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February 09, 2025, 08:34:07 am


Use of ePSXe before 2.0 is highly discouraged. Mednafen, RetroArch, and Duckstation are recommended for playing/testing, pSX is recommended for debugging.

FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.2 (beta) [PSX] [Duckstation recommended]

Started by Nyzer, June 17, 2024, 09:25:08 am


Version 1.2.15 is now out! Lots of fixes included here. Probably the best QoL improvement would be that Start should now also function as a Cross-Skip button, allowing you to skip skippable scenes just by holding it instead of also requiring another button to close message boxes with.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hello guys, hope all is going well.  Just installed new patch, and letting you know the game locked up right after being attacked, and it trying to (I think) use auto potion for the first time.  This is the save I've used for all versions to this point, first time it did this.  If it matters at all, the first time this occurred, was when a red chocobo used meteor strike on my Meliadoul (ninja) with Mighty Sword, Auto Potion, Equip Sword, and Move +2.  2 Rune Blades, Thief Hat, Black Costume, Setiemson.  Ok, tried again, and used save state right before he hits her, and tried a few times, locked up 4/5 times, the one time it didn't, she didn't try to auto potion.  Then a bomb hit Beowulf, same result, locked up.   Reset (save state) a few times 3/4, then no auto potion, and game ran fine, it seems to be the auto potion that is causing it.  (and I really was looking forward to it working like I hoped it would  =P   
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: LoneWolfZ24 on November 23, 2024, 11:31:47 pmHello guys, hope all is going well.  Just installed new patch, and letting you know the game locked up right after being attacked, and it trying to (I think) use auto potion for the first time.  This is the save I've used for all versions to this point, first time it did this.  If it matters at all, the first time this occurred, was when a red chocobo used meteor strike on my Meliadoul (ninja) with Mighty Sword, Auto Potion, Equip Sword, and Move +2.  2 Rune Blades, Thief Hat, Black Costume, Setiemson.  Ok, tried again, and used save state right before he hits her, and tried a few times, locked up 4/5 times, the one time it didn't, she didn't try to auto potion.  Then a bomb hit Beowulf, same result, locked up.   Reset (save state) a few times 3/4, then no auto potion, and game ran fine, it seems to be the auto potion that is causing it.  (and I really was looking forward to it working like I hoped it would  =P   

Appreciate the report, but please make sure to submit bug reports to the bug report topic.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Nyzer on November 24, 2024, 12:14:12 amAppreciate the report, but please make sure to submit bug reports to the bug report topic.

Sorry didnt even know there was a group for that, should I paste it over there?
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: LoneWolfZ24 on November 24, 2024, 09:51:03 amSorry didnt even know there was a group for that, should I paste it over there?

No need, it was a quick fix. I had applied some of the code to the wrong line: 0x17E364 instead of 0x17E360, leaving in an extra line of vanilla code that broke the game. I assume I had previously killed off that extra line of code during earlier testing, which is why it didn't break the game when I did it then - but I did a clean rebuild of the ISO a few days ago, so that original line came back and caused problems now.

The new patch will be up in a few minutes.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


A new patch with a few bugfixes. This will most likely be the last patch of the year at this point, while I go on to do 50-60+ hour workweeks for the last month of the year.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Ended up with some extra free time, so I got a new hack done. It's the Swap Ability Preview Targets hack, which allows you to switch between valid targets within your ability's area of effect during the Ability Preview window by pressing Square!

So Version 1.2.19 is now out.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Version 1.2.20 is now out, fixing a bug and changing the functionality of Jump a bit. You can now preview the Jump ability instead of having to guess when your character will land!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Not sure if you already have as I'm unable to play at the moment, but is there any chance of adding a lot of extra characters etc as prizes from the end game menu?

i was really hoping for FFT recruits to come out but it seems it has been abandoned
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Afraid not. I had vaguely wanted to try adding some characters here and there, but a lot of my vague plans for the mod got derailed once I learned how to do ASM hacking and after I ended up running 50-60 hour workweeks all year instead of only during the busiest couple months.

If I can ever get around to it, I wouldn't be doing it in the Depths of Murond anyway, though. That event script is basically maxed out on space, and it would be the kind of thing I would want to do during the main story anyway.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Version 1.2.22 has now been released. Doublecast has been reworked to function as would be properly expected now - no instant cast, no restrictions on which spells can be Doublecasted, charging both spells at once. This is an extremely complex hack, and while I've checked out all of the edge cases I could think of and that people could suggest on Discord, I might have still missed something.

