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OLD 1.4 Changelog (for archive purposes)

Started by silentkaster, September 22, 2017, 11:19:07 pm


September 22, 2017, 11:19:07 pm Last Edit: November 13, 2017, 09:05:12 pm by silentkaster

• Fire/Nether Fire: 1 --> 0 vertical.
• Fire 2: 2 --> 1 vertical.
• Poison: Lost Sap application (due to Sap merging with Poison).
• Water: No longer removes Refresh (due to Refresh merging with Regen).

• Lay on Hands: 2 --> 3 vertical, and 16 --> 18 MP cost.
• Grand Cross --> "Divine Strike": 2 range, 0 AoE, 2 vertical, 4 CT, 18 MP, Brave_(PAxWP) HP absorb, C+CC+CM, 200 JP.
• Nurse: 6 --> 12 MP cost (due to Refresh merging with Regen).
• Southern Cross: 1 --> 0 vertical, 12 --> 18 MP cost, and Brave_(PAxWP) --> Brave_(WeaponAttack) damage.
• NEW --> "Hallowed Strike":  2 range, 0 AoE, 2 vertical, 2 CT, 18 MP, Brave_(PAxWP) MP absorb, C+CC+CM, 200 JP.

A glitched-looking sword will no longer display when a Draw Out skill is used.
• Asura: 0 -- > 12 MP cost, and 200 --> 250 JP cost.
• Bizen Boat: 0 -- > 24 MP cost, and 200 --> 250 JP cost.
• Chirijiraden: 0 -- > 24 MP cost.
• Heaven's Cloud: 0 -- > 12 MP cost.
• Kikuichimonji: 0 -- > 16 MP cost.
• Kiyomori: 0 -- > 8 MP cost.
• Kotetsu: 0 -- > 24 MP cost, and 200 --> 250 JP cost.
• Masamune: 0 -- > 8 MP cost, 0 --> 1 vertical, 300 --> 200 JP cost, and lost its Regen application (since Regen is now Regen+Refresh).
• Muramasa: 0 -- > 12 MP cost.
• Murasame: 0 -- > 12 MP cost.

Received Equip Weapon from Jump.
• Accumulate/Focus: 10 --> 12 MP cost.  The AI will now correctly use these skills (when they have nothing better to do).
• Cheer Up: Became three-directions, 0 --> 3 AoE, 3 --> 1 vertical, and 0 --> 6 MP cost.
• Concentrate: Moved to Jump.
• Heal: Now removes Slow (due to Haste no longer overwriting Slow, and vise-versa).
• Ultima: 20 --> 18 MP cost, and the caster will no longer punch when casting the skill (despite how awesome it looked, it *was* accidental :P).
• Yell: 1 --> 0 vertical.

• Antidote: Lost Sap removal (due to Sap merging with Poison).
• NEW --> "Turtle Shell": 100% add Protect or Shell, 100 JP.

Received Concentrate from Guts.
• Equip Weapon: Moved to Guts.

• Bio: Lost Sap application, but gained a 20% chance to apply Poison instead.
• Mad Science: 4 --> 3 CT, 20 --> 18 MP, but lost Regen application (due to Refresh merging with Regen).
• Quake: 5 --> 4 range.
• Regen: 3 --> 1 vertical, 8 --> 12 MP cost, and lost Refresh application (due to Refresh merging with Regen).
• Regenerator: 250 --> 150 JP cost.
• Tornado: 4 --> 3 range, and F(MAx8) --> F(MAx7) HP damage.

• Kagesougi: 5 --> 10 MP cost, lost Sap application (due to Sap merging with Poison), and Brave_(PAxWP) --> Brave(WeaponAttack) damage.  The AI will now use the skill correctly no matter what kind of weapon it has equipped.
• Heretic: 20 --> 0 MP cost, and 200 --> 300 JP.
• Houkouton: 2 --> 0 vertical, 2 WP --> 0 WP bonus, and 200 --> 250 JP cost.
• Tsumazuku: No longer removes Refresh (due to Refresh merging with Regen).

• Aurablast --> "Wave Fist": Same as Aurablast, but Wind-elemental instead of Holy-elemental and 200 --> 150 JP.  Yup, we've gone full circle here, lol.
• Stigma Magic: Now removes Slow (due to Haste no longer overwriting Slow, and vise-versa).
• NEW --> "Chi Blast": 3 range, 3 AoE, 0 vertical, Holy-elemental, three directions, Brave(PAx8) HP damage, 20% add Innocent, P-Ev, C+CC, 250 JP.

• Hawk's Eye: 2 --> 0 CT, and 0 --> 15 MP cost.  The CT was dropped due to the AI miscalculating when to use it.

• Amplified Bio: 28 --> 20 MP cost, and lost its Sap application (due to Sap merging with Poison).
• Amplified Ice: 24 --> 20 MP cost.
• Amplified Ultima: 28 --> 24 MP cost.
• Amplified Water: 16 --> 12 MP cost.
• Miasma: 16 --> 12 MP cost, and now procs Undead, as well.
• Recharge --> "Amplified Raise": 2 range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 2 CT, 24 MP, Heal (21%) Hit (PA+70)%, cancels Dead, ally-only, 250 JP.
• Shock: 5 --> 4 CT, and 24 --> 12 MP cost.
• Spellbreaker: 0 --> 1 CT, and 200 --> 150 JP cost.

• Roulette: Lost Poison proc, but now procs Oil instead.
• Quickening: 100 --> 150 JP, and lost Refresh application, but gained Regen application.

• Bahamut/Titan: 4 --> 3 range, and 3 --> 2 vertical.
• Carbunkle/Moogle: 4 --> 3 range, and 2 --> 1 vertical.
• Cyclops: 2 --> 1 AoE, 2 --> 3 vertical, 32 --> 28 MP cost, F(MAx10) --> F(MAx11) damage, and 20% --> 33% proc chance.
• Ifrit/Ramuh/Shiva/Silf: 4 --> 3 range, and 3 --> 4 CT.
• Leviathan: 4 --> 3 range, 3 --> 2 AoE, 32 --> 28 MP cost, F(MAx8) --> F(MAx9) damage, 20% --> 33% proc chance, but now only dispels Defending+Float+Haste+Regen.
• Odin: 4 --> 3 range, 6 --> 5 CT, 44 --> 28 MP cost, F(MAx8) --> F(MAx9) damage, 250 --> 150 JP cost, and lost Dead application, but gained a 33% chance to dispel Reraise+Protect+Shell.
• Zodiac: 4 --> 3 range, 6 --> 5 CT, F(MAx10) --> F(MAx8) damage, and lost Sap application (due to Sap merging with Poison).

• Battle Orders/Pathos Speech: (MA+35)% --> (MA+40)% accuracy.
• Refute: (MA+55)% --> (MA+60)% accuracy, and no longer removes Refresh or Sap (due to Refresh merging with Regen, and Sap merging with Poison).
• Warn: (MA+85)% --> 100% accuracy, and 200 --> 150 JP cost.

• Chrono Trigger: 50 --> 100 JP cost.
• Demi: 5 --> 4 range.
• NEW --> "Return" 4 range, 1 AoE, 0 vertical, 3 CT, 12 MP, Hit F(MA+80)% accuracy, cancels Death Sentence+Slow+Stop, 150 JP.

• Dia: Lost its Darkness proc, but now procs Faith instead.
• Raise 2: F(MA+70)% --> F(MA+60)% accuracy.

• Beguile: F(MA+45)% --> F(MA+50)% accuracy.
• Life Drain: F(MA+70)% --> F(MA+80)% accuracy.
• Dispel Magic: No longer removes Innocent and Refresh due to Refresh merging with regen).


• Gambler's Axe: 66% --> 67% proc chance (to make it 100% when combined with Luck UP).

• P Bag: Removed from the game (too effective due to Refresh merging with Regen).

• Monster Dict: 33% --> 50% proc chance.
• Vampire Diary: 12 --> 13 WP, and 10% --> 15% W-Ev.

• Night Killer: Lost Sap application (due to Sap merging with Poison).

• Scorpion Tail: 33% --> 25% proc chance, and lost its Poison application, but gained Don't Move application.
• Mage Crusher: 100% --> 67% proc chance, and lost its Sap application (due to Sap merging with Poison), but gained Poison application.

• Chirijiraden: 17 --> 16 WP.

