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Messages - Aiolon

New Project Ideas / Re: Job Ideas and Concept sharing
September 07, 2024, 11:09:23 pm
okay but what are these for? are you making your own mod? a lot of the skills you listed here seem impossible to make with patcher. You are going to need ASMs for a lot of these. for example, you list physical and magical defense a lot here but FFT doesn't have those two as actual stats that can be changed in combat, how are you planning to make those work?

Are you familiar with FFT patcher and the other tools we use to mod the game? cause a lot of this stuff sounds wild but do you know how to make it work in game?
Happy to see this thread is still alive! recently the omniscient youtube algorithm suggested me the playthrough of one of those gaming youtubers. Loved to see how much he struggled with it. he was so bad he had to cheese all the second half of the mod with a weirdly bugged link arrow. I think i even saw a couple members of the original dev team comment. regardless of his terrible playthrough i was really happy to see JOT5 being played in 2024.

thanks again for this masterpiece, guys. idk what happened in the last decade but i will always love all of you for delivering this beauty. easily one of my favorite games.

Quote from: TheRaGe1969 on August 26, 2024, 05:33:42 amGame needs a disclaimer then (i know its over 10 yeas old by now but still...):

WARNING... Do not level your characters above level 30 (30 is good?) or else you are going to get your behind handed to you during boss fights...

Welp... looks like im SOL on my current playthru so, im going to start a new game and use some gameshark codes to give me some good gear so i can just breeze the fights without leveling so much, i wanna see the rest of the game but i dont want to go to those tribulations again...

Sorry about the rant :(

If you don't want monsters to overlelvel much, there is a hack included in FFTOrgASM that allows you to set a level cap to all units. I used it to set mine to level 20 during my 647th playthrough and even at level 20 some monsters reach insane stats. i think level 15 is the "balance" cap of the mod.
OR if you want to be cheap and get your revenge there is also a hack that sets a level cap to randomly generated units only, so every monster you run into will be that level while the 5 continue to level up all the way to 99.

i don't think using a gameshark for gear will help you with JOT5. if i recall correctly other than the stuff you see in game there are no other options programmed in the hack. all the other items that originally existed in the base game were wiped and used as placeholders without text description or proper graphics. maybe you could get the boss only weapons but gameshark would probably end up breaking the mod somehow. Heck, if i recall correctly you can't even edit the game's text using TacText because doing so breaks it. Then again, it was never meant to be open source.
you can still use some great quality of life hacks here and there such as smart encounters. God, we love that hack.
but... is it ethical to mod this mod?
Hello. I have not posted here in a while.

first of all. i would like to thank everyone who played this project that i started 9 years ago and i would like to apologize for randomly dissapearing and abandoning it just like that. i was very young at the time, and once i got bored of something i just forgot about it and moved to other things. Today i come back to lurk around during an attack of nostalgia and looking at all these comments, questions, opinions, 2k downloads and bug reports i cannot help it but feel sad about it. grateful but sad, i wish i could have been here to answer your comments and thank you for giving my little project a chance.

The truth is, i no longer have the databases and the assets i used for this mod and i remember little to nothing about the changes i made. i could just play it again and feel like im playing a mod made by someone else. That being said, i can confirm that there are no updates or changes coming soon.

The reason i didn't ask Elric or Xifanie to move this to completed projects despite the fact its playable from beggining to end, its because i know there is unfinished business and several things in chapter 4 were left untouched/ not fixed. Again, i'm sorry for that.

Now that i am older, it really bothers me to know that i left this here like this. I orignally thought about asking for it to be moved to the forum archives but after coming back and seing that at least 1 person downloaded this every year, i could never.

Maybe, its my turn to give this patch a try.
Oh wow this fills my heart with joy and a bit of sadness.
Glad you are liking it.  :o

I don't actually remember the skills i used for this version. But, if my memory is still working, you can get a preview of all the learn-on-hit abilities during the opening battle at orbonne monastery.

I believe i wrote some hints on how to learn the abilities on their description text but i could be mistaken.

Maybe i should hurry up and go back to work on my mod. One of these days...
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
October 25, 2020, 09:47:03 am
Quote from: Nyzer on October 24, 2020, 08:41:14 pmWhat?

Dead, not death. Whatever happened to my english there.
Dead as in removed from the game.
so no more secret hunt?

