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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Quote from: reinoe on March 25, 2013, 09:05:02 pm

I think this was just a bad matchup for Otabo.  His low damage/high status would have been more effective I wasn't running low faith/Innocent units.

Low faith units/innocent is one of the weaknesses of the team, yeah. A bad matchup indeed. Also, I dunno why I gave them berserk when they're not properly set up to deal with it should it backfire on them. Like it did with your ninjas. GG.


March 26, 2013, 04:17:51 pm #2161 Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 04:41:15 am by CT5Holy
Otabo (Springtime Sisters) vs Dragonblade (Hyperdrive)

Otabo (Deus Associates) vs CT5Holy (Do Not Disturb)

Also, reinoe, I've never had music in any of my vids XD

Oh right, for these two vids I have some post-game commentary too, let me know if you guys like it or not. Also if you guys enjoy the pre-game stuff too.
For the record, I'm probably going to be lazy and not always do post-game comments.

Next matches from me:

Dokurider's Dorter's Most Wanted vs Barren's Latest Experiment

AeroGP's Snow Pirates vs Reks' Severe Weather Alert
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Well round 1 went the way I planned and that was to basically give the enemy no time to recover. Unfortunately rounds 2 & 3 things did not go my way. Your thieves' evasion and talk skill had me on the run. But hey it's a risky team for me to be using anyways considering it isn't too defensive. GG Doku, that was a nice fight
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Nothing much I can say about this one that wasn't already mentioned by CT5Holy in the video, though the frogged squire casting Frog was quite amusing.

Round 1: Wow. Just. Wow. Counter Flood RNG is OP.


It was my first match, it didn't really expect too much other than being curious on how it would turn out. GG Otabo, and thanks CT5Holy for the tips.


March 28, 2013, 02:35:18 am #2165 Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 04:32:20 am by CT5Holy
AeroGP's Snow Pirates vs Reks' Severe Weather Alert

Next vid will be Truelight's Light Blast vs LightningHax's Arrow hurts
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Yup, my inability to put down those squires easily and for long is what really got me. Also, after watching one of the previous matches, I cringed when Blizzard used Chakra over, say, moving next to Aero's units, shooting the Priest and hoping for a Counter-Magicked Bolt 2, like they've done before. Eh, good match all in all, and Aero's team is quite good. GG!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Quote from: CT5Holy on March 28, 2013, 02:35:18 am
AeroGP's Snow Pirates vs Reks' Severe Weather Alert

Wow that match was phenomenal.  CT5Holy's post-match commentary is so on point too.  Kinda obviates me saying anything after the match :?  But I still wanted to comment on how Dual Grand Crossing was so clutch.  In round 1 there were so many instances where AeroGP would heal 1 squire and hurt someone else.  In match 2 there were so many instances where One squire would hurt two of Reks' units.  Also when both of Rek's Archers blocked the BOLT 2 it undid a lot of potential healing.
My dreams can come true!

The Damned

(For the love of Vishnu, I really need to not let things pile up. I already have hundreds of things I still need to do, so adding onto that really doesn't help....)

Anyway, I'm caught up on giving commentary on matches that I haven't recorded, though I still owe (a lot) of commentary for the matches I have recorded. I'll save that for the weekend though since I already needed to re-watch quite a few older videos. The only commentary that people "should" definitely read will be something I noticed during my match against fdc that I "held" for a couple of weeks because of sloth and wanting to do everything at once--good to see that worked out well. [/sarcasm]

But first!

To Wiz: I'll answer your question about Insult in the Balance thread since it's basically a Balance issue and I've been meaning to make a long-ish post there after my "return" anyway. So I'll include my current thoughts on Insult there as the very last thing in next post. I'll try to do it before "dawn", which is still four hours away for me, but I may fall asleep again given how crappy my sleep pattern is. I'll try and do it before tomorrow though at any rate.

To Avalanche: Okay, so noted.

To DarkxFatal: The Madness Ensues thing has been fixed both on this forum and Youtube. My apologies about that again.

