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Topics - Lionheart537

Help! / Assistance for a new(b) hacker
August 21, 2017, 02:15:56 am
Okay time to look foolish, one of my specialties. Alright so earlier today I read through several asm tutorials, mips, debugging, etc. I already knew hex and binary but using mips and debugging was new to me. What I'm still unsure of is when and where to use the different commands. Long story short the hack I'd like help with is to link the Ninja's Throw skillset (specifically the special enemy x39 and not the usual generic's) to the Chemist's Throw Item support skill. My goal is to give a unit with Throw Item access to both the Chemist and skillset x39 inventory; although I imagine they'd have different action selection i.e attack, item, throw, move, etc. Pride pointed me in the right direction, i think, and I got a breakpoint set for when my unit (Ramza in this case) activated a check for the Throw Item support (shown above the red line in the picture). But i'm...well unsure how to proceed further. I'm more willing to ask for advice before stumbling into trial and error mistakes myself (whether it be laziness or wise caution, probably both). So to proceed would I need to write in a j, jal, or branch to link the two? Would this require jumping to free space to prevent overwriting something and then jump to Throw? Or am I seriously messing this up and I should be in a completely different area of the code for this? I'm debugging on psxfin 1.13 with r3000 on a otherwise clean iso, besides small patcher and spritesheet changes that shouldn't matter really. Thanks for your help and time.

I used the wiki and Pride's lead to get my foot in the door, but yeah it's a bit overwhelming all in a day.

EDIT: Nevermind I found this goldmine. Providing that the these work setting chemist items to do damage will be pretty easy, hopefully they'll accept elements.
EDIT: *Sigh* after looking more thoroughly and testing these formulas have a few problems. Hmm I do have another idea to try though.

I'll still keep this topic up for any other asm attempts i stumble through.
PSX FFT Hacking / Question about ARH capabilities
August 16, 2017, 12:26:11 am
The actual ARH thread is rather old so i'd rather not bump it. Just a quick question on an idea I had. Is it possible to have certain abilities in generic skillsets only usable by individual characters? For example having Magic Barrier in the White Magic skillset but only be usable by Agrias when she has that skillset equiped. It'd be an interesting way of putting special job abilities in related genric jobs and thus giving them basic squire ability options, or sort of nerfing a special job by spreading their abilities across multiple jobs. Give them a 'favored' class over a completely unique one. Does any of his sound plausible?
Help! / Some Formula Questions
August 14, 2017, 08:19:36 pm
I have searched around and found some answers to these but i just want to confirm I understand correctly.

1. If a formula is 100% status it functions as follows, right?
All or nothing=Always inflict status if the attack hits. Random=always inflict one of the checked statii (chosen at random) if the attack hits. Seperate=all checked statii roll a 25% proc chance if the attack hits.
     1a. And if a formula allows status but doesn't specify 100% it has a 19% proc?

2. To make swordskills evadeable/blockable do i have to change the formula or will a simple "uncheck" of that flag suffice?

3. The revive formulas heal a specified % of hp but recquire the status be influcted to heal? Can you remove any status infliction to guarantee the healing?
     3a. Is there an existing formula for mp heal add status?

4. Is there an existing formula that damages both hp and mp?

Thanks in advance!
New Project Ideas / FFT:LHW (Lionheart War)
August 14, 2017, 05:55:23 am
FFT:LHW (working title) is my dream of a vanilla mod. Started with me simply picking up Tactics again and discovering this community. I plan no changes to story or include any radical mechanic changes(besides tidying some dialogue and a handful of custom events) but a complete overhual of jobs, items, skillsets, monsters, encounters, and game balance. It won't be a short or easy journey, but I have time, drive, and all the resources I need to see it through. If/when LHW is a finished success I might go on to a story mod using these fixed mechanics as a template (i do already have the theme of that hypothetical mod planned as well).

Currently I am in the concept phase as I'm still learning the tricks and tools of the trade; spriting, working the tools and spreadsheets, and minor assembly hacking. I hope to have a beta with most sprite, mechanic, and gameplay changes functional by the end of the year. I'd also like to say that everything is currently tenative and subject to change.

1. Zodiac Compatibility will be lowered from 25 and 50% to 12.5 and 25%
2. Permanent Br and Fa changes will be removed.
3. Stat changes will have Min/Max values and are generally less abusible.
4. Exp/level draining abilities will be removed
5. Weapon breaking/stealing skills will be removed besides on select special characters.
6. Jp values will be severely reduced.
7. Gil rewarded and item costs will be severely reduced and recquire better management.
8. All avaliable shop items can be found in all open towns, no more running between shops.
9. Stat Growths will be less influential and rebalanced but still some difference across the jobs.
10. Status will be reworked and new statii will be added. Faith and Innocent replaced with Mist (regen mp)  Sap (poison mp). Also add Curse (add 25% extra  from all sources until death). Add Astra/Bless (does not remove statii but prevents any new ailments from stacking). Possibly remove Oil.
11.Remove Monster Skill and let beasts freely use their ability slots.
12. Chest status removed so units always crystal. Instead of chests most enemies drop items via end-mission bonus items and poaching.
13. Overhaul of items and weapons, removing underused weapons and potentially adding 1 or 2 new types. Changing several items' graphics. Adding new functionality to some items. Specifics in the Item updates section later.
14. Overhaul of Jobs both generic and Special. Aiming to improve balance, variety,  and genral fun of playing the game.
15. Reworking story and random encounters to be more interesting but not overly difficult, to scale with the party more fluidly.
16. Most abilities will be tweaked with new formulas, pushing to make most use quadratic formulas for straight damage and healing. Almost all abilities will cost Mp and managing status will be more important. Spells will generally have faster CTs. Specifics in Skillset changes later.
17. Remove 2 hands support, instead some weapon classes will always be forced 2 handed with appropriate changes to Wp dmg values.
18. Status buffs will have higher accuracy.
19. Fix poorly translated parts of story dialogue. Add a handful of custom events (events are pretty much the last thing I'll work on though).
20. Implement "Hold X to speed through text" hack
21. Add defensive values to all body and head gear and some shields/weapons
22. A huge overhaul of sprites including personal customs I'm working on

Jobs Specifics

Item and Equipment Specifics

I'll post updates and progress as I go on. Critiques and suggestions in all forms are heavily encouraged. In the event that progress is substantially delayed or cancelled I'll try to at least post as such.

EDIT: If you do have critiques and suggestions i'd prefer you pm me to prevent congesting this topic please and thanks.
Spriting / Lion's Bizarre Spriting Adventure
July 27, 2017, 03:33:31 pm
Join me on my quest to learn the coveted art of spriting! I'll post my projects here for critiquing. I would appreciate advice and suggestions for improvement. If you take it upon yourself to edit them please post your changes so I might learn from your work.

EDIT: I'm changing this initial post into a quick access navigation to my complete projects.

Original Post *not important*
This is where I started, simply editing Jot5 Oracle sprites. A drastic change to the color pallet to make the hair white. Even my first endeavor taught me that portraits are much more difficult than full-body sprites, due to color limitations. How do you think they turned out?

My next work was choosing which sprite to use for my personal hack. I decided to use Bart from Jot5, but I personally didn't think the portrait matched without a cape. So i did a pretty major overall of the portrait. I'm mostly concerned if the colors aren't defined enough and if the cape over the shoulders looks alright. On the left is the original and to the right is my edit.

I have begun a few frankenspriting attemps, but making the colors work has made me scrape most. Still one is turning out well, i think, so it might be my next post. Simple stuff for now but I hope to be good enough to fulfill some requests some day.

Ninja Malek http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=11772.msg221245#msg221245
First I'd like to earnestly thank everyone for all the time and care they've put into this community. I've only been here a short time but I'm really beginning to appreciate all the talented people here. Now onto the topic at hand.

I have several (and will likely think of more) questions for those more experienced in designing or their own patches on good game design and balance. Of course anyone who takes the time to put in their two cents is encouraged to do so  :)

1. A balanced magic damage formula
I have seen a metric crap ton of formulas throughout the forum, so I'd like some opinions to help me decide. I understand balance is all relative and dependent on the game on a grand scale, so I'll explain some changes and numbers I'm thinking of implementing in my patch. In general everything will have higher Hp Multipliers, by 10-15%, and most stats will be slightly altered with stat growths varying between jobs. I plan on using an ASM to assign damage reduction values to shields and some, or maybe all, heavy armors (maybe helms too but probably not). With higher Hp and some protection I hope to make elemental weaknesses and buffs/debuffs more viable. Anyway, the primary user of this formula (replacing formula 8 most likely) would be my Black Mage. I want them to have the following skillset
1. Fire 1 Range 4 Radius 1 Vert 1or2
2. Blizzard 1
3. Thunder 1
4. Wind 1
5. Water 1
6. Earth 1
7. Dark 1
8. Fire 2 Range 4 Radius 2 Vert. 2or3
9. Blizzard 2
10. Thunder 2
11. Wind 2
12. Water 2
13. Earth 2
14. Dark 2
15. Death Range 4 Radius 0or1 Vert 1
16. Flare Range 4 Radius 0-2? Vert. 2-3?
Basically so he covers everything but holy dmg. So a formula that can keep magic relavent without the need for higher Y values from bigger tier 3 or 4 spells. Any advice or opinion or the skillset or other mentioned ideas is also welcome  :)

Also as a side note I'm granting White Mage 3 Cure spells,
so thoughts on a balanced formula for them would be appreciated. I personally feel a percentile heal of 33 or 50, 50 or 66, and 100 maybe?

