Lyra feels herself dragged off to godknowswhere in the hangar, half afraid this girl might be some crazed fan about to kidnap her, her eyes darting back and forth rapidly trying to keep tabs on an escape route of some sort, noticing that they were still plenty within screaming distance should the need arise, just enough away where there wouldn't be nosey oysters listening in to their conversation. As Linear begins to speak, Lyra's expression changes to a mixed look of disbelief and confusion. "That's.... That's not even remotely possible. I was an only child, mother said so from birth.... she said she met my father the night of my conception at some one night stand... for you to be my sister... wait...." A few gears begin turning in her head. "Wait.. is THAT why dad left....? I'm terribly sorry to say this but I don't remember an ounce about you. I just remember mother in tears crying daily and having to fend mostly for myself. She passed... Sadly.... I was just so sick of this war, I joined up with Zeon, and once we win our independence, I'm moving to a new colony and I'm just going to party all night, and relax all day. I'm sure Jeff'll come too! He's... He was sort of like a big brother to me, kept me a bit grounded whenever we partied a bit too hard, and I don't know... BUT THIS IS GREAT~! I have a sister! and here I was afraid of being alo-" Her sentence ends abruptly as her brain finally catches up with her mouth, her hands covering her mouth to stop any further idiocy from spewing out. "Soooo you're in our squad? This should be great! A pleasure to properly meet you sis!" She giggles a little then abruptly throws her arms around the tall girl holding onto her tightly for a few seconds before letting go, her face reddening some. "Guess we should.... go grab some food or something....? They're serving J.U.N.K. in the cafeteria today!"