To everyone: Given Barren is back, Dokurider is still around and CT5Holy is stepping up, I may skip posting videos (of ARENA) this weekend, especially since I really want to finally update Embargo, Human Advancement and (a lot of) my other non-FFH projects this Friday and weekend. That said, I won't be stopping. If anything, I'll probably pick up speed next week since I'll have yet even more free time after Monday. I just need to...clean and consolidate things. (Thanks again for recording things, you guys.)

I'll probably still be bugging Dokurider about that next memory card some time today though, especially since seeing LightningHax's name mentioned reminds me that he's still only fought once so far since he's returned.

Now for commentary stuff:

Not much to say here except that Shamaness sabotaging the team was hilariously appropriate given the FFXII influence on top of the FFT one. I wonder if the changes I made will fix that or if I just need to let the last 100 or so JP of hers go to "waste" so as not to have that happen at all.

As I said on Youtube, as much as I like Zigolis Swamp, it ultimately probably doesn't pass "the test" of being fit for ARENA. This if only because the AI will all too often Poison itself when it really, really doesn't have to. Still, that first round was quite the enjoyable back and forth.

Ultimately, it was the Weapon Breaks and Steal Accessorys that allowed Vigilanti to eventually win, neutering and spaying xyzqwv's Paladins and Samurai respectively. Still, it's a testament to his first team already being quite good that it didn't immediately roll over and die when its equipment got screwed up like many other teams would.

Hunh. One of the rare matches that I didn't comment on Youtube for some reason; that's fixed now--I'm sure Dokurider is overjoyed.

Anyway, CT5Holy pretty much lost because the Ninja kept falling into Axes and getting Decapitated like the entirety of Deep Dungeon was oiled or iced or something. They couldn't really do much damage to the Paladins on top of that, even before Iron Will and Regen were added in, and they weren't necessary to getting Raise 2 to hit the Undead Samurai. Ironically, given how easily the Undead Samurai went down briefly to the aforementioned spell, that led to them tending to attack the Paladin and, well, basically it was vicious cycle. This especially when Faith hitting was basically what would have been needed for the mages to out-damage the Paladins' healing in the first place. This especially given that neither of CT5Holy's mages pack Dispel Magic (since they usually don't need to) to get rid of their many buffs.

Also doesn't help that CT5Holy's Scholar kept flirting with Decap in the second round by insisting on physically attacking one of Paladins for no real reason, especially given Bio is extremely quick. Hell, she was more dangerous to herself than they were since she ultimately killed herself with Bio 2; I still don't get how the AI gets things redirected so easily when it can see the CT. [/umpteenth time]

But, uh, hey, one of the few matches where you can say that Throw Stone actually killed someone. Not only that, but it's one of the even fewer matches were Throw Stone killed more than one unit. So as facepalm-worthy as it was times, it was at least worth something.

Well, the Fire-element basically is what decided this match since it basically made Fire into widespread Raise 2s--Phoenix--to xyzqwv's team. This when combined with Otabo's mages hitting hard already even before Magic Song...yeah.... Not much else to say really given how one-sided that was.

Somewhat funny how, despite being the longest match on Nelveska, this probably only proved how it's "impossible" to fix the current Nelveska match when it comes to ARENA and the AI. Aside from that, the Pub round went rather quickly I'd say mostly because the Archer never went down--well, the rest of CT5Holy's units didn't go down either, but the Archer is arguably the most damaging one (or at least tied with the Thief) and he definitely is the most "annoying" unit between more evasion and Cursed Ring.

Nice to see Heaven's Cloud (the katana) finally (?) inflict Slow though and just get some use in general.

Not much else to say that wasn't already said on Youtube except that I wonder why Beguile seems increasingly high up on the AI's priority list. I know Charm status in general is rather high, but Beguile's accuracy is pretty damn low most of the time and I'm pretty sure the AI can at least somewhat see that. I wonder if it's just because more people are using Beguile--maybe?--or because of certain combinations of spells.

Then again, those aren't mutually exclusive. I suppose it's potentially somewhat like Dispel Magic in that regard since Dispel Magic has definitely been seeing more use as of late.

Yeah...Hyper Fabulous just couldn't ever catch a break for somewhat reason. This partly due to with the AI's weird infatuation to go for physical attacks when it has no reason to, even with spindly mage wrists "backed" by 40 Brave.

May they rest in peace unlike the increasing number of Cursed Ring users.

Yeah...this was just a rout, especially in the first round given the Weapon Break hit Ahong's heaviest hitter early in the first round. I do still wonder if things would have gone the same if the Chemist has Blast Gun like she should have had, but meh.

Not much to say about this since it was mostly just a battle of attrition that DomieV won just because his units are designed more for that between Battle Axe, Balance and the new Ancient Sword. Having Chaos Blade doesn't hurt either...well, unless you're the opponent.

Okay, ignoring the Blast Gun issue again, even though that would have probably given me more difficulty this time, and my opinions on Zigolis Swamp (as an ARENA map), something really weird happened here. Outside of being "annoyed" at the construction of formerdeathcorps's team as opposed to what it seemed like it could be doing, the other real reason I had wanted to fight formerdeathcorps was to see what would happen if I broke Hidden Knife with my Ninja/someone finally broke Hidden Knife.

...Except, that when I should have broken Hidden Knife on one of the Ninja in Round 2...he apparently kept his Transparent instead of it automatically going away like literally every other Always: Status tied to an item that gets broken (or stolen). Not sure what the hell is going on there, since it looks like somehow I broke the second weapon maybe; difficult to tell. So either Always: Transparent makes Hidden Knife unbreakable for some reason, Always: Transparent stays even if Hidden Knife is broken or something else screwed up big time. Whatever, it seems like more evidence to support that Hidden Knife ultimately lose Always: Transparent.

Other than that, I admittedly am still bit annoyed that I lost, partly because I did expect to win, but mostly because that Priest killed her ally idiotically when she could have just cast an equally fatal Bolt spell. Sigh. AI. Why.

Outside of my considering the first map that they fight on a rather horrible map in general, especially when compounded by the fact that Malroth's team really doesn't want to start off up-close, this match was largely decided by the Wizard being the only unit on Gaignun's team really vulnerable to the Scholars. When combined that they're the only "real" source of damage that Gaignun has in addition to both of them being hideously weak to the Wizard's fire and Gaignun's team not worrying about Wiznaibus due to Auto Potion and Item in general, yeah...Malroth was pretty doomed from the beginning. Oh well, he did say it was a joke team and as someone already pointed out, even as such, it would be easy to improve by just making it so that Phoenix Blades weren't rooted to the spot since the AI is dumb about attacking users of those repeatedly (which is why I eventually grew to "loathe" that weapon).

Well, it seems like both the decision to take Dokurider's advice about making Puppetmaster the Monk immobile and giving him both Move=0 & Iron Boots paid off. The latter was confirmed to indeed "stack" in terms of still getting turns quicker, which is...interesting. Aside from that, the extra sturdiness paid off a bit despite the only thing to ever hit the Monk being Demi, which is mostly why I won since he was allowed to just keep singing Battle Song relatively unchecked.

I might have lost had Ancient Sword (or Battle Axe) ever gone off, but otherwise I had the advantage between having two Concentrate users and DomieV's team having no Undead units, though I have two Consecration users for the latter. So Blood Knight was allowed to run wild while his other two mobile teammates ran around blowing things up with Southern Cross & Grand Cross while maliciously abusing (infinite) self-Reraise. This all while George was basically a non-issue between my entire team having 40 Faith (for once) and Lancelot being stuck healing, meaning that Arthur with his returned Chaos Blade was the only "real" threat outside of a random Decapitation or petrification, which I'm surprised didn't happen given my oft-wretched luck.

And DomieV certainly wasn't helped either by that hilarious, fatal critical hit off of the bridge in the first round by Blood Knight; I was wondering when that would happen to someone as often as that map is used, especially since I know it's happened in a vanilla game for me. Similarly, he wasn't helped by George being something of an idiot and still going for bag smacks when he should be going for Balance or...something else. I wonder if giving George a Murasame would fix that problem even though it means losing a Speed point (not like that's huge here since Balance is already pretty fast) and even though it's redundant to Defense Ring while taking away his ability to attack at all (which could occasionally be useful).