Quote from: Nyzer on October 24, 2020, 08:41:14 pmFinal Fantasy Tactics ;)
Unused track i see. Thanks.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
October 24, 2020, 07:52:02 pm
Wow. This is different.
Every time you guys post a new video the hype returns.
i have 2 questions and 1 silly suggestion.

Quote from: Nyzer on July 06, 2020, 01:52:15 amXifanie figured out a way to eat the Poach inventory for unique new items, and of course to set up a new shop revolving around using this new inventory to craft items & equipment.
Question 1: Is poaching death?

Question 2: the sound track used for the logging event is really catchy. It is now stuck inside my head. from which game is this?

and Suggestion for the logging event: Can we have link instead of Ramza for the logging one? for some reason i think it would make more sense if link was the one chopping trees and slaying the local flora. Having the duke of lionel himself (a Notorious Nobleman) swing a hatchet violently against trees seems inapropiate.
Hey there. Just finished chapter 2 using the lastest version and i gotta say i enjoyed it way more than the first version of chapter 1.

Balance wise the story battles feel way more balanced and less frustrating. you still get outnumbered and enemies are still overpowered af, but the player has access to better skills and strategies. the only battle that i had to rely on RNG was golgorand.
Since the enemies are so stupidly powerful their crystal drops include an absurd amount of skills. my ramza mastered lancer at job lv3 :) (thank you onion knights) so i guess that could be considered a reward for the effort.

Now. I didn't bring Random battles the last time because they are fully optional since you use the wonderful Smart Encounters Hack. but i like to have many units at my disposal so i don't overlevel too much while grinding and stealing from enemies on random battles so this time i decided to jump into more of those. well...
Rant ahead.
... is there any particular reason for random battles to be insanely difficult and some of them downright imposible to win by the time you unlock them? (Bariaus hill battles, Zeklaus, Mandalia South, and many others)
it makes grinding feel way more limited since i have to stick to the "easy battles" that won't wipe my enitre team in the first 2 rounds. There is really no strategy to some of these that can save me. Monsters are way way too overpowered. That is my only complain.

that being said. as much as i dislike 1.3 inspired patches im truly enjoying this one. been a while since the last time i got to chapter 3 in a vanilla mod. So i brought you some more bugs i found to help you make it better and more enjoyable.

Gameplay Bugs
- Coral Sword is now water element but it procs Mjollnir.
- Bombs do not appear to be weak against water element as stated on their description. can you verify?
- Mustadio's Leg Aim skill displays a buggy animation that renders the ability useless regardless of Hit%
- Mustadio's Mosfungus Bomb skills is WRONG, very wrong  :lol: but i loved how wrong it was. (it procs a skill that deals over 200 dmg)
- Lamia's Life drain ability casts freaking Flare on all of the players Party a Random number of times in full map AOE range... this one is bad. idk if it is intended that way and the text is the wrong one but holy hell i sure enjoy to get my party wiped from an enemy standing on the other side of the map.

Text Bugs
- Choco Esuna is capable of removing almost every status effect but description only lists a couple of them.
- Toughskin (Purple Turtle) Does not list "Damage split" as an innate reaction on its description. reactions are still hidden.
- Entangle has an empty quote message (Harmless bug)
- Lamias come equipped with a movement ability called "MiW" that lacks description.
- Flails do not list Knight as Job that can equip the item.

Graphical Bugs (i only included the ones i consider important)
- Female Monk uses custom monk sprite and portrait on formation screen but it appears as vanilla sprite/portrait during battles.
- Thunderbird appears as a purple chocobo on formation but if you bring one into battle it appears as a regular chocobo? weird bug but i also noticed the thunderbirds the player finds during random battles not only appear as the purple chocobos but they often have no names.
- When the player targets Boco (not sure if this is the same with all chocobos) "Choco Cure" will be previewd as a reaction skill.(i am starting to understand how the monster reaction madness bug was born  :lol: (3rd skill slot = Reaction) hence why many special snowflake monsters are missing reaction previews. there is nothing in that slot. But i could be very wrong so ignore me please.)

That is all for now.
Hi there. Halfway through chapter 2 here. just finished barius Hill.
I brought you some more bugs and oddities i ran into. will not speak of the balance yet since i haven't finished the chapter but maybe these could be adressed in the meantime.