2. Counter flood flag assigned to monster skills
I am wanting to assign certain, hell maybe most, monster skills to counter flood so that when equiped with cf innate the monster will retaliate with something more interesting than a standard attack. I also want to use this on my Blue Mage. I'm curious if this will work, use only known flagged abilities or if it uses all flagged abilities even if not in the caster's skillset, and if the monster ability animations would cause issue. As a further note what is the easiest way to let Blue Mage share abilities with monsters, animation-wise since i've read that humans look buggy using monster skills and vice versa. Also if I set Blue M/Monster abilities to cost MP would monsters be able to cast them for free? I read this somewhere before and I hope that's the case; because I feel these abilities come as naturally to monsters as running, but for a human mimicking the action would take energy/MP. If there's a better way or ASM than counter flood please tell me!

3. MP regeneration
This one is simple. I just want some experienced opinions on whether MP regen is a good game mechanic in Tactics; whether it be natural and innate 5 or 10% from ASM or through the 'Mist' status provided in other ASM.
Perhaps both innate and Mist. MP costs are important here so I'll say that most spells will keep the same cost as in vanilla. Spells cost MP and most, if not all, have charge times. Magical abilities cost MP and are ussually instant but some take charging. Swordskills cost MP but are instant. Physical attacks have no cost but stronger or aoe phys attacks have charge times and can't follow targets (only target tile not unit). Pretty standard I'd say. But with these in mind does MP regen seem balanced and useful? Also most MP restore/absorb moves are free to cast but may have charge times.

4. Text editing-what happens to the space?
This is probably a very simple noobish question on text editing. If I shorten or lengthen the name of something, say a job name, does that actively give me more/less letter space for other job names? Does it stop there or does the name change affect all text in the game? Could shortening a town name help add to an item description? Adding to a spell quote require cutting from anywhere, like story dialogue? These are random, wild examples but knowing how the text is grouped (or if it's just a large collective) would be great.

I have a few more questions and theories, but those are specific to my individual classes and abilities. I'm pretty sure those should go in a seperate thread (maybe in the projects section?) I suppose I could buckle down and dig around or self test, but all my recent free time has been devoted to learning and trying my hand at spriting. Maybe I'll make a thread with my gradual progress after i have more progress.

Anyway sorry if this is too much to read or incorrectly posted or formatted. And thanks for your assistance, time, and advice! Oh and to those whose ASMs i mentioned sorry I was too lazy to mention your names for proper credit!

EDIT: Just to clarify this is merely a personal project for myself and a few friends.
Help! / Problem with editing wldface.bin portraits
July 08, 2017, 07:57:07 pm
I have already checked Celdia's guide on formation sprite and portrait editing, http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=6702.0 , but I keep having the same problem with the portraits. I already posted in that topic, but i'm worried that would be necrobumping and just be ignored. So sorry for that and now onto my problem. Whenever I open the bmp or spr in Shishi it seems to enlarge the file and the portrait becomes 59x39 rather than 48x32. At least i believe this is the case.

I screenshot with shishi up and then paste inside graphicsgale. When I magnify the image the portrait's edges bleed into other pixels and the full portrait is the wrong size, too big like stated above. I use the rectangle select and then rotate and copy the portrait, load the 9th row palette (with the box checked) into the original portrait bmp file I'm trying to edit, and then paste the new portrait over it. However, it is too big and won't fit correctly, showing only the face at best. Now I've resized the new portrait to the correct size and tried repeating the last steps. In that case the image fits but is blurry and low quality.

The colors are fine and the unit.bin sprite looks fine. It just seems that the portrait is always too large when I screenshot it from Shishi. I've also tried with an older version of Shishi with no better results. I also got a screencapture app to use in place of the standard prnt scrn with Windows. Using that app I could rectangle select exactly which portion of the screen to use in the screenshot. Selecting the portrait directly from the Shishi screen showed it as 59x39 again. Is this somehow my laptop's default resolution's fault? Would that even make sense? It doesn't seem different than any others. I'm at a loss and I hope I've given enough information to help derive some answer. Is there possibly a different way of editing the wldface.bin portraits? Thanks in advance.