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Re: ALL THE THINGS (ATT: A D&D RPG) - Let's get ready to rumble!

Started by Celdia, November 01, 2011, 06:21:40 am


Slightly miffed that her arrows did nothing more than tickle the magical beast, Nathalie sprinted to the elemental's side (9,E; 1) and quickly shot three arrows at its lower back (2, 3*). Fearing she would be slightly hurt, and also out of sheer panic, Nathalie escaped from the heart of the battle (8,D; 4).

"You get 'em, guys! Girls! People!" She yelled, offering verbal assistance.

*If target is dead, stop attacking.


Elia seeing that Hogarth and Rhyhorn are on fire, she runs over to them places her hand on Rhyhorn, "Heal!" 1). She then creates a pool of water above Rhyhorn, "2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen? Screw that. Faith plus time. Water!" 2) & 3) Lastly she places a hand on Hogarth and yells. "Heal!"

1) Step to J13 and Cast Cure Light Wounds on Rhyhorn
2) Cast Create Water on Rhyhorn
3) Cast Create Water on Hogarth
4) Cast Cure Light Wounds on Hogarth


November 19, 2011, 08:11:45 pm #242 Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 08:15:25 pm by Qwerinty

Turns 1-4: Hack away at the beast.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Turn 2 Resolution

              "Well I'll be an Azer's uncle...I guess ya can't really fight fire with fire..." Yvonne muses aloud as the battle below rages on. "Very well then. You, who hurt my friends; Must Parish!" With some small arcane gestures, she summons up an arrow of arcane energy and announces redundantly, "I cast a spell!" as it hurtles unerringly at the fire elemental, blasting a small piece of flame from its amorphous body. Enraged by the assault and the stone rhinocerous attempting to pin it to the ground, it roars and flails wildly, shoving Rhyhorn off at the same time the stone beast's belt shimmers faintly causing his stone hide to magically mend itself. Beside him, Xun draws runes of healing on Rhyhorn's hide, "Forgive, Rhyhorn. Unsanitary but neccesary." says the foreigner as the runes flare to life and even more of the creature's earthen form regenerates as the markings fade.
          Dashing through the gates behind Xun, Nathalie shouts half-confusedly, "You get 'em, guys! Girls! People!" to encourage her new allies as she stops to take aim at the flame behemoth, driving a bolt into the side of its head and being rewarded with a roar of pain. To the opposite side of the elemental, Hogarth appears to be channeling the powers of some God of Wrath as she shouts almost nonsensically, "RIP AND TEAAAAAAAAAAAAARR!!!" as she hacks away at the elemental with her axe, dismembering the beasts left arm which - possibly to her dismay - begins to slowly reform with fire welling up from its torso. The fiery beast's wail of pain completely drowns out Elia as she steps forward and focuses her healing powers on Rhyhorn, their effect somehow muted by his strange anatomy. Now in a better state of repair, Rhyhorn brings his full expanded bulk down upon the injured elemental, but is shrugged off by the beast who takes a swing at the rockbeast, but fails to penetrate the mystic wards previously put in place by Elia. Another shimmering bolt of magic rains down from the pixie, taking a smaller wedge out of the elemental, but pales in comparison to the elven barbarian's rage-fueled strikes. With another animalistic, unintelligible bellow her axe swings around high and comes across hard to the creature's back, cleaving the elemental about halfway down its body and causing the magic binding it to this plane to finally dissipate.
          With the beast banished, Elia easily puts out the fires on her allies with some conjured water and infuses Hogarth with some healing as well while Xun applies his healing runes to himself before the battle high wears off totally. Moments later, Rhyhorn reverts to his normal size as his Expansion power fades along with the magic shielding. As the rage empties from Hogarth, the few wounds she sustained make their effects felt as well as the fatigue common to berserking.

Battle Pane Complete!

