Final Fantasy Hacktics

Projects => Completed Mods => Topic started by: Cleiton Santos on June 12, 2023, 05:02:15 pm

Post by: Cleiton Santos on June 12, 2023, 05:02:15 pm
 I start to apologize for the absurd delay to finish this version... Sorry

******* Final Fantasy Tactics Omega*******
"Is it truly him?"

It is an alternate version of the original Square Enix game "Final Fantasy Tactics, War of the Lions".
This version was developed with the aim of rebalancing all jobs, skills and items in the game.
Keeping the essence of the original strategies and raising them to the next level.

(beta version screenshot)

####### Motivation #########
Increase the possibilities of strategy and bring the full potential of the mechanics that in the base game
were not used in their entirety.
Whether due to the short development time of the game, or due to the absence of current tools
from player data collections, we have discrepancies between a huge variety of jobs and skills in the base version,
even in the Lion's War, where a lot of things were revised, they didn't share the original full team anymore,
therefore, it is believed that many of the original embryonic ideas and mechanics were forgotten or not fully explored.

And also because until now Square Enix still hasn't made a better tactical game than FFT...

####### What has changed ? #########
- Rebalanced jobs attributes
- Innate bonus of base jobs improved and redistributed for better coherence
- Reorganized, renamed, recolorfull, redistributed and leveled items
- Skills redistributed and revised
- Leveled special jobs powerful
- Equipped items in each jobs better contextualized according to coherence, timing and diversity
- All jobs reformulated
- Limited enemies added
- Better suitable items of all jobs
- Added skills of all jobs
- Poach with better items
- Higher probability of obtaining rare items in Treasure Hunter
- Treasure hunter with better items and new additional items
- Revised costs of skills
- JP of obtaining many skills reduced
- Casting time of many spells reduced
- Adjusted prices of all items
- Increased Exp and JP earnings
- Revised and improved battle rewards
- Tavern quests most accessible
- Better rewards and experience gains on tavern quests
- Difficulty in campaign mode redistributed and rebalanced according to the story's context
- Campaign mode enemy equipment reformulated according to context
- Re-imagined optional challenges
- Best rewards from optional challenges
- Multi-player items content is also available for single player
- Added Easter Eggs
- More fun random character names
- Added conspiracy theories
- Failed attempt to nerf Orlandeau...
- Added new skills
- Added new monsters
- Added new jobs
- Added new items
- More, much more...

Note: The game's story has not been changed.

####### What are the new mechanics? #########
- Parry and Gained Jp Up for everyone! (Caos Version Only)
 All classes have these skills innately

- The lighter the faster!
 Many of the items like knives and clothes increase speed now

- Build strength, defense, magic or agility!
 In addition to jobs, items also guarantee more possibility of focusing the character on physical strength,
 magic, hp and buffs or agility

- Bad and good at the same time!
 Many powerful classes and items have weaknesses and deficiencies, which can be overcome depending on your build

- Battle set, for battle mode!
 It is possible to overcome many deficiencies in powerful items by equipping them during battle,
 and many have resistance and useful elements if you know your opponents well.

- Nothing is lost, everything is destroyed! (Caos Version Only)
 Stolen or thrown items appear for purchase at the fur shop, but if they are broken they will be lost forever... forever...
- Breaks posture! (Caos Version Only)
 Leaving an opponent in critical condition cancels their charged abilities, but the same goes for you.
- Break Guard, Break Buffs, Break Everything (Caos Version Only)
 Some weapons, such as axes and skills such as stone throwing, can cancel opponents' charging mode and break defenses and buffs.

- Weapon Masters and Cast Guard! (Caos Version Only)
 Support skills for equipping weapons now grant 30% more damage with that weapon,
 and a new skill for mages and archers has been added that grants 80% physical damage reduction during the charge state

- Weapon Arts, special weapon attacks
 Many weapons have special attacks, with a 33% chance of occurring during a successful physical attack

- Bloody war on both sides! (Caos Version Only) 
 Critical hits are more common, and are more likely to occur if used by a character in critical condition

- Everything has a name, but I want to change it! (Caos Version Only)
 All units can have their names changed, and they can all do tavern missions as well.
- This buff/status effect is good, and that one too, and that one too... (Caos Version Only)
 Improved the worst buffs:
 Defend: now quadruples defense %, and reduces physical damage taken by 80%
 Regen: Heals 2x more
 Invisible: quadruples evade chance end increases critical hit rates
 Protect: Reduces 50% physical damage

 Improved the worst Status Effecs:
 Blind: reduces defense chance to 1/4, reduces physical hit chance to 1/4
 Poison: deals double damage and does not heal after character death
- Status effect X Buff
 More effect and status buffs now cancel each other out:
 Regen x Poison
 Haste x Slow
 Reraise x Doom/Vampire
 Reflect X Silence
 Float x Immobilize
 Defend x Disable
 Invisible x Blind
 Faith x Ateist

- More, much more...