• Chaos Blade: 17 --> 16 WP.
• Excalibur: 11 --> 14 WP, 10% --> 20% W-Ev, became forced two-hands, and lost Holy strengthening, but gained 1 Speed.

• Air Knife: 13 --> 11 WP, but gained Two Swords access.
• Gladius: Gained Two Hands access.
• Platina Dagger: 4 --> 6 WP, and 50% --> 33% proc chance, but gained Two Hands access.
• Repel Knife: Gained Two Hands access.
• Toy Knife: No longer removes Refresh (due to Refresh merging with Regen).

• Koga Knife: 11 --> 9 WP, 5% --> 10% W-Ev, and lost Wind strengthening, but gained 1 MA, and a 50% chance to proc "Local Quake".
• Iga Knife: 11 --> 9 WP, 5 --> 10% W-Ev, Wind --> Fire elemental, and lost Earth strengthening, but gained 1 MA, and a 50% chance to proc "Lava Ball".

• Gokuu Rod: 66% --> 67% proc chance (to make it 100% when combined with Luck UP).

• Meteor Rod: 10% --> 0% W-Ev, and its proc now deals a static 150 damage.
• Thunder Rod: 66% --> 67% proc chance (to make it 100% when combined with Luck UP).

• Ice Lance: Lost always Refresh/Sap immunity, but gained always Regen/Poison immunity (due to Refresh merging with Regen, and Sap merging with Poison).

• Gold Staff: No longer removes Refresh (due to Refresh merging with Regen).
• Wizard Staff --> "Rune Staff": 9 WP, 10% W-Ev, 1 range, 50% chance to cast "Spell Absorb" upon striking, yes Two Hands, yes Two Swords.

• Ancient Sword: 9 --> 10 WP.
• Blood Sword: 9 --> 10 WP.
• Diamond Sword: 11 --> 12 WP.
• Sleep Sword: 9 --> 10 WP.
• Ultima Weapon: Gained Two Swords access.


• Kaiser Plate: Dark --> Earth strengthening.

• Diamond Armor: 115 --> 125 HP, but lost Poison immunity.
• NEW --> "Plate Mail": 90 HP, 0 MP, always Regen, and immune Poison.

• Earth Clothes --> "Mirage Vest": 90 HP, 20 MP, and absorbs Earth+Holy.
• Santa Outfit: 100 --> 90 HP, 10 --> 20 MP.

• Chakra Band: 35 --> 60 HP, and lost -1 Speed, but lost Charm and Slow immunities.
• Choice Band: 70 --> 60 HP, but gained Charm immunity.

• Cross Helmet: Lost Sap immunity (due to Sap merging with Poison).
• Crystal Helmet: Lost Earth strengthening, but gained Lightning strengthening.

• Angel Robe: 60 --> 70 HP, 45 --> 30 MP, and lost always Refresh + Sap immunity, but gained Earth+Water+Wind strengthening.
• Black Robe: 50 --> 30 MP.
• Chameleon Robe: 80 --> 65 HP, 70 --> 50 MP, and lost Dead immunity, but gained always Undead.
• Cultist Robe: 60 --> 70 HP, and 55 --> 40 MP.
• Light Robe: Removed from the game (due to Plate Mail being introduced).

• Dracula Mantle: 10% --> 15% P-Ev, 15% --> 10% M-Ev, and lost its Sap immunity (due to Sap merging with Poison), but gained Poison immunity.
• Small Mantle: 20% --> 10% P-Ev, and lost its Don't Move immunity, but gained Slow immunity.
• Vanish Mantle: 15% --> 20% P-Ev.
• Wizard Mantle: 10% --> 15% M-Ev, and lost its Poison immunity (due to Sap merging with Poison).
• Iron Boots --> --> "Aqua Treks": 1 Jump, absorbs water, and immune to Don't Move+Petrify.
• Diamond Armlet: Lost its Slow immunity.
• Aqua Glove --> "Elven Mantle": 15% P-Ev, 15% M-Ev, and immune to Don't Move+Undead.


• Charm: 20 --> 24 CT.
• Don't Act: 20 --> 24 CT.
• Don't Move: 20 --> 24 CT.
• Haste: 48 --> 40 CT, and no longer overwrites Slow.
• Refresh: No longer exists (its effect was added to Regen).
• Regen: 96 --> 64 CT, no longer overwrites Poison, and now has the effect of both Regen *and* Refresh.
• Poison: 96 --> 64 CT, and now has the effect of both Poison *and* Sap.
• Protect: 64 --> 72 CT.
• Sap: No longer exists (its effect was added to Poison).
• Shell: 64 --> 72 CT.
• Slow: 50% --> 25% Speed reduction, and 24 --> 40 CT.
• Stop: 20 --> 24 CT.


• 019 (M) Limberry Castle, Gate 2: Replaced the middle gate with low-height ruins, as the gate always obstructed the player's view and its top was never used by the AI.  Some boxes were added, as well.
• 050 (L) St. Murond Temple, Outside: Now correctly labeled as "L" in-game.
• 108 (M) VOYAGE: The upper half was lowered to make the lower half more accessible.
• 112 (L) TIGER: Elevated the west part of map's values by 3, and turned the middle wall into a chasm you can hop or jump over.
• 114 (M) END: Added walkable tiles to the lava to avoid teams from splitting up too much, as well as make it easier to recover Geomancers that die on the lava panels.


• The AI will now only use Faith, Float, and Reflect as interceptions.
• The AI will now use Regen at any HP level, making it slightly more valuable than Haste is to them.
• The AI will now use stat-boosting skills slightly more often.


- Bizen Boat (skill): Now avoidable, as originally intended.
- Poison (skill): No longer hits the caster, as originally intended.



- HP=154, MP=43, PA=11, MA=6, Speed=8, Move=3, Jump=3, C-Ev=10%
- Weapons: bags, katana, and knight swords
- Protection: accessories, hats, helmets, robes, and shields

- HP=125, MP=77, PA=9, MA=8, Speed=9, Move=3, Jump=3, C-Ev=20%
- Weapons: bags, katana, and knight swords
- Protection: accessories, hats, helmets, robes, and shields

- Gained Book access.

- Females: down to 154 HP/30 MP.
- Males: down to 165 HP/28 MP, and 12 PA.

- Increased to 4 Move and 10% C-Ev.
- Females had their HP decreased to 125.
- Males had their HP decreased to 134.

Both genders had their animations changed back to "TYPE 2", fixing awkward casting and weapon animations.
- Gained Book access.

- Females had their HP increased to 106.
- Males had their HP increased to 113.


- Alacrity: Name changed back to Focus.
- Bullrush: Formula became "Dmg_(PA*9)", became unavoidable, lost Haste canceling, and JP increased to 100.
- Counter Tackle: JP increased to 100.
- Heal: Range increased to 2, and gained Undead removal.
- Luck UP: JP decreased to 200.
- Wish: Healing decreased to 1%, accuracy increased to 100%, and JP cost decreased to 50.
- Yell: Became "3 Direction", MP increased to 6, AoE increased to 3, Vertical decreased to 1, JP increased to 150, and only affects allies.
- Ultima: JP decreased to 250.
~ NEW --> "Cheer Up": 3 Range, 0 AoE, 3 Vertical, 0 CT, 0 MP, 100% Hit, Allies-only, Add: HP Regen and MP Regen, 100 JP.

Gained Holy from White Magic.
- Fire: Range decreased to 4, Vertical increased to 1, and MP increased to 18.
- Nether Fire: Range decreased to 4, Vertical increased to 1, and MP increased to 22.
- Fire 2: Range decreased to 4, Vertical increased to 2, and MP increased to 26.
- Bolt: CT decreased to 2, MP decreased to 14, and damage decreased to *8.
- Nether Bolt: CT decreased to 2, MP decreased to 18, and damage decreased to *7.
- Bolt 2: CT decreased to 4, MP decreased to 22, and damage decreased to *10.
- Ice: Range decreased to 4, MP increased to 18, damage increased to *10, and no longer procs Slow.
- Nether Ice: Range decreased to 4, MP increased to 22, and damage increased to *9.
- Ice 2: Range decreased to 4, MP increased to 26, and damage increased to *12.
- Water: Range decreased to 4, Vertical increased to 3, MP increased to 22, and proc chance increased to 33%.
- Nether Water: Range decreased to 4, Vertical increased to 3, and MP increased to 22.
- Water 2: Range decreased to 4, Vertical increased to 4, and MP decreased to 26.
- Frog: MP increased to 18, and became subject to Reflect.
- Poison: MP increased to 12, CT increased to 2, and gained MP Poison.
- Death: Moved to Lore.

