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February 07, 2025, 08:00:03 pm


Use of ePSXe before 2.0 is highly discouraged. Mednafen, RetroArch, and Duckstation are recommended for playing/testing, pSX is recommended for debugging.

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Messages - Tails_Doll_Prower

Chapter 2 looking great, I look forward to what's in stored!(and the twist and turns you have have planned.)
I have finally beaten your mod.. And planned out the route to do everything within the time frame. From Helping The Certain people. (Even from the Odd Jobs.) This Mod is Highly recommendable.. and I look forward to more.
Your mod, is crazy- but I see the schemes behind it- but it's brilliant.. I am a bit further then where I am. I will try to check out the extra's in it. I really look forward to this more.
I heard this was out- Gonna play and for sure do some recording to it.  :more: Keep it up Jumza!
I'm just now seeing this, and I'm highly intrigued by sparing characters who are useful and have them join, or let them go.

Heck, you could rewrite everything and change history depending on the routes taken.. choice like sparing Wiegraf sister.
Then tetra would be saved after fighting wiegraf, because due to sparing her.. she would make sure tetra is left behind for example..

However I get stuff like this really takes time to create/edit. But guess that's a idea.

But however, loving this after seeing some videos. Keep it up!

I was gonna do first half of chapter one, but didn't want it to get too lengthy.

However first 3 maps.
Some Alt maps? this is interesting. I know Restructuring isn't as easy. But I do run a small YT Channel. I might post some vids about these so I'm play em. I'll fine a time of when I can get them up. (and sadly my gramps switched from cable to hulu so they might complain if I live streamed. But I'll fine a time to post up some videos.)

I'll leave this here in the mean time.
I might give this a try, I understand this is a BETA Ver. But maybe some tries and see what I can find. Perhaps when I get around to it tonight. So far this does look really well made, or refined if I should say.
Seems like you don't have anything out as of yet, however. I look forward to this.

I encourage you to do your best to deliver on what you're doing!
News / Re: New Hack to "Expand" Vanilla Roster!
September 10, 2020, 01:30:04 am
Ahhhh, the day I knew something like this had to be made! this is some incredible news..! Now people can simply add more slots, to to there mods. (Least I hope that's how it can work) But, HEY! this is amazing news. Keep it up and you might be able to expand a lot more. Best of luck!
Now that's some real grinding for pickaxing stuff. I like the concept however. I know this game has been in progression for so long.. But this is really cool. I can tell this is defiantly for Item making, and crafting Weapons Shields and other equipment. (Maybe a part of making Legendary-Epic things if Certain craft-able Items are Obtained?) I don't know how you guys plan on this.. But, this is some Real Square Enix stuff if you plan to make it a bit complicated. I don't mind the complexity..

But this is a very.. very big investing idea that you guy have planned.. and I wish you all the best in completing Chapter.. I know chapter four... is still a long ways a way.. before this would ever get done.

Can't wait but Good Luck to you, and your team!
Hey Aiolon I don't know if your Cheeking these posts still however.. I found a bug- I call it the "Flail Fail Bug" After Cheeking a Flail Stats in Shop I get this Shop.

in any case If I exit the shop it'll return as normal after Re-entering it. Unless I try to cheek the stats.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Bug Reports
September 22, 2019, 03:08:07 am
Quote from: Elric on September 22, 2019, 01:32:18 am
Is that on the Chocobo sprite? shouldnt be any issues there since it's vanilla aside from the extra palettes added, but I'll check it out.

Yes, I'm not all certain on why..I think a Pixel was one wide Selected, But I'll leave it to your Hands. If I see more of this, I'll report them here. However, good Luck to you.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Bug Reports
September 21, 2019, 11:47:10 pm
I'm not all to certain if anyone has scene this little Sprite Glitch/bug, However- On the Back left and Back right, The front of it is all Fine.. But not sure if anything.

In case you wanna know what I'm using, RetroArch
Not sure if it's a Bug.. or the Emu-

I have nothing much to say further more, Solid work as far as I scene.. Can't wait to See how CH. 2 will be like!
Completed Mods / Re: FFT: Heroes [PSX]
September 19, 2019, 05:02:43 pm
Not to but in, but I always liked the concept of a "2 Played - Versus" However I played the Original over and over Again- Back in 2014 However, I like a different concept of things, even it means keeping things of the story Original, small Tweaks can make a game a Little Harder, or better in a way.

But i like Tweaks. and all that enhances a battle System. Don't Feel Discouraged. Be proud of the things your able to do man Don't give on something so small, and one day you can perhaps make something your own.
Quote from: Elric on October 31, 2018, 05:35:29 am
Well its obviously not Jot5 as its been out for years and thousands have played it without issue. The issue is on your end, one way or another

I got it figured out- it's the Emulator, not the Files. But yeah it was my end.

Thanks Nyzer for the Suggestion.
Quote from: Nyzer on October 29, 2018, 09:58:52 pm
A screenshot of the Squaresoft logo doesn't tell us much. Odds are it's a bad ISO though... get a new one.
I re-patched it 3 time in a fresh one. But I'll try the Suggestion sometime later and I'll report the result.
I Patched it.. and it won't seem to load the game properly? (Sorry if Posted in the Wrong spot)
Class-> Black Mage ->Spell: Nova -> No Message

Not sure if you know of it. but just setting this here if it reminds you to put anything you need. However I'm slowly getting back into the patch. However i played a new game, there was no Alucard. Unless you intentionally removed him. That's all I have to say
Thanks you much Nyzer.

And Aiolon if I find more- I will let you know if there anything out there I find for a bug or anything that is Questionable. You're Certainly Welcome.