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Community Mod

Started by ShadowSkyle, May 19, 2012, 10:30:52 pm

Which plot should the main story revolve around?

Initial Contact With Lucavi
Neophyte's Revised Plot


I want to point out that in my post I made no mention of themes. I also want to point out that I'm pointing out the flaws of audience desire. Comics from the 90s prove that a more extreme version of something isn't better than the original. More extreme is just more of the same.

The Lucavi weren't even remotely the best or most interesting part of the game. It's just the game's big idea and their big reveal was far more successful than pretty much all of M. Night Shyamalan's. Do you think Wiegraf would be as beloved if he didn't become Belias?

I digress. I think the real problem here is that people want to do a prequel. Prequel's don't matter unless you retrofit them to the plot of the original story. A prequel that isn't retrofit might as well be a part of a different and similar universe. The endgame scenario should have a direct effect on the main plot points. It should set events in motion that kick off the original story.

Unfortunately, the most major players of all were the Knights Templar/Lucavi.

Also, you guys argue against the Lucavi like the idea is impossible to bring across properly. It's not, a good writer can look at the things that need to be accomplished and make it happen. Does Vormav need to become Hashamalum to develop a Lucavi plot? No, you have two or more perfectly capable unseen creatures that can fulfill the role of big bad monster. Moreover the organization can be fleshed out and developed. New characters can be developed with bigger plans and further reaching goals than resurrecting their master.

I voted yes for the Lucavi but it's not because of them. I voted yes because it actually has something to do the first game and it doesn't end with the main character chancing upon the Deep Dungeon in an end completely unrelated to it's own game.

Personally, I'd like to see a game that uses an ensemble cast. Three main characters with individualized plot threads that intersect and overlap. A story featuring and Ordalian spy, Simon, and a new recruit freshly initiated into the Knight's Templar.

Neither of these two plots are good enough on their own. I say we use them both.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


July 21, 2012, 08:16:07 pm #161 Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 12:02:57 am by ShadowSkyle
I will reserve my comments on this discussion until the poll is down. I am merely the behind-the-scenes manipulator setting this whole project in motion as it needs to be handled (With some help along the way, of course!). Tomorrow, the poll will close, and I will post a nice long block of information on what I think in regards to the plots, and plans I might have for it.

Poll is officially closed, and we have a tie! The game will have a mix of plot lines, all joining together in beautiful, unsuspected harmony.

The plots as they are, are not perfect. The people who came up with them knew this from the start. But do not worry. Perfecting the plots is why I'm here. Myself, and a team of volunteers who have wonderful skills at writing FFT plot, will bring you a wonderful, richly deep story to wrap your minds around. Don't be concerned with the issues brought up here. They have not fallen on deaf ears, and everything will be taken into consideration when designing this mod.

Expect to see a little bit of everything thrown in. You'll see some old characters (Fan service, if you will. However, the goal is that once you finish this mod, you should play the original game. You might find yourself shocked at the realization of: "Oh! So that's why that happened." You may find yourself growing attached to characters who you previously knew little about. Not to worry, there will be plenty of new characters as well, most of which will be the focal point of the game. Who knows. Maybe when this is over, I'll make a mod for the original FFT inserting a couple of these characters into the original game. (Perhaps a sequel will follow once all that's done?! We'll see how it goes. Not planning that far ahead at this point)

Now, if you wish to be a proper part of this project, please send me a message on here with what you wish to do. Immediately, story writers are needed, and I'm sure FDC could use some help with the hacking/event editing. Also, I know we're going to need spriters, so please. If you wish to see this mod succeed, it's your duty to help out however you can. This is YOUR project, after all!


I'm definitely willing to be a "proper part" of the project.

ASM Hacking
Mechanical Balance
Eventing (not as proficient as ASMing, but I can do it)

While we're at it Shadow, can you post who else is currently on the development team?  In particular,
QuoteMyself, and a team of volunteers who have wonderful skills at writing FFT plot, will bring you a wonderful, richly deep story to wrap your minds around.

...who else is on the storyboarding team?
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Count me in. I'd be willing to help write out the story.


Oh, when you mentioned sending you a message I assumed you meant a private message. Well, I'd like to be part of the writing team. If we're partially using my proposal, I feel like I should be one of the people tasked with making it work. Besides, I like writing.


Count me in StoryBoarding too.

Neophyte Ronin

All you got to do is ask me.

I've been going through TactText like a fine-toothed comb to make the textual experience of Tactics a different one, and have also considered retooling the cinema texts through the Event Text Editors supplied by the community.  If there is a certain style you wish me to exude, feel free to ask.