- Consecration: Accuracy increased to +90, and JP decreased to 200.
- Equip Armor: Gained clothes, hats, and robes.
- Equip Heavy Blade: Removed from the game.
- Grand Cross: Due to an AI ASM we're using, Grand Cross units will not move in to heal self+damage the enemy nearly as often as they used to.  We're fine with this side effect, as Grand Cross users will now retreat to heal self+allies, something they did not do in the past.
- Lay on Hands: Accuracy became "Hit_(PA+85)%", and JP decreased to 200.
- Southern Cross: Vertical decreased to 1, and MP increased to 12.

All Dance skills have been removed from the game.  Brave Up moved to Jump, Faith Up move to Lore, and Fly moved to Summon Magic.  Gained Spellbreaker from Steal.
- Amplified Bio: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 3 CT, 28 MP, Dark-elemental, Dmg_Brave(PA*7), P-Ev, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, 50% add HP Poison and MP Poison, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Amplified Bolt: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 2 CT, 8 MP, Lightning-elemental, Dmg_Brave(PA*7), P-Ev, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Amplified Cure: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 3 CT, 16 MP, Heal_(PA*6)  HealMP_((PA*6)/2), Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, 200 JP.
- Amplified Dispel: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 2 vertical, 2 CT, 16 MP, Hit_(PA+70)%, Ally+enemy-only, Cancel: Charging, Faith, Innocent, and Reflect, C+CM, 150 JP.
- Amplified Ice: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 3 CT, 24 MP, Ice-elemental, Dmg_Brave(PA*9), P-Ev, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Amplified Ultima: 2 Range, 3 AoE, 0 vertical, 3 CT, 28 MP, Dmg_Brave(PA*8), P-Ev, Enemy-only and doesn't follow, C+CM, 250 JP.
- Amplified Water: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 3 vertical, 3 CT, 16 MP, Water-elemental, Dmg_Brave(PA*7), P-Ev, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Miasma: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 3 CT, 16 MP, Hit_(PA+60)%, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, Randomly add Darkness, Don't Move, or Slow, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Recharge: 0 Range, 0 AoE, 0 vertical, 0 CT, 0 MP, HealMP_(MA*5), Self-only, 100 JP.
- Shock: 4 Range, 0 AoE, 255 vertical, 5 CT, 24 MP, Dmg_(WeaponAttack), P-Ev, no Two Hands/Swords, C+CM, 150 JP.

- Desperation: JP decreased to 100.
- Asura: Range increased to 1, Vertical decreased to 1, and lost its "Enemy-only" targeting.
- Heaven's Cloud: Vertical increased to 3.
- Koutetsu: Renamed to "Kotetsu".
- Muramasa: Range increased to 3, AoE increased to 3, Vertical increased to 0, its formula became "Dmg_(PA*8)", and became "3 directions".
- Chirijiraden: Damage decreased to *8, and JP decreased to 300.

Non-elemental skills went back to PA+2, and gained Awareness from Steal.
- Counter Flood: Removed from the game.
- Blizzard: Lost Darkness, but gained Stop.
- Hell Ivy: Lost Stop, but gained Slow.

- Antidote: Gained MP Poison removal.
- Chrono's Tear: Renamed to "Chronos Tear", and gained Slow removal.
- Echo Grass: Gained Charm removal, but lost MP Poison removal, and JP increased to 150.
- Ether: MP healing increased to 40.
- Hi-Ether: MP healing increased to 80.
- Phoenix Down: JP decreased to 0.

Gained Brave Up from Dance/Sing.
- Equip Polearm --> "Equip Weapon": Allows the user to equip *any* weapon in the game, 300 JP.

Gained Death from Black Magic, Faith Up from Dance/Sing, and Regenerator from White Magic.
- Equip Magegear/Malestrom/Rime Bolt/Earth Dragon/Thunder Flare/Shadow Shade: Removed from the game.
- Bio: MP increased to 12, and became subject to Reflect.
- Bio 2: MP increased to 18, and became subject to Reflect.
- Bio 3: Became subject to Reflect.
- Tornado: Damage increased to *8.
- Flare: CT decreased to 6, and is now subject to Counter Comet.
~ NEW --> "Prism Tribute" (skill): 0 range, 255 AoE, 255 Vertical, 5 CT, 20 MP, weapon-elemental, Dmg_Faith(MAx4), hits all, 200 JP.

Gained Heretic from Steal, and Move -1 from Talk Skill.
- Kagesougi: The user can no longer attack itself with it.
- Misogi: Gained Faith removal.
- Shuriken: MP decreased to 0, and its formula became "Dmg_Brave(PA*8)".
- Tsumazuku: MP decreased to 0, and gained MP Regen removal.
~ NEW --> "Raiton": 5 range, 0 AoE, 255 vertical, 0 CT, 10 MP, lightning, Dmg_UnFaith(PAx9), M-Ev, refectable, CF+CM, 150 JP.

- Aurablast: Formula became "Dmg_Brave(PA*9)", and JP decreased to 200.
- Chakra: HP/MP healing increased to *7 and *7/2.
- Earth Slash: Formula became "Dmg_Brave(PA*8)", and JP decreased to 300.
- Martial Arts: Removed from the game.
- Repeating Fist: Formula became "Dmg_Brave(PA*10)", and JP decreased to 200.
- Spin Fist: Formula became "Dmg_Brave(PA*9)".
- Stigma Magic: Formula became "Hit_(100)%", and gained Berserk removal.
- Revive: Healing increased to 33%, accuracy increased to +80, and JP decreased to 150.

All Sing skills have been removed from the game.  Brave Up moved to Jump, Faith Up move to Lore, and Fly moved to Summon Magic.  Gained Spellbreaker from Steal.
- Amplified Bio: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 3 CT, 28 MP, Dark-elemental, Dmg_Brave(PA*7), P-Ev, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, 50% add HP Poison and MP Poison, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Amplified Bolt: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 2 CT, 8 MP, Lightning-elemental, Dmg_Brave(PA*7), P-Ev, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Amplified Cure: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 3 CT, 16 MP, Heal_(PA*6)  HealMP_((PA*6)/2), Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, 200 JP.
- Amplified Dispel: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 2 vertical, 2 CT, 16 MP, Hit_(PA+70)%, Ally+enemy-only, Cancel: Charging, Faith, Innocent, and Reflect, C+CM, 150 JP.
- Amplified Ice: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 3 CT, 24 MP, Ice-elemental, Dmg_Brave(PA*9), P-Ev, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Amplified Ultima: 2 Range, 3 AoE, 0 vertical, 3 CT, 28 MP, Dmg_Brave(PA*8), P-Ev, Enemy-only and doesn't follow, C+CM, 250 JP.
- Amplified Water: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 3 vertical, 3 CT, 16 MP, Water-elemental, Dmg_Brave(PA*7), P-Ev, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Miasma: 2 Range, 2 AoE, 1 vertical, 3 CT, 16 MP, Hit_(PA+60)%, Ally+enemy-only and doesn't follow, Randomly add Darkness, Don't Move, or Slow, C+CM, 200 JP.
- Recharge: 0 Range, 0 AoE, 0 vertical, 0 CT, 0 MP, HealMP_(MA*5), Self-only, 100 JP.
- Shock: 4 Range, 0 AoE, 255 vertical, 5 CT, 24 MP, Dmg_(WeaponAttack), P-Ev, no Two Hands/Swords, C+CM, 150 JP.

- Equip Ranged: Removed from the game.
- Hawk's Eye: CT increased to 2, MP decreased to 0, formula became "Dmg_Brave(Weapon)", became unavoidable, and lost its HP Poison proc.
- Speed Save: JP decreased to 300.

Gained Critical Quick from Time Magic.
- Awareness: Gained Caution's ability, and moved to Geomancy.
- Equip Light Gear: Removed from the game.
- Heretic: Moved to Ninjutsu, and MP increased to 20.
- Magic Ruin: MP damage increased to 66%, and accuracy increased to +80.
- Mind Ruin: Removed from the game.
- Power Ruin: MP increased to 18, its formula became "Hit_(100)%", became unavoidable, and inflicts both -1 PA and -1 MA.
- Roulette: Lost Frog, but gained Death Sentence and HP Poison.
- Speed Ruin: MP increased to 12, and became unavoidable.
- Spellbreaker: MP cost increased to 8, and is no longer subject to Counter Comet, but is now subject to Counter.  Also, it moved to "Spellblade".

