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EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.91 BugFix [King Needed a Band-Aid.]

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, September 05, 2011, 07:57:43 pm


Download the Latest Version Here!  (Mediafire Mirror)

Because when you want something done right, sometimes it's best to do it yourself.  This is EasyVent Super Perfect!  While it shares a name with ffta707's now-abandoned EasyVent tool, the application itself doesn't actually share anything in common with it besides the concept.  EasyVent Super Perfect will bring you the latest and greatest in Event Editing ease to date with both features intended for the ne'er-arriving EasyVent 4 and some an insane amount that I added myself.  

Features Included:

  • Index of every Event by Event Offset, now with Event Script and name listed as well.  This allows you to use the Open Event button to load any pre-existing Event directly into your editing window.  Now includes proper Open/Save Windows instead of the ComboBoxes I was using previously, meaning you can now name your Event and all kinds of other stuff.  The Event files are held in the various "____ Event Directory" folders included with the program.  All the default Directories aside from the Custom Event Directory are safe from being overwritten, so you can use them as source Directories as you please.  Naming support for styles other than EVT_DEC_SCR YourName was dropped, however now you have full freedom to give your Events names and Multi-Compile them even with their names as long as they follow the aforementioned EVT_DEC_SCR format.  Now also supports CTRL+A, CTRL+F, and more for even easier Event Editing and a full usurption of Notepad.

  • Index of every Event Command by ID and Name, as per FFH's front page.  When one is chosen from the drop-down list, its automatically added to your editing window at your cursor's location, and a help listing is displayed to the right of your editing window to help you use the command with as much ease as possible.  Commands added to your editing window also now have a consistent and easy to understand notation of what goes into each data field to further help you understand and remember what they do and how they work.

  • Index of every Map by Map Name and ID.  This allows you to see a top-down preview of every map, with X/Y Coordinates and N/E/S/W labeled as per the list on FFH's front page.  Now with a second box that allows you to switch between a bird's-eye view and four dynamic views!  The "corner" referred to in the names of the dynamic views refers to what the cardinal direction of the bottom-left corner is, if it wasn't obvious.  These maps are located in the "Map List" folder included with the program, so you can feel free to mark them up in Paint or something if you want to remember where certain things are!

  • Button-press Compiling and Decompiling of TEST.EVT.  Place the TEST.EVT you wish to edit in the External Program Hub folder included with the program, and when you're done your event, press Save, then press Compile Event, and EasyVent Super Perfect will run Xifanie's Event Compiler directly, no need to leave the window!  If you wish to decompile, click Decompile TEST.EVT and it'll do the same with her decompiler!  Starting with v1.3 and onward, I've even begun including a Vanilla TEST.EVT and Vanilla decompiled PSX Events to help people get started.  Starting with v1.4, you can Compile entire Directories, and Decompile will automatically output both a PSX Events.txt and a PSX Events Folder, the folder of which can be Compiled from, among other crazy shit.

  • Comprehensive Error-Checking before Compiling and Saving Events, as of v1.8, and buffed heavily in v1.9!  The program will now search for commas, parentheses, x's, french braces, line length, etc. to ensure your Event is correct before Compiling.  You'll be allowed to Save after a warning if you encounter an error, but not Compile until all errors are removed.  If you have an input error in your commands (such as using +00X for a +TIMER), you'll get the name of the command that's errored, which line it's on, and which argument is wrong, allowing for incredibly precise error-checking.  This logic also works on the Multi-Compiler, and now has its logic enhanced to interact with it properly.


  • You must keep the main program and its source files inside the EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.8 folder as I've organized them, or the program won't be able to find its source files and will display errors.  As of v1.2 onward, however, you can make your own Event Directories, as long as you follow the same organizational pattern.

To-Do List:

  • Make comments (statements preceded by //) green, must debug Lirmont's code...

  • FAR FUTURE - add options that allow for ATTACK.OUT editing, potentially, but probably not.

Download and enjoy, kids.  Report errors and I'll fix them as soon as I can.

Thanks To, in No Particular Order:

  • Celdia, for taking and resizing all the Map Screenshots.

  • ffta707, for the original EasyVent.  Though that program in this no actual relation, the concept and many of this program's ideas were only thought of while trying to upgrade EasyVent 3.

  • Pokeytax, for making me adamant enough that this'd be better than a Spreadsheet to actually get off my lazy ass and make it.

