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FFT the Durai Records (Working title) VanillaMod

Started by Aiolon, July 23, 2015, 03:53:10 am


What undead? im confused now  :|
the thing was just going to make every human unit immune to Crystal and Treasure never tought of making units undead. but really dont want to make things more easy so i should just leave it as it is.

thanks gatebuster but the Alucard event will be a short one and not intense just a small chat before and after a monster fight. so im pretty sure i can do it myself :D  i think it was silly to ask for help with something really simple. the character will be joining the player in chapter 2 i was thinking of replacing Boco with him but i really like the save the chocobo event.

i will edit that post and remove the help request but i really apreciate that you wanted to help me.
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


No problem, never mind the undead stuff

If I can help with anything, just holler, I'm around waaaay too much.
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


QuoteNo problem, never mind the undead stuff

Yeah, that was me, sorry :P

Just to satisfy your curiosity, my undead idea is balanced by the fact that nearly all healing and resurrection then becomes ineffective for an undead character. They might never crystallize on you, but unless you gave them a drain attack, or cleanse off the effect, you can't heal them. Once they go down, if you want them to get up again, you have to hope the RNG swings in your favor when their CT maxes out. In my testing, it can be a long wait. Haven't gotten the chance to test all possible rezzes though - if Ramza alone had one that worked on Undead I don't think it would be too imbalanced.

Quotethe thing was just going to make every human unit immune to Crystal and Treasure

I don't know if there's any way to change which status effect you're inflicted with at the end of the KO counter, but if there's an ASM for that, you could theoretically change it to Wall with no CT and the Stop CT option checked - effectively Banishing dead characters, preventing them from being resurrected, but not destroying them. IMO, would be better than just having the counter mean nothing at all.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


FFTPatcher in the job Tab you can change the elemental atributes and the status effect that the unit can be affected with.

tested it and units never crystalize or become treasure their time bubble just stays at 0
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Oh, no, I figured that one out as soon as you said it.

I'm talking about if there's a way to change what KO Counter 0 changes your status into - normally it'll choose one between Crystal or Treasure, but if there was a way to change that to Wall, and you then set up Wall as a pseudo Banish, it would make the death penalty a little less harsh but still give you the same combat penalty.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


1.- Added Heaven knight (Rafa) changes to Special job section. Meliadoul received minor changes and i don't see the need to add that to the special job info
2.-Reworked Move find item
3.- Nerfed Lancers because that Defense up made them to broken. Nerf effects removed Defense up and reduced PA multiplier a bit
4.- Songstress can equip knives

these are the things i need to do Before the i post a Beta patch.
-Deep Dungeon Battles rework
-More testing

thats all im missing before the beta and like i said before the Alucard event will not be included in the beta also the max level for the Beta will be 75.
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Interesting that you have an innate two hands class for blades ;) Also, I'm having the same issue of balancing innate Attack/Defense Ups.

So excited to see this progress. Makes me mildly sad I haven't T&E to get my patch where I want it battle wise. Waiting to play the Beta. (Impatiently at that! :))
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


For Rafa - and I'm not sure if others would agree on this, but - the idea of needing to use her for multiple battles and essentially get her to job level 2 before she can even think about learning her first action ability seems kind of harsh for her. Maybe you can put in a cheap, low-damage, low-hit-chance attack using one of the elements she doesn't have on that skillset?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


so far im in love with the new Rafa but the reason she has to give a few fights before she gets a skill its because we are talking about powerful skills and i did think about giving her skills that would be getting stronger like Ice1 Ice2 Ice3 but illusion doesnt work that way  :|

its true you will need her to struggle a few fights wacking every living thing in her way (even if we are talking about allies) but once she has learned a skill if the player equips her with high MP equipment you will have her sitting in a corner spamming illusion just like a dancer spams wiznaibus or other dances but the player is not really limited in that aspect, the first fights can be tough its true but getting her to level 2 wil unlock chemist and learning potion = free and Hi-potion = 120 JP also buff items are only 150 JP
by the time she joins you you should have a Healing staff (Alma's default weapon) that can work to heal allies by wacking them instead of having to send her poke strong monsters.

