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Chapter 2 Progress Log

Started by 3lric, August 20, 2013, 06:52:12 pm


well... I don't agree with the delaying time ( I know it's a joke, relax) because everyone that asks never get a factual answer about the developing of the game itself just a "it's going well"
I understand both sides but come on give the ones who ask about the way the project is heading a little bit peace they are just urging to play the ch. 2 ASAP. xD


that's still an entitlement-heavy statement
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Bonesy#9386


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


Quote from: DanteS on April 23, 2017, 11:29:53 am
well... I don't agree with the delaying time ( I know it's a joke, relax) because everyone that asks never get a factual answer about the developing of the game itself just a "it's going well"
I understand both sides but come on give the ones who ask about the way the project is heading a little bit peace they are just urging to play the ch. 2 ASAP. xD

I give everything thats asked and more without spoilers. Theres nothing more I can say in general without spoilers and no one asks specific questions. When someone asks how Ch2 is coming, the answer is, it's coming along nicely. What info would you like?
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Bonesy on April 23, 2017, 02:15:37 pm
that's still an entitlement-heavy statement

Agreed. Not only are these guys not paid for their work, but they want it done right unlike the other 95% of devs around the world who will rush anything for a quick paycheck. Let them take as long as they need.


"How is Chapter 2 coming?"

Easy answer: Look at the tools released by all the people who contribute to it.  Those tools aren't just made in a vacuum for no one in particular.  The only reason more tools aren't released is it became too frustrating to put out cool things and have no one give feedback on them or use them besides the one group that already has access to them.


Lol idk I usually get good answers when I ask. It helps to look back a page to see if someone else didn't ask 2 weeks prior to you asking.

Quote from: Elric on April 06, 2017, 09:08:41 pm

It's going well. Not sure what else I could spoil without hurting the experience.

Lijj is working on some new Time Mage sprites to replace the weird hat bros (new version concepts by Twinees)

Nyzer is still knocking out Marks and such for Ch2 and i think may be into Ch3 marks by now.

I resigned from the position I was working, and am taking a few months off work, and in that time i plan to catch up on mod stuff. My resignation was in effect as of last friday.


I hope the new time mages come with gold plated knuckle dusters that say TIME MAGE in bold letters, big fuzzy hats, gold teeth and pimp canes.

Just a thought.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You have allies... Friends that would risk their lives, and I am one of them.


Quote from: KingUrameshi on April 24, 2017, 12:12:26 pm
I hope the new time mages come with gold plated knuckle dusters that say TIME MAGE in bold letters, big fuzzy hats, gold teeth and pimp canes.

Just a thought.

Ha perfect! I'm sure they will be changing it to this now.


Quote from: Guru on April 24, 2017, 12:25:27 pm
Ha perfect! I'm sure they will be changing it to this now.

lol, without a doubt.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


you all got the wrong idea... I was only saying that I understand ppl who keep asking 'cause they only they ch.2 is going well (as I stated before not my case, lol.)and as I said before I know they do for no money and I apreciate that just keep the good work

Andre Pratama

Lol great fun for this game, 😃 I will wait for chapter 2 though long ... hopefully soon finished .... thank
  • Modding version: PSX


I know it's hard to wait for a game project like this, but I promise you that everyone working on it is doing their best to make sure the project is just as awesome as we can make it. We're all still chipping away at things. It's anything but a dead project - there's just so much that needs to be done when you're making an entire game. You wouldn't believe how many spreadsheets we need :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

RJ Cid

Guys, I love it! Keep up the hard work!

I was thinking, for all the fans who are excited/desperate for this game to be finished, just to maybe consider the following: When we demand too much, we are sometimes let down in a big way. I loved the movie "Sin City" so much, I wanted more, but when the sequel came out, it was garbage. Game of Thrones is ending, and everyone I know is bummed except for me; let it end on a high note instead of letting it run until none of us can stomach it any longer. Force Awakens was uninspired because it was basically a huge slice of fan service instead of trying to be creative, original, and well thought out. (if anyone is upset by my opinions, please message me directly. This board is about FFT and I aims to keep it that way ;))

My point is that as huge fans, if we don't respect the creative-process or attention-to-detail necessary to generate something truly magnificent, we're all gonna be severely disappointed. Then what? We'll just post about all the things that could've been done better. These guys are dedicated and it's gonna be great, so do them a favor and offer them the sacrifice of patience.

Now if you'll excuse me, the internet is fixin' to crucify me for voicing a few possibly unpopular opinions  :cool:

RJ Cid

I also had some questions for the team:

Is is possible to make some of the towns on the map active for random battles? The idea of heading to a town for some items and armor to get jumped by bounty hunters would add some extra excitement and integrate some creative grinding. I know a few of the maps are already available from vanilla, but could they be programmed for random encounters?

You guys kept the status' active when dying on the field, but I'm wondering about stealing. Is it possible to set it so that you can steal from a dead body? I mean, it makes more sense when you think about it... the success ratio can stay the same so it doesn't break Steal though.

And when a felled monster turns into a chest, can the item be one of the two poachable items that the monster had to offer?

Thanks in advance :mrgreen:


Quote from: RJ Cid on April 28, 2017, 04:54:08 pmIs is possible to make some of the towns on the map active for random battles? The idea of heading to a town for some items and armor to get jumped by bounty hunters would add some extra excitement and integrate some creative grinding. I know a few of the maps are already available from vanilla, but could they be programmed for random encounters?

This would require completely rewriting the code that handles Random Battles, unless it were done in a very ad-hoc way.  To see how Random Battles work normally in FFT, see the Random Battle Editor in my signature.
Quote from: RJ Cid on April 28, 2017, 04:54:08 pmYou guys kept the status' active when dying on the field, but I'm wondering about stealing. Is it possible to set it so that you can steal from a dead body? I mean, it makes more sense when you think about it... the success ratio can stay the same so it doesn't break Steal though.

It's possible if someone were to hack the abilities to work that way.  By default, all abilities that don't Cancel: Dead will always fail on a Dead unit, it's just how the game works.  This isn't a yes/no on whether it's a change that'll occur, however.
Quote from: RJ Cid on April 28, 2017, 04:54:08 pmAnd when a felled monster turns into a chest, can the item be one of the two poachable items that the monster had to offer?

The Poaching system isn't going to be utilized in the new release.  It's been replaced with an Item Synthesis System that operates on very different rules to FFT's Poaching System.

RJ Cid

Thank you for the prompt response.

I'll hope for these changes after the Ch.2 release. Better to absorb what's already changed before asking for even more. Thanks again


Hello everyone in the forum.

To the Devs/Mods:
   You guys are awesome. The level of quality of this game it's incredible. It's proof of the knowledge, commitment and willpower of the team involved in this project.

There is not much to say that has already  been told about this mod/sequel to the one of the first RPG that I enjoy play and replay.And thats is the reason I was lurking in the forum until now. I just have to read some posts to have my question answered. And some post that I would like to comment on are inactive for a long time.

So the question I have it's about the Item Synthesis System. If the question has already been asked, I'm sorry, I did not search very well.

When I played the vanilla game something I miss it's was the ability to poach some monster. More specifically the demons and apandas. To me they are monster too, but of a different level.I imagined a passive ability to do this. Wich a name like "Forbidden Hunt". And it will give forbidden/arcane itens.

So my question is:
  It will be possible to poach the aforementioned monster in Journey of the Five?

Thanks already and be well.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


You will get the ability "Scavenge" as long as you have a knife equipped, which allows you to poach dead monster bodies into Materials. Materials being items that can only be used to synth stuff. We are still in the process of deciding what monster will turn into what though... We have SO many materials and SO many crafting options in the synth shop, so it's a lengthy process.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


April 28, 2017, 09:30:27 pm #419 Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 09:57:16 pm by G.P.S
Quote from: Xifanie on April 28, 2017, 08:23:50 pm
You will get the ability "Scavenge" as long as you have a knife equipped, which allows you to poach dead monster bodies into Materials. Materials being items that can only be used to synth stuff. We are still in the process of deciding what monster will turn into what though... We have SO many materials and SO many crafting options in the synth shop, so it's a lengthy process.

Lengthy and promising. 100% that the Synthesis System will be a fav to many player.

Thanks Xifanie.

P.S:I think here is not the place to asking this, but since I'm already here:

  Anyone found the "secret" for the wizard?

Rigth now I tried found it in the battle against the silver-haired man. But I barely survived. And I know that I will not do any better if I try again.

So, if someone can give me a hint, that will avoid much suffering.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown