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Messages - Zuka

What up folks, this isn't as much an introduction as a warning, I'm back, Hello to all the new members, and to those of you who are familiar with me already, condolences. No telling how long I'm back for but I'm working on nothing major, so mostly here out of nostalgia and to offer to some advice or opinions where wanted. So as I'm not sure what else to put here, I think that'll about wrap it up.
The Lounge / Re: meet Zuzka
July 12, 2011, 10:06:07 pm
You almost stole my name! Hello and welcome.
The Lounge / Re: Trouble topic.
July 12, 2011, 10:03:29 pm
Well most working conditions suck for drivers, but simple fact, it is fast money, and when compared to the wages of other workers in the store, the extra hell is pretty well justified. Yeah it's certainly not the best option on the list, but it is an option.
The Lounge / Re: Trouble topic.
July 12, 2011, 09:43:27 pm
Firstly I'd just like to say that I've spent about 12 years in restaurants, and if you were to come into any of my restaurants (that is, the ones I've worked at, never owned one) with the intent to rob the joint, you would more likely get stabbed by a bat shit crazy line-cook (those mother-F'ers are generally quite insane) But the idea of busing tables is a good quick way to make some cash, and if you have any people's skills waiting tables is even better. There is also the option of asking around your neighborhood about people who need help with landscaping projects, I've had good experience in the past with things like that. It's also a pretty decent idea to check local construction sites to see if they need a runner (a guy who brings things from point a to point b) and also check local pizza places if you have a car for jobs delivering, in my experience pizza delivery is a very surprisingly lucrative line of work. Hopefully any of these were useful suggestions. In the worst case scenario, find a very well populated area, get some grungy clothes, and take up panhandling, I don't know canadian laws on the matter but here in the states street performance is legal almost everywhere and can make a very decent amount of money, I used to make anywhere between 25-300 bucks a day playing guitar badly, and I once met a fellow who made $300,000 a year panhandling outside of the DC greyhound station. It isn't the most honest work, but in that sense, you'd be doing the same thing as a corporate executive, raking in the cash with lies, it's really not that bad when you think about it.

P.S. Pickle, it's bothered me for years, what the hell does that sticky note say?!?!
we changed the spelling of mouths to months, but other than that from what I've been able to read (as I have as well been gone for quite a while) doesn't look like there's a ton of new software at least, but I've been seeing posts about some mods that were in progress when I left that are now finished, very excited about those.
Yes, I support eternal as democracy has won out on the topic, many good wishes to you in your reign of what is sure to be undeniable tyranny, lol.
The Lounge / Re: December Pokemon month!
December 09, 2010, 12:51:50 am
Mewtwo can one shot nearly anything with nearly any attack if maxed out, I liked using Ice Beam (more PP than blizzard with a comparable freeze rate) Psychic (Stab bonus) recover, just incase, and Earthquake for sheer power's sake.

But my favorite pokemon is a new one, Rayquaza, he's about as strong as mewtwo in stats however with much higher HP and dragon type, giving him a lot less vulnerability than a pure psychic in the newer generations. Not to mention he learns crunch naturally which will one shot 'ol mewtwo there at equal levels.
Old Project Ideas / Re: Job & Skill Proposals/Idea Thread
December 08, 2010, 10:38:40 pm
So I have resumed work on a slightly revised edition of my End of Days Zombie patch


And I was thinking it might be interesting to limit the two main characters to their starting jobs, and round those out as much as possible so they retain versatility, being that the only characters you're going to pick up as additional party members are going to recruited survivors from random battles I have a theory on how to work it, I thought I could perhaps change the squire and chemist base classes so that gaining access to them required a lvl 8 in both classes, I expanded on that idea to consider the possibility of designating survivor characters to a certain role, each casting class requiring low levels in the cast oriented classes leading up to it, the same would of-course apply to the melee classes So that if you find a survivor time mage, he'll likely have no levels in a melee class and ditto with a knight for example.

To get to the idea of the base classes for the starting characters, I was thinking that considering the likely case of hordes and the increased number of enemies present in even common battles (Human zombies btw are much tougher to bring down then their living counterparts) That it might be a good move to give them a ranged attack with a small area of effect, now being partial to sword-skills I was leaning towards the idea of a Stasis Sword style move, but I would really appreciate any interesting ideas, I was also thinking of something along the lines of a self only chakra, but I'm not really sure about an MP restoration technique even existing in the game (any thoughts?), and definitely something that removes a few status effects on a single target, maybe with a 2 range, but definitely not spectacular, and short of those few ideas I don't have much I can think to change from the base ramza squire. My Idea was to use either a ramza and luso style pair with the guts ability set (under a different title, as of yet undecided) or perhaps only one of them with said set and another with an entirely different approach, maybe one melee and one caster with rare skill-sets. At any rater, there will be very few other special characters and no other characters immune to the infection. So any suggestions anyone might have would be very much appreciated, and if you'd like you can PM a list of ideas should you have any.

At any rate the idea of the classes rework is that I'm having some serious trouble coming up with a way to make two characters immune at all times to the infection, but NOT applying it to all the base classes because, well, only the two of them are immune as far as anyone is aware. If anyone has a solution for this issue maybe the classes won't be so heavily overhauled, just enough to suit the zombies a little better. Be warned though, I do not plan on this being an even remotely easy patch to just walk on through.
The Lounge / Re: Dissidia Duodecim Announced
December 08, 2010, 06:36:47 pm
Quote from: "Eternal248"Terra's already in Dissidia. She uses a combination of Fire and Ice magicks.

Woo Hoo! I'm happy then. And Imma get really good with Vaan just on the off chance that someday I run into one of you haters, lol.
The Lounge / Re: Dissidia Duodecim Announced
December 08, 2010, 06:30:11 pm
My first thoughts is why all the Vaan hating, he wasn't my favorite FF hero but he vastly better embodies the hero role than squall, I mean, Vaan is almost a carbon copy of Locke, enough with the needless hating. And I think that it is a damned crying shame that no FFT characters are in this, though it is very true as everyone has already pointed out, any FFT characters would completely own the game, even if only for their story purposes being that FFT has the most involved and intriguing story of them all. I wanna see Edgar get a spot, I always liked him, or Terra, she's the bickity bomb.
The Lounge / Re: On the casual use of the word rape
December 07, 2010, 08:04:23 pm
I'm afraid I don't see how it's bizarre or poorly pieced together, but if I need to elaborate somewhere please point it out, I'm not exactly good with human interaction over the internet.
The Lounge / Re: The Grassy Knoll of Fort Zeakden
December 07, 2010, 04:44:13 pm
@pickle ROFLMAO lol, and any other appropriate acronyms. That was like the frigging A team for fanatic muslims!
Archives / Re:
December 07, 2010, 02:13:10 pm
Quote from: "akwikone"BloodyBlade

One of these things is not like the others! One of these things just isn't the same! (it's a child's song)

What is out of place in this picture?
The Lounge / Re: On the casual use of the word rape
December 07, 2010, 02:09:59 pm
Quote from: "Pickle Girl Fanboy"Is English your first language?

The Lounge / Re: The Grassy Knoll of Fort Zeakden
December 07, 2010, 01:53:52 pm
I just wanted to say, this might be the funniest (if not it's in the top 3) tactics image I have ever seen.
The Lounge / Re: So I Met the President Today
December 07, 2010, 01:52:30 pm
Friggin A man, cool beans for you.
Archives / Re: FFH Community Pictures
December 07, 2010, 01:50:16 pm
Quote from: "Pickle Girl Fanboy"Unce-unce-unce-unce
du-du-da-da-da-duh-da-da-dah du du
da engn engn engn engn
da en en da en engn
Yeah, there was a time, before a wife, and daughter, lmao
The Lounge / Re: On the casual use of the word rape
December 07, 2010, 01:37:11 pm
Words have power, they are no more than words, and in being such they are not in and of themselves the harbingers of their strength. We bring to words a definition, and a symbolism, words cannot be bad, context can be bad, and interpretation can be bad, but the power of words is that of knowledge and in truth, it is only knowledge that brings anyone any true power. Philsov has a great point in noting that saying something in a bizarre context has a tendency to remove a great deal of it's offensiveness, however the perception of those words by the reader is vastly more important in this. Which is why in the end, pickle has a pretty damned fine point to say we should all curse more. We need to remember that when used in the proper context, a simple fucking word can become tragically offensive by it's very st. ajora damned nature, but it is not the word, it is the feeling put forth by the person using it. I don't mean to say words lose their meaning altogether, but they become more a distinct form of expression, the more words that we have to use in our definitions of ourselves and the world around us, the better ability we have to communicate a thought and in so doing to share an idea that will grow across the globe over time and forever be a part of the knowledge bore by our species.

Fucking all words, be they shitty or hellishly bad-ass, are a part of the collective knowledge of our fucking species. And that is a beautiful thing.
Archives / Re: FFH Community Pictures
December 07, 2010, 01:18:54 pm
Here ya go guys, with a link to my site for others

That's me with the hat on.

And one for the ladies (or gents, I'm not biased)

with a link to my site for others
http://www.shattered-angel.cjb.net I built it years ago and haven't done a ton of editing since, but the pictures are all in the range of 5-3 years old, the newer being on the second page
Spam / Re: 2 year anniversary
December 07, 2010, 09:15:32 am
Quote from: "PX_Timefordeath"Dec. 7th, 2010, is the 69th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack.

It's also my wife's 25'th birthday, her family calls her sneak attack. lol