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Messages - Quillbeatssword

PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Soldier Office Upgrade
January 27, 2018, 10:34:29 am
Thanks a bunch ;)
New Project Ideas / QBS_ZODIAC_FFT
January 27, 2018, 10:22:14 am
Been working on this mod off and on for a couple years. It's a total rebalance mod. I have changed every job,spell and piece of equipment in the game to make it as balanced yet difficult as possible without resorting to cranking up the stats. I simply made it harder to deal huge damage by adding CT,Mana and range decreases to almost every ability as well as higher class evasions. Most  spells don't lock on making them easier to avoid. I would like to use a handful of the communities asm hacks in the final project with permission.

I'm going to try a bunch of gameplay screenshots when I have time to play tonight

Some of the class changes

Squires have knight break abilities and some special squires have beowulfs versions

Ramza can learn sword skills on hit as squire
I nerfed and balanced them

Most base npc jobs have Knight breaks or sword skills, some have both variations based on the type of character they are also keeping their original skills.

I removed all status immunity from human npcs excluding invite. As a result they are more likely to learn instant kill abilities and use them on you.

JP to master job levels is 0-1000,2000-8000 so most npcs will have a larger skill set at their disposal

Chemist becomes-Merchant, has move JP up,JP up, gilgame heart and item usage

Knight becomes Paladin, has protect,shell,wall, silence, Dispel magic etc
As a result priest is more healing orientation and gets "Heal" wish and the two healing summoner spells.

Black mage becomes Sorcerer and has most low cost spells from black magic,yin yang magic and time magic with reduced cts

Oracle becomes mage and has modified versions of stronger black mage spells.

Thief becomes Barbarian and has accumulate, yell, Insult and scream
With Dragonheart and HP restore
Scream and accumulate now add Berserk status.

Lancer becomes weapon master (still tweaking the skillset) Has blade grasp, meat bone slash, double hand and two swords.

Combined dancer and Bard into male and female rogue
Have negotiate, steal skills and I'm considering giving them something more. I'm leaning towards eye gouge, a Poison weapon strike and maybe the assassin moves like Shadow stitch.

Anyway. I spent a lot of time on this. I release a beta sometime this week if I'm able

PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Soldier Office Upgrade
January 26, 2018, 10:22:22 pm
How do I get it to work in FFTORGASM?
I Opened it in Excel and tried to find a way to convert it into the correct format. Im not that familiar with the program.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Rebalanced Knight Swords
January 25, 2018, 09:01:37 pm
Yeah, but like I said as far as I've noticed the a.i seems to use them properly when set to Magical using the formula for Geomancy skills. I'm not using any elements on the swordskills I kept physical so IDK if the physical flag is the derp cause. Would be my guess though. In other words I think it's the Physical flag causing that problem with wiegraf not weapon strike
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Rebalanced Knight Swords
January 25, 2018, 12:45:28 pm
You mean where he continuously lightning stabs you even when you have absorb? Maybe that's because the a.i thinks it's a swordskill? Cause I noticed even with a.i on auto Battle my guy didn't spam heal the bomb or skeleton. I had to manually use the ability. I think because now the game recognizes it as a Geomancy ability with an element
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Rebalanced Knight Swords
January 25, 2018, 10:57:27 am
Haven't noticed the knock back act funny. Seems to work fine. I'll patch in 99% knock back chance and see what happens. Are you absolutely positive that weapon strike nullifys elements?I thought it just toggles the sword swing animation instead of a regular cast using hands. I was almost certain that was just an issue with the original Knight swords formula. (WP*PA)+2 or whatever. If I don't hear back from you I'm going to test it using ice/fire sword on Bombs. IDK, another option would just be making swords for each one that cast the ability as a spell on hit

Edit- Haven't tested the knock back yet but using Geomancy formula on knight swords worked. Crush punch made fire type using the Geomancy formula healed a bomb.  Also used icewolf bite made Unholy on a skeleton and it was healed also.
It's possible that it has to do with the attack being flagged physical or Magical.
And unholy(Dark) sword I have flagged as Magical

The two dark night swordskills are marked as Magical also but I didn't give them an element because I didn't want 3 using dark element.

The four armor breaking swords I flagged as physical and made 3 of them melee range with no elements either and changed them from equipment breaks to a 4way random damage knock back using dash formula, a 3 range random knock back using throw stone formula, one uses the normal (WP*PA)+2 of night swordskills and the last one has the formula for Shock! (Casmaxhp-cascurhp) and they all seem to function as intended I'm at the second miluda fight right now
PSX FFT Hacking / Rebalanced Knight Swords
January 25, 2018, 01:17:04 am
I suppose I could just release it as a patch but for now I just figured I'd share my rebalance of the sword skills with everyone. I know alot of people seem to have trouble with them and most mods just add a Mana cost which I disagree with. I felt they needed to remain free to use like other physical class abilities like Monk skills so I nerfed them and tested it replacing the Knight class abilities with sword skills and added the break skills to another job

First off I changed the formula for status sword, crush punch, Lightning stab, split punch and holy explosion from
  PA*(WP+X) which doesn't allow element effects to the Geomancy formula MA*(PA/2+X) which does and i left (x) at 2 like statis sword.