###### Omega Generic classes requirements and details ######
0 Warrior Prerequisite: None
 This job serves as the foundation for all others, forming
 the first step on the road to becoming a mighty hero.
 Passives: Defence Stance, Equip Fast,Physical Attack+, Exp+
 Main Weapons: Axes, Flails, Swords and Shields
 Equips: Hat, Clothing
1 Alchemist Prerequisite: None
 An expert in the use of items to recover HP or remove
 vexing status ailments.
 Passives: Aerial Alchemy, Analize Place,
 Safeguard, Rationalism (Permanent Atheist)
 Main Weapons: Guns, Knifes,
 Equips: Hat, Clothing
2 Blade Knight Prerequisite: Warrior Lv 2
 A brave and chivalrous warrior of unmatched skill.
 Uses a knight's sword to unleash the Arts of War.
 Passives: Physical Defense+, Exp+
 Main Weapons: Greatswords, Swords and Shields
 Equips: Heavy Armors
3 Noble Archer Prerequisite: Warrior Lv 3
 Equipped with a bow and arrow, this warrior provides
 valuable long-range attacks. May Aim for higher damage.
 Passives: Precision+
 Main Weapons: Bow, Crossbow
 Equips: Hat, Clothing
4 Fighter Prerequisite: Blade Knight Lv 3
 A fighter devoted to physical training, whose unarmed
 attacks are deadly. May use Martial Arts.
 Passives: Pure power, Lifefont, Exp+
 Main Weapons: None
 Equips: Clothing
5 Cleric Prerequisite: Alchemist Lv 2
 A cleric who taps into the powers of the divine, using
 White Magicks to cast spells of recovery and protection.
 Initial: Regen, Protect, Shell
 Weakness: Dark
 Passives: Arcane defence+, Exp+
 Main Weapons: Staff, Flail
 Equips: Hat, Clothing, Robes
6 Wizard Prerequisite: Alchemist Lv 2
 A mage who uses Black Magicks to channel
 elemental powers into powerful offensive spells.
 Weakness: Holy
 Passives: Arcane Attack+, Exp+
 Main Weapons: Rod
 Equips: Hat, Clothing, Robes
7 Chrono Master Prerequisite: Wizard Lv 3
 A mage who uses Time Magicks to control space and
 time, toying with laws created by the gods themselves.
 Passives: Speed Cast
 Initial:  Slow, Float
 Permanent: Haste
 Main Weapons: Pole, Staff
 Equips: Hat, Clothing, Robes
8 High Invoker Prerequisite: Chrono Master Lv 3
 A mage who may Summon the most powerful of
 spirits, the beings known as espers.
 Passives: Mana Mastery, Exp+, Warlock Casting
 Main Weapons: Rod, Staff, Book
 Equips: Hat, Robes
9 Rogue Prerequisite: Noble Archer Lv 4
 A warrior whose nimble fingers allow him or her to Steal
 from nearly anyone.
 Passives: Hunting Contract, Analize place,Aerial Alchemy, Steath
 Main Weapons: Knife, Ninja Blade, Crossbow
 Equips: Hat, Clothing
0A Inquisitor Prerequisite: Spirit Master Lv 3
 A warrior who participates in battle using Speechcraft.
 Words, rather than swords, are the orator's weapons.
 Passives: Monster Tamer,Arcane Defense+, Physical Defense+
 Main Weapons: Flail, Gun, Crossbow, Book
 Equips: Hat, Adornamment, Clothing, Robes
0B Spirit Master Prerequisite: Cleric Lv 3
 A master who uses the Mystic Arts to use the
 forces of the spirits at will. Balances Yin-Yang
 Passives:  Manafont, Ignore Weather, Exp+, Punisher
 Immunity: Stone, Blind, Confuse, Sleep, Undead, Berserk, Disable.Resistence: Yin-Yang (Holy/Dark)
 Main Weapons: Book, Pole
 Equips: Hat, Robes
0C Elementalist Prerequisite: Fighter Lv 4
 A monk warrior who uses Geomancy to control powers
 lying dormant in the natural terrain.
 Passives: Ignore Terrain, Physical Attack+, Exp+
 Resistence: All Element Resistence
 Main Weapons: Sword and Shield, Axe, Pole
 Equips: Hat, Clothing, Robe
0D Sky Dragoon Prerequisite: Blade Knight Lv 3, Noble Archer Lv 3
 A knight who may make soaring Jump attacks even in
 full armor, the dragoon is also a master spearman.
 Passives: Infinity Jump, Physical Defence+, Exp+
 Resistence: Fire, Lightining, Ice
 Main Weapons: Spears and Shields
 Equips: Heavy Armors
0E Swordsmaster Prerequisites: Elementalist Lv 4, Noble Archer Lv 2
 Following a warrior ethic from a foreign land, the samurai
 uses Iaido techniques to attack with his or her katana.
 Passives: Doublehand, Physical Attack+, Swin, HP+
 Main Weapons: Katanas, Bows
 Equips: Heavy Armors, Robes
0F Shinobi Prerequisites: Rogue Lv 5, Blade Knight Lv 2
 A warrior who uses stealth to be all but invisible.
 The ninja may also Throw weapons at faraway enemies.
 Passives: Dual Wield, Aerial Alchemy, Steath,WatherwalkingInitial: Invisible.
 Main Weapons: Knife, Ninja Blade, Flail
 Equips: Hat, Clothing
10 Planeswalker Prerequisites: Cleric Lv 5, Spirit Master Lv 4,Wizard level Lv 5, Chono Master Lv 4
 A learned sage who uses another dimensions to analyze
 natural phenomena and conjure powerfull magicks
 Passives: Arcane Attack+, Arcane Defense+,
 Speed Cast, Mana Mastery
 Main Weapons: Rod, Staff, Book, Pole
 Equips: Hat, Clothing, Robes
11 Singer Prerequisites: Invoker level 3, Inquisitor level 3
 A singer who uses his voice as a weapon. May use
 Bardsong to support his allies in battle.
 Passives:  Fly, Exp+/Jp+
 Main Weapons: Instrument
 Equips: Hat, Clothing
12 Mistress Prerequisites: Elementalist level 3, Dragoon level 3
 A lady who dances across the battlefield, garbed in
 colorful raiments. May Dance to hinder the enemy.
 Passives:  Fly, Exp+/Jp+
 Main Weapons: Knife, Cloth
 Equips: Hat, Clothing
13 Copiator Prerequisites: All Jobs level 5
 A hero who has abandoned his or her own identity,
 instead mimicking the actions of allies in battle.
 Passives: Master teleportation, Pure Power,Precision+, Waterbreathing
 Initial Divine Wall
5E Omega Knight This warrior exchanges life for power, using Darkness
 to disintegrate all who stand before him
 Passives: Physical Attack+,HP+, Vehemence
 Main Weapons: Dark Swords and Shields
 Equips: Heavy Armors, Clothings, Robes
 Prerequisites: Black Mage LV 5,
 Swordsmaster level 5, Hatred...
5F Omni Knight Although able to equip all weapons, this sad warrior excels
 at none, and is far from being the most powerful.
 Passives: Immortality
 Warrior level 5, Alchemist level 5

