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Topics - CodySpie

Spriting / [Ramza Sprite] Agrias' Pupil
January 22, 2017, 03:24:52 pm
I've been in the IRC a lot lately chatting about the progress I've made on this new sprite. Angel was interested in seeing how close I could match colors despite being colorblind, so I said I'd post it here when I was done :D

This isn't my first time editing a sprite, however this is the first time that I've created a palette and completely repainted everything by hand as apposed to messing with a few sliders. Instead of a quick one hour job, it ended up taking me two days of late nights to finish :P This sprite is heavily influenced by Agrias' color palette and I used a slightly modified version of the Portrait that Nyzer patched up for me in my help thread

When Astos created the original sprite His inspiration came from the WoTL Dark Knight sprite and he threw a lot of complex shapes in there! Aside from making the shoulder pads more predominant the only real design changes I made was in his rear facing sprite, I did away with the hard and heavy cloak look and replaced them with Coat Tails, I managed to give Ramza his feet back in the process :D

I'm still not confident enough in my vision to say it's right so chances are you'll still find some discrepancies in the color, I know the legs need a bit of work (I also think I accidentally matched a few colors in my Sprite and Portrait Palettes) But I'm pretty happy with it!

Help! / [Sprite] Oh how the mighty have fallen.
January 12, 2017, 05:46:12 pm
Howdy Hacktics,

Phew, it's been a crippling journey out of retirement, I like to think I was good at this once upon a time. But alas, I've forgotten all of my tricks, this first sprite back, based off of the Merc Ramza sprite (And also Eerily similar to when I started years ago) was meant to be a test for a new hobby project. Unfortunately It's been giving me trouble!

This sprite currently uses 27 colors and the Portrait background is set to 168, 160, 136 and as far as I can tell, it's being saved as an 8bit BMP.

When loading into the Orbonne Monastery for the first time, all looks prim and proper... that is of course, until he crouches. 

What happened to you, poor Ramza?

But wait, there's more! When he stands up all is well once again, that is until he opens his mouth.

I'm almost certain I'm overlooking something, but I just can't figure out what it is. I've attached the sheet to this post :)

Send help! I have fallen and can't get up.
New Project Ideas / Cody's Unnamed Project
January 31, 2014, 01:55:59 am
Greetings Hacktics Fans,

I've been working on this project for a little under a month now. The Core squire Jobs for Ramza and Ch2 Delita have been edited for the new Story. The Ch2 Delita Sprite and his respective squire job has been changed has been replaced with Viggs, a character that I introduced in the patch. Thus far no formulas or skill requirements have been changed. The focus has mainly been put on the plot.

I'm looking for some fresh eyes to look at this project, I'm having some major writers block, so ideas, suggestions, opinions and the like would be awesome! This project has been a massive learning experience and continues to teach me more day after day but in the end, I feel that doing such a team oriented project by myself is not only going to wear me out, but hinder the overall quality of the end product, and we can't be having that!

5 Years have passed since the events of Tactics. Ajora has been defeated, Delita sits as King and Ramza has returned to Ivalice after a long, strenuous bout on the lamb, attempting to escape his fate as a Heretic. Joining him is his younger Sister Alma, who refused to leave his side after Ajora fell. Ramza now seeks to clear his name and avenge his family, this includes a deep dark secret that the player will unveil as the story progresses and explains why Ramza has been come a more cold and bitter Individual.

Meanwhile a conspiracy brews against the Commoner King. A mysterious group of Nobles known as the "Highland Order" has taken shape and will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of seeing a true noble on the throne, no matter the cost. Join Ramza and see faces new and old once more as he unravels the schemes of Nobles and Commoners alike in his attempts to escape Ivalice not as a hero, not as a Heretic, but as a free man.

Stay frosty,
The Lounge / PJIRC Errors
January 20, 2014, 03:42:05 pm
Heyo Hacktics fans,

I just recently updated to Java 7.51, which implements some pretty strict security updates that makes IRC's a living nightmare. Java politely offered a solution and a Workaround on their website

Quote from: http://java.com/helpIt is in your best interest to contact developer or publisher of this application and let them know about the application being blocked. Also provide developers with these links that gives details about implementing secure practices in the code for the application.
JAR File Manifest Attributes for Security
Java SE 7 Security Documentation
Secure Coding Guidelines for the Java Programming Language, Version 4.0

The work around is to add the site using the application to your exception list, which I have several different times. (see below)

Unfortunately I've had no luck in getting the chat to work and thought I would post a word of caution to those with an outdated Java version and see if anyone else is having the same issue.

Greetings Hacktics fans,

Good news everyone! The sprite for the new Character has been completed, implemented and his intro event is all but finished! I'll post a play through video of what I have after I get this little number out of the way.