- Thunder Wand procs Icy meteor instead of chain lightning
- Birds and Turtles still have hidden reaction abilities.
- Dunno if intended but there is a wannabe goblin at the save boco araguay woods battle. has cool looking gaffgarion sprite. and speaking of wannabe goblins...
- There is a random Battle at araguay woods where you fight an army of chocobos. there is a guest goblin with a female knight sprite. prettiest goblin i've ever seen.
- Same thing in Mandalia plains. there is a Goblin chief followed by an army of Hot female goblins using female chemist sprite (they look buggy). EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. again, Don't know if this is intended but this is very bizarre
- Zirekile Falls breaks the amount of allowed sprites and turns the fight into a buggy mes. there are so many weird things in this battle that i honestly don't know what is intended and what is not.
- Royal Cavalier Description states he has Innate Meatbone slash. yet he comes equipped with Critical quick in battle. giving Innate reaction abilities to human units NEVER works.
- Coral Sword Is lightning elemental instead of Water as stated in the description. also, no matter how many times i tried i was never able to proc its magic attack.
- Archer's Timed strike is weird. It always seems to deal less damage than a normal attack? no matter the charge time, my normal attacks were dealing 76 damage while timed strike always dealt 58. how does it work?
- Chemists are able to learn "Soft" but the item "soft" is missing. in battle, even if the ability is learned the option will never show and i haven't obtained or seen the item in game so far. and yes, i only found out because i needed it and there was nothing i could do about it.

- There is a high chance that if you pick "Save Mustadio" option in the Zaland fight you can end up losing instantly.
If mustadio does not start the battle equipped with a green beret or an item that increases his speed. He will pretty much get killed before gets a turn to nope the fk out of there. This is a HUGE FLAW. it causes an unavoidable lose for the player. Okay sure, you can choose not to save him or get lucky rng and have him come with the right equipment to get the hell out. There is a workaround, but for the better quality of your mod i think something should be done about this.
Player shouldn't be punished for trying to save his life. . . or maybe yes cause mustadio sucks.

That is all for now. i will add other bugs i find once i finish the chapter.
Hello there. I downloaded your mod and i have finished chapter 1.
Here is what i have to share so far.

First of all: Congratulations. I apreciate a vanilla mod that goes beyond the typical rebalancing and makes use of more complex tools and ASMs. Also, i applaud you for messing with the monstrous bitch that it is the ENTD.

i enjoyed it... most of it. I have read that you are aware of many bugs and that you are not planning to make adjustments to the balance. That is fine. It is your patch. But i'm stil going to leave my personal comments and some of my experiences as well as some bugs that i ran into.

About Balance:
Okay. this is what i think, please do not take it personal.
I understand that you intended the thing to be more difficult. but im going to the point. Balance is a disaster.

you mentioned its not intended to be a balanced patch so that is alright. but while some battles are pretty easy (all battles where you have to defeat the boss are particularly easy) other battles are beyond ridiculous on how unfair they are.

The first battles were really long. Squires are very powerful. instant Regen, Instant raise skill with high success%, Instant massive heal all of these without MP costs. it was ok at first but it is so tedious to have to constantly pile on a dead body so it doesn't get revived instantly by the enemies because it really feels like every one can revive with either wish (Squire) or phoenix down (Chemist) this was particularly annoying if you wanted to have an enemy turn into a crystal or treasure chest, cause 1 mistake and boom, they are back alive.

The woods are incredibly hard. all the enemies are faster than you (heck, the dogs attack twice before your guys have finished their round), they have more range than you, deal way more damage than you (Guaranted 2 shot), have way more HP than you and the bombs in particular are pure bullshit.
Unless you spammed the heck out of mandalia plains random battles the woods battle is almost unwinnable. none of the other fights took more than 2 tries but this one took me like 6 and i only won cause of the RNG.