I then gave them all a range of 3 on a single Target.
I they are already flagged as physical. With these 5 I changed them to magic which makes them evadeable. Also made the compatible with calc and counter magic.
I removed all their status effects
Then added and renamed one for each main elements
Each costs 150jp

Crush punch-Fire Sword
Lighting stab- Lighting Sword
Status sword- Ice Sword
Holy explosion- Holy Sword
Split Punch- Unholy Sword
I left the HP/MP swords alone and just changed both costs to 150.(Edit) - Original formulas ignore Evasion and deal damage based on WP and PA but I want them to be Magical so I changed them to the Oracle-Spell absorb and Life drain formulas

As for the other 4 I made them Physical damage, Melee range and evadeable. Each does different stuff for example I used Hellcry punch and renamed it Arc Sword.
It attacks 1 square in all directions and uses the dash formula. Random damage with a knock back chance.
Have fun with these 4 and do what you want.

So now you have 5 Elemental Magical attacks that do fair damage, 2 Drains that are dark by default but I removed the element from them.

And 4 melee ranged Physical attacks. Combine this with a balanced growth of PA/MA and have fun ;)

PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
January 25, 2018, 12:17:10 am
Is there a spreadsheet for adding in new formulas or is it all done through hex?
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
January 24, 2018, 02:48:29 pm
I get how it works and it is a good system. But I did figure out that dropping someone's brave to zero makes them take no damage period. Which is way lame.
Like I said. Everyone has a preference though and it's not quite what I'm looking for that's why I made the request for a different system. Doesn't mean it'll happen.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
January 24, 2018, 02:13:02 am
Same way that Fury reinvents brave.
Only difference is I want brave to be a reflection of combat skill and faith would be talent with magic. Someone with high Brave will be better at attacking AND defending themselves. People with high Faith would have more knowledge on the use of magic and do more damage therefore understand how to protect themselves against it as well. Just something I feel would be fun and want to use in my patch if possible. Something different from the other mods.
Instead of brave and faith consider them Combat and Magical Aptitude

Side note. On the subject of Fury. That mechanic makes a little more sense to me after you put it how you did.
In other words it becomes a meeter of how aggressive you are vs how defensive? So high brave is high damage output and high damage received and vice versa? Exactly like faith?
I was confused. The bit of time I used it the mechanic seemed broken.
As an example I didn't fully understand it and dropped an enemy down to 0 brave using a mediator that was set to save fading life. Next thing I know my a.i stopped attacking him and just spammed yell and defend. I took direct control and seen that no matter who I hit home with my damage was 0 and he was hitting for roughly 2x the damage of my nights. So.. maybe I discovered a bug then.

Either way. It's an alright mechanic. I'm just curious how well mine would work.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
January 23, 2018, 10:22:17 am
I need help making a formula that rewards high
Faith with increased magical damage AND defense
And high brave with increased damage AND Physical defense

Ex- Fire 1 damage (Ma*y)
So if MA is 5 and Y is 6 you'd normally take around 30 damage. If your faith is 70 then your total damage would be 30+70%. 70% of 30 is 21 so now your damage total is 51. If your targets faith is 74 they would take -74% of that damage around 13.2. but if their faith is 45 they would take -45% so 28.5

Longsword damage 8 (PA*Y)
PA 6 total damage 48
Caster brave 61 48+61%=77.2
Target Brave= 34 77-34%=50.8 or 51

Overall I think this mod would involve two things. Changing the attack formulas for magical to use +Caster faith%
Physical to use +Caster Brave %

Then changing the effects of brave and faith according
Or just eliminate the effects of brave and faith and add the -Target B/F to all the equations
Could also somehow be added to Poison and Regen etc +Cast faith % which would make Poison really hurt depending on who put it on you
IDK if % can be used to calculate the damage but I'd prefer it over a flat +caster -Target because it would scale better I think because it's a % of total damage instead of a flat amount.
The idea overall is to help scale the damage spikes in this game while making characters have clear advantages and disadvantages due to brave and faith With flat amounts
Longsword damage 8 (PA*Y)
PA 6 total damage 48
Caster brave 61 48+61%=77.2
Target Brave= 34 77-34%=50.8 or 51
Would become 48+61=109-34= 75 which wouldn't be bad either but when you start factoring in more PA and Stronger weapons or even attacks like sword skills and Monk attack you would still be doing rediculous damage at higher levels compared to the HP cap.
I want my mod to have truly strategic battles not quick battles with people being killed in a single hit.

Here's an example of the scaling at Max AP
Longsword damage 8 (PA*Y)
PA 99 total damage 792
Caster brave 61 792+61%=1275
Target Brave= 34 1275-34%= 842
842 against someone with 34 brave
383 against someone with 70 brave
819 regardless of brave using vanilla formulas
You can actually have a tank without having to
Rely purely on high Evasion

Please and thank you I've been modding games in general for years. FFT in particular for around the last year. Haven't messed with formulas though.

I'm in the process of putting the finishing touches on my new rebalance and this is "fingers crossed" a necessity if it can be done.

I have used the asm mod FURY but Its the opposite of what I'm looking for i want low F/B punished and high F/B rewarded
This will make talk skill invaluable