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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


August 20, 2011, 11:24:41 pm #720 Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 11:28:05 am by Dol
I could have told you that Ninja was going to suck.  My very first team had pretty much that exact same Ninja and I quickly swapped him out for an Attack Up Lancer.

I watched the Barren v Barren fight with the Closed Captions on.  Incredibly hilarious  :lol:


Quote from: Dol on August 20, 2011, 11:24:41 pm
I could have told you that Ninja was going to suck.  My very first team had pretty much that exact same Ninja and I quickly swapped him out for an Attack Up Lancer.

note taken...i'll most definitely rework the deep dungeon team
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Good thing you did, your two-sworded ninja was technically illegal.

Air Knife is one-handed >_>

But yeah, I've been trying to decide what I want to do in terms of recording for the last few days and have settled in. I'll put up a batch tomorrow like I did in my first MADNESS series (most likely won't be as long), then get to doing full-fledged playthroughs of CCP, Parted Ways, and CoP (currently a WIP...three more fights to do then it's completed).
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quite a few team submissions I've seen over the last couple of days

I apologize for not putting up some arena vids for a few days, been busy with RL stuff and my week is filled with work :/

I will resume arena vids this weekend. Thank you everyone for your interaction and support and most of all your patience
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


August 25, 2011, 11:45:48 pm #724 Last Edit: August 25, 2011, 11:52:40 pm by Mando
Here is a vid I did of Arena 131 Eternal vs Me
Sorry I messed up on the vid. Start of round 2 music is too loud. So lower your volume.

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!

The Damned

August 26, 2011, 09:22:10 am #725 Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 10:09:11 am by The Damned
(People need to stop leaving secondary spaces blank for the sake of those who are kind enough to do videos for us. It's especially ridiculous given that pretty much every single unit that this has occurred on has had an ability from another class that could have easily taken up that space. No one's Mastering classes or anything, so there's really no damn excuse not to just have an secondary in that space even if it's completely empty.


So, outside of Mando's video above, which I'll get around to once I finish typing this, I've caught up after being gone for a week. Thanks for all the videos, Barren, zxpr0jk and Wiz--I finished watching that 4 hour and 30 minute video three days ago, but for some reason it wouldn't let me comment until yesterday. I'll comment on those videos in my next post (probably--I'll be going off memory, which is "bad".)

Anyway, sorry about that "Someday, A Wave" team, everyone. I wanted to "prove" how lackluster a Water Absorb team would have been in 130, but, by Poseidon, that was horrible, especially given that I over for about 11 days since I was gone for a bit. I would try to redeem it, but given the changes to 131 with regards to Ribbons, Monks losing Poles, Leather Mantle and the only new Water absorption being the Clothes of Rubber Costume (with no new Water ability), Water Absorption managed to get even worse, slight (needless) buff to Suiton aside.

But enough kvetching, for Team "Hirosu"--pronounced "Heroes"--is here to save you! Or kill you. It's roughly the same thing to me, so....

Speaking of which, since "people" (read: the three people above that have been doing videos with FFMaster and pokeytax busy) keep asking about how to pronounce the Ninjutsu stuff, I figure I'd give a pronunciation key, especially since for some reason, the Ninjutsu-pronounce makes me want to strangle people here; no, I hate Naruto (they're not ninja, anyway), so that's not the reason. I might as well do Draw Out as well, though the only one that people get wrong constantly is Murasame and for some reason I don't care about that despite being a picky bastard.


1. Haku Korosu - The former-Sleep targeting, now-Blind targeting Ninja "Death" ability that will probably end up being OP is pronounced "Ha-coo Co-row-sue". So, basically how it looks, not that it's come up or, at least, not that it's ever been used by the AI despite Dol's recent efforts.

2. Shuriken - The ability that everyone seems to already pronounce correctly is "Shoe-ree-can" more or less. Thanks, martial arts movies.

3. Katon - Hoo, boy. The elemental jutsu seem to be the ones that people screw up on the most for some reason--I'm sure the lack of names on things in-battle don't help. The red, Fire-element one is "Ka-toe/ta-n", so, basically, has how it looks--just that the "to" isn't an "tee" sound followed by a "u-ish" sound; I guess just pronounce the "o" as you would in "ton", which is probably easier to communicate, but "Caw-ton" looks rather...self-evident.

4. Suiton - The blue, Water-element one is "Swee-ton".

5. Raiton - The yellow, Lightning-element one is "Rye-ton".

6. Houkouton - The tri-directional "breath" jutsu that looks like a lethal whiff of the user's armpits is "Hoe-koe-ton". You don't really have to pronounce the u's in Japanese that heavily for the most part.