Doublecast and Move-Find Item can also now passively equip specific other learned abilities.

I think this is at last the point in time at which I'm going to stop adding in updates and get to doing a full playtest so I can finally stop calling 1.2 a beta version. Might take a while, especially if I find bugs to fix, but the big bugs finally seem squashed, the big mechanic changes finally seem fully implemented... I'm so ready for this.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Never before tried mods on this game...

Thanks for great mod for a great game )

Few questions:
1)I read that "Move-find-items" had changes...and as i see some mods making to find unique items as 100% of a chance without getting "Potion" instead of some cool loot (in my opinion it should be like that in default game too)
is it like that in this mod?

2)seems new mods as i read often using same stats for genders,in this mod and and females have same stats too?
Or like in original,where males had better physical att,and females better magic att?

3)is there any serious changes around "faith/brave" at this mod?

4)sword classes like Agrias and Orlandu,still overpowered and need zero mp for those sword overpowered attacks?

5)mages and summoners have changes about casting time? in original,they casting so slowly,its just been more profitable to use warrior classes,like Orlandu )

Thanks )
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


1) No. Removing the low chance at high Brave of getting treasures effectively removes Brave's reason to exist as a stat, beyond just being something for the player to max out ASAP without any thought.

Instead, the Move-Find Item skill was heavily reworked. It now causes a low Brave chance to give you a high chance of reacting, and has other movement skills that can stack onto it if you learn them. It does nothing about the low damage on certain damage rolls, though.

Low Brave values also provide some damage reduction regardless of any skills you may or may not have equipped.

None of this should make a low Brave MFI unit the most optimized unit in the world - but it should still make them feel like they have a niche on the team.

If I'd had more time, I would have done more with the MFI mechanic itself. But I feel this much is still a decent enough reason to incentivize having one or two low Brave units.

2) Unchanged. You can Transition characters to other genders without changing their stats, though. You can also Retrain a Transitioned unit to recalculate their stats as the new gender.

3) Only what I said above.

4) Yes. I stuck to a no nerf policy.

5) No changes to CT itself. However, the current version of Doublecast is one that I hope can be considered comparable to Dual Wield. Rafa and Malak are also MUCH more powerful and *reliable* in ReMixed. Magic should feel a lot more competitive now, even if I expect it to still not be Orlandu levels of broken. 

Non-Charge is also an ability that can be acquired after beating the game.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Nyzer on January 13, 2025, 04:52:54 pm3) Only what I said above.

4) Yes. I stuck to a no nerf policy.

5) No changes to CT itself. However, the current version of Doublecast is one that I hope can be considered comparable to Dual Wield. Rafa and Malak are also MUCH more powerful and *reliable* in ReMixed. Magic should feel a lot more competitive now, even if I expect it to still not be Orlandu levels of broken. 

Non-Charge is also an ability that can be acquired after beating the game.

Thanks for answer! yeah i watched some youtube videos about Remixed mod,its truly amazing...If there would be a way to tie psp cutscenes to ps1 version,it would be superb! Also changing music (along with other fixes and features) so awesome,coz amount of music for random battles wasn't much!

It's cool,that Rafa and Malac are fixed,yeah on ps1,i liked those characters,but yeah...they had weak skills!

Honestly i still think,that sword-classes like Orlandu,should have MP cost for their skills,coz those are by default TOO overpowered,zero mp...range zone,cast immediately,all combined...just too much!
Mages really felt too weak around those characters with their long casting,besides of time magic...other mages been mehh(just summoners kinda..ok),its good to hear about those casting changes!

Also how bout idea tie,physical attack from mage weapons (stafs,rods and etc)to magic power stat?

hmm my dream team at endgame kinda always been like this: Ramza with his unique skills and good stats with two weapons,Orlandu (obviously),Beowulf - this guy have very cool skills,Reis - with her high hp stat and cool skills (she also cool mage,coz female + high hp),and worker 8 -  this robot damaging like a truck,and have cool range attack ))
Probably add mp cost for his skills nice balance idea too.

Hmm also story missions still don't have level-scale difficulty,like random ones? coz later,they became...pretty easy,especially with team like i mentioned above )

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown