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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Thanks TrueLight for featuring my teams. I would comment but currently don't have the ability at the current moment . I recorded a video of you vs. The Damned. Will upload by Monday.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


I have time tomorrow on veteran's day to do an arena match or two. Also have to get my pokemon fire red back up and running. So if anyone wants a match please post here or PM me and I will get to it
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: CT5Holy on November 10, 2014, 02:58:58 am
FFT Arena 139c - reinoe (Seven Samurai) vs Leif1991 (Continents)

Holy father!  I didn't think my teams could play so incompetently but they just keep finding new ways.  "Yeah I see one of our units is on the ground dying but I see no need to resurrect him."  It wouldn't have changed anything but the "Masamune" that "pure healer" was wielding was supposed to be Murasame.  Not that it matters too much because it's going to become H-Bag anyway.
My dreams can come true!


Even though I won, I don't like how my team is functioning. My damage output is way too low. Time for a fix-up.
Season 3 A.I. Tournament Champion


Sorry no sound effects again...I'm hoping I isolated the problem for next time. We'll see...

But here is the match I promised.

FFT Arena 1.39C- TrueLight (Time of Destiny) vs. The Damned (Eternal's Champions)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


November 11, 2014, 05:09:59 pm #3628 Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 05:23:51 pm by silentkaster
Thanks for the video Barren!

Good job Reks, though this particular team was just testing something. Still, doesn't negate the fact that your team is very strong.

In any case, the nice thing about this...is that quickening was used in conjunction on these units with Power Ruin & Mind Ruin. I've also had some success with Spellbreaker (though adding more than one MP costing ability in addition to quickening does not work when using the Steal skillset.)

In using Quickening, I've found that some spells (particularly when combined with Healing Staff and a self restoring MP ability like Carbunkle or Angel Song) will work with quickening. I did a test last night with a few units. Some used Quickening about as often as the AI uses Preach (this was a Summoner with Carbunkle, Fairy, Shiva and Moogle, Steal Heart and Quickening and a Bard with Angel Song, Magic Song, Quickening and Steal Heart). Some spammed Quickening (A Priest with Raise 2, Esuna, Quickening, Steal Heart, and Steal Accessory spammed quickening when not using one of her other abilities. However, when I added Spellbreaker or a cure spell, the Priest would not use Quickening.)

I asked Barren for this match just to test to see if it was just my emulator or if it was indeed possible, and given that those Chemists both had Power and Mind Ruin respectively, it seems to be working...maybe some others that have the software can do further testing to see if Quickening will work with other MP ability combinations than those lised above? I have proof of the Priest as well in case anyone can't duplicate it...I took a screenshot with her at 38 speed.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


November 11, 2014, 11:07:52 pm #3629 Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 02:27:36 am by Shintroy
Haven't posted in ages.
Going to catch up on vids I missed in this post.

Otabo vs Formerdeathcorps was hype. As soon as you notice the male chemist coming out six earth attackw unscathed you know you're in for a riot. Bard landed 450+ Koutetsu through shell? Wut?

Fenire vs Dokurider- Evenly matched on paper. Came town to which strategy was better executed. Fenire's ninjas needed more stopping power. The archer could've had aethist bow maybe with some ninjitsu spells to match the absorb element. Dokurider's wizard was showing those Ninjas how to melee. Really liked nether fire usage.


Severe Weather Alert was too well made for silentcaster's team. Would've been cool to see silentkasters team against another novelty team.

Wanted to see FFTA lose, but then i saw that white mage. Never even a chance to shoot the bow. I don't think she egen got a turn first round. Clutch Marche evading.

Status and OHKO Mages never get old. Didn't know oil didn't effect dark and holy.

Most interested to see my new team in action. The Hallows feels like a more concentrated version of my Barrows team. No idea if Dragon Spirit and Cursed Ring even works.

