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Started by Ilmauriciano, March 02, 2014, 10:48:37 am


Hello everyone and especially you developpers for making this awesome patch (which I came across randomly searching on FFT Insane)

I've played a little the game (up to date with patch 1.97e) and have little suggestions to give :

- In the list item menu, when you highlight a dual-wielding type weapon shows up '2 swords' (on the bottom right of the screen) and since you have renamed it by dual-weild (for ninjas if wiki is still up to date) wouldn't it be more accurate to change this ?
- I think Link need little more skills (I've tought about a skill named 'throw bomb' that deals AOE damage in a little area (2. Vertical 1), somehow like the ninja...) and maybe another song..

That's it for now, i'll update this post in case of I got new ideas.
Thanks again for reading and thanks for this awesome patch.


There is actually an effect for bomb throw intended for Link. I have no idea if it will be implemented or not, since I never saw Elric or Raven comment on it, however.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?


Whin I started this my first thought was Chrono from Chrono trigger would fit amazingly in this game, anyway to have him show up in a later chapter as a playable character? Magus would be a good villain as well.


From the Q&A thread, Elric talking about why the characters where chosen and why some (like Marche, Alucard and Crono) were cut:

QuoteCrono is the only one that I actually had a full event written for, and I still do. It's still undecided whether or not he will ever make an
appearance in Jot5, though I would like to at least make his intro event and include it in the bonus scenes at some point, since it was
a pretty awesome idea. If I hadn't found out about the sprite limit when I did, and hadn't already thought up many ideas for what is now
the Five to fit together, Crono could very well have been one of them.

It seems the sprite limit is what ultimately stopped Crono from being an original member of the group, but it seems like Elric may or may not have plans to bring him around in the future.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


I've done some playing and I think I may have a few suggestions, please take them for what they are as these are only things I would like to suggest.

1. For weapons like the Masamune katana's that have a 2 panel attack range I think they should be their own weapon type as "Great Katana's" and be double handed as Great Katana's are akward and hard to balance, Yes Sephiroth was able to use his Masamune with ease, but not everyone could use it.

Or to cut out the middle man make one Masamune for Sephiroth and another for others to use.

2. I did some digging and saw Ramza's hidden skills as well as played around with Agrias' abilities a bit (even though shes a guest.) I like that they cost MP but the hit rates in general seem a bit off for me, I've been in battles where some of the Sword skills get blocked or miss at a high rate, In several battles Agrias had 80-99% hit rate with Stasis Sword and missed every time Maybe I'm just unlucky.

I do think Ramza's sword skill abilities that are hidden should be expanded upon, Like not have him on the same level as Orlandu (As that would make Ramza broken as all hell...) But even if he learned like  Night sword, Dark Sword, Stasis Sword, Ice wolf Bite, and one of the ruin Abilities (Speed, Power, Magic, Mind) just to showcase his willingness to learn new skills over time and hone his abilities Hes not as experienced as Orlandu or his brothers but hes far from being meek, as he can now take on both a support and leadership role.

3. Link does need more abilities to work with his character, don't get me wrong you have done a great job in creating him for Final Fantasy tactics and I like his Hero of time stat growth, but I think it needs maybe 1 or 2 more sword abilities and Bomb or other item abilities useable when Link is barehanded like boomerang, Longshot, Bombs, etc. I'm not asking for an Final Fantasy Tactics incarnation of Din's Fire, Naru's Love and ...oh crap I forgot the last one X_X... But right now hes still a solid character maybe he will get an upgrade in chapter 2 onwards?

Snake is fine as is although his Move! and Assassinate skills  have extremely low success rates I've see it at between  5-26% hit rate tops was 34% for either one to work, maybe a small boost would help a bit not much as if they hit 100% that's overpowered, but even a 5-10% boost wouldn't be so bad.

Dante's skills are really good and he can play a role your party is lacking should the need arise, I like looking at his abilities and thinking "do I need an attacker, defender or healer in this fight?" and look at Dante and think "what role do I want him to play?"

Cloud's skills are great and they do NOT need tweaking as now it makes you think "Okay do I want Cloud's limits to resolve faster with Short Charge, or hit more with concentrate?" I like the new sprite and I like that Finish Touch is no longer 100% Stop, death or Petrify as that made the game way too easy at times.

4. I noticed something and I was wondering do ALL classes have the innate Weapon guard? I noticed in many battles characters were blocking attacks with their weapons so I was curious about that, another thing I noticed was a few misnamed monsters, I had one battle in Barious Valley I fought 3 Mounted units on Chocobo's, A yellow red and black one and the Black one had the skills, name and stats of the Red Chocobo even having the Job name "Red Chocobo" but the portrait and sprite of the Black one and no longer flying just wanted to point that out.


Some of the animations need work for the red mage spells but other than that Great job.

my one complaint is that With the characters you have starting off with Generics don't seem to matter as much as they did back in the original game, they kinda feel like a hassle to raise and train while you work on The main 5, and your guests I do LOVE that you can put guests in random battles now, but now it seems that there's no real point in having Generic units anymore.


Quote from: RayKamiya on June 22, 2015, 08:14:11 pm
I've done some playing and I think I may have a few suggestions, please take them for what they are as these are only things I would like to suggest.

1. For weapons like the Masamune katana's that have a 2 panel attack range I think they should be their own weapon type as "Great Katana's" and be double handed as Great Katana's are akward and hard to balance, Yes Sephiroth was able to use his Masamune with ease, but not everyone could use it.

Or to cut out the middle man make one Masamune for Sephiroth and another for others to use.

This is not within our limits sadly. We only have as many weapon types as vanilla. Not to mention we still have to work within Vanilla's item count.

2. I did some digging and saw Ramza's hidden skills as well as played around with Agrias' abilities a bit (even though shes a guest.) I like that they cost MP but the hit rates in general seem a bit off for me, I've been in battles where some of the Sword skills get blocked or miss at a high rate, In several battles Agrias had 80-99% hit rate with Stasis Sword and missed every time Maybe I'm just unlucky.

I do think Ramza's sword skill abilities that are hidden should be expanded upon, Like not have him on the same level as Orlandu (As that would make Ramza broken as all hell...) But even if he learned like  Night sword, Dark Sword, Stasis Sword, Ice wolf Bite, and one of the ruin Abilities (Speed, Power, Magic, Mind) just to showcase his willingness to learn new skills over time and hone his abilities Hes not as experienced as Orlandu or his brothers but hes far from being meek, as he can now take on both a support and leadership role.

I'd have to disagree on the portion about his brothers. His brothers didn't defeat the Lucavi and survive all that Ramza did by far. Ramza will recieve several new abilities. But they far from make him on par with someone as OP as Orlandu. Ramza's main function is as a Paladin.

3. Link does need more abilities to work with his character, don't get me wrong you have done a great job in creating him for Final Fantasy tactics and I like his Hero of time stat growth, but I think it needs maybe 1 or 2 more sword abilities and Bomb or other item abilities useable when Link is barehanded like boomerang, Longshot, Bombs, etc. I'm not asking for an Final Fantasy Tactics incarnation of Din's Fire, Naru's Love and ...oh crap I forgot the last one X_X... But right now hes still a solid character maybe he will get an upgrade in chapter 2 onwards?

Snake is fine as is although his Move! and Assassinate skills  have extremely low success rates I've see it at between  5-26% hit rate tops was 34% for either one to work, maybe a small boost would help a bit not much as if they hit 100% that's overpowered, but even a 5-10% boost wouldn't be so bad.

Dante's skills are really good and he can play a role your party is lacking should the need arise, I like looking at his abilities and thinking "do I need an attacker, defender or healer in this fight?" and look at Dante and think "what role do I want him to play?"

We are extremely limited on ability space. And at the same time, each member was balanced in a way to try to make them equally useful on all fronts. Bomb may be added at some point but I can't guarantee that. You must consider that if we don't have a way to make an ability work (There is no way to make a boomerang effect that would make sense) we can't do a lot with it.

As you mentioned with Dante, he was made to fill some of these gaps, as his character in DMC3 supports it. Link may not have gotten boomerang or bomb, however Dante makes up for this with several of his ranged abilities.

Cloud's skills are great and they do NOT need tweaking as now it makes you think "Okay do I want Cloud's limits to resolve faster with Short Charge, or hit more with concentrate?" I like the new sprite and I like that Finish Touch is no longer 100% Stop, death or Petrify as that made the game way too easy at times.

Finish touch was never 100% those things in Vanilla ;)

4. I noticed something and I was wondering do ALL classes have the innate Weapon guard? I noticed in many battles characters were blocking attacks with their weapons so I was curious about that, another thing I noticed was a few misnamed monsters, I had one battle in Barious Valley I fought 3 Mounted units on Chocobo's, A yellow red and black one and the Black one had the skills, name and stats of the Red Chocobo even having the Job name "Red Chocobo" but the portrait and sprite of the Black one and no longer flying just wanted to point that out.

Interesting... If you could PM me a list of these situations and in what battles they all occured in, I will make sure to address it before the re-release comes out.


Some of the animations need work for the red mage spells but other than that Great job.


my one complaint is that With the characters you have starting off with Generics don't seem to matter as much as they did back in the original game, they kinda feel like a hassle to raise and train while you work on The main 5, and your guests I do LOVE that you can put guests in random battles now, but now it seems that there's no real point in having Generic units anymore.

Generic units are there for those that want to use them and as well as to enjoy all the beautiful new sprites that were made for Jot5. There is also the ability to use them for ability/crystal farming, (since you can get generics to join after certain battles). There was one guy here named Brittmarv who did a TON of different playthrus, including parties of 5 generic blue mages. This is a neat way to do Random battles to gain abilities without increasing your main 5's levels too much or feeling FORCED to use them. Among other things :)

I'm glad you've enjoyed the first Chapter so much and I thank you for taking the time to comment with your thoughts :) I also apologize that it took me a while to respond.
  • Modding version: PSX


June 23, 2015, 08:07:29 pm #6 Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 08:51:02 pm by RayKamiya
Quote from: Elric on June 23, 2015, 07:37:54 pm
This is not within our limits sadly. We only have as many weapon types as vanilla. Not to mention we still have to work within Vanilla's item count.

I'd have to disagree on the portion about his brothers. His brothers didn't defeat the Lucavi and survive all that Ramza did by far. Ramza will recieve several new abilities. But they far from make him on par with someone as OP as Orlandu. Ramza's main function is as a Paladin.

We are extremely limited on ability space. And at the same time, each member was balanced in a way to try to make them equally useful on all fronts. Bomb may be added at some point but I can't guarantee that. You must consider that if we don't have a way to make an ability work (There is no way to make a boomerang effect that would make sense) we can't do a lot with it.

As you mentioned with Dante, he was made to fill some of these gaps, as his character in DMC3 supports it. Link may not have gotten boomerang or bomb, however Dante makes up for this with several of his ranged abilities.

Finish touch was never 100% those things in Vanilla ;)

Interesting... If you could PM me a list of these situations and in what battles they all occured in, I will make sure to address it before the re-release comes out.


Generic units are there for those that want to use them and as well as to enjoy all the beautiful new sprites that were made for Jot5. There is also the ability to use them for ability/crystal farming, (since you can get generics to join after certain battles). There was one guy here named Brittmarv who did a TON of different playthrus, including parties of 5 generic blue mages. This is a neat way to do Random battles to gain abilities without increasing your main 5's levels too much or feeling FORCED to use them. Among other things :)

I'm glad you've enjoyed the first Chapter so much and I thank you for taking the time to comment with your thoughts :) I also apologize that it took me a while to respond.

no worries, I have noticed a few things that I will PM you about.

But yeah space and memory limitations are a big issue, I wish we could expand the limits on it  :twisted:

but yeah I do like using generics as well and I think jp gains should be adjusted with job levels like in Vanilla mostly because 10 jp per action doesn't do you to well when you're trying to get a skill that's 500+ Jp to learn, still though at least now we can't spam accumulate for free exp and jp in one battle  :D


Quote from: RayKamiya on June 22, 2015, 08:14:11 pm

I like his Hero of time stat growth

? You LIKE the fact that he's the slowest character in the game?

that was one of the first things i changed.


Quote from: Selius on June 24, 2015, 06:03:38 am
? You LIKE the fact that he's the slowest character in the game?

that was one of the first things i changed.

I didn't mind Link's speed growth as it could easily be rectified by leveling him up as a Rogue, Ranger or Ninja Snake has the highest speed which makes sense as he is all about stealth and out maneuvering his enemies before they could target him, Link wasn't all that Agile in Ocarina of time on his own and needed special items to boost his agility like the hover boots, and in most other Legend of Zelda games he can't jump without the Roc's feather.

so making his growth with high attack medium Magic and low agility makes sense as Link was a swordsman and was limited in his acrobatics in his games Ocarina of Time especially.   


June 24, 2015, 08:29:20 am #9 Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 09:01:24 am by Elric
Quote from: RayKamiya on June 24, 2015, 06:51:34 am
I didn't mind Link's speed growth as it could easily be rectified by leveling him up as a Rogue, Ranger or Ninja Snake has the highest speed which makes sense as he is all about stealth and out maneuvering his enemies before they could target him, Link wasn't all that Agile in Ocarina of time on his own and needed special items to boost his agility like the hover boots, and in most other Legend of Zelda games he can't jump without the Roc's feather.

so making his growth with high attack medium Magic and low agility makes sense as Link was a swordsman and was limited in his acrobatics in his games Ocarina of Time especially.

You hit the nail on the head

I'm actually very confused about Selius's comment since Link is the MVP for lots of people I've talked to (though mine is usually Dante or Snake, depending on the situation.)

Most people that had issues had them because when it comes to Special units (as opposed to Generics) they don't want to branch out of their main class right away. However, since these ARE you starting units, it should be done more as it is in Vanilla. It's cool to get all the unique abilities for the 5, but it's counter productive to their growth and overall usefulness as a unit.

Also, I should mention, the JP formula has been changed and will be in the re-release. The new formula is: Caster Level / 3 + 10
  • Modding version: PSX


you have that wrong. he has normal (50 pac) pa growth and the best ma growth (for males: 35 mac) in the game. (he still doesn't match ramza fyi)

ramza's base pa and ma in squire at level 99 if fftastic is to be believed : 16 PA, 15 MA
link's base pa and ma in baseclass at 99 if fftastic is to be believed: 15 pa, 14 ma

he ends up short on both counts, in a class with higher multipliers no less. with 3 freaking speed points less to boot.

this is why i modified his stat gains. he's terrible statistically. he's amazing skill wise, but stats wise he's the worst character in the game.

protip: cloud also has 150 spc, but has no good reason to level in his base class.


Quote from: Elric on June 24, 2015, 08:29:20 am

I'm actually very confused about Selius's comment since Link is the MVP for lots of people

but it's counter productive to their growth and overall usefulness as a unit.

except you gave almost all of their starting jobs some of the best stat growths in the game. most people are not so OCD about having the best possible stat gains like me, but my point remains.

i actually utilized level 1 hired generics to gain jp off of while keeping the 4 from leveling up so that all of their level ups could be done in their main class.

cloud is terrible. i'll say it again and again, 150 spc does not belong on anybody. not anybody. they would have to have extreme values of PA and MA to offset a 25% loss of utility.

you may not be balancing the game for 99 play, but unless you change the level cap that's what i base shit on


-I- didn't give them anything. RavenOfRazgriz did everything concerning jobs, abilities, battles, etc. So maybe you should take that up with him.

And that funny cuz most people here know I have absolutely horrible OCD, but I would never spent 99 levels in a base class when u could have them learn other abilities and (as I said before) be a more useful unit. What's fun about playing through the entire game with only 1 skillset? O_o. There is a lot more to strategy than growth, even I know that and I don't know shit about battle stuffs. I can tell you that I've never in any RPG even looked at growth because I enjoy playing games, not doing math, and yet I've never had an issue playing and beating any of them. So I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on June 24, 2015, 09:27:03 am
-I- didn't give them anything. RavenOfRazgriz did everything concerning jobs, abilities, battles, etc. So maybe you should take that up with him.

And that funny cuz most people here know I have absolutely horrible OCD, but I would never spent 99 levels in a base class when u could have them learn other abilities and (as I said before) be a more useful unit. What's fun about playing through the entire game with only 1 skillset? O_o. There is a lot more to strategy than growth, even I know that and I don't know shit about battle stuffs. I can tell you that I've never in any RPG even looked at growth because I enjoy playing games, not doing math, and yet I've never had an issue playing and beating any of them. So I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

i typed that quickly and should have said that they were given the stats they have.

i used level 1 generics to gain jp off of. they had skills of every job. throw rock at generic while whoever are in their main jobs kills off and incapacitates the enemies.

and did you really ask what's so fun about single job sets when half the challenge runs in FFT are SSC ? LOL


Quote from: Selius on June 24, 2015, 09:04:19 am
ramza's base pa and ma in squire at level 99 if fftastic is to be believed : 16 PA, 15 MA
link's base pa and ma in baseclass at 99 if fftastic is to be believed: 15 pa, 14 ma

I'm not sure FFTastic can be trusted. Are you sure it doesn't just have the old FFT jobs stats stored in the program and is growing him based off of that? I'm not sure that it's actually pulling the correct stats off of the save file you load up (I could definitely be wrong though).

Quote from: Selius on June 24, 2015, 09:10:41 am
except you gave almost all of their starting jobs some of the best stat growths in the game.

Be wary of this, it's a trap! Staying in the base jobs just makes everything much more grindy and difficult. To beat battles you need more diverse abilities than what the 5 have to offer originally. Grinding by getting spillover JP from generics works too but... It's so time consuming!

And yeah, SSC's can be fun, but no one starts with one. Everyone who plays FFT for the first time usually does a regular playthrough where they mix and match jobs, abilities and skillsets to find cool units. And of course, to each his own, some people just plain do not like doing those kinds of challenges, some do. You just have to deal with the fact that if you are giving yourself that challenge, you have to work with the cards dealt to you, IE the characters stats.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Quote from: Jumza on June 24, 2015, 11:48:53 am
I'm not sure FFTastic can be trusted. Are you sure it doesn't just have the old FFT jobs stats stored in the program and is growing him based off of that? I'm not sure that it's actually pulling the correct stats off of the save file you load up (I could definitely be wrong though).

Oh no, I know it's doing that. I used the battle mechanics faq to pick jobs with the same growths to get the new raw values.

it's the fact that I don't know if the PA and MA multipliers are correct. I dont understand how the game comes to the conclusion "You have 14 PA" so I can't say it's correct with 100% certainty

and, again, I'm not using spillover jp. I'm hitting the generics. you get 1 exp but full jp value.


Oh, well that sounds better but still, why not just branch out with your main team now? You have to start a new save file when the Chapter 1 re-release get's released anyway, why not just worry about grinding up your team to perfection then and experiment now?
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


June 24, 2015, 03:32:36 pm #17 Last Edit: June 24, 2015, 05:45:19 pm by Elric
Yes I really did ask that, Selius. I don't give two shits about SCC's. I don't do challenge runs. Nor is this vanilla FFT. This was never made for that intention. Don't complain that the growth isn't good for a SCC when the game was never intended for that, because I don't care. :P

Also, I'm curious... SCC is Single Class Challenge unless I'm mistaken? How can you do a single class challenge while keeping them in their base class if all of their base classes are different? O_o idgi
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on June 24, 2015, 08:29:20 am
You hit the nail on the head

I'm actually very confused about Selius's comment since Link is the MVP for lots of people I've talked to (though mine is usually Dante or Snake, depending on the situation.)

Most people that had issues had them because when it comes to Special units (as opposed to Generics) they don't want to branch out of their main class right away. However, since these ARE you starting units, it should be done more as it is in Vanilla. It's cool to get all the unique abilities for the 5, but it's counter productive to their growth and overall usefulness as a unit.

Also, I should mention, the JP formula has been changed and will be in the re-release. The new formula is: Caster Level / 3 + 10

Being a nerd has its perks XD

but yeah i'm still replaying the first chapter mostly to see what other things I can do or find xD



I also wanted to add that it appears we do have an ASM to make every unit have Innate Weapon Guard. I'll speak to Raven and find out why this was decided upon.
  • Modding version: PSX