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September 20, 2024, 06:14:58 pm


Use of ePSXe before 2.0 is highly discouraged. Mednafen, RetroArch, and Duckstation are recommended for playing/testing, pSX is recommended for debugging.

Survive! A Simple Zombie RPG.

Started by Rufio, September 25, 2014, 12:44:51 pm


September 25, 2014, 12:44:51 pm Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 06:01:43 pm by Rufio
So if there is interest, I'd like to run a zombie survival RPG.  It will use super simple rules and character creation.

The scenario starts as you are a bunch of zombie apocalypse survivors in a fortified mall in the middle of a city.  Everyone has long given up hope of rescue and some people believe your group are the last non-zombies on the planet.  Your group's leader is currently (NPC)John Miller.  He gives out "TASK"s to the group that are necessary for survival.  To join the game, simply post ">Volunteer" and your character sheet.  If at any point your character dies, feel free to >Volunteer again with a new survivor (twin brothers are allowed).

Every so often a "SITUATION" will happen that should be dealt with.  These can be anything from a zombie horde approaching the compound, to a disease spreading among the survivors, to the food supply running low.  How you deal with it is entirely up to each character.  You can either work with or against each other.  The players do not need to stick together.

Each player gets 1 action per round.  If you accidentally do try to do too much, I'll let you know.  All player actions happen simultaneously(ish).  The success of the action is based on how difficult the action is, your character's stats and a d10 roll.
i.e. firing a weapon would be 1d10+dex.  Shooting a zombie in the same room would be easier than shooting a zombie 500 meters away.

If player actions would be rendered pointless due to the rolls of other players, bonuses may be given (overkills).  Between each round I will describe the scene(s), a summary of important events, what effects your actions from the previous round had, and the current TASK and SITUATION status.

Example Round:

Location: Pharmacy (2km from compound)
Party: Mal, Zoe, Wash, Jayne, Kaylee
The pharmacy had already been looted upon your arrival. While searching for any remaining supplies, Kaylee noticed a computer plugged into a motomaster battery.  She was able to retrieve the pharmacy's supplier address from the computer while the rest of the party rummaged for leftover supplies.  Suddenly, 3 zombies shambled from a back room.

Quote from: Mal>Stab the zombies with my rusty machete.

Roll = 6  Total = 12
You impale a zombie with your disgusting machete.  2 zombies remain.

Quote from: Wash>Throw rocks at the zombies.

Roll = 10  Total = 20
You hurl the rocks with such force that both zombies' heads implode and the rest of the rocks in your bag become throwing knives somehow. (+10 throwing knives)

Quote from: Kaylee>Unplug the computer and take the battery with me.

Roll = 2  Total = 10
You tear the plugs out by the cord in your haste and end up shocking yourself.  You temporarily lose feeling in your hand. (-1 dex for 2 rounds, +1 damaged battery)

Quote from: Zoe>Cleave the zombies apart with my fire axe.

Roll = 5  Total = 14
The zombies are already dead.  OVERKILL: All players who attacked zombies gain +2 to their next zombie attack.

Quote from: Jayne>Volunteer

A tall man in a funny orange wool cap enters the pharmacy.  He apologizes for not volunteering sooner, but followed you here as quickly as he could.  He gives you an update on the situation at the compound.  Jayne has joined the party!

SCENE:  The zombies are dispatched and you have the address of the pharmacy's supplier (outskirts of city, 15km away).  You have managed to find baby aspirin and a couple bandaids in the pharmacy.
TASK:  Scout the local pharmacy.
SITUATION:  Medical supplies have run out and a mysterious sickness is spreading.
UPDATE:  The sick survivors at camp seem to be getting better on their own.


Location: Hospital (5km from compound)
Party: River, Simon
You have found the MRI room and managed to get a backup generator running.

Quote from: Simon>Perform an MRI on River's brain.

Roll = 3  Total = 10
Your MRI skills are a bit rusty and you don't get anything useful.

Quote from: River>Lie still for the MRI.

Roll = 6  Total = 10
You successfully don't move for the MRI, making Simon's job easier. Turns out he did do the test properly and you get the results you need. (updated on spreadsheet)

SCENE:  You decided to blow the rest of the party off and go about your own business.  You found a hospital with working equipment and successfully performed an MRI.  The noise from the machine, however, appears to have attracted unwanted attention.  You hear moans and shuffling from the hallway.
TASK:  Scout the local pharmacy.
SITUATION:  Medical supplies have run out and a mysterious sickness is spreading.

