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June 02, 2024, 02:17:59 am


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Curse of the Viper Forum RPG - Capture Dat Flag!

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 10, 2011, 06:06:43 am


Rin smiles and takes her sunglasses back, returning them to their proper placement.  "And are your subordinates always so jumpy about a little rough play?  Oh, they never would've survived in the Wild Horses."


"Naw, I'm usually sunshine, rainbows, and unicorn farts.  You just showed up and started acting a damn fool at the wrong time.  If you'll excuse me, Sir, I'm gonna get back to work."  Buliwyf climbs back up the metal framework and clips his safety harness back to the lines, picking up another wrench and vanishing into the underpinnings.


Lyra blinks a few times, still breaking out from the shock of such a spontaneous fight. She understands fighting on the war front, but after a mission of such proportions as the one they just had, she wasn't as stable as she would have been on any normal day. Now snapping back to reality though, she simply looks around, slightly doeeyed and shakes her head a couple of times. "You two clearly have more history than i gave credit for. Did he leave you alone at the altar or something? " Lyra then shrugs, before turning back and forth realizing someone had partially dragged her away from the fight, wondering where that tall cool looking girl went, before hearing her speaking behind her. " I'm Lyra by the way miss.  Lyra Leylande, Princess of the Flying Monkeys of Oz and wicked witch of the west, at your service! I'm the pilot of that funny looking mech over there, and one of the members of the Cobras!" She makes a sweeping gesture towards her baige and orangeish colored mech, its head the most notably different, the rest seeming similar to a normal zaku. She then shifts a bit where she is, so the group makes a bit more of a semi-circle where everyone has a clear line of sight to everyone else, nodding mentally to herself. " Did you say something about squad mates? I guess it had to happen either way, given what happened out on the field, but command sure does insist on it being a bit soon don't they? We've only just returned, but if you're up for keeping those robots" a quick glare at rin " And those enemy mobile suits off my back, welcome aboard!"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Atrius brushes himself off.  "Altar...?" Atrius takes a long sigh and shakes his head.  "Nothing like that, Lyra.  We were just squadmates a long time ago, in the early days of the war when most of the fighting took place in space."


Rin laughs a little too joyously.  "Those were better days.  Back when the Feddies didn't stand a chance.  But after stealing our wonderful creations from less-than-talented pilots, they've managed to get a bit better."  She stretches and yawns.  "My heart is barely beating... That skirmish wasn't enough for me!  Atrius!"  Rin turns to look him in the eye. "Satisfy my desire for a fight!  I will make you sweat out all this failure I smell on you!"


Linear tilts her head quizzically down toward the much smaller girl, running up beside her as if to tug on her skirt in an excited, following manner, perplexed by what she had said, unable to realize the reason she was so confused was that this Lyra had the same last name as her, but it took her mere moments to realize the connection, and what it could possibly mean, and in a whirl of frightening quickness, she stopped, and pulled on Lyra's arm, dragging her in a surprising burst of strength off of her feet and pulling her beside a very normal-seeming Zaku mobile suit, its fortress of a shield blocking them from view, as she sets her hands on Lyra's shoulders, and speaks to her, voice wavering for the first time in several years, her mind racing, her heart about to leap out of her chest.

"What did you just say? Lyra *Lelande*?! That's... That's my last name... oh my god, are you..." she stammers out, holding the side of the railing to brace herself before taking a deep breath, and rushing downward, swooping her arms around Lyra and embracing her tightly, releasing her when she realizes the audacity of her action and how strange it must seem, the lightest hint of crimson passing her high cheeks, fleeting as she begins to speak in a much more composed manner.

"Oh i'm so sorry, Its just... well... I'm Linear Lelande, and I think that you may be my little sister, so many years before, I was taken away by our father, you probably don't remember me, but I remember you, I would never forget that smiling face, you sure have grown..." she says to her now, a motherly grin, small and modest, replacing her stern expression from earlier as she leans back against what is more clearly now her machine, nothing in particular extravagant or different about it, but the familiarity with which she presses her back against its metal exterior tells more than enough.

"In any case.." she starts, clearly still amazed at their meeting, "...i'm glad to be here, thank you for the welcome."
Come watch my stream at www.livestream.com/nostalgia_gaming ! Comedy and video games abound! From classic to modern, we stream it there, with full voice commentary and music~


She frowns in a way that seems unusual next to her behavior thus far.  "Well it's not like I can wrestle with Evan or the others anymore.  And it's been so long..."  After a pause she speaks more.  "But I suppose we should go elsewhere as to not upset your oh so sensitive subordinates.  All I do is look a girl over and they're all on me."


A ship flies into the hangar, the paint job shows plainly and easily that its the Snap Dragon Team. Before it even landed, an orange mech hopped out and walked to its "Parking Spot". A tiny black haired girl hops out and and storms off to buy parts, completely ignoring the group fighting. She begins browsing the store for new gear.