I've edited up to the Magic City Gariland fight, the first fight in which you pick your own Formation. Thus far, 4 Characters have been introduced. Ramza, Alma, Olan, and (Mystery Character). I need to get them out of the Cutscene business and into a select Party menu so Ramza doesn't have to fight all by his lonesome. How would I go about doing that adding units to the Formation?

Thank you kindly,
Hey Hacktics folks,

This is the event I've been having trouble with for about a week now, I chopped it down and simplified it, took out all of the battle conditions and it still has a wicked whacky starting Camera in the Intro. But that's beside the point.

My problem occurs when going through the conversation in the first contact meeting between Olan, Ramza and Alma where a section of the Dialogue is skipped, it resumes for one line 2 messages ahead of where it's supposed to be and then the event ends with several lines of text still waiting to be played. As Elric suggested I'm using a clean ISO, ATTACK.OUT and TEST.EVT file.

The Code below is the event I currently have running, Messages 06~07 and Messages 09~12 are being skipped.


























//Message x01
{font:00}He's late...{br}
Why am I not surprised?{end}

//Message x02
{font:08}Familiar Voice{br}
{font:00}Have I kept you waiting long?{end}

//Message x03
{br}Is he here?

//Message x04
{font:08}Familiar Voice{br}
{font:00}Long time no see, Olan.

//Message x05
{font:00}You're supposed to be dead, {Ramza}.{end}

//Message x06
{font:00}Last I heard, you met the same fate as myself.{br}
A conspirator against the church is to be executed, right?{br}
You're looking well for a dead man.{end}

//Message x07
{font:00}Your friend staged my death.{br}
{br}His way of a Pseudo apology for his schemes I suppose.{end}

//Message x08

//Message x09
{font:00}Folks around Ivalice have taken to calling him "The Common King".{br}
You know him as Delita.{end}

//Message x0A
{font:00}Delita... "The Common King?""{br}
Oh, I remember!{br}
How is it having a commoner ruling over Ivalice?{end}

//Message x0B
{font:00}We have much to discuss...{br}
Not here though, we need to go somewhere safe.{br}
Somewhere more concealed...{br}
{br} I know just the place.{end}

//Message x0C
{font:00}Lead the way, Olan. Come Alma, it's time to...{end}

//Message x0D
{font:00}Hold it right there!{br}
Empty your pockets or face god!{end}

//Message x0E
{font:00}Damn it!{br}
{br}Olan, they've seen my face. We can't let them live!{end}

//Message x0F
These people have no idea who you are!
We don't need to kill them{end}

//Message x10
{font:00}If our description gets out to the public, there will be more{br}
trouble than we can contain.{br}
{br} These thugs can not leave here!{end}

//Message x11
{font:00}... Time has not been kind to you.{end}

//Message x12
{font:00}"Enough! If you won't cooperate,{br}
we'll pick your coin from your corpses.{br}

I've been tinkering with it since I posted my first event thread and think it's time to formally ask to have my butt saved!

Take care, all.
Spriting / A little love for this Sprite.
January 12, 2014, 10:15:15 pm
Heyo guys and gals,

I've been putting this sprite together for secret unknown reasons and I could use a little help with the Portrait. It appears fine in GG and PS but when previewing it in Shishi, the Portrait gets some pretty harsh dark pixels. The issue is probably something crazy simple that I overlooked but at this point I'm just not sure. If you feel like taking a gander at it and finding what the problem might be, it'd be greatly appreciated!

Best of luck,
Event Editing / Cody's event(s)
January 10, 2014, 06:27:59 pm
Using the Event Tutorial that Elric kindly posted, I managed to finish my first event. An opening scene into a familiar new world with a fascinating new Story Arc. My Camera work is a little shaky, but that's all part of the learning process.

I had no idea just how much trial and error would be involved in the event making process, I took the tiniest of changes, re-compiled them and loaded up my Emulator just to ensure it was working the way it should. As I progressed however, I ran into 3 problems.

1. No matter what I set the RotateUnit to, Ramza faces the same direction every time at the end of the scene.
2. Despite added the UnitAnim command, Alma still walks in place at the end of the scene.
3. I have sprites ready to use for the opening scene, but haven't learned how to effectively (or otherwise) use EVTCHR yet.

I'm not sure if I'll get this Story arc finished, given the daunting challenge that this event provided, but I am looking forward to learning more intricate ways of Event Creation. In the meantime however I still have a Script to work on for the Arc. :)

Note* I am using window mode on my PC, so if you're having issues with reading the dialogue, be sure to full screen the video!

EDIT 1: I noticed the typo in Alma's dialogue AFTER I uploaded this video :|
Event 2 has been posted!

Creating this event was an absolute nightmare, dialogue was molting in from other scenes, the animations weren't cooperating with me. The easiest thing about this event was actually The Camera Angles.. I know, I couldn't believe it either.

