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Final Fantasy Tactics: Another Story

Started by RayKamiya, August 30, 2015, 01:43:11 pm


Quote from: Jumza on October 14, 2015, 10:45:09 pm
I was going through some of your notes and I saw this:

Is this... That's not what Ovelia is to Delita, is it? Aren't they in love? :P

Also do some events! Story planning is nothing if you don't create the story :o

XD nope he named his adopted daughter after Olivia XD don't forget this is a sequel hack not a retelling of vanilla.

and as I said before I have NO CLUE how to use the event programs and I'm balancing work and reading tutorials XD

I do plan on trying my hand at eventing, editing skills, editing jobs, editing Items and editing characters but remember right now I'm a one man crew ^^: constantly asking me to get a demo made is not getting me to work faster XD


Ah I see.

Yeah I guess :P When you do jump into event editing, you can always ask for help if you get stuck!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Uh yeah. Delita married Ovelia so he could become king. Definately not his adopted daughter :P
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Jumza on October 14, 2015, 11:04:46 pm
Ah I see.

Yeah I guess :P When you do jump into event editing, you can always ask for help if you get stuck!

I know XD My head spins when I read the tutorials sometimes XD

Quote from: Elric on October 14, 2015, 11:06:11 pm
Uh yeah. Delita married Ovelia so he could become king. Definately not his adopted daughter :P

Oh I know, but I think he greeved her death that he would name his adopted daughter after her, NOT the same one as in vanilla I may change the name though just to make it more different ^^;


  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on October 14, 2015, 11:37:24 pm
But he's the one who killed her :O

I know, I do plan to address that little spoiler as well ;)


okay I changed the name after mulling it over.

I may make more changes as time goes on as I learn how to hack XD


I know it was a typo, and I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything, but... Olivia works. Take it over Ovelia, unless you're married to your new name decision.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Quote from: Toshiko on October 15, 2015, 10:39:54 pm
I know it was a typo, and I'm not trying to embarrass you or anything, but... Olivia works. Take it over Ovelia, unless you're married to your new name decision.

I dunno if I am married to the new name or not, I may change it back later on.


Are you intending to write this as canon? I'm only curious because you have Balma and Olan listed, when we all know Ramza didn't see them again after the Lion War :P
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on October 16, 2015, 01:06:30 am
Are you intending to write this as canon? I'm only curious because you have Balma and Olan listed, when we all know Ramza didn't see them again after the Lion War :P

I want to try and stay as canon as possible, Balma and Olan will play a very small part in the story and won't get too involved into the plot, they will have their own story rest assured but nothing too involved, and yeah I doubt Ramza would see them again ;)


  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


yeah But Over powered as all hell xD.

So last night I planned to do some more work on this and try my hand at the editors, but the upgrade from Windows XP to widows 7 at the site I was working at kept failing like crazy... Seriously last night October the 16th I was spending most of my time frantically getting the Computers to image and work, and to top it all off.

That night we had a Lightning storm, and it caused power surges that caused the Images we started to corrupt and Fail.
It was Patching Night, so we had to get ALL the PC's we planned kicked off before Patches were pushed to the XP Machines and REALLY jam up the network.
Fall allergies started with a big time passion, so I was hacking up a lung while also dealing with a runny nose.

and to top it all off, I had to fight with the command center people to provision Computers that were on the site when I had the information for them to add it to the list...

Oh and starting Sunday the 18th i'm in Cape Breton for 4 days to do more upgrade Projects.

I think my work is trying to kill me xD 


Okay I'm finally back from being swamped with work X_X now to buckle down and to plan out story and whatnot.


Dear LORD did my work swamp me this last while X_x

on the plus side I am working on the story part of this, now to sober up and do some work...


would be great if you made ramza enble to learn different skills set from other knights once he get hit by it...just like ultima...whoever the holy/dark/thundergod cid skill sets...since you stated ramza is a wandering knight..learning skills from other knight while taking punishment isnt bad idea...and i think your samurai skillset relied too heavily on heals...samurai known from the courage and not fearing death...