###### Hunting Omega Mini Bosses!!! ######

Name - Rank - Local - Chapter - Mood
King Horn - D - The Siedge Weald(East) - Chap2 - Hostile
Marceline - D - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap1 - Hostile
Robin Wood - C - Araguay Woods(East) - Chap4 - Hostile
Lucy - C - Balias Swale(West) - Chap1 - Pacific
Alfa 1 - C - Balias Swale(West) - Chap1 - Hostile
Alfa 2 - C - Balias Swale(West) - Chap1 - Hostile
Alfa 3 - C - Balias Swale(West) - Chap1 - Hostile
Alfa 4 - C - Balias Swale(West) - Chap1 - Hostile
Alfa 5 - C - Balias Swale(West) - Chap1 - Hostile
Alfa 8 - C - Balias Swale(West) - Chap1 - Hostile
Popo - C - Dugeura Pass(West) - Chap5 - Hostile
Papa - C - Dugeura Pass(West) - Chap5 - Hostile
Pupu - C - Dugeura Pass(West) - Chap5 - Hostile
Pepe - C - Dugeura Pass(West) - Chap5 - Hostile
Saga - C - Favoham Windflats(West) - Chap5 - Hostile
Ovelia - C - Finnath Creek - Chap1 - Pacific
King Phantom - C - Fovoham Windflats(East) - Chap2 - Hostile
Zorn - C - Grogh Heights(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Torn - C - Grogh Heights(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Cuja - C - Grogh Heights(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Orran - C - Grogh Heights(West) - Chap1 - Pacific
Dark Blader - C - Lenalian Plateau(South) - Chap5 - Hostile
Shadow Clone - C - Mont Germinas(North) - Chap2 - Hostile
Dragokong - C - Mont Germinas(North) - Chap1 - Hostile
Dragozilla - C - Mont Germinas(North) - Chap1 - Hostile
Delacroix Illusion - C - Mont Germinas(North) - Chap2 - Hostile
Holy Blader - C - Mont Germinas(North) - Chap3 - Hostile
Shadow Blader - C - Mont Germinas(North) - Chap3 - Hostile
Bispo 7 - C - Mont Germinas(South) - Chap1 - Hostile
Lucy - C - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap3 - Pacific
Bosch - C - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap3 - Pacific
Draco - C - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap4 - Pacific
Kaiser - C - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap4 - Pacific
Dark Blader - C - Mount Bervenia(South) - Chap1 - Hostile
Alicy - C - Mount Bervenia(South) - Chap1 - Hostile
Ludd - C - Mount Bervenia(South) - Chap1 - Hostile
Alfa 1 - C - Tchigolith Fenlands(East) - Chap4 - Hostile
Abuu - C - Tchigolith Fenlands(East) - Chap3 - Hostile
Jack - C - The Yuguewood(East) - Chap5 - Hostile
Jenova - C - The Yuguewood(East) - Chap5 - Hostile
Redzard - C - Zeirchele Falls(East) - Chap1 - Hostile
Shaka - C - Zeirchele Falls(South) - Chap4 - Hostile
Mirage - C - Zeklaus Desert(North) - Chap2 - Pacific
Lanza - C - Zeklaus Desert(South) - Chap3 - Hostile
Alicy - C - Zeklaus Desert(South) - Chap3 - Hostile
Livian - C - Zeklaus Desert(South) - Chap3 - Hostile
Delatos - C - Zeklaus Desert(South) - Chap3 - Hostile
Olivia - C - Zeklaus Desert(South) - Chap3 - Hostile
Gaia - B - Araguay Woods(South) - Chap5 - Pacific
Mirror - B - Araguay Woods(West) - Chap1 - Pacific
Drako - B - Balias Tor(North) - Chap2 - Hostile
Magnus - B - Balias Tor(North) - Chap1 - Hostile
King Shell - B - Balias Tor(South) - Chap3 - Hostile
Mirror - B - Beddha Sandwaste(North) - Chap5 - Pacific
Bluetoise - B - Beddha Sandwaste(North) - Chap4 - Pacific
Megera - B - Beddha Sandwaste(South) - Chap2 - Hostile
Tisífone - B - Beddha Sandwaste(South) - Chap2 - Hostile
Alecto - B - Beddha Sandwaste(South) - Chap2 - Hostile
Gilgamesh - B - Dorvauldar Marsh(West) - Chap 4 - Hostile
Pipi - B - Dugeura Pass(West) - Chap5 - Hostile
Lizzardo - B - Finnath Creek(East) - Chap3 - Hostile
Alfa Boco - B - Finnath Creek(East) - Chap3 - Pacific
King Eye - B - Fovoham Windflats(East) - Chap3 - Hostile
King Flame - B - Fovoham Windflats(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Gilgamesh - B - Lake Poescas(South) - Chap1 - Pacific
Bluetoise - B - Mandalia Plains(South) - Chap5 - Pacific
Redzard - B - Mandalia Plains(South) - Chap5 - Hostile
Jack Striper - B - Mandalia Plains(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Beta 4 - B - Tchigolith Fenlands(East) - Chap3 - Hostile
Beta 3 - B - Tchigolith Fenlands(East) - Chap3 - Hostile
Beta 1 - B - Tchigolith Fenlands(East) - Chap3 - Hostile
Beta 2 - B - Tchigolith Fenlands(East) - Chap3 - Hostile
Gilgamesh - B - Tchigolith Fenlands(East) - Chap1 - Hostile
King Wolf - B - The Siedge Weald(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Joana D'ark - B - The Yuguewood(East) - Chap3 - Pacific
Blood Blader - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Dark Ranza - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Dark Delita - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Dark Orlandeau - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Dark Alma - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Dark Orran - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Omega Marach - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Dark Agrias - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Dark Beowulf - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Dark Meliadou - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Dark Cloud - B - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Delita - B - Zeirchele Falls(East) - Chap1 - Pacific
Matrix - B - Zeklaus Desert(South) - Chap4 - Pacific
Agries - B - Zeklaus Desert(South) - Chap3 - Pacific
Arthur - A - Balias Swale(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Onions Army - A - Balias Tor(South) - Chap1 - Hostile
Gandalf - A - Beddha Sandwaste(North) - Chap4 - Pacific
King Skull - A - Finnath Creek(East) - Chap1 - Hostile
Patrono - A - Grogh Heights(South) - Chap1 - Pacific
Fafnir - A - Lake Poescas(North) - Chap2 - Hostile
Adamantoise - A - Lake Poescas(North) - Chap2 - Hostile
Cthulhu - A - Lake Poescas(South) - Chap3 - Hostile
Gandalf - A - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap2 - Pacific
Ryu - A - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap3 - Hostile
Ryuzaki - A - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap3 - Hostile
Prince Skull - A - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap5 - Hostile
Omega 1 - S - Balias Swale(West) - Chap1 - Hostile
Omega 2 - S - Lake Poescas(South) - Chap1 - Hostile
Omega 4 - S - Lake Poescas(South) - Chap2 - Hostile
Final Ryu - S - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap3 - Hostile
Omega 5 - S - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap3 - Hostile
Omega 3 - S - The Yuguewood(West) - Chap4 - Hostile
Omega 6 - SS - ??? - ??? - Hostile
Omega 7 - SS - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap3 - Hostile
Lost Omega - SS - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap3 - Hostile
Alfa Omega - SS - Mount Bervenia(North) - Chap3 - Hostile
Omega 8 - SSS - ??? - ??? - Hostile
Elden Lord - SSS - ??? - ??? - Hostile

###### What about version difficulty ? ######
"Draw your sword, Ramza"

This game despite having a rebalancing of difficulty, it also brings a range of possibilities and ways to
playing and combinations not present before, which can in many situations facilitate and even change the context of many
battles called "Hard".
Generally speaking, the difficulty increases along with the story:

Old Omega Versions:            Caos Omega Version:
      Chapter 1 = Normal                Chapter 1 = Hard
        Chapter 2 = Hard                Chapter 2 = Very Hard
        Chapter 3 = Hard                Chapter 3 = Very Hard
        Chapter 4 = Hard                Chapter 4 = Omega Difficulty
Deep Dungeon = Very Hard                Deep Dungeon = Omega Difficulty

(beta version screenshot)

###### How was PVP and PVE? ######
Both became more strategic and challenging.
- In PVP, all classes, skills and items are more balanced, and the options for combos and strategies are increased.
- In PVE, monsters offer more threat and variety.

Tzepish - WotL Tweak ASMs.
Xifanie - Smart Encounters ASM.
Zodi-ark - For the texture pack (
I was inspired a lot and learned from the masters who made FFT 1.3 , Jornay of the 5, Tweak v2.52 and Mercenaries mods
I apologize because I don't know the names of the people who made the sprites or who made the FFTpathcher and Valhalla tools
  in short I owe everything I've done in this mod to the entire FFhacktis community.

#### Download Omega PPF ####

Note: Apply for USA PSP version (wotl) clear ISO !!!

(Optional) Apply after applying ppf Omega Caos for minor adjusts !!!
For minor adjustments to skills:
Power+(+2), Magicka+(+2), Faith(+20) and Brave+(+20).

Equipment buff: Moonlight Greatsword and nerf to Seraph Mantle equipment.

Opponents do not use Throw Items and
Dragon Elix is ​​no longer purchasable on shop, but can be dropped from green dragons with the secret hunt.

###### Zodi-Ark Texture Pack for Omega Version ######
If you want a superior texture in the game, without disturbing the Omega experience, follow the steps below:

1 - In your PPSSPP directory, navigate to memstick/PSP/TEXTURES then drag ULUS10297 from the .zip into the folder
(For EUA users change the folder name from ULUS10297 to ULES00850)
2 - Finally, enable texture replacement in PPSSPP by going to settings>tools>developer tools>replace textures.
ULUS10297.rar (NEW!!):v/:

##### Final considerations #####
"Those who for some reason have the knowledge of something, must devise ways to change the world around them to
improve the experience of those who will come later or haven't experienced that in question."
With love, made from fan to fan! S2

Note: As much as this project is closed for now, being a moder is believing that even something
 very good can be different, I will accept suggestions and ideas!
freedom and respect can merge to make the world a better place for everyone!

But first, I invite you all to venture into Ivalice Omega Now! Come live the Omega experience! ;)    . ( 

Post by: Cleiton Santos on June 13, 2023, 02:22:01 pm
Se você é brasileiro, da um salve no meu wats 19 99692-0213
Post by: Ultima on June 13, 2023, 04:33:36 pm
i assume this is the psp version
Post by: Koleslaw on June 16, 2023, 09:29:07 am
Doesn't work for me on epsxe
Post by: Cleiton Santos on June 17, 2023, 10:51:59 pm
Quote from: Koleslaw on June 16, 2023, 09:29:07 amDoesn't work for me on epsxe

  Guys, the version is PSP, use the PPSSPP emulator, I can help optimize the emulation settings if you need it

Post by: Cleiton Santos on June 30, 2023, 12:09:46 pm
 New update added
  Omega Zodiak version!!!
  - Revised some skills and items
  - Created some skills and end game items
  - Easier requirements for the "Dark knight" class...
  - Changed the clothing colors of some iconic characters to make them more imposing
Post by: brother on June 30, 2023, 06:19:25 pm
GG, playing through the mod and having a good time. Do you have a comprehensive list of changes made in a readme file or something like that?
Post by: twigglypuff on July 01, 2023, 03:50:24 pm
What are the requirements now for the dark knight class?

Also, can you please list all the passives you gave to the special jobs? For example, if i open the description for angelic paladin, i just see the default description, none of the new stuff you may have added.
Post by: Cleiton Santos on July 03, 2023, 08:28:11 am
Quote from: brother on June 30, 2023, 06:19:25 pmGG, playing through the mod and having a good time. Do you have a comprehensive list of changes made in a readme file or something like that?

  I'm glad you're having fun! I didn't document all the changes, it changed a lot, it would be too big... For now I'm indebted to you... Maybe in the future I'll make the whole list.

Post by: Cleiton Santos on July 03, 2023, 08:51:10 am
Quote from: twigglypuff on July 01, 2023, 03:50:24 pmWhat are the requirements now for the dark knight class?

 Also, can you please list all the passives you gave to the special jobs? For example, if i open the description for angelic paladin, i just see the default description, none of the new stuff you may have added.

Dark Knight is relatively more accessible, it would be like this:

 - Mastered Wizard Lv5
 - Mastered Blade Knight Lv5
 - 20 kills
The hidden skills of each job are learnable by receiving these attacks from opponents while using the job.
they are:
Wizard = Shadown Star (Demons)
Blade Knight = Obliterate (/Worker8/Terminators)

As for the special job descriptions and passives, I purposely wanted to keep them hidden. Because they are unique and in order for the player to really learn to play that specific job through their effort, because they are very powerful and differ a lot from common jobs, such information would make it easier a lot for the player to make a perfect build...
Post by: twigglypuff on July 03, 2023, 06:50:04 pm
Quote from: Cleiton Santos on July 03, 2023, 08:51:10 amDark Knight is relatively more accessible, it would be like this:

 - Mastered Wizard Lv5
 - Mastered Blade Knight Lv5
 - 20 kills
The hidden skills of each job are learnable by receiving these attacks from opponents while using the job.
they are:
Wizard = Shadown Star (Demons)
Blade Knight = Obliterate (/Worker8/Terminators)

As for the special job descriptions and passives, I purposely wanted to keep them hidden. Because they are unique and in order for the player to really learn to play that specific job through their effort, because they are very powerful and differ a lot from common jobs, such information would make it easier a lot for the player to make a perfect build...

Thank you for the reply!

I see, its a little hard to figure some out tho because, for example, for Agrias angelic paladin, its obviously regen+reraise, but then, for stuff like Physical defense+, physical attack+, its almost impossible to know if those things are on the character or not. So for example Ramzas Zodiac Brave job, i have no idea what its passives are so when I make the build its just guess work, and I may be wasting ability slots, so its a little frustrating.

Other than that, Im about to defeat Belias and move on to chapter 4, really enjoying the mod, thanks!
Post by: twigglypuff on July 08, 2023, 02:26:08 pm
Am I not able to play rendezvous in this mod? I keep getting an error.
Post by: Cleiton Santos on July 17, 2023, 11:02:01 am
Quote from: twigglypuff on July 08, 2023, 02:26:08 pmAm I not able to play rendezvous in this mod? I keep getting an error.