things i did not mention = Gained JP up costs 0 JP    so yeah you can learn this for free then equip it to rafa and go strike stuff with your staff until you unlock a skill then make her a camper.  you might say (yeah but you should add 1 more skill that deals less damage to not make her useless)  :oops: thing is.. i like order and esthetics a lot so adding 1 more skill that doesn't work like all the others is intolerable for me, i just can't leave it like that X-X and its because of this that you will rarely see skills that doesnt follow the purpose of the original skillset. only situation i broke my own rule was with the knights because i gave them defensive buffs but left Break skills intact and i swear even now i still want to get rid of them.

Updates: Finished several of the reworked DD battles. added an edited Tittle screen image (only added the patch name) i will make a better title screen image when i get time because im an enemy of Image editors

additional update: thinking about adding a 0 JP Cost non-elemental skill for Rafa.
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


July 28, 2015, 11:51:51 pm #29 Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 12:30:38 am by nyzer
Quoteadding 1 more skill that doesn't work like all the others

You can have it work just like all the others, but just with different numbers. Alternatively, you can give her some kind of defensive or restorative ability.

The problem with trying to get a bunch of nearly-identical skills in a set is that the game really doesn't do that for any skillset at all. Even jobs like Knight or Oracle have abilities that break the mold, and so do several of your own custom jobs already. Following that idea for your Hunter job would've resulted in a skillset like Arm Shot, Leg Shot, Eye Shot (blind), Throat Shot (silence), Head Shot (confuse), Heart Shot (charm), Liver Shot (poison), or other creative places to shoot someone that might result in status effects - but I see Seal Evil on that skillset, which I'm guessing still comes with its vanilla effect?

Having a unit that is basically just dependent on whacking people with a staff all day is kind of like the problem with vanilla Cloud in that he required too much time spent for his base job to be usable compared to what you could already have. Granted, Cloud had other issues, like his low level and that silly Materia Blade requirement, but still.

If she had bows or even guns right from the start, I might think differently, because at least then she could be a ranged harassment unit, which gives her some actual use while she's still grinding up to her first spell. Or if she had a self-invisibility spell as befitting the assassin she's supposed to be, perhaps - allowing her to move in close without being taken down.

Quotethinking about adding a 0 JP Cost non-elemental skill for Rafa.

That's kind of what I was thinking of. Though 0 JP seems a bit low, even for a weaker spell. 80-100 for a ranged or weak all-field ability would probably be a more appropriate range - she's likely to have that after one battle.

On the other hand, if her very first appearance starts her off at Job Level 2 or 3, then she'll either have one of those abilities already or she'll be so close to acquiring one that it wouldn't matter so much. In that case, none of this matters :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


 i really like your support and the truth is that you fill me with really nice ideas. as for that seal evil.. i swear im Fking BLIND! Seal evil works different it was meant to be Silencing shot but i forgot to change the name ._. derp...

you just made me remember that she is an assassin so she is getting Bows!

i really thank you for this :D

  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Funny, because, I put guns on my Assassins. Might put the final crossbow as two hands and give them access to crossbows. I always felt like ninjas should have had bows in vanilla and far fewer double sword options. (Classic swords, knight swords, rods, they lost 2-Swords to give 2-Hands a use. Or force two hands.)

I'm glad we are getting an illusionist skill set. To be honest Rafa alway needed to be a bit more useful.
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


July 30, 2015, 08:11:41 pm #32 Last Edit: July 30, 2015, 08:18:16 pm by Aiolon
Final pre-beta updates

-Finished the Deep Dungeon ENTD changes
-Finished brave story testing (jesus knows i found looooots of bugs and unintended stuff such as equipment but they are all fixed now)

Just testing deep dungeon and few crazy random battles. if everything goes well the beta should be done tomorrow or in a few days.
wanted to record some fights but derpy laptop cant handle the emu and a recorder at the same time  :mad:

-Added another of the amazing hack colection = (Smart encounters) will make it optional for the player because starting from chapter 2 all battles both random and main become party level based. so the player can decide if grind and unlock stuff or just follow the mainstory and speedrun the game the truth is there wont be many diference with a vanilla iso if the player does this because the patch changes are mostly based asuming the player does some grinding before moving on.
here the cons and pros of grinding and no grind

If the player grinds

-More gil to equip your units with better equipment
-Poaching = Rare items and Rare items = Synth shop items
-More jobs and cool looking skills
-More gameplay experience
-Dificulty changes (Higher level means enemy level is also high but rare equipment can reduce the dificult of any battle)
-Consumable items in abundance (you will understand when you see the consumable items sold at shops)
-Murdering Lucavi like a boss (all zodiac monsters have a set level not Party level)
     note: Riovanes is and no matter what Riovanes will always be the Bitch part of the game

If the player goes for main battles only

-Less gameplay experience
-Player wont notice many changes
-Common equipment adquired from shops (Steal and invitation removed so no you cant steal stuff or invite units to get their stuff then boot them)
-Struggle! simple if you dont grind = No gil. Main battles do not give enough gil to gear up all your units unless you go hardcore with 2 or 3 units but those knights enjoy the equipment breaking for sure.
-Good luck with lucavi  :P specially at Riovanes.
-Im 99% sure you will find chemist useless if you dont grind.

i don't think many people will give it a try i predict at least 5 people will but the job is done and there arent many new patches nowdays. even a "lazy patch" could work while we wait for JOT5.
im not saying my patch its  AMAZING OMFG but im not saying its plain meh either im just saying dont expect something like daddy PW or Mommy CCP think of it as the little son of those patches..... <--- weirdest thing i ever wrote just ignore it.

BUT im talking before even releasing the beta hahaha anyway ¬¬
back to testing

UPDATE: Holy shit im getting my ass kicked in Deep Dungeon :shock: xD
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Quote from: Aiolon on July 30, 2015, 08:11:41 pm
dont expect something like daddy PW or Mommy CCP think of it as the little son of those patches..... <--- weirdest thing i ever wrote just ignore it.

Lol. Those are some good vanilla patches to take note of while creating your own. Don't let that stop you there though, you'd be able to garner more interest the more unique you make your patch (ie, new events), because a lot of people are tired of the same storyline they've played so many times, even if it is a really good one.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


I'd love to point out that your patching and questions has helped keep me motivated and inspired in creating my own patch. I will most definitely play through your patch, probably three or four times, and get the feel for how you've balanced everything, as well as enjoying the new mechanics.

Aiolon you rock.  :more:
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


 you guys deserve my thanks for your positive comments and i really apreciate all the support.

final update:

Everything is done and i will post the beta download once i find a good uploader
then i will try to contact Elric to see if the patch qualifies for "works in progress"

@gate finally! you edited your personal pic \ o/
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


This is what I like to see. Way to work together fellas.

Yes once you have a demo I'll move you to progressing.
  • Modding version: PSX


July 31, 2015, 04:58:33 pm #37 Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 01:29:27 pm by Aiolon
Okay guys beta is ready and fresh.

Ok so i used all of the ASM mentioned in the op + Smart encounters.

these are things that didnt change in the end for a number of reasons

- Crystalization/Treasure for human units has been removed
- ENTD changes for Deep Dungeonwere removed (extremely broken and not many changes. i will rework these for the final version)


here i explain a detailed list of encountered issues.

Poaching bug: Absorb elemental- This is a dangerous bug that can freeze your game. this bug happens when a unit attacks a monster with a weapon of the same element the monster absorb and we know this would restore monster HP and it does but. apparently the game fails to understand this and if the amount of HP healed is bigger than the remaining HP of the monster it will poach it but the game will think the monster is alive just like it is supposed to be. if the monster tries to respond with a reaction move the game will freze waiting for an instruction that will never come because with the sprite gone such instruction/action will never happen.
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO KILL ENEMY WITH A WEAPON OF THE ELEMENT THE ENEMY ABSORB. (only applies to onsters, if the monster doesnt try to counterattack then the issue wont happen.