Objective Bonus (Fast Win): [Surprise Token] - You can choose to get 2 Free Actions at the start of any one future battle. Use of this token must be a majority vote by the players.
Objective Bonus (Save Innocents): For keeping destruction of the grounds to a minimum and stopping the elemental from killing anyone, the Mage's Guild offers you each 750gp worth of lesser magic items (potions, wands, scrolls, tools) or that much value towards an armor enchantment (normally 1000gp, so you can get +1 to your Defense for 250gp).

~Stat Bonuses~

Rhyhorn: +2 Fire Resistance!
Yvonne: No Bonus.
Xun: +2 HP!
Elia: +1 Magic Skill!
Nathalie: +1 Ranged Skill!
Hogarth: +2 HP!

Allies Condition

HP: 33/43
Defense: 18
Movement: 4
Endurance: 8
Reflex Speed: 1
Magic Defense: 2
Melee Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 20/20
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 5
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 9
Melee Skill: 14
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 5

HP: 28/42
Defense: 16
Movement: 8
Endurance: 6
Reflex Speed: 4
Magic Resistance: 2
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: -100

HP: 15/21
Defense: 20
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 6
Melee Skill: 28
Ranged Skill: 20
Magic Skill: 0

HP: 8/8
Defense: 18
Movement: 6 Flying (1 Walking)
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 6
Magic Resistance: 4
Melee Skill: 8
Ranged Skill: 32
Magic Skill: 7

HP: 18/18
Defense: 16
Movement: 6
Endurance: 1
Reflex Speed: 5
Magic Resistance: 1
Melee Skill: 4
Ranged Skill: 16
Magic Skill: 1 (Items Only)

          As the dust settles and the fleeing crowds thin, an elderly woman in fine scarlet robes of silk exits the guild, smiling appreciatively. Her hair, tied up in a tight bun, reminds you of polished steel and her eyes are a dark color near enough to black that you can't tell otherwise. "Well done and my thanks, warriors. My apologies that we could not more swiftly grant you aid in your battle. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sari Novell, head of the local branch of the Mage's Guild." She pauses to bow her head respectively to you all before continuing. "Please, come inside. I would like to reward your efforts on behalf of not only the guild but the people of Tevinar as well. Such heroic efforts should not go uncompensated." She beckons for you to follow her inside the guildhall.

We now return you to our previously scheduled City Scene. Posting will end at the predetermined time (Thursday, Nov. 24th, 4am.) unless more madness ensues.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 20, 2011, 03:02:19 am #244 Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 03:12:48 am by Qwerinty
Hogarth stands firm for a moment, staring right into the guild member's eyes, and getting off a good 8 second scream at her. That might not sound like much, but try it, it's harder than it sounds. Weary, she reluctantly follows her friends and the mage into the guild hall, grabbing a small bit of apple from the wall and rubbing it into one of her wounds, its sweet ichor reminding her of her victory over magic. "Friend Rhyhorn.. The orcs will pay you another few silver pieces for allowing me to sleep in all the things" she mumbles, trailing off, head drooped.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


   "Hope tha' doesn' come back ta bite me..." Yvonne mutters mostly to herself as she watches the last of the banished elemental's flames flicker out. Her ears ring with the echo of the beast's roar, so she is unsure how loud her own voice is, however. "He di'n' look too happy 'bout goin' back..." Despite this, her mind hones in on a particular word spoken by the newly arrived Sari Novell. "Reward?!" the sprite perks up. "I git a free shopping spree?!" The battle instantly shoved to the back of her mind, the fey squeals with delight and speeds on ahead of the others.
   "Every little thing I do is magic." Yvonne sings contently as she makes her way over the crowded halls of the mage guildhouse. "Everything I do just turns me on." The very air seems charged with arcane energies, and it is... glorious. "Even though my life before was tragic." She spies a rack stuffed to the brim with scrolls and descends to take a look. "Now I know my love for me goes o~~~n." She finishes her little ditty before turning to the person she assumes is the the vendor. "Hey! Ya got any Lirai-sized scrolls 'ere?"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


[Knowledge check on Black Eyes, mostly check my lore knowledge...]
Elia looks at the Elderly Women greeting them. She quickly takes note of her eyes, and becomes curious, and suspicious. The lady bows, and Elia does the same.