Second most wanted team is Power rangers since its evasion based. Awareness and Abandon galore. Everyone has a shield to fit the theme more.
Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: Barren on November 11, 2014, 02:08:42 pm
FFT Arena 1.39c - silentkaster (Gimmick Team) vs Reks (Severe Weather Alert)

FFT Arena 1.39c - Otabo (Man Mode Starts) vs formerdeathcorps (Revenge)

FFT Arena 1.39c - fenire (High Ground) vs Dokurider (Strangers By The Lake)

Thank you for the videos, Barren!

As for the mime thing, it was brought up before. Mimic checks for the Mime job because if Mimes could mimic other Mimes, it'd turn into an infinite loop of a Mimic chain, *even with only one Mime

*as stated by FFM

So yes. Adding onto what Doku said before, try not to build Mimes around things if you intended for the other Mimes on your team to mimic the action. It won't work.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128

The Damned

(Sigh. Looks like I'll have to wait until tomorrow night to potentially try to hookup my Internet to my laptop and probably disconnect it in the process. Damn delays.)

Speaking of delays, I got way delayed from posting this by getting distracted from catching on Poccola's videos  among other things and then succumb to sleep about five hours ago after still lamenting what little Item Attribute space there is.

Anyway, belated thanks to TrueLight, CT5Holy and silentkaster; thanks also for the mini-tutorial, TrueLight. This is among the things that I should get out of the way before I potentially disconnect myself.

To be honest, I don't currently remember that much about this match except that it was a lot closer than I expected. That may just be because I have really low expectations of the Berserk A.I. though. Also, while I'm not sure, I remember thinking it was possible for silentkaster's team to have won that extremely close first round if the Archer's Cover Fire had merely hit for a bit more damage. Oh well.

As it is, I'm already liking this version of Cover Fire since its formula seems a lot more moderate in its variance rather than tending towards extremes on either end, crits aside.

This match I remember a lot more clearly, though, perhaps because it sort of a comedy of errors for both sides and I remember expecting silentkaster to lose this match unlike with the above match. That's mostly because I expected for Clara to be an utter liability with Faith Rod meaning she should "easily" get murdered by Lore and Mimic'd Lores. She ended up being, however, the most useful person on silentkaster's team just because Holy is probably still still slightly overpowered even with the necessary nerf to Golden Hairpin. Everyone on Otabo's team having high-ish Faith only made it easier for Holy to OHKO anyone of them even after she lost Faith.

I had also expected silentkaster to lose simply because Otabo had more healing and he had mostly accounted for Mimic getting interrupting Charging & Performing, Clara having Raise aside. Amusingly that only actually happened in the round that Otabo won anyway. It didn't really help silentkaster that his Lancer ended up being as relatively weak as I expected, even if it helped that he didn't go down as nearly as quickly as Clara between Jump and other things. He also did help win the third round, so there is that.

Ultimately I think besides Holy, silentkaster end up winning because Mimic Lores hurting the Mime made it easier to kill her even if it did boost MA Save. Similarly, despite it being nice to see someone use Mad Science, that going off took away Quake healing.

Well, the reveal that reinoe meant to give  Pure Healer the katana Murasame instead of Masamune definitely makes more sense even if, yes, it's probable that it likely wouldn't have changed much. Still, it would have made her getting hit by Slow 2 less painful to watch since Masamune the katana is basically suicide if you don't have something with Immune: Slow, as this video readily demonstrates.

For the flaws that reinoe's team has, which are mostly understandable for being a mono-Samurai team since I've recently mentioned how much I think (male) Samurai suck, it actually held up well enough in the first round. A lot of that may have been due to getting rare usage out of Innate: Move in Water/Swim, allowing their movement to not be compressed my Thieves' Fort's intentionally limiting terrain. reinoe's team might have actually been able to win were not for the fact that he basically only has two damaging units, one of which is a suicidal guy who loses his buff when he inevitably & quickly dies and the other whom is sole AoE damage. If Seven Samurai -3 had just one more AoE damager rather than two rather ineffectual status inflicts, then he could have rather easily won at least the first round and possibly even the second. Oh well.