Gained Fly from Dance/Sing.
- Caution: Removed from the game, with its effect being added to Awareness.
- Bahamut: MP decreased to 32, and damage increased to *13.
- Carbunkle: AoE decreased to 2.
- Cyclops: MP decreased to 32, and JP decreased to 250.
- Fairy: MP increased to 32.
- Ifrit/Shiva/Ramuh: MP increased to 28.
- Leviathan: MP increased to 32.
- Lich: MP increased to 36.
- Moogle: MP increased to 20, and JP increased to 150.
- Odin: MP increased to 44, damage decreased to *8, and JP increased to 250.
- Salamander: MP increased to 24.
- Silf: MP increased 32.
- Titan: MP increased to 32, CT decreased to 4, and JP increased to 200.
- Zodiac: Vertical increased to 255, and MP increased to 40.
- Odin: Damage decreased to *8 and JP increased to 250.

- Blackmail: JP increased to 200.
- Insult: Accuracy decreased to +50, and JP decreased to 250.
- Mimic Daravon: AoE decreased to 0, Vertical increased to 3, and accuracy increased to +50.
- Refute: Formula changed to 2A (to avoid a bug) which makes it Finger Guard-able, and JP decreased to 250.
- Stall: JP decreased to 250.
- Warn: Accuracy increased to +85, and JP increased to 200.
~ NEW --> "Battle Orders": 0 Range, 255 AoE, 255 vertical, 0 CT, 15 MP, Hit_(MA+35)%, Allies only, add +1 PA, not subject to Finger Guard, 300 JP.
~ NEW --> "Pathos Speech": 0 Range, 255 AoE, 255 vertical, 0 CT, 15 MP, Hit_(MA+35)%, Allies only, add +1 MA, not subject to Finger Guard, 300 JP.

Gained Piety (now Chrono Trigger, which grants Haste when taking 0+ HP damage, like pre-140) from White Magic.
- Comet: Gained CM and CF (now CC) counters.
- Critical Quick: JP decreased to 100, and moved to Steal.
- Haste 2: Lost smart targeting, and JP decreased to 200.
- Regenerator: Moved to Lore.
- Slow 2: Lost smart targeting, and JP decreased to 200.
- Stop: JP cost increased to 250.
~ NEW --> "Counter Comet" (reaction): Deals 80 flat damage to the attacker, with the trigger being "flagged skill"; 200 JP.

- Cure 4: CT increased to 3.
- Dia: Became subject to Reflect.
- Protect/Shell: CT decreased to 2.
- Esuna: JP increased to 250 and lost Charm removal.
- Holy: Moved to Black Magic, and damage decreased to *15.
- Piety: Turned back into Chrono Trigger with a 50 JP cost, and moved back to Time Magic.
- Protect: CT decreased to 2, and became 100% Hit.
- Raise: JP increased to 200.
- Raise 2: Range decreased to 4.
- Regen: Moved to Lore and became unreflectable.
- Shell: CT decreased to 2, and became 100% Hit.

- Blind Rage: Lost Darkness.
- Douse: Range increased to 5.
- Life Drain/Spell Absorb: Became subject to Reflect.
- Paralyze: CT increased to 4.
- Pray Faith: Range increased to 5, AoE decreased to 0, and Vertical decreased to 0.


- Gambler's Axe: Proc chance decreased to 66%.
- Giant Axe: WP decreased to 11.
~ NEW --> "Axecalipur": 8 WP, 10% W-Ev, 1 range, 25% chance to proc Frog, yes Two Hands, no Two Swords.

Became WP*WP.

- Madlemgen: WP increased to 12.
- Monster Dict: WP increased to 14, and proc chance increased to 33%.
- Necronomicon: WP increased to 12.
- Papyrus Plate: WP increased to 10.
~ NEW --> "Vampire Diary": 12 WP, 10% W-Ev, 3 range, absorbs HP (undead reversal), no Two Hands, no Two Swords.
~ NEW --> "Seductress": 12 WP, 15% W-Ev, 3 range, 33% chance to proc Charm, no Two Hands, no Two Swords.

- Cashmere: Removed from the game.
- Persia: Removed from the game.
- Ryozan Silk: Removed from the game.

- Atheist Bow: WP increased to 10, and proc chance increased to 50%.
- Bow Gun: WP decreased to 8, W-Ev decreased to 0%, but gained a 20% chance to add Dead.
- Crude Bow: Proc chance increased to 50%.
- Gastrafitis: Became one-handed, WP decreased to 12, W-Ev increased to 10%, and gained +1 PA.
- Night Killer: Lost Darkness proc, but gained HP Poison and MP Poison proc, and maintains 50% chance.
- Provoke Bow: Proc chance increased to 33%.
~ NEW --> "El Bow": 5 WP, 0% W-Ev, 4 range, no Two Hands, yes Two Swords.

- Scorpion Tail: WP decreased to 10, and proc chance decreased to 33%, but can now proc Darkness, as well.
~ NEW --> "Mage Crusher": 10 WP, 5% W-Ev, 1 range, 100% chance to add MP Poison, no Two Hands, yes Two Swords.
~ NEW --> "Morning Star": 10 WP, 5% W-Ev, 1 range, Lightning-elemental, strengthens Lightning, no Two Hands, yes Two Swords.
~ NEW --> "Vesper": 9 WP, 5% W-Ev, 1 range, immune Oil and initial Reflect, no Two Hands, yes Two Swords.

- Blaze Gun --> "Flare Gun": 8 WP, 0% W-Ev, 4 range, normal attack becomes "Flare": Dmg_Faith(WPx18) no Brave, no Two Hands, no Two Swords.
- Blast Gun: Removed from the game.
- Glacier Gun: Removed from the game.
- Healing Gun: Range increased to 6.
- Stone Gun: Gained shield access, and name changed to "Peacemaker".

- Bloody Strings: Removed from the game.
- Fairy Harp: Removed from the game.
- Ramia Harp: Removed from the game.

- Asura Knife: Renamed to "Asura", and WP increased to 15.
- Chirijiraden: WP increased to 17, gained 1 Jump, and lost initial Berserk.
- Heaven's Cloud: WP changed to 10, and lost forced two-hands, but gained yes Two Hands and Two Swords.
- Kikuichimonji: WP increased to 17.
- Koutetsu Knife: Renamed to "Kotetsu".
- Muramasa: Proc chance increased to 25%.
- Masamune: Lost -1 Speed, lost always Haste and immune Slow, but gained +1 PA, +1 MA, and Stop immunity.

- Excalibur: WP decreased to 11, W-Ev decreased to 10%, and lost forced two-hands, but gained yes Two Hands.
~ NEW --> "Tournesol": 16 WP, 20% W-Ev, 1 range, initial Protect and Shell, forced two-hands, no Two Swords.

- Air Knife: WP increased to 13, and lost Sleep proc.
- Katar: WP decreased to 11, W-Ev decreased to 0%, but gained Two Hands access.
- Toy Knife: Became all-elemental, and lost its ability to dispel Faith/Innocent, but gained the ability to remove all positive statuses.
~ NEW --> "Zorlin Shape": 8 WP, 10% W-Ev, 1 Move, Fire-elemental, strengthens Dark and Fire, yes Two Hands, yes Two Swords.

- Long Bow: Gained initial Float.
- Poison Bow: Removed from the game.
- Rain Bow: WP increased to 13.
- Silver Bow --> "Yoichi Bow": 14 WP, 10% W-Ev, 6 range, 1 MA, Dark-elemental, 25% cast Dark Holy, forced two-hands, no Two Swords.

- Short Edge: Proc chance decreased to 33%.
- Spell Edge: WP decreased to 9, and removed its unintentional 1 MA bonus.

- Gokuu Rod: WP increased to 12, but proc chance decreased to 66%.
~ NEW --> "Dwarven Fan": 9 WP, 15% W-Ev, 2 range, earth elemental, 33% cast: Quake, yes Two Hands, no Two Swords.
~ NEW --> "Null Pointer": 8 WP, 15% W-Ev, 2 range, 50% reset CT, no Two Hands, no Two Swords.