The game becomes more balanced for the player as you progress and unlock new jobs and new "Cheap tactics" Steal heart is particularly overpowered considering almost every enemy can 1 shot your guys. knights are particularly overpowered in terms of damage.
i had to cheese my way to victory by having 2 wizards learn Mjollnir and equipped them with a thunder wand... easy 120+ dmg for a lv 10 unit.
let units drop treasure chests or steal from them and get a flail then proceed to hit people for 80+ damage with 100% chance to hit. things like those that pretty much killed the whole difficulty thing and the game quickly became a race to one shot each other.
I kid you not. I charmed the wizard on the Algus battle at fort Zeakden. Ramza went in turn 1 and charmed her. her turn begins and charges a spell. she finishes the charge, ICY METEOR. proceeds to 1 shot Algus for 200+ damage and win the battle instantly. Here is where i dropped the game for now.

First half of chapter 1: Everyone revives everyone and it becomes a race to see who can revive death party members faster (Squire is OP)
The Woods Battle: Insanely hard and almost unwinnable unless you grind.
Second half of chapter 1: Everyone 1-2 Shots everyone and it becomes a race to see who can 1 shoot the oposing team faster. battles are lost or won extremely fast to the point where everytime i lost it was a full party wipe. not even 1 of my units turned into a crystal. the battle pretty much ended before that happened.

I really liked some aspects of the game such as the low cash grinding and some jobs and equipment look pretty interesting. but when it comes to balance it left a bittersweet experience for me.

Here is the list of Bugs i found through chapter 1. you are probably aware of some of these.

- Poison Knife inflicts Blindness instead of Poison
- Monsters reaction skills will not be previewed when you target them. this one is particularly annoying. workaround is to read their description
- Found a book weapon called Art of War at the woods via Move find Item. Description says it can be equipped to wizard and priest but it cannot be equipped by these jobs.
- Cupid Strike says it inflicts charm, Instead, it lowers the target's Bravery.
- Algus comes equipped with 2 Crossbows at Fort Zeakden but only attacks with one of them (Probably forgot to check 2 swords for the crossbow)
Completed Mods / Re: [PSX] FFT Cerabow's Mod
May 01, 2020, 12:46:07 pm
Congratulations! I personally don't enjoy rebalance patches. i prefer mods with more complexity.
(Item rework, Job reworks, ENTD rework, Some crazy Xif's Hacks)
But it has been a while since i last played a vanilla run and i find this mod as a perfect excuse to run it again.
You seem to have put a lot of time and effort into this project, you even made a cool looking website for it.
I am downloading it and will be playing it right now!

QuoteIn general, there are WAY too many tiny changes across the entire game to specifically mention. Some big highlights are:
    • Reduced JP costs
    • +1 movement to all
    • Increased HP and MP values
    • Lowered damage values
    • Reduced the chance for one-hit KOs (still possible but very uncommon)
    • Removed Zodiac Compatibility
    • Standardized unit stat growth
    • War Trophies, Move-find Items, and Poaching items don't suck

This has caught my eye. I have tried making this work and i have failed everytime. there are NO defensive values in this game. Zodiac compatibility plays a very important role as a mechanic. So much that a large part of the game balance is affected by it.
I am really interested to see how you worked it out.
Dropping this alternative file here for people having trouble extracting .Zip files. IT is the same version as the one in the opening post.

Quote from: GarenBeoulve on April 20, 2020, 07:45:47 pmHello.
I decided to go through the "works in progress" and took a look at the works that I found most interesting and ended up discovering this Masterpiece. This patch includes everything that I have always wanted at the same time, such as changing the name of the characters. Congratulations to all involved and thank you very much!

Thank you very much! i appreciate that you took the time to delve into my little madness. However, This is no masterpiece and it has a sizable ammount of mini bugs. none of them game breaking but still... bugs.
As for the people involved. Directly it was me, myself and I.  and indirectly a BUNCH of people with their crazy Hacks, Tools, Beautiful sprites and tutorials.

Unfortunately i lost my files and database for this very old project a while ago. I am currently working on a different project that will replace this one once it is finished.

So, bug Fixing this version is not within my priorities. If you actually play this long enough and happen to find a game breaking bug. I will look for a way to fix it.
I cannot really tell you how to fix it but the issue is pretty easy to spot.

The problem is indeed located in WORLD.BIN 04
the thing is: you added A LOT of text to entries that shouldn't have any text on them.

I deleted all of the text you introduced in those blank entries and, guess what! It patched properly.
I don't know how you managed to patch that before without any issues. (Are you certain you did?)

You can even grab vanilla text file. Add something random to each of those blank entries and it will give you that same error.
It seems the ammount of text you can introduce in that sector is very limited.

Help! / Re: Two Swords
March 29, 2020, 07:38:16 pm
Hello there!
i will reply your questions with my knowledge so please not that i could be mistaken.

1) NO. There is no ability in the game that allows you to target more than 1 unit separately.
 It could probably be done with ASM, and im no ASMer, but just by the looks of it and the fact that this has never been done before im going to guess this has 2 different outcomes:
A: Its not posible to do
B: Its probably too hard to do.

2) Mmm i couldn't understand what exactly is it that you wanted to do (or not do) in the second question. so i went to try some things. I hope they are useful to you:
I tried this with Animation (07 00 00)

If Weapon Range is checked: The ability will be used twice.

If Weapon Strike is activated BUT Weapon Range IS NOT: The ability will only be used once and it will take the elemental properties and damage modifier of the first weapon you have equipped.
(Note that you would have to give the ability its own range and effect, but if your ability is called blinding shot and you have, say, a unit equipped with a knife. It would be a bit awkward to see someone shooting magic bullets from a kinfe).

You also mentioned turning the abilities into magic attacks? mmm... the formulas have nothing to do with how abilities animate. If you are talking about the Animations tab im not sure about that one. If you are talking about the Physical Attack, Magical Attack slots in Patcher, Those are for AI behavior only.


Hello, Elric and the other smart guys behind the development of JOT5. (I know most of your names but since im not entirely certain that i got all of them, i prefer to not mention them one by one since i honestly don't want to forget about someone and discredit them)

I would like to share a small, boring story with you!
7 years ago as i was browsing youtube a curious video of FFT with some odd stuff in it caught my eye. It was the Parted ways mod IRC.
As soon as i learned about this mod, i came to FFH for the first time and had some fun looking at the stuff you guys were creating here.
Lucky as i was back then, only a few days after i discovered this community, JOT5 launched its very first version and i, of course, went ahead and played it.

I was shocked and could have never, absolutely never imagined that one day i would be playing a game of my childhood but with Dante, Link and Solid Snake on it.
The first events, the way you portrayed each of the characters was incredible. I was fortunate enough to be given the chance to play and finish the respective games of each of those characters before JOT5 so i already knew what they were like and was honestly very curious to see how they got along with each other.
The moment the line "This sword looks like a piece of shit" dropped, i just knew i was going to love the mod and i was not wrong.

The first battle began, and it didn't take me long to notice that i was not playing the Orbonne or the Gariland fight from vanilla. I was legitimately getting my ass kicked but i managed to win  :cool: .
and so, after that horrendous victory, i went into the menu and studied each of the characters' skillsets. Excited, wanting to unlock them just to see what they look like and maybe pop a quote. I went ahead and fought the v1.1 of barius hill with the difficulty on: "Player must die" courtesy of Raven.

stuff happened, i won some fights, i lost some others, but wanting to continue and find out what was going to happen next, i had no choice but to get gud and win my way to the end. and i was of course wanting to see more but the little mod i had just finished left me very, very impressed and satisfied.

These days, 7 years after, as i got hit by nostalgia right after playing the predatory mobile crap that is FFBE:WOTV (wich i actually like)
I got FFT fever and decided to turn on my laptop and play some real FFT but... something was wrong. I noticed vanilla FFT bores me to death  :|
Must be because i have played and finished several mods and the fact i even made my own, but i remembered one in particular that was just "perfect": JOT5 of course. So i loaded it and BOY! i got just what i needed.

All in all. All i want to say is: THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this amazing experience! Having learned how to mod FFT i also learned how extremely time consuming, tiring and from a moder's standpoint: Overwhelming it is to make mod. its not the same when you know every bit of it, so the best part you get its not to play the game, but the praise you get from those who get to play it.

I couldn't bring myself to properly share the excitement and joy i got from this project back when it was hot and hype. I was very shy and back then, my English was nuts  :(  (It still is. But i've gotten better)

I have just finished another playthrough of this gem and i wrote this wall of text out of nostalgia maybe, but im certain this is not the last time i play it. Even if chapter 2 is never to come, i will forever treasure this slice of the cake.

Late Congratulations Elric.