The following is the character sheet template.  Occupation and hobbies will grant minor appropriate bonuses.  Stats must be between 2 and 8, and cannot total more than 30.  A character with 5 in each stat is remarkably average at everything.



Example jobs:
Military Officer
Military Grunt
Personal Trainer
Used Car Salesman
Health Inspector

Spreadsheet can be seen here:

I will use that spreadsheet to store the character sheets and inventories, so it will be linked to at every Round Report (so you don't have to find this post again).

So, now that I've explained, let's start!

SCENE:  It has been about 5 years since the outbreak of the zombie virus.  Most of the world was turned within a week.  Those that weren't managed to form small pockets of resistance, most notably under military protection and command. However, even the military could not hold against the threat, as the infection managed to find its way into the most fortified positions.  Eventually, hope of a cure or even rescue faded from groups of survivors scattered across the globe.
Your group of survivors have been holed up in this mall turned compound for what seems like an eternity.  Everyone has adjusted to the fact that this is your life now, but people are getting bored and complacent to the zombie menace.  John Miller, the groups appointed leader, enters the Best Buy outlet that has been turned into a rec room and speaks to the survivors gathered there.
"The ventilation system seems to be busted, and with all the windows completely sealed and boarded up, we aren't getting enough fresh air.  I need some people to head to the roof and see what the problem is.  Any volunteers?

TASK:  Investigate the ventilation system on the roof.

SITUATION:  The vents have stopped working.  60 rounds remain until survivors start suffocating.

EDIT:  Character sheets and inventories have been uploaded to the game spreadsheet here:

TableTop Adventures Demo is out.
Try it out and let me know how to make it better.


September 25, 2014, 03:15:00 pm #1 Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 02:00:58 pm by Ryqoshay
OOC: I simply must ask: Are these zombies shamblers or runners?

Addendum: I read the part where a handful of zombies shamble out of a backroom and another where they are shuffling in a hallway. The first one is an enclosed space, limiting movement, the second, feels like it is indicating shamblers. Be that the case, I will submit a character soon.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


September 25, 2014, 03:51:48 pm #2 Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 07:39:46 am by Celdia
OOC: Alright, I'm in.

QuotePlayer: Celdia
Name: Rachael   
Gender: Female     
Age: 19
Occupation: Wage slave at the Foot Locker in the Mall, College student
Hobbies: Softball, Bouldering, Paintball, Parkour (just learning the basics)
Strength: 7
Dexterity: 6
Agility: 7
Cunning: 3
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 3

Rachael is more than a bit of a tomboy. Standing about 5'4" with short-cut, untamable red hair, a fair complexion, green eyes and a heavy dose of freckles across her average-looking face, she is the stereotype of Irish blood on American soil. Years of playing for the school's softball team and running track have given Rachael an athletic body and competative spirit but she tends to ignore the social graces observed by other girls of her age. That and her acerbic wit have made her rather unpopular with anyone but the boys she constantly tries to show up in any athletic competition she can get involved in. She is commonly seen carrying a bat and glove or a bag of gear for paintball or free-climbing when she is out and about.

Racahel steps forward confidently, "Gotta say, I'm itching to stretch my legs, boss. I'll go but I'd feel better if someone else came along to watch my back." She turns to let her gaze rake across the other people nearby, looking for someone reliable to join her.

> Volunteer
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


September 25, 2014, 05:03:00 pm #3 Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 08:24:42 pm by Ryqoshay
Player: Ryqoshay

Name: Ronald Farwell
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'
Weight: 170 lb
Occupation: Former Army Chaplain, Rank Captain, Dismissed
Hobbies: Drinking, Reading, Firearm maintenance, Darts, Dice, Cards, Various other forms of gambling

Dexterity: 7
Agility: 5
Cunning: 6
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 4

Appearance: Cares little for personal appearance and as such, often appears disheveled. Often wears a headband or other accessory to keep his lengthening hair out of his face. Is fond of chewing on things like toothpicks and pens when he can find them.