- Battle Rod: Removed from the game.
- Ice Rod: WP decreased to 8.
- Meteor Rod: Proc chance increased to 33%.
- Poison Rod: W-Ev increased to 20%.
- Thunder Rod: WP increased to 9, and proc chance increased to 66%.

- Heavy Spear: W-Ev increased to 15%, and proc chance increased to 25%.
- Holy Lance: Lost 1 Speed, but gained 1 Move.
- Javelin: Gained 1 Speed.
~ NEW --> "Ice Lance": 9 WP, 0% W-Ev, 2 range, Ice-elemental, always Refresh and immune Sap, yes Two Hands, no Two Swords.

- Black Staff: Proc chance increased to 33%.
- Healing Staff: Became forced two-hands.
- Rainbow Staff --> "Slumber Staff": 9 WP, 10% W-Ev, 1 range, Wind elemental, 50% cast: Sleep (Yin Yang Magic; unavoidable version), yes Two Hands, yes Two Swords.
~ NEW --> "Battle Staff": 12 WP, 20% W-Ev, 1 range, Don't Move immunity, yes Two Hands, yes Two Swords.

- Coral Sword: Gained +1 PA.
- Ice Brand: WP decreased to 12, gained +1 MA, and now has a 33% chance to proc Ice instead.
- Phoenix Blade: WP decreased to 13.
- Platinum Sword: Lost Berserk immunity, but gained Slow immunity.
- Rune Blade: Removed from the game, with a new robe (Angel Robe) taking its place.
- Shieldrender: WP increased to 10.
- Thunder Blade: WP increased to 13, and gained +1 MA.
- Ultima Weapon: Now procs Amplified Ultima (new Spellblade skill, Brave_PAx8) instead of Ultima, and had its proc chance decreased to 33%.
~ NEW --> "Diamond Sword": 11 WP, 10% W-Ev, 1 range, 50% Add: Darkness, yes Two Hands, yes Two Swords.

Became PA*10.


- Aegis Shield: P-Ev increased to 10%, M-Ev decreased to 20%, and gained Innocent immunity.
- Crystal Shield: P-Ev increased to 20%, and M-Ev decreased to 0%.
- Dewdrop Shield: P-Ev increased to 15%.
- Diamond Shield: P-Ev increased to 25%, and M-Ev decreased to 5%.
- Genji Shield: P-Ev increased to 20%, M-Ev increased to 10%, lost Dead and Death Sentence immunity, but gained Darkness immunity.
- Platina Shield: P-Ev decreased to 5%, and M-Ev increased to 25%.
- Secular Shield: P-Ev increased to 15% and gained Critical immunity, but lost its Innocent immunity.
- Swift Plate: Gained Haste and Slow immunity.
- Wyvern Shield: M-Ev increased to 15%.
~ NEW --> "Gory Plate": 10% P-Ev, 10% M-Ev, always Berserk.

- Maximillian: HP increased to 165.
- Reflect Mail: HP increased to 150.

- Flash Hat: HP decreased to 70.
- Golden Hairpin: MP decreased to 35, and lost strengthen Dark and Holy, but gained half Dark and Holy.
~ NEW --> "Feather Cap": 85 HP, 60 MP.
~ NEW --> "Headgear": 95 HP, 10 MP, +1 PA.

- Diamond Helmet: Lost initial Float.
- Grand Helmet: Gained initial Float.
- Mythril Helmet: HP decreased to 110, and lost Faith immunity, but gained 1 Move.

- Black Robe: HP increased to 70, and MP decreased to 50.
~ NEW --> "Angel Robe": 60 HP, 45 MP, always: MP Regen, immune: MP Poison.
~ NEW --> "Cultist Robe": 60 HP, 55 MP, strengthen Dark and Holy.

- 108 Gems: Lost HP Poison and MP Poison immunities.
- Chantage: Lost water absorb, but gained initial Protect and Shell.
- Cursed Ring: Lost 1 Speed, and lost weakness to fire.
- Defense Ring: Lost Sleep immunity, but gained Dead, Death Sentence, and HP Poison immunities.
- Dracula Mantle: Lost null holy, but gained MP Poison immunity.
- Elf Mantle: Removed from the game.
- Feather Boots: Lost Don't Move immunity.
- Hyper Wrist: Gained Critical immunity.
- Magic Ring: Lose HP Poison immunity, but gained Sleep immunity.
- N-Kai Armlet: Gained +1 PA.
- Small Mantle: Lost null earth, but gained Don't Move immunity.
- Vanish Mantle: Lost null wind.
- Wizard Mantle: Lost null water, but gained HP Poison immunity.
~ NEW --> "Aqua Glove": absorbs water, and provides Don't Move, MP Poison, and Petrify immunity.


- HP Poison: Renamed to "Poison".
- HP Regen: Renamed to "Regen".
- Faith: CT decreased to 48.
- MP Poison: Renamed to "Sap", and now persists upon death.
- MP Regen: Renamed to "Refresh".
- Undead: Revival chance increased to 100%.


- 002 (M) Lesalia Castle, Gate: Relabeled to "S".
- 003 (M) St. Murond Temple, Hall: Relabeled to "S".
- 004 (S) Lesalia Castle, Office: Relabeled to "M".
- 005 (M) Riovanes Castle, Roof: Relabeled to "S".
- 009 (M) Igros Castle, Citadel: Relabeled to "L".
- 024 (S) Military Academy Auditorium: Renamed to "Gariland Academy".
- 031 (M) Dorter Trade City: Relabeled to "S".
- 037 (L) Ruins Outside of Zaland: Relabeled to "M".
- 038 (S) Goug Machine City: The house on the platform was cut in half, widening the bottleneck.
- 039 (S) Goland Underground Passage: Relabeled to "M".
- 040 (M) Goug Slums: Relabeled to "L".
- 043 (S) Warjilis Port: Only has 1-depth water now.
- 048 (M) Zarghidas Slums: Relabeled to "S".
- 049 (M) Fort Zeakden: Relabeled to "S".
- 056 (M) Orbonne Monastery, Outside: Only has 1-depth water now.
- 061 (L) Underground Book Storage, F5: Relabeled to M".
- 064 (S) Bethla Sluice: Only has 1-depth water now.
- 072 (M) Fovoham Plains: A lot more flat.
- 073 (S) Windmill Shed, Inside: A wooden platform was removed that caused AI line-of-sight issues.
- 077 (M) Lenalia Plateau: Relabeled to "S".
- 078 (M) Zigolis Swamp: Relabeled to "L", and only has 1-depth water now.
- 083 (S) Zirekile Falls: Relabeled to "M", and only has 1-depth water now.
- 084 (L) Bariaus Hill: Relabeled to "M".
- 088 (L) Finath River: Relabeled to "M", and only has 1-depth water now.
- 091 (S) Thieves Fort: Relabeled to "S".
- 102 (L) Tutorial 2: Relabeled to "M".
- 105 (L) TERMINATE: Relabeled to "M".
- 116 (M) Arena: Relabeled to "S".


- Critical hits no longer provide knock-back, thus removing knock-back from Arena completely.  The AI is not, and never will, be aware of knock-back.  Also, it negatively impacts dual-wielding builds: if the first hit crits and knock-back occurs, then the second hit won't land.
- Focus and Yell switched skill slots, meaning that Focus will be prioritized by the AI as often as Accumulate is.
- Fixes various incongruencies the AI has when it comes to the game mechanics, with some notable changes listed below.
- The AI now recognizes that...
1/3 of MP is indeed a 66% reduction, not 50%.
Jump CT calculation is Jump/21.
Non Charge actually reduces CT to 0.
Short Charge actually cuts CT in half.
Throw Item is 4 range, instead of its bonus being based on the user's Move stat.
- The AI will now consider the possibility of exclusively healing themselves and teammates with weapon-elemental skills like Grand Cross, Houkouton, et cetera.
- The AI will no longer charge a skill like Hawk's Eye and then run away, canceling the charging.
- The AI will no longer use Jump on sleeping allies.

- Nether Fire: Its damage bonus is now *7, instead of *9, as intended.
- Frog (skill): It now pierces Reflect, as intended.
- Thief: Both genders are back to using "TYPE 1" animations, fixing the awkward arm animations.

