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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Otabo (Warped Time) vs CT5Holy (Two Swords Proc Funsies)

Next vid from me will be LightningHax's Phoenix Dive vs Barren's Six Move.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Quote from: CT5Holy on April 27, 2013, 08:55:15 pm
Otabo (Warped Time) vs CT5Holy (Two Swords Proc Funsies)

Next vid from me will be LightningHax's Phoenix Dive vs Barren's Six Move.

Interesting that Otabo chose "Equip Armor+Genji Armor".  Wouldn't it have been better to go "Earth Clothes+Iron Boots"?  If he had done that then maybe his support skill could have been Unyielding.

Thief isn't using Kagesougi because he only has 4mp.  Kagesougi costs 5MP.

LOL @18:43.  Selfish Jerk indeed.  Especially since the thief needed MP Restoration.

And then @18:57.  Thief just gets in Paladin's face and does nothing.

@23:32, What are u doin' Ninja?
@28:40, Wat r u doin' Ninja??
@28:53, Wat r u doin' Ninja???

@29:04, Why u no use Chakra when u got no MP, Turtle???
@29:23, Why u no use Chakra when u got no MP, Turtle???
@29:43, Imma not gonna ask anymore Turtle.  I think it's because Priest already at speed 1?

Match 3 went how I expected.

We see a lot of A.I. stupidity this match.
My dreams can come true!


The first time I've actually seen a one speed unit in Arena. At least you won't have to worry about them crystallizing. As for Kagesougi, it seems odd that the Ninja wasn't using it more often.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: CT5Holy on April 27, 2013, 08:55:15 pm
Otabo (Warped Time) vs CT5Holy (Two Swords Proc Funsies)

Next vid from me will be LightningHax's Phoenix Dive vs Barren's Six Move.

I liked the phoenix Blade Balance tactic.

When a created a Team today (which is a simular two-sword status Team funny enough). I also had a Problem with my Ninja who didnt use any Skills of his first Skillset. Then when i checked the Mem.Gen. instead of counting the Jp of these Skills it only said "Wert" or "worth" if you have an english version i think.


LightningHax's Phoenix Dive vs Barren's Six Move
As I mention, pre-game comments - should I try to keep it shorter?
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Quote from: CT5Holy on April 30, 2013, 03:10:16 am
LightningHax's Phoenix Dive vs Barren's Six Move
As I mention, pre-game comments - should I try to keep it shorter?

It's fine, really. You're the only one that goes into good detail(Barren's is usually an overview. Which isn't bad in the least, but you go deeper). I'd imagine keeping it shorter on teams you've already explained before, and go into more detail for newer ones. And re-explain a team every few months are so, just to keep things fresh.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


perhaps I should bring more durability to my six move team. and damn that wishing geomancer >_< ah well GG LightningHax.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


As said on Youtube, the sacrificed elemental defense got me killed here.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


I think the reason the Geomancer decided to use Wish was because it had a higher hit % than the Slasher attack. Although, I would've probably taken my chances with the Slasher odds.

First time I've actually seen preach in battle. Results were mixed, but it was nice seeing it used.
  • Modding version: PSX


Well butter my biscuits, Wiznaibus spam actually worked...on long range maps. Not to sound like a sore loser, but I surmise that Reinoe's team would not have fared that well not just against my team, but even an average team on any non large map. Even the second match, the moment I managed to kill one of the dancers, Reinoe dramatically lost a lot of his momentum.


May 01, 2013, 08:13:01 pm #2272 Last Edit: May 02, 2013, 01:29:22 am by reinoe
Quote from: Dokurider on May 01, 2013, 07:13:05 pm
Well butter my biscuits, Wiznaibus spam actually worked...on long range maps. Not to sound like a sore loser, but I surmise that Reinoe's team would not have fared that well not just against my team, but even an average team on any non large map. Even the second match, the moment I managed to kill one of the dancers, Reinoe dramatically lost a lot of his momentum.

I actually went with Slow Dance because there are a lot of people running Absorb MP and Move-HP UP, ironically DOKURIDER is running both.  So in this match if I were running Witch Hunt it wouldn't have done a lot.

While I was messing with the Team simulation tool, it showed that Overwhelm would have improved the Damage from dance.  In practice it did not improve damage.  Ironically I used the simulation tool with ATTACK UP, and it didn't improve dance damage either, only Overwhelm was shown to boost Wiznaibus damage.  So I can take some of CT5HOLY's advice and get more aggressive Punch art skills after I remove Overwhelm.  I'll have JP to spare once I switch Overwhelm with Martial Arts. 

I was fortunate in that the slow dances were hitting though.  I was also fortunate in that I got Medium Map/Large Map from CT5HOLY's RNG. 

I don't completely disagree with what Dokurider has said.  It's like the old Poker Maxim: sometimes you gotta be lucky instead of good.   Like when Dokurider's Chemist missed the Autopotion triggers and that allowed me to kill him.  It was over at that point, but if the Auto Potion had hit then the match could have potentionally gone much longer.

gg Dokurider.
My dreams can come true!


Bad match up from the start. Ninjas just had too much DPS and Wizards never really used Draw Out. I can never make a Draw-Out based team function properly recently =/   
  • Modding version: PSX


May 03, 2013, 09:40:34 pm #2275 Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 12:36:48 am by reinoe
Quote from: Dokurider on May 03, 2013, 04:09:48 am
[FFT Arena 138d] Seven Samurai - 3 (Reinoe) vs Elementalists Nightmare (DarkxFatal)

Even though this went 2-0 in 8 minutes, it was pretty close.  At least the first match was close.  Dokurider is right though about one thing, I was just waiting for the nightmare to begin and to get wrecked by massive damage.  Unfortunately it never came.  Although Blind+Oil could have ruined my day.  Also Bizen Boat proved to be exceptionally useful in round 1.  I thought for sure Darkx had it in round 1 when that Charm went off.  Unfortunately he wasn't able to take advantage of that early lead even though at one point he was up 4-2.  And if his Archer had a magic gun, he could have been up 4-1.

In round 2 it was pretty straight forward.  Never really in danger of losing.

GG Darkx.

My dreams can come true!


See why I like books everyone?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


I made a pretty big goof here: I messed up the compats of Love Interest and Protagonist. But in any case, that was a good match. The last match was a good way of showing the value of Bows and a good jump stat.