Early in the outbreak, Ron was diligent in his duties as there was no shortage of individual crises to which he would attend. He proudly preached the word and did everything in his power to keep moral in an ever increasingly desperate situation. He had always been fond of games of chance and saw them as another way to keep spirits up, so long as they remained fair. He would often host games and would monitor those in his unit to ensure fraud was avoided.

Then the call came in that his hometown was in the projected path of a massive horde of undead. After much pleading, he was assigned to the unit dispatched to defend the area. Unfortunately, they arrived too late; the town had been completely overrun. His family lost, his faith failing and disillusioned with the military, he turned to drinking to numb the pain. Embittered and belligerent, it did not take long before he was court-martialed and dismissed from service.

He has since wandered aimlessly, ever seeking stocks of booze that have yet to be looted. He still carries a small bible in his breast pocket, though he has not opened it in a long while. His other pockets hold various dice and several decks of cards that he uses to entertain himself and others he encounters.

Ron sighs and raises his hand.
> [Volunteer]
"Can't let the little lady go alone, I suppose..." He says, perhaps a bit gruffer than intended. "He would probably frown on that..." he adds under his breath "the self-righteous bastard..."
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


September 25, 2014, 06:03:37 pm #4 Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 10:23:40 pm by Jumza
ooc: Coolio, I'm in too!

QuotePlayer: Jumza           
Name: Jordan Kamps         
Gender: Male           
Age: 20           
Occupation: Piano Teacher, Student
Hobbies: Drawing, Cooking (poorly), Cross Country (which is like, running / jogging)
Ability   Points
Strength   4
Dexterity   8
Agility   5
Cunning   4
Intelligence   4
Charisma   5

Jordan is male, around 5'9" with black hair, brown eyes, has fairly pale skin and is often seen wearing headphones, even if they aren't plugged into anything. He enjoys art such as music (of a large variety of types) and drawings, he is currently trying to learn how to cook, though sometimes he feels he just wastes supplies on his awfully tasting meals (though he has great fun doing so). Sports aren't exactly the thing he likes doing most, but he often takes part anyway because he admits it's fun spending time with his friends no matter what they're doing. Jordan is afraid of being alone unless he is certain he is safe, especially in the dark and in tight spaces.

Jordan raises his hand, "I'll go too." Walking forward he steps in line with the two people who also volunteered, the girl seemed eager to move around, outside of the constraints of the store. Jordan was less sure that he wanted to leave the safety of the rec room, but he had a similar sense of restlessness, he felt useless sitting around doing nothing, so he decided to join them.

> [Volunteer]
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


QuotePlayer: Eternal         
Name: Father Superbia   
Gender: Male           

Age: 44       
Occupation: Priest
Hobbies: Reading, Playing Chess, Praying
Ability Points

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Agility: 2
Cunning: 8
Intelligence: 8
Charisma: 8

Father Superbia is not a brave man, nor is he a strong man. Spending a quiet life behind convent walls, Father Superbia lived a simple life praying for the world's salvation before the outbreak. Though no stranger to the despair of the innocent, Father Superbia finds strength in his unyielding faith in God, and he piously believes in His light that will one day smite the undead horde, and will free humanity from Satanic wrath.

"The Lord will it, we'll survive this. The ventilation is broken? I've read about such things. I volunteer to join the group going to the roof. His Light will protect us, and deliver judgment upon those that would harm us." Father Superbia says quietly, secretly quivering in fear.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


September 25, 2014, 10:09:55 pm #6 Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 10:54:14 pm by Ryqoshay
Ron remains silent as the holy man volunteers his knowledge to the group, but cannot help cringing a little at the devotee's divine proclamation.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


September 26, 2014, 02:11:00 am #7 Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 04:49:44 am by Rufio

Location: Roof Access Stairwell (Inside compound)
Party: Rachael, Ronald Farwell, Jordan Kamps, Father Superbia
The access stairwell has long been unused.  It is cluttered with all kinds of garbage and broken furniture.  The floor is sticky as you climb each level, and the smell of the place is almost enough to make you vomit.  The door to the roof at the top floor appears to be warped and dented inward. Desks, chairs, and file cabinets (probably from Office Depot) are propped against the door.

Quote from: Rachael>Volunteer

Rachael has joined the party!

Quote from: Ronald Farwell>Volunteer

Ronald has joined the party!

Quote from: Jordan Kamps>Volunteer

Jordan has joined the party!

