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ASM Requests

Started by The Damned, October 29, 2014, 09:16:45 pm


October 29, 2014, 09:16:45 pm Last Edit: October 30, 2014, 02:41:03 pm by Xifanie
Feel free to request any ASM here for the PSX version; you will not be judged.
If you have an idea that would benefit more than yourself and understand video game mechanics, feel free to post it in the proposals thread instead.

Who knows, someone just might look into it if it interests them. If you really need a hack done, you should try to avoid relying on luck and do it yourself.

What is ASM?
ASM stands for assembly. It is the compiled language that FFT runs on, and it's what we alter to make hacks to enhance the game. ASMing is literally altering the code of the game; it's not easy like changing the WP value of Excalibur from 21 to 30.

If you don't understand the mechanics behind video games though, don't be surprised if anyone tells you your idea is either impossible or far too much trouble to accomplish.

As a quick note, look at my signature to have a better understanding of what ASM can't do.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Alright, I have a couple of ideas for ASM hacks that could improve gameplay:

1.) Change archer's Charge Skill to be able to target units and go off if enemy stays within weapon range.
2.) Change ranged weapon attacks to factor distance from target into its accuracy%


On the topic of charging: charge abilities scaling with unit speed.
  • Modding version: PSX


November 10, 2014, 09:18:24 pm #3 Last Edit: November 18, 2014, 10:53:33 am by TFM
Quote from: Kaijyuu on November 07, 2014, 01:02:42 am
On the topic of charging: charge abilities scaling with unit speed.

Edit: Nevermind, that hack only seemed to work at the time.

This one should set CT to CT - MA when Math Skill is flagged.
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="e9378">
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="e93d0">
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="115848">
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="11aa48">

If you needed a specific CT formula, I could make it.


November 12, 2014, 04:16:56 pm #4 Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 06:11:20 pm by Heretic
I was browsing through the forum for the first time in like 5 years and came across your Synthesis Shop hack and it is probably the most innovative thing I've seen on this site in years.  I have been trying to find a clever way to implement wotl items into the psx version and this is perfect.  Since you clearly know a good deal about asm hacking, i was wondering if you could give me your opinion on how difficult or if its even possible to make an idea i had a reality.  I absolutely hate doing propositions and the rewards for doing them were pretty much just novelties anyway, so i was thinking of a way to make the treasures you find actually useful.  Would it be possible to add a condition to your synth shop to require having found a certain treasure in order for a select item to be synthed.  For example, in order to make a Knight sword like Excalibur, you could set the white materia treasure as a prerequisite.  Any feed back would be appreciated.

Just thought of this as well.  Would be kinda cool to use the unexplored lands found as prerequisites for custom maps or events


Quote from: Heretic on November 12, 2014, 04:16:56 pm
I was browsing through the forum for the first time in like 5 years and came across your Synthesis Shop hack and it is probably the most innovative thing I've seen on this site in years.  I have been trying to find a clever way to implement wotl items into the psx version and this is perfect.  Since you clearly know a good deal about asm hacking, i was wondering if you could give me your opinion on how difficult or if its even possible to make an idea i had a reality.  I absolutely hate doing propositions and the rewards for doing them were pretty much just novelties anyway, so i was thinking of a way to make the treasures you find actually useful.  Would it be possible to add a condition to your synth shop to require having found a certain treasure in order for a select item to be synthed.  For example, in order to make a Knight sword like Excalibur, you could set the white materia treasure as a prerequisite.  Any feed back would be appreciated.

Just thought of this as well.  Would be kinda cool to use the unexplored lands found as prerequisites for custom maps or events

The hack actually doesn't work this way. It doesn't add any additional item slots. All the vanilla item slots were used in vanilla and there is no way to add in the WotL items. This hack only gives you ways to create existing vanilla items using combinations of other vanilla items.

The hack also isn't setup to require conditions like, ((if you have this item, these combos become available)) and although I see where you are going with that, the hack simply was not made to have these kind of requirements. I can tell you right now that Xifanie won't be interested in adding something like that, since that was never her intention to have those kind of restrictions.
  • Modding version: PSX


yeah i replaced a few items i deemed useless to get the wotl items into psx version.  and the synth hack gave me a unique way to put them in the game.  i was just wondering if the treasure aspect was realistically doable with out ripping my hair out

also looking forward to "The Lion War"



For enemy units: Party Level +(+1...+99) -> Party Level +(-15...+15) & Party Level (Random) +(-15...+15).(Doesn't matter what is done with the other 39 slots)

Basically, I would like to have the option to include "Easy" Enemies into an ENTD without hardcoding their levels.


November 30, 2014, 06:00:19 am #8 Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 04:21:34 am by White Knight Wiegraf
Hm, I thought there would have been more requests than that within a month's time. I guess I'm the only one that can't figure out ASM even if my life depended on it... I suppose I'll post some of my wishlist then. I don't have any expectations of course, but if any of these feel like good ideas to someone for their own mod and is willing to make an ASM, then.. I'm not against it :)

In no particular order...

Edit: Edited for stuff I don't need anymore. Math Skill costing MP and that last one with element absorb is all that's left.

