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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Hey this is kinda sudden, but I'm going to be streaming again this Saturday @ 8pm (Pacific time)


I look forward to it!  What new teams will make their debut for this livestream I wonder.
My dreams can come true!


I'm putting my change of pace team on hold for now. I still have to figure stuff out about them
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


A belated thank you for the videos!
Sorry, I got caught up in Dragon Age: Ultimate Edition, stupid steam sales!
Time to crack my knuckles and get to work.


Quote from: CT5Holy on December 13, 2013, 02:25:07 pm
FFT Arena 138d - Zareb (Spoilers) vs Dokurider (Barren Wasteland)

Also plan on recording Fenire's Sing Sang vs Rouroni Elmdor's Order of Steel Serpent.

Barren, want me to help record anything?

Sorry for the late response to this match, but I didn't know that it existed until Reinoe pointed it out to me!

Very close round one indeed... had me on the edge of my seat!  Quick is pretty damn deadly, and it seems to have the ability to destroy my team if the right conditions are met.  I like your singing Ninja combined with Mime... very cool idea.  GG to you, sir!

Thanks to CT5Holy for bringing me back from the dead!  (Heheh)
Now your blood travels through the veins of our history
It bursts forth in boiling black clouds from the wrists of kings


so still going to start sreaming in an hour?


This is a Merry Christmas to all of you here on Hacktics and those for play Arena. There are 15 matches to watch on this very very very long video. If there are teams that I used here that are already updated, then it must have been while I was processing the videos because it took a very long time to make. Hope all of you enjoy and again happy holidays!

FFT Arena 1.38d Mania 5
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


While I do like the results, I kind of feel that the chemist might need some reworking or perhaps change her to a mage with move-mp up or carbunkle because it doesn't seem to be working the way I intended right now. But its still possible I think with enough adjusting. GG xyzqwv and thanks again CT5Holy
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


  • Modding version: PSX



CT5Holy vs DomieV: Giving your Phoenix Blader revival isn't such an hot idea because you don't want him wasting his few precious turns on sandbag wars. Otherwise Round 2 was awesome.


December 24, 2013, 07:44:23 pm #2693 Last Edit: December 24, 2013, 09:51:45 pm by reinoe
Quote from: Barren on December 24, 2013, 11:21:07 am
This is a Merry Christmas to all of you here on Hacktics and those for play Arena. There are 15 matches to watch on this very very very long video. If there are teams that I used here that are already updated, then it must have been while I was processing the videos because it took a very long time to make. Hope all of you enjoy and again happy holidays!

FFT Arena 1.38d Mania 5

Well it was an old version of Rek's team but it's good to get some affirmation that his changes needed to be made.

Let me start by saying I expected this to be a really long match.

I lol'ed when the two Paladins started attacking the distraction squire in the first match.  They totally fell for the bait.  Speaking of Bait...doesn't the A.I. take into account haste?  Because the squire tried to jump on a hasted Paladin and missed.  I had to go an rewatch that sequence because I've rarely seen the A.I. miss like that.

That was some masterful usage of repeated sinkhole to prevent resurrection.  That should have swung the match but the squire fought back to a round three.

Round three just wasn't as epic as round two.

Such a great ending to round 1.  The Chemist was all set to start reviving his teammates but he couldn't and when the don't act finally wore off, he got double turned by the archer.  Match 2 just wasn't close.

Another match that I was expecting to go long...

But it wasn't because the Decap procs were too much to overcome for the Air Raiders.

I'm surprised that 100-->0 was able to win while functionally down one in match 2.  That thief was stoned for pretty much the entire second round.

Doku took the standard Two-hands Katar and added another!  Yeah, take an OP unit and then adding another is quite a good idea.  Not surprised at the result.

Was Reflect/Beguile the most amazing use of Reflect?  Probably not but that was pretty awesome.  I knew the "I'll obliterate my teammates with Flare was coming: and that was really fun to watch.

It was nice to see someone:anyone get some mileage out of Protect 2/Shell 2

Elunia is certainly a pretty name.  I wouldn't expect it from an earth team.