"...Right. Let's head somewhere else." Atrius says, now back to his usual tert manner of speaking as he sticks his hands into his pockets, turning on his heel and heading out of the Mobile Suit bay in his usual slow gait.


Sorry about jumping the gun; somewhere in my brain a cog broke off. ;)

Wesley watches the situation and subsequent fight from a distance. "Hmm..." he muses silently to himself. "This certainly isn't what I expected out of an elite squad. Maybe these guys won't be too cutthroat. Or not..."

After observing the fight, Wesley looks over to the vending machine and decides that even the newbies had to eat. After buying a snack, he looks back to see everyone once more going about their business. He shrugs as he munches on his candy bar. Hopefully, he thinks to himself, he'd be able to fit into the group amongst this strange crowd. Frankly, he's more worried about getting in their way...

"Though maybe I should form up..." he murmurs to himself as he sees everyone heading to the bay.
  • Modding version: PSX


Lyra feels herself dragged off to godknowswhere in the hangar, half afraid this girl might be some crazed fan about to kidnap her, her eyes darting back and forth rapidly trying to keep tabs on an escape route of some sort, noticing that they were still plenty within screaming distance should the need arise, just enough away where there wouldn't be nosey oysters listening in to their conversation. As Linear begins to speak, Lyra's expression changes to a mixed look of disbelief and confusion. "That's.... That's not even remotely possible. I was an only child, mother said so from birth.... she said she met my father the night of my conception at some one night stand... for you to be my sister... wait...." A few gears begin turning in her head. "Wait.. is THAT why dad left....? I'm terribly sorry to say this but I don't remember an ounce about you. I just remember mother in tears crying daily and having to fend mostly for myself. She passed... Sadly.... I was just so sick of this war, I joined up with Zeon, and once we win our independence, I'm moving to a new colony and I'm just going to party all night, and relax all day. I'm sure Jeff'll come too! He's... He was sort of like a big brother to me, kept me a bit grounded whenever we partied a bit too hard, and I don't know... BUT THIS IS GREAT~! I have a sister! and here I was afraid of being alo-" Her sentence ends abruptly as her brain finally catches up with her mouth, her hands covering her mouth to stop any further idiocy from spewing out. "Soooo you're in our squad? This should be great! A pleasure to properly meet you sis!" She giggles a little then abruptly throws her arms around the tall girl holding onto her tightly for a few seconds before letting go, her face reddening some. "Guess we should.... go grab some food or something....? They're serving J.U.N.K. in the cafeteria today!"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


The body keeps Expatrus from being able to relax. She lights another cigar and attempts to push it out of her mind, but she can't. Are we not people before soldiers? Is it our way to perpetuate the indignities of the past? She grunts and stomps out of the plane, noticing the older man working on his MS.

"Hey. You. Stop doing that shit and help me properly dispose of this man. I don't want my corpse being left around like refuse by Feddie scum, so I'm damn sure not letting us do the same. We're better than that." She grabs the legs, awaiting for a reply from the codger.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Buliwyf was just putting his tools away when the woman with the cigar called.  He slung his toolbag into the storage locker of his cockpit and rappelled down to the deck before shrugging out of his safety harness.  "Some of us are. Some of us are just psycho.  You got any idea where to take this poor bastard?"  He hoists the body by its shoulders with a grunt.  "I need a damned beer before dealing with this crap.  Stupid crazy bitch.  I oughtta..."  He gets a thoughtful look on her face.  "I wonder if I can find out where she sleeps."


"I'll treat you when we get done with this. If you have an incinerator, that'd be the best way. If you don't, we'll have to do it the old fashioned way and bury him outside base. I just transferred in to fly the dropship, so you know this place better than I do."
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Henry, angry that nothing new has come in to the shops stomps off to the bar to cool herself off.


"Yeah, pretty sure there's a drop to the incinerator over in the corner." He heads over that way and helps the strange woman dump the body down the disposal chute.  "Swear to god next time she does that shit I'm leaving it in her bed."  He wipes his hand clean on his obviously well-used mechanics coveralls and holds it out.  "Buliwyf Herger.  You're the pilot?"


Rin leads Atrius out behind the hangar in some nice open space.  Tossing off her uniform jacket and sunglasses, she takes fighting stance.  "Take off a few of those things.  It'll help you move better.  Go ahead and make the first move."  Rin rubs her face.  "That kind of stings, you know.  But you were holding back.  I could feel it.  So how have things been since you left our dear Horses?"


Grinning around her cigar, she removes it and firmly grasps the man with her other hand, shaking it hard. "Erin Expatrus. Aye, I just got transferred in. High Command gave the orders to report to Cobra Corps due to needing a talented pilot for future missions." She lets go of the man's hand and puts the cigar back in her mouth, surveying him for a moment. "C'mon. You said something about beers. Lead on, tour master."
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.