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ASM Requests

Started by The Damned, October 29, 2014, 09:16:45 pm


Emmy, your Raw JP Gain +130 is a little bit glitchy. I tested it out on a fresh ISO file and when I enter a battle, after a unit uses an ability (of any kind) they DO gain the 130 JP, but their job is reset to 1 with only 130 JP gain. It does this every time you enter a new battle.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL



The Status button (when checking a unit mid-turn that has ??? stats set) is not greyed out. This way you can see an enemies stats / current statuses / equipment / RSM even if they have ???.

This shouldn't be a huge deal right? I mean, ??? multiplies HP and MP so those remain the greyed out ??? bars that they are, but PA and MA aren't increased, so just revealing the page shouldn't be too much trouble... Right?
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Shouldn't be. since using battle debug you can actually see ??? status. And everything in the status except the equipment/skills are ???
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Quote from: Jumza on November 22, 2015, 08:48:06 pm

The Status button (when checking a unit mid-turn that has ??? stats set) is not greyed out. This way you can see an enemies stats / current statuses / equipment / RSM even if they have ???.

This shouldn't be a huge deal right? I mean, ??? multiplies HP and MP so those remain the greyed out ??? bars that they are, but PA and MA aren't increased, so just revealing the page shouldn't be too much trouble... Right?

  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


December 29, 2015, 08:25:23 pm #104 Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 11:04:40 pm by ArcticPrism
Am I allowed to make more than one request in my post?

Poison/Regen is 1/5 of HP

Phoenix Down only takes 50% of undead HP.

Change Gun damage formula from Dmg_(WP^2) NS NE to  Dmg_[Weapon] PE NE. Basically, I want guns to use normal weapon damage formula but instead of being based on weapon power ^2 so it can scale while keeping the no evade.

Thanks in advance!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Is there away your come up with a formula (or ability) that let's see me use a random ability from a prescribed skillset. Like the Shades of Black ability from FFXII.

Cheers Argy
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


Your Sticky Fingers reaction ability is doable.  I think the Hamedo Fix and chosen ability hack by choto is exactly what you need.  Should be able to change the action to Steal Weapon (or your own custom ability) during Hamedo, instead of the default Attack.  http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=8507.0
My name is Atma... I am pure energy... and as ancient as the cosmos.


Hi, i am looking for a way to make certain abilities to retain their AoE when casted via On hit Effect, do i need ASM Hack for this, or theres a way to do that with FFTPatcher?

Blitzball Pro

Hi everyone, I have an idea I wanted to throw out there or at least see if it is even viable. I know there are GameShark codes which make all enemy units controllable for example. I was wondering the possibility of asm hacking a new mechanic/status/ability that would that would allow a unit to control an enemy unit, such as Relm's control skill in Final Fantasy VI or the Beast master's monster type control in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance? It should probably be similar to charm in that a successful attack against a controlled unit would cancel status.
That moment when Delita smacks Olan around and you realize his holy days are over . . .


that could actually be done without tieing it to a status. You could set the control byte for the target in the formula, and then remove it at the same code that does it for charm. There wouldn't be a display... but you could actually add one in based on those conditions (enemy team + control).

you would have to add the removal in this routine I think:

and you would edit this byte:

   0x0005: ENTD Flags
      0x80 - Always Present
      0x40 - Randomly Present
      0x3X - Green Team
      0x2X - Light Blue Team
      0x1X - Red Team
      0x0X - Blue Team
      0x08 - Control
      0x04 - Immortal
      0x02 - (both set by Ramza when initialized)
      0x01 -

Otherwise if you want a status CT to count down... it's more involved or different.

Blitzball Pro

Hi Xifanie, I haven't had the chance to pinpoint what is causing it, because I did not change anything from default as far as items or throwing items is concerned, but with the alternate animations patch applied whenever a unit uses an item on another unit it freezes the game.
That moment when Delita smacks Olan around and you realize his holy days are over . . .


I've a request, if someone(s) would be so kind.

Change the 'Innocent'/'Atheist' status to a copy of the 'Faith' status but with Bravery. So, a 'Bravery' status that temporary sets Brave to 100.
Or, if someone has figured out how to make 'Blood Suck' status allow player control, tack this 100 Brave effect onto it, so I can keep Innocent?

It is something I've desired for a while now. And I failed trying to do it in a very convoluted way by using the ASM that sets Status X into using Wall's CT.  I used Blood Suck for this instance, and gave the Blood Suck skillset a 0 JP, 100% learn-chance support ability that increases Brave by 100 via ALMA attributes. (And although I removed Blood Suck from the skillset, AI still uses it.)

As you can imagine, with Blood Suck's hardcode limits, always AI control, and other limiting factors(?), it did not work.

I've seen that there is a way to fix AI behavior for Blood Suck, involving more ASM and "nops" which I'm not familiar with. Whether that would allow player control of the unit, or prevent AI use of Blood Suck ability, I do not know.

Finally, I figure units can't gain impromptu temporary Support abilities that alter stats mid battle?

TL;DR: Innocent/Atheist status replaced with Bravery=100 instead. OR a fully fixed Blood Suck status with this 100 Brave effect tacked on.
  • Modding version: PSX


Why not just disable Wall along with the asm that makes ai no longer ignore Wall units, and then use Alma to grant 100 br to Wall?  Then you'll get to keep Blood Suck or change it to do something else negative.

What do you mean by impromptu temporary support abilities mid-battle?  I've been able to successfully make a few abilities that increase effective speed/damage output under Berserk/Critical.  I'm guessing this isn't what you mean?

  • Modding version: PSX


June 12, 2016, 10:27:05 pm #113 Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 10:58:21 pm by Fosil
I thought that despite any attempts to fix Wall, AI still ignores those with it? As in, unknown hardcoding still plagues it? (Or am I not making sense of the post I saw where someone, I forget who, striked-through a clause about AI and Wall behavior after ASM-ing and it still not working right...)

And, I'm not sure how to edit the statuses themselves? ALMA can't do it?

Or it can, and I just derp? Like you say, you've done similar things... Looking over the ALMA editor again, I see nothing about status edits?

(And as far as "impromptu temporary support abilities" I meant, you can't make it so units temporarily gain a Support ability like say... 'Attack Up' or 'Short Charge' when tacked onto a Status effect with CT, right? (For example only.))

Is it ALMA Script? I see a sort of way ASM "If Wall flagged, reward with setting Modified Brave with a Value of 64 hex (100 dec)". Am I on the right track? I have no idea how to do it correctly, though. :(
  • Modding version: PSX



"Wall does nothing and ai attacks units with wall status" - Never had any issues whatsoever with this.

As for actually coding a new status, there's a few hacks around that do that (such as the "mist" hack).  Many status effects and support abilities are coded similarly - all over the place in the code, in spots relevant to whatever it does or when it resolves.  For example, Attack/Defense up as part of the physical attack routine, poison/regen in a routine that plays at a unit's turn end, haste/slow in a routine that checks turn order, etc.

I think it's possible to replicate the effects of support abilities as a status, depending on what you want to tie to the status effect.  You need to be more specific as to what you want on a status effect though.
  • Modding version: PSX


Ah, thank you, Emmy. I suppose there being multiple posts on the topic confused me.

So, I would like: Wall status = Bravery 100. (Like Faith)
  • Modding version: PSX


Request: dehardcode the ability formulas.



But hey, it doesn't work. All I have to say to fdc is:

Because it's an enormous endeavor of astronomical proportions, and with how easy it is with Chotokukyan and SecondAdvent's documentation on the wiki to create custom formulas, I just don't see a point to doing so.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


If you want formulas, there's *TONS* in my asm topic, and I'm working on more.  :)
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Xifanie on July 08, 2016, 11:50:21 am

But hey, it doesn't work. All I have to say to fdc is:

Because it's an enormous endeavor of astronomical proportions, and with how easy it is with Chotokukyan and SecondAdvent's documentation on the wiki to create custom formulas, I just don't see a point to doing so.

Pretty clever to tie them to unused flags in FFTPatcher.  Might be fun to LARP about it.

Quote from: Emmy on July 08, 2016, 05:22:57 pm
If you want formulas, there's *TONS* in my asm topic, and I'm working on more.  :)

Not much point in making something that isn't modular.  Way less effort in the long run... but still probably too much.