- Math Skill costs MP, perhaps even more than if you'd normally cast the spell. Because calculating precisely on top of focusing energy - instantly - seems quite mentally exhausting to me.

- X status (Charging, Performing, Frog, Sleep...) doesn't take extra damage from attacks. Or at least a way to reduce that extra damage. Found it (partially). I really didn't look around enough, found a lot of stuff tonight.

- Berserk also reduces Magic defense. Actually I have a load of similar ideas, if I could choose which status increases or decreases defense or attack (whether physical or magical), that'd be great. I'd also like to mess around with accuracy. I believe some mods out there have things for magic accuracy as well. Anyway, this is kind of on the same branch as the above I believe

- Picking up crystals cancels X statii when choosing HP/MP Restore. Darkness, Poison, Silence, Don't Act. Low priority

- Shadow Walk (renamed Silent Walk): Save 20 CT regardless if you move or not. This is low priority, just wanted to find some extra use for that move ability..

- Magical C-Ev. I want this especially for monsters, who have no way to dodge any kind of magic. Alternatively, making equipment possible so that I could have them wear mantles (in my mod, mantles are more about magical evasion) Found it, but having a little trouble making it work. I'll tinker more with it when I have time.

- Replace Formula 2D: (PA * (WP + Y)) with (PA * (WP + Y)) / X. If possible, a value of '0' in the X slot would default to '1' to prevent division by 0. No more need

- If a target absorbs a certain element, they don't try to block or dodge an attack of that element. Similarly, a unit under Oil/Float status could not dodge Fire/Wind elemental attacks. (I think someone recently posted that idea)
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


Quote from: Darkholme on November 26, 2014, 02:47:22 pm

For enemy units: Party Level +(+1...+99) -> Party Level +(-15...+15) & Party Level (Random) +(-15...+15).(Doesn't matter what is done with the other 39 slots)

Basically, I would like to have the option to include "Easy" Enemies into an ENTD without hardcoding their levels.

I saw a request somewhere for Party level or level (0-99), whichever is greater.  I want that.


So I have two requests for a hack I'm working on. Before looking into them myself I figure I'd ask before  I look into it myself, and maybe someone who can accomplish it with less effort could do so. Worth a shot?

-Innate MP Regen
Maybe I could do this with FFT Patcher? I would rather it not be a status effect. As an addition to this make MP Regen maybe 3-5% of max MP. I want mages to still feel useful after blowing all their spells.

-Spillover JP = Regular JP Gain
Make spillover JP gained from other jobs a 1:1 ratio instead of a cut. I don't want units penalized for not making worthless actions every turn to gain jp.

If anybody could do these I'd be VERY grateful. Thanks for your time.


December 09, 2014, 01:41:43 pm #11 Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 03:39:15 pm by Dome
Can someone ASM these 2 formulas
Drain Hp: F(MA*Y)
Drain Mp: F(MA*Y)
and place them into a blank spot?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: BlankM on December 09, 2014, 01:07:46 pm
So I have two requests for a hack I'm working on. Before looking into them myself I figure I'd ask before  I look into it myself, and maybe someone who can accomplish it with less effort could do so. Worth a shot?

-Innate MP Regen
Maybe I could do this with FFT Patcher? I would rather it not be a status effect. As an addition to this make MP Regen maybe 3-5% of max MP. I want mages to still feel useful after blowing all their spells.

-Spillover JP = Regular JP Gain
Make spillover JP gained from other jobs a 1:1 ratio instead of a cut. I don't want units penalized for not making worthless actions every turn to gain jp.

If anybody could do these I'd be VERY grateful. Thanks for your time.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Patch name="Restore 5% of Max MP on turn start">
    <Description>MP Restores by 5% on turn</Description>
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="F6EBC">
    <Location file="BATTLE_BIN" offset="11C280">

  <Patch name="Spillover JP = Regular">
   <Description>Units gain FULL(?!) JP spillover, dunno why someone would want this but here it is</Description>
   <Location="BATTLE_BIN" offset="117978">

You're lucky because I've already made one of these and the other is literally changing one line of code. I'm lazy as shit. Changed the bolded 0 to C if you want to do 10%

  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


Thank you so much! Definitely lucked out, your help is much appreciated.


My guess is this will either be pretty simple or massively complicated, but is there any way to change the game's routine for evade to treat the EV stat as a % damage reduction stat (so 13% dodge chance = 13% reduced damage instead)?  Maybe by cannibalizing that hack that attaches damage multipliers to different status effects?


I have a defense (damage reduction) hack in my ASM thread that uses the unknown values for items in FFTPatcher as damage reduction stats.  I'd think it could be modified to use evade instead.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Thanks Glain!  I'll look into doing that.


I want a little mod can join or invitation all bosses and all special enemy. And I want have teleport 2 of Altima in moverment skills tap  :D


Hi All,

I have an ASM request and I am not sure how easy it will be to do. Is there are a way that we can change MP switch to be an MP equivalent of regenerator? (the white mage support ability) Or to maybe use the blank space available 01BB? Or even use Absorb Used MP?

Cheers Argy
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


I thought Pride made something like that... I can't remember though. We do know pretty much all of the regen routines and post-movement/action display routines so the hack could be made.