As it is, I'm a bit surprised and glad that the first fight with his renewed team wasn't the "obvious" match of fighting my "Unused Katana". Not that I'd mind, but it's nice to see "Continents" get a match relatively quickly, especially since it turned out to be more effective than I thought it would be.

Ugh. I expected to get my ass kicked here, if only due to that the Wizard's Flare (which is what happened) and the Short Charge Time Mage's Stop (which only slightly what happened), especially since Marche has Faith Rod. What ultimately happened, though, is that my team lost more to its own incompetence than TrueLight's competence, which is...grating, even before getting really unlucky against Stall (gods, I have created a monster).

I mean, Sekhmet Christ, Ritz, you're going to have to lose Arm Aim if you're going to be that stupid about it. I figured you were going to be trouble design-wise anyway, but I feel like an idiot for overlooking that potential priority. I should probably just take away her breaks too honestly.

Mewt, you're no better, early usefulness in the first round aside. I can't even remember why I gave you Earth Clothes in the first place; you're getting Light Robe now. Also, it's rather clear that you're going to have lose Preach. That or Finger Guard if you're going to keep trying to Preach yourself upon reviving. Good to know that the A.I. will Preach (or presumably Solution) itself upon revival if it can't heal itself though....

Monteblanc & Marche, you did well enough I suppose. I find it funny how despite both teams having Faith-adding and Charm-adding abilities, neither Faith nor Charm really changed anything for either side. I generally got luckier against Steal Heart than I tend to and by time Monteblanc got hit with Steal Heart in the first round, I had already lost.

Oh well. Back to the drawing board. Good game TrueLight.

There's not really much to say about this one given how one-sided it was. I'm disappointed that neither Chemist even bothered to use their respective Ruins, though that's hardly surprisingly between their having Quickening and no one silentkaster's team getting to do much of anything except for die. Beyond that, I'm also a bit disappointed that I didn't notice Reks had changed Severe Weather Alert from a Wind-and-Lightning-Absorb team to a Wind-and-Ice-Absorb team.

That said, it's a bit amusing to note that the particular Deep Dungeon map that was used, which I personally try not to use, tends to rarely see Longbow users in the first place and when it does, they almost get situated at the bottom. Here it didn't really change the outcome for silentkaster.

This was just a horrible match-up for Otabo's team in general, especially since he just switched out the Bard for another Mime. If he had kept the Bard in, he might have actually won the first round just because both of formerdeathcorps were acting weirdly skittish and staying back way longer than they needed to despite not really being injured between Setiemson and Auto Potion. As it was, formerdeathcorps's own Bard probably broke the record for highest amount of MA hit in around just due to all of the MA Saves that went off, so it was like watching a slow-moving yet inevitable trainwreck when those two Koutetsu went off.

The second round was arguably slightly more even despite it favoring formerdeathcorps more from the start and that initial Stop hitting half of Otabo's team. This if only because of overpowered Quake murdering the two non-Chemists on formerdeathcorps's team rather quickly. Otabo might have been able to win that round or at least have it be closer if either of the Geomancer could revive or if the Mimes had better compat. with each other so that Wish (and presumably Raise, not that it will ever go off) didn't have such iffy accuracy.

This was also a bit one-sided, surprisingly, given that High Ground is more than decent team and Strangers From The Lake haven't really changed much. Then again, they don't really need to have changed much to be effective. That team's been pretty damn dangerous since its inception and I'm not  saying that just because its debut had it kicking my lousy "Prom" team's ass extremely hard.

It's nice to see the Nether spells get used given how powerful they actually are. Similarly, as much as I try not to  "root" for or against anyone, it was rather satisfying to see Faith backfire since I feel like moving 100% Faith from Muramasa (the katana) to Spell Edge was a rather large mistake, even if previous Spell Edge was bad.

Also, I was going to answer the Mime thing an in the appropriate spoiler since I still can't put it on Youtube on the appropriate match from this computer, but Reks already answered it, so meh.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


CT5Holy...I look forward to your first 1.39C Arena team as well as your team making video.

For now, I hope everyone enjoys this one!

FFT Arena 1.39C- Fenire (Macrame Pants) vs. Shintroy (The Hallows)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


November 14, 2014, 02:40:52 am #3633 Last Edit: November 14, 2014, 04:27:13 am by Shintroy
Did all updates and made this team on paper. Completely forgot about MP though. Undead don't benefit from Reraise? Subtle stone joke too subtle. Thanks for the input silentkaster. I see a lot of holes in my units. I think ill drop flare and magic attack up and go with sinkhole and short charge. Fits the theme more being a wand and all. I did like the expelling of the flares lmao.

As for the match, no idea how I won this one with three units. The stone was nothing but dead weight. Death and Wand performed well. I didn't get to see the Cloak use jump due to no haste or slows being used. I need more data to update the team. That fight made no sense. My past version of the wild usually lost to Fenire's Macreme Pants team and that's my best team.

(black costume, flare, magic attack up on wand, Lancer too slow, stone is only good for puns

That 6 speed samurai spelled out doom for Reinoe. I always root for the gimmick or the themed team over the solid competitive team too. Couldn't do it this fight. Felt like a 2v4 for most of the first round with killer comebacks from both sides due to a weak unit and don't acted, berserk samurai. Second round was over the moment the time mage got slow 2 off on the right units. The samurai never recovered. GG though. Looking forward to an updated version of the samurai team.

Wow the final two minutes.of round 2 and 3. Round 2 was a showcase of what would happen if a Mime team had 100% accuracy. I mean the are landed all of his magic songs, the mime got off MA save most or all of the time, and to top it all off Otabo's paladin blocks his archer's final healing arrow. Third round was a nailbiter. 4v4, 3v3, sudden death 2v2, then a 1v1. If it werent for Silentkaster having revival abilities on that last unit it would've been a coin toss. The geomancer wouldn't have hurt herself with hat bio if she knew about the incoming 2v1. Great Match.

Didn't like the female thief. Even though she was a 10-12 speed item bot she couldn't out heal and rez with item alone. Felt like she had no back up healing. Maybe it was all the status effects being thrown at her team. double sleep and charms on both sides. Adante's berserk thief I don't know about. I feel if your berserk unit can't at least critical a unit you should just stack PA through gear and quickening. Not much to say about this fight. The better built team won. GG

Slaughtered. After getting hit by thst Ice 2 the team fell apart. Just couldn finish anyone off well. GG second round. This is just the kind of thing I wanted to happen to this team. Didn't really update it coming from 1.38 just like Barrows(vs Otabo first fight). GG.

I wasn't aware of geomancy's damage modifier being pa and ma. My latest version of this team should be much wells rounded now.

Thanks for the vids. I'll join in for a bit when I get a pc. Nice megaman remix from I think it was Truelight's video. You guys know about this channel? Has HD extended tracks from most games you guys use for background music. May be nterested in a track a round or something Idk.


Can't wait to see Power Rangers VI
Some day my people will be free.


A few clarifications on Mimes since this is the most active thread and will be seen the most.

- Mimes cannot equip Bags
- A few people are confused when the Mime refuses to Mimic something. From what I have seen, this is probably because of height differences. For example, the 1 panel Chakra has a height tolerance of 0. If a Mime tries to Mimic it but the panel in front is not the same height as the Mime, nothing will happen. If there are any other issues, please feel free to point them out.
- Mimes can equip weapons, as long as they have the required secondary. Same with Shields. For example, a Defender wielding Mime with Awareness and Equip Heavy Blade, similar to the old Thief builds except this time, they have some armor to go with it.

I've been overall annoyed at the problems with Mime. I can't believe I didn't test them charging a spell at all. I was tempted to give them non-charge, but that would be stupid. I'll try to fix the charging bugs, but I highly doubt that it will be possible for someone of my level.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

The Damned

(I'll comment on the match silentkaster just posted later despite having watched it shortly after it got posted. Still, thanks for that silentkaster.)

So it would seem that my victory over reinoe in the match that Mammonmas and Knife Nutz had was indeed fraudulent. Well, that figures, to the point where I can't say I'm actually surprised. If someone could rerun that match, then I'd appreciate it, especially if it was on the same two maps. (It doesn't have to be, however, as I say those both give advantage to my team.)

Quote from: FFMaster on November 14, 2014, 07:37:53 am
A few clarifications on Mimes since this is the most active thread and will be seen the most.

- Mimes cannot equip Bags

Profound sadness, especially since I already feel like Mimes are currently a bit too weak even if I can understand the caution.

Still, it's good that to have it confirmed. I've already edited the Mime-post I put in the Team Balance thread.

Quote from: FFMaster on November 14, 2014, 07:37:53 am
- A few people are confused when the Mime refuses to Mimic something. From what I have seen, this is probably because of height differences. For example, the 1 panel Chakra has a height tolerance of 0. If a Mime tries to Mimic it but the panel in front is not the same height as the Mime, nothing will happen. If there are any other issues, please feel free to point them out.

That's not the type of failure we're talking about or, at least, that I'm talking about; I'm not sure whom else you're addressing it though. We've been over this before, but I don't expect you to remember since that was already at least a year ago if not more. Mimes outright fail to do something that should be valid, such as Sing or Dance or use Chakra on perfectly even ground. It just...happens sometime for reasons that surprisingly no one has yet to look into given it's been happening since vanilla; it's just a lot easier to notice in ARENA.

Quote from: FFMaster on November 14, 2014, 07:37:53 am
- Mimes can equip weapons, as long as they have the required secondary. Same with Shields. For example, a Defender wielding Mime with Awareness and Equip Heavy Blade, similar to the old Thief builds except this time, they have some armor to go with it.

I've similarly edited the post in the Team Balance thread to make language clearer that this is the case, though I'm not sure who actually had this thought.

Quote from: FFMaster on November 14, 2014, 07:37:53 amI've been overall annoyed at the problems with Mime. I can't believe I didn't test them charging a spell at all. I was tempted to give them non-charge, but that would be stupid. I'll try to fix the charging bugs, but I highly doubt that it will be possible for someone of my level.

Meh. Don't beat yourself up too much. The charging thing was weird to overlook, but there were definitely going to be some issues with the new Mime regardless of what you changed with Mime given, again, how little anyone has looked into it for some reason. "Someone of your level" is still way above most of us and most of the other people on the website, so...yeah.

Still, this is part of why I was skeptical about the idea. If I was a (more) petty person, then I'd say "I told you so". I'll instead say (that and) if worse comes to worst, then we could always just replace Mimes with Blue Mages--since I'm decently sure Mime's spot on the job wheel can be excised...somehow--as a way to try to test out monsters in ARENA.


P.S. While clearing up the Bag issues with regards to Mime is greatly appreciated, if you could clear up the "Is Chakra Band still supposed to be Immune: Petrify since it actually isn't in-game" issue, then I'm sure I'm not the only person who would appreciate that. Thanks.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Chakra Band should have the immunity. I will add it in 140, along with sword/spear changes.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Shintroy if you like I can a match for you tonight when I get home from school. Or if anyone else wants me to do a quick match for you chime in
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


I would like to see my new team in action. Also, I recorded TrueLight vs. The Damned/Reks. Will upload Wednesday.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Cool Barren. If you have the time for it I'm always down.

I'd prefer one of my new teams, but any is fine.
[/spoiler]I'll be honest I've been fiending some matches for days. Even the retired team is fine.
Some day my people will be free.