 Hi, it will work like the original in a multiplayer way, both players need to have omega version.
Multiplayer items can also be acquired by looting or finding in the scenarios.

Post by: FreeBlock on July 19, 2023, 11:14:27 pm
Just completed. Notes of the entire adventure:

Chemist slightly over powered with the newer items.
Many newer items contained + high speed variables, which made fights significantly easier.
Could not figure out how to unlock mime / Dark knight, Did enable plainswalker

Plainswalker abilities are very strong in the end game, zero cast / teleport 2. (did not unlock till last chapter)

Mages become useless, because of all the extra stat boosts, you almost can't use any fire/lightning/ice.

Found it way more challenging in the first 2 chapters then near end game, Feels like optimization on enemies were not correctly set.

Was cool finding mythical rare items in the first few battle's of the game randomly to be honest if it wasn't for this luck, may not have been able to progress without some serious farming.

The Parola! skill might be the most over powered skill in the game, would suggest maybe a longer cast time. (to be able to disable any cast at any range within 1-2 turns was kind of a game breaker)

[End game Team]

Ramza - Zodiac brave / Crime / archers bane/ phys def + / infin jump
Random unit #1 Crime/ Warrior/ archer bane/ precsion + / infin jump
Random unit #2/ Inqisitor(Shinobi)/Blade knight  depending on fight. (Head shot skill is also very op with 25% inta kill on majority of units. / Speed + /Guns mastery (used 8 range gun with the ko/"combo" )/ teleport 2
Random unit #3/ Songster/ Time magic/ Shirahadori / zero casting/ teleport 2 (But for some reason teleport 2 doesn't actually work with songter and i forgot to change it since forever)
Random unit #4/ Cleric/ Dance / Shirahadori / Armor mastery / Teleport 2.

Overall, Great mod, i give it a 8/10! , just shy of 100 hours.
Post by: Cleiton Santos on July 20, 2023, 11:46:19 pm
Quote from: FreeBlock on July 19, 2023, 11:14:27 pmJust completed. Notes of the entire adventure:

Chemist slightly over powered with the newer items.
Many newer items contained + high speed variables, which made fights significantly easier.
Could not figure out how to unlock mime / Dark knight, Did enable plainswalker

Plainswalker abilities are very strong in the end game, zero cast / teleport 2. (did not unlock till last chapter)

Mages become useless, because of all the extra stat boosts, you almost can't use any fire/lightning/ice.

Found it way more challenging in the first 2 chapters then near end game, Feels like optimization on enemies were not correctly set.

Was cool finding mythical rare items in the first few battle's of the game randomly to be honest if it wasn't for this luck, may not have been able to progress without some serious farming.

The Parola! skill might be the most over powered skill in the game, would suggest maybe a longer cast time. (to be able to disable any cast at any range within 1-2 turns was kind of a game breaker)

[End game Team]

Ramza - Zodiac brave / Crime / archers bane/ phys def + / infin jump
Random unit #1 Crime/ Warrior/ archer bane/ precsion + / infin jump
Random unit #2/ Inqisitor(Shinobi)/Blade knight  depending on fight. (Head shot skill is also very op with 25% inta kill on majority of units. / Speed + /Guns mastery (used 8 range gun with the ko/"combo" )/ teleport 2
Random unit #3/ Songster/ Time magic/ Shirahadori / zero casting/ teleport 2 (But for some reason teleport 2 doesn't actually work with songter and i forgot to change it since forever)
Random unit #4/ Cleric/ Dance / Shirahadori / Armor mastery / Teleport 2.

Overall, Great mod, i give it a 8/10! , just shy of 100 hours.

  I'm glad you liked it, I imagined that the skill Parola! would be problematic, I believe that a good range restriction is enough to equalit it

About the omega version the focus was on variety of strategies, something you clearly mastered, that makes me happy

In summary, you are right, I am preparing a more difficult update version, I see that the community has many high level players and they value high difficulties a lot...
Post by: Xephiroth on September 30, 2023, 03:42:27 am
Quote from: Cleiton Santos on June 17, 2023, 10:51:59 pmGuys, the version is PSP, use the PPSSPP emulator, I can help optimize the emulation settings if you need it

i need help to optimize the emulator setting
Post by: BananaPanic on October 04, 2023, 07:57:10 pm
Hey, really would like to play this mod, but PPSSPP crashes during the first battle.  I believe I am using a clean US version, any ideas what the problem could be?
Post by: Swordmaster22 on October 23, 2023, 05:44:34 pm
Quote from: Cleiton Santos on June 17, 2023, 10:51:59 pmGuys, the version is PSP, use the PPSSPP emulator, I can help optimize the emulation settings if you need it

I need help I tried to get the fft omega on the  Emulator on my phone having a hard time
Post by: Swordmaster22 on October 23, 2023, 06:29:50 pm
Is anyone going to help me with getting fft omega
Post by: Cleiton Santos on October 23, 2023, 09:20:59 pm
Quote from: Swordmaster22 on October 23, 2023, 06:29:50 pmIs anyone going to help me with getting fft omega

  hello my friend from Ivalice!

  Step 0
  In a clean iso of the USA version you can combine the mod's ppf with PPF-O-Matic.

  Step 1
  Use the PPSSPP emulator app (mobile or pc).

  Configuration suggestion:
  Rendering Mode
  Backend - OpenGL
  Rendering Resolution - 2x ou more (depending on device capacity) 
  Software rendering - off
  display resolution - 2x ou more (depending on device capacity)
  fullscreen - on
  Framerate Control
  frame skipping - off
  frame skipping type - number of frames
  auto frameskip - off
  alternative speed - whatever you think is best
  Speed hacks
  skip buffer effects - off
  skip GPU Readbacks - off
  vertice cache - off
  lazy texture caching (speedup) - off
  spline/Bezier curves quality - high
  Render duplicate frames to 60Hz - On
  buffer graphics commands - up to 2
  Hardware tranform - On
  Software skinning - On
  Hardware tessellation - On
  Texture Scaling
  Upscale Type - xBRZ
  Upscale level - 2x or more (depending on device capacity) 
  Deposterize - On
  Texture Filtering
  Anisotropic Filtering - 2x or more (depending on device capacity)
  texture filtering - Nearest
  Enable Carboard VR - off
  lower resolution for effects - off

  Step 2

Post by: DDDCEOHA on October 28, 2023, 02:24:08 am
Hello, while playing I notice that sometimes it's kinda like a bug in certain random battle (ex in Zeklaus Desert there are 3 enemies Hollow/Skeleton that already defeated at start of battle and sometimes there also a crystal), is it intended or there is something wrong with my version?
Post by: Cleiton Santos on October 29, 2023, 10:48:57 pm
Quote from: DDDCEOHA on October 28, 2023, 02:24:08 amHello, while playing I notice that sometimes it's kinda like a bug in certain random battle (ex in Zeklaus Desert there are 3 enemies Hollow/Skeleton that already defeated at start of battle and sometimes there also a crystal), is it intended or there is something wrong with my version?

 Hello, It's intentional, all skeleton-type monsters start off dead, but make no mistake, they are very powerful when
 they revive. The skeletons that turn to crystal are the Fallen Heroes, they hide treasures in their places of death.

Post by: Jordaoo on October 30, 2023, 12:45:46 pm
I'm playing this Omega version, and I'm enjoying it a lot, but I need your help. I've tried in every way, but I couldn't unlock the black knight. Also, I tried to learn the wizard's spell, but it didn't work, and I tried several times. I wanted to see if you could help me with this.
I apologize for my English, I used a translator.
Post by: Jordaoo on October 30, 2023, 01:30:54 pm
@Cleiton Santos se você for brasileiro, me chama no whatsapp por favor?!
Post by: Cleiton Santos on November 02, 2023, 03:02:01 pm
If you asked for it, you deserve it, you will cry! :twisted:

I present you with the Omega Caos version, the most complete, full, daring and tempting version ever made by me... Whatever is played and the
strategies found here will never be forgotten.

It is not impossible, make a point of testing and validating all the challenges, for professional players, it will not be such a bitter dish, but well
seasoned and tasty...

FFT OMEGA (Caos + Hotfix).ppf

Post by: Cleiton Santos on November 02, 2023, 03:17:25 pm
Quote from: Cleiton Santos on November 02, 2023, 03:02:01 pmIf you asked for it, you deserve it, you will cry! :twisted:

 I present you with the Omega Caos version, the most complete, full, daring and tempting version ever made by me... Whatever is played and the
 strategies found here will never be forgotten.

 It is not impossible, make a point of testing and validating all the challenges, for professional players, it will not be such a bitter dish, but
 seasoned and tasty...

 No message is associated with this attachment.

  Before I forget, this version incorporates:
 - New complete revision of items and skills
 - Various nerfs and buffs for a better gaming experience
 - New support skills
 - Review of support skills
 - New mechanics (exclusive to the Chaos version)
 - More difficulty and challenges in story mode
 - More challenges spread across the map
 - More difficult Deep Dungeon
 - New mini boss monster "skins"
 - Omega Knight no longer need to masterize jobs as a requirement
 - Bug fixed where it was possible to apply a support skill already innate to the job
 - Assigned best descriptions with innate skills information in special jobs
 - The names of any unit in the group can be changed
 - Special jobs can do tavern missions
 - The "Divine Shield" buff can be used by bosses
 - New game continue screen

  Yes, I recommend this version with the hotfix tweaks!!
Post by: frozensky9999 on January 18, 2024, 11:33:19 pm
Hello good sir! I've been enjoying your mod and already finished the game. I just hope anybody could list the hidden skills of all the jobs just for completion sake?😅 My ocd is kicking my butt it hurts my brain... Thank you!

Playing caos version
Post by: Cleiton Santos on February 16, 2024, 05:09:54 pm
Quote from: frozensky9999 on January 18, 2024, 11:33:19 pmHello good sir! I've been enjoying your mod and already finished the game. I just hope anybody could list the hidden skills of all the jobs just for completion sake?😅 My ocd is kicking my butt it hurts my brain... Thank you!

Playing caos version
The secret is in the Omni Knights...
Post by: Raidus on March 01, 2024, 04:56:04 pm
Seu mod esta incrível e difícil como eu gosto, mas acho FFT de psp muito capado nos gráficos e som e prefiro a versão de ps1. Você tem planos para criar esse mesmo mod para a versão de ps1?
Post by: Cleiton Santos on March 02, 2024, 12:31:14 pm
Quote from: Raidus on March 01, 2024, 04:56:04 pmSeu mod esta incrível e difícil como eu gosto, mas acho FFT de psp muito capado nos gráficos e som e prefiro a versão de ps1. Você tem planos para criar esse mesmo mod para a versão de ps1?

 As versões de PSP ainda são as únicas que permitem o PVP, se fosse fazer no PS1 acredite em mim seria muito mais fácil e daria para fazer muito mais coisas... Porem deixo para a galera mais experiente que consegue criar novos eventos de história, não tenho planos de embarcar nessa nova odisseia tão cedo... Quanto aos gráficos é possível deixar tão bom quanto ou até melhor, tem dicas de otimização do ppsspp e patch de melhoria de textura na primeira pagina, de uma conferida depois... Sobre o som eu fiz de tudo, acredito não ter mesmo como melhorar nessa versão, o que me deixa muito triste também.     
Post by: on March 30, 2024, 08:07:21 pm
Can you control guest characters?
Post by: NikoFirefox on April 28, 2024, 04:05:26 pm
Quote from: Cleiton Santos on June 17, 2023, 10:51:59 pmGuys, the version is PSP, use the PPSSPP emulator, I can help optimize the emulation settings if you need it

I need your assistance, ive done everything I can to get it to work and it still doesn't function on the appropriate systems. Help! Using the emulator on my android phone.
Post by: Cleiton Santos on April 29, 2024, 08:44:04 pm
Quote from: NikoFirefox on April 28, 2024, 04:05:26 pmI need your assistance, ive done everything I can to get it to work and it still doesn't function on the appropriate systems. Help! Using the emulator on my android phone.
Hello, try to reproduce the settings below:

  In PPSSPP >> Settings >> Graphics

  Rendering Mode
  Backend: OpenGL
  Rendering Resolution: 2x PSP (Or more depending on device performance)
  Software rendering: uncheck
  Display Resolution: 2x PSP (Or more depending on device performance)
  Display layout & effects >> Screen Scaling filter : Nearest
  postprocessing FXAA Antialising (2x if hardware allows)

  Framerate control
  Frame Skipping: Off
  Auto Frameskip : Uncheck
  Skip buffer effects : Uncheck

  Speed Hacks
  Disable Culling: Uncheck
  Skip GPU Readbacks: No
  Lazy texture caching : Uncheck
  Spline/Bezier curves quality: High

  render duplicate frames to 60hz : Check
  Buffer graphics commands: Up to 2
  Hardware transform : Check
  Skinning Software: Check
  hardware tessellation : Check

  Texture Scaling
  Upscale Type: xBRZ
  Upscale level: 3x
  Deposterize: Check

  Texture Filtering
  Anisotropic Filtering: 8x ((Or more depending on device performance)
  Texture filtering: Nearest
  Smart 2D texture filtering : Uncheck

  Hack Settings
  lower resolution for effects : Off

  Combine the above settings with the procedures given in the "Zodi-Ark Texture Pack for Omega Version" thread (from the first page of this post) for a superior gaming
  experience... Don't forget to extract the files...