Poaching bug 2: Elemental Weakness- Another pesky bug related to elemental and secret hunt. this one is not dangerous but it is annoying apparently if you kill a monster with a weapon of its elemental weakness it will sometimes kill it without poaching it i have discovered this is because the game fails to recognize elemental weakness applied to secret hunt formula example
if a gobling weak to ice has 50 HP and you slice him with your ice weapon and it does 80 Damage then you will likely kill the monster and thats what is going to happen but it will not poach it. this is because the game will think the original damage (without elemental weakness) was supposed to be 40 asuming the goblin would still have 10 HP and thus not pouching it however if the damage was 100 then original would be 50 and thus killing the goblin and poaching it in the process... this will sometimes make your unit swinging his weapon twice but this has no negative effect.

Synt shop Text bug:- a curious bug that seems to break the text order and for a strange reason it only happened to me. if you open item description while the clerk is still telling you the required materials for an item it will break the text and caracters will go wild everywhere. sometimes the clerk text bubble will close inmediately leaving you unable to complete a transaction this can be fixed by going back and re-entering the sysnthesis option but in the worst cases this can freze and crash the emulator so you better let him finish before you ask for info.

Flan frame, is that a heath bar?- Harmless bug but kinda annoying apparently the guy that made the Flan sprite didnt test his own sprite. the first frames of the flan display some weird colored line of pixels above their heads that will of course be present in the game. my spriting level is 1 with 0 exp  so i know nothing about it. if someone wants to help by removing that annoying line of the sprite i will appreciate it. just think of that weird line as a health bar Dx

Formation sprite missalignment- nothing serious but i believe a few sprites are not alined correctly and will appear like floating i will fix this in the future

Alucard quited his work and became a cadet- hahaha ok so i havent messed with events yet so you will find alucard as a cadet in gariland academy. i will give him a proper event in the final version

Alucard meets Alucard Cloud was replaced by Alucard and like i mentioned before i did not modifiy any event at all and this means you will be able to do the cloud side quest but that will only get you another Alucard. feel free to do it or simply dont buy a flower in Zeltennia? well i forgot the place just dont buy a flower from Aerith.

Unused?- If you ever get in your hands an item named Unused please report it and discard it. these are items reserved for future ideas, im pretty sure i removed all of them but if you find any please let me know so i can burn it with fire

Frozen Maiden- this is a dummy test item that failed to work (just as i expected) it has the icon of a shuriken and it can be equipped but it will do nothing. if you found one of these tell me how and where you got it so i can melt them.

other than those issues i made sure everything else works but if you find weird buggs such ass Game crashing, graphic glitches, more than 9 sprites, item not working as intended, oddstuff, skills not doing what the text says and such do report them so i can squish them.

if you feel something unbalanced or broken please tell me why and i will see what can be done about it.
also expect typos loooots of typos and engrish. my main language its not english and i believe you can tell but i can defend myself so please be tolerant to my item descriptions. however if you find a text that has absolutely nothing to do with the item/skill then report it.

ok thats all for now. i will try to post a Monster hunting guide later just for fun.

Download latest version in the OP
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


July 31, 2015, 09:19:45 pm #38 Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 01:28:24 pm by Aiolon
Ivalice is a world of danger



BUT NOW! with this guide you WILL NEVER DIE!

nah not really, you will still die a lot...nub

okay enough drama :lol:

now that the beta is finally out i leave this funny guide about the monsters you can find.

Chocobos are very common creatures that prefere grassy lands. Weak to Dark  and resistant to Wind
Yellow chocobo  Danger Level:Low          Rarity: Very common  Signature attack: Choco cure
                       Poach:Windwaker   Prefered Environment: Grassy lands with good weather
Black chocobo   Danger Level:Moderate  Rarity: Common        Signature attack: Choco Ball
                       Poach:Izayoi          Prefered Environment: Grassy lands with good weather
Red chocobo     Danger Level:High          Rarity: Uncommon      Signature attack: Choco Meteor
                       Poach:Turbo Ether  Prefered Environment: Grassy lands with good weather

