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Ideas for a New RP?

Started by RedWorld, August 22, 2013, 05:21:41 pm


August 22, 2013, 05:21:41 pm Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 05:28:36 pm by RedWorld
Does anyone remember this patch in progress? Well, I decided that the story was terrible, and I want to rewrite it from the ground up. I was told that making an RP is the best way to do it! Anyway, I know what I want, but at the same time, I want some kind of structure so that it makes the story interesting. I'm wondering if someone would like to brainstorm with me? Here's a few ideas that I have (I will update this when I have even more)

What we know
* We know that Aida is Argath's sister. They are almost polar opposites.
* Monster humes. Yes. We are using them.

Here are some ideas for the story:
* Meets an intelligent undead who offers them a rare object. In return they must go to a barren desert, where they must rescue someone. But mysterious nightly attacks terrorize the area.
* Meets a monster hume that offers a magical weapon. In return they must go to a commoner's cellar, where they must recover some stolen merchandise. But when they witness a horrible accident, the party gets an opportunity to seek revenge for something in their past.

I know it's not much to work with, but I would love to try to come up with something with someone! Even just to start off the RP, any other ideas could be great! <3

"Dear God, what's it like in your funny little brains? It must be boring." - Sherlock Holmes


Generally, what I do to build up a story is just to ask a lot of questions. So here I go:

So how do these Monster Humes come into being? Have they always been around, or did they come into being after the Lion War? Do they transform like werewolves? Do they thirst for the blood of humans? How well can they control themselves? How do monsters react to Monster Humes? How do they react to bloodshed or the scent of blood? Are there ways you can tell who is a Monster Hume besides seeing them transform/use their power? Are their existence public fact, on the same level as bigfoot, or something in between? If public knowledge, does the Church cultivate paranoia of Monster Humes in the form of witch hunts? Does the church actively condemn Monster Humes in public, or do they just pay/support in secret fanatics that spread hysteria about these Monster Humes? Does the church exaggerate the signs/true nature of monster humes to paint opponents/outcasts in a negative light? Or does the Church try to keep them a secret altogether? How does that impact their use in combat? Do Monster Humes have cults/followings that worship/greatly admire them for their powers? Do monster humes need to eat more than a typical human? Do they need to eat anything specific, perhaps relating to their specific monster? Can they eat their own monster type (a Beohume eats it's a Behemoth Steak)? Do they feel any empathy to monsters in captivity or being fought and killed? If so, what do they think when their kind kills humans? How well can they learn Job classes? Are they unable to learn certain skills or even entire classes? Or does the opposite happen? Do they learn skills and jobs faster than a normal human being? Do monster humes live longer or shorter then a human? How well do they sleep? Is there a possibility of carrying out natural urges while sleeping? Do they have a smell to them (Beohumes smell like Behemoths slightly)? Can they cover up this smell? Do Monster Humes know and support each other (like sharing perfumes to cover up their smell)? Or are they innately hostile to each other? In that case, can they sense each other? How do animals react to their presence?

I think that should be good.


Thank you so much for the questions! I'll answer them once I answer them on paper as well. They seem like important things to think about patchwise and RPwise!

"Dear God, what's it like in your funny little brains? It must be boring." - Sherlock Holmes


So I answered all the questions to the best of my ability so far!

Q. Where did the monsterhume come from?
A. It's unknown the true whereabouts of the monsterhume. Some say that they came from the gods and they were here this whole time. Some think that they were the work of the devil and are some kind of chamera, such as the Church views. As far as when they first appeared is also a mystery. They started showing themselves after the Lion War.

Q. Do they transform like werewolves?
A. In a way, yes, but it's a bit different. Instead of transforming on, say, a full moon, they can transform when they want, providing they have the MP to do so. If they don't have the MP, they can either use Olivi Grass (Ether) or a full night's rest.

Q. Do they thirst the blood of humans?
A. No.

Q. How well can they control themselves?
A. They control themselves just as well as humans can.

Q. How do monsters react to the monsterhume?
A. When the monsterhume are wild, the monsters treat them as their kin. When they are not, the monsters kill them off last.

Q. How do they react to bloodshed or the scent of blood?
A. It depends on the type of monsterhume and their personality. An average panthume, gobblehume, and cocahume react violently since they love to battle. However, chocohume, urihume, and some dragohume usually try to avoid bloodshed and battles at all costs.

Q. Are there ways you can tell who is a monsterhume?
A. Yes. Each tribe wears a different style. For example, chocohumes have feathers for arms (although they still can use their hands) while panthumes wear fur and have tails.

Q. Are their existence public fact, on the same level as Bigfoot, or something in between?
A. It's about in between. There were a few cases in which there were actual sightings that the CHurch took note of, but other than that, there were only rumors. Some reasons could be that some monsterhume are harder to detect than others. For example, the only way to tell a gobblehume from a human is by their long pointy ears.

Q. Does the Church cultivate paranoia of monsterhume in the form of witch hunts?
A. Because it's not "natural", the Church has indeed issued hunts on these races.

Q. Does the CHurch actively condemn monsterhumes in public, or do they pay/support in secret fanatics that spread hysteria about these monsterhumes?
A. When they actually do find a monsterhume, they either kill it on the spot or hire someone to do it for them, depending on how convenient it is.

Q. Does the CHurch exaggerate the signs/true nature of monsterhumes to paint opponents/outcasts in a negative light?
A. They do exaggerate the monsterhumes as much scarier beasts than regular monsters are to try to get them to hate and kill them.

Q. How does that impact their use in combat?
A. Since the Church started to hunt them down, they have been more aggressive with humans approaching them.

Q. Do monsterhumes have cults/followings that worship/greatly admire them for their powers?
A. They have small followings all over Ivalice. They are attempting to fight for them and their rights.

Q. Do monsterhumes need to eat more than a typical human?
A. They do. They need to eat at least twice as much as a normal human does.

Q. Do they need to eat anything specific, perhaps relating to their specific monster?
A. No, although most of them love to eat meat.

Q. Can they eat their own monster type?
A. It is possible, but they don't like doing it.

Q. Do they feel any empathy to monsters in captivity or being fought and killed?
A. They do since they are their cousins.

Q. What do they think when their kind kills humans?
A. It depends on their status. If they are allies then they try to avoid them getting killed. If they're wild, then they try to kill the humans as quick and painfully as they can.

Q. How well can they learn job classes?
A. They can learn job classes like a human, but it's more difficult.

Q. Are they unable to learn certain skills or even entire classes?
A. There is nothing they can't learn.

Q. Do they learn skills and jobs faster than a normal human?
A. No. In fact, it's much slower.

Q. Do monsterhume live longer/shorter than a human?
A. They live just as long as a human, maybe even longer.

Q. How well do they sleep?
A. They sleep as well as humans, but better than they in uncomfortable positions, such as the ground.

Q. Is there a possibility of carrying out natural urges while sleeping?
A. It is possible for them to do so.

Q. Do they have a smell to them?
A. Yes.

Q. Can they cover up this smell?
A. It is possible in human form, but there is no possible way when in their monster form.

Q. Do monsterhume know and support each other?
A. Naturally, they know who each other are, so they do support each other.

Q. How do animals react to their presence?
A. They know they are part of their world and are friendly towards them.

If there's anymore questions, don't hesitate to ask! :3

"Dear God, what's it like in your funny little brains? It must be boring." - Sherlock Holmes


August 24, 2013, 02:17:13 am #4 Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 02:37:05 am by formerdeathcorps
Character Sheet:

Percival Formet
Age: 20-23 (depending on if you want the RP to start during the Lion WAr or after it)
Origin: Zelamonia Province, Ordallia
Rank: Captain of the Zelamonia Reserves, Duke of Sanger
Hair: Dirty-Blond
Eyes: Blue
Height/Weight: 1.88 m/80 kg
Class: Kn / Or, the Ordallian term is spellblade
Weapon/Attack Style: Defender, but contains a family jewel that speeds up spell casting (so he more resembles Beowulf in his attack style)
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Oh yeah! I forgot to say. It is after the lion war but doku and I were going to set things up! :3

"Dear God, what's it like in your funny little brains? It must be boring." - Sherlock Holmes


Hey guys! When I said I was making a patch for this RP, I meant it! Here is the first event I was learning to do! It's all polished up and ready! And remember, if you would like a character in the RP "Of Kings and Nobles" please post a sheet here!

"Dear God, what's it like in your funny little brains? It must be boring." - Sherlock Holmes