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Messages - logus

Lascarde Skywalk
wow wtf I hit my password on the first try D:

Fighting. Although I like the black mages version better, cleaner guitar with a great solo.
FFT Arena / Re: AI team building guide
January 31, 2011, 12:00:10 am
easy way to force casting of protect/shell: have a support that has said skills but is unable to heal. That's my oracle from a lot of versions ago. Since the others could heal/blood sword/etc, and usually had regen and reductions, she casted protect2/shell2 a fair amount of times whenever someone was around half hp, and since AI does try to optimize the area of the spells, she'd usually hit 3 teammates with protect/shell. It's quite useful when running a defensive team that abuses move-hp up/regen paired with defensive support skills.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle topic
November 09, 2010, 10:02:24 am
same here. I'm quite excited at the changes, since they all seem great. Just a question: does the removal of "holy" property from cure etc make such spells useless against undead or just less effective?
FFT Arena / Re: Base mechanics changes: POLL
November 02, 2010, 05:14:18 am
Quote from: "pokeytax"The 3000 JP cap is very loose already. You can grab any reaction, any support, a reasonable primary, and a revival secondary. Is there a unit over the JP cap that couldn't be limited to 3000 JP and be 90% as effective?

Since everyone seems to agree R/S/M is the issue, why not make action abilities zero cost? Then you can have a unit or team JP cap for R/S/M, crank up the cost on Speed Save and Damage Split instead of outright banning them, and see how it goes.

This. The balance is still artificial, but it sounds like a reasonable idea imo, and much easier than planning out an entire new skillset for r/s/m.
FFT Arena / Re: Absorb changes *POLL*
October 30, 2010, 10:16:48 pm
absorb = weak, half and absorb. making it always half kills elements that can't abuse "weak:x", like water, holy, etc.
FFT Arena / Re: Base mechanics changes: POLL
October 30, 2010, 02:19:32 am
Question 1
Should we change the minimum Fury/Faith?
[] - Yes (if yes, what to?)
[X] - No

Comments: the only thing that might need to change is the fury+X constant for damage calculation. But that would be slight, and something to be done among the last things.

Question 2
What should be done to absorb/weak?
[] - Go back to base mechanics from vanilla
[X] - Make it always neutral absorb(absorb, weak, and half element all in one)
[] - Keep as is(Absorb and Half)


Question 3
Should the JP limit be removed altogether?
[] - Yes
[X] - No

Comments: My answer is "Yes, if someone offers a decent laid out plan for rsm with variety and balance, which is feasible within the ASM limitations imposed". Since that hasn't shown up, and probably won't, the answer is no. And don't give me half crap like "oh you can just do this, or do etc". I need evidence, warranties that the whole new rsm setup works.  Theorizing on chat on how awesome it would be doesn't make it come any close to reality. I MIGHT give a try in coming up with a balanced r/s/m set, but it's unlikely that I can pull anything good up.

Question 4
Should the limits on skills be removed(the max 2 limit)?
  • - Yes
  • [] - No


    which will lead to a lot more testings. Told you, humes are not ready.

    Question 5
    Should the limits on items be removed(the max 2 limit)?
  • - Yes
  • [] - No

    Comments: again, should lead to a bit more of testing, especially on the absorb stuff. They'll need to be nerfed in case this happens.

    Question 6
    Should items be completely remade?
    [] - Yes
  • - No

Comments: The pool already has a lot of usable stuff. Sure, some might need a fix, but I'm pretty sure we don't need a complete remake.
Old Project Ideas / Re: FFT Balance Testing
October 29, 2010, 10:11:41 pm
FFT Arena / Re: Map Discussion
October 13, 2010, 09:30:07 am
I think you ought to keep in mind that this "reduction" is not just for the sake of reduction. The votes of a few were considered in order not only to take out bad maps, but also to:
1:take out redundant ones. I saw no point in keeping two maps that had pretty much the same structure just with different textures.
2: take out maps that would only have a small portion of them used in the case of fair positioning, thus simulating smaller maps with similar structure.

Unfortunately, only this "few" were in chat to vote, more people would probably make a better choice. Good thing PX made a topic for discussion though...

And the water/lava idea is awesome. Good luck finding someone to do it though =^D

edit: a map that could use a lot of water 2 deepness would be bethla's sluice map. It would have to be redone in order to match what it looks like *after* ramza opens the gates. That map is unusable as it is, since there is no good starting position that uses the entire map well.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle topic
September 27, 2010, 10:05:24 am
I'd sugest the following teams for you to face:

secondadvent's team: good example of magic-heavy (status and damage)
pride's team: good example of a defensive team due to absorb combo and 40-40 units
my own team: good example of status heavy/"defensive" team ("defensive" cause it now has a huge threat in the paladin with salty rage)

there are more teams out there, but these ones were the best in tests so far, imo. Of course, this counts the teams created so far. There is a lot to be abused (last song + mime, mimicry in general, double absorb combos, init:faith mantle, etc) and haven't been used yet. I haven't changed my team yet since I'm still trying to show how stupid salty rage is when berserk gives +50% damage.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle topic
September 14, 2010, 05:45:12 pm
apparently, we are supposed to use the broken stuff in order to show that they are broken, so, why not giving ol' salty rage a try?


