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ATTACK.OUT Editor Special Awesome - UPDATE: 1/24/2022

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, May 30, 2013, 07:39:16 pm


Is there any version of these editors for the PSP?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: JpHeitor on December 15, 2017, 03:28:04 am
Is there any version of these editors for the PSP?

As far as I know, there's no differences between ATTACK.OUT on the PSP.  If there is, they're not documented anywhere that I know of.

If there are differences and someone bothers to document them, I can add a PSP Mode to this program if it needs one, as I did with EasyVent Editor Super Perfect 2.0.


Updated 1/24/2022 with the following fixes:

1. Maps Selection box expanded to support 255 entries, so that the tool is capable of supporting ASM hacks which expand the quantity of available maps in the game.

2. An error on the Squadron form where an entry's ID was duplicated resulting in a crash on highlighting Squadron 02FF and the last few IDs to be shifted was fixed. This is purely an error with the GUI being fixed - your ATTACK.OUT files should be fine.

3. The Squadron is Upper Level Radio Button is replaced with a Squadron is Upper Level Checkbox so that it can be deselected properly.

You can download the most recent version of the program in the OP.