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Final Fantasy Flashtics [*** 0.6 Available ***]

Started by dbp, December 30, 2010, 01:13:41 am


December 30, 2010, 01:13:41 am Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 08:28:27 am by dbp
Hi all !
Please forgive my bad foreigner English.

I have a project idea about making a kind of Tactical RPG Engine With Flash.
My goal is very simple, i do not plan to make a total reconstitution of the original game, but only implementing some functionality. It will be a kind of light version with some missions playable online.
Here are my objectives :

- Creating a tool for animate characters -----------> canceled
- Implementing 3D Engine --------------------------> 60%
- Implementing a battlefield ------------------------> 60%
- Implementing a static character on battlefield ---> 100%
- Implementing A* pathfinding ---------------------> 90%
- Implementing a moving character on battlefield -> 55%
- Implementing dialogs ------------------------------> 85%
- Implementing enemies ----------------------------> canceled
- Implementing attacks -------------------------------> 80%
- Implementing Multiplayer --------------------------> 0%

I wish i could give you some more screenshots of what i am doing but right now its is mostly programming, so it is not very interesting to show.
I have to construct everything from scratch so that is why it take some times to show any kind of valuable screenshot.

I am using Away3D as 3D Engine


C and V : rotate battlefield.


C and V : rotate battlefield.


C : change battlefield angle. (wide or close angle).
V and B : rotate battlefield.
SPACE BAR : If the focus is on character it get the moving range. press again to go to the destination.


C : change battlefield angle. (wide or close angle).
V and B : rotate battlefield.
SPACE BAR : If the focus is on character it get the moving range. press again to go to the destination.

CLOUD TALK v0.5 --->

C : change battlefield angle. (wide or close angle).
V and B : rotate battlefield.
SPACE BAR : Talk, Select.

v0.6 --->

C : change battlefield angle. (wide or close angle).
V and B : rotate battlefield.
SPACE BAR : Talk, Select.

Anyway, i am very serious about this project and will try to update this post as often as i can.

Thank you for reading.
See you very soon.
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


I did my first update !
Sprite Animator 1.0 available !
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->



It's seems you are actually making some progress here. When do you expect to be finished with the tool?


Hi Dokurider !
well, actually this tool is almost finished. It is one of the most important tool for the project.
You can already import sprites, align position, change the display time and play the animation.

Once you have put together all your animations, you can save the character as an XML file. (Basically it record the x, y position and all animation timing).
But i leave it as it is right now because the tool will evolve with the other task i have to do.

Maybe in the future, the animation list will be something like :
Stand, Walk, WeaponStrike, RaiseHands, Throw, GetHited, Crouch, Die, etc.

But more to come later !
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


January 05, 2011, 10:49:59 am #6 Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 10:50:25 am by dbp
second update.
Check out my first attempt to Battlefield.

Move the blue tile with arrows.
Turn the battlefield with C and V on your keyboard.

It was tricky but i finally done it !
Its a simple and flat battlefield but at least it is in 3D.

I implemented a getCompass function to get the orientation of the battlefield and move the blue tile in the good direction every time the orientation is changed.
I don't know if you understand what i mean lol.

Next demo very soon !
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


This is incredibly impressive. Keep up the amazing work!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


I second Eternal, this is really great! Excellent progress so far!


January 06, 2011, 07:20:22 pm #9 Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 07:22:35 pm by Dokurider
You have screenshots.

You are already better than the dime a dozen that wanted to do something similar to this.

Best of luck. God-Emperor guide us all.



Thank you for your sweet comments !

Maibe a new demo coming tomorrow.
Stay tunned !
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Demo is finally available.
My second attempt to battlefield.

I added a 2 more different type of objects.
- Slopes Tiles
- Trees

Is is very easy to set different texture to each tiles. Same for trees.
Also note that the focused tile (the blue one) take the form of the ground.

I also added a little smooth movement when you move the blue tile, but you will be able to change the parameter later in the option menu.
There is still a lot of work to do on battlefield but, i feel like its not a bad start.

More to come soon !
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


It still boggles my mind that you're doing this so quickly. When will we see units on the map?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Hi Eternal248 !

I am currently working on A* (A start) Pathfinding algorithm. It is an essential step to implement before considering adding units and moving them on a map.
But i have found good sources that will allow me to gain a lot of time.

Maybe i have a request before making this possible.
I don't know if it is the good place but, i would need the walking animation sprites of a standard character to make it move on the map.

I have found this resource :

which is really great but, the problem is that the arms are separated from the main body.
I know that it allow to do a lot of animation with a small amount of sprites but, my engine won't allow that.

If this is a too hard task, i would be able to use tactics orgre characters or something.

But units on map is going to be the next demo !
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


I think it's fine if you use other sprites, it doesn't matter that much. You should focus on getting the battle system done first. I'm really looking forward to this, keep up the good work!


Yo, thank you for your feedback !

The great news is that A* Pathfinding is implemented at 70% right now.
So i will be able to add units on the battlefield very soon.

Since the start my idea was to make some kind of external quest with FF7 characters. (Like doing some missions and stuff like that).
I can't alone redo the very complex battle system of FFT with all classes, jobs, abilities and stuffs. That would be an impossible and unreal objective.
That is why i would like to use some Heroes that have unique and multi-abilities.

On the other hands, the game will offer different possibility like new 3D backgrounds, new musics, original characters etc.
Why not making a futuristic universe instead of medieval one, etc. Any ideas are welcome.

Finally, i'll go back with FFT sprites because they offers a large variety of movements and FFH community have a lot of talented spriters.
Right now, i am looking for Could's sprites movements (With arms already on the body). (Walk, Sword Attack, GetHitted, Die).

If you can help me providing these sprites, i will be able to go really faster in the development.
Thank you very much for any help.
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->


here ya go. hopefully this will same you some time to work on other stuff :)
and gl with this, it looks very nice so far.
  • Modding version: PSX


omg, how is this possible ?????????
twinees, how can you be so fast ?
Thank you so much, this will really save me huge time. As i want to focus on development.
I can't tell you when i will release the next demo but i will do my best.

Thank you for all your great comments and help so far. That motivate me 300%!
Final Fantasy Flashtics v0.6 --->