Those Lancer/Dancers hit like trucks.  Insane damage.   Having built a few teams with mimes, I knew that as soon as the mime support died, Elunia was doomed.

Congrats on using the fountain at Riovanes Castle.  It's an unfair map, but it's nice to see the diversity all the same.

This was another one of those "how long will this be" matches.

Not much to say except that Otabo does seem to have a knack for these stalling teams.
Sleep is such a devastating status by way of it's longevity.  But Otabo lost because it took to long to get the berserk status off.  Otherwise Ecthel could have been ruined.

Holy Stones always seem to struggle to take their matches to round 3.  But in the final match they got split up and then it was over.  Intersting how both teams utilized charm.

so the A.I. is more likely to use from when it's in critical?  Does not compute!

I loved this match because Ultima was going off all over the place.  I like the theory of Ultima as a spell but it just costs a little too much on the CT/MP/DAMAGE scale.
I think it's funny that Twilight lost because those Paladins climbed the stairs in a stupid manner.  Otherwis it could have gone on much longer in round 1.

In round 2, I can't believe that priest sang instead of casting raise.  I'm also surprised that Ultima was able to win so easily in round 3.

Each it and I proves to be incredibly formidable team: winning both rounds decisively.

Malroth's joke team is actually kinda strong.

In Round 2, nitehawks were able to close the gap and put the hurt on.  It was inevitable after that although "going nowhere was able to hold out longer than I thought.

In round three going nowhere just hit too hard and nitehawks couldn't get through the meat grinder to close the gap.

Thumbs up for Dual Cutters/Platina Dagger combo.

In fact I think that's what allowed the amazing comeback.

GG ALL and a special thanks to barren for the upload.
My dreams can come true!


Well that's the end of FF12's reign that's for sure. GG doku and thanks Barren for the video


Looks like I'll be MIA again for recording matches right now. I updated my laptop from windows 8 to 8.1 and now it shows only a black screen whenever I turn it on. I'm running tests right now and I await a flash drive from HP so I can unlock the drive to refresh my PC
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Thanks TrueLight and CT5Holy and of course Malroth for doing these videos in my stead. I hope everyone had a good holiday this year and I'm pretty much back in action now with my laptop. Let's just say to all windows 8 users, heed my words: DON'T UPGRADE TO WINDOWS 8.1!

now as for some of the matches

For vigi's new team this one surprisingly worked well. The geomancer kept inflicting death sentence and the thief kept going for breaks as they should have I feel just by judging how they are built. The bard had bad luck earlier but worked out. And the oracle kept her buddies up and running. reinoe's team had to be on the defensive pretty much for the most part

Although I can see what silentkaster was trying to do, it just wasn't working out. Plus move=0 chemist is a bad idea. That sequence of moves in the end of the first match was pretty awesome. Second match, seal evil did him big time. Having a berserk paladin with attack up and a hard hitting chirijiraden user didn't help matters either for him. Nuff said. Third match, a priest hitting someone for 127 with a phoenix blade is pretty impressive and the arm aims really helped out silentkaster that time. And the sandbagging went on until there was nothing left. As for the last one, gotta love mimic kaegsougi :P And poison on immortals...yea, not a good thing. Monk cleans house until it came down to mime vs archer. Archer nailing that arm aim was crucial to the victory
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Thank you for running my videos!!! I can see my team's weaknesses now and can adjust. Thank you so much again.

You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


I really like this team even considering it's a first attempt because of how experimental it is. In particular, I really liked your Archer Thief because it allows for Archery and for Steal and Talk to exist on the same unit. However, Cheer Song can only really work on tanky teams, units that aren't expected to die much, so they keep the missed instances down to a minimum. You had the right idea with your Slow Dancing Chemist, in that she needs to be as tough as possible to keep up her Dancing, but your team just couldn't tie up the enemy well enough and they just ganged up on her. (Muramasa's wall busting ability might just make me reconsider it for future endeavors. Definitely something to file away for later). I think you need to drop Phoenix Blade on your Priest, perhaps make him a chemist for anti-Seal Evil purposes? Either way, you need more active support. Otherwise, a good and creative effort for your first team, congratulations on your initiation.