Rhyhorn heaves, his body still searing hot from the battle with the Fire Elemental.  He looks around for a bit, before turning to the nearby Xun and nudging him to gain his attention long enough to produce a fairly warm stack of 38 platinum pieces for him.  Rhyhorn then walks back to the cart, hooking in and dragging it up past the Mage Guild's outer walls and parking it somewhere safe-looking and obscured before following the others inside.


"It honor to be of help."  He bows deeply to Sari Novell and then receives his money from Rhyhorn. "Ah yes, thank you.  Was coming to find this."  He examines his sword for any damage before slipping it quickly back into its sheathe, tucking his hands into the sleeves of his robes and following the mage into the building.


Nathalie pants wildly after the ensuing battle and bends over, putting her hands on her knees to catch her breath. "What? I would've much preferred gold instead." She replied, a bit dissatisfied with the elderly woman's gift before walking over to her stony rhinoceros friend.

"So, Rhyhorn, is this all normal for you and your traveling mates?" Nathalie asked, thinking of what exactly she could do with her free, store credit.


Rhyhorn nods affirmatively in reply to Nathalie's question, slowly at first.  He'd only been with his traveling companions a few days... but the trend was fairly obvious.  He wasn't spending much time thinking about his reward though, as he was coping with the fact his body was still smoldering at a temperature high enough that he could probably be used as a sentient frying pan.  Hopefully being in a nice and cool Guild Hall would remedy the problem quickly.


Magic Item listing is up in the second post of this thread. I spoilered it and the original shop post so they're not just taking up space. Here's a link for you lazy people. Click!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Rhyhorn mulls over his options in the Guild's Shops, and though he has a few ideas running around in his rocky nogging, he looks around, trying to find a suitable counter to employ the help of a casterfolk with Detect Magic for the time being.


"You think there's any room for me here? The opportunity of treasure, and money, it's promising!" She pitched to Rhyhorn, examining the wares of the magic guild's shop. She came across a wondrous item named the "Third Eye of Improvisation," and even though her store credit didn't cover the entire price, decided she'd shell out the extra 250 gold pieces for the item.

"This is why I'm broke," She mused, having the eye put fashionably on her forehead before sadly looking at her empty purse, "So what do you think? I'll come with?"


          With little effort, Rhyhorn does find an apprentice tasked with simple spellcasting for a fee. He charges only 5 gold pieces to Detect Magic on the loot collected from the orcs, but requests another 110 gold pieces to have anything magical in the lot Identify'd.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 20, 2011, 04:08:44 pm #255 Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 04:20:42 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Rhyhorn nods, giving the apprentice his requested 110 Gold, curious to see what kind of magic items those mangy Orcs had gotten their mitts on.  While the apprentice is Identifying, Rhyhorn turns to Nathalie and quickly scribbles onto his chalkboard:  "Should be room if want." he writes, nodding affirmatively.


"Yes, I want!" Nathalie replies, hoping that this room would be much better than the rest and run methods of travel she'd been making use of, "So are you guys staying somewhere?"


Rhyhorn nods, receiving the now-Identified goods from the apprentice and stashing them back onto his saddle before erasing his chalkboard and writing: "Yes.  Nice hotel.", holding it for Nathalie to read for a minute.  He then clears the board and seeks aide in enchanting his rocky hide in hopes of avoiding a repeat of the battle with the Fire Elemental.


"Is your stoneskin still hot? I'm afraid to touch it but I sort of dabble in my practices, I could perhaps try and help you if you'd like?" She says, thinking of how to actually cure the rhinoceros, "How /do/ you heal yourself, exactly?"


Rhyhorn nods, glad for any help he could get on the repairing front.  In reply to her question, he merely motions to the Healing Belt around his waist as best as a rhino could do so.