Goblins are common creatures experienced in magic.  WEAK TO: ICE
Goblin              Danger Level:Low          Rarity: Common         Signature attack: Blind
                       Poach:X-Potion       Prefered Environment: Woods
Black Goblin      Danger Level:Low          Rarity: Common        Signature attack: Drain
                       Poach:Hi-Ether       Prefered Environment: Woods
Gobbledeguk     Danger Level:Moderate  Rarity: Rare             Signature attack: Cure 2
                       Poach:Elixir          Prefered Environment: Places near water or grasslands

Fire, Ice and lightning. these creatures are commonly found in places with heavy weather
Fire elemental  Danger Level:Moderate  Rarity: Uncommon     Signature attack: Firebomb
                      Poach:Conflagration Prefered Environment: Hot weather  ABSORB: FIRE / WEAK: WATER
Ice elemental   Danger Level:Moderate  Rarity: Uncommon     Signature attack: Blizzard
                      Poach:Frezing Pandora Prefered Environment: Cold places or cold water ABSORB:ICE / WEAK: FIRE
Thunder ele..   Danger Level:Moderate  Rarity: Uncommon      Signature attack: Thunder
                       Poach:Thunderbrand Prefered Environment: Heavy weather ABSORB: THUNDER / WEAK EARTH

Not very dangerous creatures but really annoying in packs. make sure you learn ranged skills.
They are usually weak against Earthattacks.
Red Panther     Danger Level: Low         Rarity: Common      Signature attack: Dont Move
                     Poach:X-Potion  Prefered Environment: Grassy lands and mountains
Cuar               Danger Level: Moderate  Rarity: Common      Signature attack: Poison Nail
                     Poach:Hi-Ether  Prefered Environment: Grassy lands and mountains
Vampire          Danger Level: Moderate  Rarity: Rare            Signature attack: Blaster
                     Poach:Blood Sword  Prefered Environment: Grassy lands and mountains

Waterabsorbing monsters experienced in the ancient arts of tentacletsu or something like that.. forget it. they are weak against Lightning and resist Fire. the Rare breed is really dangerous because of its brain discolouring attacks? :|
Pisco Demon   Danger Level: Moderate  Rarity: Common      Signature attack: Blizzard
                     Poach:Blue beads  Prefered Environment: Water areas
Squidlarkin     Danger Level: Low         Rarity: Common      Signature attack: Tentacle ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
                      Poach:Brotherhood  Prefered Environment: Water areas
Mindflare       Danger Level: HIGH!     Rarity: Uncommon    Signature attack: Mind blast  :shock:
                     Poach:Wizards Robe  Prefered Environment: Water areas

Undead creatures absorb Dark and super weak against Fireand Holy they are Dangerous and in groups they can be a true pain in the ass. grab your phoenix down and kill them ASAP
Skeleton        Danger Level: Moderate  Rarity: Uncommon    Signature attack: Demi
                    Poach:Astral curtain  Prefered Environment: Zwamps and Dark woods
Bone Snatch   Danger Level: Moderate  Rarity: Uncommon    Signature attack: Demi
                    Poach:Archshield     Prefered Environment: Zwamps and Dark woods
Living Bone     Danger Level: High         Rarity: Uncommon   Signature attack: Scourge
                    Poach:Izayoi           Prefered Environment: Zwamps and Dark Woods

Undead monsters wearing strange robes made of quite useful materials. dont understimate them they can easily become a true headache but they are relatively easy to kill.
Ghoul            Danger Level: Moderate    Rarity: Uncommon  Signature attack: Throw Spirit
                   Poach:Magic silk   Prefered Environment: Zwamps, Dark woods and cold places
Gust              Danger Level: Moderate    Rarity: Uncommon  Signature attack: Stop
                   Poach:Light Thread  Prefered Environment: Zwamps, Dark woods and cold places
Revenant        Danger Level: High         Rarity: Rare           Signature attack: Death
                   Poach:Resistant Cloth Prefered Environment: Zwamps, Dark woods and cold places