  • Cheetah, for giving me a pile of ideas I'm surprised I didn't think of myself that'll up the customizability and ease-of-use of this tool.

  • Xifanie, for making the original Event Compiler and Event Decompiler this is built on top of.  How I didn't think to thank her before now, I have no goddamn idea.

  • Elric42, for doing a fantastic Job in helping me identify several commands and pointing out tons of Help file errors.

  • Lirmont, for providing me with code examples for several of the more recent features, either directly or indirectly.


Main Window
CTRL+A = Select All Text in Current Window
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+D = Decompile TEST.EVT
CTRL+E = Compile Event
CTRL+F = Find or Replace Text in Editing Window
CTRL+I = Move to Indexed Event ComboBox
CTRL+K = Toggle Auto-Fill
CTRL+L = Close EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.9
CTRL+M = Move to Map Selection ComboBox
CTRL+O = Open Event
CTRL+P = Open SpriteWalk Generator
CTRL+R = Open Camera Generator
CTRL+S = Save Event
CTRL+T = Move to Command List ComboBox
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+Y = Redo
CTRL+Z = Undo
F1 = Help (Opens this README file.)

Find/Replace Window
CTRL+A = Select All Text in Current Window
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+F = Find Now!
CTRL+R = Replace Now!
CTRL+L = Close
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+Y = Redo
CTRL+Z = Undo

Decompile TEST.EVT Options Window
CTRL+A = Select All Text in Current Window
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+E = Refresh Folders
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+Y = Yes/Redo
CTRL+Z = Undo

Open Options Window
CTRL+A = Select All Text in Current Window
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+E = Refresh Folders
CTRL+L = Cancel
CTRL+O = Open
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+Y = Redo
CTRL+Z = Undo

Save Options Window
CTRL+A = Select All Text in Current Window
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+E = Refresh
CTRL+L = Cancel
CTRL+S = Save
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+Y = Redo
CTRL+Z = Undo

Compile Event Options Window
CTRL+A = Select All Text in Current Window
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+D = Compile Directory
CTRL+E = Refresh Folders
CTRL+J = Compile Just Event
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+Y = Redo
CTRL+Z = Undo

Camera Generator
CTRL+A = Select All Text in Current Window
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+E = Export to File
CTRL+L = Close
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+Y = Redo
CTRL+Z = Undo

SpriteMove Generator
CTRL+A = Select All Text in Current Window
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+E = Export to File
CTRL+L = Close
CTRL+V = Paste
CTRL+X = Cut
CTRL+Y = Redo
CTRL+Z = Undo

Help Window
CTRL+A = Select All Text in Current Window
CTRL+C = Copy
CTRL+L = Close