  Have a good trip, I'll wait for you at the end of Omega's Deep Dungeon ;) 

Post by: DDDCEOHA on May 24, 2024, 06:26:34 pm
I started playing this caos version and still on chapter 2 (taking my time to grind),
I like how this mod giving challenge even on random battle and giving some reference to other series.
What I found annoying is how some enemies use traitor status effect to me that is like game over, and in early battle it just spamming phoenix down (especially rescuing Argath battle is just save and load fest and I am glad it's over lol  :mrgreen: ).
Also, I think there are some formulas changed since my samurai char Iaido doesn't seems to benefit from magic stat, and Agrias holy sword skill strongest damaging move is now Cleansing Strike (idk if it's intentional or there are change in formula), would be nice if there are list of what changed in this version.
It is a great mod I'am enjoying it.  :D
Post by: Shiyu on May 25, 2024, 04:37:25 am
I've been enjoying the mod so far. Just like the original version, does Bravery affect what treasure you get with Analyze Place? is there a "Rare" and "Common" treasure in a tile? Or do we have treasure hunt items list?
Post by: Cleiton Santos on May 30, 2024, 12:23:59 pm
Quote from: DDDCEOHA on May 24, 2024, 06:26:34 pmI started playing this caos version and still on chapter 2 (taking my time to grind),
I like how this mod giving challenge even on random battle and giving some reference to other series.
What I found annoying is how some enemies use traitor status effect to me that is like game over, and in early battle it just spamming phoenix down (especially rescuing Argath battle is just save and load fest and I am glad it's over lol  :mrgreen: ).
Also, I think there are some formulas changed since my samurai char Iaido doesn't seems to benefit from magic stat, and Agrias holy sword skill strongest damaging move is now Cleansing Strike (idk if it's intentional or there are change in formula), would be nice if there are list of what changed in this version.
It is a great mod I'am enjoying it.  :D

 Hello brave warrior of Ivalice

 I'm glad you're enjoying the mod, the party is just beginning.

 For the invitation status, don't worry, if you win the battle, you won't lose your party characters to enemies

 Yes, practically all formulas have undergone balance adjustments or changes to slightly differentiate less used
 attacks to become more useful options. For the swordsmaster's "laito", he rewards more with PA than with MA now, It makes more sense this way in my opinion.
 Just as if the technical rank description has "Skill" it is more PA or SP, if it has Magick it is more MA.

 I didn't list all the changes, as there are many... But as a recommendation, know that everything that was good
 before is still good, and everything that was bad before is now better, give a chance to something that was never
 relevant and you will be surprised! ;)

Post by: Cleiton Santos on May 30, 2024, 12:37:56 pm
Quote from: Shiyu on May 25, 2024, 04:37:25 amI've been enjoying the mod so far. Just like the original version, does Bravery affect what treasure you get with Analyze Place? is there a "Rare" and "Common" treasure in a tile? Or do we have treasure hunt items list?

 Noble hero, greetings
 No, bravery no longer influences the items found

 Yes, there is a fixed 33% chance of finding a rarer item

 Regarding the treasure hunt and hunting list, I intend to bring this one soon, but don't worry, all the special items
 can be acquired in some way later, but as a recommendation, don't be sad if you don't get them all, as many new ones
 have been added in this version...

Post by: doraver on June 04, 2024, 03:15:51 pm
Hi, first of all, wanted to say I'm loving my playthrough with your mod so far! I'm mid act 2 and it's been a blast!

Wanted to say, for some reason Chrono Master (Time Mage) job has a weird bug where in-battle model of the character is a completely different from the one outside of it. I wonder if this issue is known to you (probably is), but I just had to say some feedback about it

Thank you for your hard work, I will continue playing!

 :more:  :more:
Post by: Cleiton Santos on June 06, 2024, 10:01:38 am
Quote from: doraver on June 04, 2024, 03:15:51 pmHi, first of all, wanted to say I'm loving my playthrough with your mod so far! I'm mid act 2 and it's been a blast!

Wanted to say, for some reason Chrono Master (Time Mage) job has a weird bug where in-battle model of the character is a completely different from the one outside of it. I wonder if this issue is known to you (probably is), but I just had to say some feedback about it

Thank you for your hard work, I will continue playing!

 :more:  :more:
hello! my dear friend from Ivalice, Glad you're enjoying the mod with style!!

 Regarding Chono Master, it was intentional!
 I wanted a mysterious hooded figure for one of the mages, and the time mage was a better fit due to the
 incomprehensible theming of his temporal spells.
 But since it would be difficult to distinguish between men and women, I chose to leave the original sprites on the
 formation screen and in battle he appears as a time-space entity, almost a God that transcends past, present and
 future. Use chrono master, probably the best of all mages, and the most difficult to balance with the others...

 Finally, the color purple is linked to dark matter, magic power mechanics and also haste and slowness will be present
 in purple items.
Post by: doraver on June 08, 2024, 06:15:52 am
Quote from: Cleiton Santos on June 06, 2024, 10:01:38 amhello! my dear friend from Ivalice, Glad you're enjoying the mod with style!!

 Regarding Chono Master, it was intentional!
 I wanted a mysterious hooded figure for one of the mages, and the time mage was a better fit due to the
 incomprehensible theming of his temporal spells.
 But since it would be difficult to distinguish between men and women, I chose to leave the original sprites on the
 formation screen and in battle he appears as a time-space entity, almost a God that transcends past, present and
 future. Use chrono master, probably the best of all mages, and the most difficult to balance with the others...

 Finally, the color purple is linked to dark matter, magic power mechanics and also haste and slowness will be present
 in purple items.

Oh, I get it now!

I'm having an absolute blast so far, I'm almost at the end of the game. Most fun I have is choosing which items to wear to battle, because pretty much every one of them is viable.
You did an incredible job, thank you!
Post by: Fenix on July 29, 2024, 01:04:38 pm
This looks awesome! I'm planning to use this for my next playthrough!
Do you have any more updates planned? If there are more changes coming soon, I'll probably wait to play until those are relased.

Thanks so much for your work!
Post by: supercala on August 17, 2024, 12:51:48 pm
Hey, absolutely am loving this mod. Playing the Chaos extremely hard one. Earlier game is a bit rough, however; it is fair. I recommend only one thing, either remove or change the draco elix item. It is absolutely insane and has cause fights that on paper are hard to become trivial. Once a boss's "shield" is down, they seems to be affected by it and to a point where the fight becomes sad. The fight also makes other fights way to easy from random chances of crystal, instant death, traitor, stop, petrify, etc. That is my only concern because I literally ran item rogues and just steamrolled everything. Stealth > steal (Human fights) weapon, acc, armor etc > stealth > fatal cut which on bosses with a lot of HP did 999 at level 1 and being stealth almost always 100% even with blade grasp. If you remove that item, or change it to be something different like, similar to lore of dragons, give it re-raise it would make fights SOOO much harder. Otherwise, most I've enjoyed from FFT in a long time and one of the best mods out there despite some visual bugs.
Post by: supercala on August 17, 2024, 01:08:51 pm
Side note, I'm using fftpatcher to find where move-find items are the spots seem relatively the same, but since onion armor was in mandalia I did not know what I could miss. Also, zero charge > odin > black mage kinda just destroys most of the game until Elmdore. Besides draco elix I mentioned before, my only real sore spot is the repeat of spells and skills for classes, and whilst it would make since that an Angelic Paladin would have white magic spell and maybe glacial shards, it seems a bit empty. I understand the concept because it makes sense it really does, but I do not know why a sword saint would have bolt storm lol. Like Luso was perfect a blue mage style character. Like praises be for giving Agrias steel formation makes grinding JP so much easier outside of missions. Props to making Mustadio so much more engaging but Balthier, unlike mustadio feels depressing because he only has safe guard, or at least tips say that, whilst mustadio has safe, hunt, aerial alch and move-find. Literally making him the best utility character. If you do any kind of updates maybe give bathier some love with at least aerial for him to have much more utility. Otherwise, he is a great pirate but his unique skill "combo" is no longer unique so effectively he is a rogue with some of mustadio's skills but missing the best ones like arm and leg break because speed is the best stat in this game. Since you know what the fight is, you can easily alternate between items or crime. Sorry, this is a long spill, but it is because I enjoy this mod so much that I have so much to say. Lastly, I'm not sure if there is information on it, but if you could update the readme to also include what spells or skills a character needs to be hit by that would be amazing because after like an hour of trying I just used patcher because some skills felt weird, like rogue maybe shadowstitch but nah its aero... like aero? Bard's however was done perfectly with it being Ramza's song that makes completely sense and is awesome for utility. Why is cleric, literally god's devout holy people learning dark holy? wouldn't that have been perfect for wizard like shadow star description is white-hot energy, that sounds more like something a cleric would do because its like a more hot holy lol. Anyway that is enough ranting sorry. Love the mod 9/10 can def see it being 10/10 with some tune-up, however it is YOUR mod so if what you have is what you have then awesome.
Post by: eduardorerick on August 17, 2024, 10:51:34 pm
I created an account just to praise this mod. I'm on Chapter 3 and loving it so far. :D 
I've played the vanilla version several times, and this one has managed to give me that feeling of a new game.

While I'm here, how do I hunt the omega mini bosses? I tried using the maps in the readme, but no luck so far.

Keep up the good work!
Post by: Cleiton Santos on August 19, 2024, 10:09:24 am
Quote from: Fenix on July 29, 2024, 01:04:38 pmThis looks awesome! I'm planning to use this for my next playthrough!
Do you have any more updates planned? If there are more changes coming soon, I'll probably wait to play until those are relased.

Thanks so much for your work!
Yes, I have another fix patch coming soon.
Post by: Cleiton Santos on August 19, 2024, 10:42:39 am
Quote from: supercala on August 17, 2024, 12:51:48 pmHey, absolutely am loving this mod. Playing the Chaos extremely hard one. Earlier game is a bit rough, however; it is fair. I recommend only one thing, either remove or change the draco elix item. It is absolutely insane and has cause fights that on paper are hard to become trivial. Once a boss's "shield" is down, they seems to be affected by it and to a point where the fight becomes sad. The fight also makes other fights way to easy from random chances of crystal, instant death, traitor, stop, petrify, etc. That is my only concern because I literally ran item rogues and just steamrolled everything. Stealth > steal (Human fights) weapon, acc, armor etc > stealth > fatal cut which on bosses with a lot of HP did 999 at level 1 and being stealth almost always 100% even with blade grasp. If you remove that item, or change it to be something different like, similar to lore of dragons, give it re-raise it would make fights SOOO much harder. Otherwise, most I've enjoyed from FFT in a long time and one of the best mods out there despite some visual bugs.
Excellent, I loved that you played the omega version, and immersed yourself in this level, that's what I want with all this work. Draco elix I already plan to make them rarer, scarcer, and restricted to a few opponents... Luckily you still spoke in time for me to release one last fix. I liked your feedback, I will reevaluate some points before releasing.
Post by: Cleiton Santos on August 19, 2024, 10:47:22 am
Quote from: eduardorerick on August 17, 2024, 10:51:34 pmI created an account just to praise this mod. I'm on Chapter 3 and loving it so far. :D 
I've played the vanilla version several times, and this one has managed to give me that feeling of a new game.

While I'm here, how do I hunt the omega mini bosses? I tried using the maps in the readme, but no luck so far.

Keep up the good work!
Dear friend of Ivalice, I am grateful to have received your compliment, the encounters with the Mini Bosses are random, it may take a few tries, but you will certainly be surprised by one soon!
Post by: klooste8 on September 15, 2024, 02:30:16 am
Just got to chapter 2 and notice there is no Rad to recruit?  Is this intentional?  Also if one of my party gets traitor status do I lose them forever?  I loaded state to not find out.
Post by: pontifficator on September 16, 2024, 04:41:27 pm
So is 'FFT OMEGA (Caos + Hotfix).ppf' the latest version?

Post by: Cleiton Santos on September 19, 2024, 12:18:26 am
Quote from: klooste8 on September 15, 2024, 02:30:16 amJust got to chapter 2 and notice there is no Rad to recruit?  Is this intentional?  Also if one of my party gets traitor status do I lose them forever?  I loaded state to not find out.
Yes, it's intentional, Rad can be found much more powerful later in the game as a semi-secret character and help you and then join the group... I chose to do it this way to avoid having too many weak characters for the player to train right at the start.
As for the Traitor status, don't worry, you won't lose your unit.
Enjoy the game, there's lots more to come !!!
Post by: Cleiton Santos on September 19, 2024, 12:22:40 am
Quote from: pontifficator on September 16, 2024, 04:41:27 pmSo is 'FFT OMEGA (Caos + Hotfix).ppf' the latest version?


 For now, yes, I still have to revise a few things before releasing an update, but I'm gathering enough changes to make it worth releasing a new patch