All of these rounds were decided pretty quickly, which is somewhat surprising since Angelus's team, for the most part, isn't a "powerhouse".

In round one, the Wizard getting taken out almost immediately right after the Archer got hit with Death Sentence basically determined that Angelus would win, especially since the Priest didn't last much longer after that and Archer missed the attempt to un-Death Sentence himself. (Pardon himself?)

Similarly, round two was quickly decided by the nature of the map, this time because of the water in the middle, which let Dokurider's Wizard & Priest nuke things unmolested. So, of course, when they went down pretty quickly in round three, it was obvious that Angelus was winning that round. Not much else to say.

To state the obvious, Death Sentence basically decided this match. Less directly, I think DarkxFatal's team mostly lost because it couldn't even do away with the Thief, partly because of Auto Potion constantly going off, despite the team constantly targeting him. Many wasted turns there, which inevitably proved fatal.

Not much to say about this given how one-sided it was, especially after the Stops hit. So I'll just say that fact that Thieves are able to horrific amounts of damage now even without Air Knife's current brokenness is one of the many reasons why I think Quickening needs to die. I'll stop campaigning about that (for now) though.

It's kinda funny how what is derided as the weakest Draw Out--I personally think that Muramasa is worse/the worst--is what probably ended up ultimately deciding the match. The Oracle being Slowed by Heaven's Cloud (the first time) is what broke the Raise 2 loop on the Samurai, forcing the Squire to use the far crappier Wish to revive him; the second time was just icing on the cake. The Oracle probably would have missed Raise 2 eventually anyway despite having an "infinite" amount of it since she only had about a 75% chance of hitting the spell on the Samurai. Still, Heaven's Cloud's Slow definitely helped decide things, especially since it happened around the same time that Chemist got hit with Arm Aim. Too bad Heaven's Cloud the katana still contributed next to nothing.

Man, such bad luck on sides in this match between Reks's Geomancer missing a couple of 95% Spear shots and reinoe constantly missing Insult. Ultimately reinoe won because Celestial Stasis couldn't do anything about Berserk, which shut down Reks's Oracle and the Samurai got affected by Death Sentence around the same time. Otherwise, Reks probably would have won just because reinoe's teams was on the "ropes".

I wonder if I still would have won that had I actually changed the team as I had meant to, especially since that version theoretically should do more damage regularly. Still, it wasn't really damage that won this, but rather statuses between Steal Heart, Secret Fist, Paralyze and Bad Luck. I do have to wonder why Reks's Geomancer kept going for Geomancy rather than far more damaging spear shots, especially when the AI tends not to pay attention to accuracy unless it's 0%. Regardless, I probably do need to do something about the weak-ass Chakra Jahn Doe has, even if that works with Flee like I thought. Also Zombie, since I again got lucky here with it resurrecting the male Thief, even if he subsequently did nothing; I still find it funny how I've gotten more "lucky" with resurrecting from regular Zombie than I ever did with old Cursed Ring in ARENA.

This round reminds me of how weird I still find it that the AI will just refuse to Move if Don't Move but able to instantly cure themselves of it. Do they not get access to Move back till the turn ends? Or are they simply not that able to see it's there again? Hmmm....

This seems to be the round where some of Reks's newer changes--that I, sigh, mostly suggested--screwed him over the most between the Time Mage's odd focus on Don't Move half of the time. It also didn't help that "regular" Slow is both less accurate than Slow 2 and subject to Reflect unlike Slow 2. Reks probably easily would have won here if he still had Slow 2 because, outside of the Samurai and to a lesser extent the Geomancer, Gaignun's team was doing jack all damage to him and didn't have an ability to add Haste.

From Youtube:

"(Ah, quicker than I expected for this team to fight. Thanks, Barren.)

I literally laughed out loud when I saw that Silence Song miss because I *instantly* knew where this was going. Sigh. It seems like Petrify is *maybe* the only status I have luck with. Or maybe being constantly railed by Mimic Daravon makes it seems that way.

Either way, the Pacifists have too many options. Priest literally never attempted Mimic Daravon or Preach, though the latter would have just made things worse. And neither the Oracle nor the Samurai even attempted Zombie, though I figured that Petrify might interfere with that for the former. Hmmm...maybe I [should] just outright give Summoner a Magic Ring or Dracula Mantle as I kinda wanted to, [even though that would mean potentially being Berserk with Healing Staff...again.]

GG Jumza. Nice to see someone use Spell Absorb effectively."

From Youtube:

"(Heh. I expected Earthbound music to be used with Reckless Charge eventually.)

Hmm...the Equip Magegear Ninja idea is something I had wanted to try as well, though it was with Rods...and before FFMaster changed Rods to go by MA instead of PA. As seen here (and in the one match of "Flailing About" somehow), Ninja don't...work well with MA-related things it seems save a few exceptions.

Other than that, the AI continues to be wear [sic] about when it wants to use Balance.

And, wow, I really keep not noticing that Angelus has updated his team for some reason."

Outside of noticing now that "wear" is where "weird" should be, there's not much else to say. I mean, I realize that Balance generally won't be used if it does less than other options, i.e. not being used below 100 if Comet is available, but that both doesn't always seem to be the case and Balance seems to be going off of things other than HP at times....

From Youtube:

"(Hunh. That's like the least stupid I've ever seen the AI be about Poisoning itself at Zigolis Swamp. If only it was like that all of the time....)

Geez, it's like DarkxFatal inherited my bad luck or something. That may be up there in terms of rounds that went wrong in every possible way.

Regardless of "hax" or not, that Long Bow Archer is rather scary. "Good ole'" Kagesougi and its terrifying damage plus status for all of 5 MP."

I am reminded that I was disappointed upon seeing that none of Otabo's units on this team have 108 Gems as an accessory. I'm guessing the name is more because 108 Gems blocks Frog or...something.

From Youtube:

"(Hahaha at the Priest being such a klepto.)

Thankfully no side had Auto Potion reaction or this might have taken *quite* a while, especially during the first map. Speaking of the first map, I'm a bit surprised that Paladin went for Poison over Reraise despite being injured. Hmm...."

Really not much to say besides that since it was just a matter of both sides slowly bleeding each other to death and whether or not Frog stuck.

I am suddenly reminded of Twisted Metal's Wallflower [?] due to the Otabo's team name and units...though I suppose the team name should have reminded me of "Springtime for Hitler" before that/her.

From Youtube:

"(What Dokurider said about the pre-and-post-game commentary, though my agreement is perhaps differs for reasons I will detail on the forums in about...three or so hours; it's probably safe to say after midnight at this point.)

Huzzah! We have hit a milestone I think. We have finally seen a Frogged-unit cast Frog for, I think, the first time in ARENA.

*breaks out banners even though he hates parties*

Despite issues against the currently overpowered Holy, Dragonblade's new team isn't too bad. I'd at least like to see that Squire immune to Silence [though]."

The Time Mage not being immune to Silence is understandable given you "have" to cover the Fire weakness, though that can be done with Rainbow Staff as well--pretty much only thing it's useful right now unless you really want to use an elemental Shield on Staff. The Squire really seems like he should have Lord of Robes and Short Charge though; also maybe that shield that blocks Holy--I can never remember which one does off-hand (Diamond?)--given Holy is currently both more powerful and probably even faster than it should be. Besides, having at least one-reviver (with high Faith) immune to it means that in cases like this it will be easier (or at least [more] possible) to mount a comeback (against, again, said Holy nukers).

From Youtube (original post):

"(Dispel Magic triggers Counter Flood? The hell?)

Yeah, Mimes can be fun. Too bad they're unreliable still, though I don't think this Mime missed mimicking any action, which would be the first time that's happened in a long while. So congrats to that I suppose. [Whoops, never mind. As reinoe correctly points out, there's a miss at 9:30 where the Mime doesn't mimic Nameless Dance. It seems like a Mime misses at least one action every match, which ironically means that is reliable in that sense.]

Other than that, not much to say because of how the first round went down."

While exchanging Carve Model and Local Quake's procs was ultimately for the better, I continue to wonder if Petrify should exist at all. After all, while less than the mostly Carve Model maps, a lot of maps seem like they are primarily Local Quake panels; these are mostly (the viable) Deep Dungeon maps, but there at least a couple more than just them I think. So...yeah. Not sure about Geomancy still having access to Petrify at all, though that's more a balancing discussion; Frog, the more common Stop and the would-be Berserk are somewhat in the same boat.

From Youtube:

"(Yeah...that forum response probably won't come until well-past dawn at this point.)

The female Thief was easily the MVP of Dokurider's team this time around. She arguably usually is since Talk Skill isn't as toothless as some poeple [sic] tend to think without Mimic Daravon. Thanks, CT5Holy."

From Youtube:

"(Yeah, I hadn't noticed that Counter Magic still counted as AoE when it came to spellguns until like a week ago.)

Weird to see Ice Brand's proc actually be relevant for once. Then again, this is Ice Brand on Squires rather than Paladins with significantly worse MA.

Quite the good match even if it was a tad more one-sided than I would have liked due to, possible pun not intended, Blindness when it came to Grand Cross and AoE in general."

Other than that, Reks somewhat got screwed over by the double-edged sword of M-EV when it comes to elemental absorption that comes through magick, though I'm not sure it would have ultimately helped since the AI was so dumb about that attempt to heal via Bolt 2 despite it being able to see the CT. I wonder if it used Bolt 2 because it knew the Chemist and the one Squire were going to move even before Nether Bolt if it had used that or if it just got avaricious.

Oh, and before I forget....

Quote from: CT5Holy on March 26, 2013, 04:17:51 pmOh right, for these two vids I have some post-game commentary too, let me know if you guys like it or not. Also if you guys enjoy the pre-game stuff too.

For the record, I'm probably going to be lazy and not always do post-game comments.

Your pre-game and post-game commentary is fine. More than fine actually. I rather like it, partly because it "pads" out the match time so it isn't obvious when (or how) a match is ending like it is for everyone else's current videos. So, if nothing else, I'd like to you keep the post-game commentary whenever you want to do it, especially since I feel like that's the more "relevant" one, if only because of how the AI acts.

As for pre-game commentary, I think that you (and Barren) would probably benefit from having a set time-limit of how much time you want to spend talking before a match actually starts. Trust me, I understand (and go on) tangents more than a lot of people, which is just one of the reasons that I don't bother with audio other than music on videos; it's also why I tend to try to only take about 25~ seconds "introducing" teams.

Thanks again.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


The first time I ever use Projectile Guard and it works out pretty well. The early armor break on my Samurai worried me, but Move-MP Up and Carbunkle didn't make her useless. Archers went for more Arm Aims than I expected, but enough hit so it works out. That 509 damage crit...wow. GG Dragonblade.
  • Modding version: PSX


Welp. It seem Don't Act is really what did me in, ignoring the overall low damage.
I've been trying to not update teams after one match nowadays, but I might just revise Holy Avengers in general..
GG/GF Dragonblade, the team can be pretty dangerous which is pretty good for your second team.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Tristan#9682


March 29, 2013, 02:28:59 am #2172 Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 07:55:58 pm by reinoe
Quote from: Barren on March 28, 2013, 09:59:55 pm
FFT Arena 1.38d - Dragonblade (Hyperdrive) vs TrueLight (Light Blast)

FFT Arena 1.38d - Dragonblade (Zombie Sweepers) vs DarkxFatal (Holy Avengers)

FFT Arena 1.38d - LightningHax (Arrow Hurts) vs reinoe (MachineGunners)

Well my teams certainly have a penchant for engaging in exceptionally stupid behavior on part of the A.I.  Whether it's moving in front of a charged Hawk's Eye(Red Dead Redemption), not using Murasame on undead units (Hyperfabulous), or being plain dumb(Piceous),  But there are some exceptionally derpy A.I. behaviors out there when my teams battle.

I don't normally delete teams, and I never imagined I'd delete a team after just one loss, but what the A.I. did in match one was inexcusable.
My dreams can come true!

The Damned

March 30, 2013, 05:24:46 am #2173 Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 02:56:12 am by The Damned
(The AI doesn't use Murasame [the ability] on the Undead anyway unless it's also healing itself, which, yeah, can be grating; not that Draw Out needs to get more powerful.)

So, it kind of goes without saying that I probably won't be getting any recording done this weekend. Between last night's little nightmare, not having even bugged Dokurider yet, Friday not being productive at all, wanting to get other projects done this weekend and the fact now I might not even be around most of Saturday...yeah.

That said, since it's best for Barren to post on weekends, I'll try posting during the weekdays for a while anyway. Not sure what CT5Holy's schedule is like, but I'll have the time after Monday.

*sighs heavily*

I'll have the time....

Anyway, here's match commentary for the Archer heavy-set where all the last rounds were one-sided:

The first round of this was easily the best round of the batch. I honestly thought with the improvements and changes to his team, as much as I'm "sad" to see the Squire have to go, was going to allow him win the first map. This even after that "I'm pissed about you Petrifying me!" critical hit happened. That last Charm seem like it had sealed it, especially since TrueLight's team was flagging before that.

...And then the Charmed Archer spent two of his three actions attacking the Projectile Guard Archer and ignoring the Samurai with broken armor who clearly had less health (overall). It's stuff like that made me "accuse" Projectile Guard of "attracting" projectiles towards it, especially since Truelight's entire team was in Silver Bow range and the Charmed Archer did finally go for the OHKO shot on the armor-less Samurai...only to get blocked.

Geez, it's been a while since I've seen Charm be so ineffectual for someone else if it wasn't dispelled instantly.

Not much to say about the second and last round, especially since it wasn't nearly as interesting (to me).

As I said on Youtube, I enjoy seeing Zombie-inflicting-based teams in action, especially after Non-Adventures in Pacifism failed rather completely. For Dragonblade's third team, it actually did quite well, though I think part of the reason that DarkxFatal lost is because Holy Spear kinda blows right now. Seriously, if the double proc actually worked or if the proc was twice of its power, then he would have likely won on at least the first map even after his Archer decided to kamikaze himself to no avail; it's not like Dragonblade's Mediator did any differently, he just got revived with way more health.

As I said on Youtube, I find it rather humorous that with all of the Archers on the map TIGER, none of them have Longbows to hit over the walls. Especially with regards to the two matches that came before this, which all had Longbow Archers.

Anyway, usual AI idiocy aside, it seems like reinoe mostly lost between a combination of bad luck, namely in that he kept activating HP Restore, and both Earth Spam (the unit) and Seal Evil being basically useless in this fight.

Oh, and before I forget: Dokurider, I still need you to point me to the music you're talking about with regards to "Missionaries from Heaven".
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


TrueLight (Light Blast) vs LightningHax (Arrow Hurts)

I don't have any like set times for recording and etc, I just do it when I have time/want a break from schoolwork. I am going to be busy for the next few weeks (I think I mentioned this), but vids will pop up from time to time, much like they are now.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


I guess everyone has their days when the RNG is against them, mine just happened to be this match. The undead Archers nulling my main offense was a problem from the start. It didn't help that my Archers only hit one Arm Aim throughout the entire fight. It also didn't help that my White Magic Samurai couldn't put them down with Raise 2. I think only one Raise 2 hit the entire fight. Chemist and Mediator dodging bow shot after bow shot and my Archers not dodging those nasty crossbow shots really was the law straw for me. Steal Accessory was nice to see and I'm glad I got a few Charms off. GG LightningHax. Your Undead Archers win this round.

Thanks for the videos CT5Holy and Barren! Much appreciated!
  • Modding version: PSX


I mentioned this to FDC a while back, but this is why every Silver Bow user should carry Seal Evil on them. Cursed Ring is the only common item that blocks Holy, but Seal Evil can take good care of those units.

The Damned

April 02, 2013, 06:22:50 pm #2177 Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 09:25:07 pm by The Damned
(It occurs to me that I probably should have asked this and just waited a day before asking Dokurider just to make sure everyone was "okay" with things, but, meh. I've waited long enough and I feel like I'm "behind" in this now too anyway, so....)