Blood Sword
Genji Shield
Genji Armor
Salty Rage

Draw Out
Move-HP Up
Main Gauche

Green Beret
Black Costume
Vanish Mantle

Threaten,Mimic Daravon

White Magic

Magic Defense Up
Move-MP Up
H Bag

Black Hood
Light Robe

Protect2, Shell2, Raise2, Esuna

Damage Split
Defense UP

Sasuke Knife

Black Hood
Black Costume
Sprint Shoes

Steal Shield
Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Soft
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Stats/Ability Discussion Thread
September 07, 2010, 03:09:50 pm
the AI looks at berserk as a debuff cause it CAN be used like that. Aim a caster with berserk and you got a useless unit. I somewhat like the blind idea for salty rage, as I suggested poison, but blind might be countered by concentrate (which always has been a good option for berserkers). I don't think you got to change the skills, since AI will hardly, if ever, use it on it's allies or strong physical enemy units.

I'd go for 60-70% with the reactions, although I still do love the idea. You shouldn't have to make yourself a huge target for physical attacks just in order to get a decent reaction working.

Just one thing: did finger guard die? I was thinking of making it give status protection instead of just protection against some skills. Is that even possible?
FFT Arena / Re: Specific color palettes
September 07, 2010, 02:59:46 pm
white female squire seems odd to me in-game, somehow. I'm not a spriter, so I can't tell what is it, or a way to fix it :S maybe it's just me though...
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle topic
September 07, 2010, 02:41:26 am
and here we go again!
Basic Skill
Move-HP Up
Blood Sword
Genji Shield
Crystal Helmet
Gold Armor

Iron Will
Wish, Yell

Draw Out
Equip Shield
Move-HP Up
Main Gauche
Aegis Shield
Green Beret
Black Costume
Vanish Mantle

Threaten,Mimic Daravon

White Magic
Move-MP Up
H Bag
Black Hood
Light Robe

Protect2, Raise2, Esuna

Damage Split
Defense UP
Sasuke Knife
Black Hood
Black Costume
Sprint Shoes

Steal Shield
Phoenix Down, Hi-Potion, Soft
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Stats/Ability Discussion Thread
September 07, 2010, 12:50:27 am
What I have observed so far in stats/abilities (and the most blatant items):

-light robe is still not fixed/a bit too good. HP nerf should do it

-yell costing mp is a very good idea. I'd leave it at 4 mp though.

-met..what? Meteor? Give short charge and you got huge splash damage really quick and good. I might have to make a team to show proof on this one. But here's a tip that I'll show at items thread: the mantle that gives init:faith. This, ladies and gentleman, calls for rape. Actually, a lot of the AoE big magics with init:faith = rape.

- make raise cost around 16 mp, raise2 around 24 mp.

-change thieves' ruins to breaks. The class doesn't have the mp to support ruins, and double stat breaking/ranged stat breaking should be really nice (we'll see if it gets TOO nice with 14 speed).  And if anyone is thinking "oh, but knight had the same problem with ruins, it was balanced!": a) knights have twice as much mp b) knights can equip robes.

- "Unyielding" obviates mdef up. The meta is highly turned to physical attacks, and here we got a skill that helps you with the 70 faith issue AND helps you deal with the massive physical attacks.

-berserk needs a nerf. +30% increased received damage works for me. But as it is right now, it's too good, especially with abandon + defender.

-loved the nerfs on oracle's paralyze and sleep

-overwhelm is still kinda weird. It's not as good as atk up or matk up in terms of raw damage, and I don't think anyone would use it merely for the extra healing...

-mad science... what? 100% reraise on your entire party every 4 ticks or am I reading it wrong?

That's all I got for now. Some might be off, but who knows, just throwing some opinions out there.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle topic
September 01, 2010, 02:30:29 pm
wasn't berserk supposed to also increase receiving damage by 50%? just tested against px's team, and it's not. thief was doing the same damage to lancer and monk.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle topic
August 31, 2010, 06:42:30 pm
heh, but they aren't still exactly good with guns eh? berserk with ranged weapon does that to you...

I found it weird how the bard took so long to soft the second mediator... yes, the mime did need the support, but the second mediator would make such a large difference. It was a 3x4 most of the time, and yet skip's team was winning. In a small map. Seems like zodiac lacked decent disables or massive damage to gain an edge... using elemental is nice, but 25% wasn't anywhere near needed. And, to use kiyo, you need other disables, since it seems that without them AI will just keep doing kiyo as it's best disable, and kiyo alone does not work, as the opposing team is still free to pound you.
The Lounge / Re: Our friend is ill...
August 31, 2010, 06:25:30 pm
Don't worry, I'll raise you as undead if it comes to worse.

No, seriously. Get better. Chat is just gonna be a lot less fun without you =/
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle topic
August 31, 2010, 04:36:30 am
eh, guess you missed my team update just a few posts above. I improved the samurai (turned it into an oracle, dropped abandon, etc), changed the order (avoiding thief rush in large maps) and fixed knight (def up 40 fa right gears).

Gotta say though, once the ninja crystallized, it was just a matter of time until procs turned to my favor. My team can't kill itself, and with ninja dead, knight stripped ( and power ruin'd once, I think), there was no way the team would die. But charm was incredibly effective at gaining time :P