Floating Eyeballs
They float and they see you.. just poke them in the Eyes... or in the eye? whatever they are Resistant  to Wind but are extremely weak against Icealso they haver low HP so kill them fast but be careful if you use magic
WARNING: the rare breed Plague is very dangerous DO NOT group your units before killing them first. not doing so could be a fatal mistake.
Flotiball      Danger Level: Low         Rarity: Common  Signature attack: Dont Move
                 Poach:Windwaker   Prefered Environment: High places
Ahriman     Danger Level: Moderate  Rarity: Common  Signature attack: Circle
                 Poach:Windwaker   Prefered Environment: High places
Plague       Danger Level: VERY HIGH Rarity: Rare      Signature attack: Hurricane
                 Poach:Turbo Ether   Prefered Environment: High places and heavy weather

Squishy creatures aparently immune to most physical attacks make sure to disable them with Sleep, Stop, or Dont act to cancel their defenses and making them vulnerable to poaching also prepare your Shell or Reflect buffs.
WARNING: the rare breed Orthros its extremely anoying and it should be your first target if you let them live then prepare yourself for a barrage of Debuffs.
Flan           Danger Level: Moderate    Rarity: Common  Signature attack: Drain Touch
                 Poach:X-Potion   Prefered Environment: Places near water areas  ABSORB: WATER / WEAK: LIGHTNING
Poison jelly  Danger Level: Moderate    Rarity: Very common  Signature attack: Bio
                 Poach:Turbo Ether Prefered Environment: Places near water areas  ABSORB: WATER / WEAK: WIND
Orthros       Danger Level: VERY HIGH   Rarity: Very Rare  Signature attack: Death Cold
                 Poach:Elixir          Prefered Environment: Heavy weather  ABSORB: DARK / WEAK: HOLY

Fearsome creatures with the ultimate DESTRUCTIVE POWER!.... oh wait wrong monster oh yeah uribos are quite strange creatures that are often called a joke... one of the breeds however is called the legendary creature.
Uribo       Danger Level: Very low    Rarity: Rare  Signature attack: ...........Oink?  :?
              Poach:Chantage    Prefered Environment: Zwamps
Porky      Danger Level:Very low    Rarity: Rare  Signature attack: Pooh...  -__-
            Poach:Holy Essence  Prefered Environment: Zwamps
Wildbow  Danger Level: low          Rarity: LEGENDARY  Signature attack: Nose breath (°-  °)'
              Poach:Astral Curtain Prefered Environment: Zwamps

Tree spirits
Trees are supportive monsters skilled with buffs. SO KILL THEM WITH FIRE! they absorb earth and while not exactly a threat when alone they can be a burden in company of a strong attack monster.
WARNING: the rare breed "Taiju"  ABSORBS ALL ELEMENTS and is probably the hardest enemy to kill! make sure you always bring a unit with non-elemental damage if you are going to Araguay woods or finath river.
Woodman  Danger Level: low          Rarity: Uncommon  Signature attack: Leaf Dance
                Poach:Healing staff     Prefered Environment: The woods and rivers
Trent        Danger Level: low          Rarity: Uncommon  Signature attack: Leaf Dance
                Poach:Protectin staff     Prefered Environment: The woods and rivers
Taiju          Danger Level: High        Rarity: Very Rare  Signature attack: Sleepga
                Poach:Shelled  staff     Prefered Environment: The woods and rivers

werebulls are very strong physically but their attacks are short-range meaning the distance will best your best advantage however get away for a long time and you'll see them getting stronger each time they get a turn. oddly these creatures are said to be weak to Water and quite resistant against Earthattacks.
Bull Demon    Danger Level: low         Rarity: Uncommon  Signature attack: Shake off
                   Poach:Power Magicite  Prefered Environment: The mountains and hot weather
Minitaurus     Danger Level: Moderate  Rarity: Rare          Signature attack: Wave around
                   Poach:Power Magicite  Prefered Environment: The mountains and hot weather
Sacred          Danger Level: High      Rarity: Very rare     Signature attack: Mimic Titan
                   Poach:Hellcry Axe       Prefered Environment: The mountains and hot weather

Veggies are not always good and sometimes they can be smelly but a frozen veggie cannot survive so get your Icespells ready for these bastards and prepare some antidotes just in case. NOTE: the rare breed King Marlboro its extremely rare.
Morbol           Danger Level: Moderate    Rarity: common  Signature attack: Bio
                   Poach:Terminus Est  Prefered Environment: the woods, zwamps and rivers
Ochu             Danger Level: Moderate    Rarity: common  Signature attack: Bio
                   Poach:Medusa Bow  Prefered Environment: the woods, zwamps and rivers
King Marlboro Danger Level: High       Rarity: Legendary   Signature attack: Bad Breath
                   Poach:Elixir  Prefered Environment: the woods, zwamps and rivers

Rare, very strong and Delicious creatures. the behemoths are rarely seen not spaming their lightning spells so be warned, they have no particular weakness but they cant absorb elements so you can ruin their fun using reflect or lightningproof equipment.
WARNING: the rare breed "Dark Behemoth" will constantly cast the spell Comet rain that will hit all your units without a chance for them to dodge so be prepared with Anti magic equipment and if posible use counter magic skill.
Behemoth         Danger Level: Moderate Rarity: Uncommon  Signature attack: Thundara
                      Poach: Kain      Prefered Environment: Heavy weather
King Behemoth  Danger Level: High       Rarity: Rare            Signature attack: Thundaga
                       Poach:7th Heaven  Prefered Environment: Heavy weather
Dark Behemoth  Danger Level: VERY HIGH!    Rarity: Very rare  Signature attack: Comet Rain
                       Poach: Ultima Magicite   Prefered Environment: Heavy weather

Mighty monsters that can be a troublesome task if you lack damage. just like elementals the dragons are Fire, Ice and lightning however they have diferent weaknesses. look for them, poach them and you shall be rewarded.
Lightning Dragon      Danger Level: High    Rarity: Uncommon  Signature attack: Thunder Breath
                             Poach: Thunderbrand  Prefered Environment: Vary   ABSORB: LIHGTNING / WEAK: EARTH
Ice Dragon               Danger Level: High   Rarity: Uncommon  Signature attack: Ice Breath
                             Poach: Icebrand        Prefered Environment: Water areas ABSORB:ICE / WEAK: FIRE
Fire Dragon              Danger Level: High    Rarity: Rare         Signature attack: Fire Breath
                             Poach: Firebrand       Prefered Environment: Hot weather ABSORB: FIRE / WEAK: ICE

the most dangerous and powerful creatures of Ivalice and also very rare. meeting one of these 3 headed dragons means 2 things= 1 Trouble and 2= Juicy loot. be prepared for a hard fight that can prove quite entertaining because they are not only resistant but immune to many negative status effects
WARNING: the rare breed "Tiamat" its easily THE STRONGEST MONSTER in Ivalice.
Hyudra     Danger Level: High    Rarity: Rare  Signature attack: Trinity Pulse
                Poach: Dragon Hunter    Prefered Environment: Unknown  INNATE: AUTO-PROTECT
Hydra       Danger Level: Very High    Rarity: Very Rare  Signature attack: Blindga
                Poach: Dragon Killer     Prefered Environment: Unknown   INNATE: AUTO-SHELL
Tiamat      Danger Level: EXTREMELY HIGH Rarity: LEGENDARY  Signature attack: Ultima
                Poach: Grand Helmet      Prefered Environment: Unknown  INNATE: AUTO-WALL / HALF: ALL ELEMENTS

hope you liked it  :P
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Well done. I'm moving this thread to Works in Progress.

One thing I want to add and CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH. Vanilla mods generally don't get a lot of downloads off the bat. DO NOT let this discourage you at all. Keep in mind that FFH is a small community, once your mod has grown and comes out of beta, and we start making news topics and such about it, this WILL change.

I see a lot of mods die out due to what appears to be lack of interest, but that's not always the case. More that the thread sitting in a section (or sections) with other mods that have died out on a somewhat obscure website. Just keep doing what you are doing, the rest will follow. It's my job to make sure it does, and I'm pretty good at my job ;)
  • Modding version: PSX