- Changed Refute's/Warn's formula to that of the other Talk Skill skills due to a problem with the user not using the skill on targets with the same zodiac sign.  This makes them subject to Finger Guard, though.

- Fixes the Brave bug for everything except Counter Flood, which was causing accuracy and damage changes.  Counter Flood is considered unfixable, and will be changed to a different skill in 140b.

- Additional MCG and MG information included in the rar.

- Abandon's bonus is now 50%, instead of 33%, as originally intended.
- Consecration was missing a skill flag, allowing for it to have infinite vertical.
- Desperation now affects all weapons.
- MP-damaging weapons are now affected by Darkness.
- The -tons are now M-Ev, as originally intended.

- Fixed some TacText descriptions.
- More complete master guide contained within, yay!

- Provoke Bow is now 10 WP, as intended
- Corrected a few in-game descriptions
- Now includes the master guide, yay!!

- Fixed flags for Asura Knife and Coral Sword
- Defense Ring correctly protects against Sleep
- Cross Helmet and 108 Gems correctly protect against MP Poison
- Nelveska Temple is correctly labeled as a "large" map

- Feather Boots grant Don't Move immunity, as intended
- Fixed a palette issue with Petrify
- Map 067 has been relabeled as "medium" in size
- MP Restore is now 200 JP, as intended
- Poison is now enemy-only, as intended

= = =

- Priest: Gained Book access
- Scholar: Males have 123 base HP; females have 115 base HP

= = =

- Yell: Lost MP Regen, 0 MP
- Jump +1: Moved to Jump, 100 JP

- Dark Holy: MAx14

- Echo Grass: Gained MP Poison removal

- Jump +2: Removed from the game
- Overwhelm: Moved to Dance/Sing

- Bio: 100 JP, unreflectable
- Bio 2: Unreflectable
- Bio 3: Unreflectable
- Mad Science: Unreflectable and lost Float, but gained Reflect

- Kagesougi: Gained MP Poison
- Shuriken: Sp*9

- Equip Light Gear: Gained Flails, 250 JP
- Quickening: Gained MP Regen, 10 MP
- Roulette: 1 range

- Warn: 100 JP

- Regen: Gained MP Regen, 150 JP

- Blind --> "Douse": 4 range, 0 AoE, 4 CT, 12 MP, Hit_F(MA+65)%, M-Ev, reflectable, Adds: Darkness and Oil, CF and CM, 150 JP
- Blind Rage: Gained Darkness, 4 CT, Hit_F(MA+55)%

= = =

- Triangle Hat: 10 MP, but gained +1 MA

= = =

- Gambler's Axe: 100% Gil Toss
- Crude Bow: 33% Oil
- Provoke Bow: 25% Berserk
- Spell guns: +1 WP
- Elemental flails: -1 WP
- Toy Knife: 20% W-Ev
- Javelin: 50% Don't Move
- Obelisk: Loses 1 Jump

= = =

- Vanish Mantle: Lost HP Poison immunity, but gained Darkness immunity
- Germinas Boots: Lost 2 Jump, but gained Stop immunity
- Chantage: Lost Stop immunity

- MP Poison has a dark purple aura and doesn't persist upon death
- MP Regen has a light green aura

- Atma Bow had 5 range instead of 4
- Roulette was missing a skill flag, which allowed for it to have infinite vertical
- Various MP Regen/MP Poison flags corrected in Patcher (All corrected)


- "Old" Oil is being reintroduced; that is, Oil will have its function reverted to doubling all elemental damage, this time including Dark and Holy.

- Silence has been removed, and things were balanced accordingly.  It simply has no place in Arena.

- Speed alteration skills, such as Quickening or Slow Dance, have been either removed from the game, or had their Speed alteration properties changed. Therefore, the only way to modify a unit's Speed value is by giving them the appropriate equipment.

- The Jump skillset formula's CT calculation has been changed to: 21 / Jump.
3 Jump = 7 CT
4 Jump = 6 CT
5 Jump = 5 CT
6 Jump = 4 CT
7 Jump = 3 CT (the cap)

- A LOT of the maps have been rebalanced, from simple unit placement changes to major edits to the map itself.  For a full list of map changes, visit the following link: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=11367.msg216247#msg216247.

- There are two new statuses: MP Poison and MP Regen.  These are their "WIP" names, and will most-likely be changed in the future.

- Fixed many FFTPatcher errors

- Description text has been changed for almost everything in-game


- Females get 135 base HP, 61 base MP, 10 base MA and 8 base PA
- Jump gets lowered to 3 (it's 4, unlike the master guide says)
- Males get 144 base HP, 57 base MP, 8 base MA and 10 base PA

- Gain access to robes
- Speed gets raised to 9

- Lose access to books
- Lose innate Monster Talk

- Gain access to shields

- Lose access to books

- 5% base C-Ev
- Gain access to flails, but lose access to katana

- 4 base Move

- Gain access to longbows

- Females get 11 base MA and 77 base MP
- Lose access to books, clothes, and knives (master guide says otherwise), but gain access to armor
- Males get 9 base MA and 72 base MP

- Gain access to axes and poles, but lose access to books and flails

- General consensus is that this job is fine

- Females get 125 base HP
- Gain access to crossbows, but lose access to swords
- Males get 134 base HP

- Gain access to shields

- Gain access to knives


- Caution: Grants its user the ability to evade whilst charging/performing, but loses its ability to add Defend, 200 JP, moves to Summon Magic
- Equip Clothes --> "Luck UP": Increases a proc's base chance by 50% (example: 20% chance going to 30%), 300 JP
- Heal: Gains Berserk removal, but loses Silence removal
- Throw Stone: Becomes unavoidable, 100 JP
- Ultima: Gains smart-targeting
- Yell: Gains MP Regen, 10 MP

- Death: Becomes non-elemental (still absorbable by undead units)
- Fire: Loses its proc
- Flare: Counter Flood no longer triggers, no longer reflectable, moves to Lore
- Frog: Pierces Reflect
- Poison: Smart-targeting
~ NEW --> "Dark Holy": 6 range, 0 AoE, 5 CT, 30 MP, dark elemental, Dmg_UnFury(MA*16), M-Evadable, yes Reflect, CM, CF, 400 JP

- Counter: 200 JP, moves to Ninjutsu
- Grand Cross: 12 MP and 2 vertical range
- Reraise: Follows its target
~ NEW --> "Lay on Hands": 2 range, 0 AoE, 2 vertical, 3 CT, 16 MP, Heal_(50%) Hit_UnFury(PA+80)%, Cancel: Dead, 250 JP

- Brave Up: Triggers like Faith Up does
- Disillusion/Polka Polka: Merge, 50% chance to remove 1 MA or 1 PA (if not possible, increase their accuracy to 50%)
- Nameless Dance: Loses its chance to apply Silence, but gains a chance to apply Don't Move instead
- Slow Dance: Remove from the game

- Bizen Boat: (MA*8) HP damage instead of MP damage, holy elemental
- Heaven's Cloud: (PA*7) HP damage, and loses its Slow proc
- Koutetsu: Lower vertical by 1
- Masamune: 300 JP
- Meatbone Slash: 100 JP
- Two Hands: 400 JP
~ NEW --> "Desperation" (support): Deal double damage with "Attack" while in Critical, 150 JP

Some maps offer more terrain type diversity, which allows for more Elemental skill types to be used
- Blizzard: Only procs Darkness
- Counter Flood: 300 JP
- Lava Ball: Inflicts Berserk instead of Dead
- Non-elemental skills become ((PA+4)/2*MA)
- Sand Storm: Becomes non-elemental; inflicts Darkness instead of Stop

- Echo Grass: Loses its Silence removal
- Hi-Potion: 150 JP
- Maintenance: Becomes a Movement skill instead, 200 JP
- X-Potion: 200 JP

Skills use Jump instead of Speed for determining when they activate (consequently, Lancer base Speed will be increased to 9, and base Jump lowered to 4)
- Ignore Height: 100 JP, moves to Snipe
- Level Jump 2: 0 JP
- Level Jump 3: 100 JP
- Level Jump 4: 200 JP
- Level Jump 5: 350 JP
- Vertical Jump 2: 0 JP
- Vertical Jump 3: 50 JP
- Vertical Jump 4: 100 JP
- Vertical Jump 5: 150 JP
- Vertical Jump 6: 200 JP
- Vertical Jump 7: 250 JP
- Vertical Jump 8 --> "Vertical Ignore": 255 vertical range, 350 JP

- Bio: Has a 20% chance to proc MP Poison instead of HP Poison
- Bio 2: Procs Oil instead of Frog, 150 JP
- Bio 3: 300 JP
- Damage Split: Moves to Chivalry
- Earth Dragon/Maelstrom/Rime Bolt/Shadow Shade/Thunder Flare: 20 MP
- Equip Magegear: Gains robes
- Tornado: 4 range, 2 vertical, F_(MA*7) HP damage
- Quake: 2 vertical, 3 CT, F_(MA*8) HP damage
~ NEW --> "Melt": 3 range, 3 AoE, 3 vertical (linear like Earth Slash), 0 CT, 12 MP, Deals F_(MA*8) MP damage, M-Evadable, no Reflect, CM, CF, 150 JP

- Kagesougi: Doesn't have a chance to proc Silence anymore
- Overwhelm: Moved to Jump
- Shuriken: 5 vertical, (Speed*8) HP damage (strikes once), 25% chance to proc HP Poison, can't phase through walls, affected by Attack UP, but not Fury
- Tsumazuku: 5 MP cost and removes Haste and HP Regen, but no longer Reraise
~ NEW --> "Misogi": Affects the user only, removes Darkness, Don't Move, HP Poison, Slow, 0 CT, 0 MP, 100 JP

- Revive: 1 vert, 25% healing, Hit_(PA+75%), 200 JP
- Spin Fist: Smart-targeting, 1 vertical, 250 JP
- Stigma Magic: Loses its Silence removal, but gains MP Poison removal
- Wave Fist --> "Aurablast": Wave Fist but holy elemental

- Brave Up: Triggers like Faith Up does
- Cheer Song: Remove from the game
- Life Song: (MA+15) HP healing, and a 20% chance to proc HP Regen and MP Regen
- Nameless Song: 60% accuracy

- Hawk's Eye: Evadable, now affected by Darkness, and only procs HP Poison
- Jump +1: 50 JP (due to Speed being changed to Jump in the Jump skill formula), moves to Basic Skill
- Jump +2: Moved to Jump, 200 JP (due to Speed being changed to Jump in the Jump skill formula)
- Leg Aim: Afflicts Don't Move or Stop, (Speed+45)% accuracy, 150 JP
- Weapon Break: Removed from the game

- Bad Luck --> "Roulette": 3 range, 0 AoE, 3 vertical, 2 CT, 12 MP, enemy-only, randomly adds one of the following: Dead, Frog, Haste, Petrify or Reraise, 200 JP
- Equip Light Blade --> "Equip Light Gear": Allows its user to equip clothes, hats, knives, ninja swords, and swords, 200 JP
- Quickening: Adds self-Haste instead of +1 Speed, 5 MP cost, 100 JP
- Steal Accessory: Evadable
- Steal Heart: (MA+40)% accuracy
~ NEW --> "Gil Toss": (Rdm(2-5)*(Speed+15)), 3 range, 0 AoE, 3 vertical, 0 CT, 0 MP, evadable, C, CF, 200 JP, affected by Attack UP, but not Fury
~ NEW --> "Steal Weapon": 1 range, 0 AoE, 2 vertical, (Speed+40)% accuracy, evadable, C, 300 JP

- Bahamut: 6 CT
- Carbunkle: 0 MP cost
- Fairy: F_(MA+90)% accuracy and 150 JP
- Half of MP --> "1/3 of MP": Reduces the MP cost of skills by 66%, 200 JP
- MP Restore: 200 JP, and moves to Black Magic
- Salamander: 1 AoE, non-elemental, F_(MA*9) HP damage, 20% chance to proc Berserk (instead of Oil)
- Shiva/Ramuh/Ifrit: F_(MA*7) HP damage, 150 JP
- Silf: F_(MA*7) HP damage, 250 JP
- Zodiac: F_(MA*10) HP damage, 20% chance to proc MP Poison
~ NEW --> "MP Switch" (reaction): HP damage affects MP first, with the remainder then affecting HP, 350 JP

- Mimic Daravon: Vertical range lowered to 1
- Monster Talk: removed from the game (until monsters are actually introduced...)
- Refute: Removes MP Poison, MP Regen and ignores Finger Guard
~ NEW --> "Warn": 3 range, 0 AoE, 3 vertical, 0 MP, 0 CT, (MA+75)% chance to add Reflect, ignores Finger Guard, 200 JP

- Chrono Trigger --> "Piety": Adds Faith to the user when attacked, 200 JP, triggers like Auto Potion, moved to White Magic
- Demi 2: Becomes non-elemental
- Haste/Slow: F_(MA+80)% accuracy
- Haste 2/Slow 2: F_(MA+90)% accuracy
- Stop: F_(MA+60)% accuracy

- Cure 4: 2 CT and F_(MA*15) HP healing
- Dia: 6 range
- Esuna: Loses its Silence removal, but gains MP Poison removal
- Protect/Shell: Adopted Protect 2's/Shell 2's stats
- Protect 2/Shell 2: Removed from the game
- Regen: 0 CT
- Regenerator: Applies HP Regen and MP Regen, 250 JP, moved to Time Magic

- Blind: 0 CT
- Dispel Magic: Removes MP Regen
- Life Drain: 0 CT
- Petrify: 5 CT
- Silence Song: Removed from the game
- Spell Absorb: 0 CT
~ NEW --> "Doubt Faith": 5 range, 0 AoE, 0 vertical, 16 MP, 2 CT, M-evadable, yes Reflect, F_(MA+60)% accuracy, CM, CF, 150 JP
~ NEW --> "Pray Faith": 4 range, 1 AoE, 1 vertical, 16 MP, 2 CT, unevadable, yes Reflect, F_(MA+65)% accuracy, CF, 150 JP


- Battle Axe --> "Tomahawk": 9 WP, 10% W-Ev, 3 range, yes Two Hands, no Two Swords
- Giant Axe: 12 WP, 20% W-Ev
- Slasher --> "Gambler's Axe": 10 WP, 30% W-Ev, 1 range, 50% chance to proc the new skill "Gil Toss", yes Two Hands, no Two Swords

- P Bag: Gains HP Poison immunity

Book damage formula becomes MA*WP
- Madlemgen: 11 WP, 15% W-Ev
- Monster Dict: 13 WP, 15% W-Ev, 20% chance to lower MA and PA by 1
- Necronomicon: 11 WP, 15% W-Ev
- Papyrus Plate: 9 WP, 15% W-Ev, 50% chance to proc Lich (instead of Flare)

- Cashmere: Loses initial Shell, but gains a 25% chance to lower MA and PA by 1
- Persia: 10 WP, gains initial Shell
- Ryozan Silk: 14 WP

- Bow Gun: 10 WP, 20% W-Ev, no longer procs Armor Break
- Hunter Bow --> "Provoke Bow": 10 WP, 0% W-Ev, 4 range, 20% chance to proc Berserk, no Two Hands, no Two Swords
- Night Killer: It's 9 WP, unlike what the master guide says; raise to 12 WP
- Poison Bow --> "Athiest Bow": 10 WP, 0% W-Ev, 4 range, 33% chance to proc Innocent, no Two Hands, no Two Swords
- Silencer --> "Crude Bow": 10 WP, 0% W-Ev, 4 range, 20% chance to proc Oil, no Two Hands, no Two Swords
~ NEW --> "Atma Bow": 8 WP, 0% W-Ev, 4 range, 33% cast: Dmg_(CasMaxMP), no Two Hands, no Two Swords

- All flails gain +1 WP

- Blast Gun/Blaze Gun/Glacier Gun: 5 range
- Mythril Gun --> "Healing Gun": 10 WP, 0% W-Ev, 4 range, heals instead of dealing damage, no Two Hands, no Two Swords
- Stone Gun: Loses initial Petrify

- General consensus is that this weapon category is fine

- Asura Knife: 14 WP, absorbs fire instead of strengthening, forced two-hands
- Bizen Boat: 10 WP, +2 PA instead of procing Silence
- Chirijiraden: 16 WP, +1 move instead of +1 Speed, forced two-hands
- Heaven's Cloud: 14 WP, forced-two hands
- Kikuichimonji: 16 WP, no longer procs Quake, forced two-hands
- Masamune: 9 WP, -1 Speed instead of -2 Speed, and gains Slow immunity
- Muramasa: 10 WP, loses its +1 MA bonus, but gains 20% chance to proc Decapitate (100% chance to deal 85% of the target's HP as damage) instead of its current proc, forced two-hands