7. Kagesougi - The attack that basically looks like a physical attack, but that always causes Blindness/Darkness--we need to pick one name for that status--is "Caw-gay-so-gi". I wish I had a better "word" to put at the end of that, but the closest I can think of right now is "gee", which sounds nothing like "gi", which I'm sure everyone has heard before between karate and Captain Planet. Basically, "gee" sounds like the letter G, where as "gi" is a "guh-ee" sound, only with the "guh" not being so emphatic as to need that type of separation.

8. Doku No Kyoukai - The status, AoE jutsu that I realized only yesterday probably has such a low rate to actually hit despite being Sp+70 because it must use Separate status seems to be a source of confusion, as of late. Barren pronounces it correctly IIRC, but Wiz seems to, as of late, keep getting it confused with Kagesougi above, probably because there's no name, they both Blind and the animation for Doku no Kyoukai is Blind 2's animation; I can't remember if zxpr0jk was similarly confused. Anyway, it's pronounced "Doh-coo No Ki-yo-kaeye/kye".

Draw Out
1. Asura - The fiery Draw Out skill is basically pronounced how it probably already looks to an English speaker: "Ah-sue-rah".

2. Koutetsu - The Draw Out of Darkness (which finally has an absorption in N-Kai Armlet; thanks, FFMaster) is pronounced "Koe-teh-ts". People have pretty much gotten this correct all the time, surprisingly.

3. Bizen Boat - Ay iyaiyai, this little butterfly (that I seem to be one of like only two people to ever use) is pronounced "Bee-zahn Boat". Basically, half of it's in English, so, again, no one has screwed this up to the best of my recollection.

4. Murasame - Here's the seemingly only Draw Out skill where English pronunciation rears its ugly, fickle head. Everyone does well until the end because they pronounce it "Moo-rah-say-mah" like how "same" is pronounced in English, when it's actually pronounced "Moo-rah-sah-may". Not really a huge deal to me despite the fact that almost everyone gets it wrong, probably because I'd likely make the same mistaken if I hadn't taken Japanese for a bit. (Then again, I get annoyed by lesser things, so who knows.)

5. Heaven's Cloud - ...Is already English.

6. Kiyomori - The now Miasma-producing, former protection ability is "Ki-yo-mo-ree", so basically how it already looks to an English speaker (which is why no one has gotten it wrong).

7. Muramasa - The sword that invokes the vengeance of the fallen is "Moo-rah-mah-sah". So many h sounds, so little time.

8. Kikuichimo(n)ji - The sword's whose name keeps oscillating between whether it has an n in it or not is "Ki-coo". That's it. No one calls it anything but "Kiku". So why bother if it can't even make up its own mind about its own name?

9. Masamune - The legendary sword of healing that no longer Hastes is "Mah-sah-moo-nay". Again, I think everyone gets this right already, if only because of Chrono Trigger.

10. Chirijiraden - The sword of destruction usually called just "Chiri" is pronounced "Chee-ree-gee-rah-den". Everyone gets it right even when they're not calling it "Chiri".

So, provided I didn't fuck up, now you know. And knowing is half the battle!

The other half?

Killing. Lots and lots of killing.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Actually Haku Korosu isn't worth setting. I tested in a video that failed to save vs ET's team. I built a fully blinding team with 2 ninjas and they refused to use the skill to kill off the target I think they would have used it, if the ability was sleep based again.

Doku No Kyoukai  - I will debut a video with this. I liked this in 130 but couldn't find an effective way to use it w/o being owned hard... now you will see the power it has

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!

The Damned

(I hadn't realized how many people had updated their teams until after that last post.)

It seems a bit early to take a break from what I'm doing, but, eh. I might as well do it now before I forget, especially given that I'm going off memory here was it is.

...And just like that, I forgetting things already. Shit.

Quote from: Wiz on August 14, 2011, 06:03:25 am

Note: No music nor in-game sounds, so I suggest you grab some music (if you want to) and require you to make Popcorn :mrgreen:

Ick. Popcorn. I just multi-tasked while watching it.

Anyway, thanks for this. It made me realize how little damage my teams tend to do overall and I had forgotten about some stuff I'd already "tested", like Fujin's Preach. The little damage thing is probably the reason that only "Gravity, Well" managed to win (outside of that lucky reset where the Mime decided to face the opponent rather than the wall before that Demi 2 went off).

As for who "Iris" is Death Corps-wise, it's the name in Embargo I've given to the female Monk that informs Wiegraf that Miluda is dead before the Windmill Shed battle. She'll have at least a minor role before that given that I've decided to give her a fixed name at all.

Quote from: CT5Holy on August 15, 2011, 02:00:00 am
Damned's Grand Cross Monk was awesome.

Yet, like in-game, Golgoras was ultimately ineffectual. Profound sadness.

Quote from: zxpr0jk on August 15, 2011, 04:38:34 am
It's CT5Holy night.

Eternal248(Fisticuffs) VS CT5Holy(Do Not Disturb)

CT5Holy(Standstills) VS Eternal248(Longshots)

CT5Holy(Do Not Disturb) VS Zxpr0jk(Toros) *warning: contains considerable wiz spam. If that pisses you off, then you probably aren't going to like this video.

Hunh. I don't recall being aware that just walking on Zigolis Swamp's water will poison you. Interesting to note.

Also, it's nice to see what I think was the very first Lava Ball Instant-Death proc of ARENA ever in that third video at the Graveyard of Airships, not that it was needed though with 4 CT Wiznaibus being such a (fickle) beast.

Quote from: Wiz on August 17, 2011, 09:45:54 pm
Kalas (The Fornier Sisters) vs Zaen (Debuffapalooza)

Ugh, that was painful to watch. You really need to give this team slightly more killing power, Zaen. [/hypocrisy]

I think Kalas would have (eventually) won, at least if he hadn't given his Thief Throw Stone and/or the AI wasn't desynced in speed so as to prevent Bad Luck from (maybe) going before the Ninja moved, but...yeah, he's new, so that's forgiven. Regardless, no need to put yourself through that.

Quote from: Mando on August 26, 2011, 11:41:54 amActually Haku Korosu isn't worth setting. I tested in a video that failed to save vs ET's team. I built a fully blinding team with 2 ninjas and they refused to use the skill to kill off the target I think they would have used it, if the ability was sleep based again.

They won't use when it's triggered by Sleep, at least in if Dol's Haku Hunt Dancer unit on Rare Skills was any indication. In all instances, she chose to use Kagesougi over Haku Dorosu, though that was back when Haku Dorosu didn't instantly kill and HP totals were overall lower. So maybe it was the damage in that case instead of the AI being stupid or the AI Behavior toggles having some issues--then again, I don't think I'll ever bet against the AI just being stupid.

Were the units that were Blinded ones that the Ninja could OHKO otherwise? It doesn't seem like that should be case, but only two of the Lancers on Eternal's Guingir team have HP above 250, so it's possble. Also, what equipment did you have on said units?

Regardless, I shall take this as a personal challenge and endeavor to "break" Haku Dorosu; of course, knowing my incompetence, Haku Dorosu might just end up like Quickening where it seems "meh" for a couple of updates and then overpowers everything--not that I ever recall using Quickening (at least when it first arrived).

Quote from: Mando on August 26, 2011, 11:41:54 amDoku No Kyoukai  - I will debut a video with this. I liked this in 130 but couldn't find an effective way to use it w/o being owned hard... now you will see the power it has.

*pictures you powering up for nine episodes*

As for Doku no Kyoukai, people have actually used it quite a bit already--I think I've used it on like all my characters with Ninjutsu. So I think people are aware of the power it has, even if it tends to hit less than it seems like it "should" due to Separate. It's just that it's become more powerful now due to all the status blocking being on less things (that people innately have accessed to) and that it actually works on Mimes now.

Regardless, I shall look forward to this "true power".
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


August 26, 2011, 02:37:08 pm #728 Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 02:37:43 pm by Mando
Me v Pride

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!

The Damned

(Oh, White Wind. You and your need for ridiculously strict parameters so as to not end up being a broken POS....)

I'm just going to re-post what I just posted on Youtube, with additional stuff that I had intended to type but couldn't because of its word limit.

"(Eminem is still relevant? Color me surprised.)

Hmm, it looks like Draw Out is working properly here. Odd.

Anyway, to answer your questions:

1. The Ninjutsu-Faith thing happens not because of an ASM, but because of an old bug from vanilla that has Un-Truth formula interpret Faith status as 00 Faith instead of 100 Faith as it should. FFMaster didn't fix even though Pride, ironically, made an ASM that does a while ago. CT5Holy's Watermark team abuses to already. (There's a reason Nemeshisu has both access to Innocent and Faith status on my "Hirosu" team.)

2. Your Thief used Heretic. Congrats on being the first person to have it used. (I have to wonder if the computer will only use if they're about to be killed by spell or if they'll use it when they would otherwise be afflicted by something detrimental or even only if "bored" with nothing else to do.)"

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to catch up on.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


I had forgotten I gave him heretic XD

Ya I found out about the faith thing later. I made a new team with berserk paladins to use it XD and a squire to capitalize on it.

^ New FFAT website made by St4r!