With love and grattitude, from a random guy on the Internet  :oops:
Help! / Re: Adding HP/MP to accessories posible?
March 09, 2020, 06:39:01 pm
oh! i'd never imagined something like that could be done with patcher.

i actually gave up with the ALMA thing. i did get what i was looking for but im not friends with ePSXe so i just moved on.
Even if i got ALMA to work and get my desired effects, the fact that HP+ MP+ was not previewed made me feel nitpicky and unsatisfied so i just dropped it for sure.

I truly apreciate that you took your time to find an answer to my question and you even took a ss for me, but i can see this method being more limited since these attributes would have to be linked to an existing item.
theres also the HP+ MP+ not previewing problem and that is actually the one that bothers me  :lol: .

Thank you, Xif. I will take notes of this Patcher sorcery in case i change my mind.
Help! / Adding HP/MP to accessories posible?
March 08, 2020, 03:22:00 pm
it has been a long time since i posted a question in this board but i am once again in need of knowledge.

the thing is i remember a mod where you had accessories that increased HP, MP and added other crazy stuff such as being able to proc reaction abilities or give support abilities. I believe the the reaction and support effects could be done with the ALMA spreadsheet but as ignorant as i am i can't seem to be able to find anything related to HP or MP.

I unfortunately do not remember wich mod had all this stuff and i could have probably imagined all of this.
I am also not very good at understanding how ALMA works (All i see there, is a bunch of numbers) so if what im looking for can be done with this hack i would love if you could tell me where i need to go and what i need to change. il be fine once i get the gist of it. I only need to be sure that im not touching something entirely different.

to resume it. is it posibble to add HP y MP to accessories? if yes, can i get a hint on how it's done?
Thank you in advance.

EDIT: so after spending a few hours playing around and understanding how ALMA works. It turns out i was right and i learned how to use it. Unfortunately, it would seem that this amazing hack only works on epsXe and not on psX (my main platform)
A shame, but at least now i know there is a way.

this thread is now solved
July 23, 2018, 10:16:13 pm
@Mrfuzzy i'd hate to get involved into this pointless discussion about people telling you to give it a try and play around with the tools you have to try to familiarize with them and find the solution to the problems by yourself while all you do is reject that tip feeling like a victim using the excuse of "us" knowing a lot more than you...

since you seem to need HELP just say what exactly is what you would like to learn and i will write a step by step tutorial for you using the most updated version of shishi, if after that you still don't know how to do what or give up because it is to complex then im sorry but there won't be a way for us to help you.

Xifanie is being very polite to you and is not like we discriminate people with little knowledge but guess what... this is a site about hacking a game and let me tell you that i know little to nothing about hacking but this community has developed great tools for us hacking ignorants to play around without having to go through super complex coding so i can understand the frustration when they meet people with very little knowledge needing help with the already simplified things. (shishi is a perfect example)
i was a noob too and i asked this kind of things too but i realized that experimenting was a funnier thing to do and no, i didnt break my computer or corrupted my operative system while i played with the tools.
haha, thanks for the random kisses and sorry for the late reply. Im checking the thread constantly but somehow i missed your post :s

as for the magus ramza i prefered to discard the idea due to the very large amount of magic user jobs in the game.
having ramza as a mage was an interesting concept but the more i played the game the more i realized i was very very biased with magic to the point where i was making the main character a magic user too.

i originally planned to make 2 versions of the game, 1 with warrior ramza and another one with magus but due to a lot of changes and heavy mistakes (losing my databases being one of them) i prefer to not touch skillsets until the game is complete.

however~ if i were to make magus ramza like the one i made in the first super beta demo years ago then it would be pretty simple since all it does is taking different magic spells from all the magic jobs and honestly thats not very creative.
I will look into the posibility to do that for an alternative version and maybe make some new spells while im at it.
but i have to finish the final version first and that is probably going to take some time.

slowly but surely~
Thanks Nyzer.

To resume. In DR (Durai Records) secret hunt also known as poach its an innate ability for everyone, but you still need to learn and equip the ability to at least 1 of your units to use Fur shops + Sysnthesis shop found in Trade cities. Note that you won't be able to use them until chapter 3.

Poaching along synth shop are two of the most important features in my patch as they are necessary to get the most powerful equipment.

i need to stop being lazy and actually explain these things with detail not only here but in game too. i have added some info to the "secret hunt" help message. not necessarily a bug but its something that can be improved so, thanks for reporting. :)