However now that it's done, I feel fantastic. The second event has a lot more moving parts and it all comes together so smoothly. Achievement unlocked: Sense of Accomplishment.

I do actually have to turn this scene into a battle yet, but need some assistance on how to actually do that. After that it'll be good to go! I have one more Character to introduce (Who doesn't actually have a name or completed sprite yet.) which will be presented in yet another event. I just need to write him into the script. (At least one more event, YAY!)

I hope you all enjoy it, and I hope it leaves you wanting more!

Spriting / Cody's Sprites
January 06, 2014, 06:54:05 pm
Hello Hacktics folks!

If you're a fan of the Spriting section, you may have seen my request to make Ramza a little more of a Patriarch. While I was waiting for someone to come to my rescue, I started playing around and created my very first functional sprite, complete with portrait!

This was my first Sprite ever made, and consisted of over 10 rough copies and drafts, the Sprite Body is a modified version of KillerGamers Orlandu/King mix. the final product was a result of the mistakes I made and edited appropriately. So here it is, made with love! I hope you enjoy it.
I've received some really Positive Feedback about my King Ramza sprite, so I whipped up 2 more that are a little more traditional.

Heaven Knight Ramza
Credits to Knox for providing the Base Body That I built onto. Thanks Knox!

You know what I always loved? The outfits used by characters such as Wiegraf and Izlude, something about a robe and sash just makes life a little more bad ass. But there is a certain element that remains drab, so I added a cape for good measure!

This was a brutal project, and I'm sure it could use a few touch-ups. I cropped all of the cape frames separately before I added them to the sprite, this process took me about 4 hours. From there, I added my own personal flare in working the palettes. The original Palette was much too bright, however so I had to darken it significantly, the arms suffered a little bit in the process and from there, I went to work on the head.

Heaven Knight Generic
Well lets face it, not everybody loves Ramza as much as I do, so I've got a special treat for you! in addition to the new Ramza Sprite, I've created a Generic version of the sprite for you to use at your leisure. Save it onto your computer, send it to a friend, burn it alive, use as a job sprite, it doesn't matter it's yours to use! I underwent the same process for the Generic Sprite that I did in the Ramza Sprite, my saving grace however was that the cape was already saved and ready to be applied. Many thanks to Zozma for his work on sprites, and the Portrait used in the Generic file.

These Sprites are completely free range, so play around with them! If you end up completing something awesome, post your changes! :)

EDIT 1: If anyone would like to throw on a nifty looking pattern on to that cape, be sure to post it, I'd love to see it!

Spriting / [REQ] King Ramza Sprite
January 05, 2014, 07:37:44 pm
Hey there guys and gals, apologies in advance if this thread gets me into some trouble! I noticed that the Official Request thread hasn't seen some action anymore.

I was playing around in Photoshop with bitmap image I found on Google and started doing a little head swapping using the Ramza heads located in RopeSanders Thread Now this isn't a complete Sprite Sheet by any means. (What little I did was decently hard work, I have a new found respect for Spriters out there! You guys are wicked talented!)

I figure I would post it as a reference for those with the Know-how and willingness to get'er done right. I am pretty proud of that Portrait thought ;)

Ideally, if it's ever finished I'd like to play around with the Palettes, see what sorts of crazy colors I can get onto it. ;)

Cheers, and good luck!

Greetings Hacktics community! I stumbled across this Website while looking for ways to play Final Fantasy Tactics with a bit of creative freedom, I've been browsing topics, searching for patches and wondering around aimlessly as a guest for a few days now, and finally decided that I had best register!

Before I move to my issue, allow me to tell you a bit about myself,

My name is Cody and I'm 21 years old. I reside in the great white north on Ontario, CAN and you can find me with a controller in my hands, writing an article on the latest hot tech or tinkering with Website Design. I guess you could say I'm a "Jack of no trades" :)

Ever since I first played Final Fantasy Tactics I had one dream in mind - Make Ramza a Holy Knight, his father Balbanes was a Heavenly Knight so I felt disappointed when I discovered that Ramza would be unable to select a similar job. Thus my search for emulators and editing programs began.

I've been attempting to make Ramza a Holy Knight for the past few days, but haven't had any luck. I've tried using [PEC] but I'm left with the Job Title but Squire Skills and I've also tried using FFTPatcher, but have no idea how it works or how to use it. I joined the community to try and get a more hands on approach, a "Hacktics for Dummies" if you will  ;) I'm very much a visual learner, so descriptive text and videos have always been a very successful approach. I figure a vast community such as this could point me in the right direction

Ideally, I'd like to have the Skillset and the Job title, but understanding that the Job Title is purely Aesthetic, it's no mandatory. I've tried searching about the forums, but the SMF search bar is far from a Google Search  :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,