Last Arena vid I'll be doing for quite awhile. Chances are, I won't be making any more teams for an extended period of time as well as be active here, so just giving y'all a heads up ahead of time. Ciao.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


August 26, 2011, 08:31:27 pm #732 Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 03:55:37 am by FFMaster
Just a heads up, the Untruth bug was fixed already. So Faith = 100 and Innocent = 0 for the Ninjitsu spells.

EDIT: Pride's hack actually didn't do anything, but it has now been fixed for next version.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


August 27, 2011, 02:51:12 am #733 Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 02:52:52 am by st4rw4k3r
Sunarst4r Vs Mando

Great battle Mando.

Sorry if its too fast, I had to make the video go 3 times faster, because the original video was 1 hour long. Now its 20 minutes, but still 1.11 gbs.


Real life has been quite demanding and traumatic as of late, so I may or may not post more videos. I haven't been keeping up with the goings on in Arena. I don't even know if 131 is out yet as of this post.

In regards to the pronunciation of ninjitsu, I don't think I've said any of them other than shuriken. The extent to my descriptions of the ninja skills is "I think that's the fire one and that one's yellow so I think it's lightning" I pretty much just call them as 'element' ninjitsu unless it's shuriken. And yea, the missing text entries are a considerable reason for that.

And if I ran any games with units that didn't have a second skillset(I think there were two), the owner may want to review those games. I didn't know not having a secondary set caused problems. I thought everyone was being saved correctly, and still think they were. If you'd really like to help, don't add extra spaces in your entries between your movement skill and first hand weapon. I just copy and paste the first chunk of players and one Bard almost slipped by with body armor in his Acc, and a hat for underwear.


Me Vs. Mando Battle 2.

Good fight again Mando. I'll be editing my team up again. Awaiting our next fight.


August 27, 2011, 05:38:44 pm #736 Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 08:53:20 pm by Squidgy
Innocent is 0 for Ninjitsu? That sounds a bit insane. Heretic Ring Monk Ninjitsu of 14 or 16 PA giving 117-235 or 134-268 (70-40 faith) or double Innocent for 392 or 448. Would need a tanky Gokuu Rod person for that to happen. EDIT: I mean, Faith would do the same, but Innocent is much more lethal when put on enemies usually.

EDIT EDIT: Nameless Song still never used? So sad... I'll just ditch it from my Mime team.

The Damned

(The "problem" has been rectified, Barren, though like I said, I literally "double-checked" a dozen times and it was exactly 3000 JP, not 3200 JP. Something might be wrong with the spreadsheet. FFMaster!)

So, yeah, I updated like five times to 131 standards--well, four if I don't count "Hirosu" again due to the above. I'll try to do the rest of them later (if so possible), even the two that have been retired forever because they sucked even more than usual.

Dol "took" my all Charm-based team though. Sadface.

Quote from: Squidgy on August 27, 2011, 05:38:44 pmInnocent is 0 for Ninjitsu? That sounds a bit insane. Heretic Ring Monk Ninjitsu of 14 or 16 PA giving 117-235 or 134-268 (70-40 faith) or double Innocent for 392 or 448. Would need a tanky Gokuu Rod person for that to happen. EDIT: I mean, Faith would do the same, but Innocent is much more lethal when put on enemies usually.

Innocent is 0 Faith for everything, so yes.

I'm just expecting some Gokuu Rod abuse to take place, eventually, though I guess people have decided to just skip that go for instant-killing people twice over with Two-Handed poles.

Quote from: Squidgy on August 27, 2011, 05:38:44 pmEDIT EDIT: Nameless Song still never used? So sad... I'll just ditch it from my Mime team.

Nameless Song is probably flagged as Random under the AI Behavior, meaning the AI will almost never use it.

Quote from: Barren on August 28, 2011, 08:55:27 pm
Pierce (Weekenders) vs Dol (Heartbreakers)

Barren (Deep Dungeon) vs Mando (Y)

Pride (Gentle Spark) vs CT5Holy (Rage on a Stick)

I'm just going to quote I said on the last video here because of a couple of things that need to be addressed.

"Wait. People are still leaving their secondary skill slots empty even though they're using out-of-class RSMs?

*turns head slowly to give CT5Holy a death-glare*

@SkipSandwich: Berserk shouldn't be interfering with spell procs as far as I'm aware. It's not like the user of the weapon is the one actually casting the spell after all, at least when it comes to using MP. It probably just got left out like how Ancient Sword did in 130 (and probably all patches previous). FFMaster!

*shakes fist*"

Other than that, Ninjutsu, Nameless Song, Two Hands and the Gastrafitis/Gastraphetes are living up to my worried expectations of them. Hmm....
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


1. D: no Dia proc on Berserk TM.
2. How did the Thief dodge the Scorpion Tail hit? Flails are WP*WP -> 100% accuracy, right?
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney