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[Old] Revised Script, First Draft

Started by Neophyte Ronin, January 05, 2013, 11:16:53 am

Neophyte Ronin

January 05, 2013, 11:16:53 am Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 07:17:08 am by Dome
Get ready to drink from the garden hose.

When playing a new version of an old (or modified) game, an updated script creates refreshing immersion, as does altered game assets and mechanics (like with Plus or Celdia's).  Having one is good, marrying them is sweeter.  Why else did WotL become a modest hit?  The major flaw is how it never fixed bugs like the Shirahadori thing; developers didn't care.  Guess we're their antitheses, but ignoring the script completely, especially with content changes, is a fatal flaw.  We're only here for Godzilla--making the game harder or fairer--but few bother with the translation.  Part of what made the game hard is that the bad translation of the tutorial left us in the dark.  Can't we change that?

Enclosed is a preliminary revised script of Final Fantasy Tactics, loosely based on sugnuf's translation, that approximates how I would key the text assets into EasyVent (hence the length and triple columns).  Citing the games' soulless lack of humor, I realize why the WotL version got purple: Tactics really is a dry political treatise disguised as a Final Fantasy gaiden.  Version 0.1 scrubs awkwardness and spices up an otherwise wooden-sounding script.  Author notes help explain changes made or address its absurdity head-on; take it with a grain of salt.  I seek to devise a full revision of all text assets and post them as templates available for download.

Content Warning!  This is neither Teen-rated nor formatted as a screenplay.  I choose not to get shit past the radar, I throw shit at the radar instead.  You may contend changes in this thread, but remember: its gratuitousness is a stealth parody of the coarse themes of FFVII--the analogy follows how "The Dark Knight Returns" and "Watchmen" bore us "Nineties Comic Anti-Heroes".  Everyone followed suit with darker themes, so if Tactics followed a trend, we can rail it.  A cleaner version is pending after the flame war over this one's absurdity.  It will more than likely be a copy-pasta of sugnuf's translation.

Customs are possible on request, provided you PM me a full Master's Guide / design doc and concrete, immutable specifics well beforehand.  (Never change horses midstream).  Don't expect immediate results; the text I've altered due to blind-idiot translation thus far is staggering.  I am almost finished with TacText and yet started there months ago!  Don't forget I'm still doing this for Dome's patch first and foremost.

I understand some {codes} in the draft are inconsistent with EasyVent, such as {0xf4}, TacText's pausing function.  I used these to point out "Beats", literally when the text would pause briefly before continuing for emphasis.  They will be replaced with EasyVent's equivalent, {delay:XX}{delay:XX}.  I bet the hex represents milliseconds.  This is to avoid having to set up multiple {br} break symbols, as I have the paranoid assumption that a character's animations are governed by the number of key-presses during a monologue.  If the number of key-presses must be exact from the original, I'm going to ram my head through the monitor.

Anyway, enjoy!

*  Chapters are displayed as Acts, following all spoken dialogue in order.  Act "V" represents side quests.  Note: Aerith's initial cameo appears in IV as it appears amidst canon events, even though it is associated with special character quests.

*  There is occasional alt text--repeats of an event--for comparisons.

*  People's names are omitted like in WotL, following the fact that, once you've seen their mug, you don't need to see their name in every window.  If you are familiar with the original text box progression, you can discern who speaks what line.  Again, 0.1.

*  Even if its content extends to unapologetic deutercanonical embellishment, characters still say their essential lines and provide relevant information to the audience as the original script demands.  This is adaptation, a case of ghosting if you will.

*  Alternate Character Interpretations include the protagonist's total meltdown.  In that he verbally abuses opponents.

   *  There are many instances of hilarious verbal abuse: silly threats and insults.  I reject the game's "Talking is a Free Action" nonsense by doing this.

*  Fan speculation for the sake of fun paired with author appeal.  Props to anyone who knows the origin of the term genjuu.

*  This is a rough, piecemeal clusterfuck and I'll dive in again once people tell me where to clusterfuck off.

*  The manuscript's tail-end includes the EasyVent Tutorial sections.  I offer Tutorial text changes tailored to a person's game.

*  My TacText sections will be posted in a later update, once I have verified each and every little section and ran through each with a fine comb.  Proposition Results conversations feel like a lesson in torture....


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


QuoteThis is to avoid having to set up multiple {br} break symbols, as I have the paranoid assumption that a character's animations are governed by the number of key-presses during a monologue.

There's no way for this to happen, the events aren't coded to respond to key presses to continue an other then a few instances such as closing of a dialog message.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?