I might be able to help a bit with EVTCHR spriting since nobody really does that. I can't make any new animations but I can recreate existing animations with new sprites. Of course, I can only do this with human units.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


I'm about as unreliable as they come, but this idea looks like it may possibly work. The idea to have a story that bases itself within the Fifty Years War and ties into the Death Corps and Elidibs looks like it could work really well.

Of course it all comes down to does the fellow in charge have the time and drive to create this absolutely new game? Something of this scope would require a whole new set of sprites and events. Even after Eternal and I wrote out the entirety of Mercenaries script and having the battle system (nearly) complete I came to a wall when it came to events and various setbacks (losing my work not twice, but thrice).

Recall that Mercenaries also started out as a community project and I am still very thankful for the amount of feedback and assistance I was given, but eventually there will come the time that the leader will have to get his hands dirty and add everything in. Are you certain that you are willing to go that far?

Please be absolutely certain of your commitment, lest you end up disappointing the people that depended on you.

That said, I wish you the best of luck, I consider myself very well versed in Ivalician lore (and am a slight bit disappointed that St. Ajora's story was never brought up as a possibility, hehe) so if you'd like to send me the storyboards let me know.

An aside but in following this path you are directly following on Matsuno's footsteps. He has said that if he was allowed to make a sequel to FFT it would have taken place during the Fifty Years War.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


July 26, 2012, 07:28:29 am #169 Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 07:50:45 am by ShadowSkyle
A good point, Lasting Dawn, but I am more than willing and able to see this project through. My new job training ends today, and my hours are set, leaving me with a good deal of free time (Most nights I only work about 5 hours, and I'm off on Saturdays). Being ex-military, I know what it's like to commit to something, and how to push myself through obstacles.

That said, current volunteers are:
Jack of All Trades
Lasting Dawn (Should we have questions about lore. =) )

Each of you should PM me (not post it here. it's much easier to track information in my message box, than searching through the forum) and inform me of your capabilities (Writing, Spriting, EVTCHR, ASM, etc. etc) so I know who to assign each project to. If your name is not on this list, and you wish to be a part of the project, then please do the same. In the next day or two, we'll all be getting together on IRC to discuss things further, so also inform me of when you are available for such things.

Thanks everyone, and I'm looking forward to making this patch a reality!


Tomorrow, at 5pm (EST), I will be on IRC to discuss the patch and brainstorm ideas. Everyone is invited to attend, though if you are working on this mod, it's especially important that you try and make it to this little brainstorming session.


You should hold it on #ffhs so you don't get talked over.


I am attempting to get on the IRC now, however, I keep getting an error message




Quote from: ShadowSkyle on July 21, 2012, 08:16:07 pm
Also, I know we're going to need spriters, so please.

If you want spriters to work on this patch, first you are going to have to prove that progress is actually being made. One of the most annoying things is spending hours of work and it going to waste.

I was going to offer to help a while back actually until I saw Lucavi mentioned. Spriting wise, monsters they are a massive pain to make as they take much longer to make and are much harder to get the shading down for newbies.

So basically if I can see some stuff getting done, ill offer help.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Twinees on August 04, 2012, 12:57:40 pm
If you want spriters to work on this patch, first you are going to have to prove that progress is actually being made. One of the most annoying things is spending hours of work and it going to waste.

I was going to offer to help a while back actually until I saw Lucavi mentioned. Spriting wise, monsters they are a massive pain to make as they take much longer to make and are much harder to get the shading down for newbies.

So basically if I can see some stuff getting done, ill offer help.

That's two of us here then. I even showed some Lucavi sprites from IA, but no one seemed to notice.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Even if we do end up needing active Lucavi (we might not,) I should point out that Shemhazai and Mateus were always presented as optional additions that could easily be replaced by Lucavi that we already have sprites for. The sprites that are actually needed for this hack are human sprites. This isn't to say that you shouldn't wait until they see evidence that the patch has a chance of being completed before dedicating your time to help with it. I'm just pointing out that the human sprites are the ones ShadowSkyle is calling for.

And I did notice those sprites when they were posted, but the discussion at the time was about the plausibility of the plot working in-universe, not about the lack of resources. There wasn't any particular reason to address the sprites other than to say that they looked good, but I didn't want to imply that my reasoning for proposing the plot had anything to do with that.


Yes, we only recently discussed the plot, and the bosses have not yet been decided on. I'm not going to make any actual spriting requests until we get to a point where we know what we need.

A note to our writers: I'm going to be overviewing the story, and distributing assignments in the next couple days. Please keep an eye on your messages to see when I send you something.


Apologies for the lack of communication. I've been in the hospital. Will get back to the mod in a day or two.