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.91 Released.  A number of Critical Errors, such as me being a dipshit and calling the wrong Compiler and causing an unhandled exception were fixed.  A bunch of small convenience features were added, some stuff was made faster / better coded, and the need for the Multi-Compile subfolders was removed, making the program a bit lighter.  In addition, you can now merely type DisplayMessage and not 10 DisplayMessage (eg) into the ComboBox on the main form to look up commands.  There might be a few other things, but all in all this is a bugfix/cleanup update that fixes all the known Critical Errors and just touches things up.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.91 BugFix Here  (Mediafire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.9 Release.  This release further fixes every Help file I didn't fix last time, and fixes the Camera and SpriteMove Generators for realz.  It also uses a completely different Save/Open/Compile logic than before, resulting in a smaller form and more freedom for opening and naming files.  There is now an optional auto-fill feature that will fill in commands as you type them, and regardless of its setting, its Help window will open for you while typing it to make it easier to look things up on the fly.  Folders were reorganized so less shit is visible, and error checking was brought up to 9001.  Right Click Menus on ALL THE THINGS, too.  43 CallFunction, 8E ShowChapterEnd, and 99 BlueRemoveUnit were added to the Compiler as well.  Sadly, Compiling to/from PSX Events.txt was lost - but I have the funny feeling no one ever used it.  If there's demand for it, I'll write some new logic for it, since it was a casualty of my rewrite of the various Save/Open/Load routines, but there's really no reason to need it if you have the PSX Events folder.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.9 Here  (Mediafire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.8 Release.  This release fixes every single Help file, formatting, rubrics, etc.  I went through and fixed every single one.  I've also edited Earthquake() to be EarthquakeStart(), {42}() to be EarthquakeEnd(), {49}() to be AddUnitPrep(), and fixed bugs/errors in the Compiler-implementation of several other commands.  I also completely redid the incredibly buggy error-checking from v1.7 and pimped it to the max.  It will now point out errors with commas, parentheses, french braces, x's, and command length before even calling the Compiler or Saving your Event.  If Saving your Event, it will provide warnings but allow you to go through, but if you're Compiling, it will not allow anything to go through at all until all found errors are fixed.  This routine is also run against every Event run through the Multi-Compile feature, and if an  Event is errored, you'll get an error report and the Multi-Compile will quit.  I'll probably modify it to simply skip the Event and continue to the next one in the v1.9 release, but I feel this is still a huge improvement.  Your commands from every source will now insert at the point your cursor is resting, and not above the EventEnd() command, as well.  The program now comes with backup TEST.EVTs compiled for each of the included Directories, as well.  In addition, Event x194 is now included and labeled as the Game Over Event, and the Map List was turned back over the Decimal from Hex.  The Camera and SpriteMove Generators should be 100% bug-free now.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.8 Here  (MediaFire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.7 Release.  This error fixes even more bugs and handles a few unhandled exceptions I had lying around, specifically with the Multi-Compiler and uncompilable events.  This release sees CTRL+M double in being able to toggle the map on or off once you have focus on it.  You can also hide it by double-clicking the map image.  Multi-Compiling also now supports all the various name-sorting methods I made Saving support, but it won't accept custom names.  So, you can have EVT_005_005, but not EVT_005_005 ThunderCats when Multi-Compiling.  After selecting a command from the Command Index, you can now press Enter to insert it instead of selecting it off the menu a second time.  There's also a bunch of other random BugFixes, and a few code modifications to increase efficiency.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.7 Here  (MediaFire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.61 BugFix Release.  This is a small but important BugFix.  I made an error in the check for the Ctrl key in the Ctrl+Key commands in v1.6 that was causing them to trigger whether you held down Ctrl, Shift, or Alt.  Now that should be fixed, so you can use capital letters in your events without fear!  The old Alt shortcuts I implemented back in the 1.4 days of a few days ago still exist as of this version, though.  This also fixes a few logic errors that existed in the SpriteMove Generator, so everything there should work now too.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.61 BugFix Here  (MediaFire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.6 Release.  Only a few updates, but most are key.  Firstly, CTRL+F for a search window and CTRL+A for select all are now supported.  In addition, most controls are now keybound to more commonly used CTRL+Key setups, which you can find a full list of in the included README.  You can also pull up the README by using F1 on the main form.  Naming schemas have also been vastly expanded.  It now accepts Event (Offset), Event (Offset) SCR, EVT_NUM_SCR, SCR, xSCR, 0xSCR, Offset, and I think one or two other forms of organization when calling forth Events.  In addition to that, it also supports user naming correctly now, meaning you can have Event 00004000 Leisure Suit Larry's Great Escape and load it properly, should you type its proper name into the Event Index bar.  Some minor bugs were also fixed, and the Save warning window was made even less annoying yet again.  The cursor now also properly concatenates to just before the EventEnd() command when you insert a new command.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.6 Release Here  (MediaFire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.5 Release.  This release was far faster than desired because one of my "BugFixes" in v1.41 actually caused a damn bug.  Lovely.  Anyway, good things.  That bug was fixed.  How many windows closed/called commands was modified slightly so that they happened in a more intuitive order and you didn't have 3 popups or so open while doing a mass-compile or something.  More safeguards were added.  The "You edited this, Save it!" popup for when you go to load a new event was modified to be a bit less annoying.  Writing to the PSX Events.txt file had a few more failsafes and things added and should now work 100%, though I still never bothered testing it much.  Some buttons like the Remember my Choice button pop up a verifying box so you can be sure you actually pressed them, since they otherwise do nothing visually.  The main change, however, is that on-save you're now ALWAYS given the choice to save to the Custom Event Directory folder, meaning you don't need to mess with your source directory every event to keep a backup.  It even has a Remember my Choice button if you happen to be plowing through a lot of events in one day.  There's probably some other minor things I've missed, but this was mostly just a housekeeping update to fix my BugFix, finish implementing a few features, and just generally tie everything together.  Also, starting with this version, every version will include a README for anyone who for some reason just cannot fucking understand how to use it, or otherwise just has a question about a control / etc.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.5 Here  (MediaFire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.41 BugFix Release.  Variable properly resets, so you can compile multiple directories in a single session.  Some safeguards and If statements and such were corrected.  The SpriteMove Generator issue was fixed.  Some beta logic for writing to PSX Events.txt to make compiling from it worth a damn was added.  A typo on one of the windows was fixed.  You now get a popup before you Decompile in case you click the button by accident, added because the decompile routine takes a minute to run and because using both the PSX Events.txt file and PSX Events folder are viable options.  You can now also save using the EVT_NUM_SCR format, but unless I do more stupid shit to work around it, your file names are capped at 16 characters.  It won't give you an error, just when it writes, it'll only write to a file named the first 16 characters in your input screen.  There's a few other cleanup things too, like more updates and error fixes to the Help files.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.41 BugFix Here  (MediaFire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.4 Release.  Huge updates.  Camera Generator added.  SpriteMove Generator added.  Multi-Compiling added.  Final Fantasy Tactics [Complete] Event Directory added.  Event Compiler settings updated to accept all known commands, source events updated to properly display all known commands.  Help Files updated to better reflect the kinds of input they accept.  Safeguards buffed and upgraded.  EVT_NUM_SCR.txt file naming convention now supported.  Random other things done.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.4 Here  (MediaFire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.3 Release.  Icon changed to the Raven's Nest Emblem from the original Armored Core, because it's the shit.  The bug where it would still save over your Vanilla Plus source Events despite the fact it wasn't supposed to is fixed.  Event indexing improved by about a thousand-fold, with full compatibility with both the original Final Fantasy Tactics ordered Events and my Vanilla Plus ordered events, as well as compatibility with any directory and event file made by the user.  When searching for events, the program now looks for both a notepad named what you chose and an "event.txt" contained in a folder named what you chose inside your chosen Directory, so you now have more flexibility in how you sort your custom Directories.  Dynamic map views added.  Tab order fixed.  Most exceptions should now be properly error-handled if they weren't previously.  Layout changed and random other bits of cleanup I forget were also done.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.3 Here  (MediaFire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.2 Release.  Click once to view help, click twice to concatenate to event added.  Listboxes converted to drop-down lists, which allow for custom query entries and auto-fill to expedite finding commands or maps.  While not expanded on, it contains all the features required to have a theoretical infinite number of Event Directories and can accept Event names other than offsets should you name your event like that.  If you set your own Directory or use Custom Event Directory will now also auto-save your event by the name given to it in the Event Index dropdown box into that folder.  Just remember that the directory must exist first for the program to be able to save to it.  It can handle you forgetting to do that first and will alert you when you do forget to make the directory first, though.  It now also auto-loads Map 7D and a message in the Help box on-load, making the form feel less empty on start-up.  The tab order is probably fucked to hell though, because I forgot to adjust it before saving.  It also has more safeties.  This includes auto-loading a blank event if you try to open an event file that does not exist, and being able to auto-handle unknown commands without me needing to make over 9000 notepad files.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.2 Here  (MediaFire Mirror)

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.1 Release.  Map indexes are converted to hexadecimal, some Help files are error-corrected, concatenation is moved to above the EventEnd() command, some extra safeties are added, and editing window had add some necessary commands and helpful comments added.

Download EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.1 Here.  (MediaFire Mirror)

Initial EasyVent Editor Super Perfect Release.  Contains map references, an Event Index, and automated concatenation of Event Commands to the bottom of the event, after where text is placed.

Download EasyVent Super Perfect v1.0 Here.  (MediaFire Mirror)


Current Projects:


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: tylerf#3233


I think the more amazing part is that Raven has been working on this for like all of two days, maybe three. I can't wait to use this to fix my events that replace Cloud in CCP.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Celdia on September 05, 2011, 10:30:05 pm
I think the more amazing part is that Raven has been working on this for like all of two days, maybe three. I can't wait to use this to fix my events that replace Cloud in CCP.

RavenOfRazgriz, super genius, at your service.  You forgot to mention my screen is basically shattered and that I'm confined to a really obtusely shaped space that's less than 25% the size of my actual monitor.  Because, you know, making Event Editors in 3 days with a crippled computer.  Like a boss.

I had an energy spurt so I'm making a quick EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.1 release while I'm motivated to give a damn.  Map IDs are now in hex, a couple help files were adjusted for accuracy, your command now concatenates above the EventEnd() command instead of below your text, you get a different error message for trying to load a nonexistent event and trying to load no event (ie, not picking one off the list), and the editing window now has some essentials pre-filled when you open the program along with some accompanying comments.

Question:  When you press Save As Event.txt, currently that leaves your source event (the one chosen off the list box on the top left) alone.  Would people prefer it this way, or prefer that pressing save automatically also saves over the source event as well, so that you don't need to go through extra steps if trying to compile an index of your own patch instead of a Vanilla index?


I hope this makes it easier, I dunno if it does, I know jack about hacking.


Wow... this thing is awesome! The explanations of all the commands as well as the map coordinates will be super useful, thanks for making this!


Epic win for Raven!
Congrats, sooner or later I'll try to mess up my events a bit

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


This is looking really great and has a lot of potential. This is incorporating several different functions and is making things easier and more streamline. I have quite a few simple and then hard things I would like to see. I want to see this project to continue to expand. You have already done some amazing work.

Must Haves:
1) Click an instruction once to view contents, double click to insert it. Right now I would be spending a lot of time deleting unwanted instructions because they were inserted when all I wanted to do is look at what they did.
2) Unknown instructions need to be able to be inserted with the length we currently know they have. Just because we don't know what they do entirely doesn't mean that they don't need to be used at times. Your tool could also be instrumental in learning what all these unknown do if you put a few examples of what the instruction often looks like. Many of these we know contain unit IDs and we could at least define that even if we don't know what it does on the whole.
3) Record of current use of space and what is available for the event as a whole. Running into the length limit of events is a big problem and often causes a lot of confusion in bug searching.
4) Access to the setup events. To create new game flow we need to be able to edit these and edit every event slot so that we can create new setup events and fill up current setup events.

Wish List:
1) Some color coding. At a bare minimum it would be nice for comments to be grayed out or faded.
2) I often like to use certain events as a template or starting point for a new event, but they usually aren't in the same order. It would just be nice to have access to all the original unedited events, while still having all my events unaltered. So like separate lists. Being able to have several different TEST.EVT editable and saved separately so I can work on multiple projects without having to move a whole bunch of files around would be amazing.
3) Backups of older versions of custom events. You can really mess up an events with a wrong instruction or two, it would be nice to have automatic, or just easily reached backups.
4) More custom labeling. It is so hard to keep track of what is what when you are creating a whole bunch of new custom stuff, in event notes are nice, but being able to give the events a name in addition to the numbers would be nice.
5) ATTACK.OUT editing of event setups and conditions is SOOO crucial. The ATTACK.OUT editor is nice, but really we need a tool that can tie all three of these things together with software that knows the logic and can show us what flow we are actually programming.

Nice, but not necessary:
1) Align the map previews from the top at the bottom left instead of the top. Then have a roll over function to show you what coordinates your mouse is currently over.
2) What are you going to do about us discovering new event instructions? Already there are a few that the decompiler/compiler doesn't even handle and there are still lots of discoveries to be made in this area and the compiler likely has some errors.
Current Projects:


Here's my first production thanks to this awesome new tool! A little simple but greater things are on the way!

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Congrats on your first Event, Celdia.  Something simple but I know you made that a lot faster than I was able to make my first simple Event edit from when we were talking last night, so this tool's definitely doing its job.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm1) Click an instruction once to view contents, double click to insert it. Right now I would be spending a lot of time deleting unwanted instructions because they were inserted when all I wanted to do is look at what they did.

I need to play with some conditional statements... but this should be more than doable.  If it's not, I'll fudge the interface and make room for an "Insert Command" button, because I see your point.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm2) Unknown instructions need to be able to be inserted with the length we currently know they have.

Thing is, I knew nothing about any of them when making this, and didn't feel like making 300 notepads with nothing in them, so I just made it pop a window up.  You can still manually add them with {ID}(rINFO), or if someone wants to give me everything they know for 100% facts about any command I have labeled Unknown or don't have much of a Help file for, I can update it.  This program is incredibly easy to update because all files are external.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm3) Record of current use of space and what is available for the event as a whole. Running into the length limit of events is a big problem and often causes a lot of confusion in bug searching.

You... actually hit the x00002000 size limit for an Event?  The amount of space there is so massive... I don't know how you'd do that.

And I don't know how I'd implement this unless someone gave me the exact space usage of every command and I made a retardedly huge loop structure.  If I can think of some vaguely painless way to do this, sure.
Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm4) Access to the setup events.

You... already have that.  Click Event 00006000.  Notice how it has no contents beyond Offset(x00006000) and EventEnd()?  That's all a Setup Event is - a blank Event.  Xifanie's Compiler doesn't decompile them from a Vanilla TEST.EVT for some reason, but that doesn't mean you can't compile over them or make your own.  (Oddly enough, if you compile your own, the compiler will then decompile them for you.  Well huh.)

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm1) Some color coding. At a bare minimum it would be nice for comments to be grayed out or faded.

File this under "no clue how I'd do it."  I'd make comments green like they are in most codelangs if I could.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm2) I often like to use certain events as a template or starting point for a new event, but they usually aren't in the same order. It would just be nice to have access to all the original unedited events, while still having all my events unaltered. So like separate lists. Being able to have several different TEST.EVT editable and saved separately so I can work on multiple projects without having to move a whole bunch of files around would be amazing.

For working on multiple Projects - just use multiple copies of the program.  As for having separate Event Lists, I can make the program save two copies of the event (Event.txt, then save by name of your currently highlighted Event in the index to a new folder), but then I need to think of a decent way to get the program to let you switch between source folders.  As for unedited events, I could actually rig this to accept both my Events and Philsov's filler-free events, but his events have errors and I currently don't have them.  The main reason I loaded this with Vanilla Plus Events is because they were all I had on me and I knew they 100% worked and were otherwise correct, heh.  I'll see what I can do, considering I also just thought of a more painless way I could've loaded Vanilla Plus into this too and now hate myself.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm3) Backups of older versions of custom events. You can really mess up an events with a wrong instruction or two, it would be nice to have automatic, or just easily reached backups.

That's why your Event Index files can be replaced.  Once you know your Event works, you can add it to the index and have it at any time, so if you need to edit it, its right there, and if you mess up, you can reload it.  Alternately... I think I have a way for this to work, if I also implement some other things of yours.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm4) More custom labeling. It is so hard to keep track of what is what when you are creating a whole bunch of new custom stuff, in event notes are nice, but being able to give the events a name in addition to the numbers would be nice.

If I knew how to generate the Event Index Listbox dynamically, you could have this.    I'll look into it at some point.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm5) ATTACK.OUT editing of event setups and conditions is SOOO crucial. The ATTACK.OUT editor is nice, but really we need a tool that can tie all three of these things together with software that knows the logic and can show us what flow we are actually programming.

Pokeytax is working on a better ATTACK/WLDCORE conditionals editor as far as I remember, and I have a spreadsheet form of the GUI that's about 80% done aside from needing defaults set.  Those are starts, at least, but the correlation for TEST.EVT to ATTACK.OUT is 1:1, with Conditionals just doing their own thing.  It's just harder to do because the ATTACK.OUT GUI is fucked up and the offsets are wrong by 1.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pm1) Align the map previews from the top at the bottom left instead of the top. Then have a roll over function to show you what coordinates your mouse is currently over.

That'd take a huge amount of work for a relatively small gain, based on what knowledge I have right now.  Again, if an easy way to implement it comes to me, it'll happen, if not... probably not, since I at least hope most people can use a graph.

Quote from: Cheetah on September 06, 2011, 01:29:04 pmWhat are you going to do about us discovering new event instructions? Already there are a few that the decompiler/compiler doesn't even handle and there are still lots of discoveries to be made in this area and the compiler likely has some errors.

All the Help files and Command files are held externally, so if you discover things you can add them in yourself, just make sure you name the Notepads appropriately.  All I'm honestly needed for is updating the Listbox so that they can be given proper names and not "Unknown", as otherwise this program is incredibly easy for the end-user to update, which is intentional in case I'm forced to take a leave of absence for a while.   So yeah, don't worry at all about difficulty in updating existing files - there is none, unless you intend to make me do something dumb like rename 520 files, then I might kill ya.  Though I did just realize I think I can automate both Setup Event generation and Unknown Command generation.  Again, I'll need to see what I can do.

(If you can't tell, I'm teaching myself VB as I go in order to make this, more or less.)


Random bug report - Note I'm using v1.0 so this may have been addressed already.

When I try to Open Indexed Event on Event 000F6000 it gives me a File Not Found error but the file is definitely in my Event List folder.

Requested Reminder: Update the UnitAnim Help File.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0



Well your TEST.EVT file has all the text in it and this will use Xifanie's decompiler to open that up and make it easy to view and edit, after which you can just recompile it and slap it back into your ISO.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: GeneralStrife on September 06, 2011, 04:28:04 pm
So this tool includes event text? (what everyone says)

I have no clue what the fuck you're asking.

EasyVent Editor Super Perfect v1.2 Released!  This includes a nice pile of changes.  You can download it here or back up there at the top of the OP.

-Preview image updated to preview new menus and layout.

-All the Listboxes have been replaced with Dropdown boxes that also accept typed input from the user and have auto-complete options where having them would actually matter.  This means you can make custom-named files and type their names in to open them.  A dropdown box to change which event is referenced by the Open Indexed Event and Save As Event.txt buttons has also been included, better facilitating custom Event Directories.  It's coded so that using either the Final Fantasy Tactics Event Directory or the Vanilla Plus Directory won't save over the events in the Directories themselves, safeguarding your base events, but it WILL save to the Custom Event Directory or any Directory the user makes for themselves to allow the user to quickly build their own Directory of events.  You can load from your custom Directories by typing it into Directory dropdown box, then either choosing your event from the list (if you kept my naming scheme) or typing in the name you gave your event (if you named it yourself.)  Basically, I've made things as open-ended as I think I can.

-Double-click to add command to event added.  You now select the command from the drop-down box once to open its help file, then select it again to add it to your event.  As long as you don't change commands, you can continuously add the command to your event by just choosing it once. 

-If you try to load an event file using the supplied drop-down options that doesn't exist, a Setup Event at your chosen offset is automatically loaded.  If you enter a custom name that is invalid, you (should) get an error message stating your name is invalid.

-If you try to use an unsupported Event Command, you'll get a help message stating "This Event Command is Unknown.  Use at your own risk."  Clicking again will add the command to your event in the format {ID}(), where ID is the hex ID of the command to the left of the word "Unknown."  If you for some reason type something like Koalas into the Event Command list and try this, you (again, should) get an error message stating your command is invalid in some way.

-When you open the Editor, it now loads a message into the Help window and Map 07D - Unknown into the Map window to make the editor feel less empty and better state what's going where.

-Due to the conversion to dropdown boxes, you'll notice lots of unused space that the Listboxes once took up and some button reorganization - this is to facilitate later features, such as the cycling map previews and anything else that may pop up.

-Changelogs added to the bottom of the OP, along with downloads to all previous versions so far.

This should cover a lot of what Cheetah mentioned and more, I just need to get the rest of the source files in order to implement the Final Fantasy Tactics Event Directory.  Not looking forward to that or the map cycling addition, meaning they'll probably get put off for as long as I can get away with. 



Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on September 06, 2011, 03:30:54 pm
Pokeytax is working on a better ATTACK/WLDCORE conditionals editor as far as I remember

This is correct. It's a smallish project but I have a smallish amount of time. It will let you stitch things together better and maybe automatically do gameflow.
  • Modding version: PSX


Okay, I'm in the middle of doing the coding portion of what my minimal content to release a v1.3 would be and want to give everyone a head's up to a minor error.  I made a mistake in the behind-the-scenes string checking, so it'll save over your Vanilla Plus Events unless you rename the folder from "Vanilla Plus Event Directory" to "Vanilla Plus Events" and hand-enter that to open your source events.  I also forgot to include a "Custom Event Directory" folder so you'll get an error when using that setting unless you make one of your own.

These are already fixed for the v1.3 release, which'll include Philsov's events as pure-Vanilla source events and be able to pull events into your editing window directly from a decompiled PSX Events.txt file at the bare minimum.  If I get help with it, the remaining map previews will be included as well, but no promises there yet. 

After that, I think the only features that'd be left to add would likely be the really complex ones that are way beyond my abilities in VisualBasic.  Then again, Google's taught me more in 4 days so far than I learned taking the class for a year back in 2006-2007, so who knows?


I'm asking if the tool can be used to edit story talking blabbing text whatever you wanna call it, jawing, droning.


That's the entire point of Event Editing, GeneralStrife.  If you only want to edit the text, it's more than capable of that.  If you want to edit more than the text, it's fully capable of that too.