Quote from: Father Superbia>Volunteer

Superbia has joined the party!

Quote from: Round ReportSCENE:  The party has made its way to the roof access, only to find it barricaded and probably locked.  Luckily, Father Superbia had the foresight (passive cunning check) to ask for a key before you left.  Jordan assures the group he hears no movement outside (passive listen check). Ronald and Superbia have thus far avoided talking to one another.

TASK:  Investigate the ventilation system.

SITUATION:  The vents have stopped working.  59 rounds remain until survivors start suffocating.

Character Sheets

TableTop Adventures Demo is out.
Try it out and let me know how to make it better.


"Ugh, what a mess. Well, time's wasting. Let's get this pile of crap out of the way." Rachael grimaces as she reaches ahead and starts pulling parts of the barricade down and away, trying not to look too closely at what she's putting her hands on as she does so.

> Disassemble the barricade hastily.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Jordan grimaces, nods in agreement and begins helping Rachael pull down the office supplies. His hands stick to some papers which he quickly shakes off in disgust, and continues pulling the mess from the door.

>Assist Rachael with removing the barricade.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


September 26, 2014, 10:56:07 am #10 Last Edit: September 28, 2014, 08:25:43 pm by Ryqoshay
Ron remained silent as the group made their way up to the roof access. He spent the time quietly observing the others. The young lady looked like the best equipped to hold her own should things go south while the boy he was having a bit more trouble reading. The old priest he chalked up as a liability but he vowed to ensure none of them joined the ranks of the undead so long as he still held a breath in his body.

"Aw, hell..." he finally uttered upon seeing the damage to the roof door. The girl said something and the two kids started clearing the debris. "Someone built this barricade to keep something on the roof." He points out, joining the two. "I know you don't hear anything now, kid, but unless those creatures have taken up base jumping, I'll wager they're still up here. We're going to have to remain vigilant." He suddenly laments of the loss of his hand gun at the last place he had taken refuge.

>[Help clear debris while keeping an eye out for a suitable melee weapon.]
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


September 26, 2014, 02:27:02 pm #11 Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 02:32:32 pm by Rufio
I'm going to go ahead and make an AI move on Eternal's behalf. I was hoping to get a couple more volunteers but we will power forth!  Also, feel free to take minor actions during your turn along with your main action like Ryqo did.  Examples, looking for general types of things, picking up loose objects, moving to a position of cover, etc.  If you wish to give items from your inventory to another player, just make a note somewhere and i will adjust the character sheets.


Location: Roof Access Stairwell (Inside compound)
Party: Rachael, Ronald Farwell, Jordan Kamps, Father Superbia
While clearing the makeshift barricade and getting covered in god-knows-what, the party realizes that the stench in the stairwell is actually coming from outside.  The two youngest volunteers race towards their objective, having almost forgotten the horror of coming face to face with a zombie.  The grizzled padre voices his concerns, but joins the headstrong youths in their task.

Quote from: Rachael> Disassemble the barricade hastily.

Roll = 3    Total=10
You begin tearing down the makeshift barricade, but have difficulty with some of the larger items.  Your hands are now covered in whatever was coating the furniture you moved.

Quote from: Jordan Kamps>Assist Rachael with removing the barricade.

Roll = 4    Total=8
You attempt to help Rachael but end up getting in her way more than anything.  After the first few medium sized pieces of furniture, you mutter something about cramps and sit down.

Quote from: Ronald Farwell>[Help clear debris while keepong an eye out for a suitable melee weapon.]

Roll = 9    Total=13
You show the youngsters how things got moved from point A to point B when you were in the service.  With your help the barricade is swiftly removed.  During the disassembly you noticed several large pieces of wood from broken furniture that could be used as improvised clubs should you need to defend yourself.  (+1 Improvised Club)

Quote from: Father Superbia AI>Throw Baby Motivate and direct workflow.  Unlock door when possible.

Roll = 8    Total=16
Under your direction the whole process flows extremely smoothly.  Jordan even recovers from his "cramp" and is able to help again.  Once the barricade is removed you unlock the battered door.  OVERKILL: All party members involved in removing barricade gain +2 to their next strength check.

Quote from: Round ReportSCENE:  The party attempts to tear down a barricade blocking their access to the roof, and through the power of teamwork, completes the task easily.  When the battered door opens, the stench in the stairwell becomes unbearable.  Jordan Kamps throws up in the corner.  The rooftop is covered in piles of rotting corpses.  Some appear to be completely burnt, others partially.  None appear to be moving.  When Jordan recovers from the stench and witnesses the scene, he begins vomitting again.
One of the corpse piles appears to have collapsed onto a large metal box structure that Superbia recognizes to be the ventilation system near the middle of the roof (50 meters from the access stairwell).

TASK:  Investigate the ventilation system.

SITUATION:  The vents have stopped working.  58 rounds remain until survivors start suffocating.

Character Sheets

TableTop Adventures Demo is out.
Try it out and let me know how to make it better.


Watching Jordan being elicits a muttered comment of "I see the spirit is willing but the body is weak." from Rachael who is only barely holding the contents of her own stomach. Taking Ron's words of caution to heart, she slips her bat free from the straps on her bag. "How did all these bodies even get UP here?" she asks to no one in particular as she peeks out the doorway.

> Ready bat, slowly advance out onto the rooftop
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


September 26, 2014, 04:49:08 pm #13 Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 02:01:22 pm by Ryqoshay
Ron stares at the horrific scene before him before giving a glance skyward. Is it that time? The sound of a stomach violently attempting to remove itself from its owner's body catches his attention amd he glances towards the source of the noise. Poor kid, he thinks to himself as he recalls a time when the smell bothered him as well. It's sad the things to which one may become accustomed.

Well if the barricade removal and door opening hadn't been loud enough, the retching was certainly less than silent enough to announce their presence. Anything up here, alive or otherwise, knows we are here...

The preacher man points out the the ventilation system. Thank you, Captain Obvious...

The young lady admonishes the kid's weakness though doesn't appear to be holding up much better.  There is something to be said about bravado, but...

"Well, tearing apart wood and crap is one thing," he gives voice to his thoughts, "but, I for one have little desire to start blindly reaching my hands into a pile of corpses. Some may decide to reach back. What say we use some of these planks to do the reaching for us?"

OOC: Holding action for other opinions on tactics.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


"Just... Deep, slow... Breaths..." Jordan mutters as he tries recover from his vomiting streak before anything else can surface.
A few moments later Jordan regains temporary control over his stomach, and stands up, only to be hit by another wave of nausea after getting a better look at the scene. Dead bodies are piled high, some even on top of what the priest identified as the broken machine.

The girl makes some remark about his weak stomach, but he could see how green she looked. The military man spoke then, suggesting that the group avoid touching the bodies. This seemed like the best and only plan, so Jordan, grabbing Father Superbia's arm for support, turned around to avoid looking at the zombies for awhile so that he could mentally prepare himself for the task ahead of them.
"I think that's a *stomach rumbling noises* ugh, a good idea."

> Turn around, hold Father Superbia's arm for support and agree with Ron's plan.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


September 26, 2014, 06:36:37 pm #15 Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 10:09:45 pm by TristanBeoulve
OOC: Let's do this!

Player: TristanBeoulve           
Name: Jessie           
Gender: Male           
Age: 17           
Occupation: Tactician
Hobbies: Archery, Chess, Paintball, Reading, Tactics
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 7
Agility: 3
Cunning: 8
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 6

Jessie is a 5'11'' 16 year old male with brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. He grew up in an orphanage. While there, he took a liking to the books available. One particular book, 'The Art of War', stood out to him in particular. Ever since reading the book, he's taken every possible chance to increase his skills. From helping his friends to victory in paintball to target practice at the range, you won't find him practicing his cunning and dexterity. He still enjoys a good book and can reading, and you also find him playing chess sometimes. When the zombie virus broke out, most of his good friends died, and  eventually they all met their death. He's been traveling ever since, trying to find a cure for the plague that has ravaged the world for too long. 

Jessie looks out at the nearby group of survivors. Should I join them? he wonders. All too many times he's hastily joined up with people only to find himself in danger. The youngest man, whom Jessie assumed was about his age, seemed to be having trouble keeping his lunch down. The group didn't seem all too dangerous to Jessie, but he knew the possibility all too well. "Oh well," he mutters to himself as he leaves his hiding spot on the rooftop. "Let's see what happens."
>Join the group.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Father Superbia looks down at the scared youth, remembering his own fears of death. Though his faith was unfaltering, there was always the fear of the great unknown- the void beyond life's light.

"You needn't fear, child." Father Superbia says calmly, to the shivering youth. "We are but a chosen few survivors, warriors bathed in God's divine light. We were chosen by Him to fulfill His mission. We won't be killed by these fiends. We will survive, and we will free the land from this petulant miasma."

Father Superbia looks up at Ron. "My son, these corpses have been desecrated by unholy means. To touch them would be to have our own souls corrupted. I agree with you, we must use the plank."

>Hold back with Jordan and agree with Ron's plan.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


September 26, 2014, 11:08:45 pm #17 Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 02:01:38 pm by Ryqoshay
Ron grunts at the holy man. He honestly believes that sh**, doesn't he? "Alright, let's see what we can find..."

>[Seek large, sturdy plank(s) that would be unwieldy as a weapon, but large enough to be utilized to pry corpses from a pile.]

OOC: What I wouldn't give for a ten foot pole, a battering ram and a handy haversack...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


September 27, 2014, 02:37:04 am #18 Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 02:49:53 am by Rufio

Turn order here is a little different than posting order.  I chose to do it in a way that made most sense from what you described.

Location: Roof (Top of compound)
Party: Rachael, Ronald Farwell, Jordan Kamps, Father Superbia, Jessie
Upon opening the door to the roof, the volunteers were confronted by a scene straight out of nightmares.  Hundreds upon hundreds of burnt, rotting corpses lied in piles upon the rooftop.  The party decided to cautiously advance towards their objective, using parts of the makeshift barricade to prod their way through the sea of bodies.

Quote from: Rachael> Ready bat, slowly advance out onto the rooftop

Roll = 8    Total=15
Rachael draws her trusty baseball bat and carefully advances into the scene of carnage, careful to avoid the piles where who-knows-what lies beneath.

Quote from: Ronald>Seek large, sturdy plank(s) that would be unwieldy as a weapon, but large enough to be utilized to pry corpses from a pile.

Roll = 10    Total=16
You find the most amazing planks in existence amongst the wrecked barricade for the party to use.  Not only would they be excellent and moving corpses, but their large size and reach do not seem to detract from how easily they would be used as weapons. (+1 Yggdrasil Plank)
You follow Rachael out onto the roof carefully avoiding the body piles.

Quote from: Jordan Kamps>Turn around, hold Father Superbia's arm for support and agree with Ron's plan.

Roll = 9    Total=17
The old padre hands you a wonderful plank as you make your way out onto the roof.  Unlike the task of moving heavy objects, you seem remarkably capable of gracefully moving about the bodies, careful not to touch any of them. (+1 Yggdrasil Plank)

Quote from: Father Superbia>Hold back with Jordan and agree with Ron's plan.

Roll = 9    Total=11  (all high rolls this round so far, glad I haven't had to screw anyone over yet)
Although you are not the most graceful individual, you manage to find your way through the corpses without too much difficulty, following Jordan's graceful lead.  Your fellow practitioner of the word hands you a wonderful plank for self defense (+1 Yggdrasil Plank)

Quote from: Jessie>Volunteer.

An awkward looking youth approaches the group from the rear.  Jessie has joined the party!

Quote from: Round Report
SCENE:  The party carefully makes its way to the ventillation system which has been covered in corpses.  The metal bin appears dented and a thick pipe seems to have been broken off and lies on the ground next to the main bin.  The amount of bodies that have piled around the system is unbelievable.  It would appear as though they were once in a giant pile, but now lie strewn about.
After arriving at the system, a dishevelled young boy in his teens approaches the group from the rear.  Nobody is sure whether he followed them up to the roof or if he was up there all along.  None of the 4 original volunteers remember seeing him before now.  Wherever he came from, the group is sure startled by his sudden appearance.

TASK:  Investigate the ventilation system.

- The vents have stopped working.  57 rounds remain until survivors start suffocating.
- A youth of unknown origins has approached the group.

Character Sheets

Remember to check your sheets as your inventory and temporary bonuses are updated each round.

TableTop Adventures Demo is out.
Try it out and let me know how to make it better.


"Jesus, where the hell did you come from, kid?" Ron asks the newcomer.
Hurry down the chimney tonight.