I just finally sent Dokurider the list of the next batch of fights on the memory card. I made sure to look extra carefully through the teams for this one to make sure people could actually fight or that, barring hax, the some of matches possibly wouldn't end up so "curb-stompy":

1. Jumza's "Down to Earth" vs. xyzqwv "All Four Bets".
2. Truelight's "Bloody Lance" vs. The Damned's "Dance Water, Dance!"
3. Otabo's "Target Practice" vs. Dokurider's "Magical Shield Maidens"
4. formerdeathcorps's "Deadbolt" vs. RavenofRazgriz's "Y U SO DERP"
5. Dokurider's "Missionaries from Heaven" vs. Barren's "Hero Lancers"
6. Barren's "Edible Oils" vs. DarkxFatal's "Shadow's Call"
7. DomieV's "Restless Sleep" vs. LightningHax's "Arrow Hurts"
8. Reks's "Monster Hunters" vs. The Damned's "Flailing About"
9. Dragonblade's "Hyperdrive" vs. Barren's "Ragnarok"
10. Dragonblade's "Zombie Sweeping" vs. Dokurider's "Missionaries from Heaven"
11. Vigilanti's "Summoner's Pilgrimage" vs. The Damned's "Pilgrimage of Repentance"
12. Angelus's "Scholars R Us" vs. formerdeathcorps's "Sniper"
13. Jumza's "Reaction, Support, Blank" vs. Dokurider's "Magical Shield Maidens"
14. reinoe's "Machine Gunners" vs. DomieV's "Famous Knights"
15. Otabo's "Spellstorm" vs. CT5Holy's "Wizard Stuffs"

I actually had reinoe's Machine Gunners fighting Barren's Annoyance initially, but then I realized that I had four instances of Barren's teams--I'm trying to aim for three non-repeats max--and that I didn't have a CT5Holy team or Otabo's Spellstorm, which still hasn't seen much action. So...yeah. If anyone else wants to run that in the mean time, then fine, otherwise I'll run it next time (if reinoe doesn't get so pissed off at Machine Gunners's possible incompetence that he actually deletes it).

I'll try to put up "Pilgrimage of Repentance" in the next couple of days. I'm just too lazy and ill-feeling right now to go through entirely overhauling my team formatting thing right now, especially with everything else I'm behind in.

Not much to say here that wasn't already said above or on Youtube except a couple of things. The first is with regards to Seal Evil. Even if Truelight had Seal Evil, which Silver Bows probably always should have as back up, he likely still would have lost, especially with that horrible luck. Both of LightningHax's non-Undead units have/had Soft and since Truelight's team wasn't exactly having stellar luck dealing with them either...yeah. Even if Seal Evil didn't also keep missing like it did in someone else's recent match, it would have similarly probably only have hit once and then immediately gotten Softened to no avail. That's part of the reason I think Seal Evil (and maybe Consecration) could probably stand to cost less JP.

The second thing would be to say that this match also reminded me that Cover Fire's formula really needs to be redone. Again. That thing is still way too damn swing-y, especially given the AI's focus on it and the fact that it's affected by Concentrate. Granted, I still think Hawk's Eye is (way) worse than Cover Fire ultimately is just because Cover Fire's damage is really inconsistent and can hit for laughably low damage (rather than laughably high damage), but it really does need to change.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: Otabo on April 02, 2013, 07:03:59 pm
Back recording Arena matches after a four month hiatus.

FFT Arena 1.38d - The Damned (Non-Adventures In Pacifism) vs Reinoe (Circuitfried)

FFT Arena 1.38d - Barren (Annoyance) vs. DarkxFatal (Storm Callers)

An incredibly educational battle.  It appears that the A.I. will start "attacking" immediately instead of using Haste 2 on all 4 four units.  I see no reason to not just go Dual Scholar/Summoners and Dual Scholar/Priests.

GG TheDamned

As interesting as round 1 was, Round 2 of this match was the opposite.  Also near the end of the round 1 the Paladin uses Consecration instead of a Regular attack on the Geomancer who had only 20 hp left.
My dreams can come true!