Neophyte Ronin

So... you're saying I shouldn't have to worry?  I could have sworn Delita (during Chapter III) adjusted his hands subtly during his vengeance-against-the-system speech, like the second-to-last key-press.  Now, if that was just because his is a long delay for whatever reason and I was mistaken, then thank God.

Don't forget to actually read the thing and point out how absurd/insane/bad/so-bad-it's-good it is.


They do that by having two different messages that print to the same text box.  Mess with changing a script in an event for like 20 minutes and you'll see how it works.  It's pretty simple.


Neophyte... most if not ALL of the questions you are asking can be answered by spending a few hours looking
thru EVSP and vanilla events... For example if you have a question about that Delita event... then look it up in EVSP. Simple...

{51} ChangeDialog(xDD,xMSG#,xPR,x00)

Change or delete the dialog inside a dialog box.

DD = Dialogue Box ID.
Starts at x01, IDs based on age of oldest currently-existing dialogue box.

MSG# = Message ID.
ID of the message replacing the previous one.  Use xFFFF to close the Dialogue Box instead.

PR = Portrait Row.
Row parameter when forcing a WLDFACE.BIN Portrait.  Must be paired with {51}PortraitCol to use, see that command for more information.
  • Modding version: PSX


We need some preliminary feedback on Neophyte's script to eventually improve it

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I love the revised script, but I *still* haven't made it all the way through it. ;)

If I find anything glaringly out-of-place, I'll note it -- but so far it's gravy.

Neophyte Ronin

Think I went overboard.  Personally.


Don't worry, this is not the definitive version
Just wait for feedbacks and use them to improve the script

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I read the first scene (at the monestary) and was pretty disturbed by Delita's change in script during the segment when he says "Blame yourself, or god."
Adding in the "Tough shit bitch!" just doesn't seem like him in anyway whatsoever, I could see Gafgarion or Algus acting like that but not Delita.

Neophyte Ronin

I followed the original translation; Delita's phrase "Blame Yourself or God" is verbatim.  (Nowadays, it's along the lines of "'Tis your misguided faith that wrongs ye, not I," which is still in the spirit of what is implied).  The "Tough shit" bit is also original blind-idiot translation again.  He didn't say 'shit', though.  Yet, when you're abducting someone and their guardian shouts at you right before you succeed, you tend to get a little cocky, don't you?  I would.

This is the furthest thing from Disneyfying you'll ever read, Luc.  It gets worse.  Far worse.


I don't mind profanity, don't get me wrong! I just don't think Delita would say something like that.
Algus or Gafgarion on the other hand, I'm sure they'd be swearing up a storm haha!


April 05, 2013, 08:01:48 pm #13 Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 08:08:35 pm by Dome
Come on guys! More than 800 views and so little feedbacks?
I cannot believe no one has nothing to say!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


You propose things like Act V as well as sooo many other changes, when it honestly seems that you don't know the amount of work involved in this... Do you have a dedicated event editor lined up?

I would suggest changing the script first and IF you are able to do that the way you intend to, THEN make these other
changes. This shit doesn't just happen, and vanilla did not leave "that" much empty event space for you to easily work in a
Act V...

Feedback given.
  • Modding version: PSX


April 18, 2013, 03:32:31 am #15 Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 04:02:11 am by Dome
I'm the editor of the patch, and I do not plan on making a "chapter 5" (I had the idea to make 1-2 custom events about what happened between ch1 end and ch2 start, but it got scrapped) and I do not have a dedicated event editor, since FFT+ is not meant to be a storyline patch (I plan to implement just 1 custom event after the player has completed everything...)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Okay than. Something like that is much much more easily done. If you need help when
You get to tht point feel free to send me a PM.

I guess as far as the script goes i was a bit disappointed by what someone else was. Lines like "tough luck bitch"
Not only dont fit delita. They really dont fit fft in general bevause its really not even in
The style they speak nor is it accurate to the period of time if we are still following vanilla.

Unless you want this to be a lolpatch... Than by all means, proceed :P
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on April 18, 2013, 03:08:50 pm
Unless you want this to be a lolpatch... Than by all means, proceed :P

Nope, that's why the preliminary script has been posted. Feedback -> Changes
But I haven't heard NR for a while, I'm starting to wonder if he's still around...

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Last time i saw him was when he commented on my proposal video

last login March 05
  • Modding version: PSX

Neophyte Ronin

Login 4/22/13, 2:05 am.

Still soliciting feedback, though I might just post portions in entries and ask for suggestions on specific sections in the coming few days.