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Messages - Nyzer

The Lion War / Re: About the Dark Knight
February 11, 2025, 09:23:28 am
Not the Dark Knight, dude. It would have to be done through the provided spreadsheet in the TLW Resources.
This is a known bug when the text goes over the maximum width for the box.
In the FFTPatcher, there is a field to set a specific Job that can have its Job Level set for every unit in the ENcounter Table Data. So you can have, say, a Knight with a Random secondary skillset, set to have Geomancer at Job Level 6. This will only set Geomancer to JLv 6, while every other Job will only have enough JLv to unlock Geomancer. That means no extra JP for jobs like Samurai or Chemist, and Knight will only be Job Level 4 or whatever.

If the unit's primary Job also gets this bonus, it will set Knight to JLv 6 as well. If the unit's secondary skillset's Job also ALSO gets this bonus, it too will be set to 6. Did the unit roll Item as its secondary? Then Chemist Level 6. Punch Art? Then Monk Level 6. Elemental? Well, Geo is already Level 6 so nothing changes there.

The way Vanilla does it, it's only the specified Job (Geomancer in this case) that gets its Job Level set. ReMixed by default checks Ramza's current Sprite ID and uses that to determine how many times it sets a Job's Job Level. Chapter 1? Only specified. Chapter 2-3? Specified and primary. Chapter 4? All three: specified, primary, secondary. This allows enemies to have more Job progression as the game goes on, making it organically a bit more difficult each time Ramza's sprite changes.
Help! / Re: Wotl Sprite Type Changing Problem
January 22, 2025, 11:31:54 pm
I have had previous success changing Type 2 generic sprites to Type 1 by doing it in the way that you describe with Attempt 2. However, I recently was not able to turn Ramza and Delita into Type 2 despite using that method. It seems as if there is some wonky hardcoding in WotL.

Still, I would recommend trying that second method on an unmodded ISO first.
There are extra abilities available after beating the game in the Depths of Murond.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
January 21, 2025, 10:59:48 pm
They're not in the bar. They're in the Brave Story menu.
Completed Mods / Re: FFT: Heroes [PSX]
January 21, 2025, 06:56:15 pm
You're extremely unlikely to see a fix or even more information for this. The person  who made this mod was active for less than a month before they stopped logging in. In fact, they logged in for the last time a single day after releasing this mod.

This wasn't something that was mentioned at the time, but it is another reason why quick vanilla hacks tend not to see a lot of use: the high likelihood that something is  broken and the hack will never be updated.
Mystic Knight functionality could theoretically exist, but it would require doing something like getting rid of the byte on the Battle Stats that marks whether a unit is holding a sword-type weapon and/or a Materia Blade (functionality that the Ability Requirement Hack already bypasses anyway) and using that as a special weapon elemental byte, then editing all of the weapon formulas to check that byte first before checking the weapon.
January 17, 2025, 10:01:34 am
Valhalla is a tool released off-site that never really got supported after release, as far as I can tell. I linked it over here as well, for the sake of the community, but it just isn't a community tool and the fact that it eventually had compatibility issues doesn't surprise me at all.

The good news is, you don't even need it for those changes. The existing FFTPatcher and Tactext tools can accomplish what you're looking for.
Pretty sure there was a bug with it that I ended up fixing in 1.2.
The Lion War / Re: Bug?
January 15, 2025, 01:31:34 pm
The widescreen hack breaks things.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
January 15, 2025, 01:46:10 am
There is no such list. You can certainly make one, if you're determined enough to play the game through the crashes.

It's even possible that such a list could let us know about what conventions to avoid for maximum compatibility. Knowing that those two, specifically, cause issues is appreciated. If I could find some common link, I could try fixing it - not that I can test it myself.

The one other thing I remember is that Retraining crashes the game on PSX hardware if more than one unit is sent on the mission. The ASM work I use for Retraining isn't my own, so I'm completely in the dark on that one.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
January 14, 2025, 12:30:56 am
If you still have a save from before it happens, it may be helpful if you can provide your save file.
1) No. Removing the low chance at high Brave of getting treasures effectively removes Brave's reason to exist as a stat, beyond just being something for the player to max out ASAP without any thought.

Instead, the Move-Find Item skill was heavily reworked. It now causes a low Brave chance to give you a high chance of reacting, and has other movement skills that can stack onto it if you learn them. It does nothing about the low damage on certain damage rolls, though.

Low Brave values also provide some damage reduction regardless of any skills you may or may not have equipped.

None of this should make a low Brave MFI unit the most optimized unit in the world - but it should still make them feel like they have a niche on the team.

If I'd had more time, I would have done more with the MFI mechanic itself. But I feel this much is still a decent enough reason to incentivize having one or two low Brave units.

2) Unchanged. You can Transition characters to other genders without changing their stats, though. You can also Retrain a Transitioned unit to recalculate their stats as the new gender.

3) Only what I said above.

4) Yes. I stuck to a no nerf policy.

5) No changes to CT itself. However, the current version of Doublecast is one that I hope can be considered comparable to Dual Wield. Rafa and Malak are also MUCH more powerful and *reliable* in ReMixed. Magic should feel a lot more competitive now, even if I expect it to still not be Orlandu levels of broken. 

Non-Charge is also an ability that can be acquired after beating the game.

FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
January 13, 2025, 01:37:35 am
Quote from: eldergoose96 on January 12, 2025, 11:35:43 pmWhen given the chance to recruit Orlandu in chapter 4, I remove a character from my party to make room and after the "joined" the screen goes black and the game freezes. If I choose not to recruit him the game carries on just fine

What version and what emulator?
Version 1.2.22 has now been released. Doublecast has been reworked to function as would be properly expected now - no instant cast, no restrictions on which spells can be Doublecasted, charging both spells at once. This is an extremely complex hack, and while I've checked out all of the edge cases I could think of and that people could suggest on Discord, I might have still missed something.

Doublecast and Move-Find Item can also now passively equip specific other learned abilities.

I think this is at last the point in time at which I'm going to stop adding in updates and get to doing a full playtest so I can finally stop calling 1.2 a beta version. Might take a while, especially if I find bugs to fix, but the big bugs finally seem squashed, the big mechanic changes finally seem fully implemented... I'm so ready for this.
Afraid not. I had vaguely wanted to try adding some characters here and there, but a lot of my vague plans for the mod got derailed once I learned how to do ASM hacking and after I ended up running 50-60 hour workweeks all year instead of only during the busiest couple months.

If I can ever get around to it, I wouldn't be doing it in the Depths of Murond anyway, though. That event script is basically maxed out on space, and it would be the kind of thing I would want to do during the main story anyway.
The Lion War / Re: RetroAchievements Support
January 09, 2025, 10:51:12 am
I suspect it would be easier to start with the PSX achievements, as I know some things changed on the PSP.

You can also use the FFH wiki to help with the data locations and values. https://ffhacktics.com/wiki/Variables would be a good one for the story progress (TLW data should be listed), with Battle Stats for the in-battle unit data and World Stats for roster unit data.

Level-based achievements seem fine to me - especially since TLW makes it easy to get a team of low level units in NG+ who still keep all of their gear and job progress from the first run. Might as well keep it consistent, IMO.
Psxfin is also perfectly compatible with the game.

Duckstation has a memory card editor thing that honestly sucks to use. I know a fair few folks here use it, but it would be better to ask on a Duckstation related forum how to get it working as correctly as possible.