- General consensus is that this weapon category is fine

- Orichalcum: 11 WP, gains Two Hands access, but loses two swords access (master guide is incorrect)
- Mage Masher: Holy elemental, deals MP damage instead, and gains Two Hands access
~ NEW --> "Gladius": 8 WP, 15% W-Ev, 1 range, +1 Move, 33% chance to proc Slow, no Two Hands, yes Two Swords
~ NEW --> "Toy Knife" 0 WP, 0% W-Ev, 1 range, +1 Move, 100% cancel Faith and Innocent, yes Two Hands, yes Two Swords

- Atheist Bow --> "Poison Bow": 13 WP, 10% W-Ev, 5 range, 50% chance to proc MP Poison, forced two-hands
- Ice Bow: Loses its +1 Speed bonus
- Lightning Bow: Loses its +2 MA bonus
- Long Bow: +2 Jump instead of +1 Move
- Ultimus Bow: It's 15 WP, unlike what the master guide says, leave at 15 WP
- Windslash Bow: 11 WP
~ NEW --> "Rain Bow": 12 WP, 10% W-Ev, 6 range, water elemental, 33% chance to proc Suiton, forced two-hands

- Hidden Knife: Loses its Two Swords access
- Ninja Edge: 15% W-Ev
- Short Edge: 10 WP and 50% proc chance
- Spell Edge: 10 WP

- Iron Fan: 13 WP, 30% W-Ev
- Whale Whisker: 25% chance to proc Undead

- Dragon Rod --> "Meteor Rod": 8 WP, 10% P-Ev, 1 range, 25% chance to proc Meteor (functions just like Bahamut), yes Two hands, yes Two Swords
- Flame/Ice/Thunder Rod: +2 WP, chance to proc respective nether spells instead
- Wizard Rod --> "Battle Rod": 12 WP, 20% W-Ev, 1 range, Don't Move immunity, yes Two Hands, yes Two Swords

- Holy Lance: Loses its proc
- Javelin: 8 WP, 4 range, loses its +2 Speed, but gains a 33% chance to proc Don't Move, loses Two Hands access
- Mythril Spear --> "Demon Spear": 9 WP, 10% W-Ev, 2 range, dark elemental, 50% chance to proc Life Drain, yes Two Hands, no Two Swords
- Obelisk: +1 Jump (due to Speed being changed to Jump in the Jump skill formula)
- Partisan --> "Heavy Spear": 10 WP, 10% W-Ev, 2 range, 20% chance to proc Shellbust Stab (100% chance to break body armour and deal weapon damage, but deals no damage once body armour is broken, 100% hit chance), no Two Hands, no Two Swords
- Spear --> "Ethereal Spear": 11 WP, 10% W-Ev, 2 range, deals MP damage instead of HP damage, yes Two Hands, no Two Swords
~ NEW --> "Vaulting Lance": 9 WP, 20% W-Ev, 2 range, +2 Jump, yes Two Hands, no Two Swords

- Gold Staff: 10 WP, 10% W-Ev, cancels MP Regen
- Healing Staff: Loses strengthen holy and Two Swords access
- Rainbow Staff: It's non-elemental, remains non-elemental (master guide error)
- White Staff: 10 WP, 20% chance to proc Bizen Boat instead
~ NEW --> "Black Staff": 8 WP, 10% W-Ev, 1 range, dark elemental, 20% chance to proc Bio 3, yes Two Hands, yes Two Swords

- Blood Sword: 9 WP and gains Two Swords access
- Coral Sword: Absorbs water instead of strengthening Water
- Ice Brand: 13 WP
- Mystic Blade --> "Thunder Blade": 12 WP, 10% W-Ev, 1 range, lightning elemental, 33% chance to proc Bolt 1, no Two Swords, no Two hands
- Phoenix Blade: 14 WP, 10% W-Ev, no Speed penalty
- Platinum Sword: Gains Berserk immunity
- Rune Blade: 8 WP, 0% W-Ev, loses its +2 MA, but gains always MP Regen and MP Poison immunity
- Shieldrender: 9 WP with 33% proc chance
- Tactician's Blade: 13 WP
- Ultima Weapon: 50% proc chance


- Aegis Shield: Loses its Silence immunity
- Crystal Shield: 15% P-Ev, 10% M-Ev, initial Reflect instead of Oil immunity and all-element neutrality
- Elemental shields lose their respective weaknesses
- Genji Shield: Gains Death Sentence immunity
- Kaiser Plate: 15% M-Ev
- Mythril Shield --> "Dewdrop Shield": 10% P-Ev, 20% M-Ev, absorbs Water
- Swift Plate: Known as "Zephyr Shield" in-game; changed name in FFTacText
~ NEW --> "Round Shield": 15% P-Ev, 20% M-Ev, absorbs Earth
~ NEW --> "Secular Shield": 10% P-Ev, 15% M-Ev, Faith and Innocent immunity
~ NEW --> "Wyvern Shield": 20% P-Ev, 10% M-Ev, absorbs wind

- Crystal Armor: Loses its Faith and Innocent immunity, but gains Slow immunity
- Diamond Armor: Loses its Darkness immunity
- Gold Armor: Loses its Silence immunity, but gains Death Sentence and Oil immunity (due to old Oil+ being introduced)
- Reflect Mail: 145 HP

- Brigandine: 10 MP

~ NEW --> "Triangle Hat": 80 HP, 30 MP, Innocent immunity

- Chakra Band: 35 HP, -1 Speed, and loses its Berserk immunity and "Petrify immunity" (master guide error), but gains Slow immunity
- Choice Band: 70 HP, loses its initial Haste, but gains Berserk and Sleep immunity
- Focus Band: 70 HP, 70 MP, +1 PA, and +1 MA

- Cross Helmet: Gains MP Poison immunity
- Crystal Helmet: Loses Don't Act immunity, but gains strengthen earth, holy and water
- Diamond Helmet: Gains Don't Act immunity
- Genji Helmet: 75 HP and +1 Speed, but loses its initial Berserk
- Gold Helmet: Loses its Don't Move immunity, but gains Darkness immunity
- Mythril Helmet: 120 HP, +1 Jump, but loses Innocent immunity and Slow immunity (due to Speed being changed to Jump in the Jump skill formula)

- Light Robe: Gains HP Poison immunity
- Robe of Lords: Loses its Silence immunity

- 108 Gems: Gains HP Poison immunity and MP Poison immunity
- Battle Boots --> "Combat Boots": 1 PA, 1 MA, 1 Move
- Chantage: Loses Frog immunity and Sleep immunity, but gains Undead immunity, Stop immunity, and water absorb
- Cursed Ring: Loses its null holy
- Defense Ring: Loses its wind absorb and Silence immunity
- Dracula Mantle: 10% P-Ev, 15% M-Ev, loses its Berserk immunity, but gains Oil and holy immunity
- Feather Boots: Gains earth immunity (to negate earth weapons) and +1 Jump (due to Speed being changed to Jump in the Jump skill formula)
- Jade Armlet: Loses its water absorb
- Magic Ring: Loses its earth absorb and Silence immunity, but gains Charm and HP Poison immunity
- Red Shoes --> "Hyper Wrist": 2 Speed, always: HP Poison, immune: HP Regen
- Reflect Ring: Gains always Reflect
- Rubber Shoes --> "Sandstorm Treks": +1 Move, absorbs wind, Sleep immunity
- Small Mantle: 20% P-Ev, 15% M-Ev, loses its holy immunity, but gains Frog immunity
- Vanish Mantle: 15% P-Ev, 20% M-Ev, loses its water immunity, but gains HP Poison immunity
- Wizard Mantle: 15% P-Ev, 10% M-Ev, gains water immunity


- Oil: affected takes double elemental damage and wears off another one elemental attack
- Berserk: now allows affected to evade
- Silence: removed from the game
- Sleep: CT lowered from 60 to 40
- Protect: CT lowered from 96 to 64
- Shell: CT lowered from 96 to 64
- Innocent: CT lowered from 64 to 48
~ NEW --> "MP Poison": Takes 1/8 MP damage; wears off on death
~ NEW --> "MP Regen": Recovers 1/8 MP; wears off on death

You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312