Quote from: prodigyk on January 06, 2016, 08:01:24 am
would be great if you made ramza enble to learn different skills set from other knights once he get hit by it...just like ultima...whoever the holy/dark/thundergod cid skill sets...since you stated ramza is a wandering knight..learning skills from other knight while taking punishment isnt bad idea...and i think your samurai skillset relied too heavily on heals...samurai known from the courage and not fearing death...

hmmm.... you know that's actually a good idea, I wouldn't have him learn ALL the swordskills as that would make him all kinds of Overpowered, but have him learn staple ones like Night sword, Dark sword, Stasis sword ect, and have him with some of his old skills from Vanilla....

as for the samurai's skill set, I'm mostly working off the already established skills from vanilla, only instead of having to use your katana's and risk breaking them, have an MP cost to the skills, and having a samurai's mp growth reduced to limit how many times they can use these skills, Though it does rely too much on buffs and healing, I may try and change some of the skills up a bit.

also I'm adding a wish list to the first page to see if some things can be implemented into the hack. 


January 12, 2016, 06:48:54 pm #57 Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 07:46:22 pm by Guru
hmmm I like your ideas and this would make an awesome mod. Sorry if some of these have been discussed so far, but I haven't got to read everything yet and I'm a lil short on time so I'll just post some of my thoughts so far till I can get into everything else.

Honestly Everything looks pretty damn good. Most of the review I wrote here was all positive stuff. I only have a few suggestions mixed in with my comments. Now keep in mind these are just my opinions and I respect peoples art. So I won't be butt hurt if you don't like em lol.

I definitely like the idea of ramza learned a few sword skills. He is a beoulve after all and he obviously has great potential to even surpass his brothers.

I would love to see Alma become a worthy beoulve too.

Marks....F*** YES!....
training grounds.....F****** YEAH!!!

Olan - was said to be branded a heretic and killed after he wrote the durai chronicles. Doesn't mean he is actually dead and a spy would be perfect role for a dead man. Ramza and Alma are "dead" but we know how that turned out lol. Maybe even cloak him or something to conceal his identity.

Ashe - I like the princess of ivalice reference lol. She was always one of my fav characters even though I wasn't a huge fan of ff12.

Lol my class list is a little long so if you want to skip it. Summary = classes/skills = awesome. Or you can click spoiler below  :P

Always loved the idea of claws for monks. Maybe include some stat upgrades for a few of claws? (cat's claw spd+1)

I also like the chemist not being useless I do think they would benefit even more from some buff items (like chocobo feather etc.) if you have ability room that is. (even though I didn't use em in jot5 and I will proly never use chemists honestly)

Love the upgrade to squire. Only  2 suggestions I have is ditch tailwind and tackle for a revive skill. Since tailwind is used by a special character, I think it takes away from her special class and should be unique to her. Tackle can be useful sometimes but being able to buff yourself with +pa/ma/ and revive would make this an awesome skillset to have while you learn other skills. Could even be used end game.

I noticed the comments on squires and geomancer's being useless but with you upgrade to squire I disagree. Geomancers skillset is kinda eh but they are can be useful too. Huge ranged mild damage attacks never hurt. Plus they always had good multipliers and decent growths in vanilla. Plus they can equip swords and +pa/ma equipment that would allow good damage

I do disagree on the mime....I don't think its really a staple of fft but gotta admit I never liked them. Took way too long to get the skill class and its just not a fun class for me. Copying abilities is just boring to me i guess but some people love mimes. I would love to see a more unique class replace mime.

FFT needs thiefs period. (imo) I like the poach skill and slash and dash too!

Archers love the much needed upgrade!

Blue magic...F*** yes, skills are about perfect too. No suggestions atm (which is good!) :P

LOVE the dragoon!!!!! Everything about it!

Paladin - hell yeah  :P

Green mage is pretty sweet too.

samurai - hmmm i like the idea of not using/breaking the katana. The skills seem good but its hard to tell if the skills need work or not...maybe its just hard to picture them atm?

Ninja - haha love your ninjitsu idea! I like the void and maelstrom affect (ailments and buffs). Not sure if i like them being able to heal. But I suppose ninjas are very resourceful and would have some kinda healing herb or something. (maybe change name at least to healing herb?) I doubt you would have ability room.... but a vanish skill would be cool too maybe smoke bomb or something. But ik from following jot5 that ability room is a huge problem so this definitely should not be a priority especially since there is a reaction skill that does the same thing. Oh and Monkey Grip  :mrgreen:

Sage lookin good!

In short I think you got the right idea as far as...well just about everything. Your special classes are very unique and most of your ideas don't need much input at all but if you want to read my long ass list...

I definitely like meko, she looks like a very unique story character and I like her skills a lot( roar will definitely be cool to see ). Heretic strike is a cool effect too  :P. Only suggestion was the one listed above about removing tailwind from squire. Oh and I think ramza's scream graphic effect would look awesome for roar(maybe?).

Ray - Perfect... next lol (jk I will at least say I love the idea of having a magic swordsman that can add elemental strikes)

Kari- Very nice. Maybe a revive skill? (I'm not a hacker so not sure if its possible but is there a way to make pray revive a dead ally as well as restore hp to live ones?)

agrias - love it only thing I suggest is her base class growth rates in vanilla SUCKED. I like your idea of balancing too(see below)
QuotePersonal Notes: I like the Idea of upgrading Agrias to a Rune Knight (Lune Knight in vanilla) and have decided to lower the mighty sword abilities power and reduce the chance of breaking equipment down to 30% to balance it out, giving the Mighty sword skills a range of 3 and maybe a vertical range of 1 might also further balance things out.

meliadoul - definitely like the skillset. Only thing I'm wondering is with the might sword nerf is if she should have one damaging attack skill that isn't from might sword. Of course her skillset is very useful and she doesn't really need one, plus at this point you gotta be running out of ability space. I love her story too. I'd like to see her without her temple knight hood and I think the ruin skills from vanilla could use some better attack animation.

Ok once I wrote down the last two, I'm starting to wonder if you should give both agrias and meliadoul might sword. If they both have the same skill set and you only have one slot left... well agrias has holy sword so I'm obviously gonna pick her.
So got a few ideas anyways....
   Holy sword if OP as it is so maybe just leave agrias with holy sword and meliadoul with the sword ruin and might sword skills.
   OR.... make it so sword ruin attacks do damage as well! (besides magic ruin anyways) *I like this one the best*
   or maybe replace sword ruin skills with something else? night/dark sword would be very useful (maybe she bumped into ramza and learned it from him if you want to get all technical)

Definitely love the rad/alicia/lavian!!!! Also ramza/alma will be cool as well.

Good luck and definitely looking forward to seeing your creation come to life! I'm new to all this modding, so all I can really offer you atm is my opinion but I will gladly give you any ideas/suggestions needed.


I'm gonna reply to this as best as I can xD as I had to read this over and over XD

"Honestly Everything looks pretty damn good. Most of the review I wrote here was all positive stuff. I only have a few suggestions mixed in with my comments. Now keep in mind these are just my opinions and I respect peoples art. So I won't be butt hurt if you don't like em lol.

I definitely like the idea of ramza learned a few sword skills. He is a beoulve after all and he obviously has great potential to even surpass his brothers.

I would love to see Alma become a worthy beoulve too."

I do too, I wanted to tell a story where they are not the main focus of the story, but also help from the shadows.

Ramza and Alma would train while they are in Exile, as they are wanted people by the church as we know it was easy to fake your death in that time.

"Marks....F*** YES!....
training grounds.....F****** YEAH!!!"

I've been replying JOT5 and Tactics Ogre and I would love to steal.... er BORROW the marks from Elric and the training system from tactic ogre XD

"Olan - was said to be branded a heretic and killed after he wrote the durai chronicles. Doesn't mean he is actually dead and a spy would be perfect role for a dead man. Ramza and Alma are "dead" but we know how that turned out lol. Maybe even cloak him or something to conceal his identity. "

Oh I have a storyline for Olan but I'm not spoiling it ;)

"Ashe - I like the princess of ivalice reference lol. She was always one of my fav characters even though I wasn't a huge fan of ff12."

thank you XD

"Always loved the idea of claws for monks. Maybe include some stat upgrades for a few of claws? (cat's claw spd+1)

I also like the chemist not being useless I do think they would benefit even more from some buff items (like chocobo feather etc.) if you have ability room that is. (even though I didn't use em in jot5 and I will proly never use chemists honestly)

Love the upgrade to squire. Only  2 suggestions I have is ditch tailwind and tackle for a revive skill. Since tailwind is used by a special character, I think it takes away from her special class and should be unique to her. Tackle can be useful sometimes but being able to buff yourself with +pa/ma/ and revive would make this an awesome skillset to have while you learn other skills. Could even be used end game.

I noticed the comments on squires and geomancer's being useless but with you upgrade to squire I disagree. Geomancers skillset is kinda eh but they are can be useful too. Huge ranged mild damage attacks never hurt. Plus they always had good multipliers and decent growths in vanilla. Plus they can equip swords and +pa/ma equipment that would allow good damage

I do disagree on the mime....I don't think its really a staple of fft but gotta admit I never liked them. Took way too long to get the skill class and its just not a fun class for me. Copying abilities is just boring to me i guess but some people love mimes. I would love to see a more unique class replace mime.

FFT needs thiefs period. (imo) I like the poach skill and slash and dash too!

Archers love the much needed upgrade!

Blue magic...F*** yes, skills are about perfect too. No suggestions atm (which is good!) :P

LOVE the dragoon!!!!! Everything about it!

Paladin - hell yeah  :P

Green mage is pretty sweet too.

samurai - hmmm i like the idea of not using/breaking the katana. The skills seem good but its hard to tell if the skills need work or not...maybe its just hard to picture them atm?

Ninja - haha love your ninjitsu idea! I like the void and maelstrom affect (ailments and buffs). Not sure if i like them being able to heal. But I suppose ninjas are very resourceful and would have some kinda healing herb or something. (maybe change name at least to healing herb?) I doubt you would have ability room.... but a vanish skill would be cool too maybe smoke bomb or something. But ik from following jot5 that ability room is a huge problem so this definitely should not be a priority especially since there is a reaction skill that does the same thing. Oh and Monkey Grip  :mrgreen:

Sage lookin good!"

"XD I like the suggestions, I do have to change up some skills some more and tweek a few things, I'm glad you like the classes so far XD these will be fun to edit and mod XD

I definitely like meko, she looks like a very unique story character and I like her skills a lot( roar will definitely be cool to see ). Heretic strike is a cool effect too  :P. Only suggestion was the one listed above about removing tailwind from squire. Oh and I think ramza's scream graphic effect would look awesome for roar(maybe?).

Ray - Perfect... next lol (jk I will at least say I love the idea of having a magic swordsman that can add elemental strikes)

Kari- Very nice. Maybe a revive skill? (I'm not a hacker so not sure if its possible but is there a way to make pray revive a dead ally as well as restore hp to live ones?)

agrias - love it only thing I suggest is her base class growth rates in vanilla SUCKED. I like your idea of balancing too(see below)

    Personal Notes: I like the Idea of upgrading Agrias to a Rune Knight (Lune Knight in vanilla) and have decided to lower the mighty sword abilities power and reduce the chance of breaking equipment down to 30% to balance it out, giving the Mighty sword skills a range of 3 and maybe a vertical range of 1 might also further balance things out.

meliadoul - definitely like the skillset. Only thing I'm wondering is with the might sword nerf is if she should have one damaging attack skill that isn't from might sword. Of course her skillset is very useful and she doesn't really need one, plus at this point you gotta be running out of ability space. I love her story too. I'd like to see her without her temple knight hood and I think the ruin skills from vanilla could use some better attack animation.

Ok once I wrote down the last two, I'm starting to wonder if you should give both agrias and meliadoul might sword. If they both have the same skill set and you only have one slot left... well agrias has holy sword so I'm obviously gonna pick her.
So got a few ideas anyways....
   Holy sword if OP as it is so maybe just leave agrias with holy sword and meliadoul with the sword ruin and might sword skills.
   OR.... make it so sword ruin attacks do damage as well! (besides magic ruin anyways) *I like this one the best*
   or maybe replace sword ruin skills with something else? night/dark sword would be very useful (maybe she bumped into ramza and learned it from him if you want to get all technical)

Definitely love the rad/alicia/lavian!!!! Also ramza/alma will be cool as well."

Thanks, I'm glad, I still have a few more special classes to go before I start with the storyline and editing xD so look forward to them

I'm also new to modding, editing hex values and such often makes my head spin but I'm also looking for help with it so I can work on it XD but yes I do have some surprises in store for this when I get some time off XD


Yeah this stuff is very overwhelming! I can tell you have a great attention to detail and you have awesome ideas. I've read quite a few of the posts on here one thing I got out of em was don't get discouraged, just do what you can a little at a time. There's lots of people on here willing to help those that want to learn. I'm no where near being able to help at the moment but hopefully sometime in the future I'll be able to at least help ya on some level. But for now I wish you the best of luck and I'm def looking forward to seeing your ideas come to life!