petrify instantly or else, but make it strong and fearsome somehow, specially that now you cannot equip it with TWO SWORDS, tagged with another sword like Excalibur. So, this is a balance itself you guys already successfully imposed. You could add a spell effect to it, perhaps dispel effect plus random 'Split Punch'. But the idea is that the sword 'makes a mess', and dispel is a very interesting option, imho, rather than regen.


I don't know if I got that right but now you simply can steal 100% of success one's equipment? If so, I'd rather say that you could increase the odds, but not make them 100%. True that we could have a bad time against thiefs, and perhaps equipping things like SAFEGUARD and REEQUIP would come in handy, but again, 100 is only too good as well. :)

Time Mage

I rather don't concur with Meteor new CT (or any large CTing spell). It's just that now there's not much meaning in learning Short Charge if you don't have long CTing spells available out there, so you give less meaning in their spellcasting as well, specially if you lower their power somehow as not to be spammable. Having a good range of CT amongst your spellcasters (and foes) is pretty much more challenging when the window is broader and you may actually fit in more elements. If you have a little window for actions, things become pretty much too straighforward, or so that's how I see.


Hum...sorry, but now I wouldn't EVER play with a Geomancer. Given that they were already boring to death, one of their triumphs were indeed having an unavoidable spell (and the little chance to add status) up their sleeve (and the wide range helped a lot too), before you could get at closer range to take enemies down. Now, I put the problem like this: Geomancer is too dependable on terrain. There are terrains that the effect for Geomancy is not that good (in addition to many difficulties you'll be given depending on the stage), mainly because the odds of inflicting ailments are also very low. And now you made it possible to evade PLUS less range. The only decent thing would be left for Counter Flood, but even that can be evadeable...My suggestions not to kill this job would be:

  • Keep it unevadeable OR evade it but odds for status much higher;

  • Geomancy doesn't hit allies if evadeable OR hit allies if unevadeable;

  • Increases base movement by 1 OR jump + 1;

  • Base resistance to all element-based spells and techninchs up to 20%;

There's another idea that I'd like to suggest, but that might be classified as something that would change too much, but I'll say all the same:

  • Geomancy is directly related to weapon: meaning that Geomancy will occur on weapon range. Chances to hit would be the same as for the weapon at hand. Geomancer would then be able to wield bows(?) as well, along with swords, axes and poles. The odds for a status would be much higher, giving you the option either try a physical attack, or inflict a elemental attack with chances to inflict status. The geomancy damage would be bases on WP and MA, whilst physical attack on WP and PA. You would choose physical over magical whenever your MA was too low for a strong effect, or when the terrain would inflict such element power that your target would guard or absorb, and other situations you can imagine.


:D It's an example of how a job could get even better than it already was. I think the job was well done there, in contrast with Geomancer. Although we can say that Geomancer problem is the conception as a whole.


Perhaps Golem can cast Protect on the party, in the case you are one that doesn't play with Priests all the time. And yes, rather better having Fairy as a different effect. :) As for Zodiac, please keep the high AoE, because it's simply the strongest summoning and it does look like it hits everywhere, besides, it's missable, unique.


Hum, Masamune is another rarity. Perhaps keeping it as a powerful buff as it were (haste and regen), specially because it can break and you can actually buff your foes as well. And if it does break, God won't place some for you at the store. Let's not consider save state for once. ;) Or you can make Uribo-family have it as a poach, so you can make sure you won't have these before entering the dungeons, perhaps.

I gather Blade Grasp will be taken out the next release?


You removed those throwing abilities that have unique items? Sounds safer.


I don't play with Calculators that much, but now they seem mildly interesting, less than before. And not because of the removal of spells. That might be the job less imba in some stances, but due the removal of '3' multiplier, because at late game, 99 is often found and might be the key to improve strategies at tough maps. As there are not fatal spells in list anymore, I see no reasons to remove that multiplier either.

And if you compare good/evil effects, you see that there's a small list of good effects on your behalf. I'd consider adding some other buffs to balance it a bit more or one with a bit more 'drastic' effect, such as HASTE or QUICK. Because if not, Calculator will keep being a mildly thing, if you think that you must go through a lot of jobs just to get it.


What happens when Cherry Blossom hits a Bomb, for example? Will it consider FIRE and heal it, or will it consider then ICE and THUNDER and damage it?

Well, that's all I have to point out as for now. ^^ Sorry about the long post and keep up the good work. The changes are overall nice and well-thought. :D

Whee for late responses!

Brave/Faith Upon Death: Good idea, but it'd need an ASM.

Chaos Blade always had Regen, it's just Initial now. Dispel wouldn't be too useful, IMO, because the AI hates using buffs.

Thief steals aren't 100%. :P

Short Charge is still incredibly good. It's more apparent in Summoners than the other mages now, but it's still very useful.

I'd consider making Geomancy not hit allies. This would make Counter Flood slightly less of a double-edged sword as well. I'd need others' feedback as well though.

I agree with your thoughts. Masamune is back to Haste/Regen. I've also tweaked Draw Out learn rates so the AI will actually use them now. >_>

As for Calculators, there's plenty of other ways to target level 99 units, such as using their CT or EXP to target them. Just have to experiment! :P

If a unit is hit with an attack that is multiple elements, and it absorbs one of those elements, it'll absorb the entire attack.

Poison Crossbow is fixed.

I'm not changing skills around if I don't have to, so no Attack for monsters right now.

Every monster will have a rounded out skillset. This is what I gave them:

Chocobo:   Chocobo Esuna
Goblin:      Armor Break
Black Goblin:   Weapon Break
Bomb:      Flame Attack
Red Panther:   Chakra
Pisco Demon:   Aqua Soul
Pisco Demon 2:   Confuse Song
Skeleton:   Zombie
Bone Snatch:   Death Sentence
Living Bone:   Death
Ghoul:      Poison
Ghost:      Slow
Revenant:   Stop
Flotiball:   Dispel Magic
Flotiball 2:   Lifebreak
Juravis:   Float
Juravis 2:   Eye Gouge
Steel Hawk:   Haste
Uribo:      Please Eat
Uribo 2:   Deathspell 2
Porky:      Dispel 2   
Wildbow:   Return 2
Woodman:   Silence Song
Woodman 2:   Magic Spirit
Trent:      Raise
Bull Demon:   Blind Rage
Bull Demon 2:   Wave Fist
Minotaur:   Scream
Malboro:   Malboro Virus
Ochu:      Frog
Great Malboro:   Poison Bio
Behemoth:   Gather Power
King Behemoth:   Magic Ruin
Dark Behemoth:   Power Ruin
Dragon:      Threaten
Dragon 2:   Fire Breath
Blue Dragon:   Dragon Care      
Red Dragon:   Dragon Power Up      
Hyudra:      Triple Thunder   
Hyudra 2:   Dark Whisper
Hydra:      Triple Breath

  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Oh, regarding the Chaos blade, I was mainly referring the Stone strike it had. I completely forgot that it had regen to start with. lol Silly me. Does it still petrify target or was nerfed?

Woohoo, enemies using Masamune would be just outright alarming. :D

Ah, got it. So, if it's a three elemental attack, it'll always consider the WEAK/ABSORB relation in priority to the VULNERABLE stance. And what happens when you use that on a unit that absorbs ICE but it's weak to FIRE? Will it absorb as well? oO
  • Modding version: PSX
Always interpreting the foul side of things makes you fouler still.


Chaos Blade still inflicts Petrify. :D

If an enemy absorbs Ice, but is weak to Fire, the enemy will Absorb 2x the damage from the attack.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Quote from: Eternal248 on April 01, 2012, 07:56:10 am
Chaos Blade still inflicts Petrify. :D

*floating in heavens*

Quote from: Eternal248 on April 01, 2012, 07:56:10 am
If an enemy absorbs Ice, but is weak to Fire, the enemy will Absorb 2x the damage from the attack.

  • Modding version: PSX
Always interpreting the foul side of things makes you fouler still.


QuoteI'm not changing skills around if I don't have to, so no Attack for monsters right now.

I thought this was supposed to be a base patch? It would be nice if that work was all done with already, so that future patchers won't have to do that.


You might as well make Calc get Fire/Ice/Bolt/Cure 1 as well... It doesn't make much sense to take that away from the list.

And... Geomancer might as well get a little boost in attack damage.

Also: Leaving the individual abilities in would be nice. That would allow one to, say, give the individual monsters more pizazz. Panthers: Scratch gets 2 range like a leap (the animation would allow it ala 1.3 poison nail). Maybe the tentacle attacks get 2 or 3 range, but only linear... stuff like that. Give people the freedom to customise monsters' basic attacks instead of being cookie cutter. I understand it would free up space, but...
"Oh, God!! The Hokuten!!" ~Guard, Sand Rat Cellar


Space isn't an issue at all. I have a ton of space and can make more very easily. I'm releasing an update tonight that fills out each monster's slots and fixes a few minor things.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Quote from: Zaen on April 04, 2012, 03:37:58 pm
Also: Leaving the individual abilities in would be nice. That would allow one to, say, give the individual monsters more pizazz. Panthers: Scratch gets 2 range like a leap (the animation would allow it ala 1.3 poison nail). Maybe the tentacle attacks get 2 or 3 range, but only linear... stuff like that. Give people the freedom to customise monsters' basic attacks instead of being cookie cutter. I understand it would free up space, but...

Well, if someone wanted to do that, they can just re-add them. But I guess this isn't a base patch then.


Updated to 1.1. Yay for no known glitches! I didn't go through this update like I did 1.0, so if you feel there are balance issues or bugs, lemme know!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


PSP users rejoice- a PSP version of KO is halfway done. :)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Excellent News Et, can't wait to try it out. Now if only the Patcher would recognise all of the WoTL exclusive items, that would be brilliant.
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


April 06, 2012, 03:32:19 pm #19 Last Edit: April 06, 2012, 04:08:28 pm by Rfh
Well, If you really want convert the vanilla FFT in the same, but a bit more rebalaced, I propose more ideas:

Swordskills: I guess that Square wanted to do this skillset very powerful, but not Gods skills, basically is a more powerfull than normal attack with range, AoE and 25% infict staus. (LOL) And I would put Y value between 0 and 2, at least. And maybe 3 maximum range. Divine Swordskill needs Choto ASM hack if they do not want to be Gods skills.

And about Geomancy I would put 5 in Y value and 5 range. Square wanted it to be a crappy skillset.

Zodiac Summon I would put AoE 3, but with more weak.

I would remove move+3, teleport 33% fail by extra square.
Damage Split returns 33% of damage, blade grasph only block melee weapons, (This ability of reaction was a complaint by all fans of FFT) attack up, defense up, m. attack up and m. defense up need down to 25% or minus because they make be the unique support skills useful in the game.

I don't like vanilla because it is VERY UNBALANCED. I prefer another games like Tactics Ogre o tactics A2 (although this also terrible things like Phoenix or Halve PM). ... But I love editing FFT.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: rfh